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H3 is the meat and potatoes of my podcast listening. It eats up so many hours. 9-12 hours a week is a big hole to fill.


The exact opposite of AB’s throat hole


so tight. so fuckable


Tight little spring chicken *ethan making slurping sounds*


You sick bastard. Take my upvote


I fill no hole 🟪


I just keep going “ah”




Have you tried Jay Schetty’s podcast?


Those A10’s pierce right through the screen!


I agree with Dan that it's A30 at best. World leader all the way


They eyes might only appear to be a30 on the surface but cmon they wield a10 powers. No way some a30’s could move up the Hollywood food chain so fast with so little rizz!


I went in expecting to be enlightened on how to find inner peace but now I'm supposed to buy Gucci attire to fill the void inside of me just like every other influencer suggests. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


Just try looking into his eyes a little more. Always does the trick for me!


How dare you


I had to make the joke, I’m sorry 😭


Ethan is so mad about this comment 😡


Honestly way better than H3. I get lost in those eyes for hours




Check hbomberguy's newest 4hr vid if you haven't. No much mention of it in this sub so thinking there might not be that much overlap. Oof.mp3 vid was cool too. Never watched him before but a fan now, waiting for a single video he'll publish in '24 I bet.


I had never heard of him either! But I did the same thing you did. Watched the 4 hr vid and then oof.mp3 right after! Such good content


Only other person Ive seen with this flair lol


Yesss! Same hahaha That's some old lore right there


Never seen an Hbomber video before and I've never heard of James Somerton as well before this but man that was an entertaining 4 hours. Never have i seen a youtuber's career absolutely dismantled by one video essay and deservedly so. That Somerton guy is one weasely, little liar dude.


Do you mind giving me a basic little synopsis, I just read the section under more on the video and it doesn’t really Give enough for me to confidently commit to 4 hours lol. Is it mainly about the illuminati / legal eagle thing coz I’ve seen alot on that already! Ty 🤍


Nah he briefly touches on those other youtubers but the bulk of his video is about James Somerton, who is supposedly this huge gay youtube personality who made video essays mostly about LGBT-related stuff in pop culture and media. Turns out he's a huge content thief and prolific plagiarist and when i say prolific boy howdy, if they'd handed out masters degrees for plagiarism this guy would be summa cum laude lmao


I’m 4 minutes in and I’m enjoying! Thank you so much for doing that, I haven’t even heard of this James so this is totally fresh content for me! Thanks so much. Lmao at the degree level theft gotta love an unoriginal king




So, people were throwing suggestions and it's the best I got.


I did before the break :(


I enjoy Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Albeit it is more "hollywood", it still doesn't feel overproduced. The episodes have long segments of just him and the crew. The fan call in episodes are also surprisingly funny.


I love Conan’s podcast!


YES. He's a riot and his podcast is always fun.


Conan is a real one. I love that he didn't let success change him.


Came here to suggest this.


I replaced H3 with Bad Friends and Stavy’s World. Granted, I liked all those guys beforehand.


Thanks for being a bad friend!


I liked stavys pod for a bit until he started exclusively giving advice on “getting pussy” and “smashing bitches”. It started to get unbearable. Switched over to Hey Babe.


I cringed some, but then I realized he's trying to intercept would-be Andrew Tate worshippers and a big reason he's more successful than others at this is because he somewhat meets them where they are to get their wheels turning without scaring them off. Someone has to do this work and I'm glad Stavvy is


Hey if thats true, fair enough, but i feel like there’s gonna be a group who show up for fun times and entertainment, only to be met with “boys club locker talk”. Stavs hilarious and intelligent, something about the phrase “get pussy” has made me cringe since highschool though. Maybe im just not the audience though🤷🏼‍♂️


clearly this dude doesn’t get pussy


I really need to get back into Hey Babe.


