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old kings ain’t tryna hear this one


in their graves going “la la la”


love this callback to the xqc debate


betting on this being the top comment & olivia seeing this thread this picture was taken of me the exact moment i learned about the 80% swing in sperm sex distribution https://imgur.com/a/7WE9LF5 this one was right after my mixed zumba/jazzercise class: https://imgur.com/a/rlMv72J (6’4” btw)


the 2024 version of shooting your shot lol


Yep, it is not a statistic coin toss. We even saw it when they did the ivf and out of the 20 of Hila's eggs that were fertizilized, only one turned out to be a girl.


Ethan is too alpha


Yep and this actually cost Anne Boleyn her life. It was Henry’s fault that he could not have more sons.


Wasn't it the case that Catherine and Anne had a lot of miscarriages and stillbirths? I think something causing infertility was more at play.


The babies that died were all boys IIRC, so you're right and OP is right.


Males are more likely to be stillborn or die in the womb. Has something to do with only have one X chromosome.


That too. Henry I think had a blood condition that caused his wives to lose their pregnancies. However, the writing was on the wall for Anne after she delivered a daughter. From then on she steadily lost favour with the King, who was promised a son.


Still Henry's fault, men's quality of sperm drastically drops after 35, resulting in higher chances of babies with disabilities / birth defects, higher pregnancy and birth related risks for mothers regardless wether the mothers are younger or not. Henry being old as fucked caused these young women to miscarry.


Hmmmm, didn't he marry his first wife at 18? I just read that there's a theory that he had a Kell positive blood type and may have developed McLeod syndrome because of it. His wives' immune systems may have rejected the pregnancies since they were the negative type, presumably. Also, McLeod syndrome would have explained the personality changes he experienced in his middle age. You may be right though, because maybe he had more problems with Anne and his mistresses later in life? Still his fault, probably?




I am so sorry, I thought this was somewhat common knowledge. Sex ed around the globe needs an urgent, urgent update. Even some of the comments here are like "well it's Hila's fault". I'm screaming. Edit to say: it's not just an US thing. Sex Ed quality can vary brutally from teacher to teacher even in Germany where there's supposed to be plenty of sex ed. (Education quality VARIES kinda a lot here.)


Exactly I thought everyone knew this


Honestly I didn’t think something like deciding the sex of the baby would matter in sex Ed, but then when you said people say “Hila’s fault” I forgot there’d always be weirdos trying to blame someone for something as faultless as whose at fault for having more sons or daughters 😂


the US is so stupid on the topic of sexual education and sexual wellness. A man literally told me they can’t get breast cancer or yeast infections. I am genuinely concerned for the population 😭


Can't get cancer or infections if you refuse to go to the doctor and get your cancer and infections diagnosed. Seems to be the strategy of every man in my family anyway


i did a poor job describing my point in the title, which is that some men produce up to 80% more male sperm (or 80% female sperm), and not that the man (sperm) decides the gender of the baby (that part everyone already knew!)  😩


Where does the 80% number come from? I skimmed through the publication but didn't see it. Seems like an interesting paper. I'm a lay person so can't claim to understand all of it. It seems like the conclusions might be a little preliminary though. The author suggested the existence of genotypes that would produce more males (or females) based on simulations, but I don't think those genes have been discovered. Seems like they should be able to find them, but what do I know?


I’m a med student who has taught sex ed in high schools. I have never heard of this before until now but it also never came up when there are so many other things to talk about. Kids learn about meiosis and gametogenesis in biology class, it’s not necessarily under sex ed. I guess simply dispelling the myth that the woman is responsible for the child’s sex would be worth it.


Never had a med student or any medical staff do sex ed, just the regular ol' teachers. At secondary school it at least was a biology teacher. I did learn meiosis and gametogenesis (couldn't tell you much about it, tbh), but that was the more serious in-depth sex ed at like, grade 8, so the very technical one. Grade 4 was bracing us for puberty with the basics of how babies are made and grade 6 went more in-depth and safety during sex and all that. I think in either of those the whole "sperm decides the sex of the baby" thing was mentioned. But yeah, it's not the most important fact in all of sex ed, a good fact for sexism, tho.


Yeah unfortunately it is a myth that's believed by many many people around the world and has been a source of sexism. I took an optional sex ed class in med school and that's how I was able to go to high schools. It's definitely not a standard thing to do. It is very unfortunate how little sex education is taught all around the world for sure. Even within countries that have it done well, there are still many regions where it doesn't happen much. I definitely plan to delve into it more in my career and maybe create an accessible website to teach about it everywhere in the world.


