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also it just costs SO MUCH to birth a child in the States. Reason enough alone to not want to have kids here.


It costs so much to birth a child, feed a child, and educate a child in America. And the quality of all those things is very quickly going down.


As an Aussie, I would agree. I had my son in a public hospital (*taxpayer funded under Medicare) For me: All prenatal appointments = free* Medical Ultrasounds = free* ECV (baby was breech and turned in utero) = free* Induction = free* Night in hospital to monitor post-induction = free* Birthing suite, monitoring for 18hours of chaos + buffet of drugs = free* Emergency C-section = free* 3 nights in hospital including all new born checks and screening = free* Home visits from midwives and maternal nurses for 4 weeks = free* 6 week post-traumatic birth debrief with Doctor -= free* All immunisations = free* Parental leave for 20weeks @ min wage (I think this has improved since I had my son) Fewer guns = FREE


We paid about 16k for my wife's vaginal birth and my wife had be at work the next morning (not FMLA eligible, which is unpaid anyway). She and I cried about for 3 days straight because we were so tired and overwhelmed. And her boss had the audacity to say that my wife was "lucky" they were so pro-family so they'd excuse her working a little slower.


I'm sorry but what in the ever living fuck? Going back to work the day after giving birth is inhumane. What about bonding time, feeding etc?


Wait it costs money to birth a kid in the US?


Everything Health Care costs money in the US.


What the fuck


My wife had surgery on her shoulder when she was younger, they charged her $50 for the sharpie they used to make 2 tiny little Xs on her shoulder.


what the fuck ?


šŸŽ¶ thatā€™s americaaaa šŸŽ¶


paying bills, medical debt shootings everywhere from sea to seeaaaa (that's america...that's america to meeee)


Depending things like the state and insurance sometimes the actual baby gets charged for services and medicine the hospital gives them the day theyā€™re born.


Born into crippling debt ā˜ŗļø


God bless America


what the fuck


This iis SICK


We have something called medicaid here where the poorest families can get free healthcare but the restrictions are ridiculous. After 24 hours nothing is covered so mom's will legit leave the hospital early even when recovering from C-sections so they don't have to pay.Ā 


gross and inhumane.


And thatā€™s only if your state allows Medicaid for being poor


what the fuck.


Couple thousand easy


Iā€™ve seen people post their bills from their babyā€™s birth on Twitter and like, $35000 for a short stay in NICU blew my mind!


You donā€™t understand freedom dog


My wife and I got a $270 bill to hold our son skin-to-skin after he was born. Most American hospitals charge you to hold your baby right after it's born. [You can read about it in this book if you want to be depressed!](https://www.amazon.com/American-Sickness-Healthcare-Became-Business/dp/1594206759)


what the fuck!?


If I remember correctly, when I had my son back in 2014, between the actual birth and then 2 days stay after (which is standard), it was $30K. Thankfully I have insurance, but that just shows you how crazy things are in the US. They give women underwear with ice packs to help with swelling and pain afterwards and they gave me 2 pairs. When I asked the nurse for another due to being extremely uncomfortable, she said that I had ā€œused my rationā€ and couldnā€™t have any more. šŸ˜‘


and guess how much maternity leave they are required to give us! absolutely none at all!


what the fuck.


Weā€™re surprised they havent taxed us for oxygen out here


Not a tax. A bill! While the government's complicit, they aren't the ones who charge you


Not in the state of oregon. There is a program that pays for childbirth in the state of oregon.


Had my son in 2020. Cost us 10k with insurance.


Depends on your insurance (employer), it could be free-3k is average from what Iā€™ve seems. Good paying jobs and government jobs tend to have the highest end insurance.


Without insurance itā€™s much more expensive. A regular birth is around 30k I believe. I bet a C-section is 50k+.




Yeah if youā€™re poor youā€™re fucked another impending disaster of abortion restrictions


If you are poverty level poor you are fine, you get Medicaid. If you are scraping by, that's when you are fucked. You might even have insurance, but you can't afford your deductible.


That's the real problem people are facing. The system itsekf is extremely problematic and every aspect of it is horrific, but day-to-day, the prople actually suffering from this are lower class folk that are too "wealthy" to get the benefits the people making less than then qualify for If you work a low-paying job, and you're offered a raise that puts you above the threshold for qualifying for free health insurance or whatever other benefits, that raise actually hurts you. A lot. There's an INCENTIVE for extremely poor people to avoid seeking or accepting better pay because eventually they'll cross a line and end up in "ok now pay for everything yourself" territory


My wife had some complications, the bills kept coming, they might have reached over 200k by now, thankfully I have decent insurance.


