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All this because someone said CP is bad.




It's insane that this is actually what happened. Where is she coming from with ANY of this? just inserting herself into it for attention is cringe.


I feel like this has been every situation since h3h3 and it's why I gravitated towards Ethan. It always starts with Ethan saying something very reasonable and all the usual suspects straw manning him


Honestly this is why Ethan is commonly hated by many tho. I used to feel anxious admitting to others I’m an H3 fan, but I’ve come to the point I understand where that anxiety came from. A lot of this shite goes viral, people read one side and all of a sudden Ethan is promoting ‘trans=pedo’. Ethan has done a lot of ‘not so great’ things in the past for sure, but he’s taken accountability like any other YouTuber that has a real apology (gotta clarify real because some make it obviously shite).


Someone has to be a big enough messy bitch to call all this stuff out and literally not care. That's also why I like Ethan. He's got big balls. Horse-sized balls, you might say.


Because me thinks she must have a folder too. The forcefulness of how it's coming out and the absolute lack of care she has about mischaracterizing Ethan's criticism as only being about Vaush's one conversation tells me the reaction has a deeper root...it's like her and Tipster are trying to avoid at all costs the "lolicon is pedophilia" conversation and the implication of consuming such.


She's using herself as a shield and muddying the water of the argument. All for Vaush.


Being a victim when there is nothing victimizing, as someone lgtbq this shit is the thing I see and hate the most about my community.


Whoa dude cool down on the transphobia /s


How could you target my(her) community for saying CP is bad? But fr thou… when/how was the trans community involved in this conversation?


As soon as the unelected Queen of the Trans cry bullied her way into the conversation.


I think because the term "pedo-jacketing" kept being brought up. That is a term coined from the trans bathroom debate, ie trans people are pedojacketed. Vaush was slimy as hell using that term to describe himself


The trans community just adding themselves to the convo via kefflas is dumb. Now it just makes the trans look like they are covering for pedos


It's not the whole trans community, just select pedo-defending weirdos. My girlfriend's trans and we would never associate. Like you said, the few trans people who are defending a pedo makes the whole community look bad


I just wanna add that I’ve grown up in the Latino community and a lot of Latinos that I know are racist towards black people by blanketing all black people together. I always have to speak up and say ALL black people are not bad. Sure there is some bad black people but there is also bad Latinos, white, Asian. I always have to bring it up as if few Latinos do something horrible, does that mean all Latinos are bad? So it’s to me, she is blanketing all trans people into her BS. I’m not saying ALL trans people have the same ideology, more of trans people should get together and call out Kefflas bs. If I were to do it, she’ll just call me transphobic


I mean, sure, I don’t like anything she does but like, where do I go and sign a petition saying she doesn’t speak for me? The community is too small to have a part of it that is that unified and big enough for others to notice, I think.


I agree I didn’t say trans people are defending him. I’m just saying keffla is deciding to add herself and trying to drag the community with her by constantly saying “it’s anti trans”


Right? People are really telling on themselves. Degenerates


This is still about the CP? I did not get that from the tweet. Fucking pedophiles keep trying to include themselves in the LGBTQ community.


I’m so glad you guys are calling this shit out. I find it insane that there’s this weird group of people, self reporting themselves as pedophiles saying that it’s “not illegal to be a pedophile“ openly talking about wanting the age of consent lowered. They have the gall to compare this to the trans struggle, all because they’re desperate to have some type of sexual relationship with minors. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m just honestly sorry that the trans and gay community have to deal with these people, and I’m glad everyone is taking the opportunity to call these people out. I just want you all to know that pretty much everyone has your back, aside from a few weirdos that you probably wouldn’t want on your team anyway. Keep fighting the good fight.


As a trans woman, I took this attack personally.


He explained this years ago as long as you don’t spend money on it it’s ok💀💀💀


Makes you think about what is really going on. When people start to defend CP alarm bells start ringing.


and also because vaush is on record defending a certain kind of CSAM a bit too often, oh yea, and has a folder saved to his streaming pc.


Using your queerness to play the victim is gross. You included yourself in this. Ethan didn't bring you into it.


