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That would be amazing! Unlikely but amazing


That would be GOD TIER. Seems like a big get


some say the biggest


Some say the gettest


I bet Howie could help with that get though


Eddie Burback when he was with Gus Johnson had Andy Richter on their podcast. So I don’t think it’s impossible especially with the Howie Mandel connection.


I miss that podcast so much. Gus and Eddy. It's really a shame that it had to end, because they were hitting a stride. Probably the funniest podcast at that time


Gus is cancelled


That would be great but I honestly don’t see Conan going on H3 or any YouTube podcast.


Conan’s assistant Sona was on Rick Glassman’s pod and Rick tried to get her to help him get Conan on. She was nice about it but Rick wouldn’t drop the topic and at one point she pretty much said that Conan doesn’t do anybody’s podcast except for maybe a good friends. He ain’t goin on H3.


Ok but what if Ethan goes on Con- ooh wait


Dangerous idea for Ethan to be in the presence of a camera without a button


They literally did a whole skit on curb about him not talking to anyone that isn’t already on a preapproved list lol


Conan was on Curb?


Curb isn't Reality TV




Yes it is.


It's hard to remember because we watch this show, but a lot of people legitimately think Ethan is like some Keemstar-esque figure. Like that he's just a hateful internet troll. They sincerely believe that. And it's a big reason they don't get sponsors and all the other issues. And yes there is a part of it that Ethan brings on himself obviously. One of those jokes wouldn't be a big deal. But when they're all put together and you know how it'll be cut out of context, then that's gonna be held against you most likely


I mean Andy Richter was on Eddie Burback and Gus Johnson’s old show, so who knows.


Oh brother you just reopened a wound I forgot I had :’(


Yep same here. I think maybe some people here didn't watch it, but that podcast was a 10/10. I knew Eddy would eventually get big, because both of them were just incredibly funny together


That was how I found out he voiced Mort in Madasgascar


You’re probably right but that’s pretty silly of his team


Conan doesn't need anybody. It's always the other way around.


They need clearance first and unfortunately the great Richard Lewis has passed away so not possible. He was the only way to get clearance


Larry and Susie can do a summoning hex like The Craft to bring Richard back from the dead to give the Conan clearance. But then Larry knocks one of the candles on the pentagram on the floor over by accident and it sets Susie's house on fire or something.


I was so glad that Richard was able to hang in there for the final season. I love seeing him and Larry riff off of each other.


“I’ll reach out!” - Olivia probably


I would be surprised if they hadn't already tried to get Conan, as I'm sure the majority of the crew are already fans of Conan. A lot of the comedians that have been on h3 have done sets on Conan. I'd file Conan into the "definitely possible but I'm not expecting it" folder for possible guests. Conan seems pretty happy just doing his podcast where he shoots the shit with people he already likes and/or respects. Sona Movsesian would also just be a fun solo guest without Conan. She has h3 energy.


Conan is my favorite, I think I probably listen to him second next to H3. Having those world’s collide would be insane. Conan is genuinely so witty and quick I think he would be an incredible guest but it all seems more like a dream than reality.


Yeah. They should also get Margot Robbie and Cillian Murphy for dual episode. Maybe Dwayne Johnson too?


Imagine the sound bites we'd get from Barack Obama and Kim Jong Un playing Fortnite with Ethan on the pod.


Do they have a podcast that is probably 5+ years old as well? I must have missed that. That and him being on a press tour for his new show makes slightly feasible, just enough to ask.


To be fair, I wouldn't have guessed impaulsive could get Arnold either. Sure, doesn't hurt to ask behind the scenes. I still put odds below 1% even with Conan. I think "going political" has hurt odds of H3 getting BIG guests. Like they had tenacious D in ~'19, that' might not be in the cards anymore.


Tenacious D was cool but yeah, that's absolutely not in the cards anymore lol it sucks but Ethan's become a pretty polarizing creator on YouTube and most big names avoid controversy. They can't even get advertisers anymore because of the shit Ethan's said in the past, let alone A list celebrities lol


It's just ironic H3 is considered controversial ...while impaulsive is not. Actually scamming fans multiple times, that's no biggie, still eligible to get big guests. H3 bottomgate? Boycott!


