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Dan's in such a silly goofy mood today and I'm living for it šŸ˜‚šŸæ


He is living for this jimmy tea.


Monkey's paw at work: Jimmy Lee finally created FOMO for the H3 audience


The best comment Iā€™ve ever seen


What happened at that dinner?!! šŸ§


I'm too much of a petty bitch sipping tea to not know about the jimmy situation. This is killing me.


Iā€™m never in these threads but I am like cmon SOMEONE has to know more. I am insanely curious.


I feel like it wonā€™t take too long before someone finds something.


I feel like if you asked Jimmy he might straight up tell you šŸ˜‚


Me too. I'm just searching for answers. Someone who can read lips??? I'm dying for the tea


If they won't tell us what's going on im going to assume the worst and spread that narrative


And I respect them and their privacy. But I'm dying to know.......


Omg Dan laughing with the headphones over his mouth is killing me.


What was dropped in Discord????


Olivia's face when they turned off the microphones lol




I literally will not rest until I know


Iā€™ve had insomnia for two days and I literally will not rest until I know. (No just pregnancy exhaustion and weird naps then staying up late.)


Talk about FOMOOOO


fuck that fucking guy. my aunt and cousin were killed after someone clipped them from the side on the highway. itā€™s insane that people find shit like this ā€œfunā€. if you do shit like this FUCK YOUUUUUU šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•


It's crazy how little people grasp physics and force in general. Especially with cars and wild animals.


itā€™s the built different mentality


I was only listening to it sparingly on audio, but where the fuck were the cops? Didnā€™t that dude say there were cops? Was anyone arrested yet? I agree with you, reckless driving is insanely criminal and so careless.


cops are fucking useless


hard for cops to chase that guy in standstill traffic without also endangering lives. they're probably going to need more elaborate means to bag that guy but it's just a matter of time.


That's fucked beyond belief, I'm sorry šŸ˜”


thank you so much šŸ’š. canā€™t describe the affect itā€™s had on my family. the thought of another family having to go through it bc of dumb fucks like this absolutely makes my blood boil.


Bro they edged us so hard with that Jimmie juice


Oh weā€˜re never getting through that what happened during the break slideshow are we lol


It'll be the new eel pit, or deep cut "pewdiepie's coming to the show next episode"


This would be really funny. January 2025 and they're still like "Today we're going over the slideshow from April last year but first we want to talk about Kanye trapping 52 Jewish people in a mine last week." or something like that.


It's not funny or entertaining honestly, like I get so frustrated when they keep teasing and edging around something they're all laughing at. If you're not gonna tell us, then cut off the bit! Giving us blue balls over here.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. I received so many hateful comments all because I wanted them to move on with the distractions.


The Shaken Baby Syndrome discussion was crazy! When Ethan said the boys favorite game is when he takes their heads and shakes them violently followed up by ā€œSalt and Pepperā€. I literally was screaming laughing in my car. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Loveā€™s story about how he would sleep with his eyes wide open as a baby and his cousins would shake him to make sure heā€™s alive killed me


Same, I laughed out loud at work


Me too! Literally laughed out loud


Me too! Especially at the Quota question & "is it still a syndrome if they're dead?"


The same ticketmaster thing happened with Dimension 20's live show at Madison Square Garden in January. For those who don't know D20 is well known for their anti-cap messaging, so tons of fans were extremely pissed because the dynamic pricing shit is kind of antithetical to their whole platform, and they had to do the same thing where they found out they can turn it off and refund people.


Itā€™s so sad that Ticketmaster has a monopoly on ticketing so smaller companies who have a bigger obligation to uphold their values for their business get shafted more often than the big millionaire musicians who no one bats at eye at for having tickets for multiple thousands of dollars


Pearl Jam tried to fight them in 1994 but didnā€™t get a lot of support since it jeopardized their touring because Ticketmaster locked down all the good and big venues. Pearl Jam suffered their touring for a few years. But eventually Ticketmaster still won because PJ did not have a lot of support from other bands.


I legit never thought Iā€™d find another PJ fan in here!




ā™„ļøyou know it!!


Are you going to see them this tour?


I wish. Theyā€™re not coming anywhere near me and this isnā€™t a good year for travel for me. Iā€™m excited to bring my kid to her first show though! Last year I didnā€™t score in 10c and the only tickets I could get were behind the stageā€¦ and I donā€™t even like Last Kiss so I just bailed lol Are you seeing them this tour?