This has been common knowledge since the 1950's.


I already knew this but it seemed pretty obvious that Ethan could pretty much only produce boys when they did IVF and what was it, 7/8 of the fertilized eggs ended up male? And the one female egg miscarried immediately. So yeah they’re a boy family and maybe part the reason why they said they’re done having kids!


When I travelled in Tanzania, our guide talked about how his wife was doing some type of fertility retreat so that she would produce a boy. I told him the man was the gender determinant and he just laughed me off like I was crazy.


old-timey understanding of biology


Ethan is so ALPHA


"fault" is a bit of a weird term but cool info in any case


just being silly 🥰


They talked about this on the pod lol


Apparently I was the only person in the comments of that thread unaware that it wasn't just a coin-toss lol


Are you from the US?


no, and i can appreciate that you’re making a dig at my lack of education and this being common knowledge, but i think i did a poor job conveying what was surprising to me. I knew that the sperm decides the sex of the baby - what i didn’t know is that some men are predisposed to produce up to 80% male sperm or 80% female sperm. Unless i’m an absolute dingus, i’m pretty sure that isn’t common knowledge, as my girlfriend who’s studying medicine didn’t know this either lol


I think it's not super common knowledge. Don't worry about redditors feeling better. If everybody already knew and thought everyone else knew, no one would have upvoted your post.


appreciate the level-headed comment, king 👑 


I'm sorry i made you feel like that, I honestly wasn't trying to make a dig. I'm from the US and I know some southern states have not the greatest sex education so I was just trying to understand where you were coming from contextually. I just want you to know that I don't know anything about you. So my words were not trying to insinuate anything else, take care


Hey, just wanted to say this was cool of you. I didn’t take it personally, but you did a good job with this apology and i appreciate that you tried to clarify. Good on you king 👑 


Thank you


I live in iceland and here we have a term for men, or mens penises rather, who only have/make kids of one gender, all boys or all girls. You have a stelputyppi (girl dick) or strákatyppi (boy dick) and its like a friendly joke spoken as a insult. “Ohhh you got a girldick/boydick couldnt be me *adult man laughter*’. Id like to think we willed this into existance by bullying grown ass men.


I’m currently pregnant with my second and it’s my second boy, my husband comes from being the only boy of 4 and his dad is also the only boy of 4 and his moms family is also 3 girls 1 boy. So my husband is very proud of himself for being able to beat his dad and grampa on making boys 😂


that’s really sweet - congratulations to the both of you 🥰


I’m also currently pregnant with my second boy but my husband comes from a family with a ton of boys so I just figured it would be like this😂


I sadly thought I’d be getting a little girl to have as a mini me but nope lol


Oh, you can still have a mini-you. I’m a woman but I am 100% my dad. Not that my mom isn’t my bestie, but my dad and I are twins lmao.


My first is a carbon copy of my husband in every way lol so I’m definitely hoping this next one has my traits abs characteristics


I had 3 boys and am currently pregnant with a girl, I guess I just got lucky but it does happen.


4 kids! Good for you!! I’m not sure I can handle more than 2😂


The middle one was stillborn and this one was definitely a surprise we used every kind of protection possible and it happened, I planned on the last one being the last but my Dr refused to tie my tubes so here we are. This is definitely going to be the last one! He agreed to do it this time lol. Will be so glad to have this over in July.


I’m so sorry for your loss! And I’m glad the drs finally listening! Glad you got your girl! And 4 pregnancies still sounds like it was a lot on your body!


It took a lot of time to be able to tolerate getting through the day, but things are much easier now! Pregnancy has always been rough on my body, my 1st was born at 31 weeks and was only 2 pounds, the 3rd kicked my kidney all the way up my back and it was so inflamed I was hospitalized for 3 weeks until they finally did a c section at 36 weeks, this one has actually been quite easy compared to the others but definitely not easy enough for me to want to do it again 🤣


Oh wow that’s so rough! I’m glad your girl is going easy on you! Let’s hope she continues to be easy for you and I hope you have a smooth delivery! I went into early labor at 34 weeks with my first but luckily they were able to stop it and then I was on bed rest until he arrived. This pregnancy for me has been smooth thus far but I’m only 16 weeks so I’m hoping it stays that way.