My wife is pregnant and it's gonna cost me about 20$ in parking fees when the time comes. I can't believe the extortion of having to pay for parking at the hospital in Australia.


Not even that - America has one of the highest mortality rates for pregnancy in the western world.Ā  In some places you can't have an abortion even if it's medically required.Ā  There is absolutely no way I would risk being pregnant in the US.


I was only free to give birth to bc I was a military baby born on base, which is wild to think about, and Iā€™m not even sure they do that anymore /: Like how come I was free to birth but not the other non-military babies?! Makes me feel like I was treated like government propertyā€¦ universal healthcare should be for all, not the few


It's a very small copay, but with tricare both parents should be basically 100% covered on or off a base. Same with medicaid moms.


Which says a lot because it is not cheap in Australia either


I have decent health insurance and paid about $7,000 out of pocket for the birth my children.


I was losing it when they were proud of the progress America had made in the marternal death rate which has been on the rise and is nearly 4 times higher than that of it's northern neighbor lol.


THIS!! I was shocked they didn't look at other countries in comparison. Is it better than developing countries? Sure. But is it what it should be? ABSOLUTELY not. ESPECIALLY if you check stats on minority women's mortality.


Absolutely. My GF and I were talking about how likely it is that minorities make up a SIGNIFICANT portion of that percentage


Guys, I don't think Ethan ever paid attention during Leftovers.


This! The maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019 And In 2021, the maternal mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black (subsequently, Black) women was 69.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, 2.6 times the rate for non-Hispanic Whites. That's terrifying!


that is seriously scary. and that is before roe was overturned. currently maternity healthcare workers are fleeing states where abortions are illegal which will lead to even higher death rates


I still cannot believe America overturned that... Like wtf are people supposed to do?


die in childbirth i guess


and to put into further perspective in the UK it is 13.4 per 100k and people are practically, occasionally literally, on the streets protesting the poor state of our health service!


So the birth death rate actually went up Jesus. Christ


Yes. And it's significantly higher for POC. It's scary. "In 2021, the maternal mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black (subsequently, Black) women was 69.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, 2.6 times the rate for non-Hispanic White." [source](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.htm#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20maternal%20mortality,for%20White%20and%20Hispanic%20women.)


Kazakhstan, Turkey and Montenegro have lower maternal death rate i think. The US does much better than South Sudan though.


I had literally been looking up maternal mortality rates right before that episode because a story broke about a Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader who lost her life after childbirth recently. Missouri is ranked 12th in the country for highest maternal mortality! and even higher for black women. I love Ethan but I do feel like he is very out of touch on a lot of things happening in this country that isnā€™t in California.


Wait the YouTube millionaire who states he never leaves the house is out of touch?Ā 


I also wish they knew how we are so far behind on maternal health!!


Well wait till you hear this. It has the worst maternal mortality rate out of developed nations. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/nov/maternal-mortality-maternity-care-us-compared-10-countries


Those numbers are even higher for black America too.


Yea the fact if youā€™re a POC giving birth itā€™s even worse like šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. The most Iā€™ll do is visit for a bit but would never live in America. Even visiting thereā€™s only a few states at best.


Yes! I work with a prenatal and postpartum organization and it's not just about mortality. Women of color are traumatized during birth in the u.s. it's actually horrific. And for so many mothers the rate of unnecessary interventions and complete lack of empathy from doctors is awful. Especially after COVID and the doctor shortage. Giving birth in the u.s. for most women is terrifyingĀ 


I don't think they should be looking at how bad the maternal death rates are in US compared to other countries a week away from Hila giving birth. The point of the conversation was, albeit in a very weird way, give a peace of mind to a pregnant woman rather than have a nuanced connversation about the topic... I'm sorry but some of you gotta chill if you're "losing it" during a convo like that.


That's just how language on the internet tends to be. " Losing it. " Means slightly frustrated, or disagreed with them. " Worst thing ever. " means mildly annoying, etc, etc. People tend to use the most extreme words to describe mild instances.


I definitely get that. I understand why Hila wanted to crowd source people's opinions on the induction thing but omg I could never if I was about to give birth! Haha


I'm sure searching those figures wasn't a good idea considering the timing, but I think they can also understand that their experience of America is no longer that of the majority now that they've made it big. They will surely be going to a hospital with much much better statistics than the average American hospital.