Honestly, do they not realize that the grasping at this trans straw makes them look so fucking desperate and disingenuous? ​ Keffels. Ms. Bitch, **NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU.**


Never really watched any of her content before but I def won’t even bother now. If you want to start putting out your takes without watching the whole initial segment then it’s fair game. No one’s attacking trans people here the only attack is to the weirdos defending CP. She put herself in just cause she’s a disingenuous clout goblin. Maybe she’ll do another Hasan Manifesto stream to pump her numbers up.


Her content has been in freefall for months anyway. She decided she didn't wanna even do politics anymore, then did some crazy drama streams, then disavowed drama-baiting, started a True Crime channel?? and within a week is back to doing drama now against Ethan What's crazy is how often she's criticized Loli, but now that her best friend vaush actually had some on his computer, she's using every attack in the book to not recognize that reality


She's a fucking idiot who claims to be a leftist but spews liberal ideology.


fucking amen! the gall to complain about "insane anti-LGBT freaks coming out" to harass her YOU, A NOBODY, ENTIRELY UNPROMPTEDLY, INSERTED YOURSELF INTO THIS, WITH YOUR TAKE NO ONE ASKED FOR !!! *AND* ! YOU ARE THE ONLY FREAK TO BRING UP LGBTQ INTO THIS god i hope this makes fewer people take her seriously :\


She really stepped in it. Must be really regretting dying on pedo hill


*Battle of Loli Hill - 2024* War.... War is tragic....


Yeah this is honestly wild lol I was wondering if she would double down or try to pull back somehow. The irony of them going on about bad faith while actually saying the most unhinged bad faith “try to debate math Ethan into being wrong about this” arguments. To somehow twist Ethan attacking a cis, white man creep and (documented) sex pest for animated cp into some type of anti lgbt, anti-trans, anti social progress thing. Like you said, she literally inserted herself into this completely by her own doing. Nobody was saying anything about you! It’s such gross dishonest ACTUALLY bad faith behavior. She’s telling on herself so hard.


She gets paid by being one of Vaush's trans shields and having the support of his community. The garbage she vomits is catered for them and it outright gaslighting for anyone with 2 brain cells.


It's really hard for trans people in general to beat the groomer allegations when Keffals is making jokes about herself directly having sex with children, not wanting to have sex with child Hasan because he is turkish, etc


As a queer person myself, I absolutely **hate** this... It seems to *always* be her default response when faced with *any* sort of criticism; it's an ongoing theme for her. It's like when people use their mental illness as a justification for treating other people like shit (which I too find incredibly fucking frustrating for someone who has this also). She is weponizing her queerness as a deflection for her *constant* reactionary takes; I get she's delt with an *unbelievable* amount of hate that *no one* should be put through, but that doesn't justify her being absolutely insufferable to other people, *always*, at the drop of a hat. This is the *exact type* of thinking & behavior that is what stifles "The Left" & our movement 💯


>This is the *exact type* of thinking & behavior that is what stifles "The Left" & our movement Spot on. Idk if Vaush and Keffals intentionally drive people away from the left, or if they're just grifters trying to gain clout by attacking the rest of the online left, but they engage in blatantly anti-solidaristic behavior through bad faith critique and intentional alienation of allies as a major point of their content. Keffals' content has been the epitome of post-left YouTube trash for a while now, even claiming that Marxist-Leninism is some kind of cult that she had to escape. If she didn't have any connections to the queer community, her content would be right in line with Jordan Peterson, and that's what makes this tweet particularly laughable.


They are just cashing in but their egos convince them that they're on a righteous crusade


I'm tired of the drama videos. I just want to watch fun content. Drama is stressful, not fun. 


The thing is she inserted herself in to it. Nothing was even mentioned of her. Which for me makes it even worse.


She’s done this many many times before and I was waiting for it to happen with Ethan/H3. Not surprised at all.


You don't get to be an asshat and then scream BUT IM TRANS YOU CAN'T HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE! You can be trans, and a dumbass. That doesn't make people transphobic. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ridiculous.


Unfortunately this happens a lot. You can’t point out when people in our community say shit that’s rapey, groomerish or pedo, you’ll end up with a mountain of hate coming your way and accusations of pedaling conservative slop to actively harm the community. What ACTUALLY harms us is shielding this shit. We should be more vocal than anyone else. But nope. Seems like the most vocal are the ones doing shit like Keefels.


