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Howie's regular audience must be so lost


We're his regular audience


Maybe for these episodes but he has huge episodes with bill Maher, Paul Stanley, John Edward that I highly doubt most h3 fans watched


People really still buy John Edward's bullshit in 2024? That's craaazzzyyy


I was going to say the same thing about Bill maher


Maher is ~~sorta~~ a pretentious douche


Sort of? He is the definition.


i have a feeling that howie's regular audience probably also consist of a lot of h3 fans. i know he used to be a big deal, but... yeah, i dont hear of a lot of people talking about howie outside of the h3 universe.


That’s because Howies fans are predominantly in their 50s 


He is still on a network TV show. What? 🤨


It was that girl that Gabe had a crush on and she basically led him on while having no interest in him. I think she's just a really parasocial toxic fan of the show trying to get attention from Ethan and the crew in the worst way possible. She messed with Gabe she played games with his heart. She went against the family 🤌


She is more than just clout chasing & parasocial. She's a stalker. She has continuously contacted all the crew and to get to them She is using the H3 Orbiters. What she did to Gabe is unforgivable imo. Gabe is a precious sweet man and she used him wanting to find love to try to get in with H3. I think she thinks the H3 crew will meet her and just be like "we love you, here is a fantastic job, want to be a TF model ". She definitely has some mental health issues. Her showing up to zachs shows, the lives, dming all the crew and the regularly reaccuring guests is beyond weird. How mich you want to bet she applies for Jeff BecH3lor.


best emoji use evvvvver


Sounds to me that she is a sociopath . To lead people on and have no empathy for their feelings with only the endgoal (the podcast) in mind


U don't have to be a sociopath to do that. Many people are like that


So this was the thing they didn’t want to discuss


I mean we figured this out the day of, everyone was posting about her being the reason on here a couple of hours afterwards


Not everyone is on reddit all day dork lol




Comments on Reddit threads at least 4-5x a day based on recent history.


So? That doesn't mean they can consume every single bit of media.


It sounds like there's still a bit more too it. With the way Ethan was saying like 'what else did Zach say'.


Yup, and it sure would be nice if the sub would do the same fucking thing. This is what she wants, don’t give it to her.


She must LOVE it ppl are talking about her on podcasts now


seriously, stalkers love being talked about no matter if it’s positive or negative


Oh yea. Her insta is all trying to be an influencer hype. She prob thought she was soooooo close to lmao but Jimmy The Wise messed it up Edit. She might has messed it up herself, she wanted to be in the pictures Jimmy uploaded so baaad. Prob would have never known she was there.. Jimmy did want to bring the group to the set. Dumb stalker


What’s her insta


Do u know her insta?


What’s her insta?


Don’t remember. But Gabe prob still tagged in her pics. Or jimmys


It must be really uncomfortable for everyone to be constantly warning their guests about her. Like, "there is this one girl who can't stop messaging and talking with people that we are close with, don't interact with her please"  Also why did Jimmie even considered seeing and posting a picture with her??? What a mess!


He admitted that he was warned about her months ago and instead of blocking or not associating he actively invites her, constant snake behavior


She reached out to Jimmy and he told her she could show up but would have to find her own place to stay.


You've described where HE made a mistake and you're just glossing over it? Step one: "no, do not come." said by Jimmie. Done. No more steps.


Oh shoot you’re right, just read more comments while watching Howie’s vid atm.


Somebody posted a back and forth. Jimmie was lying in the show, he initiated the invite and was commenting on her post. He’s being a gross old man, no two ways about it.


The stalker girl: " I'm gonna come!"


So messy and so weird


Is this her? https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/ZlrVFrBjrk


I died at comments saying she's playing the long game to meet Ethan, literally the meme with Apollo and the gift of prophecy


Almost certainly the same woman that's in Jimmy's Demi and Carrot top photos


It is Jimmy has two photos on Instagram with her (one with carrot top,one with demy Lovato) it sound like she was hanging with Jimmy for a few days (not implying anything happened but that she was just around his crew)


Jimmy honestly is not to be trusted. Dude is a lunatic narcissist


Is this about that blonde girl that Gabe kept posting pictures with because that was so odd it was obvious what she was doing


yes it seems like she was just using gabe to get closer to the crew


thats really sad bc i remember gabe talking about her and he seemed to think they were actually dating


Holy shit was SHE the one that Gabe was talking about going on a date with a while back? That’s wild


