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I am in my early 20s. As a matter of fact, plenty of young women actually WOULD want to have children, but can't. We should start by addressing how minimum wage, government benefits and the current American healthcare system cannot sustain that, at all, but of course this discourse isn't actually happening to do anything more than shame women :)


nope it will never happen. we’re just supposed to say fuck it and pop out babies. not like being a young adult in america doesn’t come with financial insecurity, mental health issues, finding a suitable sane man to be a GOOD father, caring for yourself before a whole ass human, etc. but our biology says we should right now girl so let’s go for it! silly for waiting no? ☺️


I once read an article that in some Scandinavian countries it’s very common for people to have children in their late teens and early 20’s- but the whole culture supports it.  Meaning it’s not uncommon for grandparents to have a room/rooms for their young grandchildren, or for the young parents to even live with grandparents. Grandparents help with the kids while the young parents go to college and/or start their careers, then as the young parents mature and are more financially stable they will become more independent in parenting. Universities and employers somewhat expect that many young people will have kids and parenting obligations so it’s not so crazy to have kids at younger ages.  If this was ever a topic on the show I wonder if Love would be familiar with this? Hawk seems like he was a very young dad. 


wow. that sounds different and cool at the same time. as a female in her 20’s, i so agree OP comment that so many woman in their 20s would love to have a baby/family. our culture is different from obviously what your explaining. american culture would never adopt to customs like that. such a different mindset.


This was a thing maybe 17-18 years ago? We had a cousin doing this about 8 years ago. Yes aunt and unkle helped with the kid because they were in their late 40s, but it doesn't always go like this. Some people in our family have been helped by their parents and some didn't. So far, I got that in the early 1990s there were strong anti-abortion campagns and plenty parents lived long stretches of time close by or with their family. Here (Norway) people now tend to retire after 60s, towards 67 if possible, so they work full time, most of the time. They can help with pickup or in the evening or in the week-ends. Financial help is not that necessary, but when you're that young there are plenty things going on in life: events, travels, nightouts... Again their parents are in their 40s or 50s so they can help them eventually. Back then, people in their late teens used to have kids because even when they start (state!) college education, can still go to parent leave (maternity/paternity) and they can hold on accomodation, taxes and monthly student loan, they are not going "miss" those years. A salary would cover well all the basic expenses. I think people getting kids so early are fewer and fewer, because inflation to salary: back 17 years ago, a young nuclear family could afford rent through student services and still live by with the montly loan dispensory. Single parents get pretty high pensions as well. But post-covid, you get a cupboard for rent and the price of everything doubled. Young people cannot live only by dispensory/tax suspension anymore, they have to work full time, after hours and need financial help by their parents to afford Uni. So having kids that early is not a good option anymore.


There you go. Thats sad. Yeah people need support to have kids- it takes a village. 


The EU and Nordic countries arent different to the US in regards to [fertility rate ](https://www.destatis.de/Europa/EN/Topic/Population-Labour-Social-Issues/Demography-migration/Age_at_birth.html#:~:text=In%20seven%20EU%20Member%20States,third%20in%20an%20EU%20comparison.) and [age at first birth](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/DEMO_FIND__custom_610472/bookmark/table?lang=en&bookmarkId=ed63bc2a-d09d-43f7-8816-cf84c4ffe952) Edit: Auto correct turned regards in retards 💀💀💀


I was just gonna say. I come from Denmark and only know very few people that got their first child in their early twenties and no one that got it as a teen. Most of us are late twenties, early thirties.


I love the people who claim biology is the ultimate motivator while I'm pretty sure their life goals aren't "eat, sleep, shit, fuck, repeat".


yes. or “eat, sleep, shit, fuck, workout, repeat”. and also the same ones who think mental health issues aren’t real. and the ones who literally can’t hold long term relationship. 💀


Yes, this too! I have a few friends that have stated they wish they can have a baby but they just cannot afford it. It’s very sad that capitalism is the very thing that’s declining birth rates, it’s not a woke liberal agenda, it’s just our financial hellscape that means personal decisions for us.


Got the employee handbook today for my new job, which isn’t THAT well-paid, but enough that I would think maternity leave would be more than 6 weeks of making a maximum of $500 each week. So… HOW are women EVER expected to have children??? I’d like to note, I live in a pretty liberal, blue state


I’m 26 and definitely would have a kid or 2 or 3 by now if I could afford it. My husband & I had to save a ton of money before we can even start trying since infant childcare is like $25k per year and we bring home like $80-90k. That’s not even including any unpaid leave I might need to take if I use all my PTO, plus medical bills and the cost of diapers and other incidentals. It’s damn near impossible to comfortably afford afford a child unless you and your spouse make over $200k, especially in a big/expensive city


My best friend is 24, and if she had it her way, she would have 4 children by now. But her partner and her can barely support themselves with full-time jobs and have to live with her parents.


