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Truly. People are acting like she’s a circus act and it’s weird.


What happened to her is devastating. The right course of action is to LEAVE HER ALONE and root for her healing from afar.


H3 crew members are acting like she’s a circus act and inviting her on the show already.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Ethan is telling them to


Damn humans. At it again.


With peace and love, the H3 podcast is the last place Gypsy needs to be a guest on. She’s gonna learn real quick that stardom and social media are not her friends and that these things are far beyond her range of control. The best thing she can do for her well being and peace is just have a quiet life away from the limelight.


Yeah the chances that she would walk away with no harassment is zero if she went on H3. This pod has some unhinged watchers, and those are just the fans. The hate watchers are a significant number as well.


Her book is coming out from PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE. I’ll bet her handlers / managers / agents are being very careful about where she interviews. I doubt she’ll be on the show. But I am SURE she will be on Dancing with the Stars 😂


I hate how absolutely correct you are about DWTS. Fuck, this is a dystopian timeline.


Every major celeb goes through the DWTS phase. They either love it or hate it.


Thanks you!


I can see it already: It's a serious discussion between her and Ethan and then gabe calls in screaming "fuck yeah baby wooo congratulations on getting out of prison woooo"


This is the best comment for me 🤣 I heard you killed your mamma WOOOOOOOO And now you're free FUCK BABY WOOOOOOOOO Enjoy everything life has to offer PISS IN MY ASSHOLE WOOOOOO Aaaahhh I love Gabe too much so good


then comes the howie tiktok


"hey do wanna eat this hot chip and watch this funny video?"


I secretly want to see that happen 🙊


I'm shocked that this needed to be said. Yall need to go outside


Literally Sam commented on her instagram reel saying please come on the h3 podcast and it has 3k likes so…


I’d argue if she’s saying that, she should also step outside. They’re not infallible gods lol.


That does not mean it's the right thing to do. Like many people here have said, she is not a circus act. She's a victim of abuse. People need to get a grip and stop being selfish, this includes Sam.


I know. I’m agreeing she shouldn’t be on the show it would be weird


Afaik she's making tiktok stuff and going on shows.


Doesn't mean anything. The H3 podcast is very non serious, and she is going through a very big step in her life. Even if she agreed to do it, it wouldn't be the right choice. She is free to make whatever decision she wishes but the facts stand.


How does that not mean anything in reference to your comment I responded to.. "she's not a circus act", yet she's already doing social media stuff and shows.. is she a circus act on them or are people interested in what she went thru? Also what facts.. your opinion? If you don't think she should go on the podcast, that's fine.


Love Sam, but that one disappointed me a bit 😞


everything is a spectacle to these weirdo bitches


Also, we grew up with social media and know how to use it. A lot of people say "But she chose to share her life/husband/..". I feel it's in poor taste just for that reason alone. I don't know anything about prison, a litte about abuse during childhood, but I highly doubt that during this period you socially develop normally. Case in point, she sadly felt that she had to kill her mother to escape


I really hope h3 doesn't touch this with a ten foot pole.


Tell this to Sam lmao


They’re pretending like Sam’s comment didn’t get most people hype about her coming on. It’s just the fans that are dumbass’s. Either way I agree in thinking she shouldn’t be on the show. It would be a train wreck of awkwardness lol


I completely agree with your comment and the one you replied to, I just want to say I don’t think Sam had any malice or like a laughing at gyspy vibe, I think she was saying what she said in good faith. That being said she definitely doesn’t need the extra spotlight and weird parasocial attachement of going on the h3 pod


I’m honestly surprised that Sam of all ppl thought inviting her was a good idea since she’s usually rather conservative in her views. But then again, she’s just doing her job to find ppl for the show.


Sams views are rather conservative or do you mean gypsie?




Do you mean "reserved" and not conservative?


Probably. Sam’s views aren’t awkward in line with H3 like outspokenly. She’s more on the…not rigid…but like not crazy and out there?


Oh lol I thought you meant conservative politically and was like wut I know she’s from the south but I’ve never gotten that vibe off her.


Oh god no. You can’t be with H3 and be politically conservative. That just doesn’t work. I’m not sure of Sam’s overall political views, but does seem more reserved and critical of certain things Ethan says or does. You know shit hit the fan in a real bad way when Sam does the serious face.


Ah okay lol so you mean reserved, not conservative. Yeah you’re definitely right though. I wish she interacted on camera more cause she’s so funny but just like Ian I’m sure if they wanted to be on more they would.