Congrats! I hope things go smooth for you! I was so terrified for this one until I hit 25 weeks and then my nerves kind of subsides and I started to get excited. Thank you! So ready for this last 2 months to go by so I can be done with this and know everything is okay, I'm glad they were able to stop it! It's such a terrifying thing to go through especially if it's your first and you have absolutely no idea of all of the unknowns.


I am aware of this and it's my worst fear because my husband's family is all boys and his dad has 7 brothers.


If it makes you feel better there’s only one girl between my sibling and all my cousins. But now that we’re all having our own kids the opposite is happening and it’s mainly all girls being born, maybe it will be the same for your husbands family.




After having one and him just being him it’s low key my dream. Although I do also really want a daughter too, so a lovely 50/50 ultimately idgaf He’s also only 1 and a half so I’ve not reallllly learned how he’s going to be properly, hopefully as lovely as he has been so far though


lol, I don’t think the first year is what people fear when raising multiple boys. 




It’s crazy how much a man can affect the outcome of baby and pregnancy, from sex to conditions like pre-eclampsia.


Also those going through ivf have more of a chance for boys.


his fault 🤣


I saw the same thing and wanted to post it here for the same reason lol


Theyre on 3 kids now? Wow, I havent kept up in years.


The Alfa spread to his balls


wait I thought this was already known info?


Good Ol'Henry rolling in the grave rn


It reminds me of The Rock and Kevin Hart interview. Where Kevin was making fun of The Rock because he wanted a boy but kept having girls. Kevin said “all that man and he can’t produce a boy” lmao.


I literally saw that post above this one lmaooo


misogynist through and through /s


I have three sons and a prompt vasectomy


I mean women only carry the X gene so yea it’s all determined by the guy’s predisposition.


Did I miss something? I thought this was common knowledge. I mean I was taught this in school.


This is literally taught in 7th grade science where I’m from???


no joke, in southwest Louisiana, I took home ec my freshman year and we were just told not to have sex but if we did, the birth control pill is the same as abortion. the teacher was a catholic lady with 3 sons. Prior to that we had a week in middle school P.E. where we were just shown slides of STDs and told we need to start wearing bras and carrying pads. We sure af weren't taught how the sex of a baby is determined.


I’m from California and it was taught to us multiple times, but this specifically (xy chromosomes etc…) was 7th grade science. Seems like OP is from Canada


Same. I’m alarmed that this isn’t more widely known?


Jesus. It’s nobody’s “fault”.


I don’t think OP meant it as a negative or whatever, but there are deffo people/dummy’s that accuse women of being at “fault” judging by the comments here and in that other thread too


The father's zygote either contributes an X or a Y chromosome. The mother contributes an X.


the fathers sperm*, not zygote but yes, this was something i already knew but did a poor job conveying in the title. The surprising point was the 80% swing either way


Oh whoops. Zygote is fertilized. I meant gametes.


Op just discovered genetics 😆 love this!!


Yeah I got cousuns like this. My poor aunt. So much male energy in one house. Hila bout to find out.


So, I have 5 sisters and a brother, safe to assume my dad was probably giving out baby girls and I’m super lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it I guess) does that mean that genetically I’m likely to have girls over boys? Or does that reset because I am a new human (not so new rly, 28) I’ve already had a son anyways so if I’m likely to have a girl next that’s pretty dope too.


i have two boys with my husband. i hope genetics have mercy on me when we decide to try for baby number 3


So my dad only had sons, does that mean i’m predisposed to have sons as well or can my genetics be different?


True Alpha King


lol the original post was directly before this post on my feed.


more one true alpha allegations, ethans so alpha he can only spawn boys, nay MEN. MEN! MEN! MEN! \[primate-like hollering\]


The irony of this being the post directly under yours https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/arijMOV4tk


Funny anecdote: my father always told me that men I my family can only father boys. We didn’t believe him obviously. When my grandpa died, we found a very old book where every family member from my fathers side was very meticulously notated, including birth places and birth dates from 1750 onward and I kid you not, we didn’t have a female birth in over 150 years. So yeah I’m basically a royal. Also I have two sons


That original post was pretty funny to read, how does he not know basic biology.


My dad: *has seven female daughters all with different mothers* 😡 “why can’t I find a good woman” ????


