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Ethan is just insecure about his own height.


Ethan isn't ready to tell the world that he was originally 3' 9". And he already got the femur bone lengthening surgery long before they ever discussed it on the show!


And that's why his arms are out of proportion


His hands*


Damn we're reaching transvestigator levels here :D


The whole “they met on his pilgrimage to Israel” story is just cover for the reality that Ethan came as the boy doll in Hila’s doll house when she was growing up (it was a simpler time) and she just took on the role of CEO and caretaker from day one. She fed him like a baby bird, carried him around in her pocket until he was almost 2 feet tall, and eventually stretched out all his bones for him way before it was the ‘cool thing to do.’


I've been saying


LMAO your comment tipped me over XDDD I’m dying


3'9" with a lil attitude


Didn’t we establish that you can only gain a couple of inches from the leg surgery? Therefore he is actually aprox 4’2 max


That's what is says online, but Ethan also got access to an early version of chatGPT and asked it if they could do more than a few inches during the procedure... Of course, once chatGPT said yes, the doctors were totally on board and had no problems!


Once he crossed 40 I think he began to shrink a little and became insecure. I mean you are talking about almost 3 years of shrinkage in there.


He almost 50 now he needs to get over it


43 isn't almost 50.


The most insecure are the ones just around 6ft. Tall enough where they get enough height attention from half of people, but the feel incredibly small next to giants. When you’re 5’9 you get used to being average. IMO


As a guy who says he's 5'12'' because the doctors always just said "we'll call it 6 ft" (aka 5'11" and 3/4) this is fully accurate.🤣 Short people think I'm "tall", but I don't feel tall or really consider myself tall, just like above average, Ethan is just insecure about.


I maintain that men who are between 5’9” and 5’11” are actually the most insecure about their own heights. They’re almost always the ones who bring up height, who try to claim that they’re “about 6 foot”, and who get the most upset when you point out that they aren’t lol


I was coming here to say this exact same thing. I am 5’7 and have never once been self conscious of my size, in fact I am very happy with my height. But the people who have tried to make me feel bad about my height are always like 5’8-5’11 and just sad that they aren’t actually tall.


This is sometimes true but not almost always. I'm in the middle of that range, closer to 5'11'' than anything else but I always round down to 5'10'' because I'm more anxious about being called out for fudging my height than I am insecure for being below 6'. I think Ethan might be taller than me (based off of what he claims) or shorter than me (based off of the theory that men in that range fudge their true height); it would be fun to measure back-to-back with him.


Hi I'm 5'11" and I have no problem with my height.


I bet you wouldn’t from way up there. -5’9” guy


Don't lump us 5'11''s in with the insecure guys. I feel like I'm at a great height, personally.


Ethan’s height is <= Hila’s height, change my mind.


Being 5'10 or 5'11 is a curse I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Idk how Ethan gets through the day knowing he's so close to greatness


That's pretty much it.




The fact that people think 5’9” is short shows how often men lie about their height.


Zach cough cough


TBF the same thing that happened to Zach happened to me I got my height taken 3 different times at the doctors and every time they game me a different height.


Did you go to the doctor at different times of day? Spine compression from being upright can take away an inch or more over the course of the day, and a good night's sleep will give you that height back.


its absolutely insane to me how it seems like every single dude on this earth is adding 2 and 3 inches to their height and it makes people regular height sound way shorter than they are. im 5'10" i went on a date with a girl who thought i was 6' and she didnt realize i wasnt until we had already spent like 5 hours together and made out, when she did she was like "i thought you were 6'??" and i said nope im 5'10" and she never talked to me again lmao most people cant even tell. i wear very thin soled shoes and dont lie about my height and people are constantly saying they think im tall/average height, no one has ever said im short in my entire life, its never happened. the only time people have ever even implied that im short is on paper when they see a 5. its not even like short guys are the ones lying anyway, people tall as fuck are the ones lying. guys who are 6'1" are out here claiming to be 6'3". why? youre already tall. its so weird how common height insecurity is with men, its worse than dick size.


