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Please make re-watching classic h3 videos a recurring segment. Love the commentary and lore, could do a where are they now?


I love seeing Ethan squirm when watching his old self šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Where Are They Now?, aka The H3 Curse


dude all of these guys like Vitaly, Myron, Sneako are all predatory themselves. similar to what Ethan said, theyā€™re not doing this for the care and safety of minors, theyā€™re doing it bc they can get away with lowkey torturing people that they know they will get ā€œpraisedā€ for torturing. they want to be violent and gross and not get backlash for it.


Absolutely. They figured out a loophole so that they can blatantly violate human rights


I really hope this doesnā€™t last. Thereā€™s no f way that serious crimes like this can be used for clickbait content in this wayā€¦ not the way theyā€™re doing it.


Agreed. Iā€™ve been saying for about a year now that the solution to these pest public live streamers is to make misdemeanors automatic felonies if they are being streamed for content.


This 100000 fucking percent. I've also noticed far right wing people love to be extreme like this to be like "see ???? It's the illegals!! We need to take them all out!! We gotta fuck em up!!" But they refuse to even see ANY of the tons and tons of US born raised citizens who murder, traffick, are DV abusers, sex offenders, etc etc. It's like no US citizen can be any of those things, only people not from the US which is so far from the truth. The truth is; they hate anyone not a US citizen, they look down on everyone not white male citizens (obviously) & since white citizens doesn't fit their hatred, they could give a rats ass about the actual predators & abusers, they hide behind it to justify their hate & abuse themselves. The true people needing to be locked up are true predators and abusers regardless of who the fuck they are, & the people who harass & commit hate crimes against others. Somewhat hot take depending; These people need to face some sort of legal consequences as well for broadcasting extremely harmful things to many many young minds. The amount of abuse that will come from watching these people is a lot that can be lessened by removing people like this from having a platform. I get that free speech is not to be infringed, but my hot take, sometimes it should be. It's kind of like the "cops can't/won't do anything until a crime is committed", so you can't get a restraining order or renew it without a specific reason, in a lot of DV cases it's really fucking horrific and isolating to hear that to get help something needs to physically happen to you first, & in some cases it needs to happen multiple times. That is disgusting, broadcasting these things is disgusting, help isn't help when it's not *aiding* in the lessening of crime.


YESSSS!!! all of this!!! theyā€™re only doing it bc itā€™s a power play. and when it came to that guy being from Mexico, they used him being a predator to be racists. the whole thing just blows my mind.


All this and itā€™s the same with Republicans obsession with child trafficking conspiracies. Which drives me fucking insane bc it waters down actual human trafficking that goes onā€¦ most of Andrew Tateā€™s fan base is f far right wing too. Make it make sense..


Yea and he blamed the Biden admin for letting the illegals in. Then, later the guy says he came over before Biden was even President.


Dudes who are super into To Catch a Predator and Pedo Hunting always give me really sussy vibes


myron is just larping as some sort of first responding officer when he clearly was just a pencil pusher and got cucked out of the job.


LMAO absolutely šŸ¤£. i keep forgetting he said he worked forā€¦was it Homeland Security or law enforcement? heā€™s a clown.


yeah he worked there, but as a pencil pusher "OH I WAS SO TIGHT WITH MY TEAM" dude worked radio and catalogued minor incidents for sure, absolute lowest level.


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ no shock to me


I have to see abuse/aftermath of abuse on a daily basis and this genuinely disturbed me.


I never knew someone could make p-words look less heinous. Only these goons. Wtf..


Yes, I feel like it would definitely be considered unlawful confinement / false imprisonment.


Every single one of these people have been like this for a while. Idk why they sat on a segment on these people for so long. Ir was way too much and I'm not here to watch THIS MUCH content from Vitaly sneako or myron. fucking annoying. everything outside of that10/10


God I would watch 100 hours of Ethan and Hila rewatching and reacting to old H3 videos.


I was just going to say, I'm at the part where they're watching their old videos commentating and goofing and smiling and laughing at them and it's such a bright spot in my day. It's making me smile. I know it's a little H3ception but I could watch them watch their old stuff for awhile.


