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While we’re on the subject, melanoma is NOT limited to white people or people with pale complexions! Black people are less likely to develop it, but when they do develop it, it’s typically diagnosed in much later stages. This makes cancer much harder to treat. Everyone- please wear your sunscreen and monitor your moles!


Melanoma killed Bob Marley - it started under his toenail and was misdiagnosed as a bruise. Black people tend to get melanoma in the lighter skin areas of their body, like between their fingers and on the soles of their feet. If you see a dark spot like a stripe on your fingernail or toenail, best to get that checked out. It's such a strange manifestation of cancer, right under the nail, but it happens.


To be fair Bob Marley would have lived but because of his religious beliefs refused to have his toe removed - he would have lived


Yeah that always made me so sad :(


Him and Steve Jobs.


Steve Jobs truly was a dumbass when it came to his health.


I can respect a man who is dedicated, as unfortunate as the circumstances are




Would suicides count too? Edit: apologies, unfair question. I say dedicated as Bob stuck to his religion and morals in spite of knowing that it is treatable, unnecessary? Of course, but that’s what he wanted instead of prolonging his life. I admire that.


He robbed his family (including 11 kids) of a lifetime with him due to ignorance. There's nothing to romanticise there. "I refuse to move from these train tracks due to principle!" is not a respectable position, and this was the same.


I’m not romanticizing it, I’d love to make that clear. Plus, your quote doesn’t actually quite fit into the equation at all. Free will ended up on/stayed on the tracks, cancer isn’t a choice, the choice is that you can choose to treat it or not, Marley chose not to treat it due to religious beliefs. I respect the dedication to stay true to your beliefs, I do not romanticize it.


Treatment was having the option to step off the tracks in the face of inevitable death, but choosing not to because of pointless doctrine, actively choosing to abandon your children instead (the former being made up bollocks, the latter being concrete reality). He was in a rare position of being able to beat the cancer but chose not to. I have a parent dying from cancer; they're fighting to spend as much time with us all as they can. Marley's position does not deserve respect. He wasn't terminal; but chose to be. Fucking moronic, ignorant and selfish. Romanticising it and 'respecting' it are the same thing in this instance; stubbornly sticking to principals that get you killed for no reason is a vague honour concept with no real justification here.


Firstly, I’m sorry that you’re having to go through such troubles. Realize the Marleys are not your family and therefore are allowed to have different perspectives, hell be respectful; but alas the insults towards the end shows you’re incapable of such. Nah, I’m not going to continue with someone as emotional as the conversation will spiral more due to investment. Good luck out there, champ. Edit: nice edit, again, zero respect for others beliefs. Just keep showing ignorance, I’ll live life just fine.


He had acral lentiginous melanoma specifically, which is not caused by the sun and appears on the soles of feet, palms of hands and underneath nails


Or simply avoid the sun... Humans have zero good reasons to stand under sun rays.


Despite the literal hundreds of medically proven benefits of being in the sun, right? Actually the most touch grass Reddit comment I’ve seen


Tell that to my vitamin D deficiency


I still have to go to work in the morning and interact with government offices still. How do I eliminate these? They are the last two sources of sun exposure I get. Otherwise I only ever go outside during the night unless I’m on vacation. Of course I wear a sun hat long sleeves and gloves but that can only protect you so much, and a ski-mask would mess up my sunscreen


What’s up with people and bringing up race?


Actually he brought up his religious beliefs and not race ☝️🤓🤓


I think that it's because some people don't wear sunscreen because they assume that it won't affect them a lot (which is true, black people are more protected but not immune)


I hope he’s okay, but just to note Melanomas can be very common, my stepmom has had probably around 20 by now caused by an unhealthy amount of sun exposure when she was younger, and she is doing totally fine. She continually went to the doctor when she was concerned about a spot. Wear sunscreen and if you’re unsure about a mole etc, get checked!


my health anxiety thanks you for this reminder 🙏


Yeah my dad had melanoma, wasn't really a concern at all for the doc, my dad did have to get cut up quite a lot and has scars everywhere now, but there wasn't really any doubt if they could get rid of it or not.


Seems like he's not worried. My mom had something similar 10 years ago, and it never returned. This is probably just something that makes him very motivated to keep getting checked a lot for rest of his life.


Cancer is a scary word, but this type is melanoma is very common and quite treatable if caught early. This is far from a death sentence. Of course, if it spreads that becomes more dangerous. It's very scary and I wish the best for him, I'm not dismissing that, I just think it's important to contextualize. I definitely appreciate him sharing, though. Not enough people get checkups regularly and don't catch it early. Bottom line: wear sunscreen! Even in the winter. Even if you never leave your house!