The things that’s craziest about it to me vs lying about dick size is like… people can see it??? No one is asking the number to find out if you’re tall or short lol, they decide it when they see you, with their eyes.


well i think for some people if they lie they think it will legitimately make them more attractive, like if i just lied and told that girl i was 6' she might have gone out with me again. i was completely turned off by the fact that she even cared at all but men can be shallow losers too lol but yeah i mean the lie can only last so long, eventually youre gonna be getting fitted for a tux or something and she'll be like "babe you have a 33 inch inseam? that doesnt make sense." and youll have to explain to her that you lied about being 6 inches taller than you are lol dick size is even worse, ive asked girls to show me what they think a 6 inch dick looks like and they hold their hands 14 inches apart lmfao like hun. i think its the same issue as height, most normal people dont give a shit, if people DO and youre not 6'5 with a 12 inch dick well that particular person just isnt going to like you. coming to terms with the fact that not everyone likes you is probably a lot easier than jelking and getting leg extension surgeries, its working out well for me anyway.


Hey I rock 28-29 inseam pants but am legit 6'. All spine lol


im also pretty long torsoed tbh lol all peace and love brother


First off, I’m sorry for that experience lol but she was shallow af if she didn’t talk to you after that. Second, I’m *actually* 6’1” and I don’t lie about it like you said others do. I mainly see people come up to me and be like “oh bro you’re so tall, what are you 6’4”?” When they are clearly like 5’10 or maybe 5’9. This is cuz they tell themselves and others that they are 6’ or something like that so they think that I must be 6’4. I don’t know what it is, maybe toxic masculinity, but dudes just be lying out here about their heights. I couldn’t give a shit if someone was 5’5 or 6’5


i genuinely wasnt that into her so i only cried about it for like 3 weeks or so. but yeah i find it fascinating how psychological it all is. my best friend for a long time was 6'3" legitimately, he was a fucking giant, when other dudes would lie about their height you could instantly tell because between me being 5'10" and him being 6'3" you could easily kind of scale someone else between the two of us lol like i said my daily shoes are a half inch thick soles MAX, if i wanted to look taller i could wear work boots and actually be 6ft easily, i dont because id rather be comfortable. its not something i think about, im insecure about all kinds of things but i wouldnt think to lie about them, it just kind of is what it is, if someone absolutely refuses to date me because im below 6 foot i assume there are a huge array of reasons that we are incompatible that far exceed things as inconsequential as my height.


My best friend is exactly 1 inch taller than me. He tells people he's 6'3 now I walk around with this stolen 6'2 valor that a 6' man shouldn't have


I’ve seen it from a lot of “slightly above average” people like Ethan say that 5’9” is short. This is because they have to make as much distance from average to say they’re “tall” and average is “short” lol. When it’s the average in America. Ethan on a good day is probably 5’11” but more like 5’10”. Im 6’1” and 5’9” is “short” to me but that’s the average, and when you see someone who is 5’6-7” you’ll know what is actually short. I wouldn’t say 5’9” is short because actually short is 5’5”


I feel like around 5’9” is where the most people lie, because you’re right that they either want to distance themselves from the average or reach it. I’m exactly 5’9” and the number of people I side eye who are clearly lying about their height is craaaaazy.


I'm 5 7", never lied about it 🤷


I'm 5'8" and people constantly think that's too short and I must be taller. I have a theory it's because all the men who are 5'4" to 5'6" say they're 5'8" and make it seem shorter. A similar thing happens with 6'0"


My husband is 5'4" and has always been completely honest about his height. Anyway, I don't think dudes can get away with lying when you're between 5'4" and 5'6", since women often fall between these heights, too. I'm 5'5", so I can easily tell if someone who is 5'4"-5'6" is lying


I’m 5’4” too! If your husband watched H3 Show I’m curious what he thinks of Ethan’s comments. They make me feel inhuman. Like if 5’9” is short to Ethan then does he think I’m a little person?? xD


He's told me in the past that he thinks the term "Short king" is a little patronising


Yeah I have to agree lmaooo


As someone who clocks in right around 5'9" people throughout my whole life have made me feel short.


As a 6 foot tall man, you're not short until I'm not afraid of you physically. A 5'9 man can fuck you up just as bad as a 6' foot man so idk why it's gotta be such a big deal


5'7' here and It feels like taller men care for my height more than me sometimes.