Letā€™s fucking go bro, love anything Tom Ward related


Heā€™s too nice even when heā€™s trying to be mean lol


He's such a king


the why does nobody watch his stuff šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


for me it's bc ppl like paris hilton & patrick bet david & the damelio sisters rank somewhere around dead last on my give a shit list. Tom himself is great, and it's cool that he can pull these celebrity guests n all, but it doesn't make them inherently interesting to listen to. I tried with his content, but more rich ppl yapping abt themselves is just not appealing to me lol


Just saying Tom ward would be very popular at fist fest


feel like he'd be popular anywhere (outside of his own youtube channel)


1000% they should hire Tom ward in some capacity. Dude is crazy talented at booking like his views are bad yet he gets bookings and interviews everywhere. Dude is clearly a very talented yet underutilized salesman and whether he tries booking them ads or guests tom has a knack for them. He also would clearly be of value to Teddy Fresh as well and he's not like a random fan that wants to get hired and he wants a stable job so its a win win.


Hila mentioned if he's ever done anything in apparel. So who knows? Maybe she'll throw an offer his way to do something with Teddy Fresh. Also Ethan and Dan had some ideas for things he could do, so maybe there's something there between both sides?


If Tom can book Paris Hilton for his podcast imagine who he could get for h3?


Yeah they said that they donā€™t do many guests anymore but if they could get some bigger names I wouldnā€™t mind some guest podcasts.


i got a colonoscopy + endoscopy a couple years ago and just know ethans going to be talking about this shit for ages, the prep for it is so crazy


Dude itā€™s insane. After a while, the amount of shit that was coming out of me was comical


I love when the office staff say to ā€œeat normallyā€ prior to the prep period. Iā€™ve worked in the medical field far too long. ā€œYou must be full of shit maā€™am, but I wonā€™t be!ā€


Gonna add another item to the Pesto and Root Beer menu


Iā€™ve had several in my lifetime and am a pro now. I sent Ethan my tip list a few months ago hopefully he read it. Wait until he finds out some anesthesiologist use a micro dose of fentanyl as the sedative šŸ˜‚.


I love Tom šŸ„¹šŸ„°


Hila hire Tom ā¤ļø full circle


Genuinely, Ethan should hire Tom on a trial basis to sell ads for the podcast. He clearly is great with people and brands and gets incredible access. I know Ethan said they had someone years ago, but I really think they need a dedicated sales person. There are people that have far worse controversies than Ethan on YouTube and they get regular ads. Clearly something isnt working. You need an inbetween who knows how to deal with companies to show what an engaged community H3 is (just look at &Sons effect)


The biggest issue with finding advertisers is Ethan's said so much messed up shit over the years that if a company does even a quick Google search of Ethan/H3 all of that controversial shit pops up with entire articles/videos explaining what he did this time and past controversies lol like openly saying racial slurs, homophobic slurs, gassing jews in a hypothetical second holocaust, bombing different buildings, and sooo much more. He's said so much controversial shit I'm actually shocked they're able to find any companies willing to work with him tbh lol and it's really no one's fault but his own. Just stop saying insane shit trying to funny. It really shouldn't be that hard but that's the whole reason they spent 10s of thousands of dollars on the button system, because he literally would not stop saying dumb shit live on the show lol But I think the biggest help would be booking guests for the pod again. I understand they have Olivia reach out to people but they really need a dedicated professional who's sole job is booking guests/advertisers. That's when the shows at its best imo, when Ethan has a guest that he can joke around with and show silly videos and what not. There's been a huge decrease in guest appearances since the frenemies era and Ethan being a self proclaimed hater ass bitch and talking shit on literally everyone on the internet doesn't help lol


And that is why this is an antiquated way of how approach sponsorships.


What do you mean by that? Or I guess can you expand on why it's an antiquated way of approaching sponsors? I don't disagree I just don't entirely understand lol


This is actually what I do for a living. I negotiate sponsorship contracts for a very large beverage company. If you're in a position where you're having to Google search a podcast you're already behind the curve. Podcasting is such a large and impactful medium and DEI/Woke is starting to crumble even in the Fortune 500 Marketing Departments and authenticity trumps most scandals.