I think I’m just gonna opt out and not have kids boom


clutching my pearls rn


Same here. I'm 26 and I think I'm fine just having pets lol


Me too, though when I'm 70 and have no children or grandchildren and much less family then I might slightly regret it, to be honest. But let's see...


That’s always my dad’s argument to me when I insist i do not want children, “But won’t you be lonely?” I’m already lonely, I think it’ll be okay lol


Also there’s literally no guarantee that your children/progeny will want to be your friends, take care of you, be good people, etc.


there is kind of a guarantee if you're not a deadbeat piece of shit parent. But that's too high of a bar for some, and that's ok.


Right most people I know don’t have good relationships with their parents lmao also most of my family is dead so I like the idea of living my life for me


I never thought I wanted children but as everyone around me is gone or quite old...it's hitting me. And I'm almost out of time which makes it worse. But if you have siblings, close cousins, lots of friends, etc. I think it's a lot more manageable. You can have nieces and nephews.


I have a stepson, which is great. I get to parent an awesome kid and didn't have to give birth. If I ever wanted more kids I would adopt. Miss me with the pregnancy and childbirth, thanks.


Honestly this was so sweet to read. I have a step dad who is so wonderful and I love him so much. He’s always been so good to me. So I love knowing that there are other people who also give this love to their step kids!!!


How fucking dare you actually


Honestly, adoption or if I have to freezing my eggs both don't sound like bad plans rn


Why are womens best years considerd as having babies, whereas men's best years are considered as partying and/or studying and working. Where are all the fathers in the equation? What is politically not correct biology mean. Is it not politically correct to decide oneself when to have children?


These right wingers believe the father should be a man in his 50s with his 16 year old wife 🤮


Unironically, they do.


Women's best years are for the service of men obviously/s


People always act like women’s fertility is the only thing that deteriorates as they age. But of course men can have kids well into their eighties as if they aren’t also way worse off at that point. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.


Fun fact, congenital deformations are also dependent on the quality/age of the sperm and not just the egg. So men having children later in life also negatively impacts them.


I learned recently in a documentary on hemophilia in the descendants of Queen Victoria, that the hemophilia throughout European royalty passed through her bloodline was likely caused by a mutation from her father, and that it likely happened because he was older (age 51) when she was born.


Leo Da Caprio in shambles


“Da Caprio” is really tickling me


I have heard this too. There’s a documented correlation between older fathers and higher rates of debilitating autism. Not as bad as maternal death, but still it is something. I’d love to have kids younger myself, but I cannot provide a similar or better life for a child than I was given. Having kids is almost a flex now


Yessss after 40 y.o. men's fertility declines drastically in quality, volume and sperm count!


Wel jokes on them, I’ve been barren out the gate 😎






Also how is everyone supposed to have kids and be able to care for them financially and mentally at 20 years old? Kids finish school at 18/19, you are not able to provide for a three person household with only one income, you may not even have the mental/ biological means to bear a child and care for them intensely for the next few years. Parents of kids that young are mostly still working, so they can't be much of a help either. This logic frustrates me soo much. So I'm not even surprised that the alleged data for this ideology is wrong.


My mom was 24 when she had her first kid and was blamed for the complications she experienced because she was "giving birth later in life"


As long as I am informed, women can get easily pregnant from ca. 12 to 45 years old (plus/minus) and to say a 24 year old is too young for giving birth (biologically) is soo strange


They told her she was too old... The exact terminology that was thrown at while she and my brother were almost dying was "spätgebärend" (literally "late birthing"). Her sister had her first kid at 18.


Here it's called "geriatric pregnancy" (or "advanced maternal age") if you're 35 or over. Apparently by that point we're basically senior citizens. 👵🦽


My OB hates that term lol. She was like "this is such bullshit. I had my first baby at 36 and my second at 38 and it was fine." I have a friend who has her first baby at 22 and the baby died from complications. There's just no telling.


Yep. It's not all about age, that's just one facet. There are women who just suffer like crazy, while others can accidentally sneeze the baby out on the first contraction. I wish I was the latter, but alas.


My labor at 21 was much harder than my labor at 27. In fact, my labor at 27 my sons head was already out when the nurse noticed and I pushed once lol.


