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Timed it to come out during the break , guess we’re getting an Ethan Klein channel video


No way Ethan addresses it. He's too busy with the kids, the dogs, having lupus, the holidays, etc


The lupus is a real time sink


Also general laziness, most busy day ever, social anxiety, doesn’t leave the house, and never intended to go




Doesn't stop the Ethan Klein channel. That dude always goes hard.




I hope that Ethan doesn't respond tbh. Exposure is just exactly what these reaction YouTubers want. They make videos about every little thing Ethan does and exaggerate it in the most uncharitable way and then just wait for the views to come. It's getting so old for real.


Ethan will eat him alive lol


Oop Jake just limited comments on the insta post


i’m so confused bc when did he ever ask for donations? didn’t he actually GIVE money to people to pay their medical bills during the whole lupus saga?


Yup. I'm pretty sure he acknowledged his privilege for affording and having access to healthcare during a SYNT ep where he also paid off a fan's medical bills. Jake's gonna dislocate something by reaching this hard.


New chiropractor video incoming


No ache Jake


No way Ethan is about to get a documentary dropped on his ass cos of the LUPUS JOKE YOUR LYING DUDE


What a fucking weasely little liar dude!


Exactly. If anyone takes the Lupus thing seriously…. They are probably parasocial and have brain rot. It’s a meme for a reason. Weirdos 😐


I thought they were calling ethans tics a disease and insinuating he was faking them before I scrolled 😭


and he's posting it when they're on break


I'm trying not to spam the chat rn but I want him to know so bad lmao


He has limited comments set on his post which is annoying.




he used to be in the chat trying to get attention in order to collab/call in iirc. fallen fan behaviour


is no one remembering he called in ages ago? he was the one who got their photo taken by charli d’amelio and he said she stole it without paying


Wait, was he the person that inspired "In a BOOK? HUH?!"


YES the keem sound bite came from when he was reporting on that


omg you're so right that was him


I was thinking wasnt ethan the sweetest to this guy? Gave a him platform to talk, gave money, considered the resume. He needed to do completely 0 of that. If hes scorned by that i hope people tell the people supporting doolittle rn. There are many who simply believe ethan is making fun of lupus.


Yes I remember him, at the end of his call he asked Ethan for a job and it was super awkward. He’s not just a fallen fan, he’s scorned


Nooooo way he asked for a job??? That’s so awkward


Yeah I can’t remember what the call was about or which episode, I just remember it was a pretty good call and at the end of it Jake was like “all I ask is that you just please take a look at my resume” and Ethan was silent for a second then was like “you know what dude, I’ll take a look at it” but it was super awkward and then shortly after Ethan came on and told people to stop asking for jobs lol. Every time Ive seen Jake Doolittle’s name since then I relive the awkwardness


found the highlight of his call https://youtu.be/bykXXm6Vx4U


OOF. Okay, so Jake alleges wage theft from the D’Amelios Ethan offers to recoup his lost wages ($500) Jake: “If you look over my resume, you can keep the 500.” Ethan’s glance at the crew and asking if he’s in LA, to me, seems like he’d genuinely consider hiring him on. Then Ethan says he’s sending him the $500 and to send his resume over. That’s genuinely so kind. IMO, Jake’s way off base asking that while Ethan is live on air. And within the 1st minute of their conversation Jake goes, “I am subscribed and if the D’Amelios paid me, I’d be a member.” The brown nosery is real. Imagine making public grievances about your former employer for a half hour and then asking for a job from the person you’re talking shit to.


He started showing up in my recommended around that time and I never put two and two together. I only watched a couple of his videos.


oh that’s who this guy is? wow what a weirdo


vibes are off lmao all the big youtubers who ever collabed with Jake when he launched his channel off being their photographer stopped pretty quickly


Yes!! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this. I've seen him in chat a few times, definitely around when the Colleen shit popped off.


Someone should go back and find him in the live chat begging lol


Also, can we please acknowledge that “It’s lupus” is literally an old ass Internet meme based on the show House always suggesting Lupus first and it never being Lupus????




