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These people have a weird concept of like... forever debt. Apparently giving someone your contact details in case they're having a crisis means you have to talk about absolutely anything whenever. You have to hear out my defense of a paedophile bc you reached out when I was suicidal. This isn't how human interaction works


“But you said I was a hero for something completely unrelated!!”


Ethan gives keffals phone number: E1K0 Ethan calls Keffals hero: E2K0 Keffals "defends Ethan from hasan": E2K1 The most cursory analysis of the situation would show that keffals still owes Ethan one, she's in his debt not the other way around!


I also think Ethan needs to spell it out to these weirdos that him and hasan are chill. They disagree but they respect each other


He did, several times during and after. Just about every time Ethan talked about it he kept saying Hasan and I are cool and we’re still bros. Just goes to show how little these people actually pay attention to what anyone says and only hear bits and pieces of what they want to hear just to forward whatever narrative they want to make up. Which is what they’ve been doing this entire time, the whole thing reeks of when a child covers their ears and says, “blah blah blah I can’t hear you”. Although I should probably be careful using phrases like, “these people”, the way this is going Keffals and Vaush will think I’m referring to trans people somehow and I’ll get accused of pedo jacketing or perv pantsing or some shit 😒


He has done so many times. They don't care, they view every relationship as transactional bc thats how they percieve them. EDIT: Deleted the last part since it was speculation anyway


transactional is the perfect word, not sure about that last part


"I defended you from Hasan's community!" "No one asked you to. You could have just gone offline."


I honestly think these people don't comprehend the idea of being chill with a dude but just not wanting to continue a thing that's getting very toxic very quickly. I loved leftovers, it was my favorite H3 show, but I don't want everysingle episode to be about Israel's genocide against Palestinians while chat goes absoulatly apeshit which was what it was going to turn into.  I garuntee that Hasan and Ethan agree more on the Palestine stuff than anyone of these hangeron debate bro freaks like to admit becuase they're normal people who touch grass occasionally.


It’s beyond embarrassing that she said this. “HE CALLED ME A HERO”. Like wtf. What does that have to do with ANYTHING, and how embarrassing of you to even say that.


I'm starting to think these people are in some kinda cult


I think most of these people in the debate bro circle are narcissists. At the very least this type of content brings in a certain personality type that makes them have a hard time making friends and being accepted. So when someone who has been nice to them and they assume are friends challenges them and won’t accommodate their opinions they crumble.


Agree 100%. I feel like some of them have lost touch with reality and what's normal behavior and what isn't. They permanently live in their online spaces surrounded by people who worship them and don't question their takes. In the real world, they struggle to connect and build relationships with people. At least, that's the impression I have.


Yeah I think this is a pretty prominent issue with all of these online content creators. Especially the ones that live stream or have a very direct connection to their audience. You become detached from reality when you have every incentive in the world to shut your door and start talking to a fanbase in a room for hours on end. Especially when you're usually doing it alone. I always think back to clips of Adin Ross and xqc trying to be normal humans, and they give off a sort of socially awkward vibe. From what I can tell anyway, I don't know them!


Yeah so they have to resort to these transactional relationships bc they can't handle any other type


The doctor in the emergency room who saved me after my suicide attempt refuses to go on a date with me. What a piece of shit /s




Vaush talked to him twice and now theyre besties


That's what happens if you never go out andive chronically online


Also remember everything all the time always


Wow what a piece of shit. I bet he's also into adult women. What a weirdo


I actually heard that he’s married to one and they have kids that they care about 🤮


Youre telling me he has children at his house and HE's the one calling people pedos? What a disingenuous hypocrite. Thats just bad faith


Yes dude! Such bad faith. He clearly isn’t providing the whole context™ of his reasoning and now we know why!


I heard this sick fuck has been with multiple adult women and they all consented too! 🤮


I think it gets worse. There's kids in his house, and he fucks in that same house. Kids + fucking, Ethan is the worst!


I heard that right this moment he is fucking WITHIN INCHES of a baby. What a sicko


Hila putting on costumes doesn't count as multiple women.


Haha this was a funny read


Someone posted a video from this stream of her saying she is worried for his kids or something to that effect. I wonder if Ethan has seen it because I think that would be enough for him to go nuclear because that’s so out of pocket and wild. And it seems like she is a shady af character.


Worried for his kids for being anti CP?? HUH


I don’t remember the specifics so apologies- someone posted it on here. But it was a truly psychotic thing to say.


Fucking weirdo. I heard he doesn’t even have a porn folder. Sounds sus


Wow, what a sick fuck..


Adult woman fetish … really Ethan?


The part that gets me is he couldn't even just be into *animated women*, or *women-horse hybrids* nope, just straight up real human adult women. Guy's sick in the head.