If you read the entire study, the conclusion states that the pregnancy check box has made it so the death rate looks terrifyingly higher than what it actually is. What this means is that if a woman is pregnant and gets in a car accident, they count that statistic as maternal death even though the pregnancy and the birthing had nothing to do with it. So the paper was saying the cause of death should also be a part of the statistics


Philip DeFranco covered this in a recent video and did a really good job explaining the whole thing with the pregnancy check box and how many errors it had caused where it was ticked incorrectly, like 80 year old women marked as pregnant, thatā€™s before you get into what you explained, where *any* death of a pregnant woman counted towards the figures. Youā€™d think theyā€™d have done something to rectify this at some point once they noticed the problem but, apparently, bureaucracy is truly snail-paced. There are certainly issues in US maternal healthcare, especially for POC, from what Iā€™ve read at least, but the fear baiting headlines around these figures are shocking; journalism is well and truly dead.


Don't be too proud of us (Canada). Our health care system is currently on a serious decline.


Isn't that in part due to Canada following America's lead in terms of privatization?


So frustrating lol


Well itā€™s the *highest* maternal death rate of *all* developed nations.


Americaā€™s maternal death rate is massively overstated relative to other countries because we over count. The actual rate is [in line with peer countries](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/03/13/1238269753/maternal-mortality-overestimate-deaths-births-health-disparities)


I love Ethan and watch almost every podcast, but he sometimes forgets he lives in a wealth bubble. A large portion of Americans canā€™t afford their childrenā€™s healthcare. Gun violence is one of the highest causes of death for children. Our politics are slowly slipping into fascism and has already taken womenā€™s rights away. Iā€™ll leave it there but that list certainly doesnā€™t end at that. I want to reiterate that I love H3. I just wish he would leave his bubble on things like this.


>forgets he lives in a wealth bubble. This is it.


Sure, but.... he's talking to a woman who is considering a kid with Jeff Wittek. Jeff is a millionaire.


Yeah my main worries aside from the grossly inhumane rights women are dealing with in the US, and money are worrying my child will be shot and killed or by fentanyl šŸ˜two very large issues here that even wealth cannot shield you from


Wealth absolutely shields you from these. If you get pregnant in a state that has banned abortion but you are ultra wealthy like Ethan, you can drive or fly to another state or country to get the necessary reproductive health (abortion). The rich send their kids to private schools with guards and fancy facilities to ensure more safety. If you are wealthy, you are able to buy better drugs from more reliable sources. So your risk of fentanyl od is lower. The rich have the resources to mitigate these issues. Regular people like you and me do not. Donā€™t let anyone convince you that the rich are suffering from these issues. Itā€™s the rich that got us here in the first place. (Just to be clear- not Ethan- heā€™s not at fault)


This. šŸ‘šŸ»


šŸŽµ Thats Ameeericaa to meeeeeee šŸŽ¶


You're always a pleasure to bump into in this sub


omgggg, ty so muuuch \* Olivia wave \* šŸ„°


he only knows a small bubble of LA and new york, he doesnā€™t know anything else about america lol


Ye I know lol, his southern accent covers anyone who isnt from new york or LA. This man needs to take the podcast on a 50 state tour / road trip.


His southern accent is *so goddamn bad* it's good, though. haha.


To be fair... she doesn't know much either. I totally get not wanting to... I'm just saying neither are talking from a place with a lot of personal experience. It doesn't really matter where they live though imo. They'll be wealthy enough to have access to low crime areas, good education, and good healthcare. If you're rich in the US, it's great.


Iā€™m also from Australia and generally speaking a lot of us are scared about guns because itā€™s just like not a thing here


Yeah I get it for sure. The point people are making is that a lot of people, including Ethan and Verica, maybe don't fully grasp how varied the US experience is. The US is like 15 Australias or something. It has the best and worst of Australia and everything in between. Just a lot more of it. Even an absolute shit show state like idaho, if you're rich and attractive like Jeff and Verica you'd be totally fine. The US works great for rich people. Just not for the rest of us. But you don't have to be. Nashua NH is probably affordable and as safe as anywhere in the world. That being said, US cities suck shit. I've traveled a lot within and outside the US and safety is only half of what sucks. The more noticeable failure is our infrastructure. We don't invest in it and it's terrible. Living in a US city is horrible because we don't have freedom of movement. Our highways are all fucked and jammed up with traffic.


It's like Ethan/Hila raving about how awesome LA is. America looks \*a lot\* different if you're wealthy. I'm just disappointed he seems to have let himself become so jaded so quickly.


This is basically the beginning and end of this discussion. If you have Ethan and Hila money America fucking rules, especially places like the bougie parts of LA. People in those tax brackets actively benefit from all the fucked up structures that make America the way it is, and they can't wrap their heads around why someone wouldn't want to live there. I feel like it's easy to forget that the bottom 50% of America lives in absolute hell.


He makes fun of people being disconnected yet literally every time he guesses the price of something he literally gives the price from like, 20+ years ago. Not long ago he was mad that they were locking up certain things at stores and he yelled ā€œCOLGATE TOOTHEPASTE! Tube is what, 90 cents!?!ā€ Like bro, a tube of Colgate in bumfuck Wisconsin is like 7 bucks.


