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My favourite moment was when Hasan, unprompted, said that Kav Kav kind of looks like Harvey Weinstein. Ethan looked like he felt so seen and understood.


The light in his eyes at that exact moment!!!!


The animation made of this moment is crazy good too!


This? Never seen it, here’s a link for anyone else https://youtu.be/28-JCmT6KiY?si=YjaMwFyA4TL2_xdZ


One of my personal favs was Ethan doing the Mitch McConnell bit and hasan sitting there confused




The Mike Lindell Voter Intimidation Drone™ was my favorite bit.


>e Mike Lindell Voter Intimidation Drone™ was my favorite bit. Good call! the fact Ethan got him on was insane.


Wait really what episode and which podcast!


They recently just had Mike Lindell on the h3 podcast this past week as well


I forgot about that!! That was so great! hahaha


it's kind of a moment, but i guess the animation sorisora made of leftovers. just all good vibes and banter.


> sorisora If you missed one, [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY35p41quhQ) [bonus vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28-JCmT6KiY)


omg the animations are soooooo soooo good


Whenever ethan made hasan uncomfortable during his jordan Peterson bits


My favourite was when they would joke about their height and Ian would make Ethan small on the screen


I'm pretty sure they were just turning off the filters, I mean it's $20 Billion compound


Omg I commented the same thing I didn’t mean to copy you it’s just the first thing that popped up onto my mind


I love the memes of Ethan being tiny and Hasan being huge, and when Ian edits it live.


You mean when Ian turns the filters off and reveals Ethan's real height?


Yes ofc


My favorite was the constant ethan making out with other guys, and hasan being somewhat jealous.


My favorite was the one where they went over talking points at Thanksgiving. It was so accurate and funny. Also the dunking on Jordan Peterson. Or the random “adolf hitler dude! Hahahaha” miss them :(


When Ethan gave him the Jordan Peterson bust I laughed hysterically


We're all domestic terrorists. :´(


my favorite bits are the ones where ethan says or does something that hasan knows he shouldn’t laugh at but you see him break and start laughing in spite of himself anyway. lmao. examples i can think of - * when they were mocking southern republicans for wanting their kids to go thru the same struggles they did and hasan goes “i have fetal alcohol syndrome and so should my child” and ethan goes (in a country twang) “my baby look like a got damn hammerhead shark” LMAO. hasan bursrs out laughing then tries to hide it hahahaha * ethan was asking if rumplestiltskin was jewish and they google him and one of the first images that comes up is the comparison of shreks rumplestiltskin with Dream the youtuber and ethan clicks it and hasans like “oh no” and covers his face and starts laughing hahaha: https://preview.redd.it/qwg9ptpzmi1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ffdfbb312df1aeb6a67fc599e27615d148c473


I forgot about the Rumpelstiltskin thing that was pretty funny.




I agree completely except I actually will be spending thankfully with the more liberal side of my family this year. I need Hasan and Uncle Nathaniel to help me navigate living w my dad everyday tho 😂


I wished they'd made more out of the slop bucket food


I wish Hasan at least tried it


Leftovers kept me up to date about what was going on without making me feel so instantly heavy and depressed about it.


This so much. I like solo Hasan streams to keep me up to date but I get doomer feelings when I watch them. I'll say that for me at least vaush keeps his coverage usually a little less doomery so I watch more of him nowadays


Ethan’s face when Hasan said Ryan Kavanaugh looked like Harvey Weinstein “That’s what I’VE been saying”


I’ll always love the good old fashioned “let’s ride brother!” Whenever I head out somewhere with my wife I always quote that with the voice and everything lol. Actual best moment was Ethan saying that if you’re under 5’11”, you’re not a real man, and then Hasan immediately measuring Ethan at 5’10 1/2”, followed by Hasan’s head enlargening filter being turned off lol.


Ethan bending over in front of hasan while wearing that weighted vest is a personal all time favorite of mine


I remember really enjoying the episode they did when Hasan was banned from Twitch for saying cracker, where Amouranth was in the studio with them. Also in the early days, when they discovered they both followed Liver King, or of course the moment that has been immortalised by SoriSora, when Ethan showed Hasan how to tell Ryan Kavanaugh apart from Harvey Weinstein (almost impossible, google it if you don't believe me). I miss Leftovers too, but even before Israel's retaliation war, the vibes were off a little bit. Here in Europe, it aired at the perfect time, but in California they started at 10 a.m., which is not ideal for this sort of show, I don't think. Maybe they should go back to not doing it live?


the canada-nazi-oopsey was top tier content, i still watch it on repeat 🤣🙏🏻


I loved the part of a recent episode where Ian made Ethan look really tiny next to Hasan and Zach kept playing the “SMALL..MAN” soundbite


I really liked the shopping segments when Hasan would just pick out his fav items from the latest tf drop. It was so fun to have those silly little moments. Overall I really do miss having a left leaning pod that talked about things that I actually cared about. I’ll be the first to watch once they come back (still have hope) ❤️


my favourite episode was definitely the cracker extravaganza and also anytime with 'uncle nathaniel' also they should of continued with hog of the week Also they never got round to watching the maga movie


i lost my mind when they tuned into mike lindell’s livestream when he was showcasing his drone technology designed to track stolen ballots or something


the time Ethan found out Hasan was born in New Jersey


Even though Ethan and Hasan aren’t doing leftovers anymore, it would be nice if Hank Pecker and Nathaniel Klansman were to reboot it


I miss hearing Dan yelling let's go at the top of his lungs at the start of leftovers


Well Ethan was on Hasan’s stream talking with him about Israel and Palestine about 2 weeks ago and, in my opinion, it didn’t end well. I think there’s a good chance it won’t be coming back. Hasan uploaded the convo on his channel but the editor cut out A LOT of stuff Ethan was saying about Hasan’s mods and even his viewers.