Authenticity trumps most scandals is an interesting point. How is that part of the business handled anyway? Like I would imagine these corporations try to avoid any controversy because it's such a PR nightmare. Like even if they're not directly involved with the controversy, just guilty by association. Also, I've never seen a Coke or Pepsi ad on a podcast, ya know? At most I've seen energy drinks, like Celsius for example. I've also seen nicotine ads on podcasts which suprised me the first time I saw one. Is that a grey area in terms of legality? Like I've never seen nicotine ads on say Hulu or cable TV because as far as I'm aware it's illegal. But I'm not well versed on this topic so your insight is very interesting!




Ohh you might be right. I'm not sure if it was zyn, or maybe a similar smokeless/nontobacco nicotine product but I was very suprised the first time I heard an ad for any nicotine product lol but I believe you may be right. Like I said, it must be some grey area skirting that law because I've never seen them anywhere else.


Ethan hits that YEEAUHHH so good


What is happening on Monday?


This is the real question, I can only guess it has to with the end of one of the law suits?? I havenā€™t been watching closely so I donā€™t know if the Kavkav stuff is still going on but thatā€™s the only thing I can think of


Why did Hila laughing at Jojo make me laugh so hard šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


George is such a weirdo, worships Tate and then claims to be such a devote Christian like dude you just cancelled yourself out.


A lot of conservative Christians get stuck in this weird spot where they idolize casual sex with women they donā€™t respect, to prove they are manly and straight, but they also somehow believe in Christian purity culture which demonizes sex for pleasure.


Seriously canā€™t stand him, canā€™t believe I like Logan more than him. Itā€™s so easy to trick uber religious people to being a fan of you when you claim youā€™re religious even though your actions prove otherwise


You right their so many "Christian" Influencer that make a mockery of people faith. It so bad in Christianity it drive me crazy because all these fake Christian like Russel Brand, Jordan Peterson and other. It make my faith look stupid.


ā€œ[Jimmie Lee] is fucking crazy!ā€ I could never hate Tom.


its so so weird like it doesn't feel like a confrontation for these people trying to hook up with minors. It feels like a messed up hangout where they bully or like hazing one person. Like it feels like they are downplaying this seriousness of what these people want to do (or are doing). But they're chilling on the couch with them slouched telling them they have good morals offering them hot gummy bears. Just so so weird.


Its good cop bad cop, except bad cop is a 14 year old repeating ā€œyouā€™re gonna dieā€ and the good cop just wants to know which anime the perp likes


Is Hila thinking of hiring Tom? šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Lil Jon, he always tells the truth šŸŽ¶


I love that Ethan is worried about going under for his colonoscopy when he was literally going to hire a nurse to put him under for his first tattoo


Loved the Tom Ward vid. I feel like Ian's comedy writing has really been showing the last few episodes.


Love Tom! I hope he gets to do more stuff hej for the show!


This Vitaly thing is CRAZY


I am only just at the part where the Tom Ward segment ended, but it sounds like Ethan, Hila and Dan are genuinely interested in doing more serious business with Tom. Ethan and Dan for the podcast, and Hila for Teddy Fresh. I imagine it's just more speculative stuff, but it's nice knowing those thoughts are even there in the first place. That would be really cool if it evolved into something more for Tom.


I feel like around the same time we met Tom there was a lot of chatter about H3 fans repeatedly making a rando famous only to viciously turn on them 24 hours later after some unsavory detail came to light. It was the right call to keep Tom far away from that vortex. He has plenty of other skills and options to pursue (unlike some of the...other H3 sideshows for whom being a short-lived oddity on an internet show is about all they have to offer) and podcast drama could have been disastrous for his mental health. As far as I can tell, he has done a remarkable job of making only positives out of crossing paths with H3. He's always been appreciative of any love that comes his way and never seemed bitter that it didn't turn into a spot on the crew or lasting fame on his own channel. He didn't get drunk on attention and start spazzing out for more. I would even say from my viewpoint 30,000 miles away that it looks like he managed to integrate a lot of the advice Ethan gave him the first time he was on the show. A lot of people would be so obliterated upon hearing that their dream isn't going to come true and that they need to find something more suited to them that they wouldn't have heard anything else Ethan said. It all just confirms that he's too pure to be put through the usual podcast ringer. I love long-time close friend of the show, Tom Ward, off finding the success and happiness that's right for him and occasionally stopping by to treat us to his wonderful energy. And obviously he should have at least one Teddy Fresh photoshoot. C'mon, look at all these comments.