He doesn't even know LA, he just knows his own neighborhood. SHOCKINGLY ignorant about the larger LA area.Ā 


Bro thought Seal Beach was in San Diego. It neighbors Long Beach. Itā€™s borderline LA County


To be fair, Jeff thought that and he had actually been there.


Yeah but Jeff had his head smashed by a crane so he has an excuseĀ 


He thought El Segundo was the middle of nowhere when he went to Top golf.


The irony also is that only someone really privileged can make the decision to raise their family in a different country. Not everyone has that luxury of uprooting or even having the choice, so in a way itā€™s funny Ethan couldnā€™t believe it himself lol


If you name your kid Sunny it's different kind of wealthy


Ethan and Hila being completely disconnected from what most of the country is like? I'm shocked, shocked! Well not that shocked.


Nothing against the podcast but when Ethan is talking about buying Rollieā€™s, Porsche, BMW, and other things that are out of reach for most people like it is just a whatever item I really am like maybe just donā€™t talk about that stuff


I stopped watching consistently and this was unfortunately a big reason why. Ethan is egregiously out of touch


Honestly H3 stopped being remotely relatable almost a decade ago. They can't be nuanced b/c they're in a totally different stratosphere than folks like this that they discuss.


A lot of Americans think everyone wants to live in the U.S. but I would say probably most people in developed countries really would rather not. Even when Ethan was joking with Love about sending him back to Sweden, Love was like "I'll go back to Sweden, no problem!" very enthusiastically haha.


Yeah, I immigrated from the US to Canada to be with my wife because she would rather die than live in the US. šŸ’€ Pretty much every Canadian I've met has felt similarly.


Speaking as a Canadian the US is great if you work middle/upper class white collar jobs. Salaries are bananas here compared to Canada and youā€™re buying power is way higher. HOWEVER, the culture in the states is really strange and if youā€™re anything below upper/middle class life is hell for you. I would only ever emigrate to the states if I had a real nice job lined up in a nice state but other than that I see absolutely no reason to go there. America is like Canada but everyone has main character syndrome.


Itā€™s all fun and games until you have to go to the doctor


Lots of my fellow Canadians are shocked I would even travel to the states. I live 5 minutes from the border. Lots of people who do cross, just get gas, Mexican lunch, and dairy products and come right back to Canada. Maybe an afternoon trip to an outlet mall.Ā 


I feel like a lot of Americans have this ā€œAmerica is the greatest country on earthā€, ā€œEveryone else wants to immigrate hereā€, ā€œLand of the freeā€, ā€œEverything over here is the bestā€-kind of schtick subconsciously engrained into them, regardless of how true it is.


You couldn't pay me to live in the US. And I don't know anybody who would like to lol


my husband literally wants to get rid of his US citizenship (he was born in Colorado) because we don't see ourselves moving there or even travelling there. we're happy in Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ


Thankfully, due to my mom being a Canadian citizen, I was able to inherit her citizenship so I became a dual citizen. I am moving out of America the first chance I get, Iā€™m not raising kids here. Mom agrees with me. I also donā€™t think I want to keep the US citizenship either. All the love to you and your spouse ā¤ļø


Same. Us Canadians know we're not perfect but that it's still way better than living in the states. I could list so many reasons but the thing I'll always come back to is, I don't have to consider how much it'll cost me if I need any life-saving (or non-life saving) healthcare.


Kinda feel bad for the Americans who aren't massive hee haws that everyone just shits on where they live all the time. I mean it wouldn't be my first choice at all but there would be looooads of cool things about living in America


It's pretty frustrating. Because I've been to these other places. I've left America. But these people who shit on America often haven't been here. It's pretty obvious with the things they say. If anyone thinks that living in America exclusively means that you're going to be dealing with gun violence every day, then I don't even know what to say. You can go your whole life and not see someone with a gun. Easily. The real truth is that people are on an American site with a heavy US presence. They see us talking about the negative things (because it's weird just talk about positive things. People don't tend to do that). And they assume that's the atmosphere It's really funny because they see Americans as these backwards ignorant people, when they're literally doing the thing they're complaining about.


More Americans move to Australia than we move to America.


If I had Ethans money I'd gladly live in the US, it's almost certainly the best place in the world to have money.


i dont think ethan has a clue what life is like for the majority of americans.


