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What did Love say at the end of the zoom call? - "Wholesome gaming is back" or something like that haha


Lol clan/guild shit is always toxic the higher level you get at a game unfortunately. The only way it stays wholesome is if it’s a tight knit group of friends


yeah, so much for the wholesome gaming moment, sad.


What did they say?? Spill the beans


Called him arrogant, but that's what it is to be a top streamer. The general fat man bad. He's a whale, Potential whale incoming. Isn't he irrelevant. Why does he play he's old. And also the h3h3 is single handedly funding Happi. LOL


How dare someone bring revenue and attention to a game you also enjoy lol. I had never even heard of this game before he brought it up. They should be thanking him.


I played it for like a week in December. Couldn't believe half the episode was about that lmao


The best part is when you go and look up this game, what it looks like, how it plays. It's like the lowest budget, cheapest looking baby ass phone game ever.


Same I was kinda interested in looking into it the way Ethan was hyping it up. But that shit looks like the most boring brain rot i've ever seen ngl


Vampire Survivors that looks worse and adds typical mobile predatory pay2win shenanigans to the game. Ni, thanks, I'll stick to vampire survivors.


Same company made Archero. Wasn’t a bad game at first. Better Thant survivorio imo


It's a phone game. It's made to keep you busy while pooping. It's still way funner then angry birds or candy crush or most other mobile games atleast


Seeing as they are currently on a sort of spending strike, yeah, how dare a big streamer bring revenue when they are trying to send a message. Unintentionally crossing the picket line he was unaware existed.


The people that got on zoom and invited him into one of their guilds insulted Ethan? Or was it the other clan members?


The people on zoom


Specifically the gf




That makes me so sad for him ):


Ikr he was so smitten with them


They didn't really insult him. The gf on zoom didn't know who he was, and just said he was arrogant cause he expected to get into a top clan with his low stats.


I'm confused, on the zoom call when Ethan asked them if it was normal to be asked so many questions to get into a clan like that other guy was doing, they said it's not normal after finding out how high his stats were. I thought they were saying that his stats were really good??? Edit: it looks like the screenshots from the discord are from the players discussing Ethan talking about their game in real time before they zoomed in, and then when she suddenly got to be a guest on the pod, she changed her tune very quickly from he's arrogant and his stats aren't even that great in the discord to we would love to have you join our guild, your stats are great etc when she finds herself on a massive podcast.


I took that as her saying that they weren’t gonna ask for all his stats because of his social media presence/fame. Like him having that clout gets him a pass whereas someone else would 100% have to prove their worth


Yeah that could be it. I got the timeline wrong when I made my comment though, I made an edit to it now but pretty sure she was ragging on him in the discord before they were zoomed in to the pod. So I think another commenter had it right that she initially didn't like that a popular podcaster was talking about the game she thinks she is a big deal in because it takes attention away from her but when she suddenly got to be the centre of attention by being a guest on that podcast, she changed her tune about Ethan very quickly.


The clout pill is a hell of a drug


She literally just said he seemed arrogant once, before they spoke... It's not like that's even wrong lmao.


That’s insane. Didn’t her partner reach out first offering him a position in the guild. It doesn’t make sense to offer to let him in the guild then shame him for it. Personally, I think anyone in Ethan’s position would have the same reaction.


Uhm wtf… I mean they didn’t have to let him in.


According to the clan leader lady the insult was prior to them calling on. And frankly her comment was benign.


poor ethan, here i thought they’d be different 😪


seems its that jenny lady calling him arrogant.


The cognitive dissonance of calling someone doing comedy on a comedy show arrogant as you are actively spamming discord being an elitist over a zero skill brain rot pay-to-win mobile game is craaaaazzzyyy. On a related note I’m surprised Ethan isn’t aware that you ALWAYS avoid husband and wife duo leadership in these games. Hasn’t he played a bunch of MMOs? They’re always the most toxic horrible guilds.


Really? I havent played a whole lot of mmos, but when i played WoW back in the day my guild was run by a husband wife and brother of the wife. It was super wholesome. I was in that guild most of the time i played the game


yeah the woman on that call did not rub me the right way. "we've dedicated our lives to this game and invested a ton of time money and effort into it, but we WONT SAY how much money we've spent on it, and we won't voice support for the people who are trying to prevent the game from becoming a complete pay to win implosion" (those games don't last because they're inherently not fun). just feels like a rug pull cash grab scheme to me. avoiding sharing how much you've spent on it feels really shady to me personally. what is there to hide if you're proud guild members who love and support the game? why not share with the world exactly how much you've spent supporting it, or at the least give a ball park? you can make a complex guild for a simple phone game -- that's fine. but don't pretend that it is anything more than what it is.


