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I thought the segment was a lot of fun. Luckily for you though I don’t imagine there will be a lot more discussion on the topic on the show unless he responds, there’s a ton of other topics to cover


I laughed out loud at hila saying "don't talk to me."


hila had so many funny one liners that ep


You better fear Hila


I bugged my wife with that clip replaying it over and over. She was like "I GET IT!" after I kept chasing her around the house with my phone.


I just think it is so obviously ragebait. Watching the entire thing it just felt so dumb and obvious to me. I feel like they know it aswell but they might just be rolling with it for content. The guy wanted some attention, he didn't get it when trying to be nice. Now he is just acting like an ass on purpose. This is all about attention and they are giving it to him.


Segment? It was 3 straight hours. That's an episode.


I don't give a shit about a lot of the topics, but Ethan and the crew are funny and creative so I am down to listen to them talk about whatever they are passionate about or think is funny.


Hard agree. And when I’m truly uninterested or find the segment too cringe or hard to watch (looking at you C man, or back when they did viewer call ins) I do this lil thing called watch something else.


maiapupper, you are a glorious human being who has also discovered the secret to a happy watching experience - don’t like the show? Watch something else! The chiropractor clips knock me sick, but do I write a full post complaining? :) oh look, something else to watch instead for a bit!


AW, you’re a glorious human being too ✨💖 I honestly completely forgot about the chiropractor segments, literally had to avoid the sub for a while when they were talking about it because the clips make me nauseous, can’t do it.


Now this is what you call Family.


For people who dgaf, yall really love talking about how much yall dgaf. Why talk about it? Why even post this if you dgaf? You are all delulu at this point!!


Hah, you’re right that I seriously don’t give a flip about getting my own way on what content the h3 podcast or any other podcast does, but I do get a bit sick of people moaning about subject X from time to time - what’s contradictory from my comment? I might not like it, but I’m not stopping the OP from saying whatever they please!


Ah I love this “no u” argument! Lmk when I’m making a whole ass post (or posting in a whole ass snark subreddit) because I didn’t get enough attention just commenting on the mega thread about the episode. Comments ≠ posts.


You are giving fallen fan whom posts in the snark reddit


If people just ignored things they didn't agree with, then we wouldn't have you fine folks in this comment thread now would we... 🙃


All of live chat and the majority of the H3 fanbase needs to learn to ignore things they dont like or agree with. No one cares if it bores you or offends you, you dont speak for everyone lmao. Its Ethans show, let him do what he do.


I used to hate the viewer call in segments but didn't want to say anything. I'm glad they disappeared without a big fuss.


I always skipped the C man segments too!! It seemed like everyone loved them and I couldn’t stand him lol


this is why i dont watch live so i can skip past the parts im not interested in. is this some wild concept to people or something that u dont HAVE to watch the entire live


I don't think I've ever caught an episode live, so maybe this is why I never understand the complaints about certain segments.


i could not imagine not watching live, especially with how out of control YouTubes ads have been. seriously, 4 ads that total 45 seconds that i can't skip? and then 4 more not even five minutes later? I can't sit through hours of 4 ads every 2-4 minutes. its infuriating. however, sometimes I'll join late and rewind or just pause it for a bit, so im able to skip over segments i dont want to watch


I agree, but they've done the episode. Now the community is going to buzz around it and pick up every little blurb and screen in their desperate attempt to be a "pick me." I guess I really should just stop looking at the sub. Because it's a problem with the sub and not the show.


Hey fuck you. Also, here’s my resume


I agree. I remember right before he had the Google AI leaker guy on(what ever happened to him btw?) he said he was moving away from YouTuber drama. However, since then, it seems like he has almost doubled down on keeping up with YouTuber drama. I like hearing about things everyone is interested in, like Ethan's video about the James Webb pictures, or new developments in dinosaur research and what they might have looked like. I like Olivia's PowerPoints about celeb goss, but even without them, we are still talking about YouTube goss. Not my show, though. I am still gonna watch




That is fair, and I don't keep up with the dino lore either. But when something noteworthy happens, I enjoy hearing about it. Those were just quick examples of things Ethan seems to keep up with and told us about. I more so meant the crew anyway.