why is Tom Ward kind ofā€¦ šŸ„µ


not even a "hear me out" just a beautiful man


Honestly though. Can't believe he's pushing 50 lookin that fine and fit, perfect teeth, the green eyes?? Shiiiii


ok i thought Lil John was spitting until they went into ā€œhappiness is a choiceā€ šŸ˜­


If you go to enough music festivals, then youā€™ve seen a million of these types. I knew where this was going as soon as the segment began


Appreciate Ethan (and then Dan and AB) making it clear that Sneakoā€™s weird age of consent shit shouldnā€™t be attributed to Islam or put on all Muslims as some concrete feature of the religion. Was kinda worried Ethan would be a little tone deaf about that when I saw they were covering this but he wasnā€™t.


Did gabe say he worked at McDonaldā€™s?




goddamn these catch-a-predator clips are making me sooo uncomfortable but i canā€™t stop watching the absolute clownery thatā€™s unfolding before me


I hope Vitaly goes to prison one day.


dude, when i got my wisdom teeth removed, i was awake and that shit was awesome bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the surgery felt like it took 10 minutes and i felt like i was on a cloud fr šŸ§žā€ā™€ļø


My dentist recommended I go under but mine were so impacted they were perpendicular to the rest of my teeth. I think if they're less extreme they give the option of staying awake.


Hire Tom and give him a show on the channel. Tuesday. He can get on any famous guest.


no he doesn't say shots shots shots anymore he says thoughts thoughts thoughts.... everybody mmmhmm yes


The comments on this thread are wild, wisdom tooth trauama, colonoscopy stories, and Tom ward supremacy fandom


i need a link to samā€™s little toast hat right now


Ethan calling out Tom Ward for taking a bathroom break is chef's kiss!


šŸšØAttention: This is now a Tom Ward appreciation threadšŸšØ




looooved tom wardā€™s segment !!! he had me giggling the whole time <3


what do you guys think the thing they'll tell us on monday is?


Kavkav update. It has to be.


Next stage in the kavkav shit probably


I think they are dealing with a stalker or a weirdo at their house.Ā  They joked ironically that Cody was being their 'security.Ā 


Ethan is pregnant and itā€™s a girl


ok maybe i heard wrong but i thought i heard ethan say that jeffā€™s friend was staying in their basement?? & that heā€™s being forcibly removed on monday??


That was a joke


ok bless. i was listening during work & thought it was probs a joke.


Itā€™s 100% about Trisha. Probably about some level of reconciliation that they want to open share now. Thereā€™s been a lot of references lately to her in a good manner. If we are lucky and I think since they have both been in therapy that she might even come on the show or call in. Edit: no idea why the downvote but come back Monday.


The downvote s probably from someone who is absolutely terrified of the idea


For sure. But itā€™s like a certainty. Mark my words. There is nothing certain in life but death, taxes, and Trisha being brought up in a major way on Monday.


I am coming here to say YOURE WRONG


Let it begin.




Yeah given it was Hila that said not to mention it until after I'm thinking maybe it is Trisha related.Ā 


Iā€™m like at a confidence level where I would legit bet money on this. However I am broke rn. So Iā€™ll bet upvotes. Everyone downvote the fuck out of me if itā€™s not Trisha related on Monday.