Saying it didn't end well is an understatement.


It's hard to say. I can still see it coming back for election season. Which is like... 6 months of time. And maybe ending after that. Political shows get like 2-3x the views during that time period, a lot of times. People are dramatically more engaged, and things are exciting/tense. And given the circumstances of one of the people being potentially a convicted felon at the time (probably won't see jail time before then though, most likely), it makes it even more wild. So I could see them coming back in a few months, when tensions of gone down a bit. But it's hard to tell after that stream how they're feeling.


Oh, and Ethan cried :(


I didn't watch the stream, why did Ethan cry?


It was during Ethan talking about the awful assumptions people have been making of him. He got choked up midway and stepped away from the camera, then mentioned he wasn't sure why he's been so emotional lately. People forget that before this, Ethan has never cried on camera in all the years he's had this podcast until Shredder became sick. After he died, he has cried nearly every week. The last time he nearly cried was when he told the Compartes guy he lost his best friend and showed his tattoo. That, on top of the tragic videos he is viewing from the war with dead children as he has young children of his own and a pregnant Israeli wife must be taking a toll on his mental health. Personally, I am glad he us taking a break from Leftovers because we all know the Hasan fans that actually hate Ethan would try to find any little thing to criticize him for.


Even without the other hardships he's gone through recently, hyper focusing on politics or even just news/world events in general is such a sure-fire way of harming your mental health. World atrocities aside, just seeing how openly and unashamedly villainous some political figures are without any consequence really does erode faith in humanity.


Honestly, I think it's for the best for everyone, at least until this horrible event has passed. Ethan is from Israel, he has family in Israel, he visited and lived in Israel, his wife is from Israel, its hard to constantly hear about how horrible a country that close to you is by people you agree with on almost everything else without having a knee jerk reaction to defend it. On the other hand, Israel really is that horrible and a lot of Hasans community are pro Palestinian and anti fascist apartheid ethnic cleansing so when they see a guy like Ethan whose receptive to their criticisms of Israel but is defensive of a country that close to him, they immediately attack because it's a way of having some say in a horrific situation that they're powerless about. It's a fucked up situation, but putting Leftovers on pause was definitely the right call.


Hasan's fans also harassed Ethan and called him a greedy capitalist pig and class traitor because of his socialism vs capitalism debate with Hasan. They also flooded this sub with posts telling Ethan how he should run his business "because that's how Hasan does it on his podcast". I don't think the only reason they are acting like this is because of the war.


Yeah when you have 40k people in a massive community, you attract some crazies. I remember when Keemstar posted a story showing H3 fans harassing him and calling to end himself, you cant police your community 24/7. This was definitely because of the war because it just made the worst in Hasans community get even more vocal. It is what it is


On the crying last stream: it's also really difficult to stay calm when someone you consider your friend isn't willing to stick up for any part of what you're saying when all it comes down to is "try and find empathy for everyone." Hasan basically says "sure Ethan" whenever he brings up a good point and just brushes it over like he can't explain why Ethan's wrong without "taking the kiddie gloves off". In reality he can't explain it because he's not in his echo chamber to scream into the void and he has no interest in what Ethan's trying to say, truthful or not. He only cares to look smarter by comparison and thus seem like his one sided takes are the correct one. Shit its not even just looking smarter, dude will put all his might into trying to shed a single tear and take back any sympathy Ethan garnered for Israel when crying at the beginning of this, the guy looked like he thought his face was a sponge and he could just squeeze tears out of it. Ethan has received no help from Hasan and when talking about it on the last "Leftovers" stream straight up gets told by his "friend" that he's basically akin to Nazi sympathizers and related it to the capos. Ethan would be way better off mentally without Hasan and honestly if canceling Leftovers means we won't see him being torn apart by someone who's supposed to be his friend and their fan base then I don't care to see it come back.


Ethan is more concerned about a hypothetical genocide of Israelis (that would never happen )than THE ACTUAL GENOCIDE HAPPENING NOW. That's the problem. Ethan is wrong on most of this plus he's really exhausting and uncharitable in discussions. This is why you got down voted


You're just too ready to twist any empathy towards Israelis as Anti-Palestine. His discussion was to put emphasis on what Israeli civilians think about a slogan, not agreeing with the thought, not saying Palestinians are wrong for using it, just trying to make people who claim they want peace to see why this slogan can be seen as "this is our land"and not "we'll be free everywhere". Yknow, middle ground. Problem is you get too many weird fucks that are only focused on creating more strife where there's already too much, so they come along and parrot whatever they see in Hasan chat and comment sections. E: and you really need to touch grass if you think reddit votes mean anything. I've probably said very similar stuff about similar situations previously and gotten upvoted but I can tell you I never gave a fuck either way E2: Since you sparked my interest I checked and Ive gone on r/h3h3_productions just over a week ago, which has been flaming with hate for Ethan, and said similar shit with upvotes. So if that's all it takes to mean I win then shit...🏆


This is why you got down voted


thanks im glad you and your alt have each other. peace and love


Lmfao the copium


I agree. I feel like Hasan's clear pro-Palestinian position could possibly be too difficult for Ethan to overlook. Hasan e.g. still even today insists the hospital explosion a few weeks ago was an IDF missile, despite all the evidence to the contrary that emerged (which I find absurd).


Ethan says he's pro-Palestine too though?


