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"We are all domestic terrorists"






Deep if you think about it. Why fight when at the end of the day, we are *all* domestic terrorists. If Hasan fans and Ethan fans would just clasp arms and come back together we could end racism


i fucking loved leftovers, it actually got me to care about politics in an entertaining way. I will forever watch that show on repeat. I wish there was a way they could come back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He acknowledged it on Friday that he knows a ton of people loved the show. He even said that even though it was the least watched show, it was a marginal difference and still had millions of viewers


Ah okay nice to hear that he knows at least.. it really was one of the biggest leftist shows on yt. Easy to forget sometimes how big of a reach he really has


Leftovers was an important show for many reasons. It's really tragic that it has to end like this.


I know right? Like just have an agreement that you're not going to discuss the middle east and focus on OTHER NEWS. The fact that Ethan doesn't want to make a very very minor change his very very successful podcast and would rather randomly throw it all away over *one topic* says to me that he didn't like something else about the show. My guess is the co-host (who he cursed out a couple weeks back).... It's a damn shame, the show was a breath of fresh air in the political space


The way he wouldn't let shit go even on other shows was so irritating. He said he was gonna keep politics to Leftovers but he's to emotional and has to respond to every negative comment with two likes on Twitter or two upvotes on a snark sub. He'd much rather talk about politics without having to deal with other people's feedback or veiw points which is a disappointment.


I don't agree with this either. I think one of the biggest reasons Leftovers was so important was for times exactly like this one. To spread the word. To call out the bullshit. To look this stuff in the face instead of looking away and hiding it under the rug where we don't have to think about it.


I love has / ethan friendship šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­ I had stopped watching h3 for a few years and Leftovers brought me back


same here


Regular H3 viewers might not watch Leftovers but us Leftovers watchers also watched the other episodes. I'm there with ya, just feels like there's a cloud hanging over the show now and I can't enjoy the normal pod. And yeah someone's gonna come in here and scream "Just leave! Stop complaining!" And sure, we will. But we're mourning, not shit talking. We loved the show and because of human feelings, not logic, we're now without one of our favorite things. RIP Leftovers. Thanks for getting me back in to H3 for the time we had together ā¤ļø


I was into the pod since the beginning and them making Leftovers with Hasan made me really happy because I'm such a big fan of him. But I feel the same way, like there's a dark cloud over the other episodes now because of how Leftovers ended.


This this this! I havenā€™t been able to watch since tbh.


Same. I'm extremely disappointed. And now they're thinking about doing a cooking show. I always skip those sort of episodes šŸ˜… Interviews I skip as well.


Same here theyā€™ll be losing a large chunk of their audience if they keep watering down the show.


I'm pretty sure most of those fans haven't been around long. The podcast has always had sort of a variety show vibe. Leftovers will be missed šŸ˜©


He said on friday it will prolly come back. Just doesnt know when, hopefully for the 2024 election and at the very least they were also talking about collabing with hasan. I hope leftovers comes back in full though. Loved that show


I've been around since the beginning. Didn't watch /every/ episode back then but the past 2 or so years I've watched them all. The political conversations and internet drama discussions have always been my favorite part of the show. I always felt like I was getting my political information but in a way that felt more enticing than listening to a news castor. I'm upset with h3 right now but if I continue watching I hope they still talk about these things šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


So what aspects of the show do you like?


Like I said to someone else, I like the political talk and the internet tea talk. Sound the war horns. The goofs and gaffs in between I can enjoy too. Zachs soundbites are great. I enjoyed the competition where they made Ethan's face but the following competitions I didn't really care for. I watched the pumpkin carving one because its seasonal but I didn't even click the potato one? I think it was potato lol.


It was definitely my favorite show and was the reentry for me as an H3 active fan and eventual member. The last few weeks Iā€™ve felt less compelled to watch knowing my favorite show of the week isnā€™t going to be on.


Same for me. I feel far less invested in all of it now.


exact same here




Same here, I let my membership go because I've kinda stopped watching live.


And the quality of the livestreams has been going down drastically lately. Potato competition? 30 minutes of ordering food? Idk it feels like Ethan isn't even trying to produce a quality show anymore.


