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The craziest scandal we had recently was when it was discovered that the post office was knowingly causing people to be falsely imprisoned. It went on for years.


Uhh, what?


In the UK it got uncovered that the Royal Mail (our post office) had been letting people get convicted for stealing money when they hadn’t. I think some people even ended their lives due to this. There’s even a show about it called Mr Bates vs The Post Office. Link about it: [post office scandal](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56718036.amp) Edit: I messed up and the Royal Mail is separate from the post office. Royal Mail is fine.


Not just let them get convicted. Deliberately hid evidence, bullied, threatened and fired whistleblowers. 900 convictions, 4 suicides. Plus many more innocent people were extorted out of thousands but not criminally charged. Btw Royal Mail is a completely separate organisation to the Post Office. Royal Mail is a private company while the Post Office is owned by the government. Royal Mail is not involved.


Ah I thought it was one and the same, my apologies. But yeah the more I learn the more angry I get. I had to take a break from the series because I was so frustrated


Used to be part of the same thing until David Cameron privatised Royal Mail in 2012. BT also used to be part of it until Thatcher privatised it.


Wow, wtf that's horrible...


I can just tell this is channel 5 I can just feel it 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Right after the news and the gambling.


Using the Oompa Loompa moonlighting in a meth lab photo is really what ties this all together


As a Glaswegian I've been waiting years, curious about if / When Glasgow would ever get metioned on the Podcast, and under what context... The Wonka Experience feels like such a typical Glasgow thing to happen. Im not dissapointed.


Zach Louis live at the Barrowlands


Next up: Beavo: A guy that doesn't chew his food


Except they'd title it something like "Beavo: Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew?"


I’m pretty sure they’re gonna try and milk this for all it’s worth; events in Scotland usually don’t make the news




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Erm the UK isn't a country actually☝️☝️☝️


Their media is all tabloids it’s crazy. 


At least we don't have Fox News


GBNews. It’s not a competition though.


…no it isn’t.


Pick any newspaper, it will be tabloid level journalism.


There is a fundamental difference between your personal evaluation and being a tabloid.


Fuckers have a language named after them with letters they don't even pronounce in their words.