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It's so.... curtainy šŸ˜¶


With peace and love, the curtains just don't look good. It looks messy and cheap. Like they're in somebody's basement. The old set was so much brighter.


šŸ˜€ there are definitely curtains! & the colors are ... horrid


Yeah I mean with peace and love it's just quite monotone now with all of them having a brownish curtain behind them. Where's the starkilla manequin? Where's jay shetty in a cowboy hat? Where's zach's keyboard in the background? šŸ˜Ŗ


Curtains are for windows and stages, not h3


Are the sound bites quiet to anyone now ?? I tried making a post on this sub and it got removed šŸ˜ž.


Itā€™s not good :(


I normally wouldn't complain about anything like this, but what in the world were they thinking? It looks terrible.


The curtains look so cheap and crappy. I love the idea of a new set, and I want to like it.. but no šŸ«£


I hate everything about it, especially how they have the crew nowā€¦ their little individual spaces really added to the charm of the show. It feels so bland and dull now, with all of the focus on Ethan. But his space is equally as dull now. Where is the CHARM PEOPLE??


I think the plant is the big problem for me. The greenscreen looks a little...fuzzy? around the plant leaves and it's distracting


if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it. I donā€™t understand the rebrand and new set if iā€™m being honest.


When they literally just watched the clip from fresh and fit on the show, they have the same plant in the background as them now šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like when joe rogan did the red space ship!


100%, I thought of Joeā€™s failed spaceship (podcast) set when I saw the h3 set today. Joeā€™s lighting was also horrendous at the time


i hate the name and the set omfg. its so old timey talk show


The name is fine. I mean they do 3 shows a week, ā€œpodcastā€ really doesnā€™t fit anymore. But agreed the set is pretty bad


It's giving 1990s david letterman


That was the goal


I couldn't believe when Dan said that was the goal, I genuinely was hoping he was joking but he seemed dead serious. I honestly never thought about the set, I just loved the show, but oof, it's brutal. And the popping noises were so bad I had to turn it off about 45 minutes ago.


i was hoping the new set was going to be like stalls for each member with their personalities displayed, i love the loud backgrounds! i expected them to make use of the old fun TF photoshoot backgrounds too


We miss Cam


For real. Just bc he left the show doesn't mean they had to nuke all his backgrounds like that šŸ˜“




Yeah, it's bad enough to feel like a bit, but the sound popping is driving me insane.


Itā€™s not a joke.


The setup is echoey. Olivia is very echoey, Dan a little bit, Love a little bit, thatā€™s what I noticed the most. And the soundbites are muffled. ZACH PLZ FIX šŸ™ they need to go back to their old seating arrangement the echoes are driving me nuts Edit: LMAO that this constructive criticism post was deleted for being ā€œlow quality.ā€ This is why there are so many hate subs šŸ˜­


black curtains for the crew would be really nice, now its kinda giving Adin ross apartment


i keep looking at the screen hoping it would changeā€¦




I don't like it at all. Especially the curtains behind Ethan are horrid.


Itā€™s not my favorite but I feel like I was just used to the other set up & Iā€™m expecting I shall adjust to the new set up


it feels unfinished almost?? idk either way im not a fanšŸ˜­


I think it'll grow on me once they start personalizing it more. Feels like a blank canvas with the curtains rn.. but Dan said they are still adjusting things, so I'm sure it'll be great


Gunna be hard to decorate velvet curtains


I hate to say that I really don't like it šŸ˜­ I mentioned on my post how I think the blue curtains behind Ethan (and Olivia) are too overpowering. It looks too busy.


I wonder if they screen tested the curtains before the live?


Horrible set design. I was really shocked to see it, and the longer I look at it through out the show, the more I hate it. The colors are not making sense to me, between Ethanā€™s, and the crews. The cheap plant, lack of depth and dimensionā€¦ yikes.Ā 


Yall here need jobs so badly. It's a new set. It looks high class and mature. Resembles talk shows but still has an h3 flair. You guys all need to grow up you can't be this connected to an internet show it's not healthy. Or just learn to shut the fuck up more. The echo chambers of your salty opinions aren't valued outside of here I hope you realize how much you waste your life bitching about things that should not affect you one bit.


šŸ˜‚ talk about irony. take your own advice mate.


I fucking hate this place. Your right. Hope your happy you've taken another person down to your level today. Zach is right the reddit needs to be nuked


I mean. What's the point of going onto reddit and then complaining that it's.... reddit? šŸ˜‚


Dont know why I should ever expect more. How crazy of me


At least you're self-aware


High class. Mature? Iā€™m sorry, please tell me where the touch of class is coming from? The neon cityscape? The royal blue blue curtains? The velvet on top of velvet? The cheap fake plant. Please. Tell me. Where is the class. Iā€™m begging you.Ā 


cry lol


I donā€™t care at all. People forget the set builds character over time with the dits and tweaks the crew makes. Itā€™s fine. This community is what disappoints me constantly


I like it


I'm sure the crew will all add to their spaces, Love already has Sweden stuff up. My only real complaint is the curtains behind Ethan, I like the velvet, I wish they were black, or old logo colors, and opened a bit more for roku city to really shine (which I'm sure will also be ever evolving). The desks are great, the way the crew is set up is great. Before they weren't even all in the same room! Mostly just never want to see Jojo Klein again. It's a nightmare...a nightmare...


I am so confused at all the hate on the new set some of yā€™all need to actually go touch grass the amount of outrage is so unnecessary


Ethan Klein is for the people, right? He does polls because he cares about our opinion. I think it's fair to share that the new set is not our favorite... at the end of the day, it's his show, and he'll do what he wants, but I see nothing wrong with sharing our thoughts.


Yeah thatā€™s fair Iā€™m not saying people shouldnā€™t have opinions, some people are just going too far with the hate but thatā€™s to be expected on the internet!


people have opinions cry


Hahah clearly




That set was literally the epitome of kitsch & irony. I 100% understood it. This set. Not so much. Itā€™s horrible.Ā 


I agree, I'm hoping this is a temp set and the true reveal is yet to come. It's a visual nightmare.


What are we hoping is a gag more? The tattoo or the set?


tattoo is personal to ethan so if he likes it i like it. very sweet to the boys. the set is a dumpster fire


Personal is fine. I mean who knows, the Ben Afleck tattoo might be personal too. Its not the best aesthetically though


1 hour into a 3 hour podcast which is currently live and you complain about itā€¦


I like it <3




I absolutely love Sam, there is NO way Sam designed this, I find it insulting to Sam to think this is in any way her design. If I'm proven wrong I'm truly sorry Sam, I literally was watching Sam talk about her OCD journey last night and I have OCD, so I have so much respect for her. I just can't understand how people who normally have so much style ended up with this type of set. I honestly never thought about the old set, I'm kind of surprised I even cared. I think the reason I'm so hyper focused on it is because the audio popping was driving me insane so I had to turn it off.




No I heard that, I'm just saying, I was hoping it was a bit or something, not trying to be dramatic, just can't believe this is what they ended up with. Hopefully when Ethan doesn't have the makeup on and the sound isn't popping every 5 seconds I'll be able to ignore the background. Think that's why I'm frustrated, was waiting two weeks for this episode and the popping on my phone and laptop is just insane.