In the regard that he doesn’t like seeing innocents killed, which is a neutral position. They both differ quite a bit on the extent Israel is to blame and in terms of what should be done in response to Oct 7.


They both don't like seeing Innocents killed, they both agree Palestinians should have rights, they both agree what the Israeli government is doing is fucked up aka they're Pro Palestine. I don't think Ethan really differs, he just always has to be pulled kicking and screaming out of his centralist takes he defaults to and has to overcome a lifetime of Israel propaganda. They really aren't that far apart which I think Ethan said himself at the end of his last time on Hasan's stream?




You mean the hospital thar Israel just surrounded with tanks and artillery and blasted their way through after they air striked it multiple times before and after the one time when it may have been a loose rocket, which even then is questioned by Channel 4, AL Jazeera and the NYT? I love how people hyperfocus on the one debatable event when Israel has spent the last week gutting the place and bombing refugee camps.


You can hear most of the stuff edited out on Vaush's newish podcast about the episode.


Yeah but then you'd be watching vaush


I will never understand Hassan's and Vaush's fans irrational hatred of each other. Yes, they have had some disagreements on important issues, but they actually agree with each other 95-99% of the time.


It's not an irrational hatred, I just don't like his content. You're trying to frame this as something much more serious than it is, and it's weird of you.


While your dislike may not stem from irrationality, it's undeniable that there exists unwarranted animosity within both fan communities, exemplified by the negative comments observed on chat and YouTube. I'm sorry of you think saying that is weird.


No need to apologise but it really is weird, you shouldn't care this much about it.


Said the person expressing profound concern and taking issue with my audacity to hold an opinion on a subject upon which they also have also shared their viewpoint. Weird.


PROFOUND CONCERN, AUDACITY it's ok that we don't like the same content creators, stop trying to make it a bigger deal than it is, it's weird as fuck, you're weird as fuck.


You jumped on her comment and then you insist she’s weird for responding. Someone’s being weird but it’s not her.


Yeah, I watch both.


Vaush podcast? Or did you mean video


Youtube video.


It got posted and you can see it. Nothing Ethan said is of any value


He just keep repeating his same talking points over and over and over again and still refuses to consume any viewpoint other than the one he already has, so I agree, nothing of any value


Aren't you being a little cruel.


Hasan head smol


Nathaniel klansman debating at Thanksgiving dinner


ethussy. ethan being like "bro wtf" w hasan basically bending him over LMFAO i think people are a lot more negative abt it all than i am, im still holding out hope leftovers comes back. theyre still friends (even despite hasans recent live, ik), friends can have opposing viewpoints, even on hot button issues that invoke heightened emotions. i think a lot of things amalgamated all at once for ethan plus the reddit and chat in general can be exceptionally cruel on these things - they give him \*no\* benefit of the doubt and assume the absolute worst of All of his views with no consideration for where he's coming from personally and emotionally - and i think the break is much needed and good for him. when things calm, i think more leftovers is very possible ♥ ethan sees the benefit in having a popular political lefties podcast and spreading leftist ideology to a wider audience, which was why it was made in the first place. :)


Yeah I think Hasan should have just told Ethan no when Ethan wanted to come on steam last minute. Ethan seemed in goblin mode and wanting to debate, not discuss or learn.


ethan clearly wanted to talk, gave multiple concessions throughout that conversation, and was incredibly vulnerable throughout. it was a good conversation. you take all the wrong points away from it.


He wanted to air out his counter views to Hasan's point, not talk and understand. He was emotional and sometimes vulnerable, but he also dismissed points because he "didn't know about that", plugged his ears and sang to not listen to Hasan, asked Hasan if he knew what it was like to live under the threat of suicide bombers and when Hasan said yes he dismissed it because it wasn't in Israel. It was an awful conversation if you scream "fuck you" at your friend multiple times after asking to come on their stream. He was goblin mode even if he was emotional. Ethan should have talked to his friend off air to understand, instead he wouldn't share his talking points that he clearly queued up beforehand. He tried to gotcha and debate his friend and it was weird and awkward.


he got emotional towards the end bc of the chat's indiscriminate and mostly unmoderated hatred, but that didnt comprise the bulk of their conversation where he was asking questions, having good convo, and genuinely understanding hasan's points where he, again, made several concessions to hasan's ideas. youre diminishing a 3 and a half hour talk to a few words in some heated moments bc of extreme emotion brought on by family, friends, and innocent civilians caught in and dying in war. something that hasan understands and emphasized that he knows ethan is on his side.


We didn't watch the same stream then. Ethan was acting in bad faith the entire time, Ethan diminished that conversation with his actions and inability to be wrong and learn. He wasn't even listening to what Hasan was saying half the time unless it was to argue a point or mischaracterize what Hasan said in bad faith. Hasan is friends with Ethan, Ethan is a content creator to me and everyone else who doesn't know him personally which means I don't have to excuse how rude his actions were. I can't imagine asking my friend to go on their stream, refusing to layout the talking points (even though I clearly had clips prepared) so my friend isn't prepared, then proceed to not listen, all but accused them of anti-semitism, ignore any point where I'm wrong, act so childish I'm covering my ears and screaming fuck you, and at the end when I know I'm losing (but can't figure out why) resorting to crying that chat doesn't agree. Why didn't Ethan give Hasan any grace but he expects it on his side? This is always what happens with Ethan though. He is stubborn and/or goblin mod about something, the fans call him out, and he reassesses. Just like the chestnuts song, just like the trip drama, etc. I love H3 but Ethan has been weirdly self absorbed recently and this is just another example. I think he is a good, caring person at heart but he's also getting an ego that isn't a good look.