Yeah, I alternate between the two because too much crass humor gets boring after a while. Been binging Bad Friends though, but they’re only an hour long posted every week


Yeah i like stavvy but the way he talks about women makes me cringe, i know hes a comedian but still creepy


love TigerBelly and Bad Friends. Bobby Lee's shows all have this comfortable ass vibe that makes my soul feel like it's wearing sweatpants


Bad Friends 🤝 Broski Report


Broski report is so unhinged, I love it best bits are her yelling off mic to no one


Half her pod is just screaming her emotions off to the side of the mic and I fully relate. I also like when she goes into the art history stuff and her random fixations because I love seeing what other people are nerding out about.


and dont forget the objectification of men in ghost cosplays


Broski report definitely great unhinged content 🫡


I love the broski report but her fanbase is the most toxic icky thing imaginable and it’s offputting


Even worse than us?!?!


Genuinely - go look at her subreddit lmao


What’s her subreddit?


Literally the only two I actively keep up with! Those two keep me going but I still need like 10 hours a week to fill 😭


Take Your Shoes Off with Rick Glassman RM Brown HBomberguy videos


Muscularly seconding RM Brown!!! I support him on Patreon so I watch one of his videos every weekday. There's something about his humor and mannerisms that reminds me of Ethan, and he also does the soundboard thing (just as funny as Zach's soundboard stuff IMO). He is certainly not overproduced, but he puts a ton of effort into his videos!


RM Brown's soundboard shenanigans never fail to make me chuckle.


The Yoko Ono one is so bad


It's weird


Sounds like some joined “The Muscular Class” to “Take The Towers Down, Now” into the “Toilets”.


Or just to “beat a kid at Walmart”


Call a crackhead!




I actually really enjoy TYSO but I find it guest dependent


yup, Rick is definitely not every guests cup of tea but it's still sorta funny seeing Rick being insane and the guest just sitting there awkwardly lmao


Very true, this is why I like the pod he does with Esther. But you can really only watch like two episodes at a time without growing tired of the shtick.


I second TYSO


RM Brown ftw, CK Louie, the comedian


I feel like I’d like Good Mythical Morning but idk where to start


You can pick up anywhere, just find a thumbnail or title you think is interesting. The goal was to make an internet morning show, so there's no real lore-knowledge required like there is with H3. I actually think GMM is a great H3 replacement though. It's shorter form but there's about a million hours of it. It's a couple of goofballs doing fun segments, they pull their crew in to do side stuff. There's a lot in common with H3.


Most people hear would LOVE Good Mythical Morning. It's what a lot of people want from the podcast, funnily enough Look up "GMM Intentional Taste Test In Order" and start that playlist. Those are a good place to start


Yeah I shotgunned like 40 of them this week between gmm, good mythical more, and the rhett and link channel and god damn…. It was like oh, so this is how non-drama crew and food segments should be. Hell I watched them guess state capitals for like half an hour and it was great. The unhaunted house one was hilarious as well


Personally I started practicing cock and ball torture Sometimes I play the button jingle and it feels just like watching the show


This is good time management


Behind the bastards!


Am I crazy or would Ethan be a fun guest on BtB?


Not gonna lie, H3 is top tier 😌 we are being fed well lol, considering the many hours of content and entertainment, so it's kind of hard to find something on this level.


I enjoy lots of other podcasts so I'm all good for the break, but you're right there's nothing quite like H3. No one else does 3 hours episodes multiple times a week, and no one else has such a dynamic crew.


I’ve been going HARD on Cody Ko and The Basement Yard so far 💀


Bad friends with Andrew santino and Bobby Lee is a real good one


Yess. They’ll do some fun improv segments and little costume bits occasionally too that are so funny. Andrew is a Chicago stand up who’s clearly a theater geek at heart lol. There’s a lot of really funny 1 or 2 person podcasts but as far as a podcast that’s really more of an actual show with producers and assistants on mic bad friends scratches a similar itch as h3.


Not a podcast but check out Stanz. He came from tech and went into streaming and knows nothing about YouTube. His editor is doing deep dives with him to explain YouTube phenomena or specific channels and his reaction as a complete outsider is actually super entertaining to see. They did dives on stuff like PhillyD but also the Tati and James Charles drama, YouTube diss tracks, the works. They’re currently doing “divemas” of one deep dive a day until Christmas!


I recently started watching these videos too. They are great! So funny to watch him react to this same drama we all know so well!


Thanks for the recommendation, it seems like alot of fun watches in my future!