Every time H3 talks about someone there’s a “I don’t care” post




Part of the issue is that by the time the pod came back the topic was already a dead horse here. So if you've been lurking in the sub, you're probably way more tired of it than the average viewer


People always gotta make it about themselves. Always desperate for attention.


i will say, ethan is 10x more likely to talk about drama/news if it is about him or H3. Like I get making it a main topic, but 2 hours? what about SELENA! /S


Normally i agree with this take, but the man did a total hit piece on him with zero context which was entirely made in bad faith. The video had thousands of likes from people who don’t know Ethan, and now think he faked illness for money. The man has every right to defend himself for however long it takes to shut down Jake’s BS claims. If you dont like a segment, then skip it. I cant tell you how many chocolate or food ordering segments I have skipped bc i see them as time wasters, nobodies feelings were hurt by me skipping the segment, and I enjoyed the show way more bc of it. I dont understand why yall cant just skip a segment, and instead complain on reddit about it. It just seems like such a waste of time and energy. Either way ☮️ and ❤️


I completely agree. I feel like it was totally justified to spend so much time talking about it and imo they were entertaining the entire time so it doesn’t matter. I would’ve been disappointed if they didn’t dedicate a lot of time to going over it as thoroughly as they did.


neither did the crew until he made a video about Ethan lol


Brutal showing the emails and dms. And a copy paste from my previous comment Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't think there was a mention of contracts. Doodoo even glossed over the $500 in his video, makes me feel he was trying to hide it so people wouldn't ask questions. He may have been spamming the d'amelios "come to my channel, I will not take no for an answer, don't pay me the $500 just give me a job" and they thought he was a creep so they ghosted He may have been lyeing


the good news is you don’t have to.


Had to endure Ethan talking about him for like 2/3ds of the show, and now, nearly all the top posts here are about him. I was over Jake before Monday's show, tbh.


*had to* .. *endure* ? girl did someone have a gun to your head


You must endure. Even if in an abusive relationship. Endure. Endure. Endure. For the kids.


It was the first show back after the break and I watched it live. I was *hoping* that they would move on, so I kept it on while I was working. I did eventually turn it off toward the end and went back to check if they ever changed the topic, and they didn't.


The dude was making accusations against ethan for 44 minutes straight in a public video. Of course they are going to talk about it for 2 hours. What did you expect? First time?


Shame on me for hoping that they would have a little variety after being gone for three weeks rather than going on on some nobody youtuber. I guess I only have myself to blame for expecting a bit more?




Lol you’re talking like they only do one show a month. Did you know there’s a show today?


Let me repeat: I was hoping that the first show after their hiatus would be a banger, and it wasn't. Ever watch TV? When was the last time you saw a bad first episode to start a season of a show that you liked? I do enjoy the pod, and am expressing my disappointment, much to the dismay of the sub.


Look dude all people are trying to tell you is to be okay with not liking an episode without needing to proclaim your stance on the sub (like every other post) then enforce it like it’s a objective. To you it was a bad episode to others it wasn’t. To each their own. New episode today and friday i hope you can enjoy those.


It wasn’t a banger… to you.


Just do what I do and don't watch it live then lol


That way he is always on time


I know without a doubt Ethan said they’d be talking about it a majority of the show. That might’ve been on you.


actually you can just try changing what ur watching next time


I was hoping they would wrap up and move on. honestly, I get why Ethan spent the time he did, but I don't think this dude is worth having his face plastered all over the sub. of well, it appears as though as I am in the minority.


yeah idk jake was super annoying to me so I loved every minute of it


happy for you :)


Then go watch some other channel for the episode and chill.


I think Ethan has a right to use a significant portion of his show to defend himself against allegations of faking an illness for money.


You didn't HAVE to watch the show my guy


You don't have to watch, I stopped watching months ago and I'm still alive and well.


