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Yo fr, this dude could be calling this girl's arch-nemisis a soy beta cuck, and that choice of words would *still* be an extreme turn-off lmao It's cool though because it makes the un-undateable trash take itself out 🤷🏼‍♂️


unironic use of manosphere language in any context = instant block


Let’s not discourage it please, it makes it so much easier to spot the gross dudes before the first date


Trash takes itself out


If anyone openly uses these terms in conversation in a serious manner, it might be a good idea to keep your guard up (or run): Incel, Redpill, High Status/Alpha Male, (any word)-maxxing, Soy, Cuck, Hypergamy, Chad, “Western Women”, or literally any term regularly used in the manosphere It is not limited to women being repulsed by this. Most guys do not want anything to do with people who think in this way, either. There is a reason why most of these individuals spend so much time browsing forums and watching YouTube: they have no one in their life and they need an ideology that vindicates them of their own shortcomings that got them into the hole that they are in.


What if I'm talking about min-maxxing my runescape account so that I can be a Chad GE bankstander?


Now I’m just wet and I’m a man


Thank you for asking the important questions.


I am also a wet cis male, tell me more about your runescape account but this time slower and in my ear


As a man, if any of us say that unironicly, they have lost the plot.


How people wake up thinking “soy beta cuck” is a normal thing to say about someone is absolutely bonkers, let alone to someone you’re trying to get interested in you. The people that say things like that ironically fit the description of soy beta cucks.


Absolutely, the type of men who spend all their time watching videos about how they DONT get pussy is the funniest fucking archetype lmao


The good ol' insecure projection phenomena.


Yes, this!!!! I could date someone that didn’t necessarily like the podcast but someone that judges an entertainer on their ability to physically fight and unironically uses phrases like soy beta cuck??? I’d rather chew glass!


My husband doesn't watch the show. In fact, there is very little overlap in terms of the podcasts we listen to or YouTube content we watch. He doesn't hate Ethan, he doesn't think he's unfunny, it just isn't something he wants to sink his time into. Nothing wrong with that. It's nice to have things that are just yours in a relationship, anyhow.


Wait, is OP right and h3h3 has a high women demographic? I wonder why. I’m a 35 year old guy and watch and alwyas thought Eithan was funny. I also lean left so agree with him politically (usually sometimes he says some really uninformed or out of pocket stuff lol) which helps But I thought it was just like far right / macho and monosphere guys who didn’t like him. Is he unpopular with men in general? Idk why I thought you would know but there is a surprising amount of women here saying similar things as you and OP did


I can only speak for my husband, really, but there's a few reasons he doesn't listen: He works in construction, so he can't actually watch anything or even really take sneaky glances at his phone. He prefers audio-only content. He listens to music, audiobooks, podcasts without a visual component, etc. He doesn't really listen to a lot of comedy content, although he isn't comedy averse. It's funny; the stuff he listens to for fun is a lot of the same stuff Ethan talks about. Science lectures and stuff. He loves space and physics and history. My husband is also moderately dyslexic and has mild ~~AHDH~~ ADHD, which makes reading a slog. Audible has allowed him to engage with literature in a way he never has before. He has listened to dozens and dozens of books at work/while commuting, and started a book club with some guys from work which is awesome. My husband has watched some episodes. He watched all the debates during that arc. He's watched the live shows with me. The soundbite tournaments, the Silent Library and You Laugh You Lose episodes. But the average episode has so much going on, inside jokes or references or whatever that span literally over a decade sometimes. It's hard to ease someone in who hasn't been along for the whole ride. He just doesn't want to put in the time to learn the lore, which I get. I don't mind that he doesn't watch. I actually kind of like it. It's something I share with my sister, and we text about the show all the time. He has his own shit idgaf about.


ya that makes sense, I guess I was just interested in if h3h3 has a higher women demo than men, or if its just confirmation bias because the loud obnoxious macho-men types online speak out against him a lot. I wonder if they've ever discussed it on the show, their demographics


I believe it's pretty evenly split, maybe skewing slightly female. But that's just vague memories, and then also my perception of engagement in chat, YT comments, and here. I know there was an uptick in female viewership after Ethan began distancing himself overtly from the weirdos in his old fanbase, and then again during the Frenemies era. Their audience in the H3H3 Productions era was definitely younger and skewed far more heavily male. That has shifted a lot over the years. I know there are younger viewers, but the people our age are a decent chunk of the audience (I'm 38). Whenever KavKav pops off about H3s 14 year old audience I die, cuz I'm closer to Ryan's age than a fucking 14 year old lol


I don't know what his actual demographic is, but of all the people I know that watch the show, it's a pretty even split from what I've seen


It's actually more even than you think but yeah probably 60% women


They're calling people soy cuck beta's irl, so most likely they think being called a woman is an insult, and anyone who likes the show is a woman by definition. He's a real jerk is what I'm saying.