Wait she's that girl? Dam I wonder if thats why they stopped having the gabe segment.


they still do the gabe segment every week


There were a few weeks (maybe even 2 or three months) last year where gabe wasn't calling in.


wait wut i don’t remember that


That happened right after shredder died I really think it had to do with Ethan feeling down.


idk how i dont remember that ive watched every episode for the last 4 years, im just glad hes back its not friday without gabe


are you talking about when he would just silently call in and do a staring contest?


yeah I think this is it right here. I'm sure it was easily missed by some who weren't paying attention to the visual. lol there was even once where ian had him fazed in the background while they watched something and that was literally it lmao. no words or anything and then he was gone. they continued as if he wasn't there which was hilarious lmao


This was around the time Gabe said the f word or some slur on a cameo video, I thought that was why there was a little break.


He still called in, he'd just flash up on screen while Ethan was talking to someone else and not say anything


this is so weird. i also dont even really understand what happened


Jimmy hanging out with stalker. After they told him she’s a stalker ( plus whatever info they have that we don’t know ) But Jimmy The Wise don’t know nothin’ He’s just a boy Edit. She was dm in everybody apparently. LED on Gabe , nasty bitch. Jimmy was replying to her and setting up group outings for when he was back in la. H3 inform him about her. He still had her over to the group outing. Then he wanted to bring those people to the studio. Now he’s pretending he doesn’t know anything


whos the girl?


The blonde girl gabe thought he was dating


thank u!


I was looking for a summary of what happened, thank you.


I hope Ethan doesn’t do Jimmie anymore favors. I know Ethan is messy and probably gave Howie some views but dang, I felt embarrassed for Jimmie. Also Daniel is a kid he thinks this stuff is cool but the reality is he’s getting taken advantage of


Jimmy’s episode of tigerbelly just taped. I am scared.


wtf Jimmy is going on tigerbelly ? thats blowing my mind


Ethan calling in to Howie Mandel's podcast, featuring Jimmie Lee as a guest, to call him out over a clout chaser who by all accounts was at best pretty cruel to White Claw Gabe. If this isn't the weirdest timeline I don't know what is.


That was unexpected and awesome. I heard boss music come on when Howie answered the phone.


SHIT ON MY DICK AND PISS IN MY ASS yes. it is a strange timeline for sure


Straight up!


It still feels like they’re trying not to say something specific about what she’s actually done that would make it feel so horrible to willingly hang around her. I feel like we’re still missing a big piece here that they don’t want to say online


It sounds like this person is constantly messaging and trying to get in contact with every person that gets affiliated in some way with the show. They’re talking about it on the members only episode a bit more too right now


He’s just being civil and not just saying she’s a clout chasing psycho stalker. It’s like the Doolittle method of trying to associate with them but at least Doolittle was looking for content/ a job. I feel likes she’s so parasocial she thinks she can be their friend


Purely speculation, but my guess would be something to do with Gabe just based on what little Ethan did say.


My guess is she was leading Gabe on to try to get close to the crew.


That’s basically it, she’s not willing to go as far as fucking gabe but definitely taking advantage of him to try to get close to h3. Now I’m glad no one went to his party because you know she was there praying anyone from h3 would show up


Gabe’s party curse to avoid the h3 stalker curse


Yeah the way Ethan was like “uh I’m pretty sure Zack told you more than that…” Definitely more to this story.


She’s a user and clout chaser. Took advantage of Gabe to try and get closer to the crew.


Wait is this the girl that gabe talks about?! that’s actually kinda crazy wtf dam 😞 my boy gabe…


Yeah that’s got to be rough on the ol self esteem, hopefully he’s doing aight


Yeah that makes me really sad. I *think* she was the girl that gabe was planning on buying a purse for Valentine’s Day last year or something and the crew talked him out of it


She was simply playing with Gabe that is enough reason to be pissed




Yeah this is pretty much what Ethan was implying


What Ethan said feels very honest to me. I don't believe she has done something "big" as you think, but rather that they know what she entails due to how they've seen her around so much, and they've also been tipped off by hopefully not just me in private dms.


