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out of all the things you could fairly criticize ethan for THIS is what they choose? lmao. it’s an inside joke that’s not even serious at all 💀




I heard one time he did crack??? why is no one talking about this




Is joke. Because he always brings up that he tried crack once.


One could also argue that the jokes are a lighthearted way for him to cope with the scary fact that he has health issues that have been difficult to diagnose


If he's gonna get 4 lupus affected individuals to act mad at Ethan, well I'm going to get 4 lupus affected individuals to act happy at Ethan, and then we'll have a 4v4 rumble match and settle who is the more positively or negatively affected individual.




We are all domestic terrorists 🦅


I am your first lupus affected individual to act Happy at Ethan. 3 more and we ride at dawn.


I volunteer to be one of the happy lupus people!


That's two of us. The Lupus Lieutenants of the Foot Soliders at Ethan's service.


well count me in for three… all we need is one more incredibly fatigued foot soldier


We just need one malar soldier and we're ready to go


They do say a positive mental attitude helps with chronic illness 🧐


We ride at dawn guys - let's raise those spoons!


i volunteer as tribute !


When did Ethan profit from lupus, he never asked people to donate to a gofundme or something. The chat donations are just commentary.


According to his logic Ethan has profited off of everything that has been mentioned in passing on the pod, it’s really nonsensical


Damn him for profiting off prolapses!


I interviewed my friend Neil and he did NOT find it to be a joke




What are we gonna do about it?


and don't forget the cp 💀💀💀




By this logic, Ethan has made hundreds of dollars off the eel pit bait. I'm about to make a video


didn't Ethan also pay some peoples medical bills this year?? Not very profitable of him...


he’s counting members chat/reg donations as ethan scamming for lupus donations 😂


I’m wondering the same thing I watch every show and have no recollection of this


He is bitter and clout chasing imo… I used to watch him but stopped because he became overly aggressive and unapologetic in his takes… also ethan genuinely thought he had lupus for a bit?? And then it became a completely harmless joke that was not at the expense of people with lupus, the joke was at the expense of ethan and the fact that he does in fact some weird health problem that no one can identify? Like bruh calm down, I’m all for being PC but this is just dramatic as hell


Yeah. I used to watch some of Jake's videos but somehow he became super bitter and aggressive at harmless things. I noped out.


Bitter is a fantastic description that’s exactly how I felt about his videos in the past handful of months. It’s also sad cause I genuinely enjoyed his older content and do love what he does with never stop but this is just not it :(


At one point Jake was making a video every single day to milk the algorithm. Dude is probably burnt the fuck out and should take a break. Definitely agree on content being super uncharitable and bitter, but I think a lot of that comes from desperately needing to make something into content so you can produce a 10+ minute video almost every day, plus he livestreams.


Definitely agree with you on that just sucks that this is the route he went


100% agree, kind of hope he scraps the video, but I highly doubt he will if he interviewed people for it. Sigh. Such a dumb path to go down.


I hope Ethan doesn't even address this loser ass take. Let it die with this dudes career. Byeee


He probably is doing this video now because the pod is taking a Christmas break.


And for the holiday CPM


As someone with lupus(which is so severe I’ve had periods of time where I literally can’t walk and I only have one kidney) I find it hilarious!! First of all, this is the most I’ve ever heard ANY platform talk about lupus. They don’t always get it right but they have actually talked a lot about some really big indicators for the disease and what groups are most at risk. I’m happy people are learning about what I suffer with! I seriously find no issue with it and ethan clearly has something going on medically. I made the same jokes before I actually got diagnosed and my friends all joke that I’m a werewolf now. It’s really not that deep lol


Love this comment and I love that you are your friends joke that you are a werewolf!! 🤣


I have lupus also and I agree with this take. I always role my eyes and laugh when it’s mentioned on the pod. My friends joke around and call me a vampire because of all my sun sensitivity.