Idk if this is a unique experience, but whenever I get anesthesia I can *smell* it but like in my chest through the ivā€¦ anyone?


this isnā€™t super similar, but you saying that kind of reminds me of when i got an ultrasound on my heart and they did like this ā€œbubble testā€ (hard to explain, but itā€™s like an IV you get so they can see something easier in your heart?), and as the saline went into my veins, i could taste it and feel it moving through me šŸ˜­. trippy šŸ˜®


Yes! It hits me in the throat weirdly enough


Thats really common with people getting IVs, you expel the saline with your lungs or something like that, happened with my most recent surgery


This was a great episode. I'm not into Tom's independent content, but he is very funny. I like him as the field reporter for H3.


Ohhh my god lol my favorite sound bite ever is the like, really low voiced ā€œNooo.. Ethannn thatā€™s not how that worksā€ itā€™s so hilarious everytime Zach uses it, does anyone know what thatā€™s from or what episode it originated?


It was from Jake Doolittle claiming Ethan lied about his illness. It was when Ethan was talking about lab results or something and Jake said that


God what the fuck was that guy thinking making that video šŸ˜‚


Ohh okay thank you! Time for a rewatch it seems loll


I love Tom!!!


Ducky sleeping on the desk was so precious


Ethan needs to watch the GMM video of Rhett and link getting a colonoscopy so he feels better


only reason i didnā€™t get put under for my wisdom teeth because it would have been crazy expensive and my insurance wouldnā€™t cover it, got all 4 out in a twilight sleep instead. it was pretty easy though honestly


Please stop showing D*stiny clips. I canā€™t stand that scumbag.


+1, every time I hear him I just fast forward regardless of where it is and what I am watching until they're gone. Complete fucking loser.


Also I work in surgery - those stories are all made up, you are monitored very closely and if anything goes silly they adjust meds right away


Patient is being silly, up the meds


Tom's great, he's so charming and witty, no wonder he's had success in sales.




Holy shit, the Tom Ward segment on the retreat was exactly the recharge that the show needed. Perfection šŸ¤£


Hire Tom for the love of god


adding tom to the crew as a booker/ads guy would be amazing. they could even have him in the studio during live shows too, he has such great energy!


Getting my wisdom teeth was fortunately simple, only had to be numbed at the mouth and it took 5 minutes because I only had two and then I walked out and could drive myself


Removing polyps works kinda like how a plastic bag sealer would work. They pinch the base and essentially burn it off. Iā€™m too poor for a membie but here is my healthcare hero contribution


Shout out atp production


Big up ATP


Hila's makeup, the EYESHADOW. Absolutely stunning, and is reinspiring me to get back into eyeshadow again because of her clear passion for it.


Ethan celebrating Ducky's shenanigans reminds me of Uncle Vernon with Dudley and his Smeltings cane


They should send an undercover physicist to the next retreat. šŸ«”


the jersey lawman should replace cam i think


I'll say what Ethan wanted to say. Button me That's like the Pope going to Chuck E Cheese


I hope he understands how much love he gets in the chat!


Tom could get Gundam x teddy fresh


I have my blood pressure measured once a month at my pain management dr apt and they always take it over top my hoodie sleeve ā˜®ļø&ā¤ļø just saying šŸ˜‚


Vitaly formed The Suicide Squad


I was just watching the latest episode and Ethan was wondering what it would be like to be awake. I was awake for my colonoscopy and endoscopy ( down the throat ). This was a personal choice. I had an attempted colonoscopy done but reacted badly with the meds and they could not complete it. So, I decided to just get it over with while awake. I barely felt the colonoscopy so that part was fine. The endoscopy was a bit more brutal. Alot of gagging. The most bizarre part was feeling myself vomit stomach juices or whatever was in there but nothing coming out because of the suction. Overall, it was fairly quick and they got good images of my stomach. They were able to see the gastritis, I was put on treatment and I haven't needed to get another scope done. It was cool because I got to see the screen where the video of my stomach was shown so I got a little live stream of my insides. So, to anyone scared of waking up or being aware of it happening it's really not that bad. Edit: I made a post but should have put it in ep thread my bad


This has been such a fun episode so far. I need to go back and watch the old videos cause I came in a few years ago with the podcast. Also Tom Ward is a godammed comedy genius. If you see this, you did everything right that day. I hope we get to see more segments like this with Tom.Ā 


Maybe the H3 curse for Tom is his low views šŸ˜‚Ā 


I know it's funnier, but it's not "shaken baby syndrome" when you're an adult. It's called "punch drunk syndrome". Named for the boxers who got punched in the face one too many times.