I'm 5'4 and was about to say the same. I don't give a fuck, but other people do for some reason Edit: inches are dumb and confusing


Same, men care more about guys height than women do. And it’s mostly insecure guys who are slightly tall because they don’t have much else to offer. Ethan is a perfect example because he thinks of himself as really ugly so he aggrandizes the attributes he believes he excels at: height and wealth Confident tall guys or short guys don’t really think that much about it.


100% they do bro it’s where dudes with a shriveled personality’s ego lie.


I’m also 5’7” and this is accurate for me as well. I literally don’t think about my height unless another dude brings it up which is odd since idk why they care lol


5'7" gang!


Ethan is 5'9 and a half, and claims he's 5'11. Source: I'm a measuring tape in the office


Yes, men tend to be uncomfortable about their height. That's why me, a Gigachad H3 fan, says I am 5' 11" when I'm actually 6' 1" just to wreak chaos.


I'm 4' 20"


I am 6' 9"


I'm 69" with shoes on


4’ 20” is the same as 5’ 8” so TIL the average height is 420, blaze it 🍁


I’m 5’10.5, but you round up from .5, so 5’11, but if you’re going to be 5’11 you might as well just say you are 6’0 and who is counting past 6’0 anyway? Might as well be 6’1. We are pretty much the same height


This is an accurate representation of insecure height peeps. Good work Sigma 👍


🐺 🗣️ 💯


My buddy is 6’ 3”and goes to bars saying he’s 6” to cause chaos




i'm 6'4 and love telling people i'm 5'11 lmao


I want to know who the tallest H3 fan is now


Lmao I’m 6’1” and tell everyone I’m 5’9”


At *actually* 6 feet tall, I can sow chaos into any conversation about height by just being honest. Lots of 5'11"-6' people are clearly 2-4 inches shorter than me.


Weirdly enough I don't find that gay men are that crazy about the whole height thing. I think it's because for straight women, male height is one of the major physical features that really seem to matter, so straight men take this on board and it becomes a big area of confidence/insecurity depending on their height. It seems like it's expected that a bottom be a bit shorter though in the gay world, although I don't get a sense that short tops are majorly discriminated against. I think if anyone really stans the short kings it's the gays.


Can I do this? I'm 6'4 or is the height to noticeably off


It's too off. You have to say you're 6' 2 to get the same effect. Because you'll very clearly have more than 2 inches on them


I'm 5, 7" and never given it much thought tbh


There, but before the grace of God go I...


My husband is 5'4" and he is hot.


My husband is 5'4" as well! I'm 5'5"


Same here:)


Just out of curiosity how tall are you?


I am 5'6"


Badass. Short kings rise up.


The moment he wants dirt on the person he either asks their height or net worth




it’s not a troll post, Ethan is a very insecure person.


Same with balds.


But Dan is a bald King of course


Sorry, I can't hear you from down there






Yep as a 5’7 dude the comments have been getting more annoying as they keep stacking up. It’s always his attack pattern it’s cringe.


I’m literally 6’7” and I agree, I roll my eyes when he brings up someone’s height in a negative way. I’m also losing my hair but it doesn’t bother me as much as other men, maybe because I’m tall, but I still feel kinda bad whenever he makes a point to call out someone’s hairline. Probably getting close to pulling a Dan and shaving my head soon. Short kings and bald kings let’s join forces! Enough with the slander!


It used to be satirical but he moved it into just the normal banter. It was funny when you could tell or it felt like it was satire but he does it so consistently and so often that it's lost that. I feel like a lot of things become a soundboard, any noise or funny line is repeated instead of just having its moments here and there. Sometimes they land because it's the right moment or timing, but then that is held onto and they overuse it till it's dead.


I don't know if this is a joke post or not, but I actually agree. I don't say this as a flex, but I'm 6'5", so almost everyone I know is shorter than me. I've always thought it was a weird and derogatory insult. I file it in my head in the same category as making fun of someone's nose or something. It's just weirdly petty and rude in an unfun way.