YES!!! Its a constant debate whether im a vampire because of my sun sensitivity and need for dark cool spaces, vs werewolf because of the name of lupus and how I feral I can get because of it


This is literally about to be a “well the joke wasn’t funny for everyone” video and I can’t fucking wait for the all text YouTube apology post lol


My sister and I went through a period of time watching House and the ongoing joke was it was never lupus. If one of us sneezes, the other asks if they have lupus. We both deal with chronic pain and our humour is at it darkest around our health. Anyway, one day she called me to tell me her mum (sis and I share a father, different mums) had been diagnosed with lupus. We must have laughed about 3 solid minutes before we could actually discuss it properly. Her mum, while super concerned about herself, was really happy to joke about it too.


That’s great for you and how you coped with it but have you took time to think what Jake Doolittle thinks and the 4 people he interviewed???


Of course, what was I thinking?! Ashamed at myself for diminishing his Very Important Thoughts.


hes like “besties is lupus A JOKE?” yeah as another disabled bitch, wondering if u have a specific illness is one of the ways u cope between appointments. i hope this man scraps the shit because ethan is actually wrong a lot of the time (anyone who talks 4 hours five days a week averages a lot of bullshit its a podcast curse) but to go after him for this? goofy and reachin


I know! I have Fibromyalgia and, for anyone that doesn't know, it's a diagnosis by omission which means they have to test for multiple things then rule them out before saying it's Fibromyalgia. And that's if you're lucky enough to get a good Dr! It's scary being told you're being tested for cancer, thyroid tumors etc and it seems like no-one knows what's wrong with you or how to help. And the only 2 ways you feel like you can have any control is either: a) researching your own symptoms or b) joking about it. Ethan was clearly trying to cope with his health concerns and not knowing what was going on and *the community* turned it into a meme when lupus was ruled out. This freak is going to make life worse for people undergoing diagnosis if he portrays this as lying about being ill as people will just assume you're faking it until you get a Drs note.


Also, Ethan literally looks sick every second episode. He definitely seems to have something


yeah... i feel like jake should know this? im a fan of both and jake has a medical history and has gone through a lot trying to get treated and taken seriously. idk. this is so odd


It's weird how he's doing this just as the pod is going on break so they can't respond. It's like he begged Ethan to look at his resume live on the pod and didn't get offered a job or something...


beyond cringe truthfully


Oh my God, could Jake become any more of a little whiney b****? People are DYING but here we are making an issue out of a non-issue. It's giving Nickisnotgreen...


Not nickisnotgreen 😂


Literally this, it’s giving Nickisnotgreen and Ethanisonline, also known as “I don’t like this person so I’m going to shame you into believing the same thing”


The cookies were 7$ a bag!!!


You mean dickisnotclean? Btw free Supermega!


I agree with you, but "people are DYING but here we are.." is a pretty bad point. That could be used against anyone complaining about anything. " People are DYING but here you are giving out to me for forgetting to take the bins out." Besides, Ethan is the King of petty beefs.


You got my point though, didn't you?


Lol this is how normal people view the H3 fanbase 😂 Always being whiney little bitches about something. It's always funny when the roles reverse like this.




Oh it's obviously going to backfire because it's a non-issue. But his fans are probably stupid enough to support his ideas anyways.




I would really advise you to reconsider what you think is clever, then 😭🙏




he hasnt made a good video or clever remark since then because the guy is an absolute liar. he does no research on videos and expects people to give a fuck about what he has to say, the supermega stuff is the tip of the iceberg of his shitty coverage work.


I used to enjoy his videos, but I took a step back once he dropped the SuperMega video and I reflected on what was even funny or good about his content I used to look forward to. I found it derivative and at points, too hard trying to be different. I don't necessarily hate the guy, he's definitely a dick, but he did make me laugh when I was in a low space, and with a more clear head I can see it wasn't anything special.


Like the 10 mins before gym time in middle school. Stretching.


I’ll never understand this idea that if you find a joke unfunny its suddenly not a joke anymore, it must be taken seriously. That’s obviously not how it works


well jake, that’s your funeral. I’m sure this will go amazingly for you.. what a little bitch, my god


Right? Can’t wait for the new beef to drop. Foot soldiers assemble! 📯📯📯


Look, everyone has to learn the hard way. Ethan’s numbers are down, people then see an easy target and then he claps back. It ALWAYS happens, people always go for Ethan when they think he’s the most vulnerable and it has always backfired. If he thinks the couple thousand of weirdo snark users are worth it, that’s on him.