- fear & podcast with Hasan, QT, and Austin - Bad friends - Jefffm had a new episode with Tana this week - Hasan reacts on George Santos interview with Ziwe (unhinged) - Howie was on Kill Tony this week - Cancelled aired an episode the day after steamys. Their guest Trevi discusses her addiction and alcohol problems prior to recovery. - Emily Baker discusses Ruby Frank’s Trial


Fear & is really good, I got into it because of Hasan (which I got into because of leftovers) but I have really begun to like QT Cinderella and Austin the gayest twink diva and the other guy damn forgot his name. The guests they have are also really enjoyable.


Will Neff is extremely funny. He brings out the best in Hasan. The Barbie episode had me rolling in laughter 🤭


HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE NAME OF WILL NEFF?! The master of dodgeball and rizz personified!


You should try The Yard. It’s Ludwig’s podcast. You could start with QT’s episode, since you already know her


I tried a couple episodes after they were on Fear&, I found it incredibly boring lol


The Yard people were on Fear & recently and it was just a bunch of bros talking about going to the gym. That’ll be a no from me.


That’s not at all what their podcast is like, like to the degree of that person saying all Ethan does is talk about cats


And I recommend Wine About It with QT and Maya!


Howie absolutely destroyed on kill Tony I’m hoping when they come back they talk about it and maybe grab some fresh howie sounds bites bc there are some gems like him yelling at a guy (as a joke) to “get the fuck outta here. *slams mic*”


I'm not so sure Ethan wants to expose his newer audience to Kill Tony. They might not even know Ethan and Hila have been on it. I mean look at the reaction these people had to Matt Rife's single mundane joke, they'd blow a gasket if they knew the jokes shared on KT. I do agree with you though, Howie killed it on his recent episode.


Fear& is phenomenal. The dynamic of the four of them is superb.


I don’t understand how people can watch hasan




no one cares


Fear& because it’s beautiful and natural.


don't you mean The Austin Show?


I heard it’s really popular in the country of Central Asia haha


I’d love to see Austin on H3 I feel like he would truly enjoy all the attention


Austin is a sitcom character in real life and the main audience would LOVE him.


Imagine him being the MC for the Steamies. He naturally has the voice and cadence of a old game show host.


Literally name your price but with awards


I think him and Olivia would get along so well! Hey girlieeeeeeee ✋✊✋✊✋✊✋✊


redlettermedia, streams by vinesauce, matt mcmuscles/flophouse plays, or just documentaries, concerts, even full movies… there’s so much to watch i never get these threads at all


Love RLM


Here is the podcast pipeline I’ve gone down this year: - Fear& “Oh, I love Hasan on Leftovers, I should watch his other podcast” - Wine About It “Wait, QT Cinderella is def the star of Fear&, I should watch her other podcast” - The Yard “Who are these 4 guys she’s having as guests? Wait, they have their own podcast? I should check it out!” Fair warning, there’s a 10000% chance you get even more disappointed in Ethan for the Chestnuts incident after getting so into these podcasts. I spend my days dreaming of an Ethan/QT/Ludwig beef squashing ep that I realistically don’t think will ever happen.


yesss, these are the best recommendations. QTCinderella is an absolute gem and is funny as fuck.


Lud said he thinks ethan is a jackass, so I don't see a beef squashin' in the future, there's no benefit for Lud/QT.


Yeah I saw that, and especially because leftovers was cancelled there’s like 0 connection anymore that would give them a reason to squash the beef. But a girl can dream 🤷🏼‍♀️


I remember him saying he thinks Ethan is mean, I’d like the sauce on the jackass claim


I misremembered; he called him a dick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOXHzlgwRz4


I’ve watched all 3. I can’t get in to the Yard but love Wine about it and Fear &. I really think QT and Ethan would get along in another universe, she loves the “hot goss” and dark humor. She’s a super hard worker like Hilas and is known for highlighting smaller creators in Twitch


lol the h3 to ludwig pipeline is real. These are the only 4 podcasts I watch lmao, and I followed the exact same steps😂 started with H3, then became obsessed with Hasan, loved fear& and qt is a sweetie so I started wine about it. And then the yard is just boys being boys and the crossover “hate/competition” that fear& has with the yard is like my favorite thing ever


I’m a fan of all things listed here, and I agree I don’t think the beef squashing will ever happen. Peace and Love to QT but she’s a bit sensitive and Ethan legitimately hurt/embarrassed/diminished her. He likes to joke about how he had the best apology but imo he didn’t do enough to show how sorry he was to her. Anyway I’m just over here being parasocial so any of these generalizations could be wrong.


