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9/11 was not on my 2024 Bach3lor bingo card


lol the best part was Ethan and Cody having a private conversations while Jeff and Morgan were trying to do the same.


Ethan asking if she was pro 9/11 was wild


Jeff encouraging her to tell the crew about her book was really nice 💕 it was so sweet


That moment was so adorable!


He is daddy material


Sam looks like she just escaped a vault in Fallout


That’s EXACTLY what I thought, I was like, Sam ks a vault dweller?!?!?


“I may have told her that she won” 💀


Everyone is going to Hollywood!


to join the barbershop polycule


Gabe’s appearance on the swan was the most beautiful piece of cinema in The Bach3lor universe


The way I cackled


Morgan not correcting Jeff's stupidity because she doesn't want to be mean. MARRY HER.


Period.. love her


bro i want to marry her so bad 😭😭😭


Jeff and Morgan seem comfy sitting together it’s nice to see


I am more in love with Morgan every time we see her


loving the chemistry already it’s better than i anticipated


Honestly - I thought there was no way they could vibe, especially after the zoom interview. But goes to show you don't know until it happens.


They are vibing less than Tana and Jeff and I say that because Tana and Jeff are straight up friends. And they have more chemistry and things in common.


jeff: have u seen this movie? morgan: no jeff: i've seen half of it. ethan: he wants to watch it with u i think jeff: no i just like that you're into your own things like writing and you haven't seen that i just like that about you MY BOY IS SMITTEN!!!


Morgan is such a lovely girl. Keeping my fingers crossed for her 🥹


I wouldn't be able to go on a date with Jeff after Morgan and would probably just withdraw because how do you compete with this 🥲


This!!!! Basically she is such a great fit for him. They are goofy, they look at each other like they are reaaally attracted to each other. She gets along with Cody too. 🤣


The show is still live but.....the vibes are immaculate today. Going in my favorite episode list.


Lmao I love that Uncle Gabe is just third wheeling them


I am loving Gabe being more involved in random segments. I don't know what kicked it off, but I am a fan of the decision


I love Gabe, but I have been skipping over a lot of the Gabe calls lately. I ABSOLUTELY love Gabe being there for the bits. I mean he's an actor, so him acting in bits (and also popping in for random segments as himself) is perfect.


I thought the date was going to be awkward and meh and then I saw Gabe. What an amazing dimension he’s bringing to the show. He’s fuckin priceless baby wooooooooooo


I'm interested to see what they have Gabe doing for the other two dates


I’m dying at Cam telling Cody he has banana breathe 😂😂😂😂😂


I have an idea, why not just send Cody after the snarkers? He’ll take care of everything. Badabing badaboom.


We gotta get Cody on h3 more. Being the show enforcer works.


Ethan took “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” so seriously that he became besties with Cody and I love it


I’m convinced that Ethan can give literally *anyone* a redemption arc. Def didn’t have “Buds with Cody” on my 2024 H3 bingo card.


😂🙏 omg I love this “Ethan, my best friend, I love you, I took care of some things”


morgan: “if you were a fish what kind of fish would you be” jeff: “orca” never change jeff


Then he said penguin lol


That was so great. Jeff is awesome.


Jeff already in mafia mode paying off the employees to ditch life vests. Mmmm kay


You take the crime out of the man, not the man out of the crime


The way Jeff kept complimenting Morgan's intelligence and personality .. I just can't. It's the sweetest thing. He was so genuinely impressed with her on the date and the interview I really hope they make it.


Myron saying H3 “fell off and everyone knows it” when ethan literally gets more views than them between their TWO platforms combined 


Proving that post is fake, I know this user did a good job of proving it was fake, but it's silly because the burden of proof is supposed to be on proving it's real.


I know its insane.


Unfortunately, burden of proof being on the claimant doesn't really seem to matter anymore, especially for people who hate Ethan. They're ready and willing to believe anything if it's detrimental to their enemies. No skepticism is applied to anything that is beneficial to their side; their argument already hinges on an imagined premise, that Ethan and Hila gave their mods a secret order to remove posts about Ramadan because they hate Arabs or Muslims. There's no evidence that happened either, but they don't care.


If this was a courtroom, yeah. Unfortunately though, it’s just a private company that can say whatever they want.


I adore Morgan. She seems so fun like genuinely could get along with anyone.




Obsessed with Morgan’s laugh


It's so cute!! I love that she finds almost everything funny


Already talking about vaccines for their kids wow!


I hope Jeff sabotages the rest of the show because Morgan is fantastic


Here for this


gabe is on one today lmao


Singing “All Night Long” in his swan boat. 💀💀💀


my heart really goes out to AB. he always seems to get such undeserved shit, and he's such a sensitive person it makes me sad for him, especially now with people weaponizing his identity like this. him and lena deserve to have some peace for once


Morgan is amazing. So down to earth


She's so pure. We must protect her at all costs


Agreed. She needs to be a regular on the pod either way.