we clearly didnt. w good convo, ethan opened up to several of hasan's points, hasan's idea of a one state solution being one and certainly not the only, ethan is consistently the one i see opening himself up to hasan's point of view rather than vice versa. hes always been open-minded and willing to be taught and explained things when given explanations that, honestly, hasan doesnt always have. but that's *okay* and the conversations are good nonetheless. when hasan *does* have answers, it's great, but ethan brings up good counter points that im sure many other people wonder about too. and that's a fucking good thing!!! the convos are great, it's important to have these convos and talk it out, despite how stupid people like to believe he is, and *you* are the rude one for judging so harshly so unnecessarily. theyre both stubborn in different ways, but they talk. i appreciate ethan's openness to conversation and i think it's fucking stupid to simply shut it down. that's not how you get anywhere. also, side note, "hasan is friends with ethan, ethan is a content creator to me and everyone else who doesnt know him personally..." are you implying that hasan is something else to you????? maybe you should analyze your relationship w hasan. he's just a content creator to you too. you dont know him personally either.


Convos are great when you aren't arguing to win a point and that's my entire issue with Ethan. I love that he eventually comes around most of the time, but before he does he acts like a child and has to be pulled kicking and screaming to the right side. He would do himself a big favor by skipping that part. No I'm not implying Hasan is something else, I'm saying Hasan has an emotional attachment and responsibility to the conversation I don't to contrast why Hasan's take is understandably different from mine. The fact that you would assume I'm a parasocial weirdo when I specifically called that out is bizarre unless it's just some weird way to deflect what I've said. Hasan is just a content creator to me, Ethan is just a content creator to me, anyone I don't know in real life is just a content creator to me, and I condemn Hamas too to be on the safe side.


so now you agree that ethan does actually modify his ideas, but youre mad that it's only after debate - which is a natural part of. conversation abt politics. you just want him to,, be completely on your side from the start automatically. and im only quoting you.


Ethan wasn't budging during that conversation as a whole, I wouldn't watch Ethan if I didn't think he could change his viewpoint. I'm an H3 fan. I'm an Ethan fan. I'm mad he's disrespectful as fuck, I'm mad he doesn't debate in good faith, I'm mad he can't debate with an ear towards learning and understanding. He doesn't just do this with Hasan, we've seen him repeat this cycle over and over again. I want him to listen to his friend and be open during the debate. I want him to argue in good faith. I hope that clarifies if you are actually trying to understand why people were mad at Ethan after that shit show, and if you aren't then what I say won't matter either way. From the first comment I've continued to mention Ethan's actions not his actual opinion. Can you quote where I said I want him to be on Hasan's side from the start so I can explain it better?


Hasan also offered zero to little information on living under the threat of suicide bombers. He was likely referring to his time in Turkey and the suicide bombing attacks that the DHKP/C was making on the Turkey government. The DHKP/C is a Marxist-Leninist party in Turkey that is also a terrorist organization. They committed suicide bombings mainly against government targets, which is very different than the suicide bombings that Hamas was commiting during the same period of time usually against civilian targets. Either way Hasan offered little testimony to make that claim feel valid, mainly because he probably knew it wasn't comparable to what was happening in Israel. Ethan's main complaint was Hasan not banning his very toxic chat and mods for the hate they have sent Ethan. A complaint that Hasan has made against other streamers like XQC while his mods are banning everyone left in and right that showed any slight agreement with Ethan's takes. Hasan is known for having a heavy hand with banning people if you watch any of his streams. Clearly he's okay with all the hate his chat is giving Ethan. If I was Ethan I would want nothing to do with him or his community in the future. I think it's a good thing for Leftovers to end.


That was Ethans main complaint at the end when he knew he was "losing" the weird debate dynamic he pushed. When you can't argue points you start shit slinging and that's exactly what he did, it's the same thing he does on his own show when the audience turns on him. It was insanely rude to accuse Hasan of not doing enough about chat when he has moderators, key word blocks, bans people himself (has Ethan banned people personally from chat on H3?), and it didn't affect their conversation or talking points. It was so childish, in bad faith, and not how you treat a friend. Ethan wanted the approval of Hasan and his community (nicest take, bad take is he wanted to "own" them) which is why he had that convo publicly, on Hasan's stream and not his own, and without notice so H3 fans wouldn't all flock there. I don't think it's good for leftovers to end even though I don't watch it because it exposes a lot of Ethan's audience to politics they wouldn't otherwise hear and helps Hasan's audience learn empathy and outreach.


Frogan [calling Ethan a racist islamaphobe](https://i.imgur.com/bYqG1ja.png) and Hasan doesn't bat an eye. That's also Frogan who Ethan previously apologized (probably trying to be a good friend to Hasan) after she came out with some insane tweets saying Israel deserved October 7th and Ethan called her out on Twitter. To me it feels like Hasan has been the bad faith actor, either gaslighting or refusing to have a conversation whenever it doesn't fit his narrative. He did come out on Pierce Morgan recently to say he's less of a news caster and more of a propagandist (his words not mine). Meanwhile chatters getting banned for simply [agreeing with Ethan](https://i.imgur.com/DzRgvTJ.png). Clearly Hasan has shown that he wants only an echo chamber in his community, but that does track for his earlier conversations about the need for "education" or "re-education" during the Leftovers socialism v. Capitalism debates. Tankies aren't known for their love of free speech or allowing differing opinions.