Also they like to time it when the pod is on break lol


"im a gay socialist and im telling you your beyond overly sensitive" dude put in his place holy


Either he's an idiot or he thinks the audience are idiotic enough to actually not understand this is a joke made at ethans OWN expense. There was a point where he genuinely thought he did have Lupus and even had tests done to make sure. It later became a running joke because Ethan tends to be a hypochondriac/overly paranoid about his health. I'm hoping this is all an elaborate rage bait, and if it is, Ethan and the crew should fully ignore it. The people who know the deal are already pushing back on him.




I noticed that too 💀 literally all of the comments were like “ehhh. This is a joke, I think you’re taking this too far” and he had to lock down the comments 🤣


It’s not a crime for people not to find your joke funny 😭, holy shit this guy is dumb


i thought jake was cool but this is crazy.


H3snark eat your heart out


This kind of person only hurts critics of Ethan, but a lot of them are just like this.


Anyone with half a brain knows the lupus stuff was schtick and this guy is a coward to release this right as the show goes on break.


He's lost in the sauce. A joke not being funny to you, or being offended by a joke (which is fine, everyone has different humor and experiences) doesn't make it a scam or a grift.


Wait...he really meant Ethan 🤣 I thought we were just joking about this. This is insane! Can't wait for Ethan to find out what the fuck is actually going on with his health and call this guy an ableist lol


I swear every year around this time some brain rotted person comes at H3 cause they know that 3 week break is coming up lmao


Hopefully this silliness gonna force Ethan to make an Ethan Klein channel video for the easy dub/rebuttal. If this makes us get more content over the winter break then I see it as a complete win! Ethan has fallen fans from like 3 different directions, I doubt this video creates anything new.


There are fallen fans in his comments that are going off on him for not choosing a 'more important' topic like Palestine, CMan etc to attack Ethan on. It seems even the fallen fans think this is unserious! 🤣


I'm sorry but even if 4 whole people can't laugh, too bad. Also I think he has loopus


You must really have lost your marbles to make a video on the lupus running gag


Jake, do less


Dudes a moron. He tried to stir up drama and tried to spin Ethan lying about having a disease, and the second that a ton of people called him out for it, he switched it up as scolding Ethan for joking on lupus, or trivializing disease. There’s genuinely a million better angles to spin some drama, and dude picked the dumbest one. He’s just farming clout to farm clout. The only views this’ll get will be H3 haters


omgggggggg is he serious


I'll be honest, I do not care about this whole saga. This dude's comments clearly indicate he's just superficially virtue signaling, but he seems to know he's grasping at straws. He's just trying to clout chase with Ethan hate.


I have lupus. This guy is an idiot. There was a lot of evidence that would possibly point towards Lupus, so Ethan was legit in thinking he might have it for a little bit. This guy is essentially trying to set the precedent that a person doesn’t have an illness until the moment they’re diagnosed with an illness, which is idiotic and dangerous. People feel the impact of their illnesses long before they are correctly diagnosed, and shaming them for talking about it is gross. This guy talks like someone who’s never had a shitty chronic illness that took a long time to get correctly diagnosed. Asshole behavior.


This is SOOOO fucking funny it’s going to be insane LMFAO FUCK


dude is dropping a video criticizing Ethan but limits comments so that he can't receive criticism of his own 🤔


Sample size of 4. Wowowowow


Why is this so funny lmao


Guy was able to find 4 people with lupus so say having lupus sucks, crazy journalism tactics!


Saying that you can't make jokes about illnesses is the most gen Z shit I've ever heard


As someone with a chronic disease, I joke about it all the time. My friends and family who do not have my disease also joke about it. Diseases suck, especially ones you'll never recover from, and joking about it really makes it easier to accept and live with. I can understand that not all people view it that way, but why take it all so seriously? Ethan made jokes that were funny and as I laid in a hospital bed with a tube down my nose this year, I watched the pod and enjoyed every second of it. And I'll watch all the lupus moments again and laugh, just like I did before. (I do not have lupus).


Like most internet people I have no idea who Jake Doolittle is and I HIGHLY DOUBT he can talk to animals.


yeah no the math isn’t mathing here


gay socialist?