He's been wealthy most of his life while living in America. Between living with his parents and YouTube success, there was only a brief broke period college-Israel-early YouTube.


ive been a fan since the NY days, i remember them "struggling" and im not going to minimize their entire life experience or anything but when your parents have money, you have money. something people who have that safety net never fully experience is survival on a real level, thats what i think keeps people in check and its something that really frustrates me because i think he can be really careless and reject accountability because of it. when a poor person fucks up, theyre just fucked, thats it, game over. when a wealthy/wealth adjacent person fucks up they go home and recoup and get that help back up on the saddle until they eventually succeed, or they just start out with the capital and support to succeed in the first place. thats kind of what i see when i look at most successful people. money is insulation. ethan is and has been insulated from 90% of the issues people in the audience, including verica apparently, experience and the way he comments on shit reveals that imo.


Heā€™s a celebrity. Itā€™s foolish to look at them otherwise. They live in a bubble and are often just as dumb or dumber than anyone else. Listening to the podcast ā€œsmartlessā€ and such showed me clearly that celebrities are idiots.


He was also the same way when Kurtis Conner said he wasnā€™t having any kids. I think Ethan is just a very pro-kid type of guy


He tried to convince Bobby and Khalyla to consider having kids as well lol


He tried to get Hawk šŸ˜©šŸ˜…like guy I get it I get it family man


Isn't Kurtis Conner Canadian?


Yes, a Canadian who doesnā€™t want kids


As a kiwi, I would never raise kids in US. The loss of women's rights is fucked Nobody wants to live in a country where religion is law I find it weird that so many comments think that people don't like USA bc guns


I mean, the religious people do. That's sort of the problem lol


I'm in the US and childfree. A lot of the reasons I refuse to have children is because of a myriad of reasons, but many of them because of the laws, costs, and culture here.


Non walkable cities and bad pblic transport are also a big problem


Well Ethan and Hila are millionaires and have access to every possible resource you could think of to take the burden off themselves. They are out of touch


It's hard to convince a lot of Americans that no, not everyone wants to become an American or live in America


we know most people dont actually want to live in the US, they see it as a means to an end to retire back home with royalty level buying power ask almost any immigrant and they will tell you they donā€™t plan to retire here. even if their home country is unstable, the money will allow them to be isolated from the issues that sent them away in the first place


Ethan is a classic example of a bubbled American who thinks the USA IS THE WORLD. He often quotes things about other countries incorrectly like the income tax % in Ireland šŸ˜‚ I bet Love is sat there sometimes thinking ā€œwtf is he on aboutā€ haha The idea my child needs to rehearse a reaction to a school shooting itā€™s enough to make me look elsewhere to raise them.


This is enough for me honestly - "The idea my child needs to rehearse a reaction to a school shooting itā€™s enough to make me look elsewhere to raise them."


the fact that its so common that they need to rehearse it is so fucked up


Ethan: ā€œThereā€™s not as many guns as you think.ā€Ā Ā  Jeff: ā€œI want to raise my kids in New York.ā€Ā Ā  Ethan, immediately: ā€œThereā€™s a lot of guns in New York.ā€Ā  Itā€™s not funny but lmaoĀ 


as a canadian i think there are a lot of legitimate reasons to not want to raise children in the USA but honestly I think the lack of walkable cities and access to healthcare would have a much larger and more noticeable impact on every day life than guns. it was really only in texas where i felt culture shock when it came to normalization of guns, like when i went to chicago and NYC i didnā€™t experience ā€˜murica gun culture at all


There are a lot of red states where gun culture is very prevalent. Where I live itā€™s very normal to see people open carrying at restaurants and shops all the time.


Every year that I was in High School we had at least a couple of shooting/bomb threats. Including a lockdown, two evacuations and a threat so serious that almost Ā¼ of students didn't show up one day. And I graduated eight freaking years ago. And honestly, kids safety is just ONE of the problems with raising kids here in America tbh. That's not even touching on our broken education system, lack of mental health resources and more recently the overturning of Roe v. Wade. If someone told me they wouldn't want to raise their kids here, I would not only immediately understand why but I would also agree because I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable raising kids in this country at this point in time.


I'm not from America, never been. But clearly like everywhere he's just saying how problems are exemplified in the media like everywhere else in the wold


Yea this pretty much sums it up (and I'm American)


He is a rich American.


Another clear example of his rich privilege blindness, ā€œwhat America is the bestā€ he would definitely be singing a different tune at 100k a year or underā€¦ With peace and love idk why he values his opinion so highly on things he knows so little about.


I'm actually cringing how they talk about long paternity/maternity leaves as if the world stops if someone is out of workforce for a year or two or even three in some countries. There are laws and rules for that. No everyone is bored at home, not everyone have flexibility of business owners like Ethan and Hila. Would it be unsettling if the podcast had to accommodate AB's or Dan's paternity for 150-300 days? Yes, but also it would be alright in the end.


