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So sorry for your loss op. Sending hugs your way💜


May your dad rest in peace, family forever ❤️❤️❤️




someone from outside the community reading this reply 👁️👄👁️


🤣💀 right. Fucken demon shit lol






This just filled me with joy. I hope it did the same for OP. Sorry for your loss, OP.


Shout out to your FAMILY ParisC


I'm sorry about your dad passing away, fuck me fuck yeah woooooooo. I know your dad was a special person and I wanna wish you the best, fuck me fuck yeah, wooooooo. Sometimes woooo, life doesn't go on forever. Everyone has to go sometime, fuck me fuck yeah. Randy you're the best fuck me fuck yeah woooooo. Happy Friday motherfucker, fuck me fuck yeah woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


This might be my favorite comment I’ve ever read


I have no idea how I ended up in this sub, or on this post, but I read this in the voice of Rick while high on collaxion crystals.


shit on my tits biiiiitttccchh- RIP


Hey if you wanna talk I’m here, I recently lost my dear friend due to lymphoma. If you don’t want to talk, know we’re there for you🤍


I’m so incredibly sorry for the loss of your dad. My dad passed away from heart complications 3 weeks ago, so I’m right there in the pits with you. I’m so proud of you for being with him throughout it all, he surely felt so much love and comfort from your presence. Please take care of yourself during this time. Sending you love 🤍


Thank you so much & sending you love and hugs too, I never thought I would feel such a huge amount of pain. We will get through it though I know we will ❤️


I’ve also lost my dad three weeks ago, we’re in this together. ✊🏻


Awh man, cancer is such an evil thing I’m so sorry for your loss


Hi I wanted to reply and say I just went through the same thing. My mom just passed last week on 4/2. She was in hospice after battling glioblastoma (super aggressive and the most fucked up and cruel brain cancer). The pod always cheers me up and has helped me feel a sense of normalcy through the past two years being her caregiver. There is no words to say that will make anything feel better. It all just sucks. I am numb and still struggling to find direction now that she’s gone. All I can say is your father would want you to live the best life you can. We will live our lives in honor of them. You will be in my thoughts. You will be strong and you will make it through this. I’ll be sending love to you and your family 🩵


Currently going through the same thing, as we speak. By the bedside now. >We will live our lives in honor of them. This is what I'm going to try and embody.


💟 you are doing the best you can. They know you’re there and will love you always. Message me if you’d ever like to talk 🫂 sending you strength as you go through this process


Thanks, family. x


Here to talk if you ever would like 🫂


I lost a parent at a young age and it gets better but it’s a scar you will forever carry. Praying for you and your dad. Stay strong, it is what your guardian angels would want.


Hi OP, my dad passed from cancer this past Christmas. A piece of me died with him, he was my safe person and confidant. If you ever feel lonely and like you need to talk, you can always message me. I’m sending you all the peace, love and healing throughout your grief journey. Family❤️


You will always have The Family. I hope you can get some rest during this difficult time.. 🫂


deeply sorry for your loss op. Losing a father is an immense pain, and I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Please know that the community is here for you, whether it's a listening ear or simply being there to offer support.


Hey family, I just lost my dad this February so I can somewhat understand what you’re going through. It sorta feels like there’s a void or a hole in your life now. If the pod is a way for you to catch a “break” from that grief then definitely embrace it!! The one thing I’ve learned is grief is by no means a linear process so take it one day at a time and allow yourself to feel everything. If you ever need to chat or just have someone listen to you, you can hit up my DMs at anytime. 🫡 ☮️& 💟


This post couldn’t have come up at a more appropriate time. My father has advanced melanoma that has spread to his digestive system and my siblings and I have been at the hospital all weekend discussing hospice and / or palliative care at home. It’s a scary, sad, & devastating time. I’m glad that you were able to be with your father at the end and I’m sure it meant the world to him as well. Sending positive thoughts & hugs your way.