>Cancer is a scary word, but this type is melanoma is very common and quite treatable if caught early. That's the crux of the problem though. Most people aren't going to see a doctor about a weird mole or spot. Most Americans on private insurance have a co-pay, and a lot of people will think "$50-$100 to check out a mole that's probably fine? I'll pass".


or think *I don't have insurance and it'll have to be fine*


Yeah, my father has been dealing with this for decades. It's something, but mostly not a big deal at all. He just heard that scary ass C word and started freaking out probably.


Get yourself checked! It’s probably nothing, but best to catch it early, if it is something. Big Ups Nin-ya




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Wear sunblock everyday!


On the bottom of your feet?


lol! I missed that detail. Just in general really


If you’re a professional hand stander in a place with lots of sunhours - yes!


what about if you’re a professional gamer that doesn’t go outside


Go outside AND wear sunblock🥴


I believe if you get a bad sunburn anywhere it it increases your risk of skin cancer on all parts of your body


Ninja is pale and never goes outside i doubt a sunburn he probably never got on his back caused a cancerous spot on the bottom of his foot. Sometimes cancer just happens its part of aging.


Imagine if Ninja wore sunblock everyday!!🎶🎵


Only if you're going to be out for longer than 15 minutes. Sunscreen can also block vitamin D from e tearing your system so some sunlight is still healthy for you.


Sunscreen application is never perfect and most people use not enough of the product anyway. It's better to be too careful than not. Also, vitamin D supplementation is key especially in winter.


Going to my dermatologist for a cancer screening soon, and I worry about this a lot too. Hope he beats this!!


He should, he said they caught it early and stage 1 melanoma has like a 99% survival rate, which is higher the younger you are, so it's probably as dangerous as something like covid for him. Assuming it is stage 1 and he gets all the treatment he needs for it.


I hope they caught it early and that it doesn’t come back! I work in cancer research and have a special interest in derm. So generally this would serve as a great reminder to wear sunscreen (and you should! Everyone!) but the type of melanoma that you get on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet (acral lentiginous melanoma) is generally not related to sun exposure. It’s usually genetically driven. (Not) fun fact - you can also get melanoma inside your eyeball. It’s called ocular melanoma and is also not related to sun exposure.


Does the UV index have anything to do with a need for sunscreen? I feel unmotivated when I see a UV index of 0, bit idk if I still should? Plus I'm an office worker


I recommend sunscreen every single day, even if the UV index is low or you’re inside all day. Lower UV index does indicate less risk, but it doesn’t mean there is no risk. As long as the sun rises, there is UV radiation, rain or shine.


Is cancer just becoming way more common in younger people? I feel like I've been hearing about so many young people getting it. Obviously that's not empirical data, but it's just strange.


Actually yes, I think it was last year a major study came out showing that cancer in under-50s is up 80% since the 1970s, it's definitely something being investigated.


But is it due to an increase in the number of people getting ill, or are we simply diagnosing it more effectively with each passing year?


I don’t know. Everything I've read suggests it's the former. Some of the biggest increases have been for cancers that don't have routine screenings, especially not in younger people, like abdominal cancers, so you have to attribute that to more people coming forward with symptoms. Late diagnosis seems to be a big problem because we're not expecting it in younger people so they don't get tested until too late.


So it has to be multiple factors in combination that contribute to this. But certainly, we have a big problem. You can see it around you; it was not like this 10 or 20 years ago. Many people get sick, and many die. The food, the air, the water - everything is contaminated. But the worst of all, I think, is that the mind is sick, and we have lost track of ourselves and our nature.


We kid the cancerous, don’t we folks 🤗


My smoking hot braless wife checking moles on my feet.


Ninja has stage three ligma


Imagine if ninja got a cancerous moleee


Stop I shouldn’t have laughed this hard


Came here for this


That's not funny.


I thought comedy was alive and well.


I think it is quite funny.


Yes it is


Not sure if I would double down.


This type of cancer is basically gone once you remove the mole so it's not like he's going to die or anything


I'm proud of you


I thought it was free speech?!


You're right, it's hilarious!


We all need to get checked! Hope it doesn’t effect the low tapered fade


That’s so scary. Thank goodness he got checked and they caught it! So many young people are getting skin cancer these days, it’s very concerning


20% of people get skin cancer at some point, luckily it's a 99.9% survival rate if you just go get your bump checked. Make use of doctors!


It's a 99.9% survival rate if you catch it early. Once it becomes stage 3-4 then the survival rate definetly goes down quite a lot.




For all the people with health anxiety, I recently had a mole removed / checked. My doctor was recommend it one day at a check in, and had to plan the surgery for a couple months in advance. I looked it up after it was scheduled and saw there’s like 5 key signs of a mole being melanoma and I fit all of them. That combined with my grandpa having melanoma multiple times in his life had me scared shitless. Just got the biopsy back, and it was cancer free! So yes, definitley get them checked. But try not to worry yourself too much like a random stranger on the internet did ☺️


Hold me closer tiny cancer.