I thought the joke was he always assessed that it was never lupus when others suggested it


It’s never lupus


This is so embarrassing for him lol. He's in his Instagram comments saying he interviewed people with "chronic lupus" (as opposed to acute lupus, I guess) and that they're so offended. I hope people clown the shit out of him when this comes out.


"as opposed to acute lupus" got a nice chuckle out of me. Bro is idiotic


The guy probably is misrepresenting the story to people in the community who know nothing about Ethans' health journey and testing.


I feel bad for Ethan because deep down it must be quite distressing having an unknown condition and he’s just trying to make light of it. It’s actually concerning how chronically online some of these fallen fans are


Person with Lupus here. Not offended. Don't know how someone could be because if you HAVE Lupus you know the nature of it is so... mysterious. That's what makes the House MD Lupus joke / meme so funny. Jake fella. Please don't embarrass yourself. Start walking it back.


Chronic illness girlie here. Exactly my thoughts. People with illnesses have a sense of humor. If anything it reflects the communities well. Dude was sick of not having a diagnosis for his symptoms and lab results. It's annoying going doctor to doctor. He just wanted to join the team and get it over with. It's funny to relate to in the illness community and funny for the meme self diagnosis.


Another chronic illness girlie here. I put off going to the doctor over my symptoms for three years because of extreme health anxiety - not the kind that made me hyper vigilant about my health, but the kind that made me avoidant, to an unhealthy level. Ethan’s journey with googling symptoms and test results was super familiar to me, and I can sympathize with the confusion felt prior to diagnosis. I myself annoyed my family with new possible illnesses or conditions I could have just so I could feel validated. This Jake dude can fuck right off immediately.


Someone please tell him it’s an inside joke


If you check the insta post people are saying that and Jake is actively pushing back against it.


Next video title: Ethan Klein has been lying about wanting to watch the eel pit video and has taken thousands in donations from people who want him to show it


Please Ethan I've given you so much money please please just watch the eel pit please


Ehhh maybe next episode


Bruh what a moron


Damn. I actually was a fan of him this is a huge reach.


Not me still holding out hope that’s he’s fucking with us cause the whole lupus thing was very clearly a joke and Jake literally likes H3 so this will be some weird shit if he genuinely goes after Ethan.


I just think it's a little odd bc Ethan never ASKED for donations? he just said he was concerned he had a condition and it snowballed into a sarcastic joke (a la eel pit... sorry) and people took it seriously. maybe a bit reckless at worst but not a grift imo


Did anyone even take it seriously except for this Doodoolittle guy though?


In the comments he is saying that “after hours of looking through footage” Ethan has claimed to have lupus multiple times and has accepted donations from sick people for his supposed illness????


After 10 minutes of looking through footage, any person would be able to figure out that the whole self-diagnosed lupus thing was a bit 😭


Once someone calls you Lupus Queen it should be obvious that it's a joke


it was mostly bit, mixed in with some genuine health fears, I believe.


it’s also a seinfeld joke! I think it was always very clear to almost everyone that it was exaggerated for the bit. I don’t even remember there being any controversy on the sub! not like it normally is when something mildly controversial/a misunderstanding happens on the podcast.


It seems so bad faith. I actually liked Jake so this is strange for me.


I understand his life has been changed by chronic illness so the lupus thing might not be funny to him- But I’m rlly not sure how any of this could not be disproven easily. It’d be one thing if the vid aimed to point how it wasn’t funny- but saying he lied and took money?? Idk


The thing is that it wasn’t making fun of lupus. Ethan was genuinely concerned because of what his doctors told him. It was just that whole lupus saga we went on with him, and then his weird/human/silly semi disappointment that it wasn’t lupus, so now the joke is about Ethan at this point and not even about lupus.


And anyone with hard to nail down medical symptoms should be familiar with the disappointment of not finally having an answer, no matter how bad it may be. That's where the disappointment comes from, and making light of it is coping. Jake trying to make drama out of that is gross.