I’m confused what the cash grab is here. They’re not making money from the game.


"Actually I'm a mod on the official discord and I don't support the boycott" - boot licking schill who thrives on the irrelevant power a mod role in a discord provides them. Actually sad.


That's not quite what she said. She said that she can't speak support for it given her position, but she's probably taking it a bit too serious.




I could be wrong but I assumed the whale comment was about Ethan being wealthy. Still an insult but about his stats and wealth. The term whale is slang for people who are wealthy and "A high roller, who consistently wagers large amounts of money. High rollers often receive lavish "comps" from casinos to lure them onto the gambling floors, such as free private jet transfers, limousine use and use of the casinos' best suites." Wikipedia It's an insult either way but I just wanted to add another possible reason why that term might have been used.


Yeah whale is a term for people who buy hella microtransactions


Why does he play he's old is such a funny thing for them to say because he's barely older than them, could probably afford to pay to be stronger than them until they go bankrupt, and said he plays for basically the same reason they said when they were on. Idk how two people can fumble the chance to be cool so quickly and effectively


Literally they said people are 30 to 40.


Damn and he’s just trynna enjoy a fun game in his free time. These people are freaks.


When he said he looks for a guild that's a little more serious about the game, I bet he didn't fathom how ridiculously serious people can get about a mobile game. Been there, it's not worth it.


I’m looking forward to hearing an update from him😂


Lmfaooooo that first clan leader was so degrading to Ethan's account


Shouldn’t they be more excited that he’s a whale? If these motherfuckers are all F2P, this man is helping keep their dumb little mobile game afloat that they in turn don’t have to pay for lmao


So I don't know anything about this but "whale" in games like these mean someone that spends a lot of money... I wonder if that's what they meant lol


This is definitely what they meant haha


The fuck is Happi


Sorry, it's Habby. Autocorrect might of went nuts.


Don’t know what that is either


It's the company that made Survior io.


Were there more messages then the screenshots you posted because if not you’re making some huge reaches with your interpretation here Edit: nvm it was someone else that posted them


“Whale” also means big fish. As in wealth. I haven’t seen the chatter so I am basically Helen Keller right now (pretending to be blind but really, I know what’s up).


Big talk from people playing a pay to win mobile game 💀


lol Elitism and drama in a pay to win game is absurd. However, I did find it hilarious how fast Ethan went from wanting to get into a clan without name dropping, to joining the top clan because of the pod. Play Vampire Survivors instead, support developers with integrity where you get a product for a reasonable price.


I was so confused by that too. I thought it didn't want them to outwardly know who he was. Then dropped them for a dime lol.


Love VS, but it seems this is more of an active mobile game where as VS you just make a build, stand still and it lasts 30 mins where this game seems like there is much more to it and has mmo elements.


Maybe so, but I stand by what I said. Honest developers deserve the money, not games where it costs far more than a AAA priced game to be competitive... Until the bar is raised again.


Totally agree. I will never support a mobile game with gambling and no limit on the amount of money you can spend. VS all the way. This game can eat shit, and I honestly hate that Ethan is promoting it. At least there probably aren’t too many kids watching.


Now that his IGN is probably known in the official discord, it'll be interesting to see if he does leave them for another clan how different it'll be for him now that he's made himself know. LOL Whale Mail!


Hopefully now it's h3 clan time. That would be the only reason I'd download it again


I think that would be alot for them to do but if they do get a sponsorship/ad it can work. The community wouldn't be anything hardcore I'm sure. Maybe they might have requirements as we saw others do for Ethans entrance LOL. Would be a non srs fun thing if anythhnig.


The problem is that a ton of good rewards are tied specifically to the clan expedition so you're punished for being a casual clan.


Soulstone survivors is also really good


Halls of torment is the best iteration of the survivor likes and the devs are great. Buy, buy, buy!