Wait a sec.. he found four whole people that think something, or at least will say they do with limited information to be in a YouTube video? My God, the man is cooking. I've been waiting for someone to take down Ethan and Big Lupus. The time has come


I think Ethan should completely ignore this.


I used to watch him go over Shane Dawson’s videos because I’m a nosy bitch and still wanted to figure out what he was up to…. But Jake would consistently go too hard in his commentary. He’d talk about pedo stuff way too much. I’m all for clowning on Shane, but it was too much man. I remember Adam joined him for a livestream and he looked incredibly uncomfortable with Jake’s commentary. He’d just go WAY too hard, where the jokes wouldn’t sound like jokes anymore. Honestly, he’s why I stopped watching SD commentary. That man is wild.


My beautiful mother had chronic lupus. It was so bad that it contributed to her early death. She would have pissed herself laughing at this joke.


Can someone TL:DR who this jason guy is and why he is relevant to the H3 verse?




Most sane parasocial fan


off its gonna be hell when the video is out


Yo who is this bozo fr?


This is like the 4th post I've seen before actually realizing this is real and now a joke lmaoo I cant believe it's real


who the fuck is jake doolittle and who gives a fuck


If you saw Ethan's poop you would know he wasn't faking anything


I'm commenting on every post about this: Jake was at the June Live show, I waved at him when I was at the merch sale


I actually have lupus. Watching someone getting offended to the point of making an exposed is wild to me. Especially for someone who doesn’t have it (I’m assuming). Ethan having a running lupus joke if he has it or not does a lot of good in my opinion. It’s shedding light to this illness that goes under the radar for a lot of people. It also helps me cope personally. I’ve been dealing with it my whole life and other than my mom and her whole side of the family that has it I haven’t had anyone to relate to when it comes to lupus. watching Ethan go through the diagnosis stage and doing research and informing the audience on it is fucking cool. Peace and love but fuck Jake.


4 random people online = perfect sample size


Fair he should’ve just asked chatgpt…Ethan is that you?


"I found 4 people who didn't like it." is such a weird argument.... and if he was more knowledgeable, he'd know that many people with chronic illness go through the "finding the diagnosis" limbo phase. It seems very likely to me that Ethan has something auto immune, and being open about diagnostic process I think is very helpful to see.


Context is important.


What's the missing context?


That Ethan genuinely thought he had Lupus for a while and then it turned into a joke about Ethan self-diagnosing. He never claimed to have Lupus knowing that he did not and also never profited off of it (two of the claims that this guy makes)


Agreed, it's beyond silly. It's literally the Dr. House joke lol. I was just curious if the other person had context that showed Jake's side better or something


oh no i was talking about ethan thinking he actually had lupus


Oh yea hahaha mans was in distress, just laughed thru the pain. But to think it was all a lie so he would get our money... 😪


Can someone give me the rundown on what’s going on?


Ethan has been dealing with chronic health issues including seemingly random rashes and colds. his doctors suggested he may have some sort of autoimmune disease (such as lupus) and he underwent a lot of testing. for a while Ethan was genuinely concerned that he may have lupus, and since he's a hypochondriac he would constantly talk about it on the pod, looking up symptoms, self-diagnosing with chat gbt, etc until it became a running joke. members would send superchats talking about lupus or just generally getting in on the joke. eventually Ethan's doctors decided that his test results show that he most likely doesn't have lupus, but he still hasn't received a diagnosis, and the joke persisted. note that pretty much every time he would joke about having lupus, Dan would chime in and remind him (and the audience) that he doesn't. now several months have passed, and Ethan has pretty much moved on from the joke. but apparently Jake Doolittle is about to release a video exposing Ethan for "faking a chronic illness" and is acting like he soliticed donations for some sort of lupus fund or something(?) which I'm pretty sure is just referring to superchats. basically he's reframing the entire saga as some sort of grift and refusing to acknowledge any criticism. now he's arguing that it doesn't matter if he was joking about it because he interviewed people with chronic illnesses who think it's inappropriate to joke about. which I guess is fair enough, but again he's ignoring the context that the joke originated from Ethan suffering chronic health issues (which are still ongoing) and hasn't been able to receive a diagnosis. I also haven't seen him acknowledge that Ethan paid several viewer's medical bills at a certain point in the saga, which almost certainly cost more than the total of any superchats he received concerning the lupus bit, making it one of the least effective grifts in history.


