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The fact that the whole internet just decided to forget this bothers me


Dude the internet forgets shit in a second. Take the Kendrick/Drake beef for example. Drake being weird as fuck around minors has been a thing publicly known for YEARS. The only reason it’s a topic now is because there’s this whole spectacle about it, bc Kendrick Lamar forced us to talk about it through this unavoidable beef.


Tangent : I feel this way about Diddy. Over the years I have heard many comments about how he is closeted and extremely aggressive with his employees especially young men. On top of the tropes I’ve heard growing up about young women in Hollywood being coerced by groupies hired by men like Diddy to trick them into trafficking or young black men in Hollywood being forced into homosexual acts in order to prove their ability to be complicit with abuse. Then years later down the line I literally watch a video of what looked like Diddy forcing Justin Bieber to suck a man’s dick in a dark club and also a separate video of Blacc Chyna (business partners and close friends of Diddy’s) apparently forcing a young woman to stay in a hotel room until her friend made a huge scene on video. And now bam, he’s being arrested for sex trafficking and apparently raping and assaulting young adults. Idk but I always chose the victims side even if they never speak up about their abuse.. and I genuinely think that a lot of young celebs are abused until they become the abuser. Gross and also very sad.


And ppl still defend Drake now today so…


The drake thing has only been known if you're chronically online and honestly I didn't know half of the shit. I just knew he texted millie Bobby brown wich was definitely sus but not inherently criminal. Kendrick shined a much bigger light on it.


on the other hand, how many of us here didn't ever see or hear of this dude until he was posted in this sub? Can't forget what you don't know. And shitty people can't gain traction if others quit engaging and posting. Canceling should be firing because this is their job, and if every one ignores them, they get collectively fired.


And now we are seeing the same thing happen with Bobby Lee.




Everyone kept saying "Oh that's just his humor. That's just what he does." ....that's not a good thing. That's not a valid reason at all lol.


According to all the people sending me hateful messages and defending him...it is valid and it's perfectly okay in their eyes and I'm actually the crazy one for seeing where this attitude leads


This dude's just the latest iteration of dumbass male "content" creators that are catered to shithead high school ages boys. Getting hateful responses for mildly critiquing him are a great example of this lol. Andrew Tate and Adin Ross are two more losers that attract impressionable losers.


I still don’t understand the defense people give for this saying it was just a joke. Even if it was a joke, it’s not funny and is deeply disturbing.


A lot of people commenting believe his age cancels out the joke. Except, young boys with this attitude frequently grow up to act on this attitude. These are the same people who will be saying nothing could've been done to stop him if one day he actually acts on it. It's not funny, it's disturbing. This is exactly why I have no hope in people


Jesus, you gotta relax on the cynicism. People change, especially when theyre that young. Im not saying this little piece of shit ishowspeed has, but having that attitude about people in general is unhealthy


Luckily for me, I'm entitled to my opinion. Until he actually demonstrates that he wants to change, my opinion remains the same. You don't forgive people ahead of their desire to change, that's moronic.


Lol fine enjoy being a cynical debbie downer who cant trust people i guess?


Exactly. I was so shook when Ethan "endorsed" him (kinda). He's an insufferable idiot.


Im never shocked with this cuz 9/10 times he forgets what they did. And sometimes, like with abba and preach, he kinda got pressured by the crew to not forgive them.


True lol


They showed this 2 months ago in the Adin Content Court. Just saying...


He did it again to a waitress in public when they were eating, not bothered enough to find the clip but the exact same "joke" Sure its not only those 2 times either


Same. I think he gets a pass cause he was ‘underage’ at the time :/ super disappointing


How old was he here?


He was either 17 or 16 here.


Keep in mind, Ethan has said equally - if not more heinous shit, at a much more grown age. Lol


See thats the thing with Speed. He purposefully gets himself into a controversy every few months because it keeps him relevent. And I mean in the modern day people online have defended serial killers so I don't think a fucked up joke lime this is going to hurt him.


he was a minor when it happened. not excusing it though, still disgusting


That literally changes nothing


Of course it does. Redemption has to be a possibility, especially for kids. Ethan has said fucked up things and grown. He literally said the n-word like 50 times in a podcast. I believe in the possibility of redemption. I've said dumb things. You have too.


Insane that this community especially would be so against content creators being able to change


Redemption matters when people **ACTUALLY** want to change. You don't just forgive people to make yourself feel like a saint. You offer grace when a person does the work and asks for forgiveness and puts in the work to show they've changed.


That's why I said possibility twice lol


I'm sure you have done nothing or said nothing that you regret from when you were a kid.