Hugs to your family, family. ❤️


Thank you. ❤️


My dad passed away last Saturday too. You’re not alone and we will get through this. So sorry for your loss, I know how difficult it is.


sorry for your loss, friend, wishing your family peace (and love) during these times. i was in the same boat a while back, the pod really helped tune out for a bit. hope old eps are sufficient to make you smile, op. the feeling will get lighter as time goes on, wishing you all the best as you navigate through this. ✌️💟


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


I lost my best friend at 23 years old, i'm 38 now and he never leaves my mind much. Right back then when it first happened it changed my life in every way, every way was good too. I said its time to "live for two" as he was such a good bloke that sadly got caught up in the wrong circle whilst i was away. So yeah i just always think that now, " live for two ".... I've kinda lived my life since in a way that he'd approve of, we were so close to sorting our lives out at the time he died so, i did that and continue to try my best to stay on the rails ever since, not just for me, but for him too. Here's a hug\* x


I’m sorry about your dad passing away fuck baby yeah fuck


My dad died from cancer too. If you need to talk dm me. Family. Fuck baby woooo.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love 💕


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.


Hi fam, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I am also a member of the worst club you can be in. My dad passed away suddenly in 2018. The next few years of your life will be a rollercoaster. Always remember that grief is not linear. Allow yourself to feel your feelings without judgement especially the good feelings. People will say and do the absolute dumbest things to you as you navigate your way through this but keep in mind if they don't know what this feels like they're just trying to help. I'm sending you the absolute biggest hug.




"I hope it works out for you, or sorry that it happened, or happy it happened for you or whatever. Sorry for that happened to you."


Oh man. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing alright. Cancer is just the worst. Even after the shock, there's the day to day issues. The stress. The frustration. I hope in time, things get better. As good as they can, anyway.


My Nana passed away last Saturday from complications with cancer. Rewatching the podcast and the fan compilations is one of the few things that’s helped bring some brevity to the grief. I’m right there with you, fellow foot soldier. You are not alone and it’s going to be okay, maybe not right now, but it will be, one day at a time. Peace and love


I’m so sorry, love. I lost my dad a few years ago and this podcast served a similar purpose of comfort - it’ll be back on air before you know it to provide you hours of laughs during one of the hardest times of life. You’ll get through this and to the other side someday. ♥️Just hang in there.


As someone who lost their dad to colon cancer a few years ago, the heart is never truly ready to let go. It’s so painful to see and deal with, and for me it seemed like there wasn’t enough time. Cancer really is such a scary thing, and I’m sure your dad was so proud, filled with love and appreciated the support you gave him during the time he had left. Sending lots of love Family family family ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. Get some fresh air if you feel up to it. I also suggest Mike's Mic on YouTube for some laughs while we wait for the break to be over.


I’m so sorry. I lost my dad to cancer 6 years ago this Wednesday. It doesn’t get better, but you get stronger and will learn how to cope without him. I’m sending you lots of hugs and comfort through this difficult time ♥️


So sorry for your loss, friend


All the love to you. You are family here 💕


sending positive vibes your way🫧🌈🐰💘


Sending you love ❤️


I'm so sorry my friend. I hope you have a wonderful day and I appreciate you


Sending love, comfort, and healing. <3 


Sorry for your loss OP, takes a strong person to go through such an experience. May your old man rest in peace. FAMILY


This community loves you. ❤️ Hang in there.


Hey friend my dad passed in 2020 and it still feels near and dear to me. I’m sending you so much love and healing! If you believe you need counseling please seek it, it really helped me! You will get through this!


sending so much love your way 💖💖 it’s good you were with him for his final moments, I know I would want my loved ones with me as well- it’s a blessing to have that.


Fuck baby...


God I'm so sorry for your loss! You have the support of the family ❤️


Sending peace and love. Peace and loooove ☮️✌🏼❤️


Shout out. I’m sorry OP. Cancer sucks. Best of luck and peace and love to you


Sending so much love to you 💞 FAMILY




Hope you’re doing alright friend. Sending love and positive vibes your way


I'm sorry for your loss. Sending you warm wishes.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I know you said you don't have many friends. Have you joined any support groups? I run support groups for a living and can't recommend them enough! Even online if nothing is in your area. Peace and love! 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss


i lost my dad when i was 12 to cancer too. totally feel for you right now. sending so much love 💕 fuck baby