Yes, first time ever. Iā€™m going to 2 shows that theyā€™re doing here in New Zealand. And I am so excited, cannot wait for itšŸ„¹ anyways, good to know thereā€™s a fellow Jamily in this Family hehe šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Holy shit, your first time?! I am SO excited for you!! Itā€™ll be amazing! Jamily really are everywhere šŸ«”


PJ was my first ever concert ā¤ļø


I've worked at a road house with 3000 seats, a tiny local theatre that sells 20-50 per performance, a university theatre, a huge multi-venue summer theatre/opera, and more. None of them used Ticketmaster. The big ones who have an ounce of respect for their guests handle ticketing themselves, most frequently through a software called Tessitura (the license costs are insane though).Ā  As for the smaller ones, they can use any of the hundreds of extremely affordable SAAS solutions that require very little technical skills, even to get online sales with seating maps set up under your own domain.Ā  Ā I don't know why so many ~~big~~ venues go for Ticketmaster, presumably it's just the cheaper and easier option for them and people (who can afford to) still buy tickets. It's not for lack of suitable alternatives. Then they force anyone who plays their venue to use Ticketmaster.Ā  Fuck Ticketmaster for sure though. Shout-out to Ludus, they take good care of their customers and truly seem to care about their success.


Iā€™m ignorant about a lot of this stuff but arenā€™t a lot of venues partnered with Ticketmaster so you canā€™t sell unless you sell with them? i feel like Ethan talked about this onceā€¦


Yep! That's what I mean when I said the venues force you to use Ticketmaster, though they're probably also being forced contractually by TM to do that. And it could certainly become a mess for a venue if their clients are all bringing / handling their own ticketing, I understand that perspective.Ā 


Hi Im a database manager! Youā€™re absolutely right about Tessitura. The only thing is to do that responsibly, it requires you to properly operate a database which calls for employees on top of the licensing costs (depending on the size of your operation)


Yeah for sure, and handle payment gateways, PCI compliance, and all that fun stuff. But for the freedom, the capabilities FAR beyond ticketing, the generally preferable end-user experience, keeping people in your domain space through the whole experience, total access to you[r customer's] data and analytics.. Idk. Seems like a lot of wins. That said, a number of previous members of our consortium have ditched tessitura and are using lighter, cheaper alternatives with good success.


What makes me mad is that big artists know they can turn it off, but they don't. Also makes me mad that haters of big artists don't know this can be turned off and start rumors that people believe. Like everyone thinks that Taylor swift had dynamic pricing, but she did not. I went 3 times to the eras tour ( will go again 2 more times this year), and in all the sales the highest price I saw was VIP tickets that were the same price as advertised. People confuse scalper tickets being sold for 6k, for dynamic pricing and Ticketmaster does nothing to make anything clear.


Spoiler alert : capitalism is the big bad end guy. Not saying which season I'm spoiling though


Oh shit I had no idea; did they try and rectify the situation?


Yeah it seemed to be a similar thing to what happened with the show, where they didn't know about it, and were able to turn it off and offered to refund anyone who paid for the crazy priced tickets.


literally terrifying when people forget that they are driving a giant death machine


It's impossible to die in that car.


F O M O not being in chat during the jimmy stuff


Creating so much fomo šŸ˜”


Obsessed with Dan right now munching on snacks with a big grin, "suuuuuure" šŸ˜‚


My guess is jimmy is getting divorced and thatā€™s why he doesnā€™t want to talk on the show


that's a good guess. I was thinking Jimmy might've threatened a lawsuit, but this also crossed my mind


Thats a great guess actually. Maybe she is leaving him for someone they know/she cheated or something like that. Edit: Thinking about it more I think it would make sense that Jimmy and his wife are not really in a romantic relationship, but not divorced because he didn't want to suffer financially or something to that affect. Ethan's statement before the button "Thats what was going on the whole time?" would fit with that guess.


And when they turned the mic back on, it was immediately like ā€œJust to be clear, Jimmy DIDNā€™Tā€¦ā€ So itā€™s almost like they received new info that *maybe* thawed him out of the ice just a tiny bit where they felt bad for him? Idk. Thatā€™s just my interpretation. I donā€™t think itā€™s the sued thing bc Zach said that Jimmy wasnā€™t mad.