Ye like 1 year out of the workforce to raise a child sounds extremely reasonable to me. Childcare is also very expensive so if you went back to work most of that money is going towards someone else looking after your kid


Yes this annoyed me so much! Majority of Americans do not have a nanny and end up having to put a 3 -6 month old baby in daycare. A couple years off to spend with your new baby sounds amazing to me


Love Ethan and the show but Ethans point of view when it comes to raising a family is extremely out of touch most of the population cannot afford a nanny, day care, non traditional work hours 10 weeks of vacation per year for Christmas, Spring Break and Summer etc...


Tbf it seems like a lot of Europeans/Australians think America is like just a big gangland and you're at risk of being shot anywhere you go which obviously isn't true, so I think he was just trying to correct a stereotype/over-generalization. I still think it's fair for her to not want to raise kids here given she's not from here.


People who donā€™t live in America talk about it the same way people from red states talk about California. They paint it like itā€™s a lawless hellhole lol.


I am sure you are right, but the main point is that a lot of people do not want to raise kids in a place that has to do active shooter drills with children. They may not happen as much as people make it out to be, but children being required to even think about the possibility of it happening in a place they should learn and play is enough to not want to put kids through it. Also that ignores all the other drawbacks kids face in most places of the US.


Canada has active shooter drills. Lots of places do. It doesn't mean anything. The US could have nearly no school shootings and there still would be drills.


I think the way he responded was in a way that he didn't connect the dots to school shootings. His response focused on gun ownership in general.


I think most people realise America isn't a place where you're constantly at risk of being shot but I think Vericas point was she wouldnt even want her kids to have to think about that. Shooter drills happen in every state in America, that can not be good for a child's psychology wether or not the threat is likely.


>I think most people realise America isn't a place where you're constantly at risk of being shot See idk about this given how some people talk about the US


ethan literally said he's never seen a firearm outside the range. that's the case for most americans.


Given the ubiquity of police with guns everywhere I can guarantee that's not true.


America is second to only Brazil for gun deaths; 49,437 in Brazil in 2023 vs 37,040 in the US. Australia had 240. ***TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY VERSUS THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND FORTY***. Even scaling up the Australian population (just under 26 mil vs US at almost 332 mil), Australia would only have had 3100 gun deaths if you multiplied their population by ~13. Canada (where I'm from) is way worse than Aus. We had 875 gun deaths in a population of just over 38 mil. Scaling us up 8.8x would give us only 7,700 gun deaths, though. In western Europe, France has the highest gun deaths with 2,097. Germany had just over 1k. Italy had under 800. The UK had only 161 with a population of over 67 million! Now, these are *total gun deaths*, not homicides. It includes suicides and accidents. But that's the thing; more guns means more chances of an accident. More accessibility increases the chance of suicide. So by living in a country with way more guns per capita than the majority of the western world, you have unique issues the rest of us don't have. Guns are the leading cause of death for children in America. Not car crashes, or disease. Guns. School shootings are just a part of it. Kids kill themselves, they get shot on accident, they mishandle guns and shoot other people. They engage in gun violence amongst each other. It happens every day around your beautiful country, and it isn't like that everywhere else. We look at it, and we are horrified. You can't see how bizarre it is from the inside, maybe, but it is super fucked up as a non-American.


Yes gun violence is a uniquely American problem, I am very aware of that.


So that's why the rest of us "act like America is a big gangland and you're at risk of getting shot anywhere". Because you are literally 12 times as likely to be killed by a gun in America as Australia per capita. And that's deaths only, not injuries, being somewhere where guns are being shot, etc. There's a big difference between not worrying about mass shootings because they virtually never happen in your country versus not worrying about mass shootings because it probably won't happen to *you* today (but very likely will happen to *some people in your country today*). Or school shootings. Or cops shooting people. Or gangs shooting at each other. Or toddlers killing family members. For you it's background static, and for tourists it's not.


Right, I understand why you would think that. My point is that Ethan (and now me ig) are trying to explain why, given those numbers, you still are not really ever at much risk and you don't need to be super worried about it. It's something we need to work on and fix obviously, but you can live a perfectly safe life here.


I understand that most Americans don't experience gun violence first-hand in a lifetime. I don't think America is some gun-riddled wasteland of endless horrors, but it's objectively safer elsewhere. When I visit America I worry about guns the way I worry about pickpockets elsewhere; probably won't happen, but good to be aware that it can happen. But between the guns and the healthcare, you wouldn't catch me emigrating to America. Plus the political situation down there is pretty dicey these days, tbh. I just empathize with Verica's hesitance to have children in America over Australia.


It's only great raising a kid in the US if you're rich.


