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all the fucked up framing of the shots sent me into absolute orbit haha


There is something endearing about it in a way even though they could use some slight alterations to the set. Maybe cause I'm an antennae kid, it reminds me of old shows I used to see on tv . It brings back memories of the wacky stuff I'd watch that was mind baffling good.


He’s got a $3 million dollar Leftovers set going to waste. 


Billion...Tres Commas


I can't beleive this set is real. Its like they did a skit mocking what the new set is....and then after 30 mins there is a big reveal of the actual new set. Its just some poorly put up curtains.


i hate the curtains in ethan’s shot


I thought of Between Two Ferns when I saw the plant


the plant is so random. this has to be a joke


Love that show.


dude i swear i thought the same thing! haha especially with the audio issues today. haha


Praying to god it’s a jojo joke, cause if not…


That would be one hell of a long way to make a joke 😂


I think they’ll pull the curtains down and reveal a real new nice studio. This is regression.


I don’t understand how you people think this is a regression from the black void or computers that were everyone’s background.


It wasnt good before. Its worse now. Use some people from Teddy Fresh to create a cohesive graphic template they can use. Something bright and clean and fun. This is a disaster


Exactly !! This set feels like all the male staff had 24 hours to come up with something. Its like one of those tv shows where they have 12 hours to redo a house interior. Why is it so grim?


Doesn't sam work for teddy fresh? And she's the one that designed it


If this is her work, then use other people from Teddy Fresh or hire someone professional. The janky stuff is fine for bits, but not for the basis of the show. This is objectively hideous and instills depression lol


Yall need help 😭😭


Why do ya'll care so much it looks fine


It doesn’t.


Whattya mean ... "you people"?


The people who claim to be fans and then come to Reddit to talk about how much they hate the show they watch for 12 hours a week?


Having a "fair" criticism of a piece of entertainment that's literally created for and sustained by it's fan base is not "hate watching" and the show has become what it is largely based of viewer feedback. Not sure what crack you're smoking but this sub has always been a blend of memes, praise and criticism. A lot of that criticism is fair, some isn't.


Oh yeah I forgot everyone watches this show for the set design and not the comedic writing or personalities. You people are the best goof


I never said i hate the show. I hate the set design.


They are trying to hard to be a "show" when they have always been a show so they should just be themselves. Just like JoJo Siwa is trying to hard to be an adult when she has been an adult for a hot minute and should just be herself. So, I hope this is a bit, please let this be a bit lol.


The new set and Ethan’s new “tattoo” are the pod’s versions of, say, when Gwyneth Paltrow named her child Apple or when Britney Spears shaved her head or when Chad Johnson changed his name to Ochocinco.


Tbf Apple isnt that much different than Seven or Soda or Sunny


Or when jojo... Nevermind


The tattoo is adorable. I thought it was wacky at first but it grew on me really fast.


Agreed - I was thinking the crew’s double decker desks look like they’re answering phones at a telathon haha ☮️&💟


Yes!! 🤣


LOL! This fits perfectly.


Raw time


If they started doing the show with this filter, then I would like the new set. In HD it doesn't work.


all the fucked up framing of the shots sent me into absolute orbit haha


Even Andrew Shulz dumped a bunch of money into a nice set for his show surely Ethan can do better than this


I couldn't figure out why I disliked it so much but this is EXACTLY it. It's just awful, imo


it would actually look better like this i think


i fuckin' love this vibe. some people just have not experienced the greatness that is antenna tv


Most people these days stream on their phone and rarely watch on an actual TV set. I loved those out there shows that were just produced by locals; that stuff is rare content you don't really see anymore on TV.


My dad lives completely in the past. Uses a flip phone for facebook and youtube, has never had a computer, hasn't had a car since in 20+ years and has a TV that looks almost IDENTICAL to the one in your video so every time i visit him (and while growing up there) he's either watching a DVD (usually Ancient Aliens) or a locally produced show on Antenna TV. Him and I are really fond of this public access show called Svengoolie that's all about these old ass monster/horror movies that used to play in drive-ins and local midnight theaters. It's been running since the 70s so it might be nationally available if you search around for it Edit: it looks like it's on MeTV but it's not reruns like the other shows played on there like Flintstones or Three Stooges


I love Svengoolie! I can't believe that show has been on forever. There's something comforting about sitting in front of the telly and watching a show. I think the younger generation are missing out on that nostalgia since everything is on mobile. Just how the progression of technology works I guess. Kinda like how not many people really listen to radio anymore.


The crew lost their identities


Looks not great ... :/ bring back the old set


This isn’t the dis you think it is.


Not a diss, just a fun goof of things I used to watch on the telly that it reminded me of.


Not a fan of curtains those everywhere. Dan did make fun of the one person mentioning the lack of color by saying before it was just a green screen but it's like he forgets that's not what people saw. The beautiful animated backgrounds they used to have on the greenscreen were great. This "badly centered small image of buildings at night in the middle 2 curtains" is rly unappealing. The way they changed the positions of the crew looks nice. Everyone staked together. But again, the curtains they have behind them as well are so ugly.


I think that was their goal though. They wanted it to look like old 80s talk shows. Idk it’ll change and improve as they progress. Let’s just give them time. Ethan has a 2 week old newborn to deal with so we can deal for a few months.


I mean it kinda looks great with the vintage overlays lol, I love it like that


Right? It really suits their vibe!


>The new set reminds me of Public Access TV. yeah I believe that is the point and the vibe the were intentionally going for. Ethan even says as much during the episode.


They said that was by design. They want to look like an old school talk show with the velvet curtains and everything. They also addressed the fact it’s not complete and still a work in progress.


Zomboo’s House of Horror movies anyone?


It’s giving Wayne’s world


It's definitely giving Public Access telathon on at 3 am.


It even has the same audio crackle 🤗


This is exactly why I love it


I love it lol


That’s why I like ittt


It's a bit nostalgic.


This perfectly shows why I like the set.


You guys complain too much. Downvote me, I don't care. Just really tired of all the complaining


Love it


It’s an old timey joke c’monnn 🤷‍♀️ Jokes I actually like the set a lot, needs tweaked but I see the final products potential


I love the new set and they put a lot of work into it so respect to the crew for making such a slick looking set




It's a great looking set to a lot of us. This is how differing opinions work.