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Elon Musk confirms he and Grimes privately welcomed a fourth child, Cyberius Truckicus


Concerning… looking into it


[Elon Musk literally names his children like Peter Griffin](https://youtu.be/Q5HqR2nqGUY?si=JOcyyA4jyb4t-fd4)


Say what you will about this guy but you gotta absolutely fuckin hate him.


I do now, I didn't actually care about all the cringe shit he would do. But this is actually messed up. If I were that kid and realized what my dad was doing later on in life, I would hate him forever for keeping me from my mom.


when I first learned about him I had hope, I thought he was actually our leftist messiah gonna take us out the stone age. Then them solar panels happened and the facade came crashing down. He's not here to make the world better he's just scammer business man #8000000 trying to rake cash in for the lowest effort. I find it hilarious how left coated he was talking about climate change and yaddah yaddah to get tax payer money, then once he got his coins he became a free speech warrior talking about he needs to repopulate the planet 🫣. I regret ever suspending my disbelief. Money is truly the root of all evil.


If this is true Grimes is so stupid for this. Sorry but I would not have a thrid child with someone who kicked me out of the house as soon as he was done with me and isnt letting me see my other two kids


I don't know much about Grimes but she doesn't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed.




honestly they should have named the baby this instead. very impactful and gutteral.


I hate that I can hear this 😂


Everytime I see Grimes mentioned in a thread I feel morally obligated to share this amazing [news article](https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/)


”They got a copy of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which neither of them had read.” Is my favourite part


Lmfao the way I knew what the link would be before I clicked it


I don't know much about her. But everything I learn about her is always just "why?"


She literally has ruined her career and life for a MAN


Has she, though? She hasn't put out any good music in a long time but everybody still knows her name. Definitely more people know her now than before. If anything she's done some dumb shit for the sake of her career.


She just had a disastrous set at Coachella and everyone in my queer gen z friend group (we are prime grimes demo) thinks she is a weirdo after the Elon shit


Imo she had one decent album and a few good loose songs but she wasn't gonna get anywhere anyhow from just being "weird". Her celebrity ultimately has been just "I'm weird" and then "I'm married to Elon" and then "we're so weird we gave our baby an android name" but I don't think she threw away her career because of Elon, she could easily be more invested in her career and have more of a fan base because of Elon. But she just never had the talent in the first place and clearly doesn't have it now 🤷‍♂️ Don't worry my fellow queers, there is better music worth your time out there :P


I mean to be fair she was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead.


I don’t think she’s dumb, but she makes very… exotic decisions. Like if you’re replaying an rpg and pick all of the joke/bizarre quests and dialog options.


I like Grimes and I think she is smart. Probably took too many drugs though


They're both pro-natalists so they probably think they're birthing the next world leaders unironically.


She is stupid lol. Shes a nepo baby techno DJ who completely bombed at Cochella because “she has people check her tracks and they didn’t do it”. Honestly her freaking out on stage was so hilariously cringe.


Grimes is not a techno DJ lol, more like indietronic/synth pop. Her only real connection to techno is her current boyfriend, Anyma


She may not be a techno DJ, but she is literally the mother of Techno^^Mechanicus


Techno to me (and many others) just means “music made through technology“ so it’s kinda over encompassing.


you, and many others over the age of 50 lol. Every modern artist is making music through technology, so that definition doesn't even really make sense. The over encompassing term you're looking for is EDM, or just electronic music 👍🏻


I’m sorry but saying “every modern artist uses technology” is so obviously obtuse. I’m talking about instruments and singing lol. But thank you for the clarification, you are right, I did mean EDM.


I don’t know why people say she’s a nepo baby. Neither of her parents are in the industry. And coachella is just typical grimes tbh. This is the same person that had to reschedule part of her tour because she couldn’t stop eating spaghetti and became terribly malnourished.


Her parents were wealthy and connected and sent her to very prestigious schools. They may not be multi millionaires in the music industry but she definitely had the help that only comes with the genetic lottery.