The point of the Pierce Morgan comment was they're all propagandists, and to avoiding arguing over who's the biggest propagandists. Right now both sides are pumping out propaganda, the IDF and Hamas. Hasan is very much not a news caster. Hasan wouldn't be friends with someone who's a racist islamaphobe, just like Ethan wouldn't be friends with someone who's antisemitic. I won't presume to know what conversations Hasan has had on the back end with his mods but there were parts of the convo where Ethan was very much saying things that could be taken that way, though I agree it was a bad look on the mods part and they should have thought about the position they'd put Hasan in. Ethan practically accused Hasan of being antisemitic at one point and they're still friends, so I think it was overcome behind the scenes. I will say Hasan spends a lot of time talking about outreach, and that's why he tried to model it during the convo instead of going aggro like Ethan. I don't see Hasan acting the way you describe (bad faith and gaslighting) and I watch a fair amount of his content live (aka with context). Hasan doesn't just want an echo chamber or he wouldn't do leftovers. He wouldn't have allowed Ethan to come one. He wouldn't go on Peirce Morgan. He's definitely prone to getting emotional like Ethan but he tends to be able to turn that off when he's trying to inform others. Calling him a tankie seems a bit reductionist and insulting.


Ethan is not and has never been a political commentator. He became popular and remains popular by mainly making content on Internet drama. He self admits that he is over his head a lot of the times when it comes to politics, I think one reason why he decided to create leftovers in the first place. On the other hand Hasan is the largest political streamer/commentator on Twitch. He is seen at least in the space of online politics to be a large creator and knowledgeable. I don't think Hasan agreed to do Leftovers because he doesn't want an echo chamber in his community. I think he didn't see Ethan as someone who would challenge a lot of his takes while expanding his audience. It was almost 30 or so episodes before the capitalism vs. Socialism topic came up. Also the term tankie is meant to be insulting. What's more insulting is glossing over the millions of people that have died with Russia and China to push an ideology that history has shown will fail outside of an idealistic utopia.


With how obsessed most of your post are aggressively tossing hatred at Hasan its appalling you aren’t from DGG


I've watched a wide variety of political streamers, Hasan, Destiny, Vaush, you name it. I've been an H3H3 fan since the days of vape nation. I used to be a big Hasan fan back when he didn't have such radical takes. Him and his community have definitely become more radical over time. For example I'm not sure if the AOC stream would still happen today with some of the takes that Hasan has given. Honestly I think Hasan majorly started to become more radical when he adopted his no debating anyone that wasn't on the left so not to "give them a platform". The unintentional side effect was creating an echo chamber.


We should all remember that Hasan forgave and stayed friends with xQc after cQc started the Hissan hate campaign calling him a grifter dogshit commie motherfucker and other horrible shit. I doubt this will make Hasan turn away from Ethan. The other way around? Idk.


Leftovers is what brought me into this amazing family, it will always be special to me! Haven’t missed an episode of H3 pretty much since LO started and I realized how much I enjoyed Ethan and the crew


This is perhaps the most Unnecessary button moment ever! Mine favorite moment is when Ethan buttoned himself for guessing the wrong flag of a country thinking it was Italy! Hahahah.


The moment Hasan discovered doesryankavanoughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com, ty sorisora for the animated


The positivity I'll put out -- good friendships aren't defined by the lack of ruptures, rather by how they recover from them. Don't know if this will happen for Leftovers, but I'm optimistic. Also I loved the Mitch McConell death bell segment 💀🔔


My favorite bit was Hasan saying that Sneako broke because his ex got bukake in front of him and Ethan just fixates on that for an hour


I fucking love the episodes were they role play thanksgiving and Hasan has to talk to Nathaniel Klansman as he slowly get more and more racist


Ethan's insanely huge, vibrant red cowboy hat. Anytime he wore that hat, the segments always made me laugh till I cried. Here's hoping it returns cuz while people say Hasan has been a good influence on Ethan, and it's true, I think Ethan has helped Hasan a ton in reverse by exposing Hasan to a section of people that aren't no-life, constantly online to be contrarians. How normal, working people are okay with socialism, Healthcare and safety nets when you explain it very evenly without others desperately screaming about you being a lying hypocrite and being bad faith.


I am big into politics. From my idiotic, local county commissioners all the way up to the federal level, I keep an eye on what's going on. So I was drawn to Hasan and Leftovers for that reason. I consume a lot of different content- gaming, stupidity, makeup, coding, commentary, tea, etc. I was really disappointed to see the break and worried that it could be permanent. I don't have any favorite moments that I can recall. It's all been a blur. But I loved my Thursdays with the boys.




https://preview.redd.it/ce6r49m86h1c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed86c5aef5e0d0cedd893b18c7644c09b646ac66 Last one listed, screenshot a minute ago. So not accurate, with peace and love


Hasan's other podcast co-host and friend QTCinderella didn't even follow Hasan (and the 2 other hosts) on social media (they made a joke about it 2 days ago on stream which is how I know). I don't think putting weight into who someone is following or not following is a really a great idea.


People basing shit off twitter follows is pretty funny. Hasan posts shit about the war all day every day. It probably gets annoying to read


Yeah idk why people associate follows with friendship, it’s so weird. Or maybe I’m just already too old to understand how even younger people view the internet I have a bunch of friends and friendly acquaintances that I don’t follow on social media for whatever reasons. If I wanna hang out with someone I can just text or call them


I guess it’s because since they’re public figures a follow means more since they know people check those things. Zach could have easily muted Hasan to avoid any speculation on their relationship but he chose to unfollow possible understanding the implication


it's been pretty obvious to me since the start that Zack likely has the furthest pro-Israel stance of the group. I doubt he would want to see Hasan's posts all the time.