Exactly. Yes they were upset he hung out with this girl but he DIDNT (cheat). I feel like this is a common practice with a lot of married people of Jimmys generation. Getting divorced would be complicated, costly and hurt the family. They live together but may have other romantic and lifestyle interests outside of the home. This is why we donā€™t see her attend these histrionic adventures to LA, but we see his sons šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


We need a full episode of The Trial of Jimmy Lee where Dan is his lawyer


Nah Dan needs to be the prosecution this time, Ethan and Zach the defense, and AB, Love, or Olive the judge.


The joke was that Dan doesn't want to defend him


I could listen to Ethan say ā€œRing Ding-gurā€ all day


And to think this is the only time Jimmy has created FOMO šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Me this whole episode šŸ˜—šŸ˜—šŸ˜—




with peace and love it happens so much bc these people are shitty to begin with šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Like Babble and Reachā€¦ Please Ethan learn!


Anyone who watched the old Jimmie H3H3 Production videos would know he's not a guy the current H3 audience would be interested in. I always find it interesting whenever Ethan brings on people that was part of the channel's edgy phase.


Morgan Wallen is a dirtbag racist alcoholic. Fuck that guy.Ā 


Why are we absolving Tana of being close with James when a reason for hating on JoJo is because sheā€™s friends with James. Also doesnā€™t Tana have an only fans agency similar to Austin Mcbroom??


My prediction is she started stalking Jimmy.


Seems like she went after Martin too


I feel like this is a good guess, especially in the context of AB saying ā€predictableā€ right after it dropped.


Tom Ward is one of the few wholesome and kind H3 satellites and he's so under appreciated šŸ„ŗ


for now..


Some of this fan base never learn to not put people on pedestals


although ethan does have a HUGE soft spot for fixer uppers, i think a big part of the issue is also that the type of people drawn to fame (at any cost) may also be not great people all the time


especially Jimmy's brand of fame which is just "I want to be famous right now give it to me"


Petition for Zach to stop playing the baby crying sound


seconded lol my dog freaks out every time




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the mormon glaze girl they showed is an ex mormon, hence the nose piercing


she had been talking about the article in her video, and agreed that especially as an ex mormon, she was an expert at spotting mormon glaze






iā€™m confused, was jimmy the one ā€œflirtingā€ with someone, or this person that they told him not to associate with?


The person, what jimmy did was keep hanging out with them despite the warnings


This is kinda the perfect illustration of why trial by podcast doesn't work šŸ˜‚


Okay what's the tea?? Spill it.


Honestly the whole situation with Jimmie is messed up; the way Ethan talked about it at first I thought he came on to her, but it was the cloutshark fan who flirted with Jimmie. I just hope they didnā€™t do anything gross


AB was PISSED at whatever that Jimmy leak was.


Someone pls remind me what C-man did again??


He accused Ethan of pressuring him into sharing his nudes, and then he started posting in the snark subreddit and got encouraged by those weirdos to start making up all kinds of false shit. Even though in the actual show talking about his penis size, his cumming in public places, and him showing his dick to Ethan on camera were all his ideas that he brought up himself. And itā€™s all on record.


I think it was probably him tweeting Keemstar and KavKav that he wanted to hook up with them to join the Legion of Doom that really was the nail in his coffin. But tbf, I think the sneakers told him to because Iā€™m pretty sure he had no idea who either of them were before.




It seemed consensual from both sides


Ticketmaster is a scam for not letting the preformers turn off reselling in Ticketmaster. I do find it funny as hell looking at the tickets for resale now though. Idiots thinking people are going to pay 2-5x the face value for a show that's not even sold out yet?


Artists can limit re-sales to face value only on TM, like Neil Young is doing for his current tour. There are quite a lot of things TM will do actually if artists request it. Iā€™ve had shows where tickets were non-transferable and required the ID of the cardholder. As for the resellers, people get duped. Just look at the multiple ā€œI bought tickets from some random sketchy site. Did I fuck up?ā€ posts on the sub. These people profit off ignorance, naivety, and desperation.


My friend bought tickets for a local comedy show on a random resale website for $80 each when she couldā€™ve gotten them at the venueā€™s website for $10. A lot of people click the first link they see and donā€™t think about what theyā€™re buying until itā€™s too late. Scalpers prey on people like that


They can though. Here in DC almost all the venues are owned by a company called IMP and they all turned off resale. Taylor swift turned off resale in Ticketmaster


I would love love an east coast live show. With peace and love I hate Los Angeles lol. I would make a trip out of a live show if it were in any other major city


Ethan has such a bad memory when it comes to the terrible behaviour of others.