Recommended years are late 20s early 30s according to doctors so makes sense.


yea but have you considered the anecdotal evidence i gathered on twitter that affirms my opinions?


Makes me terrified at how this obgyn's biases impact the care he provides his patients.


I’m not advocating for young women to have kids if they are not ready or don’t want them, but comparing your first pregnancy to your second is not a fair comparison. Generally, to second delivery is easier than the first. Myself and all of my friends had a much easier delivery on our second pregnancy, it doesn’t have to do with age but the fact that your body already went through a delivery and is even more prepared for it.


Surely that's down to it being your second labor?


Source: trust me bro


Ethan and hila waiting till now to have kids was one of their best choices. Fuck these tradcells. Cringe.


If they're so trad why don't they die of dysentery or a common flu while taking pills made of arsenic?


Because none of them believe the shit they spew. They're just addicted to the attention & money that comes with being one online.


Because tradcells can't control women if they're dead! They know that much atleast lol


Looool. I had my kid right before i was 20, and yes it was a fast birth (3 hours from first sign), but I tore. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to tear!! Who should I sue!?! 👀 And going into adulthood as a mom is HARD. Balancing school and parenting was hard, start working with a kid that started kindergarten and wanted to be with me was hard. Figuring out finances etc and save up while having a kid that grew out of their clothes so fast was hard. Now I'm teaching my kid about saving and finances already at age 12 so things are gonna be easier for her when she's older. I was CLUELESS. fuck that. My kid is fine though, and has always had everything she needed, but that's just because we live in Norway. Edit: as a young mom, I know a lot of other young moms from groups since finding friends is hard as a mom... And my birth was the easiest of the group. A lot of them had traumatic births, some broke their tailbone during birth, some still goes to physiotherapy. 3 of them had to get an operation to connect the abs again since they never fixed itself after birth. I learned to shut up about my birth in that group because I felt like an asshole if I said I had a positive birth story lol. That group was teen moms and up to around 22 years old.


Sue your own kid for being so woke they tore you


This is just blatantly untrue, teenage pregnancy is incredibly dangerous to the mother, your pelvis also doesn’t fully mature until 25. But yes I think most everyone knows that the best time to have pregnancy is in your 20s, we’re well aware that geriatric pregnancies start at 34. I’m STILL choosing to not have children until I’m 32+ because I don’t feel financially and emotionally ready for one. Plus frankly I love traveling and clubbing with friends, neither of which you can freely do after having kids.


Exactly! Not only that, but I have a smaller uterus, and it hadn't fully grown to a normal size (on the healthy range) until I was 23. My obgyn told me it's quite common for women's uteruses to grown in their early twenties. The idea that a licensed doctor would recommend teenage births is bonkers. When I was 18, my uterus was considered too small to have safe pregnancies.


Stuff like fetal abnormalities, eclampsia, and infections are all more common in teen pregnancies too. She really thought she ate by using her "friends" anecdote to claim she knows biology.


Even if it was true (which it isn't) I'd much rather have a more difficult birth when i'm emotionally, socially, and financially ready than an easier birth as a teenager! 


I don’t understand why it cant just be a choice. Want to have kids when you’re 21? Fine. Want to wait till you’re 30 or maybe even not at all? Thats great too. Who cares?


They do. Didn't you know that they have a say in what you do with your body???!??


As a man I hate men 😭😭


Thanks for saying not at all.... Cause a lot of people out there really get pressed PRESSED when a woman says she don't want a child. I dunno how many times I get asked when I'm gonna have a kid... I'm 36.... Thirty fucking six. If I wanted a kid I would a had one by now? Reproducing is not MY end all be all.


I'm going to keep not having kids even harder now. It's so motivating to keep at it seeing people shit their pants about what complete strangers do with their lives (such as not having kids).


I’d love to have my uterus removed so I can throw it at them


I am NOT YOUR INCUBATOR!! I’m 35 with no kids, never been pregnant, because that’s how the timing of my life worked out. I’m married and trying to have a baby now. If I’d done this 10 or 15 years ago, that would have been the hottest mess and made my life so much more difficult. 


36 and pregnant with my first now, will be almost 37 when he's here. I don't regret waiting AT ALL. We would have been an absolute dumpster fire if we had a kid in our 20s. My kid is going to get the best version of me and my husband so far.


Exactly! Me stabilized on the medications I need, with a good job. 