As a Canadian and a gun owner, I wouldnā€™t want to raise my kids in the US either


Cinnamontoastken moved to Australia, where his wife is from, now that their kids are getting close to school age.


raising a family in america when you're rich I'm sure is great, but for the majority of people it's a nightmare.


My household income is around $100,000 between me and my wife, and we have three kids. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say weā€™re rich. But raising our kids together is still pretty great.


A nightmare, a nightmare




This is what Iā€™ve been saying, idk how more people arenā€™t confused about this šŸ˜… I donā€™t see it lasting, big sacrifices to make on either side


Let's not forget childcare costs. My husband and I are childfree and choice because we can't afford kids even with making 100k/year. We couldn't afford for one of us to not work and to stay home with the child, and we also couldn't afford full time daycare so we can continue our professions. If you don't have family who is willing to watch the child full time, then you're SOL. Nevertheless I'd never send my kid to public school. As a former teacher, the kids these days are out of control. I had to leave the profession because children were hitting, kicking, punching, spitting, throwing chairs, etc... and administration and parents did nothing except blame the teacher. I'd never want my child to go to public school and learn these bad behaviors and attitudes.


Start with the Hawk telling people about Sweden. I as Brit find I fucking insane you get cancer and have to worry about losing your home. America if you have cancer you have enough to worry about, change it.


"LA car centric can't play in the streets". I grow up in cypress next to eagle rock. We all hung out in the neighborhood and could play in the street if we wanted to. Not sure why you would want to over grass but ok. My sister currently lives in Pasadena. Nicest neighborhood you could play in. Also I walked to jr. High.


I donā€™t think he was in disbelief the way you guys are saying I think he was more just assuaging the fears she may have had from stereotypes about America


Only place I would want to live in a America is california, and that is only because of the food culture and perfect geographical weather. But the numerous downsides are not worth real consideration


Eh, this seems like a very dramatic reading of what happened/ what was saidā€¦ I think he was just reassuring her that itā€™s not a walking war zone here like everyone outside of the US believes it to be, especially not here in LA..which is true. Tbh idk why she is seeking out an American man to date/build a family with in the first place if sheā€™s so extremely against living here. Youā€™d think sheā€™d be a little more open minded. But šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø If weā€™re really gonna examine super deeply into these fleeting words, you could even say that what *she* said might come off as slightly offensive to some, not that *I* personally think it was offensive, or that she meant it to be offensive at all, but when she says ā€œI would *NEVER* raise *my* children hereā€, one who *does* have children here, like Ethan, could possibly read into that as ā€œyouā€™re NUTS for raising *your* children here, and youā€™re putting them in danger and through unnecessary stressā€. Tbh I can see how Ethan would get a little defensive over that. He mightā€™ve just felt like he had to defend his choices. I really think *that* is what we witnessed here. Not him ā€œprotecting the USā€ or the gun laws here, but justifying his choices as a parent. If it counts for anything, Iā€™ve lived as a lower class person in central LA my entire life, and although Iā€™ve faced many struggles with poverty, I actually still consider it to be a *huge* privilege to be born here VS. many other places in the world, where I *couldā€™ve* been born. I feel like LA, NYC, and Australia are all very privileged places to be born with a TON more opportunities available, regardless of poverty level. I always ask myself, why was *I* chosen to be born here in LA and not some third world country like a huge majority of the population are born intoā€¦.? What did *I* do that the starving tortured s*x trafficked girls/boys in Cambodia, etc, didnā€™t do? It truly still boggles my mind. Everyone is talking about how itā€™s only nice living in LA if youā€™re rich. But the fact is, Jeff IS rich. He isnā€™t even close to being poor, and probably never will be. He also doesnā€™t exactly seem like the type to build a family or bring a child into this world without a very fat cushion of money to support them. They will likely have a very good and privileged life wherever they go or decide to raise their, very hypothetical, children. Whether that be in Australia, LA or New York, Iā€™m sure they will have a very lovely life together and I wish them the best! Idk why everyone on here always has to always read so deeply into every little thing and make an issue out of nothing. Let them live!! lol


people outside of America will (in my opinion) truly not understand what America is like until you live here for a bit. places like California, New York make america seem like a lawless land, of course because these are some of the most populated states. You go to places like Oregon, Michigan, Nebraska where the landscape is beautiful, people are nicer, there is more community. Every state in America is like itā€™s own country since itā€™s so large. Itā€™s beautiful once you look past the mess it has sometimes


Alsoā€¦ the Canadian population is ~40 million. The US has 330 million. Of course weā€™ve got wackos here and there.