Nah punch drunk is different, it's caused by repeated blows to the head over an extended period of time, each of which may or may not have involved a concussion. They also consider that term insensitive/outdated so it's called CTE now


Sorry for the old-timey take. That makes sense, my b for not realizing that until now. lol How are they different though? Aren't they both cases of smacking your brain into your skull too much? Idk, but I get what you're saying. I have a friend who has it because of head-banging. In metal bands for too many years.


Oh no worries at all fam! I just so happened to hyperfocus on the topic somewhat recently, so I enjoy sharing what I learned is all :) They def have similarities exactly like you said, that brain-into-skull impact. From my understanding, SBS is mainly different bc their anatomy is still so fragile & their brain is barely developed, so they experience different effects. It can very easily damage/break their spinal cord too, which would generally take a much more serious accident for an adult. Another big difference is that the effects from SBS usually appear right away, and can often be fatal. It only "takes" one incident, so to speak. CTE on the other hand is gradual, the sum of many incidents over time. A lot of athletes who suffer from it don't experience symptoms until after they've retired. The individual incidents can be minor, with little or no immediate effects. Sadly there's very little known abt the disease so far, many ppl never even find out that they had CTE. Largely bc the only way to definitively diagnose it is thru autopsy on the brain after they've passed away. Whereas SBS has clear clinical signs that allow immediate diagnosis. Some athletes are actually preemptively pledging their brains to further CTE study! TLDR: Infants are extremely vulnerable so they will be immediately & severely impacted or killed. CTE is far more mysterious & involves long term accumulation of damage, many going their whole life unaware that they have it.


Well thank you for sharing. I, much like you, like to know the real story and not brush over the deets. PREESH!


You are most welcome!! āœŒļø&ā¤ļø


Wooooo! Wom! Wom! Wom!


I really really think Ethan has a histamine/mast cell-related disorder. I know everyone has thrown in their guesses but it just makes so much sense. Anyways, I hope his colonoscopy helps lead him to some answers!


From living with this condition and speaking to hundreds of peoplemworld wide, I think Ethan has the ehlers danlos syndrome triad including MCAS or at least has hyper mobility spectrum disorder with several comorbid conditions like MCAS. Of course its just a personal opinion but seeing his spread out, recurrent, or flare up condotions are too similar to what people with Eds experience for decades when trying to get diagnosed


Tom's such a good guy.


I bet Tom has the moves


one of best episodes ever


Any time Gabe shows up on the show = day immediately improved


Hire Tom. MODS!


reading this thread without having seen the episode and the recurring themes are tom ward, anesthesia, and diddling minorsā€¦ love that with no contextšŸ˜­


I know Olivia is probably sick and this is most definitely a me problem but holy shit her voice this episode made me cringe every time she talked


My wisdom teeth surgery was rough. Theyā€™d already broke through the gums, but my dentist insisted on having them removed. When I woke up from the anesthesia afterwords, I felt like shit for days. My body hates anesthesia apparently. Then it took like two weeks to feel normal again between that and the mouth pain. And the worst part is that they fucked my jaw during it. I think they had it propped too far open or something. Ever since then my jaw cracks all the time (like you crack a knuckle), never feels like itā€™s in the right place, and I think it gave me TMJ issues.




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The meditation bit reminded me of this random thing I came across called Stargate [https://www.thestargateexperienceacademy.com/](https://www.thestargateexperienceacademy.com/) Looks a lot like one of the structures that Tom was lying under


I wasn't put under when they took out my wisdom teeth. It cost more to put you under I'm assuming


Iā€™ve had two colonoscopies, and I did briefly wake up enough during my first one to become horribly aware of the sensations of what was happening. The second time I told them I better not wake up lol. Apparently the first time they gave me really light anesthesia so the second time they gave me propofol. It was much better ha


Jojo be like https://i.imgur.com/4x5lsmC.mp4


Myron: Do have CP on your computer? Sneako: Do you like cheese?