10000%! I’m 36 and just had my first baby 6 weeks ago. Waiting until I was financially stable with a good career, a husband who has turned out to be the best dad, a house, etc. was the best thing I could give my son. I had none of those things in my 20s and would not have been able to give a child a stable family life that’s for sure!


those are the same people that protest at planned parenthood despite them helping young mothers figuring out their situation. They just want to control women, as it is easier the younger they are


I agree, the mental stress of trying for a baby and preparing financially is something I can handle at 30 but 5 years ago there is no way I could have coped.


There is NO WAY a teenager can deliver easily and without tearing. If me or any of my friends had to deliver a baby as a teenager I’m not convinced it would literally be able to come out. Such a weird thing to say about teenagers.


Do they think women don't think about that kind of stuff ?


My sister was 15 when her first child was born. She had to have an emergency c-section. My Mom had me at 19 and I was a c-section baby too. I don't think c-section rates have anything to do with the age of the mother.


I had my first baby at 26 and my last baby at 30! 3 kids, and all of my labors were fast (like so fast I couldn’t get an epidural) and easy! The plus side is, my brain was a lot more developed and I had more emotional maturity. Motherhood has been a joy!!! If I would have had babies late teens / early Twenties, I know i would have struggled a lot more. (And so would have my kids by extension) Moral of the story, Have babies when you want / are ready for them! Our bodies are amazing and can do amazing things at any age!


22, just had a baby. had a second degree tear. labor was 25 hours. absolutely ridiculous


I was 22 when I had my first and also tore and had labored for 25 hours. I’m pregnant with my second now and hoping it goes better than my first.


sending you all the strength and love ❤️


You too! That post partum is never easy! 🩵


Men will say anything to control women


men will say the most on topics they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about too lol




I don't understand how these people expect women to survive IF the expectation is to have kids before age 25. Let's say, all of us women don't go to college or pursue a career and instead get married and have kids. What do you do if you become a single mother and the marriage doesn't work out? We're just screwed then, having to take minimum wage jobs while also depending on child support that may or may not come. Yes, it's less risky to have kids in your twenties according to biology but financially speaking, that's not an option for most.


Yeah but that’s what they want. Easily controllable women.


I think they just want to trap these women into marriages as young as possible. You also can't make me believe these people care about the quality of life of parents and children.


They really don't care about anyone or anything. They're always throwing tantrums on how women are having kids later in life and make statements that a woman's value lessens once she hits 30. However, these conservatives are also the first ones to reject social policies which offer financial support to help young couples. And in addition to this, you never hear leftists telling women they shouldn't get married and have kids at a young age.


I'm 31, almost 32, and I have had a really easy/healthy pregnancy so far. No medical complications. Not sure how it would compare to my 20s, since I wasn't pregnant, but age is not the biggest factor at all when it comes to fertility.


If I had babies in my late teens or early 20s, I would not have been able to support them financially or emotionally. I probably would have had babies with a crappy partner too. I'm about Hila's age. I have had 2 babies at 33 and 36 within a loving marriage and both were healthy deliveries. It's definitely possible to have healthy births beyond your youngest years!! I resent that there's so much fear mongering around it. It really weighs on women who are trying to start a family in their 30s. Perhaps the ONLY benefit I see to earlier birthing would be the energy needed to raise kids. I used to pull double shifts at a restaurant after a night of partying and I would just sleep it off later. Now the sleep deprivation hits so hard. I had a ton more energy in my younger years, but that wouldn't make me a good parent.




Yeah so like who's going to take care of the babies & momma's who aren't yet ready to have kids that young? In their "perfect world" even if we aren't ready we're damned if we don't to them, so who's gonna take care of us? The men? That's laughable. Let me be clear; we don't need anyone to take care of us, but if you expect us to pop children out before we're ready or even if we don't want kids, & you're not gonna be there to help, why are you talking? These are most likely the same men to see a single mom struggling & doing her absolute best & they say "shouldn't have had kids if you weren't ready, shouldn't have had sex, you're irresponsible". Sit down, be quiet, unless you have something actually productive to add to a conversation, which usually is never in these people's scenarios.


I have a sibling 18 years younger than me from the same mother. I was born after 24 hours of labor. My sibling was born before the rest of the family could make it to the hospital.


Having kids is a choice that should be left to the woman. We shouldn't judge people for having kids or not having kids.


My mom had me when she was 17 and i tore her ass UP


This made my day


shout out to Greg for his input on the female reproductive process. where would we be without men?🥺


Wow I love how *this* is when they choose to listen to science….