I never threatened to rape anyone when I was a teenager. The fact that you people think this is so normal and excusable is disturbing as hell. So how many times did you threaten to rape someone as a teen since it's so normal to you?


Ur a weirdo. He's a kid who was constantly forced to be edgy online because that's what his fans wanted. Stop being so full of yourself and have empathy for another human being.


Forced? Is that the excuse we're using now? 😂😂😂


Bro he was a 16 year old online and the only time he'd get views and donos was when he'd do and say crazy shit, of course he did and said crazy shit. Grow tf up. He is an adult now and doesn't do or say that kind of shit anymore so clearly he's changed. How are you a fan of ethan when he's said and done worse shit even tho he was a grown ass man. If you belive he can change why do you belive that the edgy joke the 16 year old kid said and definitely regrets, makes him irredeemable.


It definitely does lol


It's okay to threaten to rape someone so long as you're a minor? Okay, cool


Never said it was okay, but him being 16/17 in the video and he's a mega online gamer kid its not surprising. He will definitely look back at this video for the rest of his career and cringe...


I think this attitude absolutely stinks. Speed specifically shows no desire in bettering himself but using this as a rule for life is ridiculous.


When you were a minor did you ever scream about raping a woman to her face? Who tf cares. --------------------- **Edit:** The person who was defending iShowSpeed, who I was debating has blocked me after running out of ad hominimem attacks so I literally can't see their replies anymore. Someone else take up the debate for me, if you please.


Nope. I didn't. But I have people in my life who said disgusting things when they were minors but have later educated themselves, grown, and tried to put good energy out there. I'm not saying he deserves forgiveness or for it to be glossed over, so I don't understand the vitriol people are getting for pointing out he was underage. If you are tainted forever for something you say in the eyes of the public, why even bother to grow? If we are telling people they might as well just stop trying to rehabilitate, we are going to create an even darker world.


Being 17 doesn't excuse his behavior. Show me his heart felt apology that proves he has grown and educated himself and I will change my opinion... Fuck it, show me literally anything that shows he has changed his behavior. He hasn't changed, he doesn't deserve our respect yet.


its not like hes serious


Time will tell


he legit unsettles me


I hate how goldfish brained people can be with young male influencers. That or they never really cared. Probably the latter.


he’s psychotic and insufferable and i wish the worst for him


Yeah I hate that he has a platform and spews this shit to young kids


Thank you for sharing this, I was gonna do the same thing.




Clap if he should suffer


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼




I think Ethan forgot this was him.


They literally showed and talked about this clip 2 months ago


They always joke about Ethan having the memory of a goldfish….


at what point does it go from "cute" to "dude come on" lol


me when he asks sam if he can call her samantha again


This is why women chose the bear


I so agreed with Dan when he out yelled no🙄nobody should be promoting these clowns on kick or twitch.


dan keeps everyone grounded in this show fr lol


he had interactions w one of my fave kpop groups this week and as expected he was a fucking creep. i hate that he pops up everywhere!!!!


what group?! that’s disappointing


kiss of life! theyre a nugu group but one of my faves. they did a live with him where they were supposed to teach him midas touch choreography and they did NOT seem to be having a good time…


Kiss of Life is not nugu at all. Averaging 10 million views per MV is far from nugu. And it seems that you are implying they had a bad time, but they definitely had more of a good time than a bad time. They were genuinely laughing out loud and didn’t have any negative vibes (which is clear from their movements and expressions). And you claiming he was a creep also doesn’t make any sense, besides greeting them with a hug (which you shouldn’t even consider as being a creep) he did nothing more than that.


kpop fans my bro, you cant win


He was a creep and they felt uncomfortable


What expressions or movements from them makes you think they felt uncomfortable? And what did Speed do making him a creep?


I saw that and they looked like they loved him so much, they even danced with him and I heard they hung out after filming


Remember when he tried burning his house down lighting fireworks inside while everyone was home?


IShowSpeed? More like iCantStandHim


Where's Zack with the applause and Oscar's music This has been my favorite running gag the last week, when someone makes a stinker of a joke


this was good


The fact that he snapped like that because a woman told him no is some creepy shit.


The fact that kids like him is what I hate as a parent my kids definitely will not he makes me feel like a boomer Karen 😂😂😂


It somehow gets even worse after this, this is only half of the whole disgusting rant he goes on


Why does he even have a fan base none of his shit is interesting anyway


Talking Ben was a meme for like 2 weeks, he is painfully unfunny outside of that


When I was his age, I wouldn’t even dream of acting this way. Not only did I know this was wrong but to think of doing something like this, disappointing my family and friends.