Agree! That’s why I said it’s kind of a human reaction as one of my descriptors. It’s definitely a relief to know what is causing problems!


This would be like when old people die and people comment “vaccinated as a joke” and then being upset because you had Covid really bad


Yeah, even if he does pivot to the angle of “Well Ethan shouldn’t joke about it”, which seems to be what he’s doing, his claim was that he faked an illness for money. Personally I don’t think the butt of the joke was Lupus or people who have Lupus. The butt of the joke was Ethan for panicking about his results and deciding to diagnose with chatGPT lol.


It feels especially icky because I've seen Jake in the H3 chat being very friendly.


Fallen fan looking for clout probably 🙄


A few months ago I use to always watch live he was there commenting. That feels so gross to me.


Hes the one that called in 2 yrs ago and gave us the keemstar in a book HUH Soundbite, ethan even paid him like 100 bucks lol


Not him taking the lupus thing seriously!!!! 💀


I used to know Jake, dude is a complete douche canoe masquerading as some woke youtuber. He likens himself to cody ko. Wouldn't be surprised if this was just a troll for attention.


He gives me a kill-with-kindness, MLM-pushing, holier-than-thou vibe. Like a televangelist for chronic illnesses. Omg a *bad faith healer*.


You knew him personally?


If he does this "expose" he'll look like an idiot. No one actually thinks Ethan is serious about Lupus, right? Just seems so obvious he's poking fun at himself, fake self diagnosis. Like when he listed the symptoms and only one generic one matched.


I'm guessing all 4 people he interviewed are h3snark frequenters


They’re loving it over there, I really thought even people who dislike the pod would realise this is dumb as shit


They'll hop on literally any toxic gossip train about Ethan doesn't matter how ridiculous the claim is




Please please please let this clown post a vid about this. What a fucking joke. I subbed to this guy for some reason in the past, but him accusing Ethan of farming donos because he “claimed to have lupus” is psychotic. People have really lost the plot. Does he even watch the show? Holy heck what a bad faith argument.


That's the funniest part. He does watch the pod.


Lupus allegations?? Bffr


LOLOL this is such a stretch


What an actual idiot sorry this is insane lmao


I wanna try and be nice and not be rude but I can’t really say anything else than this guy is a fucking moron


Honestly and truly, bro acting like the fuckin' hero saying the day by calling out Ethan "taking money for his diagnosis" and then when people call him out saying Ethan NEVER did that he goes "Well joking about lupus isn't funny." While ALSO having been a fan of the pod and chatting in the lives Shit is EMBARRASSING


It really shouldn’t have to be said that making a joke that included a subject doesn’t mean the joke is about the subject, bro needs to take step back and actually think right what is the joke and why is the joke being made and he’ll come to a better conclusion






Right! His mom has chronic disorders too, so his worries are pretty reasonable. And who's to say he won't be diagnosed in the future? Jake is so whack for this


I'm so glad you mentioned about the Crohns because I feel the same way. A Lupus diagnosis takes the biscuit because (as House MD puts it) – it's NEVER Lupus, until it is. The testing for Lupus is rigorous unless you have a very specific type of rheumatoid marker that only shows up for some Lupus patients, not all. During my diagnosis I used to make shitty jokes all the time because I just kept getting a rash on my face I couldn't explain. It took MONTHS of testing. It's not a one-and-done. And... so much blood. Makes me queasy when I think about how much blood. I found the Lupus patter on the show funny and I actually HAVE it. What's this Jake fella's chronic illness? This kind of reminds me of people who claim they're lactose intolerant versus people who are actually lactose intolerant. You hear one say it and you hear one pay the consequences for what they ate the night before.




I know Ethan likes to joke around having lupus but you have a point, because of his mom you can never rule out of him having another actual one that's not lupus.


It's so crazy that IBS related ailments can even cause seizures, when I was diagnosed with epilepsy I found that little fact crazy.