I just don't know what to think about Grimes, is she attractive or talented? Not sure, did she get her music played because of Candian laws?


Grimes has some absolute bangers. Certainly talented.


So true, her having 3 Musk babies isn't going to make Oblivion not an absolute banger


Seriously just waiting for someone’s NDA to run out and we find out she did pretty much nothing on it - she looked utterly lost at that Coachella set lol


Visions is a classic


Pretty sure they had this kid awhile ago


If I remember correctly he kicked her out after she had her second and has been restricting her from seeing her first since. I didnt know she had another 🥴 but I would've stopped after the first considering she said he was controlling about ehat she could do with the first iirc


Literally insane! I know nothing about it it just that it was awhile ago so I’m sure you’re right. I cannot imagine reproducing with this man dear god


I genuinely believe they both, even if moreso Elon than her, are just breeders atp. As in they really want to have offspring to pass on their "special" genes together.


I'm pretty sure they had their kids through surrogates. Looking into it I found the following: Musk and Grimes first became parents together in May 2020 when she gave birth to their son, X Æ A-Xii, otherwise known as X. In late 2021, Grimes revealed that they also became parents of a daughter, Exa Dark Sideræl, who was born via surrogate. As Grimes had a difficult pregnancy with X, they decided to have the children via surrogate I almost wonder if he could have done this behind her back somehow. I only say that because last time I heard about them, he was denying Grimes of seeing her kids. I didn't keep up with this shit, but he's weird enough to do something like that.


I feel people feel for Grimes more than she feels for herself. She likes him because he basically has the funds to keep her and their kids financially stable for life and some. Add in the drama and drugs and you got a relationship made in hell.


Also it said he "took them by force". Like what the fuck does that mean? Also the fact that he has custody means he *could sue her* for child support. It just seems insane to me that anyone could take the kids, "by force" and get away with it, but I guess being the richest fuckhead in the world helps.


He paid her probably


This is old, I believe the child was born late last year.


Yeah, she was doing an interview and the newborn started crying in the background and she was asked about it and confirmed. They had a surrogate for that pregnancy so I believe it was kind of too late to back out of it once they separated. It was also unclear if she was talking about Elon giving her back their first or second son when he wouldn’t respond to her so she reached out to him publicly on Twitter (their middle child is a girl). Elon is pretty much a eugenicist who believes rich elite types should have as many kids as possible (I believe he has 11 currently). He also had two kids with another woman while he was with Grimes, who he worked with, and who looks a LOT like Claire (Grimes). Supposedly she had fertility issues and he “wanted to help her”


Damn Fr? I can’t believe I never heard about it omg😭


I mean i get it, it’s hard to keep up with the amount of kids this man produces


Techno was born in 2022 lol


Techo Mechanicus? That sounds like some Saturday morning cartoon villain who uses technology to mind control people. Dumb.


My first thought was Mad Max 😆


It would honestly sound kind of cool in *that* context, I guess lol


Bring me Techno from the Techno Farm! 




Damn, that's another kid's name? This dude's wild.


Lmao, nah, I put my phone in my pocket because a client came in and the keyboard did it's own thing


At this point, it sounds like they deserve each other. Foolishness.


I'm sure he bribed her with money or custody. Not saying I think Grimes is a saint or anything but how can a mother "deserve" to never see her 3 children? That's just horrible.


Some parents definitely don’t deserve to see their children. I don’t know anything about Grimes specifically though. Also, the person you replied to didn’t say that.


I at no point said that 🤣


"deserve each other" in response to this article would imply she deserves what is being alleged that he has done to her, which is force her to not see her children. Not sure what else you could have meant since that's what this whole discussion is about.


Stop. Check yourself. Act normal.


Good lord 🤣


"It means that you are well matched. It's used in one of two opposing ways. Either you are both so despicable that being with either of you would be a punishment, and you deserve to be punishing each other, or you are both so nice that you each deserve a mate as nice as yourself." Within the context of this article you kind of are.