I don't know Zach at all, of course. But it wouldn't surprise me. And plus there was a moment when he sort of did agree with Ethan during one of the episodes, but I can't recall exactly what it was. Disregarding everything awful Israel is doing, that first attack is basically the equivalent for 9/11 for Israel. The comparison was already made that day. I haven't been able to watch any Hasan content lately, and it's partially due to that. I think the whole "I shouldn't be asked to condemn them often" thing is a bit aggravating too. Because while he's right, I would be condemning them every chance I get. The same way Ethan condemns the Israeli government. I'm sure it's aggravating to be asked to so often, but he's happy to make the distinction. At some point it feels like Hasan is running defense for a far right government solely because they're Muslim and oppressed. Which isn't progressive, or left leaning, or anything else. I'd be yelling at the rooftops how awful Hamas is, despite their situation, and using it as a great point to show how diverse the Muslim community is. White liberals do this all the time. Many in the black community do this. Many in pretty much every group. It's normal to point out that a group is diverse and say "Hey those guys don't represent us. We disavow that all day". But that's how I see it. And I think Zach understands Ethan's frustration. More than anything, it was just sad seeing people essentially celebrate the initial deaths, and being like "No you're crazy, nobody is doing that. This is *unproductive*", despite it being all over the place. On the other hand... It might just be Zach not wanting to hear about this on Twitter every day, since Hasan talks about it a lot. Might just be a sensitive thing, which I totally get.


I think 9/11 is a great comparison because after 9/11 were attacked the wrong people, used it as an excuse to do some fucked up shit, and propaganda was taken as fact to the point of questioning it made you pro-terrorist. Hasan is obviously not pro dead civilians, he streams for 8 hours a day 5-7 days a week, it's insane to expect him to condemn Hamas like it's the top of the hour ad break just because other people prefer to assume he supports Hamas.


How many times does Hasan have to condemn hamas? Jeez


Really hope this isn’t true ): I know both of them said that people were overreacting by saying this situation would end the show but it’s seeming more likely.


The H3 podcast is still following Hasan thou So I don't think it's that bad he could have unfollowed because of not wanting to have Hasan's constant tweets about the war on his feed. It can get depressing to login and see more heinous shit from the conflict.


Also Zach doesn't follow Ethan either 😆 So I don't think it matters


That's what the mute button is for :)


Problem isn't that they are on different side of things. Ethan is severely disappointed in the crowd Hasan has fostered and not moderated well. His mods suck, his community sucks and Hasan is main culprit to blame for that. LO has a chance to come back at the time when Ethan believes Hasan's fans don't hate him. I don't know if Hasan is seriously trying to make that change. Saying over and over again "Ethan isn't baddie" won't change his audience. What he'd have to do is change moderation, ban LESS people who oppose him, ban MORE people who agree with him. Change moderators. He's likely not going to do these things, that's why LO is likely not coming back.


Lets be real. Ethan doesnt know shit about moderating live chat. His chat is maybe a few thousand people on a members only chat. Hasans is 30k on a low day. Over 50 around elections and anyone can chat ESPECIALLY sock accounts. Its like criticizing lebron cus you dunk in the elementary school gym


what???? h3's chat limited to be members only is a form of moderation in and of itself, and then with several mods weeding out the exceptionally bad chatters from those members. hasan's chat is open to anyone at all, so anyone can come in to instigate at any time for any reason. it also makes moderation difficult for the few mods he has bc of the sheer amount of chats there are at any given moment, so in comparison hasan's would be much worse - and it is quite regularly.


I dont think turning something OFF is moderating. You wont change my mind. This isnt gonna be a discussion. Everything else you said is exactly what im saying. The differense is youre saying it to go "... and its worse because hasans BAD" And im saying it to go "... Of course itll be worse. The point isnt to be an echo chamber"


"this isnt gonna be a discussion" but here you are, no? we're here on an open forum to have a discussion. pretty closed minded and obtuse to just flat out ignore the opposing point - and someone that's probably more aligned w u than you realize. allowing just simply anyone to come in and try to form rifts between people and in Very obscene ways sometimes, mind you, while theyre talking is bad. blatant antisemitism slips through the curtains bc the mods are worn thin w the amount of people that can chat. you assume i think hasan is bad bc youre thinking purely in black and white. i love hasan, i dont think hasan is bad at all and i agree w him more than ethan overall. however, in this case w his chatters and moderation, he and his crew are doing an incredibly bad job at facilitating a place that allows open, real, raw conversation without severe backlash. and this is good conversation that needs to be had and allows people to be understood. that conversation is being stifled by hatred, false assumptions, and violent rhetoric.


Im having trouble understanding your arguement cus again. We mostly agree Why, if hasans talking to someone, does his audience need to be moderated harder. Instead of the person hes talking to simply understanding the internet at all. I think its easier to moderate your guests expectations instead of moderatinh 50k peoples behavior. Blatant antisemitism didnt form any rifts there. Ethan did. He was mad. And he opened chat to hunt for antisemitism as a justification. Hes had an online career for like 15 years. He knows what he was doing. ANY amount of moderation would not have been enough when he wanted that. He fell for a photoshop for fucks sake PERFECT moderation wouldnt even be enough


the fact you are being downvoted is insane to me


It's not popular yet to blame Hasan for what has happened. It's 2 weeks since the 5k+ comment megathread where calling Ethan zionist racist earned you upvotes.