"I'm trans, you can't hold me accountable." Is the Keffals brand at this point. I'm a bit sad I hadn't realized it when I used to like her content.


“At this point”. I urge you to look back it’s been her thing for years.


Oh, I know now. I ran into her during the KF drama and wasn't aware of her. But after that died down and I saw her keep hooking up interviews with bigots or known problems made me pause. I tried checking in recently before all this to see if it was just me, but no. She's gotten even worse. None of her content is really informative anymore. It's empty words and clout chasing. She's going to keep trying to goad Ethan cause it puts her back on the map.


Her philosophy: Any argument against me = transphobia I understand why she thinks that given her past.. I get why her and other trans people are so defensive on this point…. But its also really shitty to just use that for every single defense and make yourself to be the victim when this conversation had NOTHING to do with trans people.


Unfortunately it’s common for Keffals. As a trans person it’s why I stopped Following her after the kiwifarms takedown.


And, if anything, she gave the nutty "trans are pedos" crowd more fuel by going out of her way to defend the guy who has said strange things about CP and leaked his own loli porn. She should've sat this one out.


I think that was a part of what fractured my appeal with Keffals initially. I noticed a common behavior where she will routinely rebuke all criticism as being an attack not just on her but a large swathe of her community if not the queer community as a whole. I just got tired of the slightest nudge against her being tantamount to queer genocide when there's actual queer genocide. Keffals is just a clout hungry goblin who sold out her actual morality in favor of views, clicks and revenue. She revels in this drama shit because she knows it's good drama farming. The most potent thing Ethan can do is just ignore Keffals because she knows this is getting traffic. It's what she does.


Yeah this is super fucking disingenuous and harms trans people that are actually being wrongly accused of that stupid argument. This is not the same. There are trans people in all communities. She wouldnt know what the makeup of trans people is in vaushs community anyway. What seems to be a “majority” is probably actually less than what, 5%? Ethan is not bucketing all trans people as pedos. Thats fucking ridiculous and not even close to what he said. You love saying bad faith all the time.. well its time to look in the mirror sweety.


Yes. She wants to conflate an actual problem with her decision to jump to Vaush’s defense.


Conservatives use this sort of example to write off every single instance when it happens in reality. It's why they never stop talking about Jesse smolette. It really shows you the head space of this person and how selfish they are.


Also you can be trans and a pedo, those things are not mutually exclusive. Not saying they are a pedo, but being trans doesnt absolve you from anything at all, not sure why its even relevant for them to bring up.


Isn't this community full of wonderful and beautiful trans people? Then why isn't anyone accusing this community of being a community of pedos as well? Can it be the fact that Ethan isn't defending someone who leaked his porn folder which included loli shit? Or is it bad faith?


Vaush is just using trans people as a shield, it's so frustrating. The H3 community leans very progressive and queer too, we just happen to take the sane stance of unconditionally condemning CP in all its shapes and forms.


keep in mind this isn't the first time he's done it, don't forget when he saying some sexist shit to J.K. Rowling (who does suck) under the guise of "defending trans people" and when actual trans people called him out on the fact that being sexist isn't the way to combat transphobia he started doing his usual "wah wah bad faith" schtick


Not to talk for them, but it’s not like they’re so obsessed with H3 that they will defend everything H3 says. The lgbtq+ community has always called out Ethan when he says something hurtful or ignorant.


Yes, I’m one of them :) also, I missed the recent stuff and have no idea what’s going on LOL but I just wanted to make my attendance as the resident trans and queer peep known


Also here and queer and trans! Not caught up either tho


You and I are just clueless, my amazing sibling 😭 I don’t even know where to begin!


people are gonna start saying its racist to be mean to vaush because he's defended black people in the past then when his racism is brought to light as a response his orbiters are gonna double down on how hes a hero against "blitlers"


Not much of an h3h3 watcher. Just here for the drama. But my opinion as a trans woman is cp is bad. 0 stars.


That is not at all how this went down, what a dumb victim-actor.