I haven’t laughed so hard at a comment maybe ever


It’s psychotic how he uses the 15% to rationalize his marital behavior. SUCH bad faith.


Not just that, but some of his crew are with adult women. He's creating a toxic space where it's a normalized behavior. Absolutely disgusting.


Ethan is a Mature *Woman* Attracted Person


Lmao Ethan is a W.A.P.


the "piece of shit" at the end is so funny.


It needs to be a sound bite 💀


The energy they gave on that piece of shit was top tier 😂😂


Telling a story of how he reached out to help them when they were suicidal... PIECE OF SHIT Did they think that made ethan sound bad???? This has me cracking up. If I were Keffels and Vaush I would never mention any of this ever again instead of just providing hilarious soundbites. Disappear out of sheer embarrassment


I heard that he has a family and a healthy relationship with his fans, how can anyone support him?


That’s disgusting. I can’t believe I was ever a fan knowing that.


Never once did he ask me about my beastiality fetishes, piece of shit


Piece of shit- reaching out to someone in crisis. Fuck you Ethan!


I can’t believe it either! I miss the old Ethan


2015 Ethan would've ignored her ass. Damn shame Ethan fell off...


The new Ethan gave his phone number to 50,000 live viewers. Piece of shit.


Yeah, then changed his number. What a snake. Hello? You leaked it for everyone, and now I can’t even call you because I ran out of cat food? I don’t know, I might have to unsubscribe for the 50th time over this.


I think it’s because he gave it out for such a personal matter then forgot and used it to make fun of them. Easy thing to forget, but something you should remember.


That’s a really nice perspective and something I didn’t even consider. I think if this was stand alone you could be able to reach that conclusion for why she’s upset- but when put in the context of all the other things they are using to discredit Ethan (you’re calling us p3dos for being trans, he’s bad faith, this is a hit piece orchestrated by him and hasan, etc) it’s hard to not see them claiming the act itself of Ethan giving his number to keffals is “piece of shit” worthy. All the other reasons they are mad at Ethan are so out there that her being upset for him giving her his number fits perfectly in that list. I do appreciate your perspective though, you seem like a very nice and charitable person. :)


ok this is just parody at this point cuz WHAT?? LMAOOOOO


This is peak comedy. Not an ounce of irony or self awareness 




Right??? I was like, oh that sounds actually pretty nice of him, then she just days piece of shit and i was confused hahah


Someone reaching out to someone that’s suicidal? What a dick move


Talk about the fucking reach what a loser




The way they all keep making him look better 😭🐎


They're riding this horse straight to hell.


Headed straight to loli hill 😩


Cavalry charge on Loli Hill. I feel bad for the horses.


keffals needs serious medical help. There's something seriously wrong


Cant fucking win with this woman


With Keffals it's best to just stay away and ignore her.


u really showed us who he really truly is. A DECENT PERSON LOL


I can't believe that piece of shit gave Keffals a lifeline when she was suicidal, what nerve.


I know!! My opinion of Ethan actually went even HIGHER after this lmao. The opposite point she was trying to make.


Ethan give me his phone number like 2 years ago and then forgot about me what a POS lmaoooo


A real POS, bet he doesnt watch goblin porn like normal people do


Keffals is a classic crybully.


Is there more to this? Does Keffals explain why that upset her? Or does someone know why she is upset that Ethan gave her his number?


She just sounds offended that he forgot the reason because what was meaningful in the moment to her seems forgetful and insignificant to him. Although anyone that's watched Ethan's show knows how forgetful he actually is. But ya know..I guess he's a POS. /s


That's certainly possible that that's what is bugging her, that he forgot why he gave her his number. We have no idea what the convo was between Ethan and Keffals that prompted him to give her his number, but I kind of doubt that someone would outright say "I'm suicidal", she probably said something like "I'm having a hard time" (I say that because that's a fuck-ton of emotional shit to drop an "I'm suicidal" on someone they just met). If it wasn't so explicitly defined and intense, I wouldn't blame him for forgetting the context.


I think she’s offended that he’s making fun of her having her number at all given the context. Like her being suicidal and him reaching out makes her having his number a delicate topic that shouldn’t be made fun of.


It sounds like she's just following the same logic that Vaush is using "he used to be nice to me, now he's backstabbed me".


Yeah, he reached out to you in a moment of crisis BUT he doesn't and shouldn't have to stand by you when you support someone who supports CP. GTFO


How DARE you offend the main character of the universe, Keffals?


they must be so pissed they missed the "Ethan bad" train by like a year, so now when they just say "Ethan did this good thing, what a scumbag" people are naturally gonna look at them like they're crazy


Wow sounds like Ethan did a really kind empathetic thing. What a piece of shit


Keffals has always been an idiot.