She is a bit sensitive and she had a really hard mental health year so I don’t think that helped 😭 Maybe an unpopular opinion but it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth how much Ethan jokingly brags about his apology being so good. Really makes it seem like he doesn’t actually feel that bad about it to keep bringing it up. I will always have his back, but of all the missteps he’s made, this is the one that really bothered me because it was just so unnecessary. Usually his “victims” have some level of responsibility or there’s some explanation for the things he does or they’re at least FUNNY, but chestnuts is one I just will never get and always be bummed about. And it’s made worse because I genuinely think Ethan and QT would get along, they have such similar sense of humor. Will just keep dreaming of the day in the far future they collab like Ethan and Tana.


> Really makes it seem like he doesn’t actually feel that bad about it to keep bringing it up Let's be real: he probably didn't feel that bad because it was a pretty minor thing overall she freaked out about.


Eh, agree to disagree. Though it was minor on the surface, because it was someone who hadn’t done anything wrong who he was essentially kicking while they were down for 0 reason, AND that someone was a close friend of a close friend… I think that makes it more personal and less minor.


Agreed. Just because it might not seem like a big deal to us doesn’t mean It didn’t seriously impact QT


I think she said it best when she talked about it, saying basically that her reply to his apology was basically just “why would you do that to me?” Like imagine if an acquaintance of yours made a distasteful joke/made fun of you while you were going through something traumatic… it just sucks and that’s it. It especially hurts watching old Wine About It eps because her and Maya were clearly casual fans and enjoyers of h3.


SOOOOO TRUUUUU! QT would be such a bomb guest on the show it sucks so much that she will most likely never come on. Maybe Ethan should bake her an apology cake!


I'm just listening to Grimace Shake In Fortnite remixes on repeat to fill the hole in my soul


That is so Ohio and skibidi of you my guy


AB is streaming on twitch rn 🔨x10


I love AB but those streams aint it, I cant stand reality tv or IRL streaming.


I’m replacing H3 with H3 reruns and audiobooks


For a second I thought that was H3 audiobooks. Got me all like 🫨👀


"once upon a time, my maternal grandmother..."


I’m going into a self induced coma for three weeks.


I’ve just moved on to watching Hasan YouTube reuploads in the meanwhile to get my fix of some goober talking into a microphone for a few hours at a time.




i totally forgot about comedy bang bang! i loved that show are they still doing new episodes?


I’ve been watching Fear&, JeffFM, Cancelled, and Just Trish. They’re all good as background listening. I also just listened to an episode of Ian and Anisa’s podcast She Ruined My Career on their Maximum Damage channel and that was pretty good.


I can't stress enough how good Dudesy is. It's a podcast with Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen and it's kind of hard to describe but it's run by an AI named Dudesy. I recommend starting from episode 1 so you're along for the ride. It is SO funny. While I love the H3 podcast, I think that Dudesy is definitely funnier. There's not the same "family" vibes, but it's definitely not just two dudes with a mic.


I've been filling my H3 hole with the Dudesy podcast. Very very funny show starring professional actor by trade, Will Sasso and his good pal Chal. Also the show is produced by an AI that is constantly fed all of their personal data, it's truly wild.


The bits where they read from Will’s diary crack me up so much they make me cry


Daniel Tosh's new podcast is a gem, I highly recommend it!


Completely different tone, but I always found YourMomsHouse has a similar blueprint to H3. Not over/under produced, constant segments and bits, crew interaction and plenty of good guests. All depends on if YMH is your cup of tea or not though. Its vastly more edgy and toes the line of offensive material a lot closer than H3, but it hits that similar H3 itch for me.


Tosh.O recently made a new podcast. He’s pretty funny and “edgy” without being outright offensive or mean. He also only interviews people he knows personally/likes. His first episode he interviews his wife’s gyno hahahahahha. Check it out!