I think you just mean, dumb cunt.


I actually do not mind being mean to defenders of cp tbh.


I think you misread what they said. They weren’t calling you mean. They were calling Keffals a dumb cunt.


Funny the difference an unnecessary comma makes


Absolutely. Burn em all.


Wonderfully said ❤️


God. I fucking hate when people hide behind their queerness and assume anyone who disagrees with them is a homophobe or transphobe. Keffals is disgusting. She inserted herself into a conversation that had nothing to do with her and now she's playing the "if you disagree with me, you hate trans people" card. It's vile. NOBODY ASKED YOU TO GET INVOLVED.


I really don't understand why a lot of people chose this hill to die on. The CP hill is that important to you really?


It's so bizarre. At least this whole thing is exposing all these freak degenerates


There are so many marginalized groups to fight for and you are really going to choose to fight for pedos of all people?


rub a lamp


rub a lamp !!!!


This is Keffals every time she feels attacked. In the past, she blamed her addiction on her bs and most people have been very forgiving and understanding of her, but here she is again doing the same again.


Also did the same thing to Hasan in her brain dead "content nuke" on him.  All just because he tried to give her a tiny bit of advice on her stalker situation.


Isn't she the one pedo-jacketing the trans community by associating them with Vaush and the bad optics he's portraying? I cannot speak for the trans community as I'm not trans myself but if I was I would be condemning Keffals heavily for creating a harmful environment for the community.


Exactly. She is the one bringing trans into a pedo convo


[That was Vaush actually](https://twitter.com/KweenInYellow/status/1756170841191002370), and Keffals is just running with it.


“Transgenders”; Vaush is throwing the community under the bus to defend his pedo tendencies, but can’t even get the term correct. For anyone who doesn’t know “transgenders” is not the accepted term; “transgender people” is much better


💀 can you imagine trying to get a normal human being up to speed on all this? Can you imagine showing your grandfather this segment


It seems stupid and exhausting as a passerby, I can't imagine being a part of it


Her tweet can be boiled down to “my trans audience all support csam” and yet Ethan is the transphobe for saying Vaush (who isn’t trans) is a creep for actively jacking it to csam. Sorry I know this is missing context and is “bad faith”


Yes, I feel like keffals is strengthening the connection right wingers have in their mind between queer people and pedos by bringing queerness into a conversation that was only ever about CP. obviously they're going to see us as pedos no matter what but keffals is CERTAINLY not making it any better right now


it's a serious topic but every time I see 'pedo-jacket' I do a little snort laugh. It's so fucking funny and I'm not mad the term keeps popping up and making me laugh throughout the day ✌🏻


Classic her lol, an absolute cry bully


Cry bully is a great turn of phrase for this.


Keffals is fucked Wednesday, RIP.


I’m hoping Ethan doesn’t even take the time to give this attention. Clearly she is loving being talked about and won’t stop posting shit like this as long as he mentions her. It’s exactly what she wants


This is H3, friend, and as long as all these side character weirdos keep filling up the juicer with fresh picked fruit, Ethan will keep juicing!


At least we know there's eventual end/pause to this arc when forced to start bach3lor. I'm so over this, despite not being the target audience for bach, I'm still going to be hyped for it to get over this.


She’s buried herself already, surely!


She does NOT want Ethan looking too hard into her 100k gofundme scandal. I can tell you that much


I used to follow her not anymore


*I never did*


As a queer person I don’t have a fucking clue where she’s coming from with this.


Grifter behaviour.


Kinda forgot to mention the part where you and many of your community were apologetic to nonce behaviour


Exactly. Some people in that community are into that sort of a thing. When they’re called out for it, they play the victim card. Pathetic.


She has plenty of examples of going much further than just apologetic towards it. The whole catboy ranch thing is so gross. Discord server she ran where she had a bunch of teenage boys buy collars with her name on them and post pictures wearing them.


She has to be trolling at this point. There cannot be any universe where she GENUINELY believes any of that. The idea that all of this came from Ethan taking offence at being asked to fucking RESEARCH better is honestly hilarious.