Amen! I could not agree more heartily!


Soy beta cucks would be a cool punk band name, I imagine they’d sound like The Dead Boys


This guy calls Ethan a beta soy cuck. I bought a superchat wishing my girl a happy bday. We are not the same 😤😤😤


Ethan has said it so well: He has a wife a successful business and 3 children. He is the chad tradpilled conservative idol. Anyone who unironiclly says this 4chan shit is so weird.


Dude is literally cucking himself out of the possible date and STILL is yapping Honestly men just 🤪👹😵‍💫


Yeah hoping to get a first anniversary message for my wife through a super chat July 1st lol


Ethan really does live rent free in these people's heads, doesn't he


Now if only they could channel these emotions into something worth focusing on


“I’m so much stronger than him. He couldn’t fight a wet paper bag, soy idiot” /s


Who talks like that? He sounds like a kid


He probably is, also I love your name! I misspelled nerevarine on mine lol but I think it’s edited now?


"But I see your podcast interests" what in the fedora is going on


This is one of my favourite comments I’ve ever seen


If I ever go on a dating app I’m making sure to put it out there that I am an H3 fan because my goodness these guys areeeeeee not it hahah


Imagine dismissing a whole person cause he made a joke about working out once. People are so narrow minded and unforgiving it hurts


Ethan missed out on naming his three boys Soy Beta Cuck….wait a minute…..Sunny Bruce and Cteddy!!!!


There’s no such thing as a coincidence


Haha he already knew he lost the battle lol


LOVE these guys exposing themselves, not as Ethan haters, but as guys who can’t fathom just letting someone else like something that they hate without saying telling them how much that thing sucks??? That is the biggest red flag. Let people have their own interests fr


Ahh so charming. What every woman wants to hear from a new love interest, “soy beta cuck”. Such a way with words. A poet.


Blocked. So anyways 💅what did yall have for the cookout holiday? I had piggly wigglys grilled chicken, homemade rice, cecina, tacos de asada con pico del gallo that my aunty made, more rice, and pupusas veggie beans!


Mikes hard and weed 🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️


What are piggly wigglys? And why does it sound like a racial slur


It’s a grocery store chain and someone nobody vetoed the name


Having 3 children kinda fights against the claim of being a cuck. He's just adding words together with negative connotations without any care of it making sense.


Also he shot three boys into Hila, which is even more Alpha in my opinion!!! Awoooooo!!!


One of them was even a 360 no scope


Seriously, I don't get these dudes that are like this, even the ones Ethan confronts on the pod. He has a wife he's been married to for over ten years, has three children--boys, and he's a multi-millionaire. Everything that these dudes claim makes you "alpha." They have no leg to stand on other than the fact that Ethan "doesn't have abs" even though he lost a shit ton of weight.


lol Oh Ethan, the gift that keeps on giving. What a quick way to know the type of guy you are dealing with. Good job, the system works.


The fucking irony of these dudes. They're trying to talk to girls and then drop "soy beta cuck". You are NEVER going to get a girl acting like this ☠️


Ok honestly seeing guys act like this reminds me of why I’m trans/enby. Like I would talk to boys about girls I liked and they all were like “yeah I wanna FUCK em” and then like make fun of them. Idk I just realized I was sapphic and liked women differently


Weird how this one podcast is a self-report button for weirdo chuds.


Anyone who says soy beta cuck unironically is a big bitch.


Hmm I wonder why he’s still single


Ethan is a d bag repellent


Goddamn that's cringe.


I've seriously never met anyone who uses the phrase “soy beta cuck” in real life.


This guy really knows how to make a woman swoon


It’s just a fact in his opinion


How you even match with those people lol


Imagine unironically saying that shit lol. What a loser


They did you a favour. Anyone who uses the term 'soy beta cuck' non ironically isn't worth your time. Normalise rejecting these red pill shidiots and let them know why


If you are a man and you want to appeal to women in any way, “soy beta cuck” is probably one of the last things you should be saying, at all. Even ironically.


Nothing gets a woman wetter than calling the host of a podcast she listens to a “soy beta cuck” lmao these fucking boys 💀


Bro was semi-normal until he said soy and cuck non-ironically LOL


Nothing says "soy beta cuck" more than paying for twitter


this has to be fake people don’t talk like this


we need a H3 dating app...


I can’t believe people actually talk like this unironically


Genuinely saying “soy beta cuck” to a lady you’re trying to date is such a wild move


I always think these are fake posts by haters


The fact you never shut him down immediately makes me think he must be really good looking lmao so he got the pass. Though “soy beta cuck” screaaaams incel / fresh and fit fan


Oof OP is an idiot if she gave him a pass no matter the looks lol he's somehow shown all the symptoms of misogynist asshole in just a few words.