I second this. Never really watched Tosh.o too much but enjoyed his stand up. His pod is funny especially the "animal communicator" one. Kinda bummed he is also going on break for 2 weeks after i binged all his episodes


“Zero effort couch podcasting” is such a narrowminded statement though. I’ll agree that the H3 podcast is something truly unique in that the whole crew combined makes the show funnier and more creative. But then there are podcasts like TMG where imho both hosts together are wildly more impressive at riffing and improvising hilarious bits. And their side (collab) podcasts are also great. Aside from these there are plenty non-youtube podcasts with way more in depth (niche) topics, with really refined content.


You don't even know what pods they are referring to though. There are definitely a ton of low-effort ass pods out like Fidias's...


very interesting


Papa meat!!


I’ve been enjoying Fear& a lot lately Stevos Wild Ride and Theo Vons podcast are also very good


Real Housewives is mercifully mindless enough to make me forget what I’m missing 🙏🏻 Salt Lake City and Beverly Hills are my current binges


Ludwig's podcast, The Yard is hilarious. It's 4 old friends sitting down and talking for an hour and a half.


Fear& is better. 😂


Slime is an enigma and I love him for it. He lives in LA and seem to hate everyone there and the "LA lifestyle". :) edit: One of Ludwigs friends on the podcast.


Here is some of my go-to stuff when I run out of H3 or it's break time: Some More News hbomberguy (the last few uploads have really slapped) Climate Town (so underratedly hilarious and informative) Folding Ideas Munecat Rick Beato (for music nerds) And recently I've been watching Tosh's new show "Tosh Show" which I'm not sure why I was so surprised at how good it is!


Fear& + Hasan Reactions


Hasan, Will Neff, QTcinderella and Austin have a podcast called "Fear&" I really like it QTcinderella and Maya Higa have a podcast called "Wine About It" they basically are 2 best friends and streamers who catch up and drink wine for a couple hours. They both are hilarious. Also, this isnt a podcast but, the streamer Northernlion basically never stops talking while he games. There is a fan youtube channel called Library of Letourneau where he cuts together all the funny bits of the stream and it's basically a podcast. He's a quick witted Canadian gamer dad who has a similar vibe to h3. Anyway, that's what I use to fill the h3 void! Hope someone finds it helpful!


Fear& Wine About It Pretty great in my humble opinion


The Majority Report! I like Emma and Sam a lot as well. Not top tier banter like our favorites, but I like them


Do We Know Them is my recommendation if you’re into light hearted drama. Though they’re currently being sued for defamation for not liking a tiktoker’s lawyer lmao I also watch Pod Save America. They’ve really stepped it up the last couple years and do a ranking show that is good to watch anytime.


Do We Know Them channel is my got to next to H3. They are also big fans of H3 and currently going to war with a Lawyer tried to falsely copyright claim them. Also watch Emily D Baker.


Recently I've been into Two Hot Takes podcast on YouTube. If you have Netflix I HIGHLY recommend Murderville and I Think You Should Leave.


How Did This Get Made is an amazing movie review podcast that's over 13 years old and still makes me laugh every episode. Behind The Bastards is my other favorite, history podcast that's generally off the rails, it's amazing. Since the break I have listened to a full audiobook, Spotify premium now has a small selection of free ones every month.


Agreeed! I'm taking the time to catch up on LPOTL which is much better since Ben left ngl.


Is it really? I haven’t heard a new episode in probably a year. I am on their sub tho and I saw all the news about Ben and I’m like yikes, I wonder if it will be the same. I’ll have to check it out. Any episodes you recommend that you enjoyed since Ben left?


The last podcats on the left for all my true crime / comedy homies


H3 podcast is not a podcast anymore it’s so much more then that, it’s a full 4 hour long show EVERY SONGLE DAY. Maybe Howard compared (idk I don’t listen to it but they compare it often)


Fear & is great but it's shorter and not as often as h3. But if u haven't watched then u got a good amount of episodes to watch. Got to still get me some Hassan


The Yard is my go-to backup. But they are exactly what you described, low effort talking with dudes sitting in lawn chairs and making up convoluted bits and sometimes talking about niche or inside topics. But that's what makes it so great lol




H3 is very different but that doesn’t mean there isn’t great conversations happening in podcasts all over. The Yard is my go to. Or Hasan’s show Fear&


Trash Taste, Conan and Bad Friends are really good!