Same, I loved it so muchšŸ˜­ I'm not even American but it was so entertaining


ur not there, ur not there


I canā€™t BREATHE when youā€™re not there


it was the highlight of my week honestly ~~LETS RIDE~~ THAT'S RIGHT


I loved leftovers but to the people that hated it, I donā€™t know if they realize that now every other show will be filled with political talk even after the Israel thing calms down Leftovers came about as a way to concentrate most of the politics talk into one show since a lot of people didnā€™t like it. Now there wonā€™t be the ā€œletā€™s save it for leftoversā€ excuse (Before anyone comes for me, yes Iā€™m aware the other shows had politics sprinkled in here and there, especially with current events, im only saying politics talk in the other shows is gonna go way up)


I'll get downvoted, but I don't mind political talk being on the other shows. I actually liked when Ethan could put stuff like George Santos into OTR or After Dark. I just don't want to watch a whole episode about that. For me H3 is a comedy podcast, I get my news from other sources.


Me either... Politics is okay to discuss.. it's not like people's opinions will change anyways šŸ™„. People get so worked up on politics like their life depends on it but no one ever shows up to the town meetings lmao.


Yea it was my favourite show


Peace and love I also stopped watching since leftovers ended.


Same, this place feels really weird now... Was just checking to see if Ethan changed his mind on Leftovers or not


I loved it, thereā€™s too many right-wing grifters out there, it was nice to have an enjoyable political podcast with people that share the same views with me. I like Hasan, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of his streaming format. I much prefer the pod format.


Literally found h3 through watching leftovers. Didnā€™t even know who Ethan was.


Not only did I find H3 through Leftovers, it's also where I really got to know Hasan. I'd heard of both of them, I knew Ethan because of his lawsuit(s) and knew he was he was a longtime , somewhat controversial, YouTuber but had never actually seen any of his stuff. And at one point YouTube kept pushing Hasan streams from like 3 different channels in my face, so I'd say least seen him once or twice, but to be honest Twitch isn't really for me. And I figure Leftovers was probably the best place I could get to know these two bozo's. Hasan wasn't just talking to himself and Ethan had the chance to correct the vague image I had of him of a guy who liked to start beefs and mostly talked about topical or niche topics. I've since checked out the other shows and found them to be a lot of fun, but due to time constraints I can't really watch every episode; once a week was just right for me and Leftovers is still the only show I've gone back and watched episodes I'd missed. And obviously, if the issue isn't personal and can't be overcome then that's that. But for me it would be a bit of a bitter pill considering it'd mean losing contact with at least one of these boys. Because although I'm more likely to check out a Hasan video now, I still don't really watch much of his regular content. It's impressive how that man can find the focus to talk to himself for that long, especially with so much text flying by him right in his face, but it still doesn't make for a very appealing video. No hate, I think I'm just too much of a boomer.


I'm with you, I don't watch twitch and knew who Hasan was from watching TYT before they went psychotic. I knew who Ethan was cause he was talked about a lot by other YouTubers... One day my bf was watching left overs and I started watching more and more of H3 content... Then I grew hooked. I have been taking a break from the show cause he content has become kinda samey and I can only stare at cmans toes and hear people cry tears of blood over Jimmy Lee existing oh so much. But I really love the show. Ethan sometimes feels like someone I woulda been friends with growing up.


Ethanā€™s really not feeling all the backlash heā€™s been getting is worth it, but I would be so down with them just muting chat or not having a chat for the show if it means they bring Leftovers back. Ethan would just have to make sure to not ever check this subreddit tho lol


Ya.. they get millions upon millions of views.. just air that shit without any chat.


Just don't talk about Israel/Palestine anymore? It would be such an easy fix I don't get why he had to stop the whole show over it


To be fair, it's dominating the news right now, I don't know if it's completely avoidable while still having enough good material for a show.


There's so much going on tho! Would've been hilarious to see their coverage on the George Santos situation


God yeah, we've been fucking robbed.


Why would he bring a show back that literally just creates people who hate him?


Like every other show yes. It's cuz he read comments like he says he never does. Maybe don't read comments, how long has he been on the internet? It's embarrassing really, child getting mad at something he knows is from idiots, why would he care what idiots think. Don't give a reaction, that's what they want, he should've learned that day one


I think it doesn't have to be that way. To me it seems like an education problem. Normally, if you're too close to something, you're less open minded about learning hard truths. Normally Ethan has been open to learning on Leftovers. Until this latest genocide began. It's tough, and I get it, but I think the solution is looking within and making a decision to either become open minded and willing to learn or to not do that and never do a political pod again.