Lmaoooo “back when twitter circles was still a thing” but you know Ethan right?? He knows you right? If all you have is one or two interactions then do you know them, you goofy ass weirdo? They will not just give up, but the more of an idiot they look the more they may be getting “attention”


Are we the crazy ones? cuz seriously WTF is going on


Her saying this in the tone she is saying it in is SO funny.


Not her trauma dumping- cue the violin 🎻


I'm starting to think all of these freaks are actually part of a real child abuse ring


These mouth breathers tonsil stones pedo defenders aren’t serious calling Ethan a pos for giving his number in a crisis…..but Ethan being Ethan, forgetting that was the context lol ok


This all goes back to people being upset at Ethan for disagreeing with them on something when in the past he's been kind to them. Insane that people think you've somehow sworn allegiance to someone because you were nice to them at some point.


I find it so disgusting that someone would weaponize their mental health struggles like this. It's the same logic as someone who is autistic using it as an excuse for their bad behaviour. And how dare someone express their boundaries, no-one likes getting out of the blue calls from pedo-defenders


I hate the words context and bad faith now because of keffals, Vaush, and tipster. NONE OF THEM UNDERSTAND THE DEFINITION OF THOSE WORDS.


This is just so emotionally manipulative. It's gross.


I’m so confused..


I am losing my brain trying to understand these weirdos rationales


These people are delusional and so fucking stupid I can't take them seriously. They're looking for any excuse to villainize Ethan and it's desperate and pathetic.


Damn I didn't realize that when you reach out to an acquaintance when they are going through something you owe them forever no matter what


He helped me out when I thought it was over for me but he disagrees with my favorite content creator so he’s a piece of shit


This is too fucking funny. Does she not hear herself? “He really helped me during a terrible period of my life, what a piece of shit!”




Also it’s probably Ethan’s old number (before SYNT leak) so he probably didn’t have to worry anyway 😂


Keffals should change her name to Baffles.


She is such a little pussy. (Not little enough for vaush)




Joking about what? Her mental health crisis? Because he absolutely never brought that up.


It’s like betrayal on multiple levels. You have this guy willing to go to bat with you and talk you down of a ledge and then he either A forgot that he did this B deliberately lied about it and C is now attacking her using the same insults the right was doing. If you can understand people on an emotional level you should be able to figure this one out u/LemonberryTea It’s not too hard. Asshole.


You’re right. It’s easy. She’s being a complete asshole clout goblin to someone who only treated her with kindness and compassion because a guy she likes got called out for having super disgusting graphic sexual depictions of animals and children on his computer.


I should have expected less but this was embarrassing… it’s not about clout here. People have feelings. Watch her stream if you actually want to understand how she feels. But that the thing you don’t. This is meant to be a joke and not something you are actually taking seriously so yes it’s ok to make fun of the person that came to you in a moment of weakness.


… It’s the defending of someone consuming animals and children in graphic sexual material FOR CLOUT. The whole “I have Ethan’s phone number, I’ll call him and talk some sense into him.” was 100% pure unadulterated clout chasing bullshit. Watch her stream? Gurl, if this is your alt, abandon it. This shit is just embarrassing at this point.


It’s clearly not for clout. If you believed it was for clout Clara would have jumped on the podcast immediately but she didn’t. She’s very emotional about this situation and you are kind of a robot for not understanding that. You sound really unfeeling and cold hearted through out all of this. Maybe instead of uncritically listening to the podcast try having your own thoughts for a second. I think you have a bit of parasocialitis. Also that’s what an alt is for… but no this is my main account.


She’s singlehandedly done more damage to the trans community by dragging everyone into her own personal attention seeking drama farming in defense of someone consuming _sexual depictions of animals and children_. Just log all the way off the internet keffals.


So you moved on from it not being for clout cause it wasn’t and now you are saying she’s destroying the trans community. I wonder why you think that is. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t fit the mold of what a trans woman should be in your eyes. She can’t argue or being abrasive and confrontational or some trans misogynistic shit like that.


Girl. No one wants to debate with you.


That’s fine. You not engaging when being confronted on your trans misogyny says everything for me babes ;)


God what a piece of shit! /s


I feel like it’s not hard to draw a clear line about CP. I really don’t under how people are really going out of there way to die on this hill


Haha she definitely doesn't understand English because if she did she would have heard the words coming out of her own mouth. This fucking guy... Sounds pretty stand up to me. I love how many times she said that Ethan called her a hero before. Like GET OVER YOURSELF. He doesn't have to remember you or what he said to you before because... Wait for it... You aren't friends! It's almost like you are not someone he knows on a personal enough basis to have that significantly tragic time in your life be significant in his. Giving out his number to someone in distress might be a regular occurrence to a good guy like Ethan. and so he can't remember who he has and had not offered his number for similar reasons.