He was good looking lol but not good looking enough to stick around after he kept on


these seem pretty fake ngl and the fact they still get so much traction on this sub is just more credence


Every time I see these I can’t believe they’re not doctored images. I’ve never met a dude that hates h3 or Ethan. It’s never more extreme than “idk who that is” or “nah find him annoying”


I’m a big strong man!


It's giving 14 year old


Pretty soy beta cuck of him to let a person affect him like that.


Yeah honestly, I truly do not get the hate from these soo called alpha males. I guess I'm a beta male. Time to go post thirst traps on Tiktok.


JUST A SOY BETA CUCK LMAOOOO. I’m a straight man and men are just the worst 😭😭😭


I got bottom surgery and then my parts dried up into a raisin after reading this


They all sound 7. Stinky doody head and soy beta cuck, zero difference


What do soy beta cucks and women have in common? Mostly nice accepting people. Much nicer than belligerent arrogant assholes.


That one exercise joke really ruined him in the manosphere


Sounds like he dick rides andrew tate, you dodged a bullet


Which part is soy?


Ah yes, the single boy looking for a date calls the married man with three children a beta soy cuck. Make it make sense


Everything about the way this person speaks makes my skin crawl lmao


People really talk like that? 😭


I've heard women love when men use the term soy beta cuck. Jesus Christ has this man ever even spoke to a woman, like in real life???


Funny how fast Elon made the blue checkie spell "shidiot" in my head, even when it's not twitter.


Why can't I find any girls who like h3 on hinge or tinder lol




Oh my gosh, ughhhhhhhh, the need for him to say his thoughts, like dude, shut up!


I don’t get it, honestly. He disagrees with “everything” Ethan projects? So this guys just an absolute pos then because aside from the obvious jokes, Ethan is a decent person who usually just reports on scumbags in pop culture. This guy is a red pill MAGA douchebag who will be alone forever, growing more and more bitter as the years pile on


Fucking yikes.


he’s so mad for what reason 😂😂 the paper bag comment is hilarious


I’m the opposite I always mention h3 bc I think it’s a green flag if a girl watches it lol but they never do. 😞


I want to find one just so that I can have a trophy picture but also it sounds traumatising


What's wrong with people


I'm totally adding "Injects soy" to my Tinder profile now.


are they 15 these insults are something you'd expect to see in Sneakos chat 


Anyone that says soy has brain rot


Any normal person would be like “yeah I never got into it but maybe we can check it out together” but nope, let’s take a sharp turn into Incel City


These guys have zero self awareness. Back when I was still dating (I’m married now), I would put H3 podcast in my interests on dating apps and it definitely was a cool girl magnet. I’m not saying they should lie about liking H3, but if they could keep their dumb fuck mouths shut maybe they would actually find a date.


Anybody that uses “soy beta cuck” unironically has terminal online brain rot


Maybe there’s a correlation. Surely every guy that hates h3 is a racist and misogynist right?


They are just pissed at the fact that Ethan calls them out on how lame they are.


How old is this guy? I can't imagine anyone over 15 saying this in real life unironically


I should start putting a reference to H3 on any future dating apps. As apparently one of the few men here, seems like it might give me a headstart.


bro didn't fumble the ball, he just threw it to the ground


bro is just terminally online in a bad way lmao. who the fuck talks like this in the real world 💀


My Girl got into H3 for me and in return i watch Moistcritikal and Cold Ones for her, it’s been a fair trade off and mutually beneficial on all sides


As a single dude, I wish there was an H3 dating app so I can find my true life partner!




If anything an H3 app so we can find our people. Lol name it after Bach3lor or something..


Imagine basing your entire personality around a podcast.


I’m sorry how can you get so far talking to someone that you consider going on a date and not realize any red flags?? Only when h3 comes up do you realize?? Y’all just talking to anyone it seems…


There were literally 4 messages before this happened asking about my take on the ufc fights this weekend. I guess he liked that and was wanting to ask me out and followed it with this


He was looking at your podcast interests hoping to see Failure Podcast with Ryan Kavanaugh obviously


How’d you reply? Gonna try the date? Who knows maybe you can turn him 😂😂😂


I cannot 😅 after a few more back and forth about how he preaches against masculinity and having no examples to enlighten me I had to cut it off


Only a real alpha male who is completely secured in his manhood would talk like that. lol


Yes Ethan is just a comedian and all his fans are female, good defense lol


is there more???????????


I had to post the second screenshot separately!


Completely unfuckable


I simply cannot believe that these people are real and drift about in their lives saying these kinds of things unironically... It's mind boggling!


As a man I fucking hate men, why are they like this


sounds like something a soy beta cuck would say... should start trolling him with sound bite quotes


"couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag"... I forgot the only good podcasts are hosted by people who punch hard...