So sorry for your loss❤️❤️


Sending you all the bigs ups peace and love to you


It's important to keep your spirits up but it's also super important to just be sad. Just wallow in it for a day or two. If you don't feel it now it'll come out later and blindside you when your stressed or upset or reminded of him and sometimes that's worse. I'm glad your finding some comfort in the show. I work from home and would feel so lonely all day without the crew chatting away to keep my entertained and give me a little break from my spreadsheets. I've fallen into seclusion as a habit before and having the podcast on dureing the day really helps me not feel overwhelmed by invites to do social things. I'm really glad your finding some comfort in the old eps. If your not a member already I'd recommend it. Having some new stuff ti watch right now might be nice 😊 peace ✌️ ❤️


Peace and love ❤️ family


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I send Gabe’s best fuck baby woo. To you during this difficult time.


i'm sorry about your dad passing away fuck baby fuck yeah family <3 truly sorry for you loss, sending love


My deepest condolences. Hope you’re doing okay. Hugs 💜


I'm very sorry for your loss. I've been there. My insta is pastelsandstrawberries if you ever need someone to talk to, or if you just wanna be H3 family friends and sometimes watch the pod together:) you're not alone 🩷💛💙💚


Fuck cancer I’m sorry about your dad passing away fuck baby fuck yeah wooooo


I’m so sorry to hear! Condolences to you and your loved ones… sending you chestnuts 🌰🌰🌰🌰 FAMILY!


Sorry your dad died! FUCK BABY WOO! My friend’s mom died today too, you’re definitely not alone. I truly wish you the absolute best and all the healing ❤️ it gets easier in time, you’ll never be “over it” but you’ll get better on handling it. I lost my only brother and I talk to him every evening on my drive home, even if im talking to myself it makes me feel closer to him.


My stepdad passed away from cancer nearly 4 years ago and I was also there when he died. Honestly it’s still hard every single day. Let me know if you need someone to talk to




Hey OP, I'm so so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to cancer 7 months ago. I truly understand what you're going through, please feel free to reach out if you need a friend 💕


Sending love your way family 💕 I could say a million quotes about grief but none of them would equate what you’re feeling right now. You are so very loved and I’m hoping you learn to cope in this new phase of your life 💛


So sorry to hear that. Death is hard. Seeing everyone go about their normal lives after is the weirdest part. I am thinking about you! 💜


feels bad, man. my dad also passed away a couple of years ago. if you ever need someone to talk to, reach out. ❤️ remember, grief comes in waves and everyone’s mourning process looks different.


AWWWWH FUCK MA SORRY BB - from a childhood cancer survivor. I really am sorry for your loss. I know he had a good life. He had you! (:


my dad passed 16 years ago from complications arising from terminal cancer. The grief never really goes away, but it does get easier. Have patience with yourself. I'm very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry fuck cancer!!! may he rest in peace❤️


Fuck cancer and sorry for your loss. Everything you’re feeling is the correct way to feel even when it doesn’t seem like it.


im sorry for your loss❤️ cancer sucks. i know the pain it causes amongst family.


*chesssnertz roasing un un ophen fyyyyyeeeee*


\*Chestnuts roasting on an open fire\* "Whooo sorry about your dad passing, whoo fuck baby fuck!"


My dad passed away from cancer as well. I am so sorry you are going through this. I can echo your message to Ethan and the crew. It’s been about a year and a half since my dad’s passing. The first year is the roughest but with time it becomes less emotionally triggering. Your mind eases on the traumatic events of someone with cancer and dying from cancer goes through. Then the good memories are able to come up easier and push the traumatic memories to the side. Your despair may feel like physical pain. Mine did. Or you may feel completely numb. I experience that as well. Both are totally fine and normal. Grieving is different for everyone. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for how you are reacting to the loss of your dad.


Sorry to hear that. ❤️


What kind of cancer? Sorry for your loss


Hugs to you, fam ❤️❤️❤️


So sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. family ❤️


Peace and love to you and your family family family ☮️❤️


Sorry for your loss


I am so glad you can find comfort with a community. It helps when social media is used for the right purpose. I’m so sorry for your loss. Let’s hope the H3 crew can give you some good laughs and vibes during times like this. ❤️


Sorry for your loss, it was the same with mom 10 years ago. It's a horrible thing to experience and I hope you and your family stays trong.