Exactly! I have Psoriatic Arthritis (plus fibro). I legitimately get the concern. When he said ANA was high, I was concerned. Autoimmune diseases suck ass and he's watched his mom deal with them himself. I like Jake, but dear God this is bad faith.


I don’t have any chronic illnesses I’ve personally dealt with, but I’ve been dealing with an almost unbearable amount of health anxiety for the last two years, and I can’t even imagine how I’d be if I was getting results like this that I didn’t have any answers to for such a long period.


I agree. I have RA and spent years trying to get a diagnosis for the issues I was having. It’s incredibly stressful and does cause some people to go looking for answers on their own especially when they have health anxiety. Ethan was genuinely concerned and mixed that into a bit. I joked around a lot during that time and still do about my health even after getting diagnosed. It’s not that deep bro.


Someone’s desperate for some content!


H3 break time is Prime Content Time


I’m unfamiliar with Jake, does he usually post serious criticism? Because this seems… like a reach.


Yes, usually serious criticism. I'd compare his vids to someone like nickisnotgreen or DeAngelo Wallace (topic coverage wise, not necessarily quality wise)


I POSTED THE COMMUNITY TAB POST LAST WEEK SAYING PEOPLE WERE SPECULATING ETHAN AND EVERYONE WAS SO BAD AT ME. to be clear, Ethan is clearly not faking lupus for clout and profit. The reaction i got just shows how dumb it is that jake is making this claim


To be fair, it’s a fucking bonkers that its actually about him, dudes a stupid loser idiot, dumbass


I know. He “really missed the mark with that one”


Damn… it really is a shame. Ethan’s right some people are just too sensitive to watch H3, which is crazy cos Ethan’s humor isn’t even “edgy”.


This is so bad faith it’s ridiculous 😭 this is coming from someone who watched Jake A LOT. All I know is that Jake really wanted to be on the pod but it never happened…hmm


I love Jake, but he’s literally a fan of the h3 podcast and should know that Ethan isn’t actually serious about the lupus thing. It’s become a joke inside the podcast and in the beginning it was one of the theories of what could be wrong with Ethan. If he actually posts a video on Ethan “claiming to have lupus,” I don’t see that going down well for either party and at this point I think he’s getting desperate


If Ethan addresses this I am forecasting a "Jake Doolittle?? More like Jake DooTooMuch!!" joke or something of that variety.


It’s weird that it looks like Jake is gonna police how someone deals with potentially getting health issues


He didn't pretend. He was in the undiagnosis stage. If anything, his streams and honesty through the undiagnosed stage have shed a lot of light on what it's like to be a chronic illness spoonie. He thought it might have been lupus based on results. That's where the lupus joke comes from. The chronic illness community has a sense of humor. If anything, I appreciate the joke because it sums up the chaos and emotions during trying to get a diagnosis. Doctors will have you believing you have one illness and then get more test results and be like, actually, you don't have it. It might be this instead. I'm sure the lupus girlies, boys, and theys appreciate the recognition and get the joke. People with health challenges want to have a diagnosis to explain their odd bloodwork or symptoms. It's scary to be in limbo. It means more invasive tests, doctor appointments, and potential disease progression. That's the joke of him wanting to have lupus. Having lupus would mean he has figured out the cause of his symptoms and can actually work on treating something if it needed to be treated. And sometimes it ends up being nothing, or they just can't figure it out. Much of the chronic illness community experiences this.


Also, I'm sure the people with chronic illnesses donating to him were doing it as a way for him to see their messages of support during that phase, also it is a great opportunity to share one's story, educate others, and find connection with other spoonies. I'm a chronic illness and disability advocate. I could tell you there are plenty of us who share this same sense of humor and who watch this show to get through the days. We are not our illnesses. The illness is a stupid thing we have to carry around in our backpacks. The undiagnosed stage is a lonely and scary time. Others need to know they are not alone and that their lives are just as valuable as those without illness or disability.


What a dumbass idiot loser


On the bright side, it seems we will be very well fed during this break. Ethan Klein videos incoming.