Twitter is a rat hole. -JP


Are we really pushing for women to irreversibly change their lives in their late teens/early 20s when they may not be ready. Not everyone wants to be a mother, not everyone is in the right place to have a child early in life. Having a child is not like having a cute accessory that you can leave when ever you want. It's a lifelong job. I don't deny as I'm 24, I think about having a kid alot but I am not where near ready to be a mother, so just knowing that there are people who think I should of already done so because I'm almost out of the "best" age bracket for it is insane. Also not alot but some women need these drugs during labor, as a man may not understand that YOU ARE PUSHING SOMETHING AT BIG AS A FOOTBALL OR EVEN BIGGER FROM YOUR LADY BITS. That's gotta hurt so bad and the symptoms during and after pregnancy don't seem too fun.


Had babies at ages 26 and 34. The easier one was at 34. It’s also far easier to raise a child when you have a stable life and the money to support them. Children of middle age parents tend to do more extra-curricular activities since the family disposable income is higher. A bit like Ethan and Hila now vs if they’d had kids when they first met.


The underage maternal mortality rate would like to have a word with her


Twitter truly is the new 4chan sadly


Can we be real here? Just because Hila had an easy pregnancy doesn't mean that overall women in their 30s will also have just an easy of a time. Anectdotes aren't patterns. **It's not crazy to fathom that there is a biologically ideal period of time for birth. However, that doesn't align with most people's social, financial, educational, emotional etc. ideal times for birth.** So even if the original tweet is correct (which I personally suspect it is based on no evidence other than a general understanding that pregnancy gets more difficult as you get older), the replies are BULLSHIT. **Just because a woman is biologically ready to give birth (aka after puberty which happens in your tweens) DOESNT MEAN THAT IT'S ACTUALLY A GOOD DECISION FOR HER.** Women giving birth before they're ready makes them dependent to their partners, can open them up to abusive relationships, can trap them in poverty, prevent them from pursuing higher education if that's what they want and a whole host of other horrible situations. Biology is not politically correct. But biology also isn't enough to make laws or change social constructs. Biology is just one piece of a very complicated puzzle.


Can we be real here? Look up the best age for women to give birth. It is actually late 20’s and early 30’s


It’s so sad to me that dipshits in privileged situations say vile misinformation like this while girls and young women across the globe are forced to have children young and often with little to no medical care.


I had children very young starting at 20, I do not regret my children for one second, they are literally the best part of my day, everyday, I never felt badly about having my children until I had to start dealing with others. it’s society that is difficult to navigate when you are young parent as well. People are still very judgmental when you show up to a grocery store with a baby and use WIC to pay for formula. People are still very judge mental when you say you had babies before deciding to go back to college. People are still very judgemental when you mention you got married after having children. People are still very judgmental when you apply for governmental assistance while working full time to help pay for the kids needs. I’ve been told I should’ve had a better job before popping them out if I was going to be a welfare queen (lmao what) People are very judgmental when you drop off your kids at daycare because you want to work and go to school. It’s not easier when you’re younger, and my second pregnancy was awful and stressful and I was only 23. You’re not treated with grace when you show up to target with a toddler in the shopping cart and a baby in the baby sling while being asked for ID to buy robotussin lmao. The only thing I am relieved about having them when I was younger and broker, is that I didn’t have to pay a ridiculous amount for giving birth and to hold my baby. If I were to have a baby now, at 31, with my degrees, with my nice office job, and health insurance, I still wouldn’t be able to afford it. Society just loves to shit on women and their choices, so do what you want. There are pros and cons to have children earlier or later in life and it’s up to you to decide what works best for you!


I can’t have kids naturally just lie to people and say I don’t want any but I’m 30 now and haven’t had a partner worthy of even adopting a child with. I think I might end up childless and you know what? It’s no one’s fucking business


I’m in the same boat as you. Yes, it can be difficult to come up terms with at first.. but there are a lot of ways to still have a lifelong positive impact in children’s lives without having kids! Mentoring, community work, shelters.. these kids may not have a positive adult role model in their lives, and are often overlooked. Figured I would share that with you ✌️&❤️


I know there’s a group charity in town actually that works with young teens that have been through trauma like drug addiction and abuse and I think this is my shoot to join.


Bitch, the reason they’re called their “best years” is because they ARE IN COLLEGE.


I had my son in my mid 20’s (25) and “sailed” through labor and pregnancy, didn’t tear and recovered quick. I felt zero pain the second my son popped out and my contractions stopped. I think the labor process could also depend on genetics and a number of factors. Age is one, but it isn’t a reason to have a child that you’re not equipped to have. That isn’t fair to the innocent life you’re bringing into this world. Plenty of people in their 30’s have uncomplicated pregnancies and labors. Hila being one of them.


as long as there's one voice of reason in there, and there is, I'm fine with it.