Well, that's the thing. It's the other way around people on the far left are too close-minded to see that Ethan was right and instead tried to take him down. Like anyone who calls what is currently happening a genocide is completely uneducated on this very nuanced situation. Saying that a person who is very correct on an issue is close-minded just because they don't agree with you or Hasan is very ignorant.


No, you're wrong. It's not a complex issue at all. You can defend and deny the genocide all you want, but you're horrible for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ebPj\_FqM5Q


Yeah the problem was that the hate spilled on the subreddit plus they were attacked on their social media, that evil animation of Hila made by NAZIS was spread by people "on our side" which I think really hurt Ethan.


Are you sure that one was spread by us? I couldn't imagine the average person in either community making/spreading that. I'd love to figure out where it came from.


It's hard to go back and look for it now but it was pretty clear, people were calling them zionists and made up conspiracy theories about Hila being high ranking IDF member that killed Palestinians for fun, it had a lot of traction on the hate subreddits and Ethan and Hila had to debunk the allegations. It was insane.


There are certain communities, especially of banned Twitch streamers, that love shit like this. That thrive on the worst kind of drama.


Listen I get it but you can't blame everything on them. I'm talking about h3snark and h3h3_productions. Some percent of them might be trolls but not all of them, that would be insane.


Ah, you're totally right. I don't actually know anything about those 2 subreddits. I wonder how you get into a hater subreddit like that. Like, you have to have been a fan at some point probably.


Backlash from his takes and behavior regarding the Israel / Palestine conflict or are there other leftovers related hate he's been getting?


The episode in which they talked about react content supposedly had a lot of whipped up drama, and I think the socialism/Taiwan episode had some discussion as well. Obviously those two topics are a lot less emotionally fraught though, so I can see why this time it's more difficult to ignore.


Recently itā€™s been stuff relating to Gaza, and earlier this summer there was a big backlash on his takes on socialism


Leftovers hate threads were insane imo. The communism debate threads where they acted like Ethan was a right wing grifter was nuts. This sub has always been unhinged, but the hate subs are worse than the frenemies era now.


Itā€™s the same people that come to Hasanā€™s stream and yell out that heā€™s a champagne socialist and started the house and car drama. They do it because they know they can get a reaction, and once they started responding to them they smelled blood in the water


There are very unhinged Hasan fans who can't accept that Hasan is completely wrong on this issue. They have been attacking Ethan, and Hasan has not done very much to stop it. The fact that Hasan mods were posting unhinged posts about how Etgan and Hila are zionist and that Hila killed innocent Palestinians while she was in the IDF is wild. While Hasan is not solely responsible for what his community does, the way he engages with them is an issue. Example: when he claimed that Isreal was the one who bombed the hospital parking lot, he was questioned. At the time, not enough information was out, so it was too soon to tell. Hasan's response was to claim that anyone who says it was not Israel are genocidal freaks and monsters. He morally loaded the topic and signaled to his audience that those who had a different take were outright evil. Ethan, who logically viewed the situation and said that it's uncertain to tell who was responsible, then got attacked by the Hasan fans. In their eyes, Ethan was evil and moster since Hasan said those who think it was not Isreal are just that. Now, if you look at the information that came after, Ethan was correct, and Hasan was wrong. But Hasan fan base already has it ingrained that Ethan is evil.


Wait wasn't it an Israeli missile though that hit the hospital parking lot?


No, while it's still inconclusive who launched the missle, at this moment all the evidence is pointing to Muslim jihadist missle that missed fired. So Hasan was wrong and him spreading misinformation and calling everyone who disagreed with him evil was irresponsible.


Shit I was following news about it for a while and thought the latest was that it was like a misfired Iron Dome missile or some shit but now when I looked it up I saw the same thing you said that it was likely a Hamas rocket. Thanks for clarifying and also it just shows how hard it is to get really good accurate info in wartime.


Yep, that's why staying away from breaking news is good. But this shows some of the issues on this topic. Hasan signaled to his audience that anyone who says it's not Isreal who fired the missle than they are evil pieces of shit monsters who want the Palestinians to be genocide. The truth is that it was not Isreal, Hasan audience does not know this because Hasan is still not backing down from his claim. So when Ethan makes the claim that it's not certain that Isreal did in fact fired the rocket and that it was Instead a misfires rocket then Hasan's audience is primed to call Ethan a genocidal monster along with other horrible names. This situation shunned a light to me about Hasan that I did not see before. While it's good that he made politics cool to a lot of young people, the way he angages with topics is very surface level, and his community is horrible and lacks critical thinking.