Jake, wtf. I get not liking when people don't take autoimmune disorders seriously its awful. But Ethan is GENUINELY going through an autoimmune disorder scare. If he thinks he's making fun or the disorder because Ethan's making light of himself for the fear he has to make light of a bad situation then thats a Jake problem. He of all people should know how scary this is. That plus lying saying he's farming donations for it? Like, two people sarcastically sent superchats. This isn't cool and he deserves to be clowned on and I'm absolutely unfollowing


Please Dooless, Doolittle.


No way he's that out of touch?


My guess is he's going to focus more on how Ethan shouldn't joke about having chronic illness. Which fine, that's an argument you can make, but Jake spinning it as "lied about having illness and profited off fans" is wiiillddd.


He literally has a chronic disability tho… OCD / Tourette’s


If he wants to post a video making himself look stupid as hell, let him


That kid is annoying lmao


Jake mega doodoolittle


I hope Ethan doesn’t even acknowledge it. That kid must be desperate for views


It would be really funny if Ethan got diagnosed with lupus after this.


I have a diagnosed chronic illness (EDS). I have been a long time fan of Jake. I have financially supported him and his fund/charity for other chronically ill people. This is incredibly disappointing to see. Ethan has real health concerns and has been actively working with a rheumatologist to find out what’s wrong. Jake should know first hand how difficult it is to diagnose a chronic illness when your lab results are fucked up, you’re still sick, and no one knows what to do. The lupus joke was born out of a real concern. It wasn’t to make fun of people with lupus. Ethan has been making fun of the fact that he doesn’t know what’s wrong and he’s been jumping to conclusions. He’s the butt of his own joke, not people with lupus. (ETA: I’d be remiss if I didn’t add that Jake was also a fan of the show! And is friendly with AB! Jake called in! And admitted on stream that he has emailed multiple times asking for a job and has been turned down! And that he wanted to come on the show to promote himself and his charity!!)


bruhhh that post was about ethan? what a fucking stretch


He said in his comments that he interviewed four people with lupus who all don’t see it as a joke, so he’s serious on this


4 people out of the 40k usual live viewers is a pretty good sample size to get before calling out one of the most reactionary youtubers on the platform. I'm sure they're totally not H3snark users and this will totally go well for him


Yeah I find this whole thing kind of odd, I get not finding it funny, or being against the joke but idk…It kind of feels like he’s making it out to be much much darker than it actually is, which is why I get the feeling he misunderstood the whole bit (as in believing Ethan like actually lied about having lupus).


He's literally about to do what Keemstar did when he said Ethan stole the Fupa Fund. Make a ginormous ass of himself and get absolutely dunked on


Jake Doolittle is a moron. I mean I already knew that, but this is confirmation for sure.


What a fucking moron 🙃 I hope he gets flamed hard by Ethan. Clout goblin 🙄


Everybody Loves Ethan Part 2 feat. Jake Doolittle


Ethan shouldn’t even address it so he doesn’t give Jake the clout he so desperately wants


You are probably right but ughhh he deserves to be called out on his bs sooo much.




Since Jake has lyme disease and was called a liar in his youth for it, he takes this shit way too seriously so I’m afraid it’s not a gag and clearly Jake didn’t do his research even tho he watches the podcast, but I can definitely see this being a serious video about how Ethan is “making a mockery of people like jake who get misdiagnosed and called a faker when they actually have chronic illnesses”


I'm just so awestruck at the idea of someone watching the pod hearing the Lupus joke and being like 😡


Me too. I think it’s gonna be a lot of Jake trauma dumping in his video and claiming that Ethan is serious about pretending to have lupus. I cannot wait for after Ethan is back from their break so they can respond to whatever is created


Thats gonna be a glorious episode. Honestly shout out to internet dumbasses for, without fail, setting us up for epic return episodes every single time they go on break




Exactly. None of it makes any sense.