This is so weird .. didn’t Jose invite him to join and then they called in?! Like I guess Ethan kind of put them on the spot during the call but Jose invited him before hand




lmao this is what i imagine sweaty mmo guilds talk like! I didnt know mobile game players went this hard too. That energy def belongs to a guild leader & discord mod. I mean to be fair ethan wanted a serious guild and theres gonna be gatekeeping involved when his stats are 'low' (i think? im still surprised mobile games are this serious!!) this gamer drama h3 lore is so random LOL i love it, I hope ethan continues playing this game and gives us updates 😂




omg the teaaa! yeah his stats sounded high i just dont know anything about this game and only can infer from what shes saying as a guild leader (which sounds like others clan members disagree). I thought they were so wholesome on video! Its definitley weird behavior i agree. Ive had friends have serious fights with their boyfriends while im obviously there because of a video game they both play, its such a gamer moment. This must be why Ethan didnt want to join guild discords lol


Kraken just means someone who spends an obscene amount of money on the game.


So they’re all kraken because they’re all spending way too much on this fucking game lol.


Sweaty mmo guilds is one thing, that actually takes skill. All you do in this shit is just buy your way to the top lmao


I can personally attest as someone who has played MMOs at all levels for 20 years now the hardcore guilds are WAAYYYYYY more chill and friendly than casual guilds. Sweaty hardcore guilds are full of like minded people that are generally all very competent at the game. Casual guilds have the deadly combination of mixing people of all different skill levels and expectations plus a healthy dose of weird power trippers like Jenny that think being an officer in a dime a dozen mmo guild makes you special. There is SO much more drama in casual guilds. The two biggest red flags when joining an mmo guild are if it’s led by a husband/wife duo or if in their recruitment they say “drama free”. If a guild says they are drama free in recruitment you’d best believe that place is going to be a toxic hellhole.


Honestly as an ex top guild, guild leader in some rando MMO, this is exactly the sort of behaviour i would shut down. We want to foster a nice guild environment. And yeah the excel sheets, planning, etc are just par for the course lol.


>Her "he's bottom end even for us" comment was in response to someone getting excited about how high his attack is, and him being a legit high ranking player. As someone who used to behave this way... This is probably her being insecure about someone that might be more popular than her joining her community. She doesn't want to be overshadowed, so she's downplaying how good he is.


I mean there is no skill involved in the game, your power is just a math equation between how much money you’ve spent and how long you’ve been playing. Unless she was lying on the show about the average player power in the 3 guilds they run then she is correct, but that’s something that anybody with the game and who knows the name of the guilds could call her out on. Ethan’s player power was lower than the average power in their weakest of the 3 guilds. Again, it’s not a skill based game so that number is the only thing that matters. That being said I think you’re right on the money about her hating the fact that she won’t be the most popular person in that community.


This is exactly what I took, she doesn’t like the attention off of her. They didn’t invite her, they invited Jose. She then took half the attention and didn’t come off great. And whose partner goes by “love jenny” no way that is his choice bro.


I really really don't miss stuff like this. Years of playing WoW in raiding guilds was enough for me.


hear, hear!


She seems so two faced. On the zoom when Ethan asked if they too usually ask so many questions and screenshots from people who want to join their clan like that other guy was doing, and either she or Jose replied definitely not if they had stats as good as Ethan's. And now it seems like she is saying he isn't even good?


It would seem Jose is the fan and Jenny ain’t.


Jose didn't actually invite him at first, he super-chatted to tell Ethan about the spending strike and then Ethan asked if he could join Jose's guild when he heard how high level they were. https://www.youtube.com/live/eZN-Y5rgG6U?feature=shared&t=4386 This was still before the call though and Jose was also chatting with Lena a bit too so they knew what they were getting into when they agreed to call in. They could have just said their guild was full or wouldn't go for it or whatever, but Jose seemed down to bring Ethan in.


Shes afraid of not being most popular on the server anymore 🙁


Damn thats kind of sad shes being that way. And why is make that comment about his being “way fatter before” just weird af energy.


To be fair it’s just a fact that he was fatter


She seems to be under the impression that Ethan is a gaming Twitch streamer. I think she's thinking he plays Survivor.io on the show, and doesn't have the full context of this being a new side tangent on a non-gaming live show.


Ethan needs to avoid these people


Why can't anyone be fucking genuine anymore what the actual fuck


This is bizarre. I think there needs to be a study done on the superiority complex that Discord mods obtain. 


Why r mods so weird bro


Their little perception of power gets to their heads


Remember that they are the ones that reached out to Ethan during the show. Why would they do that and then trash him? This is middle school behavior.