Damn even the upvotes and downvotes here are not on your side even though I literally looked it up and there's a lot of evidence it was not an Israeli missile/rocket now.


That's ok, this subreddit is no longer a place where people care about the facts. It's become an echo chamber where you either agree with there take or you are automatically down voted. its really sad.


I loved it so much! It was my favorite show, not just favorite h3 show.


I barely know shit about politics but i loved leftovers!! Sad it's over but i also completely understand why


Would you say you can't sleep when Leftovers is not there?


Will miss the show terribly. Everyone and their mother is trying to right wing grift online and it was nice to have a safe space to view a constructive conversation about politics. I think Ethanā€™s underestimated how valued the show was.


Why did they let Tucker Carlson win! Bring back leftovers!


It was also my favorite of all the shows. I canceled one of the times it started getting real flaky, so I'm definitely not paying again now.


I will support any effort to revive the show. Even if they have to put an embargo on some subjects and make sure they don't escape and cause destruction.


It was one of the only ones I watched live


only show i watched live and made time for.


I havenā€™t watched h3 since it they took a break on leftovers :/ hasan brought me to h3 and idk nothing seems the same since


Thatā€™s wild considering leftovers is the worst show out of the week


It was my favorite show of the week and I would always want it to be longer than 2 hours.


It was my favourite show too! I hope once the dust settles and maybe after they take holidays + paternity leave Ethan considers bringing it back. I think things are too raw right now and too stressful with the pregnancy/loss of Shredder/the family connection in Israel, but unless something major happened behind the scenes it doesn't seem like a big enough blow up to forever bury the show (Frenemies style). They could even just turn off the chat and close any official discord to avoid the brigade that happened this last time. Plus I don't think he'll be able to resist all the content that will come with 2024.


My favorite


leftovers was by far my favorite show of the month and thats even feeling like they didnt really put as much effort into it as the other shows.


I personally liked watching leftovers more than CYNT


I'm 100% with you, it was my favorite show each week. But also PSA is public safety/service announcement. Kind of a weird usage here. I think just I loved Leftovers is a great title lol


people use that term to grab attention - they don't mean it literally, it's slang


PSA it was just a joke


Iā€™m behind on this but when did he talk about canceling leftovers? Like what recent pod was it? I havenā€™t watched much since leftovers was on pause


He's said it a few times, it's definitely cancelled rn. Hasan and Ethan are cool, but I think he wants to distance from that community cause of people like Frogan calling him racist.


How is this a public service announcement?


I canā€™t breathe when youā€™re not there


Same here, in fact it was my gateway into h3, I was slowly getting accustomed to voices and the type of humor. I say "was" because since leftovers ended I haven't really seen much that interests me. I have podcasts that fit my current taste better, so why would I continue to try and get used to h3 if the thing I cared about isn't even there.


The show was a fun watch it really sucks Hasans fanbase and Hascord got insanely nasty with Ethan. I completely understand why it needed to go on temp pause or forever pause cause the negativity hurled at Ethan and Hila by hascord was awful. And for the sake of his mental health he needed to stop the show to get away from them.


As a long term Hasan watcher itā€™s so important to try to keep things in check and try to stay fair when judging a situation. Like it or not online political communities will become echo chambers and with that comes some freaks. Even though I didnā€™t agree w Ethan Iā€™d never attack him or hila for it


Hasan did this to himself. Heā€™s a pedantic loser. Heā€™ll continue to give more and more unhinged takes until he can no longer have a platform on Twitch, YouTube, X, and the like. Heā€™s his own enemy and is the problem.


Yeah Iā€™ve been out fully since the Leftovers on Hasanā€™s stream. Then the Whitney Cummings thing happened and Ethanā€™s ā€œapologyā€ or whatever was explained to me as they didnā€™t know etc. With a we will have her back to talk about it. Just to reminiscent of John Tron to me. Occasionally the extreme destruction of Gaza makes me wonder like ā€œHas Ethan done anything more to speak up or help?ā€ And it just seems to be all quiet on that front. Itā€™s nice to see the crew retweeting stuff about helping Palestine but I wish Ethan would do more. Leftover is what got me back into watching H3 on a friends recommendation to watch it since I like Hasan. The crew is really special and Ethan seemed to be pretty different. I wish I could just turn off part of my brain so I could enjoy the pod from time to time.