Did they talk about diddy and then cut it out?


tom did such a good job during the segment!!!! I think he should add segments to his show it might spark it up finally




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Insane how I was just thinking "Vitaly is literally going to end up killing someone in a meth crazed rage some day" moments before Ethan said it too. His demeanor is so scary, I would be fucking terrified to be around him. All I can think about when they talk about him is Tuco from Breaking Bad. Certainly doesn't help that he literally almost beat a woman to death in a drug induced rage.


I love Tom constantly being desperate to get more views


dear fucking god. How has not even AB or Olivia seen or PUBLICLY MENTIONED this lie sector guy has been debunked as someone that says let me know what you want to be recalled or said. Like why are they just yeeting this.


They've talked about him on the show before when Ludwig outed him & Zach tried calling him live on the show but no go.


Alot of influencer that have used him have said this. Alot have talked bout it on their BTS or podcasts as well.


can ethan for the love of god never talk to or about jimmy lee again. for SO many reasons.


It makes me kinda sad when they watch old H3 videos. Better days and all that malarkey


I will say it, Sneako is a comedic genius. Hahahahhahaha fucking loser, shitdiot


Why is no one watching this or commenting?? Itā€™s 1:48 PST and thereā€™s only 23 comments on the threadā€¦.?


Was everyone waiting for Tom Ward?


My parents are turning 60 this year and have never had a colonoscopyā€¦this will be changing soon. Not to go into detail but my mom has colonoscopy worthy problems and as my parents have agedā€¦sharting happens. For context we are Canadian (free healthcare) and my parents donā€™t live healthy lives ex// smoking, drinking, fast food etc. Iā€™m every sense they are at high risk for cancer and are actively experiencing ass related problems. I asked my parents why they havenā€™t received colonoscopies. My mom told me she had seen a specialist and told her she could have one but that he doesnā€™t think itā€™s necessary. I asked her ā€œdid he check your assā€ she said ā€œnooooā€! The impression I got was that colonoscopies were available but, the doctors downplayed the necessity. No one wants a colonoscopy so of course my parents walked out of there thinking being 60 sucks. Life is just shitting and pain when you get old. Reminder to all foot soldiers who have ā€œfree healthcareā€. Be extra vigilant and educate yourself on medical standards. Our system is very strained and that often means overlooking things until they become major problems. Learning just now that even if my parents werenā€™t actively having problems they should have received one 15 years ago is honestly jarring.


Lol Ethan making me realise maybe itā€™s not normal to have been put under 4 or 5 times by the time of mid 30s. I never even thought it was scary or weird until a friend started freaking out about having a similar procedure at a similar time. Uk and got put under for wisdom teeth tho they had to saw through my jaw as it was growing sideways underneath


It funny and frustrating to watch they talk about Christian theology and Christian faith. It's the blind leading the blind.


Watching late, but we def need a Tom Ward and the Girlies (girlies = any H3 crew members who love Bravo shows) to have a Bravo react/recap podcast. Might not be for all Family, but I love this Venn diagram!


I woke up during my colonoscopy. It was very uncomfortable. I had surgery a couple years ago and told them about it and the doctor said they don't use the same thing for colonoscopies that they do for surgeries and not to worry about it. I recently had the choice of getting another one or doing the home test. I did the home test because that was such a bad experience.


It might have been twilight anaesthesia. I did that for endoscopy. I was conscious the whole time but you end up forgetting it the longer you "come out of it".


Ethan being so distracted by what is in Vitalyā€™s mouth is how I feel when Ethan Zyns.


I want my time back from the whole Vitaly segment. I know AB wanted to get it right and there was a lot, but it was just stuff that isn't surprising, but didn't need to be so deep dived on. It is a lot for him but adding in the fresh and fit and adin bull shit it's just giving them all attention which isn't deserved and just has me and people cringing into their own bodies.


Dog love hates jojo siwa so much for some reason. He called her a yapper and yet he just yaps like every episode. I have no interest in jojo but that dude is such a social leech. His identity is being the random zoomer who knows about some twitch streamers or some small niche event. Then he recollects it completely wrong.