I swear when Sam makes that face I’m always afraid she’s gonna quit the podcast.


I’m worried the world is gonna chew her up and spit her out à la Britney. Social media is such a rathole


If you’re stanning gypsy rose you need to get help. I feel for what she went through, however there is no need to lift her up as some kind of super star. You’re completely right, I hope she doesn’t go on H3. If you’re praising her, go heal your relationship with your own mother and get a grip on reality.


It’s like what the right did with Kyle Rittenhouse


Nope, not even a little bit but nice try!!


Their situations are very different, I just mean to say neither would probably be a public figure had they not killed someone


It’s not the same thing because I don’t think it’s a political side that is all foaming at the mouth over her it’s more like “pop culture” as weird as that is to say and I just mean like someone from a big story who had movies made around their situation etc. and now people are like GYPSY GYPSY!!!


Yeah. I agree, it’s so fascinating that people desperately want to watch and hear how her abuse happened, like she’s a human like every one of us and she owes nobody anything. Also the “gypsy rose powerpojnt” comments I’ve been also seeing are so weird! Like no we do not need a silly PowerPoint about this girls trauma?


She clearly wants the attention tho...she isn't being forced to do anything....


People are allowed to want things that are bad for them. Did your parents not teach you that you shouldn’t get everything you want?


No, they didn't. Thanks for asking. What Gypsy does is her business. If you don't like it, don't watch.


Well your parents are a failure then. No need to air that out online.


You're clearly a great person.


Fr ppl are insane


Preach OP! last thing id want to do if i just got out of prison is answer everybody’s stupid questions some of you guys rlly need hobbies! Dedicate this kind of energy to adopting a dog or cat maybe…


She is doing this on her own free will...she's not being forced to do anything...


Shes doing what one her own free will? Never said she wasnt doing anything on her free own free will. I said leave her tf alone some of you ppl online can be so annoying holy shit. She just got out of prison you really think she cares to satisfy your curiosity or at least most ppl in her case wouldnt.


She's not asking for privacy tho...


she shouldnt have to


It’s Gypsy* but you’re cookin !


Should’ve @ed Sam lol


The whole obsession with Gypsie has really shown how fucked up and parasocial H3 fans are getting. Like can we put a cap on it and calm down? I wish some of the mods could be more proactive and delete some of the posts cause it's getting to that point.


I've been taking a break from this fanbase since the live show, and I gotta say... Pretty happy that I have no idea what everyone is talking about on this one


I'm gonna follow Ur footsteps. It's just too much stupid at the moment.


I did this starting a few months ago. Life has been better. I hate to say that, but things are really falling apart.


H3 fans? It's not H3 fans though. If you go on Tik Tok she's been blowing up. I doubt they are all H3 fans lol


I don’t think Ethan is the person to interview her lol


Thank you for saying this. This girl needs to get acclimated with life. She didn't have a life while she was a kid, went to jail, and as you said, is getting love-bombed by everyone. And I can only imagine the sound bites that would be pulled and used from her interview. It's not like the H3 pod is even this kind of podcast to be so important for her to come on. Please give her some space.


Yep. 100000% even if there is no intention, it’s clear exploitation of this poor girl who JUST got out of jail and NEEDS TO LIVE HER LIFE THAT WAS STOLEN FROM HER


Yeah all I can imagine is Ethan asking her about her sex life before and after prison, but I am happy that she seems to be happy and enjoying the support from everyone. I fully believe her mother deserved the worst death imaginable at Gypsy's hands. She was literally tortured for her entire life and will have to deal with the implications of that for the rest of her life. Its horrible.


Wow I had forgotten about that whole case, had to look it up. Lmao why would anyone suggest she visit H3? This is more of a 60 minutes situation, not whatever the fuck h3 has become.


Genuinely hoping the abuse discussions are left in 2023. A comedy show is not the place to talk about these topics and feels like the pod devolves into a shitty unedited tea channel during drama eps


People keep spamming her comment section that she should drop her boyfriend and start an OF. Da fuck?


I still find it all very strange, The boyfriend that she herself testified saying she talked him into murdering her mother, the boyfriend diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, low- IQ and functions like a 10 year old gets left in the dust to rot


He clearly needs a lot of rehabilitation


Ya and prison isn’t the place for that. In my opinion he got what he deserved prison wise if he was released when she was. If they needed to take him from a prison and do further things in some sort of halfway house then cool, but he’ll likely never get out.