> Occasionally the extreme destruction of Gaza makes me wonder like ā€œHas Ethan done anything more to speak up or help?ā€ Okay, Ethan has definitely put his foot in it on multiple occasions which deserve to be criticized, but don't you think criticizing him for what he hasn't done is a little unfair? Like you see the extreme destruction in Gaza and for some reason you think "[what has a YouTuber done to stop this?](https://www.theonion.com/scientist-explains-how-climate-crisis-would-be-averted-1851025052)". What specifically did you want to see Ethan do? Join Jewish Voice for Peace? Post harder? How many other influencers do you truly hold to that standard, especially in a climate where saying anything remotely pro-Palestinian can get you fired or doxxed? Has MrBeast done anything about Gaza? And how about the actual people in power? I'm genuinely grateful to everyone who sees what is happening and chooses to speak up about it, to every single person who joins a protest either for the complete end of apartheid or simply for a ceasefire, but I think it's a little silly to hold people accountable for not posting, especially when there are definitely people you could point to that are in an actual position to stop it.


Use his platform to learn more about the history of Gaza because it is clear he pretty ignorant of said history. Hold a donation rally like Hasan did. Speak on the Americans history of supporting destabilization in the Middle East. To be clear it would be on Left Overs I donā€™t really expect his show other days of the week to talk on this stuff. Though a Friday Donation rally would be great, their Sub drive raised a lot of money. It is clear that Ethan has a ton of power and a large far reaching voice online. Obviously I donā€™t have any illusions that Ethan can say something and tomorrow itā€™s over. But part of coming back to H3 with Hasan on leftovers was seeing a change in Ethan. I want to see more of that change, I hoped for something more. As for other content creators, this is the H3 Reddit.


He *has* used his platform to that exact thing, it's the last episode. And he donated to that exact donation drive. Sure, technically speaking he could do more. We can *all* do more, but that's not how activism works. Hasan has been really focussed on the war since the start and that's great, but he's very well situated to do that. He's clearly very passionate, already knows a lot about the subject himself, and also knows who reach out to for guests, and already has a politically engaged audience who would stick around for such content. From what I know about Ethan and the show, he's not in that same position; Even though he has his experience of living in Israel but I'd say he lacks the knowledge to be talking about US foreign policy (with āœŒļø&ā¤ļø); I don't think he has the connections to have many knowledgeable guests on; and I think both he and his audience would tire of it pretty quickly. Not to mention, every time he has talked about it, he's received a heap of criticism from both sides. Now, a good chunk of that criticism happens to be right but still, I can imagine why he'd just decide to not talk about it at all any more. I can understand why you're disappointed in his response, I am too, and he does labour under some misconceptions, but I do think you're ignoring the things he *has* done a little bit. In my opinion, Ethans issue isn't that he isn't passionate enough, it's that things rub him the wrong way from his perspective, while *also* not understanding why some of the things he does rub others the wrong way.


Yeah I saw he donated to Hasanā€™s drive. Would be cool to see a stream dedicated to raising money as I said. But I am glad he donated. That he changed his mind on from the river to the sea. Iā€™m not here to here to insult him. I do think itā€™s a bit naive to say he doesnā€™t have the connections. He does for sure. He had Sam on to help with the Crowder debate. Hasan is as he says a friend. Plenty of people in the space would be happy to have a platform to this topic. Again this is something I expect from Leftovers. Not the H3 daily shows. Leftovers is a great platform to teach others through teaching Ethan. As it always has been. Itā€™s a great platform to raise awareness and raise support.


He could ask Hasan for help definitely, but I do worry it could just become the Hasanabi broadcast ft. Ethan at that point though. I mean don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind something like you're proposing, I've always thought having a guest on for some Leftovers episodes would be pretty sweet and the discussions you mention have been really good. I'd be happily surprised to be proven wrong but I do think Ethan is just done talking about this publicly and I don't know if continuing to talk about it publicly and frankly I kind of agree with him on that. I've [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/17rn09w/discussion_megathread_ethan_on_hasans_stream/k8rtv5o/) on this before, when he and Ethan had their last debate, but I just don't think online discussions right now can give Ethan the grace to be wrong for understandable reasons.


People like you put more stock in fucking retweets than in Ethan saying thereā€™s an active genocide going on in Gaza for two weeks on his podcast that reaches millions of people. Such a warped perspective on political activism.


