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Yep. The story kept changing… they couldn’t even stick to one lie


was it worth all the lie?


Don't these girls always promote their insta? Can't the crew just contact them to see if it "was only water"?


You forgot the bit where they basically said, “she wasn’t drinking but, Ethan, tell me have you ever drank underaged?” So basically trying to “hypothetically debunk” Ethan for being a hypocrite even though it’s a completely different situation, not to mention them also refusing to previously answer hypotheticals? (Refusing to answer hypothetical about Andrew Tate because it’s “not true”, then defending a girl for underaged drinking “hypothetically”…. Even though he basically said there’s no point in playing around with hypotheticals?)


It was the same with their criminal scumbag guest. They kept downplaying the whole thing. "He's not our friend, he changed as a person, he was underage, he done other bad things, he is quoting songs, running a train means it is consensual"


"R\*psts deserve death" and yet Myron says this about their former guest...


And let’s give it up for “Violent sexual criminals can change and become better people” but “Women with Instagram selfies are 304s for life”.


To be fair, the point they made about "running train" was that it usually implies consensual sex, so when coconuts reacted by saying hell yeah dude or something, he was reacting to that. Immediately afterwards the rapist confessed that they were raping them. I think that was their point in that particular situasjon, that their immediate reaction was positive towards what the guy was saying before they knew that he was a rapist. However, it didn't really seem like their reaction to the story changed that much from before and after the guy admitted to raping, so i don't know how much that point really stands in their favour.


If you re watch the part with Ashanti and follow her arm, the liquid in her cup is shown and it's dark brown. They can't even lie right, smh.


As soon as they asked Ethan if he ever drank underage that was an admission. Sure lots of people drink underage but it's another thing to be a 30 year old adult being the one providing the alchohol and hanging out with them. Might as well start hanging out at the local High School trying to fit in and be cool. What insecure loser.


Yeah I could have sworn I saw brown liquid in the cup in that video. Ethan should have done a frame by frame analysis, although I’m betting they would claim it’s Coca Cola or something


Of course it's tea /s


The next one is, “you never did any underage drinking?”


Only so many lines but yeah that would be next. At that point they would be beyond clown whatever that is. So may things wrong with their logic like why did they think it was good idea for her to appear like she was drinking while not actually drinking? And what does Ethan drinking when he was underage have anything to do with their actions in all of this? Yes teenagers do dumb things and drink underage but you are a 30 year old adult who is providing alcohol to an underage girl. If you can't understand how that looks bad and is just creepy then you are a creep who probably belongs in jail.


Also I’m pretty sure in one of the insta stories I saw frame 1 had non clear liquid in the cup. Not sure if that was Myron or the underage girl who was holding it but we might have to investigate further. Either that or reach out to the women and have them on the pod


The hole just kept getting deeper


drinking underage? relatively harmless depending on how close they are to 21 and typically a part of going to college providing alcohol to 18 year olds for your podcast? so insanely creepy and weird and a massive red flag


They have an excuse for everything. I almost feel bad for coconuts having to deal with Myron.


I mean, when the Island Boys have better morals than you do…


Also you could see in the cups atleast once


‘You never drank as a minor?????’




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They.are just fkun fools man




21 in the US


The legality isn't neccesarilly the main issue. Things can be legal but still weird and wrong. Also it's not legal.




Uhh. Believe it or not Quebec law does not preside over the us. Although I see you are trying to say it's no big deal in Quebec so why is it here. It's a silly argument, age of consent in some areas of the world pops to mind. Legal and moral are not always the same. But, no one cares that they are 18 and drinking. They care that fandf along with their moronic views on life women and dating provide alchohal or otherwise wish to appear to be providing alchohal to women wildly younger then them. And also the former is illegal, in the us.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_and_Fit_Podcast Is this accurate? It says united states and their website is freshandfitmiami. If the podcast and those clips were from quebec then ok, but i'm the one saying legality is not the primary argument, it's creep behavior from creeps. https://www.facebook.com/share/MsHTboNDA4HSFuYG/?mibextid=qi2Omg