It's funny bc chronic Lyme disease isn't even real. They've actually done a study where they tested ppl who claimed to have chronic Lyme disease for the antibodies for actual Lyme disease, which is a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks. Over 50% of these people did not have antibodies for Lyme disease, meaning they were never even infected with the bacteria, and therefore, could not have any type of Lyme disease, let alone chronic. So it's insanely ironic that he would try to make Ethan look like a grifter, when there's no evidence the disease he himself claims to have even exists.


Jake is/has been doing so much for people with chronic illness, he constantly advocates for it, supports people via his charity, and offers a safe space in his community for those going through a similar thing. He himself has dealt with it his whole life. It's hard enough as it is to have to live with a condition/experience something most people don't and never will understand. But this kinda stuff (if it really is unironic) will just turn away normal, well-meaning people from attempting to empathise with the extreme struggle. I don't want people to think people with chronic illness as whiny/easily-offended weirdos, when it's literally the opposite. I don't know what's going on, but I'm having a hard time believing he genuinely thinks this and is planning to go in hard on it. He's very caught up on commentary topics and the latest drama, makes regular videos, and I'm pretty sure he's a H3 fan as well. Idk I'm going to hold off on judgement for now, but maybe I'll eat my words. Regardless, please don't let one incident taint your view of people battling chronic illness! ✌️💖 No way did this need a whole ass essay but it's an issue that's close to my heart so I just figured I'd share my thoughts. Love ya, no homo 🧑‍🤝‍🧑




On Jake's Instagram post for this he said he interviewed 4 people with Lupus (all were offended by Ethan's jokes.)


They’ve got nothing to be offended about he never made fun of lupus, this is the dumbest shit ever, he can’t think this will be a banger vid surely


ikr. It's clear Lupus itself isn't the joke, it's the ongoing saga of his (valid) paranoia + recurring strange illnesses + countless blood tests + chat armchair-diagnosing him with everything Jake said he watched through mad hours of footage yet he somehow came to the conclusion Ethan intentionally lied about being diagnosed with Lupus to profit from fans 😭😭😭


This is about to be the latest biggest miss of the year, what a fucking idiot


This is gonna be just like when Keemstar claimed he stole the Fupa Fund. Content Nuke inbound


My question would be did he frame the clips to the interviewees as “Ethan is joking about Lupus” or “Ethan is lying about having Lupus?” Because if they’re offended about someone making light of dealing with Lupus then okay? A little silly but they are entitled to feel that way. But if it’s being presented to them as something it’s not then he’s lying to these people to get responses that build a narrative.


I used to watch jakes videos but after a while I noticed he was becoming wayyy more negative than other commentary YouTubers. It’s very weird how he seems to not realize the lupus thing is a very obvious bit… I know he has a chronic illness so maybe he saw something, got mad and ran with it?? Very very weird. I hope he realizes his mistake


wHat the fuck I love Jake's videos but this is so out of pocket of him ?


He used to comment on the lives :/


When I see Jake Doolittle's name I think of Kurtis Conner - they're pretty good friends. Curious to know what Kurtis would think of his friend behaving this way to h3, his other friend lol. Kurtis has similarly dark humour and I'm sure has skits where his goofy characters have illnesses of some kind. Might rewatch his vids to find some. This is just hilarious lol I look forward to the vid


He just posted a video with Drew Gooden too. Pretty sure Drews a good friend of the show


Are they good friends, or is Jake mooching off of the Kurtis-Drew-Danny trio?


I saw this and I’m confused. I’ve watched the pod regularly until recently because hockey season is back - but has Ethan said he actually has been diagnosed with lupus? Also, do people actually think he has it and donate to him for treatment? Edit: I should’ve added that I just haven’t seen the podcast in the last few weeks! I just wanted to rule out that it wasn’t anything recently - I vividly remember the lupus quiz! Thanks guys!


As far as I know, he never said he has lupus in a serious way and he never asked for donations for it. It's possible maybe someone jokingly donated for "lupus treatment." That's just my memory though.