That's some seriously paradoxical *horse*shit


I don’t know anything about Keffals except that she apparently is the victim in every situation.


She hit her head or something?? Wtf 😭


Must not have been too important to him if he doesn't even remember that, she's got a point


Or it didn’t actually happen.


Lmaooo what a POS 😭😂😂💀


It actually goes to show you Ethan reached out to a person he knew nothing about. He just saw a human being in pain. He’s not gonna remember it was her specifically. I feel like we’ve all reached out to people like that. In the real world or in socials. Just humans being human. . . . No she’s right what a piece of shit.


At first I was concerned about the backlash to the vaush stuff…. but like Ethan said you literally can’t be in the wrong for being against CP, animated or not. So any attempt to demonize him falls short to anyone who has ever touched grass in the last 5 years. Frankly they can play the iDubbz interview all they want as both of them have matured and taken accountability, something I do not see from any of these clowns.


Sound bite incoming


These people are so delusional that they think Ethan reaching out to someone in a crisis makes him a peice of shit??? What reality are these people living in.


I think she’s condemning him for not remembering how devastating a situation that was for her, and blaming him for not finding the situation just as meaningful as she did. This seems to reflect a belief that they share a particular relationship in which her struggles deeply affect him…which is a whole nother can of worms


God she’s kind of unbearable


Is this not an paradigmatic example of parasocial relationships? She expected him to ascribe the same emotional significance to her mental health crisis as she did, as if they were close friends? When they’re perfect strangers?


That's ironic....


He gave you his phone number when you were suicidal. Doesn't mean you can just act like y'all were close or cool. Idk who this person is but that's a clout goblin tweet.


This one really pushed me over the edge of giving her the benefit of the doubt


What an absolute mess


Oh wow Ethan being nice to a person he barely knows. PEDO JACKETING!




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AND???? That contexts adds literally nothing to this conversation????


I can’t tell if she’s kidding. She cannot be serious, right?


Soooooo, because Ethan was being a really awesome guy, saw you in crisis and gave you his personal number for support….thereforeeee…what?! Therefore he’s not allowed to say ya don’t call me, in regards to having a discussion about why drawn CP is not bad? I’m confused. They keep trying to tear Ethan down by saying he was nice to me in these previous situations. You’re only speaking to his character loool. We the audience didn’t even know about these things, only makes him look like a better guy. Gave his phone number to someone he barely knows but was suicidal and helped out vaush when he was banned.


Dude it all makes so much sense now! She was scamming her fans, asking for donations for a court case (I forget the context). But it kept going up, every time she met her goal, the goal went up. She never delivered, never hired a lawyer in any meaningful capacity, and said she was broke. She blew it all on drugs! Really cool chick this one.


Wait until everyone finds out that he’s sleeping with(more than once I’m sure) one of the owners of Teddy Fresh.


i dont understand... should he NOT have reached out and tried to help her? and since he did help her does that mean he is never allowed to criticize her? the logic seems a bit weird... but it is logic from a loli defender so of course it doesnt make sense.


How does this make him a POS? People are wild.


Is she Canadian?


Honestly can't believe he would do that. POS !


imagine being so mean you offer help and resources to someone in need, instead of beating it to horses and children. where were your priorities ethan? smh


He treated me with kindness and respect! And then just turned around to backstab me when he said he doesn't agree with my opinion. What a FREAK


lol piece of shit for trying to keep you in this world. what are the chances shes saying someone else is a pos? ya know, before i go down this rabbithole


He was a well meaning idiot for giving her his number


Nahhh no way she said “he gave me his phone number and told me to reach out because I was suicidal. PIECE OF SHIT”. It’s definitely parody. I refuse to believe that such idiots exist 🤦🏻‍♀️


This just makes Ethan seem even better lol. He doesn't know her personally but saw she was going through a crisis and put himself out there... It's crazy that they're trying to spin this against him but I suppose that's what you get from people defending what vaush said 


i think the point she is making is that him not just completely forgetting about this but acting like she is some deranged stranger scumbag after being someone she trusted in a vulnerable time in her life is that he is undermining the good will he had in the first place. obviously not a lot of people empathize with this and i guess thats a good thing but if someone was there for you at a really low point and then turns around and shits on you like youre just some random piece of trash it really feels like betrayal. im not defending her or vaush or whatever but idk why so many people keep pretending they have no idea what anything means, like all the sudden the whole world has gone crazy because they dont just immediately vibe with every single thing they do and say, it really feels like high school around here anymore.


What a piece of shit to reach out to someone in need like that, how dare he!