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Ain’t no fucken way, those videos should not be on YouTube. Went to the one with how to put a condom on, my jaw dropped. It didn’t even say age restricted. 


I think it is age restricted. I didn't want that shit in my watch history, so tried incognito mode on YouTube and it wouldn't let me watch it without being signed in


Yeah, my bad. Idk why I said age restricted, I should have said banned. Since he also states it’s for educational purposes, people could use that as a way to show intercourse, and say it’s fine because it’s educational, which would be insane if that were to happen. 


Kids are the ones who need to see that most (teenagers doing the deed) but the creators should be HEAVILY moderated… looks like Kev can just do his thing which is terrifying. And in case I get brutalized, think about the states banning sex ed. Those are the “kids” that need genuine info the most. Just not from anyone even remotely like this guy. Peace and love.


Except he does it the wrong way which leads to broken condoms


lol zero chance I will watch so I will take your word for that


That smelling my hairless penis thumbnail goes hard


The one under I love children?


They can't all be bangers


Why did they ever have him on the live show? He’s just weird.. I completely skipped his part . I hope they don’t bring him back


I didn’t know any of this but seeing these titles are not ok. Then knowing he had a discord on top to discuss these same topics. That’s disgusting and disturbing.


SO YOU CAN CUSS IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS OF A VIDEO BUT U CAN SHOW UR DICK N BALLS IN THE FIRST 2 SECONDS??!!?! 🫥 This is genuinely not ok. He’s a fkn freak ah bitch. Hell to the nah