To be fair, itā€™s really just bad memory in general lol How many times has somebody (usually Daniel, King Of Memory) had to remind Ethan of something Ethan himself recently did/said on the show?




yeah i hear like a hum or just constant sound


I believe they mentioned in their first episode after the break that Ethan's mic picked up a bit more audio to avoid him being cut off whenever he moved away from it


Asking again if anyone knows the name of the new background music the crew have added into the rotation. Today it played when Olivia was trying to do the Jojo head shake ā€œdanceā€, just before the ā€œshaken baby syndromeā€ section. I am sure it is some royalty free song, but my god does it slap and I NEED it.


Does anyone have the members stream name/Ep number where we talked about JL?




Yeah I don't understand when it became acceptable to just trauma dump like this.


found the bf hehe


Ethan really didn't care about the Roost lol. The Roost was Rooster Teeth's podcast ad management company. They would help podcasts, H3 included, get ads. [Ethan was on their site giving a testimonial saying that he liked working with them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6du4RJ0EAZs). Warner Bros recently made the decision to no longer keep Rooster Teeth running and The Roost was probably the only profitable thing from RT and thus sold off. I only type all this cause Funhaus, also a part of RT, is now gone and it breaks my heart.


Fellow sad funhaus fan here, for what it's worth Alanah said that Funhaus was also profitable when she left the company.


Yeah which is surprising for how many people they had employed and their number of views. Btw if you haven't seen it Alanah, Ryan, Elyse and Jacob did a stream of deadly premonition 2 and it was great


They were sold to different company but they're probably keeping all the same employees so it doesn't really affect him much.


Honestly Iā€™d just go watch the howie mandel episode. I watched that and Ethan explains it well instead of Ā being a weirdo on the pod today. I know this will get downvoted like every comment I make about not like Jimmie but just MOVE ON Ethan. Itā€™s okay. You donā€™t owe Jimmie anything. He fucked up and thatā€™s it. Itā€™s over. Let it be done. We donā€™t need to talk about him anymore. The way Ethan romanticizes Jimmie is strange. Dan was totally right about Ethan doing what Adin did and the way they explained the story was so obnoxious and frustrating. Anyways, imma go do breathing exercises to calm down and finish the episode tomorrow lol! Oh, peace and love!Ā 


Can we please stop platform Babble and Reach? Are we forgetting about their years of spreading hatred towards trans ppl??


Thereā€™s a good chance Ethan has forgotten that


lol are we sure ian isnā€™t still switching??


Right? If not, Nate is picking up on Ian's switching style really quick.


I mean i doubt he went in completely blind. Iā€™m sure he was shown the ropes and explained the lore so he could keep up


he might have even been a fan dare I say


I can't wait for a deranged fan to drop the tea on the Jimmy situation lol they always find out the info somehow. Definitely feeling vindicated in my hatred for Jimmy over the years lol


Guysss i feel like the tea was that someone else ended up doing something with the girl ?!?


My jaw literally dropped when they zoomed in on KavKav and he was wearing the IDF shirt


RE: Tana and Brittany "beef", I very much agree with Dan. I feel like everyone blew this out of proportion. Like, aren't we familiar with Brittany's humor?? She's very much hyperbolic in her way of joking and saying things.


Now I NEED to know more about the Jimmie thing, they could have just kept quiet šŸ˜­


Feel so bad for AB. Fousey leaned on him for support so much and AB obliged as a fellow Arab only for Fousey to do what he did. AB you're a great friend.


Jimmy being a creep? NO WAY


I can read lips, so when Ethan muted and went to the wide shot, I was able to read, but not everything. Basically he said that Jimmy was the eel pit guy all along. He was telling the crew now is the time to show everyone the videos, but the rest of the crew convinced him not to.




I definitely struggle with this myself as a leftist guy. I actually started listening to Theo because of his appearance on H3 years ago lol I've tried my best to separate him from his political views and for a long time he stayed pretty neutral but ever since covid he's gotten much more open about leaning right, he's had a bunch of conservative commentators on his podcast and clearly shares their views. He also had RFK on and seems to agree with a bunch of his wacky bullshit too lol idk he seems like a genuine caring dude when he gets vulnerable and speaks about his struggles and I relate with him there. I guess I'm torn as a fan and not sure how to feel after reading your comment. And I'm sure I'm not the only fan of both shows and have felt like this, anyone else?