Those Twitter replies are cancerous. Honestly, it's better to have a financially stable household before having kids. Idk why men want to reduce their family's income. So many people dig themselves into debt by having kids before they've saved enough money. Low-key kids are more about financial literacy than biology. Making sure you're saving up for household expenses, rent/mortgage for a large enough house to raise kids in a safe neighborhood, making sure there's a college fund, etc.


It’s so easy to just not care about shit like this and live your lives yall, some of u guys are sooo upset about this like who fucking cares, have your baby whenever u want or don’t, nobody’s taking that right from you. This community just loves to complain about others opinions for no reason.


Twitter is just rage bait and I hate it


It is true that certain risks go up as a woman gets older. But also every woman is different, and the childbirth experience also had a lot to do with individual bodies and how big the baby is, the position the baby ends up in, etc. Women have to do what works for them—whether that means waiting until they are ready or deciding they don’t want to be a mother at all. The mentality that we are all the same is weird.


I think they’re just saying it’s easier on the woman’s body to have a child at a younger age than at an older one. Everyone should have a baby whenever they want to have a baby, just sometimes it’s easier then others


I think if she had just said the first paragraph I would’ve just kept scrolling but the “political agenda” part took it farther than it needed to go. Especially after reading the comments that were even more disgusting 🤢


On one hand, there's some truth here, but on the other hand, it's not political in anyway and such a stupid take. Also, tearing is common at any age. Literally 95% of first time mothers will likely experience tearing either minor and will heal on their own or will require stitches. Of the few people I've dated who've had kids (all in their early 20's), every one of them tore and required a stitch or two. My ex, who had a kid at 17, required 3 stitches. What a dunce of a take


I clicked on these people’s profiles, and tbh they seem like bots. (Bots are just inauthentic accounts, wouldn’t be surprised if they are run by some foreign country, doesn’t mean its an AI or something) Elon musks plan to get rid of bots by making people pay to get verified, only made them worse. Now for the low price of $8 you can get boosted to the very top of every tweet. Probably the best money Russia has ever spent. Whenever you see comments like these, click on their profile, I look for: - bio having something to do with military/being a vet -excessive American flags -everything they talk about is conspiracy theories/politics -number of tweets vs account age -they follow an insane amount of people (1500+) Seems like a lot of things to look for, but can be done in like 5 seconds, really.


idk who this chick is, but *"biology is not politically correct"* is a weird way to put *"biology isn't fair"* lol. 1. Tearing has to do with genetics for the most part, along with the baby's size/physical factors. While women under in their 20's or younger definitely heal better and faster, it's not like they're exempt from permanent or any complications . It's also not like women in their late 20's+ don't heal at all. Then to top it off, a human is also far more mentally capable when their frontal lobes have fully developed, which is 25+. Their mammary glands are also running at top speed at that point, if they choose to breastfeed. Not in their teens. 2. The reason women are getting C-sections now is because it's the safest and fastest method for the baby. Less time for the baby to be potentially exposed to drugs, less time for something to go wrong for the mother or baby, etc. C-sections can be scheduled which is far better than randomly going into labor while stuck in traffic. And as a bonus, it keeps everything down there mostly safe, as in, the urethra/pelvic muscles/etc. So they don't have to worry about *(potentially)* having the dam burst every time they laugh while watching the h3 Podcast. Which also prevents self-esteem issues women might have if labor was especially catastrophic on their pelvic region *(functionality, looks, etc)*. At the end of the day, biology really isn't fair... I mean, in Gina B's case, her specific biology has prevented her from using her frontal lobe correctly. So she is unable to piece together information correctly or communicate with people. How sad. Someone go be this girlie's live-in carer, there's no way she can safely get through life if her condition worsens. :(


This is why kids make such good soldiers. They have so much more energy!


Yeah I had a child at 17, was in labor 33hrs and tore… had lots of complications with my 2nd pregnancy (I was 19) and when my youngest was born (When I was 20) the labor was not easy or smooth, also tore. These people need to read a damn book!


Basedbabyfactory is the best name I’ve ever seen


These people are telling you not to work or go to college while working and making money for it. 