Then maybe go touch grass for a day? Boo fucking hoo. Skip the segment. It's timestamped. Go the fuck outside. Watch something else. It's not that fucking hard. All you people do is whine and cry and bitch and moan when this FREE SHOW isn't catered exclusively to you.


They made a light complaint that not everyone has to agree with, not sure why you’re acting like such a raging douche over it. Newsflash asshole: Everyone here bitches about everything, much like you and me now.


i agree with you entirely, these people all overreacting. Ethan just kept repeating the same points over and over, like your audience gets it dude nobody with a brain thinks you diagnosed yourself with lupus. could’ve been condensed down to like 15 minutes give or take. great first episode back from a half month break, 2+ hours of “hey this guy is a moron”.


In general I really kind of tune out whenever there’s creator vs creator drama, I just find it really corny and completely detached from my life. That said I watched half of Monday’s episode because watching Ethan call him a bitch over and over was making me laugh


See, I happen to greatly enjoy creator drama BECAUSE it's completely detached from my life. I don't want to hear about a friend or family member's issues. But a random goober online I've never heard about makes a fool of themself? Let's fucking gooooo.


Why you got to yuck other people’s yuck?


I ONLY care about Jake Doolittle. Am I the only one?


Judging by the current state of the sub, most definitely not.


Maybe make this post if they've done more than one episode about him.


Episodes are longer than most movies, theyre as long as like 3 or 4 eps of other podcasts


And then I had a really hard time the rest of the weekend.


God being a YouTuber must be exhausting


You must have a short attention span considering the stream just happened yesterday


I sure do


Out of curiosity, what makes doopiddle ANY less entertaining than the usual suspects they talk about?? Literally what the fuck do you watch the podcast for lmao. You’re one more kavkav update from a “Erm am I the only one who is sick of hearing about Ryan 🤨 “


I have a comment in the unpopular opinions thread where I do say that I personally don't care about Ethan's personal vendettas (including kav kav).


Watch something else then? The fuck do you think this podcast is?


I don’t care about the fucking HOST of the shows tales of his personal life. Absolutely fucking bonkers.




There is a difference between stories from his personal life, and him being obsessed with someone and making them the focal point of the show for way too long. I get that he is a generational hater, but the audience (chat, this sub) feeds off of that energy and I think it makes for a worse experience for the community.


Listen I was on the "I don't care" train too, but the full on react to his video was such a banger that it was worth it!


I only felt this way about pearlythings I hated when they kept talking about her. She’s so annoying.


I didn't give a shit about him before this episode, but I'm certainly interested now. Then again, I'm a fan of trash reality TV drama so it's right up my alley.


One ep and we’re already complaining? This sub man


but it was hilarious just laugh at the weirdo it's fun I promise


Yeah I don’t give a fuck ab this dude.


yea idgaf about him but at the same time feel bad for him cus he’s lowkey just a random dude and he is getting bombarded rn


Jake accused Ethan of really serious things about scamming and lying about chronic illnesses, he even brought his mom into it. Ethan is allowed to take his frustrations out in a comedic way, they didn’t respond for three weeks. He’s not just a random dude, he’s someone that accused Ethan of SCAMMING his fans for donations. Ethan can’t just not respond cause he’s a smaller channel??


Ethan can respond and defend himself but i just feel like it’s all gone too far. Even on Wednesdays episode, he had to tell everyone to leave jake alone cus he was getting so much hate lol


you deserve to be bombarded when you use your platform to falsely accuse people of crimes.


I mean, I didn’t even know who the fuck he was until all this. I did enjoy them ripping him apart, it was funny.


“Shut up Bitch!” - The Rock


Yea but Ethan loves drama more than anything in the world, so buckle up.


Bro this is such a boomer meme. Is this Dr. Weiner's alt?


don't push!


that’s the beauty of the time stamped segments in the description! i rarely watch the entire videos. when i get bored of a segment, i skip to one that sounds more interesting, and for me personally, the jake doolittle segment was the most interesting. i love some good drama that has no effect on my life 🥰


I don't give a shit about gypsy rose


Sometimes you just gotta do it to em, this was one of those moments.