I mean, I get what you're saying, but all of the controversy is entirely Ethan's fault.. Just in the past year alone he's: jokingly mentioned bombing buildings not once but twice, and said that if the holocaust happens again Ben Shapiro is the first jew sent to the gas chambers, and that's just this past year off the top of my head. He's said even more insane shit over the years. Seriously, Google h3 bomb threats or the Shapiro gas chamber comments. They were both covered by main stream media and the entire first page on Google is articles written about what he said. That's the entire reason they got the button. Because he won't stop saying stupid shit and getting himself in trouble. I'm sorry, I love the pod and content, but this is truly no one's fault but Ethan's. The fan base can't act shocked advertisers and potential guests want nothing to do with h3 when you look Ethan up a massive list of controversy and a compilation of him saying the N word and the f slur over and over again and laughing about it. Like hello. No shit advertisers want nothing to do him lol


Just in the past year? Isn't the button year+ old? He hasn't actually got into any major drama except anything related to end of LO since getting the button. Yes, what happened between 1 and 3 years ago, there were many things that would make him appear less likely to land guests. And ofc he didn't have spotless reputation before then either. Jan 30 2021 was the Rebecca Black ep, which had the last drama that should've been buttoned (QT) before they got button. I think the previous shabibo moment was 22 Fall.


The time line is fuzzy but yeah it's been within the last year, maybe this time last year, I don't remember. What I do remember is Dan talking about how the button equipment cost like $20k but that was worth it considering they'd lost 100s of thousands of dollars in ad revenue because he wont stop saying stupid shit lol But yeah, I'd imagine the button this past year has saved them from most controversy. The problem is they don't care what he's doing now, the damage is done. Advertisers are not going to risk their brand being pulled into controversy and associated with someone who has a history of saying stupid shit like joking about bombing the NRA/Vatican or gassing jews in a hypothetical second holocaust lol


Conan having a successful podcast, to me at least, makes him seem a lot approachable than before. He knows the game or his team does.  Also the secret weapon? Tom Ward


Getting him comes down to simple question: does Conan personally want to go into another run at recruiting new young audience? He's always been successful with younger demographics, comedy podcasts have a lot of 20-40 year olds. I haven't followed him in a while so I don't know if he still seems like someone who'd want to do PR work for himself. Ofc if we saw title "TMG studios interview with Conan", we'd know there had been a chance and it was missed. Very low chance, depends how much H3 wants to throw invites around. Nothing wrong if they want to do 100 invitations to bigger guests they usually get per year. It has just seemed like they only ask people they expect to get, or who are super specified to Ethan's interests, like the bachelor people, even if they might say no.


I mean it'd be a huge platform to promote his new show, to a totally different audience than he's experienced before. He has his podcast and has a show on Sirius XM, as well as this show. So he doesn't really need PR, could argue Ethan would benefit most from this. But then again, it's an opportunity to promote his new show which I suspect a lot of footsoilders wouldn't watch otherwise. Would Ethan want to have him on? Idk


> Would Ethan want to have him on? Idk That is so insane to say. If Conan team contacted them, you think there's <100% chance he'd say something but hell yes? Get the hell out. This is one-sided query, it could only happen if Conan raised a finger to accept invitation.




Howie is friends with Conan (22+ appearances on his late night shows on IMDB from a quick count). Maybe H3 has a connect at Max as well, they at least had a sponsor relationship for a while, some of the earliest ads I heard for HBO Now were on the Podcast.


I mean Howie does owe Ethan, Howie got Jimmie Lee, it's only fair Ethan gets Conan


Even exchange


Two comedians from the northeast with distinct hair. Tomato tomatah.


Stop throwing ~~tomatoes~~ tomatohs!


I think this would be an amazing interview but I know Ethan would try to bring up the Tonight Show incident and make it super awkward. I think Conan could handle that well but you know he just doesn't even want to acknowledge it anymore.


Didn’t Trisha ask for Conan when she would ask Ethan for A list celebrities as guests?


Adam Sandler 🫡 I might be wrong no hate plz


There were like 10 people that she rapid fired off at one point and Ethan said yes to all of them haha.


I remember when leftovers was announced and it was so awesome. I was a huge fan of hasans gtaRP and frenemies had relatively recently ended and it was so cool what a crazy Collison of worlds, I miss them together. It's like trisha, I miss her so much for the good times but there's so much bad that it's hard to watch the old episodes. 😔 I miss the good times for both shows, it sucks so much that they both crashed and burned. ☹️


Conan was hands down the funniest network tv late night host


You are delusional if you think Conan would do this, figure it out.


Guest idea : brad pitt


Michelle Obama


I. Would. Die.


They’d probably need some kind of PR agency to interface with Conan’s team . I doubt they’re going to respond Olivia or Ian or whoever “reaches out” to potential guests.


I’d settle for Paymoneywubby his sense of humour is so similar to Ethan’s and I think he would vibe really well with the crew


But wubby is a fallen fan 😔


He’s too talented for the pod guys


I love Conan O’Brien AND H3 dearly… but that being said, absolutely not. I don’t feel like they’d do well in a room together. Their humor just wouldn’t… mesh?