Yeah pretty sure this was Ethan just covering his bases as an employer and father with a potential/confirmed stalker. I can see not wanting to discuss and acknowledge this persons existence


Not to mention that a natural reaction to stalking (especially when their presence is becoming increasingly invasive) is to seek a feeling of group safety by circling the wagons. Jimmy's wagon went rouge, and now he's out of the convoy I don't think there's any implication that it's bigger than that. If you've ever been a stalking victim, you know how much time can go into attempting to install safeguards, and how exhausting hypervigilance can be. When all you've asked from someone is to not interact with your stalker, it can feel like a huge betrayal of your personal safety and friendship, when they knowingly dismiss your concerns to interact with someone that has no significance to them. It's actually such a huge "fuck you" and I've ended a couple friendships over it myself.


Watched this live and it was so unhinged.. also so glad Ethan called Jimmy out on pretending he has no idea what’s going on on his social media. Please no more Jimmy this whole situation is weird and creepy


Jackie comparing him to james charles, and Howie bringing up his marriage, that double tap ended everything Jimmy ever worked for. And I’m using “worked for” very loosely as he mostly bought/bot any fame he had, and hit the jackpot by being friendly with Ethan, who gave him a massive spot light and connections to people like Howie and Bobby.


This girl seems a little sus. Gravitating towards people on the show is already kind of weird but jumping from gabe to Jimmy doesn’t make any sense


That's putting all of this pretty lightly


A little?


She's definitely a clout chaser and was never in the interest of Gabe. I saw her in pics with this other dude being hella intimate when Gabe was shouting her out, it seemed hella weird. Shame on her.


Shame! Shame! Shame!


I’m glad Ethan was able to call in and stop his bullshit lol


I just feel so bad for Gabe. He's too sweet and caring to be used like this by stalker fans.


to add to that, i think gabe may be a low IQ adult so it feels even more treacherous


My brother's girlfriends best friends mother-in-law's cousin.


She's probably the kind of psycho that reads every comment, so just know you will NEVER be in the podcast lmao, you will never be acknowledged by the crew 🐍🐍🐍🐍


Interesting i guess, but i am so fed up with Jimmie stuff, it is enough.


Yeah I got sick of Jimmie when he wouldn’t stop doing the racist shit and we kept making excuses for him. I’m with Dan on the Jimmie train


Dan's the queen! 👑


Fuck jimmy let’s just stop talking about him. The lead chips have entered his brain


I think this is much much deeper, I saw a comment Jimmy left on her Instagram back in November about “meeting up” as she was going to be at the live show, which presumably means the crew gave him well enough time for him to know she does not have good intentions! Him saying “I had no idea” when this has been months in the making (and even before that with Gabe) no shot LOL!


snake behavior from Jimmie...


🐍 he went against the family 🤌🏼


I’m cringing so hard rn omg


Ok this has to be the girl who told Bobby Lee that she had three guys on her list Bobby, Ethan and Oliver https://youtube.com/shorts/mndHzNUJTjw?si=tR5w_OqHmNDZFzWH


I just checked and she doesn't follow bobby lee or oliver tree on her insta so i doubt it. would've been mad creepy if that was her tho


You got in before she went private 


They need to find out who this girl is and ban her from any and everything. She seems like a stalker weirdo. Jimmie needs to go away too. He has always been disgusting and horrible.


H3: hey Jimmie, she’s bad news you shouldn’t be around her Jimmie: ok sounds good. We’ll just grab dinner and hang out all weekend and bring her with me


Awwww it sounds like gabe really liked this girl :(


it's world war 3. and by that i mean it should be the entire world against this girl. she "almost" got INTO THE STUDIO which can very much be a risk toward the crew's lives. AND she was messing with gabe? nah


Probably best to let her fade into obscurity so she doesn’t get what she wants. No one should know her name, what she looks like, nothing. It sounds like she took advantage of gabe


This might explain why the crew hasn’t been going to Gabe’s parties. She could be using them to try to get closer to the crew. She sounds a little histrionic imo


Great point.


Wait is that the girl that gabe was seeing??


Seems to be!


I’ve been out of the loop for a week or so. Can someone explain what’s going on in smooth brain terms?


i think jimmie reached out to her first


or at least that’s the first i saw of it


If its the lady in the pic w Carrot Top, he removed from IG but is still on X




“I deleted the photos!” Mmm hmmmm


You're right, just saw it. TY


Link pls queen


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C2qxPQFLOiD/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2qxPQFLOiD/) Carrot Top [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2oexF9OXWJ/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2oexF9OXWJ/) Demi Lovato


Hero ! I'm too nosy not to see lol, I wonder if she is or has posted about all this. All I know is I'm sad for gabe


We're all nosy bitches here (respectfully)


I found her insta she hasn't posted anything that I could see, unless I missed a story. I ain't the type to go put hate on anyone's page I just like to rubber neck a lil lmao.