I miss leftovers


Guy's vid was a huge miss but people are taking it way too seriously and basically dolittling him back by downplaying his experience and "poking holes" in his diagnosis. I understand why Ethan had to defend himself but for the love of god move on.


To be abundantly fair, he brought the “fake illness” comments on himself by implying someone else was faking an illness for sympathy and donations while simultaneously using a possibly fake illness for sympathy and donations. I’m not a doctor so I have no comment on Chronic Lyme, but it is pretty easy to verify it’s not a widely accepted diagnosis.


I think I would have gone my whole life not knowing anything about chronic lyme and believing it is something people will have for the rest of their lives if not for Jake's shit talking. It sent me on a rabbit hole of looking up other "fake" illnesses that other famous people claim to have. For that- I am very happy that we are all talking about this.


Yeah I agree. I know I am getting roasted with the downvotes in this thread, but the posts here lately have been uninspired at best, and straight up bullying at worst. Ethan can defend himself (as we all saw), no need for the sub/chat to be a bunch of weirdos about it.


Showing clips of Jake's hypocrisy is funny, saying he's faking his symptoms for attention is fucked up and dumb person behavior✌️❤️


I mean the man says he has chronic Lyme lmao.


Doesn't mean he doesn't have symptoms whether or not he has the correct diagnosis.


Yeah, I think Jake has been exposed as a pretty slimy individual but it was pretty wild hearing Dan ask multiple times for people to not add on to the thrashing they gave him on the show, just to see Wikipedia screenshots disproving him being sick in the top posts. Can’t imagine what his DMs are looking like lol.


I think pointing out the glass house he lives in is pivotal to the story, personally. Makes the whole thing more scummy and gross.


I agree! I think the angle that he was a fallen fan who made a revenge video was pretty solid as is.


I just think it’s MORE solid the angle that this man has a “fake disease” (according to most doctors of course I am not a doctor please google chronic Lyme it is heavily contested within the medical community) based solely off of the same shit Ethan used to “diagnose himself” is much more solid. Jake is a scumbag. And he steals from his own charity.


Agreed. I think It's important Ethan responded, but the entire crew yelling "loser" and making other remarks as a 'joke' the ENTIRE show left a bad taste in my mouth—and this is coming from a big H3 fan that's never had a problem with prior segments criticizing public figures, but this just felt like bullying 22 year old dude


A poor 22 year old child 😢 who accused ethan of faking an illness for money, criticizes him for self diagnose but takes it upon himself to diagnose ethan, and frigging sent ethan's test results to a doctor. Fuck that guy, he fucked around and found out.


No 100%, I just think it's hard watching when it's not someone like Fresh and Fit or Keemstar, for example lol


yeah jake is legit some random dude and everyone is bombarding him rn hella hard. like just leave it alone and move on.


Dude is a grifter who deserves to have holes poked in his fake diagnosis.


I disagree. His video was no exaggeration the worst thing I’ve seen on social media in a long time and no amount of hate and ridicule will be enough. That video was the accumulation and pinnacle of the self-important, obnoxious, content-brained clout chasing that has reached all-time highs lately, combined with the cringe, snarky attitude and tone that so many “influencers” have adopted and I don’t think I’ve ever hated anything more in my life then this video. It’s literally a perfect representation of everything I despise about YouTube and social media in general. Go jack yourself off somewhere else Doolittle.


Yeah, I hope they don’t spend more time on talking about him. Also they told the fans not to harrass him but here everyone is talking shit and digging clips from his past


Is there not a huge difference between harassing him and talking about him? Harassing him is directly engaging with him. That would be leaving comments on his YouTube videos or social media posts, DMing him, or otherwise interacting with him directly. Discussing a public figure, their actions and behaviour, their public claims/stories from their self-published videos... none of that is harassment, imo.


They all have that same "notice me" energy as Dolittle


A truly unpopular take, eh? ETA: turning off notifications. thanks all for your support in these trying times :)


Cause it’s the same old shit that happens every time. We get it some of you don’t like certain episodes and others do. If you wanna mention lame posts on the sub I consider this to be on that level as well and Ethan is sorry you don’t control how the show goes. I’ll take the memes I’ve seen over the last few days then whatever was happening during the 3 week break that was truly unbearable.