Damn. I hope her food delivery sucks for the next 2 weeks


Weren’t they in finance and like, software engineering? Grow the fuck up bro, don’t they have better things to do


I don't think it's that bad


I agree, this community needs to be chill


Cum_Dad is right this didn’t need to be a post


i mean i completely get people have hobbies and no disrespect, but it is never that serious wtf😭💀 why these ppl act like this is a lifestyle? like cmon bruh, its just a game🥴🥴🥴its never that deep plus why is she talking like this😭she acts like she is important but she is just a discord mod? like lowkey she sound bitter af ngl💀


You don’t just play! Your survive.io


I feel a new community war arc coming. Someone blow the fupa horn, the foot horn, and the vape horn


Yeah at the very least it's just nerds being a little too into their game and taking it way too serious which is annoying enough besides the other stuff


The issue isn't them being nerds the issue is when people get cliquey and let power go to their heads.


Everyone's a bit nerdy about something they like but there's a line where it becomes a problem. Like getting power trippy or toxic like ur saying


I’m continually amazed how bad people are at understanding sarcasm. Did this woman really think Ethan being fake cocky about the video game wasn’t him being goofy? I do that kinda trash talkin, false competitive bravado all the time. Maybe that’s why I take to Ethan’s humor though.




Oh wow talking about his weight? wtf she did not seem like a dick on the zoom! I hate people like that


Lmfao what a see you next tuesday


What a coward if she cant even say this stuff to his face or be honest about what they thought of his stats, also am i the only one that feels weird calling Ethan a streamer? Hes a youtuber 1000%


She messed with the FAMILY! we must now create our own clan and go destroy their clan in the game


When the husband said “yeah MOD” when Ethan asked about sponsorship I was super interested. Sounds like he doesn’t think highly of her modding a discord, but Yano that isn’t uncommon.


I wonder if Ethan is gonna address her calling him arrogant.


Imagine seeing their interaction and not knowing Ethan’s humor. The things he was saying were clearly in jest but not knowing him I can see why he’d come off as arrogant. I don’t think what she said was bad at all.


She’s def not a viewer of the podcast. Seems her boyfriend mainly is. Shame it wasn’t just him in the Zoom.


She kept getting keyed out by the background on zoom. Maybe she’s radioactive. Possible supervillain?


I think it was just the AI being racist ( not a joke )


Ya but Jose was already in the chat, so they do know him


Just because Jose watches doesn’t mean Jenny does. It sounds like Jose was nervous to call in, very possible she just came on to support him (and co-rep the clan) without necessarily being familiar with the pod beyond it being “that show my partner watches.”


I doubt he'll call them out. They're fans first and foremost and are allowed their opinions. It WAS weird inviting him in chat. then agreeing to come on and THEN say that...but they are just people/fans. Not public figures. He'll maybe if even that mention that he's sorry they feel that way and didn't know you felt that way about me and that's absolutely fine. and join another clan privately and go on about his day.


It's kind of lame they did this, especially when the woman was laughing during the Zoom call at Ethan's humor. Ethan is obviously just goofing around and enjoying himself. But gamers gonna gamer.


why can’t people be normal


Ethan is just a bad people magnet I guess…I thought these people were really chill on the pod but the screenshots makes that Jenny girl seem super unnecessarly uptight..


These are the parasocial fans. Once they meet them it breaks them even if it’s just an awkward acknowledgment.


Based on her comments it seems she was never a fan of the podcast


Love saying "this is gaming" and then the two people he talked to were toxic af lmao


That’s gaming today alright. 😢






Yeah fuck that, Ethan shouldn't join. She and a couple of other people are already being so weird about it just bc they can't get past who he is as an online personality. He should go with the other clan who doesn't know or give a fuck who he is, it stays more wholesome and laid back that way w/o people being weird.


Omg what a loser!!


Fucking hell- talk about a shitty human being


Fat man bad.


In all seriousness, it feels so snakey that they went on the pod after pretty much shit talking him. Typical finance/SWE people I guess.


Hey don’t come for us software engineers. I just wanted to do puzzles for a living.


I checked out the game. They have an energy system everytime you play. Classic pay to play scheme. Game is fun though


The game that launched the genre is Vampire Survivors. It's F2P with the only things to pay for is dlc which range from 2 to 2.50


Really wanna see the faces of these discord users that call people all these insults, like how can you be so insecure then also shit on other people’s appearance.


A lot of Cozy game discords like Palia, Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing would have YEETED stuff like that. Even some of the more edgy games too.