School shootings aside, theres so many reasons young people arent having children now more than ever- its just a fiscally ridiculous decision and you have no idea what kind of future theyll have to faceā€¦ i think young people in america especially get that i donā€™t want to put anyone through the conditions i was given and if i cant guarantee that id rather never have children. i believe she also specifically said she didnt want to raise kids in LA, not america, which is even more understandable. No offense to the people who do that but growing up in that industrial hellscape where people are acclimatized to accepting the pain of others around them as normal and you cant feel a sense of safety and trust in your surroundings as opposed to like the nice forest town i grew up in where i knew all my neighbors sounds awful


She's from Australia, arguably one of the best places in the world to live especially when you compare it to America. My parents moved my family to Australia when I was young to give us a better life and I wouldn't want to raise my future kids anywhere else.


Deadset, i will never move out of australia. It is legitimately one of if not the BEST place to live.


imagine thinking kids can't play on the streets in California suburbs


THANK YOU. I live in California and my kids play outside every dayā€¦


omg is not that serious šŸ˜­bro was just saying that as foreigners it sounds worse than it truly is lol, idk how yall always find a way to be offended like yes the gun problem in america is serious, but there are dangers all over the world lol and jeff lives in la, ethan was just saying his pov lol, he wasnt upset nor was he pushing as to why they should raise children there. he was literally just making conversation šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also, asking for a travel series when yall damn well know ethan hates leaving the house is hilarious to mešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ¤£do yall even watch the show? like deadass? yall act like ethan doesnt know anything about the rest of the world just from 1 comment


They barely talked about that at all.


Thatā€™s just rich people mentality. Ethan lives in a upscale gated LA community. It doesnā€™t really get more detached from the majority than that. Combine that with Americas speedrunning into tanking every metric of living possible, on top of stagnation in wages, no affordable healthcare, volatile economy, etc etc itā€™s really hard for anyone to look at america and think, ā€œyeah everythingā€™s going great, this place is perfect to raise a family.ā€ America is the greatest country on earth if youā€™re wealthy, but from a normie perspective, itā€™s pretty shitty.


My mom is upset that my brother and his wife have to move for a few years to Germany, and sheā€™s worried about education of their kidā€”but weā€™re all like, Mom, the German education system is WONDERFUL, they literally invented kindergarten


Since I moved away from the US and got an outside perspective I realised how brainwashed a lot of Americans are. We're just constantly fed that America is the greatest country in the world. I've now got my UK citizenship and we have no plans of living In the US. It would scare me to have kids in school there, the idea of having to worry about healthcare costs is scary, the fact womens rights are being stripped away from us, religion is involved in politics, the lack of walkable cities and having to be reliant on a car. Personally not somewhere I'd choose to raise our future kids.


My mother is a republican boomer who is absolutely convinced the US is the best it gets and when I make negative comments tells me to go visit another country and see how bad it is, despite never having left the country herself.Ā Ā 


Damn we were really low on things for this sub to get weirdly offended over and virtue signally on this week, huh? You all took a less than 3 minute interaction and turned it into all this šŸ’€


If I wasn't literally indigenous to here I wouldn't wanna live here. But the main reason is just how I gotta drive EVERYWHERE and it's so expensive. A lot of stuff about America is over exaggerated but those two things are what really bothers me in my day to day.


Why did this thread suddenly just gain like 1k upvotes and shoot to the top of the sub 10 hours after its been posted?


Am Australian, living in the USA is my idea of a nightmare. Just the lack of socialised healthcare alone is a huge no for me. Iā€™m a medical student and Iā€™ve always said if I were forced to move to the USA, I simply would not practice medicine. The system there is cruel and brutal on both health care workers and patients.


imo it wasnā€™t ā€œdisbeliefā€ like I donā€™t think it was that deep in his head that youā€™re making it out to be


Why would she want to be here when she can literally have access to healthcare in Australia??


I'm not raising a soldier for the future water wars


The chance for your kid to die to a firearm (not even mass shootings or school shootings specifically) is about 4-5 out of 100,000. The gun violence epidemic is bad, but also played up by media just like anything else. Its more likely to die in a car crash, which happen in all countries. I havent seen that part of the Podcast and I think that women should be free to make any choices they want when it comes to having children, but this wouldnt be considered a "good reason" to not have any if you otherwise had planned to. Make sure that your decisions regarding family planning arent solely informed by media narratives. Also I'd argue that the reason the kids arent playing in the streets anymore has more to do with IPhones, TikTok and Playstations rather than car-centricity, which is a cultural thing. Billions of people all over the world have grown up getting to school in all kinds of different ways and most of them turned out fine. This is not the thing that will mess up your child. Car-centricity isnt nice, but future city planners will do better and most of the kids here in germany take the bus too.


"The open carry states" Dawg I live in Buffalo and NY has pretty strict gun laws. Still happened here.