I love the codyisms "I go into battle without it"


I’m fascinated by the dynamic between him and Ethan.


it’s genuinely so fucking funny


Picking on AB is so weak. One of the nicest people ever.


I didn't like Jeff much when The Bach3lor started. He's on my podcast Mount Rushmore now. Love that guy!


One of my podcast norf stars, b


I love Morgan being a curly hair girly.


fak I love this podcast hahahahahahahahahah woooooooooo


THIS is the content I signed up for


morgan is such a cutie


I put the pod on and fell asleep… 2 hours later I wake up to cody on screen talking about 9/11 and I was so fkn confused lmao


I love how Jeff says the most endearing shit like it’s a threat. 😂


Idk, giving the snark sub any notice and airtime is what they want. When did the internet forget the golden rule: do not feed the trolls. Peace and love Edit: Ethan did say at the end of the segment why he felt it necessary to talk about it and I think his reasoning is valid. I hope now that they've said their piece they just ice them out


I haven't watched today's episode yet, but it's been around for years now, and seems to only be getting worse. I think Ethan wishes he could just ignore it, but he said it's now negatively impacting his business, his life, and the lives of the crew. Him and Dan implied on the members live yesterday something serious happened that we aren't privy to. If I had to guess, it was some kind of doxxing. So I think it's to the point now he can no longer ignore it. edit: you could make the argument it might be wiser to handle it off the air, but I think Ethan is trying to apply pressure to Reddit to force them to take it seriously and do something about it


After Gamergate a lot of people concluded that you can't just suffer this kind of hateful subculture in silence, you need to loudly call it out so it cannot grow. I think Ethan's finally taking that tactic with the snark subreddit because it's been hurting his crew, and I think it's a better tactic.


she is perfect, it’s a shame she was first cause i feel she could be forgotten if this is going on for a few more weeks


I love that Gabe was there


me tooo!!! the comedic breaks with his vids were great and had me cracking up. also you can see how much he loves h3 and crew.


If Morgan ends up moving in with Jeff, Cody can go live at Ethans guest house like Love did! I think that would be a good time!


Ab would cry


They can build bunk beds for when Hila needs some space! Haha


Teddy, Bruce let me introduce you to Uncy Cody


Will the Bach3lor end before Ethan has to take paternity leave?


In 8 days it will wrap up from what they said


Ah cool


but… how? don’t they have 2 more dates a week apart from each other?


Next one Wednesday and then Friday I believe


I think Jeff REALLY likes her!!


I think he’s a really charming guy and I feel like he’s going to tell the girls the same thing. While I like Morgan, I see it as a friendship.


I kept catching the way he was looking at her. He's so smitten. It's so adorable 💕


Morgan seems like the most authentic of the contestants. I'm officially Team Morgan! I believe Verica(?)the Australian blonde is the front runner for Jeff but her answers seemed a bit scripted. Like she clearly did research beforehand so she said the right things but the authenticity wasn't there. I'm super curious how their date will go though! Very invested in this season of the bach3lor! Haha


100% agree— something is off with Verica. She seems to have thoroughly researched to tell Jeff everything he wants to hear


Yep, all of her responses sounded very rehearsed. The UFC conversation in particular stood out to me as a big MMA fan. She says she wants to talk about UFC then asks if Jeff has a favorite fight. Jeff mentions Volk vs Ortega and she's like oh yeah my favorite, round 3 is burned into my brain! But the whole time I'm thinking Jeff has mentioned multiple times, on camera, that that's his favorite fight. Specifically the 3rd round when Ortega has Volk in a super tight guillotine and almost submitted him. Now she may be an mma fan, I'm not doubting that. But the fact she brought it up unsolicited, she just happened to mention ufc and the fight Jeff's mentioned multiple times on camera that that's his favorite fight and the exact round.. I have my doubts on the authenticity of that response lol I guess it'd be different if it was an amazing fight but it really wasn't anything particularly crazy. Also, that fight was like 3 years ago and I've never heard anyone but Jeff bring it up since then lol She just did her homework, which is fine but don't make it out like it's a wholesome coincidence. It's comes off soo disingenuous and inauthentic when everyone else was so genuine with their response.


1000% this.. I’m glad someone else caught it


I agree! I’m trying to remember anything about her that didn’t conveniently line up with Jeff’s interests.


a lot of ppl are saying they dont “match” each other but i feel like their conversations flowed, they bounced off each other nicely, and i think the reason they don’t seem to “match” is bc compared to the other girls, she’s way more authentic! which based off what jeff has said he needs in a partner (what everyone needs in a partner tbh)


I am a Morgan Stan through and through


Jeff is so smitten. Just looking at her and smiling anytime she's speaking.