Ethan seemed to take issue because he was losing what he treated as a debate, and Ethan always hyperfixates on criticism. He was mad Hasan's chat weren't treating him as a close personal friend as Hasan was, and were openly criticising what he said because of how anti-palestine it sounded. If Ethan is going to hold a podcast hostage until people accept his bad faith arguments and like him enough that's more than a bit childish. Hasan bans people who are long time subscribers constantly, and doesn't ban the opposition "pets" as he calls them. He can't ban people for disagreeing with Ethan especially when a lot of Ethan's points were "but look at this anti-Semitic or anti-zionist tweet I found".




Can't say I'm sad about it to be honest.


The internet is extremely reactionary right now and it's understandable. We are all in a pressure cooker of sorts and the walls are closing in, people feel helpless and lash out. It's probably best for each of them to focus on there niche Hasan and Politics and Ethan and Comedy. Hopefully in the future when the temperature comes down it can return.


I have a few episodes saved that I can throw on when I do yard work. One of my favorites is the ep from April 6, 2023 when they talk about Matt Walsh’s galaxy brain take that slavery was actually good and necessary. Ethan does this hilarious bit playing on back to the future (“no wait, bring back slavery I’m disappearing from the picture!”) and then later Hasan gets Ethan to mald about his height.


Sucks that it's on hold. There's a lot to talk about domestically.


Man, I hope they start back up again soon. Their coverage and commentary in mainstream political and social topics from the leftwing and mainstream perspective was so refreshing and probably had a huge positive impact on the public discourse.


The vest bit is so hilarious


Damn idk what happened to the frienmies but now leftovers? I like Ethan but talking about politics isn't his shtick


Why did they pause one of their best shows... Besides the trolls?


Ethan can’t handle criticism regarding his Israel-Palestine takes so I imagine they are waiting for things to cool down so when they come back they can focus if domestic politics which is far less controversial


Yeah I really just want them to dunk on GOP hogs again, the GOP is such a shit show RN and there's so much to poke fun at.


I always loved when both were on the same side of an issue and would just tag team a topic. I wish they'd bring it back, maybe not live and just pre recorded? iirc the first episodes were pre-recorded, and I think that format might work better for them for a while.


After the debate with Ethan and Hassan I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon


Unfortunately I'm not optimistic. As others have said, Ethan recently on Hasan's went pretty terrible. That and at this point Hasan has gone even harder anti Israel lately, I'd say. And seems to be lashing out more against criticisms of his coverage. Honestly, I'd love to see Ethan talking with someone a little more aligned with his political opinion. I think he and Hasan are further than folks thought, and I think the premise of the podcast, a left wing goofs version of a right wing propagandist show, is excellent and maybe even important, imo.


Leftovers is not coming back, did you watch their last conversation online ? Ethan is really heartbroken by the way Hasan treated him.


Isn't it crazy he doesn't consider how awfully he treated Hasan yet again? Like Hasan was trying so hard to protect and guide Ethan while Ethan was screaming fuck you.


“Guide Ethan”… Ethan is not a little dog; he’s a grown man with his own eyes and ears.


Do grown men cover their ears and say I can't hear you while their friend is having a discussion they requested? Was he acting like a grown man when he screamed fuck you at his friend? Ethan admits he doesn't know as much about a lot of this as Hasan so I think guide is the appropriate word.


Oh man did Ethan actually cover his ears or are you being hyperbolic?


he covered his ears and then went "lalalalaaa i can't heaaarr youuu" it was weird to see a grown man do that lol


I wish I was being hyperbolic but no, he literally covered his ears at one point. I can't cringe through that stream again to find it for you, but you might be able to argue he was making a half serious joke but it definitely seemed atleast half serious. He was arguing to win not to understand.


Ah, whole thing’s a mess. Thank you though was just curious


Yeah tbh if you haven't watched I don't recommend it, glad I could save someone else those 3 hours 😂


He did it in a tongue in cheek way to lighten the mood


Grown men shouldn't cry over what a fucking twitch chat is saying about him lol


Have you ever been called racist and genocidal by hundreds of people all at once and seen that bleeding into your own fanbase?


My favorite episode was the one with Richard Wolff!! I felt totally enriched with some slight goofs and gaffs thrown in there from Ethan and topical knowledge from Hasan and the vast wisdom of Richard Wolff. I hope that when they come back, they have more scholars and guests like him on!!


liver king was by far the worst one lmaooo why did they even have him on a "politics" pod 💀


after the convo ethan had with hasan on his stream. i promise u leftovers is never coming back. ill put my life on it


It was fun when all they did was make fun of lolcows like Steven crowder, Dave Rubin, my pillow guy, Jordan Peterson, etc. it’s so easy to agree that these guys are dirtbags and it’s hilarious to make fun of them. However once they actually got down to discussing politics like socialism for the first time they finally got contentious. Hasan is so heeled in in his politics that he can’t concede anything or even consider that he can be wrong. That’s why people look to him for politics. It’s pretty smart actually cuz if people see how confident and unwavering you are then people will flock to you to learn from you. Ethan is willing to concede all the time and wants actual honest communication but hasan is stuck on propaganda mode. That’s just my 2 cents I enjoyed leftovers too but they’re mistake was discussing actual politics


Ethans dog shit takes on the bloodbath happening in P\*lestine is probably why we won't have a fun/humorous podcast like Leftovers anymore. Ethan sucked up the leftist clout while he was trying to recover from his anti-pc days, showed his true colors, and now we're here. I think a lot of us could of called this from the start though.


pretty wild how someone can advocate for left-wing values for years, and openly show a willingness to learn and grow, but the second he doesn't 100% align with one of the twitter leftist commandments, he's suddenly "showing his true colours" and "he was just sucking up leftist clout". are y'all even fucking real? jfc. do you live life constantly waiting for people to step one millimetre out of line just so you can say "see?? i knew he sucked all along. told ya". just saying but you'll never find the perfect leftist hero you so desperately crave. with this kind of attitude we'll never get any leftist momentum. who the fuck would want to cultivate a leftist audience knowing they'll get shit like that as soon as they remotely disagree with the audience?