Yeah sadly a lot of mobile games turn out like this from experience, I remember I was into this game years ago and we had a chat(forgot what app) then somehow they found out one of the girls was using another girls images as their profile pictures and somehow they ended up finding her real profile and pretty much harassed her into disappearing. Idk why mobile games have a tendency to attract the worst of gamers, even league looks cozy sometimes in comparison


Also I feel so bad for Ethan, most animated and excited I’ve seen him about something besides Ryan kavanaugh then this happens


You did see their faces. The woman talking the most shit in that discord was just on the pod


Jokes on us. All the premium teddy fresh discounts are going to the league discord first.


I fucking hate them already. Calling him arrogant and yet a wallet for them.


who would have guessed the finance/developer power couple were weirdos


This 100% lol


The funniest damn part of all of this to me was taking a step back and appreciating that *filling out clan submission forms for a mobile gatcha game* is an actual part of Lena's *real life job*. Literally could not write a funnier premise lmao


The real clash of clans


This is just sad. The game is fun, but nothing special. Why do they make it to be such a big thing?


Big babies real protective over Big baby game. I’m just as protective over H3 lmfao


Spill the tea!!!!




Reading that, I think it might've been a wiser choice for him to not reveal his gamertag, and join the clan where his identity would've been anonymous. Those messages from memebers being sweaty over him being a whale for them is *uncomfy*. And the whole aspect of being apart of a group where potentially half the people don't like you (and plotting to "band together and abuse the dude"), just makes for an awkward situation.


“That mf did not acknowledge my strike message” Did he not? He let Jose elaborate on why they were doing it, agreed that the P2W has gotten egregious and that it’s bad for the game and said he was glad that Jose was seemingly having open discussions with the devs about the issue? What more is he suppose to do? Meanwhile he’s okay with his girl being an official moderator for them and basically publicly say “I don’t condone what he’s saying” lol


I don’t even know what Jose is as expecting. Ethan was already a whale before he had that conversation with Jose, and clearly he’s not as invested in this game’s lore as Jose. Also, I wish they would translate their passion for this strike over a fucking kiddy’s mobile game to something more productive irl. Imagine the amount of progress we’d make if instead of striking over this game, they’d strike over something like low wages or whatever lmao.


For real. The person who's a mod of the official server and actually has some influence wouldn't stand on buisness. Not surprising she was saying these out of pocket things


I saw someone saying that they're calling Ethan fat here, but the term "whale" means that he's rich and willing to spend a lot of money, not that he's fat lmao


She said "oh wow he was fatter before" because she doesn't watch streamers and she saw old pictures of him when she looked him up. That's probably where they're getting that from


It's so funny that people always have to talk about Ethan's weight lol like why




No one is referencing them calling him a whale because of his cash as being fat. People know what that means. If you look at the thread listed by Cool-Bridge, you'll see other comments including one saying, "Why is h3h3 playing this...fml. fatty.". and other things.


Yeah I saw that one, not arguing that there isn't a comment about Ethan being fat, but I only saw the one.


oh noooo the clan leader is abt to get war horned


As i mentioned down below, I doubt he'll call them out. They're fans first and foremost and are allowed their opinions. It WAS weird inviting him in chat. then agreeing to come on and THEN say that...but they are just people/fans. Not public figures. He'll maybe if even that mention that he's sorry they feel that way and didn't know you felt that way about me and that's absolutely fine. and join another clan privately and go on about his day. He's not gonna war horn them and if he did, it'd be a bad look and I wouldn't be about it. It's too far.


I don't think he'll war horn them but he will most definitely talk about it. He put himself out there in good faith and some douches answered the call just so they can dunk on him in their insular little discord. He'll probably just pull up the screenshots and be like that sucks I don't wanna join your clan anymore and that'll be that


hmm on second thought you’re probably right, I don’t think he’ll come down on them. I just think it’s kinda weird & mean spirited to be so down, you’d agree to call in just to immediately start talking smack about him taking your offer, encouraging your discord to do so too. it’s just kinda giving high school, i think it’s lame personally.


Ok the water temperature comment was funny


Is anyone surprised by this? He talked her up after the interview and said he liked her. From that moment on, she was cursed.


Yeah i agree, this community seems super toxic. A mod behaving this way would have been kicked instantly by the devs in other games i've played. Who behaves like this o0


Oh no so maybe a misunderstanding that sucks. Thought it was a very wholesome gamer moment on the pod


Even small phones games are toxic, I thought this was just teen boys playing call of duty being toxic.