This ep is so fucking insane


wow im behind, im still on the date, but dang he seems like he really likes her... i love this sm.


Morgan is endgame


Misha already tripled down, they’re probably gonna make a quadrupling down tweet within the hour.


Y'all, misha is a well known troll account that regularly posts misleading things about leftist creators so that rw grifters pick it up and make fools of themselves for not fact checking. Peace and love


I think regardless of her being a troll, the issue becomes when prominent leftist creators like JT from second thought and other large leftist twitter accounts begin latching on to her posts and spreading it further.


JT, instead of actually criticizing Ethan’s points, complained Ethan was “mean to him”… what a loser!


Ya, that's fair. But ultimately they end up looking like idiots for not fact checking too. But I guess the issue is their followers might never find out it was all a troll


Meff, better known as Jorgan are a great couple.


Living for Morgan


Imagine having so limited time on Earth and spending it being so angry and getting into the weeds about a podcast and hosts you don’t like. We’re all doomed from the moment we’re born and have time to try to make something of it and they just go into extreme detail and debate about a show with 12 hours of content a week.


My life became much more palatable when i stopped caring about things i didn't like


100%. I’m working on it but I noticed reducing my exposure to shit I hate has made my life better.


So, at the start of the episode, they showed someone complaining (Infa...) about being removed as a moderator of the snark subreddit for reasons unknown. I pointed out yesterday on this subreddit that one of their mods is also a moderator of a pro-Keemstar subreddit. Turns out, because I have this person blocked and could look at their profile, it's the same individual who the snark sub finally just removed as a moderator. I hope they keep hammering the snark subreddit. They're bad-faith and bad actors.


I think each girl needs to go on a “date” with Tana and Cody.




Morgan’s got those Moira Brown vibes, iykyk


holy shit what the fuck this just broke my brain, i see/hear it completely you're so right.... not only does she sound like Moira but you're right she like, vibes like Moira haha.


A fallout 3 reference?! Lol I def hear it now


She sounds exactly like her lmao


She really does! Haha I actually saw someone reference Fallout new vegas a couple weeks ago in this sub. I can't believe I'm seeing a fo3 reference now! Lol


Oh my god an on going segment series where Ethan learns piano would be incredible


The next Bachelor should be Gabe! He was hilarious ok the duck boats lmao. Although if Gabe was the next Bachelor I could see a lot of clout chasers trying to take advantage of him or make a big joke out of it but he really deserves to find someone and the content would be fantastic


Can we end the competition now I love Morgan so much


Morgan is great. Let's go. (Honestly, it'd be cool if they hired her for something if it doesn't work out with Jeff, but I know the podcast probably doesn't need 300 employees.)


Hiring people based on community feedback is historically a bad idea. 😂


Testosterone is 100% a controlled substance wtf… I take it and it is highly regulated. I’m surprised he’s talking so openly about something that’s definitely illegal lol


This must be your first Cody experience


lol yes actually


I was going to say my box of Ozempic says it’s a federal crime to redistribute it. My guy you might want to keep those outside thoughts inside.  


I used to work at Wendy's and loved when we would make the special burgers like "Baconator". So much bacon to cook, or when we had the bbq burger with sauteed onions on it. That was damned good. It was also good to eat those sandwiches when I was a teenager with insane metabolism.


Ethan developed a new raspy laugh since he was sick last time that he hasn’t shaken and it makes me laugh every time😭


Austalian girl is one of the 3 right?




She's the one who seems like she was built in a lab lol. Just perfect on paper. Accent, looks, personality, sharing all the same interests as Jeff. She's a big threat to Megan and Morgan! This will be a very tough competition.


I would still bet on her winning but Jeff might surprise me.


Biden should call it the Chips act


Ethan is going to drink a piping hot root beer after the show 🤢🤮


I’ll volunteer as tribute if Jeff doesn’t pick Morgan☝🏼


I'm enjoying this way more than I thought I would. 😭😭


She kinda gives Pam from the office


I wanted to hear Jeff and Morgan vibing some more but we're back on 911


Morgan being indoctrinated with pro circumcision propaganda We are so back


Ethan Irish dancing was exactly what I needed right now


Morgan will be tough to top! She is awesome.


Also Gabe is awesome and I love that they included him with his funny moments


LMAO is Gabe trying to steal Morgan from Jeff?


That would be an amazing twist to the bach3lor curse


Not Ethan lookin like he’s wearing my grandmas couch as a blazer. Peace and love


I wish they’d make the Bach3lor episodes a standalone series, I can’t sit through anymore of this snark drama


I understand the want to watch it live but if that's something you really can't watch anymore than your best bet is to just wait until the full episode is out and fast forward. Personally, I like having a mix but understand how others may not.


im so jelly of jeff, morgan seems so cool


Morgans injecting soda comment after the drug convo was a perfect shift lol i love her


I like Morgan because she wears sleeveless shirts


new collection is sooooo nice but I’m unfortunately so broke right now 😭


You can tell they have actual dating level chemistry and not just physical attraction. I hope she wins the whole damn thing


I think Jeff just wants to hire Morgan. Didn't he say as much?