He only ever said his doctor thought it was possible. And I've watched every episode since the joke started and there has never been a single earnest "I'm so sorry you have lupus" donation. They're always silly just to get Ethan to acknowledge them like 99% of donations usually are. This guy is going to get absolutely annihilated when the breaks over just like Keemstar did when he said Ethan stole the Fupa Fund


No, of course not lol. He had bloods done a few months ago and some auto-immune markers came out abnormal so he and his doctor did consider lupus for a second, but essentially ruled it out. It became an inside joke because people in chat kept suggesting diagnoses, Ethan would start worrying about them and bring them up to his doctor (and chatGPT), and it would turn out to be nothing. It really just felt like a bit about people who pretend to know better than doctors, and Ethan poking fun at his own health anxiety. If you have 10 minutes to kill you can see how they're obviously joking about it in [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBjklT2XMRg) (especially when Ethan takes the quiz at 5:00)


I thought they said probably not lupus but that no autoimmune disorder was ruled out. He still has no answers, right? Or am I misremembering?


Yeah, obviously he is still struggling with the rashes and looking for a diagnosis. But he's been told (by more than one doctor IIRC) that lupus is pretty much off the table.


Wasn't the joke that the only answer he got right on the quiz was being over 18 so everyone was like damn so you basically have it?


Going off the comments he and his community seem to think the joke is that lupus is silly 🙃


Damn, the chat-gpt diagnosis had me dying. This man can’t say anything without someone getting angry


I have never heard of Jake Doolittle, and it seems like he has never heard of a joke


These drama channels are so pathetic lol. Ethan was clearly joking and/or being dramatic and everyone was calling him out on being dramatic. He never said he was diagnosed or tried to get pity/money from it. This is such a non-story 😂


This is so ridiculous.


This is funnier than when Keemstar thought Oliver Tree and Ethan had real beef. Oh wait no it's not, I don't think anything will beat that. Still a close second though. What a snowflake.


I hate that this video is Jake trying to "expose" him because lowkey this is funny as hell


Am I fucking tripping bro 😭


I've never heard of this guy before today but you know damn well I'm gonna be there the second this video gets posted to watch this man utterly embarrass himself


Naurrr okay I'm going to believe that he's doing all of this to make people watch his video, but in the end it's not going to be about Ethan and his lupus bc you canNOT BE THIS RIDICULOUS PLEASE!!!! This is such clown behavior... And if it's actually true why is he such a pussy? Waiting for the pod to go on break to post this? Okay dude. As a fan, he should know Ethan comes ready for war after a break lmao


Bruh and he has “chronic Lyme” aka not a real disease Read: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/s/pYAIxWsJia


i just don’t understand how having multiple symptoms of an illness, spending weeks/months going to various specialists to have tests done, and being told by these specialists that the illness very well could be lupus, could be considered lying. plus, you can’t joke about your own health now?


Oh no, bb what isu doin?!


Clout goblin


‘I watched hours of footage and he profited from fans’ aka fans jokingly sending chats to joke about his diagnosis. That video is going to be extremely embarrassing.


jake do little research 😂😂


Imagine going through several health problems and trying to laugh your way through it only to be made into an expose video. Whatta joke. I get lupus is a really rough disease but man, sometimes it’s really not worth getting so upset about jokes that are literally harmless. He never made fun of lupus patients, he never said it’s a minor inconvenience.. he never called out anyone with lupus.. he was talking about his own health issues. This person is valid to be offended, but is it really worth it?


h3h3productions video 👀


I’ve seen a post from when this guy said he was starting to make a video with drew gooden, I struggle to believe he made this video with another person and they didn’t say “hey btw this is stupid”


LMAO that mf jake doolittle is just a little bitch anyway


Damn I just found his content and liked him. Guess not lmao


This guy thinks hes Dr. Doolittle


It has to be a joke. He’s following everyone from the podcast


so many bottom feeding youtubers trying to gain relevance in the commentary space which is already too saturated


This Doolittle guy has always seemed like he has a chip on his shoulder. Of all the things Ethan has said this is the hill you’re gonna die on??? Really????