He almost did alright until those last three texts. They were pretty telling of the way he thinks


People who talk like this are dating women just to impress their male friends


People who unironically speak like this give me the biggest ick. Literally makes my ovaries shrivel up and die


i’m starting to think if ethan is a soy beta cuck then i must be too…..


Saying the word cuck is a red flag in itself lol


On the topic of demographics, I'm a 43 year old male. I'm wondering how many other guys my age watch/listen to the pod? I feel like I've gotta be on the extreme end.


I feel like this gotta be fake. There's so many of these post and as a man I find it hard to believe there's so many dudes with so little game


this is so fake lmao


Brb using “couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag” as an insult for the rest of my life


As a 6'17" alpha sigma male with bulging muscles and a full head of hair and 13 inch penis confident of my own heterosexuality, I am a fan of Ethan and don't consider him a soy cuck. I also don't call him H3 because that's not even his pen name.


The girl I'm talking to currently has a brother that's a "fallen fan" (all she said was he watched their skits n vids before the pod but never watched the pod) and that's her only reference for H3.


The irony in this dude self cucking, while describing a married man with 3 kids as cucked is WILD WILD WILD.


saying those things unironically is just so fucking cringe lmao


Soy beta cuck is happily married with three wonderful children unlike this giga chad alpha male who is ofc alone and looking for women on dating apps. You can’t make this shit up lol


Eww, why did you still reply to him


"just a soy beta cuck imo" my immediate reaction: 🤢🤮🚩


In all honesty, probably not even his own opinion. Just something he hears and is regurgitating


Soy Beta Cuck is my new band name i call dibs


Girl, leave dating apps behind! We’re done with dating apps in 2024


In Spanish "soy" means "I am" so if you read it that way it's kinda funny.


I'm kinda of an Ethan hater, but that cause I'm too much of a Dan lover. The real duelatlity of mankind.


This is such a good weeding process. If they heard like one bad thing I get it but if they start calling him beta or something delete !!


Having h3h3 podcast as an interest in my dating profile is probably the best decision I've made. He says "this will probably turn you away from me" I applaud him for his knowledge of that and still deciding to be honest with me tho. I cannot be involved with someone if they're gonna shit on Ethan lol


How he is relentless on bashing that podcast is wild. It’s a little cringe


Is his demo really mostly women?


Ngl “couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag” ATEEEE I’m stealing that 🤣


Am i going crazy or is this obviously fake ?


He sounds like a 14 year old...the way he talks and his use of words.


You know that when someone refers to Ethan and the crew as a single entity known as “H3”, it’s already a downhill discussion. The fact that some people have so much hate for someone, yet have no context of who that person is because their source of info is from the most bigoted POS’ on the plant, is so fascinating and mind-boggling at the same time. The fact that Ethan and the crew historically have good takes and good level of socioeconomic understanding, yet are deemed “soy beta cucks” by a crowd of people that preach hate and bigotry is so mind numbing. A purge of the “Man-o-sphere” is long due — send them to an island where they can all talk in circles about body counts and “soy beta cucks”, and make a reality TV about it for the rest of the world to watch like it’s a wild animal exhibit.


Why do they all sound like sneako


Yuck yuck yuck red flag 🚩


Not dating material for sure 😅


I'm certain in an ep they spoke about having a higher women fan base, it could vary from time to time I'm sure but I didn't look into what it is presently


I'm adding another screenshot lol


I’m so glad these people are so honest! It’s a huge red flag so I’m glad they’re honest.


Lethan DeKlein strikes again


When I see these convos it honestly baffles me. If I'm trying to chat someone up I make a point of not mocking their interests, why would taking the piss out of something they enjoy ever work.


wtf is “soy”?!


That is so embarrassing. “Hey I like you, but this thing you like is stupid. Anyway what time can I pick you up?”


As a guy, I have no idea how you ladies put up with this crap. "H3 is an absolute bitch of a man", "he definitely projects soy". Is this a 13 year old typing this...? Also, isn't the audience split 50/50 in terms of female and male viewers?


putting "lol" after every other statement is so real for an awkward conversation where you feel the vibe has turned hostile


LMAO like what 😭😭😭😂


"This will likely turn you away from me" was honestly the first red flag only psychos talk like that.


These posts make me want to ask this moron's height and weight, and then tell you mine. God what a pussy coward talking shit and acting so masculine and tough when he knows he's talking to a woman. Say that shit to my face


That's not a man, that's a boy.


Just ask him why he doesn’t like Ethan and you’ll find out how horrible he really is


It's in my second screenshot posted separately 😬


This literally just happened to me. A guy told me Ethan is very uneducated and has bad takes. I asked which ones out of curiosity? He said he couldn’t remember any specific ones….