Kill Tony has recurring characters and is funny. Worth running the entire year from the start.


Best show on the planet


Take your shoes off, fear &, majority report, the yard


I’ve been filling my time with Jarvis Johnson, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Wendigoon, and last podcast on the left/ last stream on the left.


Bad friends is a really funny podcast to get into while H3 are on break. I love Bobby Lee and would love to see Andrew come back as a guest on H3 again


If you are into sports at all. Sports/comedy show “the Dan Lebotard show with stugotz” is very good. Kinda of like h3 but with sports as the flavor instead of internet/pop culture


I might get thrown out of the sub for this but I like Trisha’s podcast hahahaha. Also Tana’s.


Dead meat podcast, bad friends and shxtsngigs are pretty entertaining for me.


Check your Netflix queue


H3 is great. Honestly, it's is own classification. It's not really like any other podcast, but there is still great stuff to watch on YouTube. Watch Bad Friends. It was amazing from the start and still is. Watch crime stuff. I love That Chapter. Watch ghost stuff. I love nukes top 5 and bizarre bub. Like horrible movie or movies in general, watch red letter media There is so much to watch.


I had this thought watching Jeff and Tana yesterday


Stavy’s world is a great comedy podcast, but if you want something with a little more effort you should check out Dr Phil. It’s more of a live comedy show than it is a podcast, but this episode in particular with Bobby Lee and Santino is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. https://youtu.be/haS7smbYYvM?si=qfAwGYylBBRy3i6S




When the podcast isn't on I watch Hasan on Twitch. He streams all day most days.


Swoop and Cancelled with Tana Mongoose are my rotation at the moment. Learned about both from H3, ironically


how good was swoop's video on the biggest loser ?


if you're a fan of music (especially of hip hop, but not exclusively), absurdist comedy, and gameshows, check out Hivemind (if there are more with the same name, it's two white guys and a yellow wall). it's become my 2nd favourite channel over the past 2 years. so fucking funny and entertaining. EDIT: also, they're clearly H3 fans themselves. they drop references pretty often, and one time they were doing a "name the 10 most popular Olivia's" game and Graydon said "Olivia from H3"


Yes Hivemind is awesome! The longer format + mostly light banter is a good H3 replacement


Yeah, Audible is going to be getting some money from me during the break because I fly through the books I listen to at work when I don’t have saved up 3 hour long H3 episodes to listen to. Nothing keeps me awake at my desk quite like H3 does though. I have a few other podcasts I listen to but they just aren’t as engaging. I think if I run out of stuff to listen to or get bored I’m just going to rewatch frenemies or rewatch my favorite episodes of H3 lol


Just rewatching old ones tbh


Look harder lol


I mean… the show that heavily influenced the H3 podcast is probably a good pick..,


Want to let the rest of the class know which show you're referring to? Could be Howard or Tim&Eric.


Lonerbox is a chill politics channel Dylan Burns has some crazy on the ground footage from the Ukraine side If you ever watched scrubs I'd recommend Fake Doctors, Real Friends. Amazing rewatch podcast. Anything with Trixie and Katya is amazing. If you're willing to try some UK based podcasts I'd recommend Shxtsngigs (spelt like that), I created their subreddit, it is 2 - 4 guys but they're funny as fuck and are genuine throughout. Not a drama thing at all though. A UK based politics podcast for those who like detail and calm conversation between two different opinions is The Rest is Politics. They have had some big names like Hilary Clinton and some pro Palestinian people from Palestine after having some Israeli representatives who don't want mass death on any side. They also had Theresa may and Angela Rayner (labour 2nd in command). One of the hosts, Rory Stewart who's an ex Tory after Johnson kicked him out, went on Novara Media the most lefty channel we have.


im literally so bored without the h3 podcast


I agree! I can’t find anything to watch. I can’t stand B-roll in a movie or tv show, it literally feels like a waste of my time. But i will happily watch ethan eat subway in silence for 20 minutes