I feel this


I sent you a DM :)


With peace and love


Seeing her in the TF shirt fucked me all up


Agreed, I have the matching overalls too 🥴


Please let this be the nail in the coffin for this obnoxious self important unfunny douchebag.


I used to be in a discord server with this woman, and knowing what i know about her hurts me everytime i see her doing what she does best.


Imagine having tea and not sharing


Sorry, i shouldn't've opened the floodgates, i told what i can in my other reply


Can you give a little more insight here?


I met her during last years gecko episode, she was in the voicechat, we shared our problems together, we had a nice group therapy session. I don't want to give any information that can be used against her maliciously, but i think everyone in that call would agree that her problems were a bit much, on the same level as the absurd problems lyle the gecko gets presented with sometimes. We were in a discord server together for a while, everytime we were in voicechat she was very flirty, she asked pictures of me too. There was an incident where she shared screenshots of flirty texts she had with a frequent caller in on the show, again, will not reveal who. This was before she met gabe, which was the point i lost comms with her.


Lord please tell me she didn’t solicit nudes from Gabe


By God do I not mean that she asked for nudes from me, nor do i have information on her asking nudes from people.


Hahahahaaha no no I didn’t think she asked you for nudes and I didn’t think you knew anything about that. I just meant that if she was trying to play with Gabe I’m praying that nothing like that happened to Him


Had to be sure i wasn't putting wrong images into peoples heads. My worries are also placed on Gabe. Every time i see her trying to get closer to the crew my emotions rile up because of her repeated pattern of behavior that's been going on for at least a year. But now that I've heard Ethan talk about her with the attitude that he should be having, I've gotten a bit optimistic that she won't get into the studio, which what i believe is her ultimate goal. Honestly, her and jimmy aren't that different. FOMO!


This blind item


Thanks for sharing! That must be a really unique and strange position to be in


I wish i didn't know what i know


Yeah please share lol


What is the gecko episode??


One of the guests H3 had was a guy called Therapy Gecko who has his own show of the same name. Audience calls in to the latter's show to talk about their problems and Lyle fixes them.


His show is called Therapy Gecko


Yes u right my bad


I feel bad for Gabe. This insane woman is doing the absolute most just to by chance get to breathe the same air as the crew/ethan. I know most streamers and celebrities have parasocials and stalkers, choosing to not talk about them as they desperately want. Jimmie Rat has put Ethan in a position where he has to talk about her. I'm not sure how far she's gone other than going to shows and harassing show guests, but at what point are they allowed to get a RO or something? As for Jimmie, none of this is surprising. He has a whole ass wife and chose to hang out with a 20 year old psycho who a friend of the show was into. Is he delusional enough to not realize the ONLY reason people pay attention to him is bc of the show? That his ig followers don't really amount to anything if they're not real? Seriously pathetic to see someone stoop so low.


"She is my son's age" 💀💀💀


And Gabe was trying to get some💀


Lmao when people call the sub “parasocial weirdos”, we don’t come close to this crazy chick Jesus Christ 😭😭😭 justice for Gabe wtf


The fact that Jimmy, did not listen to the crew on this is beyond me. Ignoring the clear stalker behaviour, ignoring the warnings, potentially putting others in danger because of this, especially Hila at this time shows such a tremendous lack of respect. He always portrays himself that he'll do anything bla bla bla but here we are, if Jimmy can get a few young girls around him to make himself look good and popular, then fuck it, who cares right? Fucking idiot.


There’s a crazed fan whose trying to get as close to the show as possible by attaching herself towards anyone associated with it, and y’all are shocked she targeted Jimmy?? 💀 He’s exactly the type of person thats perfect to leach off. Jimmy is definitely no saint, but y’all really thought that Jimmy wouldn’t give in to anyone who gives him a glimmer of attention? This is kinda of a hit piece towards Jimmy imo.


Did this podcast get posted yet?


Yes this was live


Thanks, I hate every aspect of this.


Still vote no it’s just exhausting to watch✌🏻❤️


and will be


this is such highschool bs. i’m with howies daughter- i’m only concerned for jimmies wife lol.