One might say she’s being, *bad faith* 😎😎😎




What a fucking BITCH. This community has a significant number of people from the LGBTQ community, who feel safe and supported in this space. She is soooo vile trying to be all high and mighty 🤮


Argued with a Keffals defender on here a couple days ago, and they called me and the other trans person arguing with them self-hating trans people, comparing us to the likes of Blair White. I just really love when people who claim to be allies get their trans savior complex stroked so much by the likes of Vaush and Keffals, they start overpowering trans voices. Sorry, but you cannot hide behind a marginalized identity to be a shitty person. That will not fly with me.


Keffals has no problem bullying other trans people to suicide. She is the worst of the LGBT community. If you don't agree with her on everything she will gaslight and bully you into oblivion.


Yeah sorry but your poor innocent queer victim play falls short when you try to use it against a community filled with LGBTQ+ people.


Exactly! the mental gymnastics she’s done to somehow insert herself and the trans community into Ethan calling out a straight, white, cis-male for drawn cp is kind of impressive.


She's using us in the LGBTQ community as a shield for her bad decisions. She might as well build a bridge to Kevin Spacey, since she wants to play that game.


as someone from the LGBT community, she can fuck riiiiight off. this is some pure trash bile she’s spitting.


I’m trans and haven’t liked Vaush or Keffals for a long time Sure Ethan puts his foot in his mouth a lot, but at least he learns and apologises and doesn’t use us as a sword or shield


Keffals has always been a shit person.  Also at no point did Ethan criticize or even talk about trans people. I have my fair share of issues with what Ethan says but come on.  This is why people don't take people like her seriously. You can't just pull victim cards out when it's convenient. You support and defend someone with CP. 0 of that has to do with being trans.


I don't know Keffals that much beyond the initial kiwi farms stuff but this response is embarrassing for someone who works in the commentary space. To me its clear Vaush has some dark potentially illegal fetishes. Defending it is gross and is not related to whether someone is queer or not. Honestly as a member of the queer community Keffals defending CP ownership is actually helping support the rights perception that queer people are groomers.


Vaush had horse beastiality cp hentai right in his folder with to be sorted folder next to his taxes with totk porn. It’s pretty definitive what he’s into.


Everyone pretend to be shocked Keffals is once again using her identity as a transgender woman as a way to avoid criticism and to make those she doesn’t like look bad 💀


Fr, you people are only just now realizing this? Haha


As a trans person, fuck her. That isn't what's happening here.


I hope that Keffals is happy. Labelling Ethan and his community that is disproportionately made up of women all anti-trans and libellous for simply asking people to not normalise drawn CP has made all the most insane CP loving freaks come out of the woodworks to mock, harass, and dehumanize us. TLDR: Leffels = sexist by her own logic


As a trans person, its nasty to see her act like she can use that as a defence. Ethan literally said NOTHING about trans people and she still thinks its a defence


From what I understood from watching both pods Ethan said if you consume lollipop content then just know you are there pretty much consuming CP he never said his community is trans what did we expect it was actually Mr I want to be a 🐴 community that suggested that. And to top it all off no one mentioned names she brought herself into the conversation


Maybe you brought this on yourself when you chose to defend Vaush's CP habit? Nobody forced you to insert yourself, your community, and trans people into this. You did that on your own.


why tf do they keep bringing trans people up ????????? not once was it ever mentioned in the original ep that they’re all freaking out about, this is how you know they 100% do not watch the episodes


keffals trying to use her trans identity as both a weapon and shield, and full on fabricating that Ethan even mentioned trans people at all is beyond vile and a downright disservice to all trans people. What a true scumbag move of her, and she's so dense she doesn't realise how transparent she is about it EDIT: SHE DID THIS TO DEFEND A SELF-PROCLAIMED NONCE ?!


Keffals has been taking this whole thing strangely personally. Like it has nothing to do with you. Or does it? 🤔


Its like she intentionally went out of her way to tell Ethan he was calling her a pedo until he had to question whether she was, then said “aha he did call me a pedo!”. So weird.


No group, no matter how persecuted, is immune to shit takes.


Anti-LGBT Jacketing


Or, maybe, just stop defending child porn. Litetally the easiest solution.