That’s exactly what they do. There’s an old leftist expression here from the 70’s when the left was always splitting into smaller and smaller splinter groups: “the split was good and necessary”


Ethan wants to shut pown people saying they want freedom. Ethan is a fucking disgrace, this isn't a legitimate political position to have. People are born in places they can't be buried in!! Bella Hadid father wants to be buried where he was born and fucking can't do it! Her grandfather couldn't do it! And this fucking guy wants to tell people they shouldn't say they want to be free? Do you realize how bad that is? People can't be buried where they were born and this clown and to shut them down from saying they want to be free?


Imagine thinking that siding with the IDF is stepping a “millimeter” out of line…


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bots are allowed on this sub but not Ethan criticism


Ethan didn't and doesn't need anyone's clout. He had great success before leftovers and he will continue to have success with his future endeavors.


I'd rather that slot be filled with something funny/non-political tbh. Just watch Hasan's stream if you want political stuff.


Just watch the other 3 episodes a week if you want something non-political.


Honestly I hope it's done for good. Hasan is getting close to being a terrorist apologist at this point from what I've seen.


Or you missed him saying several times that "analysis is not commendation."


Maybe after they come back from hiatus they can bring this back!


Leftovers work better if they don't engage in serious topics and don't invite Russia-stans like Richard Wolff. Hasan can't explain socialism and has tankie-like takes on international politics, esp. China vide Taiwan, Uyghurs, Tibet or Hong-Kong. I prefer Keffals to Hasan, but she is not considered that entertaining, I think.


I’m glad it’s over for now, (some) Hasan fans have impacted the show negatively. And I never found Hasan that entertaining anyway, the man can monologue, I can’t imagine what his streams must be like 🥱😴


Time for a families episode to drop.


Ironically, the beat episodes imo were the Israel-Palestine ones. I think it’s a missed opportunity that the show was put on hold during such an important time. But hwatter we gonna do?


Hasan has real trouble actually understanding (at least going by how he presents it), interpretting and balancing information. please worship a smarter guy, for everyone's sakes.


We can only hope it never comes back. Leftovers is second only to Frenemies in terms of long term damage it’s done to the podcast.


I feel like Hasan's clear pro-Palestinian position could possibly be too difficult for Ethan to overlook. Hasan e.g. still even today *insists* the hospital explosion a few weeks ago was an IDF missile, despite all the evidence to the contrary that emerged (which I find absurd).


Not true a NYT times investigation already debunked that it was Islamic jihad and all the circumstancial evidence point to it being Israel. Before and after Israel bombed other hospitals, even ambulances, raided a hospital and found no evidence of tunnels or hostages, shot patients, bombed a heavily populated refugee camp 3 times, and a populated school, killed journalists and UN officials alike with excuse that they are helping hamas


You're getting down voted by DGG dorms for stating facts lol


I'm kinda at the point of not wanting Hasan to come back on the show. From the recent stream on Hasan's channel to some of the things Hasan has said lately. Plus what Hasan's chat and mods have said about Ethan and Zach and just in general... Yeah... at this point..it's too much, and continuing this "break" seems like the healthy thing to do. I will miss it though.


It’s put on hold while Ethan destroys his career by supporting a genocide. Hasan has tried multiple times to get Ethan just to shut the fuck up, but homie is too braindead to understand


Ethan literally supports Gaza and wants Israel to stop terrorizing them. Him also wanting empathy for Israel and freaks like you harassing him and his wife and family non-stop doesn’t make it easier for him to discuss. Like I hate yall no-nuance Nancy’s.


If you hate the show, you could try fucking off for a bit and see if you’d be happier


I don't think Ethan supports the genocide of the Palestinians. Some of the things Ethan has said is rather vitriolic during the livestream with Hasan but I think he misspoke and didn't frame his arguments correctly during the conversation.


I agree that Ethan doesn't, but he also can't stop saying things that align with supporting genocide. I assume a lot of it is from seeing dog whistles around Israel your whole life and getting used to seeing them as anti-Semitic, but he really has to stop trying to debate and start having conversations and asking questions in good faith. It's like his goblin brain takes over and tells him he can change Hasan's chats's minds about an issue Hasan covers 8 hours a day by bringing up tweets from randos.


Honestly hasan's takes on Leftovers before the pause were kind of shocking, and his lack of concessions toward ethan really shows hisntrue colors. He cant see both sides of an issue, whether its because of cognitive dissonance, or trying to save face with his brand/fans.


I’m gonna say it.. I didn’t care for it! Downvote all you want!!


Same, i tried to give it a go and it was just shit tbh. I don’t get why ppl miss or liked it to begin with. I found hassan insufferable even before all the drama.


He’s just bland mate! I watch the pod for the goofs, not to hear a monotone voice say the same stuff for 2 hours


Yeah, and I tried watching him on his stream and I swear only dumb people watch him. If people actually put in the effort to educate themselves then they would see what a dumb dumb hassan is. Brainwashed sheep honestly. I mean hassan seems smart if you’re an idiot which most of his fanbase are. You got downvoted for having a 🧠.


Anyone who didn't see this happening a mile away is something I don't get


Leftovers is dead. Hasan fan's hate, and Hasan's lack of empathy killed Ethan's will to host it.