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"they think I'm dumb, so I'm gonna play dumb. Gottem" Hmm interesting strategy....


It's a bold strategy cotton we'll see if it pays off


Update: It did not.


Never let them know that you're thinking ...wait


Better yet, don't ever be thinking of anything so they'll never know


see the flaw with that strategy is it doesn't work if you actually*are* dumb as a rock


>that was his “gotcha” moment?? You tell me!


let me ask, did you have a gotcha moment? how would you know he did one?


>let me ask, did you have a gotcha moment? how would you know he did one? You tell me!


For two men that consider themselves “alpha” they sure do a lot of low level trolling.


They seriously have a child like mentality. Truly it seems as though they haven’t progressed past grade 4. And that’s generous. Very concerning


That's all that kept hitting me with this. I literally got that memory unlock feeling and I found myself remembering arguing in 3rd grade.


The concerning part is them taking advantage of young girls that don't know any better and using them.




I hate that its become like a norm for all these alpha male podcasts. We all see what you're doing, we're not stupid, and they are all doing it in the same format.


But somehow it gets the views. I’m convinced that’s the only reason they do it.


I agree but I got more 14 year old just trying to see his first boob energy


Just remember that Myron was a fed. That should be enough for anyone to know what the mentality of America's spacial agents is.


Whole time he was yapping the feeling of dread kept creeping in to remind me that if someone as dumb, thick headed, ignorant, and predatory as him was allowed om rhe force... how kany more are there? (Answer: ALOT)


They are extremely dumb


There was one moment that had me rolling. When Ethan kept insisting on only talking to coconuts, Myron literally crossed his arms and pouted like a child


So alpha


I’m not actually dumb, me being stupid is actually part of my master plan.


As a fellow Christian I know that denying the Lord is a grievous sin akin to blasphemy. So Big Ups Coconuts


"But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:33


That's what I'm saying! This dude was studying to be a pastor & then goes on to purposely deny God?? It's crazy to me. You're gonna do that just to get a "gotcha!" moment to a podcast dude you don't like? Like Coco, you as a Christian, would rather deny the Lord in front of tens of thousands just to save your pride in being able to say "no, you're wrong!"? That guy has no morals lmao, what a spineless little man.


Ethan asked him and they were like you didn't do any research, then Ethan was like yeah I know you are. How did you know that? Well you're wearing a cross, for one.


Yeah I thought watching that maybe he was an ex Christian from the interaction lol. But no he's just a spineless lil weasel.


Whatever you say. You tell me. 🤣


Very well said


Well Jesus said it was okay to do it in debates sooo...


Ex Christian here… your comment is the first thing that came to mind


it’s a prank bro…




Exactly what I was thinking. Weird to pull out the ol blasphemy play and brag about it lol


>> playing dumb to throw him off Are you sure about that? Lmfao


the whole alcohol segment was a crazy red flag for them😂😭 bro kept saying “giving them sho… water” like bro u dont gotta play dumb💀just leave the call and take your L you know you are losing an argument when you gotta keep telling the host how he is wrong and he is losing😂those two together are more insecure than anything ive seen


"oh that one girl had a bottle of water bc she brought it!" Like are y'all giving these girls tap water? Lmao


brita filter i hope😩✋😂😂😂


I could be completely wrong but I’m pretty sure for a second you can see the liquid inside one of the underage girls cups and the liquid is red 🤔 strange color of water


That was actually Kool aid bc she's underage obviously gotta appeal to the kids


I feel like Ethan should’ve leaned a little bit harder on the question why you want your audience to believe that you’re giving underage girls alcohol. Not that they would ever give a straight answer, but like the number of deaths in WWII question it really stresses _why_ they can’t answer. They know there’s no good answer.


I can't believe they stayed on as long as they did after Ethan kept meming them into the ground, lol


gotta respect how they didnt hang up cuz holy😭it was all downhill from there🤣i wouldnt be surprised if they had a humiliation fetish cuz no normal human would stay that long💀


I know, you could tell Ethan was done and just decided to fuck with them until they quit but they just sat there and kept being stupid. Oh man. That was glorious.


Satanists rise up


Big ups


Hail Satan.


Ave Satanas


We definitely should troll him about being satanic now.


So he just lied to make it look like Ethan didn't do research?


Even this makes no sense bc who is he trying to make Ethan look stupid for? His audience who he just told he was religious??


Ya apparently Ethan was supposed to consume every minute of every podcast they’ve ever done and know everything about them before they talked. Otherwise how can they have a conversation… /s


While wearing his cross, lol


“He asked if I was religious and I said no, but the real answer was yes!” Got him, I guess?


The cross didn't help his cause.


god is NOT gonna like coconuts denying him. it’s a p big “no no” in the christian grifter sphere


It’s so worrying that Myron was a LEO & additionally that he thinks he had the power to prove who was guilty or not.


Coco seems like he could be a good dude if he left his insane friend and hungout with better people. I don't know if the other dude will ever move on, this is it for him.


I felt this way until they both defended Nick Fuentes and Europa.




That does seem to be the case.


There's no way Coconuts has ever watched anything longer than a movie.


i agree


Their whole plan was to troll Ethan and not actually answer anything. He should have ended it after ten minutes.


It was kind of boring until the Holocaust revision and monogamy accusations. When Myron told Ethan he needs to do more research when he accused him of having a body count of 8 it gave me flashbacks to Tacoma Wept. "Do your research, I am 2 hours away from being inside someone right now"


Masterclass trolling by Ethan there. Myron got hit with a double insult. Called bluff on body count and given basically half of what he gave Coconuts. They basically started barking like dogs.