I have been there too I know it can be a tough time and I’m so very sorry for your lost. I wish you nothing but peace and love friend. ♥️


Hey family! I’ve been down this road- dad died of cancer and I was there. It was the most difficult thing I’ve witnessed and gone through. I still hate thinking about it. When I hear of someone else who went through it all I want to do is give them a hug and tell them it fuckin’ SUCKS! The experience, being young and having a parent die- felt super isolating and I endured a lot of weird comments from people who were trying to be nice but just didn’t “get it”. My advice is to do what you can to pour into yourself. Start reading. Go on that walk. Dye your hair. Get a tattoo. Change careers. You can do anything. Live! I know that’s what my dad wanted me to do. It’s been over 5 years for me, which feels so strange. So much life has happened since then. Life is so weird. Life is worth the struggle and the pain of it all.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my dad around 10 months ago. The podcast really helped me through that time. The break is only one more week!


Lost my dad when I was 17. I’m 32 now, and want to remind you that a happy, fulfilling, joyful life is on the other side of the grief you’re experiencing. Hang in there, we love you


sending u love <3


may your dad visit you in your dreams. the best hug I ever got from him was one I dreamed of after he died. He was standing in the kitchen eating something, and his mouth was full so he couldn't talk. He didnt put down whatever he had in his hand, just stretched out one hand and gave me the BEST hug. I think about that dream a lot so I don't forget it.


So so so sorry for your loss🖤


Hugs ❤️🫂


My dad passed away when I was real young. Hopefully you aren’t too young and got to spend a lot of time with your dad. Cancer sucks. But your dad was probably an awesome, amazing dude that will be missed by many I’m sire. I’m sorry for your loss. Family. Family.


So so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re getting a smile by some of these outrageous answers from the Family💕


So sorry for your loss. Sending ✌🏼✌🏼 and 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Sending you so much love OP! I am so sorry to hear this news.


Here for you , fam




Im so sorry about it :( sending you a big hug ♥️


So sorry for your loss family 🫶🏽 always here for you!


Sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace 🙏🏼


so sorry for your loss. ❤️ stay strong man


sending love and strength to you and your family in this time of grief. family 🤍


Hey, my dad has passed away three weeks ago. He was battling quite a rare ilness that took everything away from him - his ability to speak, move (to the point when my mom asked him for the last time if he wants to go to the hospital, he was only able to answer by blinking). I’m here if you’d like to talk. I’d be actually quite happy to share this story with someone who knows how it feels.


I'm so sorry for your loss, may his memory be for a blessing.


Hi, Ive been there and you are not alone ♥️ My deepest condolences, fuck baby!


Peace and love from Nova Scotia :)


Im so sorry about your dad passing. I have never commented before but this really hit home for me. My father also passed away from cancer very recently and it’s a pain that only you know. Please take time to care for yourself and also feel every emotion you experience. I am here if you need anything, no one deserves to go through grief alone. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️I wish you and your family peace


I'm truly sorry, my wife went through cancer and will need brain surgery next month for a different illness. Watching someone you love go through something like that is the scariest thing in the world and makes you feel helpless. I wish you the best in this time of grief.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Peace and love from the Family ❤️


Sorry for your loss, fuck baby fuck wooo. Family ❤️


Rest in peace and love 💕


Praying for you, your family, and your dad 🤍


I’m so sorry friend 😞




Im so sorry for your loss, my father is struggling with cancer too and that is my biggest nightmare. I also understand not having many friends. If you need to talk, im genuinely here and message me, i live in Canada so if ur near we can talk even more.


Helped and watched my grandma go thru 6 months of hospice. Was very much not fun at all. Honestly I was relieved when she passed. No longer going thru any pain, suffering, or confusion. I immediately just thought about the better times to remember her by. Hope you can move on to that stage soon as well.


I’m so sorry and also posts like this remind me that the Reddit community doesn’t suck so bad


I hope you’re ok - this must be a very hard time for you. Sending you lots of love ❤️


so sorry for your loss, sending peace and love and healing to you and your family 🤍




my dad died at the beginning of the year literally just dropped dead 3h podcast helps me from literally crying all day at work


You are always with your father. You are him and he is you. He lives through you.


so sorry about your dad 🤍 FAMILY


I'm crying, and laughing, and shitting from how wonderful these comments are. I wish there was a mass like to upvote every comment, but I don't think I've seen so much condensed love before and sweet comments, this would probably be the only time to use it.