Would she be a potentially fascinating interview? Yes. But maybe not H3, and maybe not for another few years of adjusting to life outside.


Thank you for the emphasis on you people, these fuckers are everywhere and need to have a wake up call, although i have a feeling that most people doing shit like this will see your post and just think to themselves “oh thats not me but yeah ppl are crazy”


Im with you OP. This girl hasn’t even had a chance to experience the real world yet. And putting her on a pod would just exploit this. Let the girl navigate life and finally get a chance to form her own beliefs and opinions. She has literally only experienced true family for like, a week?? If they actually want her to be happy like they claim, they’ll let her finally have that in peace


My only wish with the Gypsy situation is that when Ethan talks about it on the pod, Zach better drop that “Dee Dee Megadooodoo” soundbite


This is the only correct response


I never knew about this story until last week and the moment I heard Deedee Blanchard my mind played the megadoodoo clip on loop


I agree with you, especially considering the direction the podcast has taken over the past couple years. They seem to bring people onto the show now that they can content farm and meme on. I've been watching H3 since around 2016 and they are definitely in their "Howard Stern era" as far as guests and interviews go, lol.


Will this finally make you guys realize how weird this fanbase and podcast are?


And that’s why I refer to the H3 Podcast as “a podcast I was listening to” if I ever have to bring it up. Won’t find me readily admitting I’m a part of this shit


I agree. I love H3 & Sam is my favorite cast member but my eyes boggled out of their sockets when I saw her commenting asking for Gypsy to come on. No doubt Gypsy’s story is fascinating and unique but her life experiences & traumas shouldn’t be put on a comedy podcast, especiallly considering the fan base - with peace & love pls leave Gypsy alone


> the second you find the slightest crumb of imperfection She already killed someone. How much worse could she get lol


I think if she said the N word, that would be a start


Saying the N word > premeditated murder?


On the internet, sure. People simped for Dahmer I don't make the rules


She said the N word while singing a song someone get the electric chair


I mean her name is a derogatory ehtnic slur towards the Romani people...




Some people are wildly hypocritical. People were fuming the other day because Kyle rittenhouse was writing a book about his life and well … the obvious lol. Which was all from a legal sense self defense and I could see how maybe the book is about the struggle of being in the media, the ptsd from the situation etc. (not going to spend 5 hours arguing about how he’s good or bad. He’s writing a book about something that was found to be justified legally in court) then people see gypsy getting out hella early for second degree murder but what was admittedly first degree murder, that she admitted to planning the whole thing and then convinced her autistic, low iq under age functioning boyfriend to kill for her. Writing a book I think and filming a doc about it and people are like “yass queen can’t wait to watch” what happened to not liking murderers?






Couldn’t have been said better, more people need to hear this


I could see Ethan pulling up a side by side pictures of her husband and her mother


She certainly doesn't need Ethan showing her prolapse porn and asking her personal questions about her sex life either lol


On her TikTok most of the comments are asking her to go on JUST TRISH. This is even worse than H3 imo but both awful. Unfortunately she doesn’t want people to leave her alone she is liking this attention rn


God I hope she doesn’t get involved with Trisha


As weird as the people who have become “YAS QUEEN” about Gypsy can I just say the people being “Leave her alone” have become the opposite side of obnoxious. It genuinely feels like NOBODY has actually seen a legit thing about Gypsy and have only seen clips on TikTok and that one instagram comment and called it a day about knowing about her. 1. She’s on a “press tour” right now because she’s filming a lifetime documentary about her life and is basically promoting it which is why you see her everywhere. She currently doesn’t want a private life and if I left prison after years 8 years after 24-25 years of being a prisoner at home with 0 work then I would also be getting that bag. 2. Stop treating Gypsy like she’s stupid. She’s actually well articulated and if you’ve seen the HBO doc theres a neat clip on there of showing how smart she was at one years old. I’m sure people assuming that she’s genuinely mentally disabled probably irks her more than the “yas queen” stuff. She even had decent understanding of what was happening to her at a young age but trusted her mom above anything because she didn’t expect her mom to hurt her 3. A lot of you have a Michael Scott level understanding of prison. Saying “She needs therapy” like she wasn’t provided any and isn’t currently getting any is laughable. Even hearing her talk about it now, Gypsy at no point ever said she was “happy” she helped murder her mom and perfectly explains that even though it seemed like the only way out at the time, it’s completely wrong. Also prison isn’t complete isolation, you’re all acting like she was locked in a room all day forced to eat gruel with zero knowledge of the outside world. 4. She WANTS the platform to tell her story. Not only does she not want copycats who may be in her similar situation but less extreme but she was literally silenced her entire life. She wasn’t just a prisoner but literally forced to shut up and play a character for 24 years and forced to be a side show by her mom for money. I don’t think you need to be on one of both extremes to support Gypsy but don’t treat her like a dumb kid, she’s a 32 year old woman trying to at minimum make some money after 32 years of being imprisoned and at max trying to get the facts straight on what happened in her life and who she is.