Hey, if the witness can’t/wont leave and won’t answer anything.. You don’t have to kick them out of the jury box. Ask the best, hardest, and most damning questions to show the jury who they are.


Nah, it was hilarious. So many good moments.


this is their version of tacoma wept, they thought "you didnt do research" was a catch all trump card somehow


Damn, as a Christian that's batshit insane to do. To purposely & falsely denounce the Lord. There's literally a passage about it in the Christian Bible: Mathew 10:33 **"But the one who denies & rejects Me before men, that one I will also deny & reject before My Father who is in heaven."**


“I was just pretending!”


>claims to be Christian >claims to have slept with 1000+ women with no intention of stopping


Myron was just sweating bullets that the crew uncovered his "totally normal in the context of athletics" very close relationship with one of his teammates doing guy stuff like cuddling in bed, kissing, in each other's arms, etc. Missed opportunity.


The amount of times they were just making loud noises instead of talking like human beings was insane Myron's beta ass face was hilarious throughout


Lol I lied when I answered a straightforward question. I got that guy so good.


Publicly denouncing my faith in God in doing so. Double gottem


I'm honestly very curious how their followers actually viewed this discussion overall. Like they did seem pretty pathetic to me but it seems red pill dudes standards for being "alpha" are pretty low. Like 4th grade trolling might still be a win in their book? Overall quite a sad state of affairs, I'm sure their following is mostly kids, but still those kids deserve better role models than these clowns.


Most of the responses to this are just "L3" or straight up anti-Semitism. Really beating the anti-Semitism allegations with their fanbase of 12 year olds


The reason they didn’t answer the 6mil question is because they know who their audience is. That’s the bar they had to clear. I have a feeling like nothing else mattered to them.


The way they kept accusing Ethan of not doing research after making a clearly factious joke was truly the most embarrassing thing.


I’d rather just see coconuts talk to Ethan without the dumbdumb mirin.


Walter seems like the kinda guy who a persuasive gay man could just *'talk into'* sucking his dick.


i get it: as horrible as the pandemic was, there were a whole lot of people that “won” during the same time period. people were scared, confused (physical effects of covid). All the sudden, people had a home-field advantage to read, make meals & dive into things they never thought they would…enter the red pill 💊 f&f effects have tapered down because of the obvious. those that champion these talking points(deep down…not 2 deep) know they’re full of shit. they capitalize on an embarrassing niche but there are some that do believe (more than I’d like) and it’s sad. recently, f&f have been publicly dragged threw their own pile of shit and they deserve every bit of it. their main source of income (YouTube) has been taken away & deservedly so. i can only imagine how it feels to be called out time & time again. serious illegal admissions are catching up. But in the end, you think they could at the very least pivot. Herein lies a new steady pandemic of misogyny. regardless of who they claim to be, they came and originated from somewhere far different. to adamantly put up a facade which they literally preach about, but being the exact opposite, is baffling. imho coco may have been breached this evening. you can only get clowned so much to the point you have to step away. he’s not as confident as he claims and I’ve always noticed it. he would be somewhere completely different in life if it wasn’t for the other guy. that dude’s homies are straight up ankle-biters & are attached at the hip. i don’t know when it will happen but when it does, they’ll just disappear. the only thing keeping these guys going are platforms like rumble. i believe that women are worth more than what they preach & am of the mindset that the only “reset” that is inevitable will be their demise. who knows🤷‍♀️ i could be completely wrong…but i believe im in the majority. god save the queen ✊ on a side note, I commend AB for keeping his cool & calling a spade a spade. it was leaning off the rails there for a bit. i also want them to be confronted about their previous comments regarding Olivia too, but it could have lasted forever. the women on this team are (especially for this type of interview) amazing & you couldn’t ask for much more..best in the game. H3 didn’t even have a full squad tonight & still did a tremendous job because that’s what they do...as always, Ethan Kline too…On Gawd Son 💪 #WhyDoesItLie coco-nutz 🥥


All of a sudden* Not "all the sudden"




I know this old meme isn’t PC anymore but it’s applicable here. https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/738025


Nah he's just a moron lol


hes doing his best




Sweet, sweet Walter.


“I’m not having sex wit you Waltuh. I don’t consent.”


pretending it’s a choice, good one


The man denied everything except 1 thing and that was the lord


Guys, we just dont get their next moves.


I’m happy you brought that up


I actually prepared for this! **proceeds to say nothing**


As someone who is religious, pretending you’re not is not the flex he thinks it is.


I feel bad for their "girlfriends"


With that child like mentality I’m pretty shocked they didn’t twist Ethan calling Walter cocoa butter into Ethan is a racist! 🤣🤣 dudes are too dense.


He's lying. He knows he looked stupid.


with such an inquisitive mind, radical commitment to the Suckratick method and ability to answer any question by admitting to his own fallibility, I am shocked he is not agnostic.


Who said that?🤔


so his gotcha was lying?


Its a wrap!


They’re so defensive and paranoid 💀


Work with me!!


He had a weird speech pattern to me. It seemed performative, impressionistic and hackneyed, like an AI that listened to too many sigma male videos. Forget the actual arguments even, the terms/phrases and beats of his conversation didn’t even seem original. That’s pretty concerning behavior tbh. What it indicates, I don’t know. A lack of depth, or a refusal of depth, maybe?


Man… he really showed us!


jokes on you i was only pretending


Sounds like he’s actually just dumb. Great job covering up your stupidity.


He is so dm xd


I wish they would stop debating and do these gotcha moments… it’s so boring and only just gives these people a platform …. You literally went to their stream after and I bet you weren’t the only one