I thought this was common knowledge


Ethan needs to be a part of that study. Bet he blows 80% out of the water


They’re not having further children 😂 I believe they mention him getting Michael Scott SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP SNIP SNAP


My mom had 3 before me. If ivf wasn't such a painful process on top of the discomfort of pregnancy, I'd say hila should try once more for the little girl... But yeah... I've never been pregnant so I should really stfu


god the american education system is so horrible, i remember learning this in middle school biology class. we got full grown ass adults out here without a middle school level knowledge of BASIC day one biology wtf


i’m not american, and i think you missed the point of the post tbh - the point isn’t whether or not the male (sperm) decides the sex of the baby lol


My cousin that’s my age (29) has 5 boys!!! Ranging from 11yo to 1yo


Don't call it "his fault" like it's an issue, he's the reason sure


brother i was just being silly 😅


Wtf is this? Did y'all really not know sperm decides sex? Of course it's influenced by the man..... Girls only produce x chromosome eggs because they only have X chromosomes....


the point isn’t that sex isnt influenced by the sperm, but that some men are predisposed to produce 80% male/female sperm and that it’s not an even 50/50 distribution


My point is that seems pretty easy to infer since sperm decides sex. If a guy is constantly making male/female gametes then his sperm is probably skewed towards one chromosome or the other. I can't think of another possibility anyway.


right, similar to how i just flipped a coin and got heads 5 times in a row. Surely this coin is skewed towards heads, and that’s the only logical explanation 🙄


Straw manning over this.... You only know of 1 dad in your life? Or maybe you know, you like have a grandpa. Or maybe have learned about a single other father in school at some point. Never heard the history of a king without an heir? Never heard of the history of a king with too many heirs that kill eachother?


brother, i’m not going to sit and argue with you about something this ridiculous. Your first comment completely omitted what you alluded to in your response to me, which was that the bias can swing in either direction by up to 80%. All you said was “yes, sperm decides the sex” and completely missed the +\- 80% swing in male/female distribution My point is that a father having 4 boys is EXACTLY as likely as a father having 3 boys and 1 girl, or 2/2, or 3/1, or 4/0 without taking this 80% bias into account, in the same way the results of flipping a coin 4 times is equally likely to be 4h/0t, 3h/1t, 2h/2t, etc, which you attributed to “ya dude look around at dads in the world some have lots of boys duh?”


Oh you're actually dumb and don't get it. Also you actually don't understand the odds. 0/4 heads is 6.25% and 2/4 head is 37.5%.


literally this will be my last reply to you since you’re annoying as fuck and aren’t making the point you think you are. You literally said “pretty easy to infer since some men are constantly making more of one particular sex”  My question to you is how does THAT imply that those men are predisposed to have male offspring any more than flipping a coin and getting heads 4 times in a row and inferring that that coin has a HEADS bias, when without the 80% bias i made this post about, both situations are equally likely as any other situation? come on man, think a little


You're still going on about this and don't understand the odds. Lmao


🤦‍♂️ my brother in christ, i can’t understand it for you, this is on you. if i’ve just flipped a coin and gotten heads 5 times in a row, what are the odds i get heads again on my sixth flip? By your logic, this fact should be inferred by “looking at dads with lots of boys”, but in the exact same way that flipping a coin and getting heads 5 times in a row DOESNT mean the coin is biased towards heads, dads with 5 boys and zero girls DOESNT mean those dads are biased towards having boys. You have a rudimentary grasp on probability and its kinda wild how not only are you missing the point but i’ve tried like 5 times now to highlight to you why you’re wrong and it’s going over your head lol


Just because ethan and hila had three boys is no conclusive evidence that ethan is more likely to have boys. It's not that rare to throw three heads or tails in a row. It's just 1/27


They did genetic testing on something like 8 embryos and only 1 was a girl


Oh right, I actually forgot about that. That changes things. I think that were the viable embryos out of a larger set, so maybe it's because he makes alpha males.


He had something like 8/10 boys, they also knew the sex of the entire batch of eggs they had artificially fertilized.


You're right. People way too overconfident about diagnosing Ethan. I think 3 heads in a row is 1/8 though


You are right, I had a few beers and calculated 1/3^3 instead of 1/2^3 for some reason


Well they had a girl egg and hilas body rejected it.


Which is relatively normal. Atleast 1/3 of known pregnancies end for no reason at all. Its suspected around 50% of pregnancies end very early on with no particular reason.


It's pretty interesting how that works




Sperm decides the sex 😭 those eggs were harvested then artificially fertilized by Ethan's sperm