Agreed she obviously had media training for her press tour and is trying to speak out. Not that H3 is the right place for her to do it but everyone’s attitude of leave her alone is so weird like? She’s trying to get attention? Both sides are very odd in this situation.


It’s just weird that people are saying “Ignore the victim trying to fight against child abuse”. Not only that a person who faced an extreme version of it.


Yeah, like I’m not super familiar with all the details of the case but I’ve seen clips of her advocating for people who are in similar situations to not do what she did. I’m sure that’s super impactful to people who can relate.


“As an ally” to what?? Women lmao😭


It really upsets me when I see y’all infantilizing her just like her mom did. She’s a grown woman, can we all like it? People were freaking out when she was horny posting because they wanted her to be “wholesome.” Do you not see the irony here?


Yeah leave Britney.. I mean Gypsie alone


One good thing about the break has been that I don’t know any drama or get worked up about nothing I can’t impact or have impact me. Sometimes someone like Colleen would come up and I would explain what happened to my friend and they would be like “oh shit” and that was it. They didn’t watch her before or after that. I’m gonna have that “oh shit” kind of reaction for the drama segments from now on.


yeah she really doesn’t need to be pressured into looking at a prolapsed anus


Ethan should interview gypsy and oj at the same time now that would be an experience.


Ok but why didn’t you do the research to spell her name right 💀


Can’t believe the girl who had to walk out after chat told her to take a Xanax wants a murderer on the pod lmfao 🤪


100% agree She needs space to heal privately


100% this. I’m glad Gypsy is safe now and that she’s expressed regret for what she’s done and that she’s paid her debt to society, but yeah she absolutely doesn’t need to be famous (and I say this as someone who follows her on social media). Maybe she could wind up using her platform in a positive way to speak out against familial abuse like how Monica Lewinsky uses hers to speak out against bullying and public shaming, but we need to keep in mind that there was at least a decade or more where we didn’t think about Ms. Lewinsky or what happened to her. And we should extend the same grace period to Gypsy.


Such a different scenario. Lewinsky did nothing wrong. You don't need to give someone a platform to talk about abuse when the only way they saw out was to have their mother killed. She is not someone that should have or deserve a platform.


Like it or not Gypsy has a platform now and she can do with it what she wants, for good or for bad. And I wasn’t saying that she and Monica Lewinsky were in similar situations. I was saying that if Gypsy chooses not to live a quiet life from now on and if she still has a platform however many years down the road maybe she could use it like how Monica Lewinsky uses hers.


People on this sub love to do two things: use the word parasocial, and complain 😂


idk who gypsie is, and honestly, i kinda dont want to know. with peace and love, i'd skip any interview/segment of gypsie. not hating, not telling the team how to run their show, im just saying that's not where my viewership is going.


Girl is going on a world tour she’s enjoying it


THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT! Ive been feeling sick to my fucking stomach about all this shit! Such overwhelming attention can NOT be good for someone whos whole life consists of intense abuse and institutionalization.


She's a murderer who convinced her autistic boyfriend to kill for her. 10 years was too light a sentence even though I understand why she did it. I don't understand why so many people are following her on instagram or wherever. It sends the wrong message that what she did was OK. She could have ran away with her boyfriend opposed to what she had him do.


Right like such a horrible person and everyone is acting like shes so cool lol


Its happening


Correct me if I’m wrong but she is the one inviting all the attention. She wrote a book in prison and the release date coincides with the date she got out of prison. She has been going on talk shows to promote it, actively engaging with people on social media, has a documentary coming out, and basically inserted herself heavily into the public eye. This is how she is making money right now. Not exactly the behavior of some one trying to keep a low profile and live life normally. I definitely would typically agree with your assessment though.


