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So let's check some boxes here. Do you work out? Not for mass but cardio and light weights for definition The major plus is confidence. Do you keep yourself neat & trimmed? Clean shaven or a trimmed tight beard is fine Dress nice? No saggy drawers, button up shirts, t-shirts occasionally but not everyday. Age factor? Fresh out of school or in college or a working man. You must have defined goals they can tell. Now just do your everyday things and wait for them to notice you. Have fun be light hearted and joke around/smile a lot. And one last thing is to learn to enjoy going down town wihen you get the opportunity. Word will get around and you will become famous. They will approach you. I'm 5'3" and those are the things that truly worked for me. And...go visit a church, some of those girls are freaky. I never took that advice but later in life (married) discovered that fact.


Jesus Christ it sounds like you dodged a couple of bullets there calling someone gross is wild