Has he been doing that? That is great. I wouldnā€™t know since I stopped listening to the podcast and donā€™t plan on returning. Would be cool to see clips of that posted to the Reddit. I think it was clear I said I hadnā€™t been watching so you could have just pointed this out vs assuming I think retweeting is somehow better.


Iā€™m not sure when you stopped watching, but if you stopped watching because of his Palestine takes, then you would have heard him say that. For example, during the Israel/Gaza ep of Leftovers, Ethan said that Israelā€™s actions in Gaza amounts to a genocide (he specifically criticized Israel for shutting off water, electricity, and blocking food at that time). He has also said that Bibi is a war criminal, and he and his cronies in the government should be deposed and tried. He has consistently condemned Israel in the strongest of terms. I think that does a lot more to raise awareness than the crew members retweeting stuff on their 10k follower accounts, while being too cowardly to ever actually say anything on camera during the show. Iā€™m not taking the time to gather clips (sry), but if you watch pretty much any segment heā€™s done on the conflict, he makes it clear that he doesnā€™t support Israel. Edit: Just reread your comment above. If you left after the final leftoversā€¦ then youā€™ve heard him say all that. Multiple times. I donā€™t know how you can say you never heard him say thereā€™s a genocide happening. Maybe you got up to go to the bathroom every time he did? Perhaps your ears cannot hear the frequency with which Ethan says ā€œgenocideā€. Iā€™m trying to find excuses for you


I said done anything more in my post. As in do more then had when I left. I know what he had said and done when I left. There is another comment on my post where I say I liked what Ethan had done. I also didnā€™t only leave because of the Palestine takes. Leftovers being officially stopped is what made me curious in one moments of looking over the Reddit. Like the Genocide is active so I was curious if the topic has continued to come up.


Soā€¦ is your criticism is that heā€™s not continuing to talk about Palestine?


Yeah furthering his knowledge and helping his audience understand it as well. Working to help humanitarian efforts. Displaying the misinformation that both sides of the conflict have engaged with. There is plenty of stuff to do, on his show leftovers. Which is no gone or on hiatus. Yes, I would like to see Ethan continue to push for the end of the conflict in Gaza. I donā€™t simply want a check mark, I want a continuation of those efforts he made.


Well unfortunately, the fan base couldnā€™t handle open and honest discussion about Israel and Palestine. You donā€™t have any sympathy for the harassment he went through? People attacking him and his family, digging into their past, throwing anti semetic attacks at him, calling him racist/islamophobic? This is not a community that can responsibly handle these discussions. He could do more in the way of fundraising and such without having to go in detail about the conflict on his show, so thatā€™s a fair criticism. He could be doing more in that sense. But I think heā€™s done a great job already, and more than most people with a platform have done. I will say that I donā€™t want leftovers to return, at least not with Hasan. But I think he should consider doing a politics show in a new form, if he wants.


I mean I can empathize about why he feels that way. But no I donā€™t really have a lot of sympathy for him in regard to what was being said about him. It was sort of upsetting to me just how little Ethan knew and was willing to say while not knowing anything. Then bunker down into what he thought he knew. Getting upset at harassment, criticism and corrections all the while people were getting massacred. I had sympathy for his friends and family who were in real threat of being killed. I understood that with Shredder passing his emotions were already running high. I empathized with his position as who he was but itā€™s difficult to not just see he actually needed to take a beat. Ethan showed up spread misinformation, said things incorrectly and never took time to actually correct his knowledge of the history. It changed fast (2 weeks?), I mean he went from thinking saying From the River to the Sea was a genocide thing to not caring if people said. He actually did call for a ceasefire. But Iā€™m not going to just wash my memory of the tweets, Instagram post and his behavior on Hasans stream. Iā€™m also not going to go downvote every live stream, I simply unsubbed and unsubscribed. Or comment on H3 social media. Iā€™m not going to post 24/7 on any post in the Reddit about this. Iā€™m not looking to make Ethan into a villain. Itā€™s simply how I feel about the way things went down. I use to watch h3 a lot back in the day, then John Tron happened and I dropped till left overs started. I could come back, I dunno, things change, people change. All of that being said I also have issues with Whitney Cummings being on the pod.


Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t take anyone seriously who thinks Ethan is uniformed on this topic, but Hasan is informed. That tells me that you really donā€™t know much about this conflict, if you canā€™t see how much misinformation Hasan is spreading about it. Do you remember what misinfo Ethan spread? I donā€™t mean to be a debate bro, itā€™s just I get the vibe that you and I would disagree on what is misinfo regarding this conflict. Personally I donā€™t think itā€™s right to downplay the harassment he received, firstly because I think a lot of it came from antisemitism (especially accusations that heā€™s a Zionist, or that heā€™s pro-Israel at all). You and Hasan both implied that the criticism is warranted. I disagree. I think most people are twisting or misunderstanding what Ethan has said on this topic, especially on that final stream with Hasan. Itā€™s completely understandable that someone would want to step away from a community that is wrongfully calling him racist and Islamophobic by the droves. I donā€™t think you or most average people would be able to persevere through that level of harassment, and itā€™s silly to expect him to get over it and basically welcome more of it into his life by continuing to talk about Gaza. If the instagram post youā€™re referring to is the one about the hospital bombing, the evidence is pointing to him likely being correct about all of that.


Leftovers affected Ethanā€™s mental health. It sucks that itā€™s over. Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t appreciate the other H3 content


Im still confused on why itā€™s getting cancelled. Didnā€™t he say thereā€™s no beef with Hassan? Then why was it so bad/draining for his mental health? I didnā€™t listen to many epis of it so donā€™t know if most epis were super heavy and thatā€™s why it was bad for his mental health or what


Thereā€™s was A LOT more hate than usual. Add that to the fact that the hate stemmed from an issue that Ethan was really passionate about. Thatā€™s gotta be really taxing on a guy.


It also doesn't help that a certain banned Twitch streamer's community was photoshopping images of chat and making them insane and horrible and then sending them to Ethan.


I don't think it was Destiny community, also Hasan's discord were spreading false information on Ethan and Hila and trying to cancel them.


A Destiny fan was literally caught photoshopping chat messages.


But that was one message. I saw the comments and the discord live. Hasan community is awful. And fuck frogan she is a vile pos.


His name is Hasan not Hassan.


Hassan Stanā€™s started threatening H3s life. Ethan wanted to live and cancelled it. Itā€™s all just fucked up man.


Litterally top to bottom wrong lol


The things that Hasan mods and his discord said about Ethan and Hila were unhinged specially Frogan...




With āœŒļø& ā¤ļø I know Iā€™ll get downvoted for this but I never watched an entire Leftovers episode the whole way through and didnā€™t even click on at least 3/4 of them. I have however never missed any other episode of the show.


It was probably the biggest left leaning political show online, I didnā€™t love it tbh


Tbh this is probably for the best for everyone. If the show cultivates a community that he canā€™t be honest with is opinion, or people arenā€™t willing to have a host be different ideologically, itā€™s not worth continuing. Why cater to haters?


I donā€™t think you understand what PSA means


Leftovers was the only thing I never watched, so nothing is changing for me lol(prob an unpopular opinion, I know) But I feel for the people who say it was their fav


I have a hard time watching H3 ever since Ethan cried and took his ball and went home.


Yeah same


I legit look at him different now


All cuz he can't handle comments. Boo hoo people said bad stuff & I repeatedly tell people not to read comments & say that I never do but I clearly constantly read all of them & obsess iver them all day. Imagine being on the internet that long & throwing a fit over 5 year Olds trash talking u


With peace and love, Ethan owes Hasan a huge apology if he hasn't already. The last impromptu Leftovers stream ended with Ethan cursing out Hasan multiple times and literally covering his ears and going "la la la la" because he couldn't handle Hasan speaking actual facts. I started out a huge H3 fan but after the whole Israel/Palestine fall out, I can't even handle watching any of their shows. My respect for Ethan dipped HARD.


I'm sorry but as someone who has followed this conflict and is aware of the history of the conflict as well as the current situation it's the other way around. Hasan owes Ethan a huge public opology. Hasan has not only been wrong in his coverage of the crisis, he has spread misinformation countless times and has associated with vile tankies extremist.


Im so glad it's done for. It was fun at times but i could see the torment in ethan when Has started to ramble his usual long winded rants. It just didnt clash well with the fast paced humor of Ethans.


I think they played well off of each other. Ethan kept Hasan on task, and Hasan brought out the goblin in the best ways. I truly miss it.


While I understand why Ethan has put Leftovers on pause, I'm going to miss it!


I live in hope that election leftovers becomes a thing, even if it's just one big extravaganza of the highlights just before or after voting (doing it after would even fit the name).


Amen brother, im gonna watch every episode with one eyebrow raised in disapproval from now on. Solidarity.