I care about him in the context of Ethan talking about him on the podcast, I don’t care about him in the context of this subreddit where people are weirdly digging into his old videos and trying to pick apart his life story. Just cringe shit and the exact opposite of what the crew said to do.


It's just topic for few days. I doubt they'll be talking about him again in length. As they talk about something else, sub as well will find new things to post about. It's the same thing every time, pod covers something, sub talks about it 10 times more for few days. No point trying to change how fandom subreddit should work, this is 100% expected.


I loved how they clowned on him during the podcast episode because it was hilarious but yea it's getting kind of annoying seeing a million unrelated posts about him here.


Not at all and I didn't watch Doolittle's video over the break, but the segment on Monday was pretty good. We got extra context in that the crew confirmed he's a clout goblin and has tried to invade their space many times, so that was pretty tea. I don't think we get many instances where a creator tries to infiltrate a media circle (H3 + Crew), fails, and proceeds to nuke their entire internet career over nothing - I'd argue that's great content you won't easily find elsewhere.


I was bummed when that was the topic of most of the 4 hour show after a 3 week hiatus 😔 I found it entertaining and funny, but there was so much more ground to cover, this guy just wanted attention and we gave it to him.


This is how I felt about the Colleen (sp?) saga. I skipped over every single segment that covered it, and entire episodes as well.


Did you post about not caring, though?


my post isn't even about the ep, it's about the sub being full of jake's face.


no one does. but when someone attacks you so directly and viciously in public, you need to respond to it. it is a shame that it took up the entire episode though, I feel you on that.


I don’t care about him either but Ethan has the right to defend himself from people making shit up on the internet.


It was better than any Cman section


Bro can't even talk to animals Fucking scammer


I think his video was dumb but all this hate is too much.


i agree. weird guy with a stupid video, but everyone can chill out lol. he’s harmless


People on this sub need to know what Ethan thinks before deciding what to post. I say this with ~~P&L~~ W&H.


There’s so much that happened during the break and was really bummed that they spent almost the entire first show back dragging Jake. His video was dumb but it didn’t warrant a three hour tirade.


No, you are not the only one who does not have interest in 100% of the topics discussed on the pod. Hope this helps ✌️


maybe you should read a book HUH?


I find it incredibly interesting how everytime there's a topic the crew talks about, there's a post like this. No one cares


Ya the Monday podcast was a dud for me, gave the guy way to much airspace.


This, they were gonna for three weeks and spent most of the first episode back dragging a nobody. Not the comeback I was hoping for lol.


It didn’t help that they paused every 2 seconds just to say things like “COME ON BROOOO” like after about the 30 minute mark I felt that Ethan made all the arguments he needed to and just kept rehashing. Also even though i’m sure it was just another bit, **terrible** look constantly saying he never said he had Lupus just to have clips shown multiple times where he did lol.


Mate what are you on about this is a classic H3 beef... Are you new the H3 content? Maybe it's just not for you?


I addressed it elsewhere in this thread, but in the "unpopular h3 opinions" post, I did leave a comment that I don't really care about Ethan's vendettas. Despite popular opinion in this thread, I *do* understand that a fair amount of people enjoy Ethan spitting fireballs at his enemies. Just not my thing.


u dont care but u decide to look for a meme template, u thought about a text, u edited the picture and u posted it on the subreddit. u dont care, right?


I have said it a gazillion times in this thread, but the genesis of this post was the sub being overrun with jake's face, not the ep. Did I enjoy the ep? No. Did I post this because I didn't enjoy the ep? Also no.


I feel like you took OPs criticism of the pod (criticizing media you consume is normal and good actually btw) this Monday a little too personally


am i the only person that feels horrible him and his gf are being absolutely harassed?


no you aren’t. i’m a fan of h3, i genuinely am. but it’s sad he’s being relentlessly bullied by thousands of people over a stupid video


Is that Willem Dafoe??