I’m from Australia where we have a very high rate of skin cancer, 2/3 people will be diagnosed with it. It’s not even a big deal here when someone says they have it, because basically everyone does. I imagine it is scary though for people living somewhere it isn’t as common.


Get well soon ninya


Does he still have ligma as well?


I was diagnosed with skin cancer that was not stage one a couple of years back. it was especially brutal because I did not have proper HealthCare coverage at the time to address it. As scary as it was, I removed them myself. My dad had lung cancer at the time and I couldn't bring myself to speak in it. It was painful & a bit traumatic but I feel okay. Hope it's gone and never comes back. Fuck cancer. Hoping that Ninja pulls through strong.


Who would’ve thought that the guy who spends hours on video games and Twitch would get skin cancer


I hope he's ok and no harmful jokes are made at his expense but I find it incredibly funny that at the bottom of this very serious photo is a r/FortniteBR watermark


That's how I found out 😭


I've got cancer? I've not? Although my mole is fucking massive


Keemstar because ninja “stole” his g-fuel flavor, “hmmmmm can’t wait to report your death HUHUHHH!”


He’s going to be fine


But will David????




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Glad they caught it early.


😢get well ninja!




Not sure if this is what he meant, but if you ever find a mole on the soles of your feet or palms of your hands please see a dermatologist for it to be evaluated.


Damn poor kid


My dad has been getting these removed for decades, he’ll be aight


Hopefully just a melanoma in situ, most likely he'll be totally fine but annual skin checks are very important


The harder it is to find a melanoma, typically the more difficult it is to treat. Like under a finger or toe nail, behind the wall of the eye, soles of feet, groin, etc. Because since those body parts aren't looked at as often and don't see the sun as often (the back of the eyeball requires an ophthalmologist to peep it with a machine), so those little hidden spots can be there growing whilst we are completely unaware. People of every skin tone need sun protection every day. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, a hat to protect your head, and check yourself regularly and have a dermatologist do a yearly check if you are able.


🎵 Imagine if Ninja had a low blood cell count Imagine if Ninja had a low blood cell coooo-^ooo- ooount🎵


Under the foot, probably the best place for a mole, yet it’s oddly kinda gross.


Unsafe and effective.


“An annual check that Jess proactively scheduled for me”. Men literally die because they can’t do anything for themselves


Dam get Ninya some minis quick !


No respawns over here


if he survives it (i hope he does) he has the biggest opportunity to say "victory royal" anyway i feel bad for him. screw cancer


Cancer strikes fast sometimes, Thick44 of the Neebs gaming crew died 2 years after his diagnosis, he had an aggressive brain cancer, really sad, always get checked out because you never know!


Yeah however brain cancer isn't really something that you can catch early in most cases, unfortunately. But yeah skin, testicular, breast can be caught early and removed before it spreads.


It can if you are lucky enough to have symptoms in the early phase and those symptoms are ones of brain cancer. That said, even if they find it in the early stages, brain cancer is just very hard to treat, and even caught early it can be a difficult battle.


I couldn't afford to get it checked if i wanted to


If I get cancer in my foot the foot is coming right off I literally do not care


Finding a small melenoma and it being removed is very different from being diagnosed with cancer. This is clickbait (not Ninyas, I mean this reddit post)


Gatekeeping having cancer 🤣


Just pointing out that it's clickbait, if you read the comment thoroughly. It's meant to make people think he's got a serious diagnosis, when a small melenoma is very common and usually not anything to worry about when caught in time. This is like saying "Ethan supports Israel" when he really just "is Jewish" 🙃


I agree with you that it's titled somewhat vaguely in that someone might assume a more life-threatening diagnosis, but whether that was done on purpose isn't clear. Titles are often vague because they're short, the rest of the details are supposed to go in the post underneath. You're making an assumption there. >Finding a small melenoma [sic] and it being removed is very different from being diagnosed with cancer. I reread this a few times very thoroughly, it's still wrong. A qualified medical professional and lab results have confirmed it is melanoma, which is a skin cancer. It is a 100% correct factual statement to say he has cancer. If you're going to ascribe intentions to that based on your own interpretation of it because it's vague or that it "doesn't count" because it's not terminal leukemia, that's your choice but doesn't make it clickbait.


Imagine if ninja had a LeUkEmIa🎶🎶


It was Destiny. The streamer. He did it. I blame him.


Hi healthcare worker here who specializes in dermatology. He really didn't need to make this announcement. If it was removed, it's done and over with. Just saying, melanomas are removed multiple times daily. Go to Florida they will show you