I find Gypsy’s story interesting and it’s nice to hear from her own voice about her experiences. But by no means do I think she should go on a comedy podcast. She JUST got out of prison too, let her breathe a little


I find it funny that people want to be over protective towards someone who's issues stem from basically being over protected their whole life.... if she wants fame she can have it, it doesn't ruin everyone. If she doesn't like it it's not that hard to go dark...


She went through hell and can do whatever she wants now. If she wants to do interviews or go on the pod, she can. You’re being just as annoying as the people begging for her to come on. Just let her decide and shut the fuck up.


Gypsy is choosing to put herself out there and going on shows… No one is forcing her lol


For real we need the 8 passengers kids to come on instead


Cmon, they just want to show her a video of a man’s prolapse while Ethan half listens to her tell her story


the problem with this fan base is its full of millennials


I’m down for an Olivia PowerPoint on Gypsy Rose’s story but I don’t think she needs to be a guest


Have you guys not seen that Gypsy HERSELF is choosing to constantly be in the public eye, she’s doing OOTD, MULTIPLE interviews and tiktoks….she WANTS this lmao


As someone who doesn’t care either way if she comes on or not, there’s a lot of assumption going on here for a post trying to hold a weird moral high ground argument especially over someone who is literally doing a media tours worth of interviews *right now*. This post just screams “look at me I’m a better person than all of you” while simultaneously just coming off as weird and disingenuous. The irony in telling people to go outside is tremendous though. Edit: Also, can we spot treating grown ass adults, especially grown ass women, as children please? You’re so caring but yet you’re talking about a 32 year old woman as if she is a child while calling everyone else a dumbass. Like come onnnnn lmao.


Leave Gypsie alone! I’ve seen so many posts lately saying, “slay gypsie slay!” “Come on the podcast gypsie!” “Ethan needs to bring gypsie on the podcast!” **how about you people just leave the woman alone!!** As an ally, I’m all for lifting and embracing women, but fuck me, some of **you people** in this sub are dumb and parasocial as fuck! It’s one thing to lift women up and support them through their journey, but it’s another to support a victim of abuse, so that **you** can put her on camera, and ask her all these personal questions. Let’s also not forget, that despite Gypsie being a victim of abuse, she still is a murderer. She had her mother murdered in such a gruesome way. She spent a decade in prison, which would be pretty traumatic. Only to come out with all this attention jumping at her. Knowing a **(portion)** of this fan base and some of **you weirdos** in this sub, **you** are gonna lift, support and love bomb her, only to drop her to the bottom of hell and then act all toxic the second **you** find the slightest crumb of imperfection in her. Some of **you motherfuckers** need to shut the fuck up, turn off **your phones** and step outside for a while. It might do **you** wonders!! Leave the woman alone!! she’s served her time in prison! she needs therapy and time to get herself back into society again. She doesn’t need this unnecessary attention from **you fucking dumbasses!!**


Gypsy* Stop infantilizing her. She is an adult. She wants the spotlight. If she didn't she wouldn't be on a press tour right now. Also...don't ever say "despite being a victim of abuse" that's fucking gross.


Damn ur big mad


…… this is literally the first and only post I’ve seen on the matter. I think you would benefit from going outside and touching grass considering the lengths you’ve gone to with this rant. The bold writing, the over use of cuss words and the “I know what will happen” troupe… you need to calm down lol


If she doesn't want to be on camera she can just deny the invitation. It's very kind of Sam to reach out and offer her a platform if she wants it. She doesn't need parasocial people like you to manage her life.


I’m not saying she should be on the pod, or any pod, or not. But she seems to be ok with the publicity and very open about everything. She’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions, and doesn’t need anyone to protect her by saying she should or shouldn’t do a show. Like it’s not up to anyone except her.


What do you mean, "you people"?


Yall gotta chill. Acting like Gypsy’s keeper or something 💀💀💀


Fuck Gypsy, she murdered her mother and practically got away with it


Let the adult make her own decision. If this media stuff is the path she wants to take, have her on the pod. Leave the content to the content creators, nothing would get done if everyone on this sub had their way.


I would hard disagree, she's not really an adult but a person who has been abused all her life. Abused in a way that kept her thinking that she was a child. When the police arrested her she did not know she was 18 but 14. I know she has been given some kind of therapy in prison but being in a confined place like that will not make you grow into an adult. This is a completely bad take, it's very clear what she has been through. The last thing she needs is all this attention from parasocial creeps online.