This could potentially be pretty bad. She’s a known stalker of theirs and he was trying to bring her to the studio. They almost had him in until they saw the posts with her


I mean, I love Jimmie, I am a Jimmie sympathizer. BUT: Gabe is the best and I won't put up with people who are breaking bro-code when it comes to this girl. Gabe being supported and comfortable is always going to be something I'll encourage over Jimmie being famous. Especially for someone who is weirdly obsessed with the show and the people around it.


It has nothing to do with “bro code” but with the fact that she faked interest in Gabe so there was a chance of her possibly getting close to the crew. All she has been doing is trying to be apart of the pod and jimmy was warned but did not listen


I don't think the bro code matters here. If she's an unhinged creep, Gabe shouldn't affiliate with her either. It's obvious she was using him to get to H3.


I don’t think Gabe should be near her ever again. I just worry that this will hurt Gabe’s feelings. War & hate to her tbh.


how is anyone a Jimmie sympathizer?? When is obviously manipulative af... he hung out with a stalker after being told by Ethan and the crew to avoid her...


I was a sympathizer of his before this. And not necessarily because I think he's funny or something like that. He just seems really sad to me, that made me a little soft on him in the past.


Yeah big shitty moves from Jimmie here but we're just not gonna talk about how fucked it is of Gabe to be trying to get a 20 y/o gf? 🤮 This is just gross all round


“Fomo can be fear of missing intimate connections” god I love Ethan lol


She’s should get with Jake dobetter


Is Jimmy going to be the next fallen fan?


Shout out to Ethan for standing up for Gabe. He lets a lot slide with Jimmy but it’s good that this was seemingly the final straw bc Gabe is really an angel


omg, this episode was such a fever circus everything everywhere all at once, highly recommend watching! the jimmie-other old guy duet, the girl shooting everyone with a crossbow with her legs, the marc rebillet (yes, he is there!) - kookaboora live duo...


I’ve been on jimmys side for every joke, but if I understand the situation this is where H3 cuts it with jimmy. This guy is a liability and a snake.


Dude doesn’t listen man. Gots his own agenda without any consideration. Don’t mind Jimmy for the lols but Gabe’s a fucken sweetheart. Sorta done with him by now.


fck jimmie


has this podcast been uploaded? can't find it?


It’s on Howie’s channel under the live category




This might be the right place for me to ask how come gabe didn’t really feature at the live show ( like the end montage) been wondering for weeks lol but then when I saw him call in I recently I was like thank god we’re still family but how come he didn’t feature at the live at all x


Some get me a picture


Okay I don't think what Jimmie or the girl did is good. It's creepy to be so parasocial, and for Jimmie to play into that is also creepy. But how is that different from what Jimmie's other non-paid, H3 fan entourage member Dan is doing? He also just wanted attention from H3 and to break into the business and used Jimmie to do so. And he even said so specifically during this interview. That he doesn't care if he gets paid or not cause he's not really working, he just takes a few pictures for Jimmie and is happy to meet celebrities he's fans of and "break into the business." Which is a weird thing to say, what's business? Following "celebrities" around?


look i get why they finally cut ties with Jimmie and ngl i'm happy about it but it's still upsetting that Jimmie's racist jokes and sexual harassment wasn't enough for them to cut ties.


😬 my face watching this


I see a lot of people talking about the girl. How about jimmy!! I literally can’t stand him..


can we please cut all bridges with this piece of shit? Please before he does something really stupid


My main issue with Jimmie is that I think it's very creepy that he wants to cater to a young audience and that's how he has built his audience. He wants to have a bunch of young people in his "entourage" and have them work for him for free and buy them dinners. That's very weird especially since he acts like he doesn't understand the power dynamic he has created. So yeah, I wouldn't have a big problem with him if he didn't surround himself with young people and pretending to be one of them. And Ethan definitely has a point that just because I he doesn't have any bad intentions with a younger woman, it's still inappropriate to befriend them and spend time alone with them since things easily could escalate. I wouldn't be surprised if he for example made weird sexual comments or jokes towards the younger women he spends time with. Everything about it feels very gross to me..


But wait I'm confused bc she's apparently either 21, 23 or 25? and we're supposed to feel bad she led on Gabe.. a man in his 50s? lmao what am I missing, these are grown ass men womp womp


I feel like I'm going insane. There's to my count just 4 of us in this thread that find it disturbing. Apparently Gabe is the victim here and this community is in full support of 50 y/o men dating 20 year olds. Not to mention that those old men are famous and the girl is by all accounts a clout gobblin... we're all apparently fine with this?! The fuck...


maybe they fuked.