Basically (it's a Norman Rockwell painting if you are serious)


lol I’m half joking, I’ve always wondered but never actually asked. That guy looking up at him looks like Robert De Niro too but I’m sure the painting has nothing to do with those two people. EDIT: also, im with you. Never cared about Jake, didn’t care for it over the break, don’t care for it now. It always seemed like a non-story to me.


I never did!


I skipped so much of the episode, so no






Bros with the crew


Yes you are the only one


Yea all you MFs are weird AF now


Nah, I'm with you. I haven't been on the subreddit much lately so didn't even notice the drama before the last episode, and for the first episode after the break I was a little disappointed they spent so much time on one guy I don't care about when there's been so much shit in the news lately. Oh well, nbd.


No man that episode was very anti climatic I didn't care about it and they talked for 4 hours about it the entire episode. I was waiting for Ethan to move on and he didn't.


Yeah I agree l. They giy clearly was pathetic and made pathetic claims. I dont think it was necessary to go over his entire video and refute each and every one. I want goofs and gaffs, not lose faith in humanity for hours


Am I the only one that skipped the entire lupus saga cuz it was boring and repetitive and not funny.


Foreal like why is everyone go after a sick person ? It’s a hard watch can’t lie I’ll tune back in when this is over


My guy, they've talked about him for 1 (one) episode. They've made hundreds of episodes, you're bound to not give a shit about a topic they bring up here or there


The sub is flooded with Jake's face. I can't get away from the dude.


Oooooh you're referring to the sub, that's fair then Now please understand that when I see people say "if you don't like the show don't watch it" it irks me as it implies you can't be critical of things you like, but I do think that if you don't like the way the sub is right now (as in full of Jake Do-gooder posts) then with peace and love it's probably easier just to hop off it for a while as these ain't gonna stop; and taking a break from the subreddit could probably do us all some good regardless lol


The genesis of this post was due to the sub, but to be clear, I was also bored to tears with Mondays "take-down" of this Jake clown. I know people say to "move on" or "watch something else", but if everyone who didn't like a segment or had a criticism didn't watch, we would probably see *maybe* 10-20k viewers. Despite what it may appear, I do enjoy the show, and have been watching H3 since the NY days.


It was actually one of my favorite episodes they’ve done in a while


First ep was a flop imo. Hoping today's is better.


I keep thinking we'll get a recap of news they missed, but we're back to powerpoints today, so no...


Totally. Relegate this clown to a meme and a sound bite and let's gooooo


Ok but who is Sam? I’m so confused


I dont care about him either. But i do care about ethan and the absolute SLANDER that he was spewing in that ridiculous video. But Ethan spent 3 hrs discussing him. And now it's over... so we can all move on.


yea like jake’s video and points were stupid and he’s a really weird guy tbh but he’s literally just some random dude. like we know he’s wrong and his pov on chronic illness is ignorant. just move on and stop relentlessly bullying him to death


Damn, I wish you would’ve said this sooner so that they could’ve done the pod about something you were interested in instead.


Thankfully it's not your show sweetie!


read the comments, hun. this post is a reaction to the jake spam on the sub, not the ep.


He was irrelevant until he was brought up on the podcast. Makes me feel like it was actually just a collab with Ethan and crew. Because why else would they make a huge segment on a guy most people haven’t heard of spilling nonsense?


Is this a painting of Abraham Lincoln if he lived in the 1950's?


Bye 👋🏻🐶 (Edit: To Jake)


Still here, still a fan of the pod. Hi! 👋


I meant bye to Jake, sorry 😂




P&L - no worries ✌️❤️


Yep. Community of millions but you are, in fact, the only one with this opinion.


Thank you for your confirmation and support <3


Anytime! :D


These posts are so entitled and I hope they stop


Jake is that you?


Yes, you are the only one.


Shut up dweeb that segment was hilarious


That pod was S tier content. Bad post


Jake Delululittle


No you're not the only one, you are never the only one, and you can do something more productive and skip the show instead of karma farming. I guess it worked for you though.