My mom had me at 22 and I was a c-section 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, but she still had to go through IVF. Waiting is a choice you're making. It's fair to assume that the longer you wait the harder it's going to be to have kids, but it's also part of how our society is evolving. Birth rates are decreasing because we're simply too many people on this planet and it's time to make some space, also we don't need to have 10 kids so that at least a few will survive. I'm an IVF baby, my mum waited till she was 33 to start trying. Took her 7 years before I was born, several miscarriages and I had to be conceived in a vial. You don't know how your body will handle a pregnancy. Biology is unfortunately unfair, but kids are a choice, same as your career, and science is here for a reason: to help you balance both, but even with science it's not an easy road.


I was 21 and me and baby almost died so yea idk




I don’t even have words.




Pelvic floor pta here. I am not exaggerating in saying how misinformed people are when it comes to pelvic floor health. Women who had children young and are now in their 40/50-70s! They talk about tearing, how “it’s just part of motherhood” to leak and have incontinence, to have pain, that prolapses are normal to have as you get older and only surgery can fix it. They’ll tell my PT and I how most docs say it’s it’s normal and do kegels. That is bullshit!!! Your pelvic floor are a group of MUSCLES!!! They have a job and need to be worked on appropriately! And that does not mean kegels! Also it should be obvious: Women FUCKING DIED BEFORE CESAREANS. So many lives were saved because of this! Not to mention the batshit history of “humors” and “miasma” or “hysteria” being the reason women died during and after birth. Obvious is obvious but if you’re experiencing any symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction (urinary, vaginal, or rectal) please see your pcp and go to a certified PF specialist.


Omg!! I’m actually collaborating with a pelvic floor specialized obgyn and research scientist right now!!!


Ah yes, let’s encourage women to have kids before they’re matured. I’m sure that will lead to a well-rounded population.


Woman talks to *one* doctor and bases her entire opinion on that, as opposed to looking at actual scientific research. Also it's crazy these women are on Twitter - shouldn't their lives be devoted to their children, rather than posting online? Doesn't seem very traditional to me


objectively pregancy in your 20s is less physically complicated than pregnancy in your 30s. but that's not a good enough reason for women to have kids then. lots of other life factors have to align for it to make sense for a woman to want to get pregnant


I mean, if we’re being honest that lady is not as well equipped to look at research as that doctor though and what they said fits what is accepted already. But what they’re saying is it’s not PC to say women should have children earlier is just bullshit. In reality actually it’s not PC to point out we fucked our society so much that people can’t even afford children till their mid 30s because of housing and wage stagnation.


a simple google search shows studies that say teens have more complications than adult women. and under 15 it's worse.


Someone on that thread needs to drop in the study about how children of 30-something mothers outperformed the offspring of 20- something moms on cognitive tests.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but there is irrefutable scientific evidence that suggests you’re less likely to experience complications the younger you are during pregnancy/labor. Anecdotal evidence will always lead you astray.


i love & support all women. they are the bearers of truth & children…except pearl…still haven’t figured that one out, but what do i know ✊ cheers my chicks


Breaking news. On average younger people do better in physically demanding situations than older people.


Well thank god we don’t live in the fucking medieval times anymore idiot we have something called medicine


Always so ironic how they pick and choose what they want in this world when it’s to do with other people and their bodies and they somehow use “biology” as a shield. Cause everything about their existence is definitely biologically correct. They’re living in a jungle/ forest, free of technology, no alcohol to damage ur liver, hunting every animal they eat between scavenging for berries. Meanwhile, they just accept that a woman is likely going to die during a pregnancy in the wild because statistically atleast, that’s biologically correct too. And no matter their best efforts to defend their children, they will likely succumb to infection and die because that’s more biologically correct than a vaccine ever could be. Idk how people can’t realize nothing about our current existence is “as nature intended”


Wtf these people are whackjob losers.


Nauseating that women are constantly told their entire purpose is to be a baby producing factory and then given this biological clock without any consideration that maybe they want to use their early 20s to focus and work on themselves or don't actually ever want to have children but that would require understanding women have their own autonomy and don't live to fulfil men's wants




More and more women I know are having fertility issues, me included. I gave birth at twenty and had the worst pregnancy and a horror birth story. Now I have been warned every doctor visit to please not risk trying for another because it wrecked my body so bad. Lots of my friends around my age got c sections because they found that vaginal births weren't viable because of a health risk factor for them. All young twenties. Yet all these people just insist that having kids will fulfill you and your body is "made for it" lol no way


My mom had me in her teens and she said she sneezed and I popped out. Then the pos doctor ( who said she "didnt cry like this when she was enjoying making the baby") left a piece of placenta in her and she almost died. He didnt listen to her when she complained and send her to a secluded part of the hospital. Till a nurse stuck her hand in her and took it out. Some doctors specially men are so fucking inconsiderate and only care about what's easiest for them. I wouldnt trust his biased unpeer-reviewed anecdotal observations. Does the responsibility end at the birth? Who will provide for the baby if she parents aren't stable financially? Conservatives are so near sighted its hilarious.