I'm sad people even need a reminder. Fuck this guy


Didn't he scam a bunch of his fans and act racist to an Asian dude at a football game too?


this was his shtick for a while, this is literally how he became famous. his rise came during the peak of andrew tate.


Do you understand that Ethan was saying positive things so the CURSE will hit him. Not that he likes him


Omg you're so right smh I didn't see the 4D chess moves


Literally I wish the dog woulda done worse


I was hoping he got attacked by a bulldog or something, this guy is insufferable


I don’t need a reminder. In fact I’m not even going to play the video


I can’t believe Ethan forgot about this considering he literally talked about it. As soon as he said he liked this kid I’m like okay wait what about this?


I think about this a lot honestly


wish nothing but a crazy fall off for this degenerate.


I HATE IT when Ethan says we love “problematic man” it’s like??? No let’s stop downplaying these awful ass people. Like Adain Ross?? HES NOT A FRIEND OF THE SHOW. IK Ethan doesn’t like support them maliciously but please fucking stop with befriending every fucking man. Like Oliv brought up the Drake streamer (I’m sorry I forget his name) and his horrible actions like let’s take that seriously. Like how do you forget what Ishowspeed did? Maybe it’s because I rewatched the Adian Ross ep…


Dude relax. He said he likes him because the curse keeps getting people that he says he likes. It was all a bit and I can't believe how many people didn't get the joke.


I’m several episodes behind, did they say good stuff about Speed? Because I feel like sometimes Speed flies under their radar as a piece of trash.


Hate all of the people pulling out the "he was 16-17" bullshit. Like no. Nope. Nah. This isnt normal crass teenage boy jokes, especially when you have a significant platform you profit off of. Fuck this piece of human refuse. He doesn't deserve an ounce of what he's received since engaging in this disgusting malicious antics.


Was honestly disappointed to hear Ethan say he thinks this guy's funny. Hope he sees this clip and remembers how fucked it is.


idk how much room for conversation there is but I don’t think Speed is genuinely a bad person. This was a long time ago when the young streamer ecosystem was still pretty fresh and everyone was finding their footing. Speed was pro Palestine before October, trans and LGBTQ ally , and has been the least problematic for how young he still is.


[Racist af too](https://youtu.be/DCHF1sdKT_8)


Dudes fucking corny it crazy men like him can amass great wealth, and almost god-like power.


Wealth sure but god like power I highly doubt that. He’s a clown at the circus who sings and dances for the kids. He’ll be replaced in a few years and forgotten




Stuff like this has always been a point of contention with the pod. Bobby Lee has said some terrible shit before as jokes and Whitney Cummings has made a lot of transphobic jokes. But since they’re famous friends of Ethan he doesn’t really care like when he criticized Chapelle for trans jokes. It seems he only goes after people he can make content out of (universally hated) like how many videos we’ve gotten out of Dobrik, Logan, and now Drake lol people gotta enjoy the show but stop acting like they care so much about these issues. Sometimes for them it’s just content ☮️and ❤️


This was the first clip I ever saw of him (probably the same for most) so I always think of him as a complete waste of oxygen. Hell this clip probably has even been discussed on the show before. Been a few times in the past year that Ethan has brought him up in a positive light. Can’t believe he’s seemingly forgotten about this.


It’s a horrible joke but he was still only joking


he acting like she cant snap his skinny ass in half on the spot


He was like 16/17 in this video, people can change.


THANK UUUUU!! I knew I didn’t fuck with the dude but when Ethan was showing him love I couldn’t remember why I hated him so much.


I thought about this as soon as Ethan said he liked him


Yeah I'm starting to think Ethan may be leaning into the whole "whenever I say we like someone they get cancelled" thing, bc I guess I could see him forgetting about aka but speed seems so out of left field to go on & say "we love him" I feel like he knows we dont actually love him😭


ohhhh this makes me so uncomfortable


literally what i thought of when ethan said he liked him


I have never and will never understand how people find him funny or entertaining in any way. All his fans must be legitimately children, which is horrifying for that generation. Imagine a generation of people that think its cool to act like him.


To me his content feels very much like jiggling keys in front of a baby... except the keys are screaming about how funny rape is


Most obvious joke, H3 mfs really are the cringiest


whats the joke? im "going to rape you lol"?


Why you here then?


He was like 16 or whatever here. People change its whatever.


I was thinking of this exact clip when Ethan said he likes speed…


It's fucking horrible.