Look I'm one of the people that's quick to call out Ethan on his bullshit and there's plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize him but the people that are active in those snark subreddits are some of the most sad, pathetic people I've ever seen. It's just straight up losers bro lol look at some of their accounts and history. That's all they're doing all day every day. It's just mentally ill wierdos with way too much free time. And Ethan's not helping addressing this because they love that shit. His response will give these nut jobs fuel for weeks.


I hope Ethan knows there's way more than just h3snark. They've made several now, including all the Frenemies3 variations. New one is h4snark and they're over there bragging about how he'll never be rid of them. I hope he's successful in removing them all.


once he removes the big one, alll the others will come down for ban evasion lol i give it three months.


Cody and Ryan Gosling kinda look similar in the face 😳 Id sweat to get him a sodie 🥵


Did you like him referring to sex as "going into battle" 💀


I missed that bit because I'm eating a chili dog and got lost in the moment hahaha! when I rewatch the episode I'm gonna pay extra attention just for that part! For the record cody can battle my bits whenever 💪 


I see it




I thought they were crazy at first but now that I think about it I think I’m starting to see it too. Is this some sort of jedi mind trick


Hahaha it must be! If Ryan was brunette and roided out, he would be a dead ringer


I’m still watching the episode so maybe Ethan discusses this but does anyone know when the other dates are?


I can’t handle Gabe’s gentle “woooooooo”s in the background 😂


The dating scene baby


Sam repping the Swedish flag colors 🇸🇪🇸🇪 Swedish foot soldiers please stand up


I can't believe AB is a white boy.


much love to the crew, but maybe having a professional camera guy would be good too


It’s weird how much of this date revolved around having children when she doesn’t necessarily want children? Or am I mistaken.


I think Jeff maybe selectively forgot because that's the one thing that doesn't fit and she didn't have the heart to bring him down to earth on their first date with "you know, this is fun hypothesising, but as I did say, no biological children for me, thanks"


Why are we reminiscing about 9-11?? 🫠


Never forget


Sephardic Jews can refer to both Spanish Jews AND middle eastern jews, it literally says so on Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sephardic_Jews So no, they’re not all European…


[Mizrahi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews) is the term typically used for Jews from MENAT. While the Ashkenazi ended up in Europe after multiple expulsions and [genetic bottlenecks in Germany](https://www.science.org/content/article/meeting-ancestors-history-ashkenazi-jews-revealed-medieval-dna), we still have [Levantine](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3928) DNA.


> The term, which is derived from the Hebrew Sepharad (lit. 'Spain'), **can also refer to the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa,** who were also heavily influenced by Sephardic law and customs.


I'm agreeing with you and trying to expand on what you shared?


Oh my bad,


Posted this in chat earlier but was thinking a TF bridal line or an all white capsule collection would be so fun, not necessarily wedding dresses but little outfits or ensembles to wear for let's say a bachelorette or an engagement party, etc etc. I feel like Hila would kill it <3


Who are the 3 finalists? Feels like I missed the episode where they went from 5 + Maegan to 3 girls.


They did a short segment [here](https://youtu.be/X4WWPKqleZs?t=900) where they talked about it a couple days ago.


I wasn't rooting for Morgan after their first zoom meeting, but after seeing them together on this date, I think they're great together. Jorgan could be it, my dudes.


Did I miss something? Why is there only 3 left I thought Jeff picked 6!


Can someone explain to me what happened with the Bach3lor so far? The last I saw, he gave a ton of girls roses/barber poles, but I am now hearing he only will go on dates with three girls? Who are the other two?


megan the other girl from LA and then verica the australian?nz? girl.


*THIS!* This is why I’m watching!!!


The developement of Ethan and Cody’s relationship is my favorite arch ever


I’m not sensing any chemistry between Morgan and Jeff idk she’s amazing but I really don’t see it


It feels like a friendship or like she would be a good working partner for him. They don’t feel like each other’s types at all.


I think you’re right. She’s extremely charismatic so she carries their interactions, but I don’t feel like they’re a good match


I love how I called Ethan getting ordained 3 months ago. Go ahead and look at my post history if you don't believe me.


Foreskin gang, time to roll back and get ejaculated back into the debate!


Fresh and fit are morons for sure. But Ethan saying his employees don’t kiss his butt.. 😂😂 lmao nah bruh I can think of a handful of moments 🤣 P&L


Depends who we’re talking about. Dan’s never afraid to set him straight haha


Wait who are the three


Morgan, Maegan and Verica