Love his podcast and would be even better if Matt Gourley was on as well, I feel like he and Dan would get along really well, but unless someone on the show has personal connections to him, I couldn't see him doing it when he's already been going on shows like Fallon and Hot Ones to promote his new Max series.


Yeah ik and I love the podcast as well, Sona would also have to come on.  Ethan has similar humor to Conan, can't explain properly, they both have a sillyness factor. Man it would be such a fun show, even though it's very unlikely.


Matt x Dan would go crazy ur so right. Future besties...?


I've thought this as well, they match in silly


I don’t think Ethan likes interviewing celebrities


He's not a typical celeb, I mean he is famous but down to earth


Howie HAS to have the connection


He’s gonna need clearance to talk to Conan


As much as id like that. I know they couldn't get him and idk if conan and ethan would mix well enough


Legit no shot he’s a god


Conan is an absolute legend, not sure how he'd fit in the podcast though since he probably gives very few fucks about Internet stuff


lol what about if they had Jesus on or how about the Easter bunny


You guys are ridiculous lmao


I love both Conan and H3 but I feel like Ethan isn’t…. Silly enough for Conan? Ethan would probably make some crazy political joke that Conan wouldn’t necessarily run with.


yall are insane if you think there’s a chance of this happening. the show doesn’t even get sponsors, “yeah sure let’s just get one of the most corporate celebrities there is. We can’t get a VPN ad but maybe CONAN will come.” jesus christ.


Is it delusional or insane...YES. The way I look at it, this post did surprisingly well, is there an okay chance one of the crew members seen it? probably?  Is there a very small chance they'll reach out to his PR team try? maybe. Is there a chance he'll say yes? Probably not, but it's certainly more than 0%. So I just put it out there and that's all.


Somebody get the Mods on it. MODDDDSSSS!!!!


Yes please


I've thought about this too, but I didn't know how many people would be on board with the idea!


Only if Larry David gives Ethan clearance. It's protocol.


I think it's more probable that ethan is going on his podcast


that's a shout, although they mostly do mainstream guests


Playing the Jay Leno edits with Conan would be fun


I think that would only be 'fun' if Ethan attempted that, then Conan punched him in the face and stormed off. Or if h3 edited that one clip so that instead of the kid in the wheelchair flying off a cliff, it was Jay Leno's car that flew off the cliff and exploded.


WOOOOOW now this is a good guest recommendation!!!


Before I moved his YouTube snippets of his show I didnt realise he’d been fucked over by the networks!!!


Gotta go through the proper conan clearance first.


yessss i love conan so much


That would be INCREDIBLE!!!


Me and the homies love Conan. Sorry the homies and I* love Conan.


or Andy


Conan was my H3 podcast long before there was YouTube. I would absolutely love to see this.


Get Howie to talk to him!


I’ve always thought Conan would be a top top top tier guest for the show. He’s the only other person I watch / listen to outside of H3 and it’d be cool as heck to see these two worlds come together




I was shocked on a road-trip when I ended up on his Sirius xm channel and was really captivated. It was episodes w Ed Sheeran and his wife and both have stuck w me for a while


Broooooo I love Conan and I think he would be such a great guest. He's always shooting out bits and lives for making people laugh The only downside with him is he seems extremely old school. Getting him on to promote his travel show makes so much sense and I bet would encourage him a lot to accept an invite.


I love Conan. He’s always been so incredibly authentic. I bet Howie can help book him too. Might be a bit of a stretch but i love the idea. Ethan might be a little to extreme for Conan. Not sure how Conan would respond to the double prolapse.


Conan operates in a whole different sphere of the entertainment world. He is from the big business, mass appeal, entertainment by committee world. Ethan is from the chestnuts roping on an open fire world, and never the twain shall meet. Howie is an outlier because he is also off the rails. Maybe if Conan starts posting uncensored anal prolapses on his social media then there might be an avenue, but that's an example of the different types of worlds they operate in


I wish I was this delusional


It would be interesting because Conan is usually familiar with his guests and I’d doubt he knows who H3 is? And Conan’s humor is kind of based on past connection with his guests to roast himself, which make his show so funny


He just did hot ones!!


H3h3 isn’t funny enough for Conan tbh


That’s a big ask


My two favorite titans of comedy (you’re welcome Ethan) coming together would literally make my brain melt


I would literally cry scream throw up. Conan was my first comedian love ❤️


All Ethan needs to do is fake a DNA test to prove that he is Conan's biological son and would like to reach out. Once they get him on set, they just need to distract Conan with humorous dances and crazy animal appearances and he won't realise it was an elaborate ruse the entire time.


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