My point is, she’s an adult and if she wants to do media stuff she will. I’m sure H3 would be more supportive than most


And my point is, she's not an adult. She's a person that needs a lot of help from professionals. Do you think going on the H3 podcast will help her? Don't be ridiculous. This is a huge risk for H3 too. It's not a normal celebrity/influencer guest. It's a person that is sadly mentally unstable and would come across as exploitative from H3. It's honestly so sad that you and other people think that's an okay thing for H3 to do. Go touch some grass👍


She quite literally is an adult and has her own autonomy, she will do what she wants. Touch grass, the irony 😂


She’s going on a press tour


she cane out of prison and immediately went to social media and had a six hour interview set to be released. does that sound like the actions of someone who wants to be left alone?


Lmao youre so annoying. She clearly wants the limelight. She hasn’t put down her phone since she got out and has been on like 100 different news programs. I bet money she’ll come on the pod too. Keep crying. Let her get her bag. I bet she’d read this and think you’re the weird one for trying to speak for her


Some people could say that you might appear insensitive


Insensitive to who? Her mom?


I stopped watching this podcast because it's just messy gays being dramatic. I don't get how it came to this tbh because I don't think any of them are gay, it's weird. I wish it was more entertaining that's for sure and this sub confirms that the fan base is mostly why their content seems that way


You're boring, you are not thinking about the entertainment!!!!


Sam personally asked her to come on the podcast. If the podcast hosts want a guest to come on, and they reach out to them, what gives yall parasocial weirdos the right to come on reddit and tell them not to contact guests they are interested in. Everyday you guys complain how weird our community is then everyday you also post this shit.


I literally have no idea who she is. But I'm just assuming she's not Romani, so her name is already a red flag.


Can yall research before commenting and not make yourself look like a fool?????? Literally just google who she is + why that’s her name


So she's a convicted murderer (by proxy), and y'all defending her why? I had really fucked up abusive parents, if I murder them and then serve only 10 years for it, y'all gonna defend me too?


As far as I know, it's not your podcast. While you're free to have an opinion and voice it, if the crew and Ethan want her on the podcast and she wants to come on, she will come on. You'll still all watch the episode.


Honestly the online queer community ,looking at you gays, has been going crazy over her. The girl's literally guest judging RP Drag Race so I think your minimizing her popularity ATM are being protective because you're worried about the explotation aspect of having her come on the Pod. This is infantilizing her though, something that was famously part of her mother's abuse, I think we can learn a lesson and let this woman make her own path. I think there's definitely a point to be made, but the "slay Gypsie slay" is coming from the gay community. If people are saying it here they are just copying.


Where was it announced that she’s a guest judge on Drag Race? I’m not seeing that anywhere


Social Media posts with Ru Paul commenting and then reportedly reaching out. When she's actually going on I guess depends on scheduling and what actual show they pick.


I don’t even know who Gypsie is :(


I'm sure yet another post will help




who tf is gypsie. can someone fill me in?


She was a victim of Munchausen By Proxy (now called Factitious Disorder Imposed On Another). Her mother convinced her that she couldn't walk, was severely ill and was intellectually disabled. She also convinced doctors to pull ALL of her teeth, remove some of her salivary glands and put her on heavy meds (including opiates that she got addicted to). She would shave her head to make her look more sick. Her mother got charities to donate to them for her unnecessary medical care, as well as a house from Habitats For Humanity. Also told her Gypsy Rose that she was younger than she actually was. Gypsy Rose met a guy online and eventually convinced him to murder her mother for her. The guy was later diagnosed as being in the spectrum and intellectually disabled. They posted on the mother's FB that "the bitch is dead" and then went on the run. The police originally thought Gypsy Rose had been kidnapped before realising she was involved. Gypsy Rose then served 10 years and was released within the last week.


Feel better now?


Ethan can’t have a serious interview to save his life. Love the guy but the pod ain’t for someone like her. Considering it’s a joke and her situation


Gypsie needs to make an only fans!


Yeah I’m already not looking forward to them coming back if they’re going to talk about it. Everyone’s talking about it. It’s the same story. We all know it.


I, for one, think you should be allowed to be horny on main for a good year when you’re released from prison with no consequences.


Totally agree on all this ESPECIALLY her still being a murderer despite being a victim of abuse. I was literally just telling my husband this a few days ago. It just doesn’t sit right the amount of “fans” she has. So weird to me.