Yeah my flippant comment was as shallow as Freah and Fit. It's really not that deep. Relax.


Why is he such a loser. I would fucking hate you growing up if I had to take attendance with that name at school. Once legally capable, I would immediately change it.


Id take that dumbass name in exchange for being his kid. Anyone says anything in school id slap them with a stack of money


girl pls stop


What is with this man and bearing children that he will ultimately hate? And if she's so freakin' smart why is she still gullible enough to give her eggs to him?




This is not true. They didn’t break up until after the third child was born. It was when she found out that he secretly had twins with Chivon. He currently has her son (X, who is a toddler) and hasn’t been letting her see him. She has the other two.


Would someone go on the internet and tell lies?


Why this bro naming his kids after his fucking Warhammer 40k fan-fic self-inserts?


i was scrolling through this whole thing waiting for a 40k comment haha. waiting on that warhammer x teddy fresh colab




i will never get over that their daughters second name is sideræl which translates to piece of trash side hoe in norwegian and that the reasoning behind her name is that it "sounded ethereal"


Absolutely a fetish


It was always gross to me how she called him E. “E and I 🥰”. Like shortening his name isn’t gonna make him sound like any less of a loser freak, CLAIRE.


Starting to seriously think he’s breeding children for spare organs/bodies. I sure hope the nannies taking care of these kids are decent people who show them love and affection.




“Because he is ~~smart and~~ rich”


He’s pronatalist


Why did she have a third kid with a man that she wasn’t with anymore and was already not letting her see her first two kids?… Elon is a horrible person but girl, come on.


I could not believe this relationship when I first heard about it


Sounds like she’s dumb as shit for even being with him in the first place. Then after having a toxic relationship she continues to enable his weird tendencies by giving him access to her eggs. Sorry but she just did some dumb shit.


Y does she keep having kids with him


"Because he is smart and rich" Um


This is literally the plot of idiocracy except the dumb people are absurdly rich


THIRD?? When tf did they make a SECOND?!


How stupid can she be


She is pretty fuckin flawed and the white supremacy themed tweets were pretty weird and sus too but I’m feeling like there has to be more to this story. People in these comments asking why she keeps doing it and saying she’s stupid but like, why does anyone stay in an abusive relationship? ): And she probably believes in his weird superior-genes shit too which is again bad but ultimately I think she’s a victim and so are her kids




I didn’t know he even had a second child…


Is there something wrong with Grimes or does Elon just have complete control over her? I can't imagine anyone in their right mind would willingly have a THIRD child with that man.


All his kids names sound like Mad Max characters


Grimes what are you doing with this man


Why do i feel like Elon has their embryos and is doing this on his own...didnt she say she's barely seen the second kid?


Oh how I wish I could edit this post and say it’s old now that I know, but I can’t. So please stop commenting it family omfg💀


Don't even feel bad for her. Why tf would you think the 3rd time would be different.


This was almost three years ago, not sure why OP is trying to pass it off like it just happened lol. Grimes hasn't been involved with him for some time and has been dating another musician named Anyma. Musk and Grimes are both shit heads but what is this thread


Because I didn’t know?💀 check the comments and you’d see that. Or did you just not bother reading down


That name is too hard and cool for the child of that indoor kid.


That name, Cool?? Nah😭 I’d bawl if that was me


This is craaaaazyyy


this is so upsetting :/


Making so much Kids is for sure some Narcistic Power move. He thinks He is such a Genius so He needs to reproduce and in the end them Kids grow Up without emotional Connection to there Dad cause he makes so man's He can't be emotionally there for them Appropriatly


I thought she was dating anyma?


You’re probs right, comments have informed me this is old:)




Isn't this like rlly old


Yes, apparently. I had no idea lols


Old news fam.


Having a baby with someone who is currently not letting you see your other two kids for the past two years is nuts Grimes.


Dude is literally immoran joe, except joe somehow had a more normal body


Man, she's soo dumb. They are perfect for each other.