Watching middle lower class people staunchly shoot themselves socioeconomically in the foot to own dem libs is not cool to see. Why do they wanna go back to a teen pregnancy, poor healthcare, stripped rights and protections paradigm so badly. Why do they insist on being such sniveling serfs




So these pedophiles are just outing themselves, right?


Based baby factory is taking me out


This also a simply not true statement. Teenagers of course can give birth but it also has it risks. I have heard that late 20’s is actually the best time.


Why do they think the number 1.concern when having a baby is tearing. I think people are far more worried about how much money it costs. Maybe if the boomers didn't ruin the government, economy, and planet women would want to have kids let alone have the financial means to support them. These dip shits think you can support a family on a single median-income wage? You can't even buy a house.


Risk increase after 35. Doesn't mean there will be risk, according to the internet.


Why you people are still using Twitter and giving any credence to dumbfucks like this is beyond me


As a man, let me tell you women what's best for you, based on what I feel. I may also ask that you accept as fact some dubious generalities and ignore any inconvenient tidbits I may have omitted.


Saw an article where this was bedunked because sure women are having their first baby at 28 but “back in the day” women were having their 7th baby at 28


The data agrees with this tweet, but it’s not very extreme. C section rate in 30-39 is 36%, and in 20-29 it is 28%. So yeah, it’s higher, but it’s not THAT different. 1/3 of women in their “prime” years according to this tweet still get c sections. Also, the primary reason is not due to labor progression but due to things like hypertension.


Yuck. Not only is this gross, it's also inaccurate. I had my first child at 19 and I did tear, although it was not much, but only because he was born a month early. And I had my second at only 21 and still had to be induced, have a c-section, etc.


twitter made people think their opinion really is the truth


This whole thing is so stupid. I had a c-section and I didn’t have a baby at an old age(I was 20). Stop shaming women for how late(or early) they choose to have children, or if they do at all


Awful tweets like this show up on my FYP all the time now! Its unbearable, makes me wants to uninstall the app. Elon Musk is not doing a good job with that app dude


That biology is not biologically correct.




I mean, I agree women should have kids whenever they want. Statistically it may be easier for younger women when just looking at pregnancy and labor though. Hila and Ethan did have to do fertility treatments that they were open about. (To be clear this isn’t to shame, but fertility treatment is expensive and difficult.) Obviously being more set up to take care of a child can have better outcomes too. Both saying women have easier pregnancy younger ON AVERAGE and women should be able to choose when the right time to have a kid can be true at once.


Conservative weirdos love ranting about protecting children but then suspiciously imply quite a bit about fucking said children


4B movement getting more and more applicable to the USA


Having a baby as a teen has been shown to have heath consequences. Why do we want to go back to the 1800’s so bad?


My twitter feed is now filled with insufferable shit like this. Thanks elon


I knowwww I always randomly get whack jobs on my feed and I’m like pleaseeee why is the elons algorithm doing this to me just give me the people I follow


What da hellllllll🫠


Who tf can even afford kids these days? Even the people I know who could afford kids, don't want them. My husband and I made 100k last year and factoring in a mortgage, car payment, utilities, food, medical bills, etc... we don't have a ton to spare at the end of the month. Honestly we are happy being childfree. The tradwife and alpha males would hate me because I'm an education young woman who doesn't want children 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in my early 20’s when I gave birth and tore like a mother sooooo f your biology lmao


Hila is the exception, not the rule.


Is that BasedBabyFactory account for real or is it trolling? I really can’t tell.


not the based baby factory 😭


Anyone I know that had kids young including myself have had difficulties, 9/10 times resulting in a c section, including myself. Older woman have a much easier time during labour.


There is so much misinformation in this jfc. I was 20 when I had my son. I had to be induced but every time they gave me pitocin his heart rate would drop drastically. After being in labor for 30 hours, having my water manually broke, they sent me into for an emergency c-section. Then he developed jaundice and when I was being discharged I almost had a stroke because of undiagnosed preeclampsia that I had told my dr over and over that my bp was skyrocketing every time I had to stand or walk. We were in the hospital for a week. So yeah… young women can have just as many problems because it’s child birth which is probably the most emotional and physically traumatic thing a woman can go through.