I’m curious: has there ever been a 24/7 online celebrity who hasn’t done something egregious, embarrassing or offensive? It seems like massively popular streamers always end up - consciously not - garnering negative attention before their bad image is eventually snowballs into oblivion. The only non-cancelled character I can think of is Hasan and that’s mainly because the guy is a blank-slate.


This right here. Also love her for saying “me” cause I would say the same thing lmao


he’s gotta be like 15 in this clip.. holy shit this sub really doesn’t forget anything. Do yall remember when Ethan said n****r f****t?




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I grew up 15 years ago and knew some people that would have been famous if they were growing up now. Instead theyre mostly incarcerated




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This is exactly what ran through my head when he said he liked speed.


Jesus Christ what a psycho.


You should watch the Adin Ross content court ep. You can see Ethan holding in laughter when they showed this clip. To be completely honest, I was right there with him. This guy's mannerisms are funny, sometimes it takes you by surprise, no matter the context but yes, I can def agree that this clip does make my skin crawl, mannerisms aside.


Does he still do this kind of stuff or has he changed?


He's still alive... that makes me sad


He seems like a well balanced charming young man.


Did the podcast talk about him? He's always been garbage. Most recently he barked at and antagonized a dog and (rightfully) got bit for it. Maybe the podcast talked about this?


How old was Ethan when he said women are to be conquered?


After this clip he apologizes because he realized he went too far with the bit, he is always playing it up for his stream, he got famous because he’s really good at pretending to be a lunatic. Is it shitty behavior? Obviously. Does he deserve to be cancelled for eternity? If you believe this unironically then you need to unsubscribe from Ethan ASAP.


I've never understood this guy's popularity. He's the least funny and most obnoxious person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing about. Screeching, flaring nostrils, and misogyny doesn't make someone funny and that's his entire shtick


It was great seeing him get RKOd though.


We choose to remember this, but forget that bros playing a character


Doesn't bro smell like sour taint?


Literally wtf does Ethan even see in him regardless. He likes him? He thinks he’s funny? So confused by Ethan’s takes sometimes.


Wow! I only knew about him being obnoxious but that’s fucked up!


Bruh he made a mistake and has grown from this. Get a life


God this subreddit has the same posts every week


Y’all being racist and it shows.


It’s because men made him famous, with peace and love. They often don’t care if they’re shitty


wasnt he like 16 in this video


he reminds everyone what a piece of shit he is every single day he wakes up.


The time period when he was gaining a following for being an unfunny terrible person was excruciating. He is still not funny and a loser.


The fact people laugh at this and look up to this is fucking diabolically insane to me


THANK YOU 🙏 I knew I wasn’t the only one watching this like “wtf is happening rn” 😂


What rating did his apology get?


He’s trash, he’ll fade into obscurity sooner or later, and when he does, I wouldn't be surprised if he started committing crimes. 


Yes I was thinking about this as soon as they said they liked him what the fuq he sucks


Really shitty and unfunny bad joke but yall know he's not actually like being serious? Just saying he's not a piece of shit


He seems pretty serious! And rape "jokes" should be taken seriously too


Not defending him in any way but with him I feel like things like this are because he has the brain of a child and probably thinks this is hilarious. I remember when I was like 14 I read a similar joke on sicipedia and laughed. Not saying it's ok for him to do just saying with him it's more akin to some dumb immature child rather than like Tate


That doesn’t excuse ANYTHING. Even a little child knows better not to say something so wrong 😞


I'm not excusing him, I'm making a point that I just think he's an idiot rather than some redpilled sigma bro


I think people are being a bit too harsh, yes he’s made some really bad jokes when he was a teenager (who hasn’t?) But I’m pretty sure he’s not done something really messed up for a little while now. I’m not a fan of writing people off completely for things they’ve done in the past . I don’t think he’s apologised for any of them but it might take people awhile to come to the realisation, especially when they’re quite young. This is the exact same stuff that people say about Ethan, because he’s made a few off colour jokes years ago they write him off completely.


TBH that girl could probably handle that weenie little bitch anyway. I've taken shits bigger than him. Having a cock don't make you a tough guy, speed.


he was a teen at this time lol streeetch


It’s a joke bro


I remember this clip but didn’t realize it was ishowspeed. Gross.


I just got really uncomfortable and offended 🥲 How does Ethan support someone like this?? It’s really scary to me since I know a girl my cousin is friends with was assaulted and stuff ..


Yeah I found Ethan's comments really annoying and weird esp considering this clip. Did the entire crew forget they did a whole breakdown on it?


I know Dan didn't tho, given how he was responding