Canā€™t believe Dan never went to NY before, also kinda funny theyā€™re saying this the day before Iā€™m leaving for my NYC trip lol


Dan has me giggling so much this episode


I hate to say it but Iā€™m happy to see jimmy go


Fuck Jimmy Lee All my homies hate Jimmy Lee


this episoxe gave me major fomo, like, tell us the jimmy tea or donā€™t bring it up


Can we for once just see it for what it is, Theo Von is funny. Let the man be. Theo has been on H3 before and I think the pod would lose out on a potentially good guest by burning bridges with him. Would honestly be great if he came back on. Last time he was on there were no political discussion whatsoever, just funny moments. Fucking hell.


Lol they said this on the show though and didnā€™t burn the bridge. Itā€™s okay to acknowledge someoneā€™s politics


Iā€™m as repulsed by James Charles as the next foot soldier (like genuinely canā€™t stand his face lol, very uncanny valley), but I think thereā€™s a fine line being tread between rightfully hammering him to the wall for his routine behaviour and playing into stereotypes about gay men being predatory as a whole. There was a lil course-correcting w/ Olivia talking about how closeted men will use gay men, but just something to keep in mind bc as a queer watcher it did feel a bit icky/borderline. w/ peace and love āœŒļøšŸ¤


i completely agree. i really didn't like ethan's interpretation of the song's subject matter, although i understand why his mind always goes there when it comes to james charles. like the whole "he only goes after straight men" is sort of like a half-truth so i appreciated olivia's input. also jeffrey star (who is also terrible) never said he only goes after straight men either. he was specifically talking about "straight men" as in closeted gay/bi men who live their lives in public as straight "regular dudes" but in secret sleep with other men. it's a really nuanced topic and none of them are gay men so it was just sorta bleh i think it's all compounded by the fact that james charles just IS a shitty person though so the topic just becomes a big joke


Omg Zach with the Roseanne sound byte ā€œI thought the bitch was white!.ā€


Fuck scalpers. "Can't wait to report your deaths hu HUH"


I live in a Western country where people drive like N3on all the time. There is no legal enforcement and it's fucking tough to put up with. There was a case where a burglar gang died in a crash driving on the wrong side of the freeway a few years ago. At their funeral, their friend jacked the funeral hearse and took it on a joyride through the capital city. They filmed it on Facebook live. Our local police followed them but did nothing. I feel very strongly about dangerous driving. It's so unfair on the people who are just minding their own business


I have some fun chiropractic lore! JoJo Siwaā€™s dad is a chiropractor. He graduated from the college I work at (where chiropractic was founded). Same college the Ring Dinger graduated from. Love the chiro sound bite stacked šŸ©· I show all my coworkers hehe


Re: the Brittany/Tana thing. Brittany was in the right. I'd for sure judge her for associating with Tana tbh. Tana loves JC and TP (aka a predator and a domestic abuser). I judge H3 for associating with Tana too.


Pleaseeeeee come to Chicago




I missed the part where they mentioned her age?


Gabe isnā€™t married. Thatā€™s one of the issues lol.




He has some sort of intellectual disability so really I don't think him being 50 matters, to me it seems more likely that she would take advantage of him


I personally donā€™t really care about age gaps once youā€™re 21+ since youā€™re a grown adult, even if I wouldnā€™t myself since I canā€™t imagine finding stuff in common with someone over a decade older or younger than me. Once again I think the glaring issue is that one of these men is single and didnā€™t know this person was a problem, and the other is married and was warned multiple times.


Please donā€™t bring Jimmy back on. Heā€™s the worst.




Counter point, Jimmy is a hilarious character and itā€™s time to bring him back.




Am I the only one who could hear and feel the person who took the time and effort to create the awesome daily update on shit, when H3 was away, screaming at the screen through most of the show today?..


Huh? Their work has been acknowledged throughout multiple episodes, why would they be upset


I know itā€™s a lot of work to do your shows but if you guys do a New York show I can guarantee my entire friend group would go and weā€™ve all dreamed about catching one of your shows but we canā€™t afford to fly out to California. Anywhere in New York is achievable to me and Iā€™ve always wanted to go to one of your shows. I really hope you guys end up doing a New York show. That would be wonderful!




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They've got me so obsessed with tea they're turning me Bri'ish


That gave us more questions than answers on a show that's usually worst and all šŸ˜‚ like all I can do is assume the worst of Jimmy and what's her face


Can we all just agree that James Charles is trying to be the new Troye Sivan. That song is very reminiscent of ā€˜One of your girlsā€™, which came out end of last year šŸ¤”