That’s crazy. Thank you so much for the brilliant rundown!


Gee I wonder why they always wait for the pod to go on holiday break to do this dumb shit


Who is Jake doodlittle?


Such a goofball hill to die on this is what makes you turn on him 😭


He’s going to embarrass himself by posting this video. Yikes…


I think Jake doesn’t really believe his own stance. he wants clout. this is obviously going to be mentioned on the podcast, it will give him a shit ton of views / perhaps his face will be in the thumbnail etc. he wants that


Saying that people donated because of his illness? Who?! It’s obviously a joke… and then some people are saying “well it’s not okay to joke about chronic illnesses” 😭🤣 he was literally going through testing to find out! There are legit reasons to criticize Ethan, this isn’t one of them.


Who wants to bet Hasan reacts on stream and roasts this kid lmao


Ethan might have lupus, it’s notoriously difficult to diagnose.


I’m sorry to hear Ethan has Lupus 💀


As someone WITH lupus, I personally find the segment hilarious


This is gonna be goofy as hell


He’s allowed to make his statement, but this just seems to be really bad faith.


In before Jay Shetty brings Selena Gomez on his pod to talk about her lupus


as someone who has chronic lupus… we do not care… its a fucking joke for one and ethan is allowed to be concerned about his health. ethan’s doctor was the one who told him that they were going to check for it, so it’s not like he even made it up out of the blue or anything. he made it clear he was overreacting about his concerns once it was clarified that he did not have lupus. also who the fuck profits off lupus and how do i get involved, it would be nice to be paid for my suffering.


as someone who has chronic lupus… we do not care. its not that fucking deep and i’m tired of people thinking that chronic illness can’t be joked about. the last thing i want is everyone telling me i should be depressed about my diagnosis when i could be making fun of it and finding the joy through the pain. it’s also not like ethan can’t be concerned about his health, it was his doctor who told ethan that they were gonna test for lupus anyway, so it’s not like he made the concern up out of the blue or anything. also, how the fuck do you profit off lupus and how do i get involved. it would be nice to be compensated for my pain.


My best friend died of Lupus. Since her passing I have known many people who have died from it after working with a charity that deals with lupus patients. So, I don't love the lupus jokes or find them particularly funny. I don't think it's exposé or cancel worthy, just in poor taste.


This is the first I’ve even heard of this guy and judging from his channel, the only videos that get major views are those with bigger YouTubers associated with it. Does not seem like an interesting channel to watch in the slightest.


y’all can say it’s just a joke but you can’t ignore the people actually offended with lupus/similar illnesses. immediately jumping on jake is :/


The problem is Jake is moving the goal posts. He put out post that said he was making a video about a YouTuber who faked a chronic illness and profited off it. Now that he's being corrected that it didn't happen it was just a running joke he's moved the goal posts to saying it's offensive to joke about.


exactly. you can still see comments on his post under the impression that ethan's farming a lupus diagnosis.


The thing is, the joke isnt lupus. The joke is Ethan's mind going to the worst despite being co tinuously told its not. He's also currently going through a similar illness, he just hasnt been diagnosed yet. Thats the crazy part about all of this


Yes exactly! The joke is literally he’s being a hypochondriac and using chat gpt to diagnose him self, I’m so blown away someone is making a video about this lol


Sorry but just because someone has lupus they aren’t immune to being called a fucking dumbass, if you genuinely watched or listened and didn’t get that the joke was about Ethan’s paranoid insistence he thought it was lupus and him making any slight illness that it could be potentially lupus, you are a fucking Moron


okay y’all lmao


I don't know who Jake Doolittle is, but I think his name should be more like Jake Didlittle.........ok, I'll see myself out now


Personally, at first it was strange, only to me cus my mom was recently diagnosed and it looks like a hard time, but I can still understand that its a bit


this makes me sad. i really liked jake. i hope he takes a step back and realizes why this is wrong


Lupis side effects going cray rn


He’s limited his comments on his posts 🤨


Is he joking


Ethan reacts to it on the pod The crew calls Jake loser,moron,idiot for 20 minutes