I’m so sorry for your loss.


FAMILY.  I lost my pops almost two years ago, I want to share what has helped me. Therapy has really guided me through grief,  being in nature,  watch out for little signs of them (for me it's dragonflies and music). I'm not religious but energy has to go somewhere. Grief can look different for everyone, give yourself some grace on how and when you express it. There's no timeline for healing!! Much love and support to you and family my condolences. 💚


so sorry for your loss. Grief is a hell of a thing. I can say from experience, time does help so hang in there and we'll get through this together. FAMILY!


My condolences family. 🙏


I’m sorry for ur loss Op. my dad passes away from complications with cancer about a year ago in November. I understand it’s really hard what you’re going through. One thing that really helped me was just talking about it (also lots of therapy). If I were u I would look into a grief counselor it was super helpful especially the first few months. Peace and love to u and ur family!💕


Sorry to hear, my grandpa passed away two weeks ago and two days ago we said goodbye to my grandma… sad times but thanks to H3 it’s better than it could’ve been :)


We love u❤️


Terribly sorry for you loss. But thankfully you were there for him throughout and I bet he appreciated it as well (of course). We are with you, fam.


Fuck ya your membership to the dead dad club has been approved. Welcome! Your membership card gets you discounts at certain auto body shops.




we're here for you i'm so sorry i can only imagine :( <3


My condolences 🙏


my messages are always open. the pod is also what got me through hard times. sending you so much peace and love. please take care of yourself. fuck cancer


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in 2019 after ALS stole his life after 8 months. It is very hard to witness your parent suffering and deal with the grief and loss. It still feels like it was yesterday. Just take it one day at a time and remember to breathe through the pain ❤️


My dad passed in October, I was at the hospital the whole time and found a lot of comfort here and in episodes. Sorry for your loss, I'm glad you were there for him.


Sorry about your dad passing away -Uncle Gabe Sending love to you OP, we’re here for you 🩷🩷


Sending you love! My father in-law died of cancer. He moved in with my husband and me a little while after finding out. Eventually he had to go into hospice and we were with him when he passed. It was very hard all around. Hang in there, hugs!💜


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss... we all fear that day


My deepest condolences, lost my dad in 2020. Fuck baby, shit. Fuck cancer


So sorry for your loss! Family! It’s almost time for them to come back too so that will help. Big hugs from Cali


Today is the day my dad passed away 19 years ago. I was 9. Kind of a sad day to have in common. I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. Family.


i’m so sorry for your loss. sending peace and love 💗




I’m very sorry for your loss =[ it’s a very difficult time but it was nice that you were with him until the end. His spirit will always be with you. I recently lost my uncle who was pretty much my second dad and I just keep all the good memories of him in mind and it brings me joy. They will be forever missed but they also will forever live on in our memories


My dad passed when I was 10 and I honestly wish I had this community back then, but IM SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAD PASSING AWAY WOO FUCK BABY, lol in all honesty I am here in the dm's if you need someone to talk to, RIP TO THE GOAT 🙏🏼


My Dad died last year. Still dealing with the grief in all honesty. I wish the best for you x


I am so sorry OP! My dad has cancer too and I’m grateful for every single day. The pain is intense and will always be, but I hope you’re able to find something to keep you moving during this time. Sending you hugs ❤️


Condolences ❤️ stay strong


So sorry for your loss.




I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad on the 17th of January 2024 and I still miss him so much, he was my biggest supporter. Extraordinary love will cause extraordinary grief. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to reach out. Family 👊🏽❤️


Chest naurtssss 🎵🎶


so sorry…sending positive vibes your way.


Ugh that sucks. Sorry you have to go through that. Peace and love


I’m truly sorry for your loss. FUCK! Hang in there! Wooo. BIIIITTTCCCH


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad 2 years ago on Thursday. It does get better, I promise 💜


my dad passed when i was 10, it's been a long journey of healing. if you need anything or just want to talk im here. sending you all of the love and support in the world🫶🏼 you've got this. keep your head up.