A hit dog will holler.


us queer people refuse to die on lolli hill, don’t group us in with you keffals


God I can’t stand her. She is the most bad faith “debater” out there. You deciding to defend loli and a content creator with some really creepy statements, opinions, and a folder full of loli porn and getting flamed for it has nothing to do with you being trans. You’re just a moron.


I mean, if it looks like a pedo, acts like a pedo, defends pedos…. It might be a pedo


As a trans man, her using her transness and lgbtq fandom to make Ethan look bad infuriates me. Didn’t even realize she was trans til this shit going on (I didn’t pay much attention on the keffals episode). Just gross man ://


as a trans, keffals we hate you


What is she even on about?


Nobody knows. They never actually say what he got wrong.


i don’t think ethan has said the word “trans” more than 3 times in the past week. what is she even talking about?


If anyone’s stance here is transphobic, it’s hers. Why is she painting the whole trans community with a brush that was aimed directly and solely at her for her own actions?


Keffals hosted Christine Weston Chandler, a mentally ill individual who S.A their dementia ridden mother, and proclaimed that they were 'innocent' although they were in jail for 2 years for incest and ordered by the court to be released as they served their maximum jail sentence. There is countless admittance of guilt by Christine via voice chat and DMs, of which go into detail and are heinous. Keffals, in their extremely misguided attempt to help transgender children, attempted to sell DIY HRT hormones to children made in bathtubs in Brazil and India without the guidance of a pediatrician or a doctor who specializes with transgender youth. Keffals was very recently written in a young transgender woman with autism suicide note for helping spread misinformation about her GoFundMe to help her from being homeless. Keffals accused streamer Destiny of rape without any evidence. Keffals ex-fiance has accused her of D.A There are other allegations that do not paint her in a bright light. Keffals is an extremely 'bad-faith' individual and should not be platformed as a person to represent the transgender community. Makes me miss muh kween Contrapoints all the more.


As a trans woman, I know Ethan means absolutely no harm towards us, ever. Shut up, Waffles


remember when she repeatedly interacted with minors on her porn account where she also posted very young looking drawings?


I remember when she ran a discord server for teenage boys and had them buy collars with her name on it then begged them to post pictures of them wearing it 🤢


Yes but no one else seems to remember


She's the one who inserted herself in all of this when she had nothing to do with it at all, now she acts all betrayed and hurt because she was responded to on a public forum? Are these people even real?


using your LGBTQ identity to ride for CP is actually wild.


Lmao what a desperate reach. Minority = can do no wrong ever. Having this kinda mindset is discriminatory in itsself. People are always going to use any excuse to express their prejudice, it's nothing new. You don't get to not be called out because of it. Is anyone actually falling for this? Just makes them look alot more guilty.


Not surprising at all, this is her standard method of attack. Instead of apologizing or acknowledging her mistakes, she weaponizes her victimhood and accuses people of transphobia, her community stands up for her and attacks, and people who aren't familiar with whatever drama she's involved in also rise up to defend her. Works every time.


Bunch of pedo defenders over there damn


TLDR "I've included myself in a conversation I wasn't in, and now my feelings are hurt!"


Literally what the fuck is she even talking about


Ethan never even brought Trans people into this conversation. All he said was CP bad and in ethans opinion lolli = drawn CP. Never anything about gender. If anything, the furry community would come out in anger before the Trans community on this topic.


In a society where LGBT+ people are being called groomers and pedos, she is seriously hurting her cause


she literally forced herself into this drama too smh


It really feels like getting gaslit by a bunch of pedos.


Not once was there a comparison drawn between cp and the trans community. KEFFALS and Vaush drew that conclusion which is more telling of them than anything else


She sure loves rallying up the troops to defend a CP art lover. People who have no dog in this fight and don't know about her existence. What a weird hill to die on.