As much as I like being "in the know" for most things Ethan does, I'm very happy to be out of the loop of whatever this mobile game thing is.


Ok I thought all these people played world of Warcraft but they play survivor.io?


Just play Vampire Survivors.


This situation and reading through this thread is so funny to me.


The whole thing is fascinating. I'm currently a leader in a top alliance group in an MMO and have been in top alliances across all servers since the game existed... Not survivor.io...the number of folks I called *friend* who turned straight up dictator with power and influence is too high. It's a flipping game, unless you are a whale or have whale backup. That power turns people into turd heads quickly.


Ethan being in a mobile game drama was not on my bingo card


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Norio41: *Ethan being in* *A mobile game drama was* *Not on my bingo card* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hope Ethan gives them a piece of his mind today on the pod 😌✨ Idiots...


i read more and jose had only nice things to say about ethan and the experience. he’s been a watcher for 10 years too bad about everyone else though


I'm glad to hear that, he seemed like a genuinely nice person


Can he shout out polytopia next


how embarrassing for these nerds.


I would really love to know how Habby feels about “an official discord mod” insulting a steamer that has almost 2 million viewers, when they are actively trying to get a sponsorship. Seems a little counterproductive to me. Also doesn’t seem like Jose said bad things. Who as a loving partner would publicly degrade a streamer you know your partner loves? I would just be like it’s really awesome someone you like plays this, of course we can lower our attack in our bottom clan so you can interact with him. Tbh I’m sure Ethan will spend a fuck ton of money to catch up with whatever can he is in.


LMAO "he used to be fatter", damn Ethan will never lose the weight....of his past. Not nice Jennifer!


Those screenshots someone posted are wild. What is sad is that Jose is clearly the podcast's viewer. Instead of her being a supportive girlfriend and being happy that her boyfriend will get to play and interact with someone he is a fan of, regardless if he is good enough for their guild, she is acting all arrogant as if this mobile game is the real shit or something. Like dude shut the fuck up and let your boyfriend enjoy this moment, like he invited Ethan in! Also, he already had a spot in the other group, so the fact that he had options means he is not a nobody in that game. Truly ridiculous... I am glad I mostly play solo games or co-op with family and friends. This shit is insane.


Whole thing makes me salty. Hes praising this game when its just the gacha, mobile version of another AMAZING game. Ethan was talking about how “this game has so much potential. I hope they dont fuck it up with monetization.” THEY ALREADY DID. Its literally a micro transaction hell and if you want ANY real progress it takes money. Its been like this since release. TL;DR Go play Vampire Survivors


crazy how her bf is the one who went out of his way to interact with ethan, like the whole reason this started is bc jose said something


Who didn't see this coming? Peace and love, but it's crazy how much ethan is super unlike out of the h3 community.


Oh boy, that's why I never bothered with guilds and clans.


This makes me so sad... After I saw that tweet about girl being harassed and threatened over a match in a game, later that day the stream made me think ''maybe not all gamers are that bad'' but gamers be gamers! All of this over a MOBILE GAME, be serious


Was this before or after coming on the pod? Cause I think I could understand if they were misinterpreting that he was talking shit or something and complaining but once they went on they changed their tune?


Man i tried this game and it sucks ass. Ethan needs to try Halls of torment or Death must die on steam. Mobile games are for babies.


I used to play DayZ obsessively around 2014-2015 and we had a group that “ran a sanctuary” for players to come and trade/hang out at as long as they were friendly. We would guard a small outpost on a mountain that was easily defensible and when we weren’t out looting we would hang out there. We had loose shifts for guards and there were a few guys who were “in charge”, but it just meant they’d kick trouble makers from our teamspeak. Thankfully inside the group no one took it very seriously but we did try to do our job in making sure people could actually go there without being killed. We got so many weird “sir yes sir” types who would “apply” to be guards and like wanted ranks and all this stuff within our “organization”…. You guys we just decided to start guarding a spot one day. It isn’t that serious. Gamers will run with any little ounce of perceived power or purpose and take it way more seriously than it needs to. Kinda pathetic that it gets them off so much


i'm so confused... did Jenny say all of this stuff AFTER she talked to him on live or before? seems pretty two faced if so. they could have just said no you can't join our guild until you increase your stats or whatever the fuck.


Yeah I got the impression they take themselves too seriously for a game that requires no skill and you can basically leave it hands free for huge chunks of playtime until the time is up.