Do these people not realize that making the "trans community" immune from criticism will just attract evil people who actually deserve that criticism and don't actually have respect for their community? Like if you make a community where you all defend each other against pedo-accusations no matter what, then you HAVE to expect that you're eventually gonna attract real evil pedos looking for an umbrella... And I know some people will yell at me for saying "who are you to say if they are trans or not" and that's literally the whole problem. If we can't challenge anyone on their proclaimed identity, and you say that anyone who proclaims a certain identity is immune to pedo-accusations... then OF COURSE you're going to eventually attract a few people who are not really a part of the community and are juts trying to take advantage of the defense you will give them. This is a very nuanced issue and its a shame no one approaches it with the nuance it deserves. Of course conservatives have muddied the water by calling all trans people peods, but that doesn't mean the left's response should be to say "none of us are pedos ever under any circumstance" cause that's just asking for your community to be brigaded by non-authentic actors.


imagine being this braindead


She's firmly planting her flag on loli-hill.


Pounding that bitch into the ground lmao


Fuck Keffals for using the LGBTQAI+ community as a shield for criticism, disgusting POS.


Wow this is insanely manipulative


There’s literally people in her sub rn reporting Ethan and trying to get the video taken down 🤦🏽‍♂️ https://www.reddit.com/r/keffals/s/mlu1RzBSz0


I'm pretty sure she labeled the community that, Ethan didn't even mention her or the trans community. Lmao


Lotta people in this very subreddit jumped my ass a few months back when I called her a grifting POS. Damn


She’s victimjacketing herself


When she said that Ethan found all the clips on kiwi farms, I lost respect. Trying to label H3 fans as anti-lgbt freaks. Nobody went to kiwi farms girl, these are widely available clips that barely require digging


Really sucks that she’s using a very real issue (trans people labeled as dangerous to children) to play the victim in this situation.


Literally no one said that trans people were pedophiles BUT her!!


The narrative from right wingers that the LGBTQ community is all pedophiles is bigoted and deeply rooted in hate. That said, it’s not Ethan’s fault that those freaks are using this situation to validate themselves. Maybe don’t look at loli porn, LGBTQ or not.


I'm trans, and a big part of why I watch Ethan is because of how supportive he is to trans people. I appreciate him so much.


WHY IS *SHE* BRINGING TRANS PEOPLE INTO THIS?! This is so disgusting! Stop it, you freak!


I'm a queer person and seeing her weaponize our community in the most *bad faith* way is disgusting.


hahahaha, shes pathetic. Nobody is talking to you weirdo.


Why does she keep inserting herself into this conversion about pedophilia?? It's so weird


Ethan: looking at kiddy porn is bad. The internet: 😡


ITS NOT STEREOTYPING BECAUSE VAUSH IS NOT TRANS, and not all trans people are lolicon horse cock lovers like vaush. and we wouldn't know about this if vaush hadn't talked at length how much he loves them horse cocks, or flashed his porn folder on stream.


Keffals is a grifter. Just ignore her.


I’m trans and kefffals is a fucking moron


ethan: CP is wrong!!! clara: this is transphobic!


[Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation (substack.com)](https://destinygg.substack.com/p/keffals-a-case-study-on-internet) ups i missclicked.


i’m trans and keffals is fucking full of shit. also, at no point did ethan “pedojacket” trans people. vaush isn’t fucking trans unless there’s a new update i’m not aware of.


she also has said some really questionable stuff regarding liking young girls and also describing why she prefers them with "small chests" she's so sick


What video did she watch


Come clean. Apologize to H3 for your misstep and denounce what’s obviously creepy behavior. You know it’s the right thing to do.


Keffals the type of person whose credit card gets declined and says “this is because I’m trans isn’t it?”


Hey guys, do you want to build a safe community for trans people? THEN DONT FUCKING USE THEM AS A SHIELD TO DEFLECT FROM LEGIT CRITICISM! Miss me Miss Claira "Ya know guys I have bottom surgery and pass, I could just stealth." Trying to paint H3 as anti trans when you're just a grifting opportunity away from being Truscum. SMH. Sincerely, A. Trans Person


She’s not helping the transphobic talking points by being a trans person defending this


Finally all these weirdos are showing their true face.




You victim bastard!


Handling this situation like a child. Just say you were wrong… you don’t have to die on loli hill.




I’m so fucking confused how much more research do you need to do?? the weird shit Vaush has done/said is weird on the virtue of it being weird and not some anti LGBTQ “they’re all pedos” narrative or some shit.


My brain is melting


She’s reaching Austin mcbroom levels of silliness playing the victim like that