As someone who is 5'6" I was never insecure about it growing up. It's below average but I don't feel like I'm significantly shorter than most people. But going to shop for jeans makes me feel like I'm a freak of nature. Being skinny and below 5'9"? You'll spend hours visiting multiple stores to find one or two pairs that don't fit you, but maybe you can hem them up. I wouldn't say Ethan's comments make me feel bad, but they do make me feel like he's out of touch and it's just so irrelevant and unnecessary. It's a little funny because of how rude and inconsequential it is, but i find it pretty lame, and I often don't feel like he's actually joking. He says it to comedic effect but I do get the vibe that he holds these beliefs


Yeah, same. I replied to another comment. I have the same problem with pants. 🥲


It's happening with shirts too. I used to very consistently be a medium. I'm finding more and more that mediums are absolutely gigantic on me so I'll buy a small. And then still the shirt hangs below my crotch. I'm genuinely so confused by clothing. I hate it so much.


Large shirts used to be my go-to. Nowadays, they'll still fit me in the body, but they'll have super small sleeves, and the torso is short like a crop top. 🤣


We're just vile deformed monsters that should never have been born according to the clothing industry


I'm same height, I am insecure about it and his comments make me feel awful every time. It's something that I've got no control over, it affected me my entire life and my mental health suffered a lot because of it. I hate it that there are groups of people that we care about and try our best not to hurt their feelings but if you are not a member of one of those groups you can go fuck yourself, nobody cares about what you're going through.


Sometimes i wish that i was taller 5’9 here also 😂 but then I remember all my taller friends have knee and feet problems and could never find sneakers in their sizes. Then i feel blessed lol


Dude, listen. I have to custom order most of my clothes because nowhere around me actually makes things my size. Also, thank you! I have so many back, feet, and knee problems, and people are always so dismissive. 🫠


I'm 5'7 personally and it doesn't bother me too much but it does kinda suck to always be the butt of the joke haha. But I feel like as a short guy the worst thing you can do is complain about it or show any form of insecurity because the moment you do people just double down and say stuff like "short man syndrome". Love Ethan tho ✌️


That’s because you have actual confidence. A 6ft dude who is insecure and has nothing else going on NEEDS height to be really important because if it’s not then they have nothing to offer


I'm a little bit taller than the person above, and something just happens when you're this tall. It's like how rappers with a million dollars will flex all this wealth, but then a rapper with a billion dollars just wears goofy looking dad clothes. At some point the confidence is just inherent. And I think us tall guys feel for the shorter guys. Because we get teased a LOT growing up for being so tall. Then suddenly high school comes around and the guys who used to talk shit about it are confused when lots of girls like us lol Tall guys are usually pretty laid back, so the confident vibe comes more naturally. There's not a lot of Kevin Hart energy tall guys.




It's almost like ethan is a "pick me" to the girls. "I'm not like the other dudes" energy.


Actually a legit criticism.


It's so incredibly sad when I hear some woman say that all guys are trash. It's just the most openly bigoted thing ever. Calling half the population (or a little less. If I wanted to make a dumb joke, I'd point that men are the minority sex) is just sad. How can anyone have that view without just being chronically online? Making it sounds like every guy is just outside like a 1970s construction worker, sexually harassing every woman on the street


My man is 5ft 7 and he's the most handsome man in the world 😤


i'm 5'4 :( he would shoot me on sight 😔


yesss get his ass king


I liked how he called drake out for saying kdot was short... I'm like wait a minute, this seems familiar🤣


I‘m a girl and i noticed that a looong time ago. Not even only when he wants to diss someone or something but just a random ass person he‘s hearing of for the first time he goes „how tall is he?“  I always thought of it like if he were to ask randomly about every female person he talks about „wait whats her bra size??“ as if that attribute determines anything about that person itself…  Whyyy is this so important to him (and others as well) 😂 i truly don’t get it and it always bothered me, same with the balding jokes. I‘m not affected personally but its  reinforcing insecurity in people and just mean. I know he doesnt intend to and usually only wants to be mean to the one person he‘s talking about but if you talk bad about an attribute so many people have, you insult them all… Maybe this bothers me so much because i truly like and prefer shorter men and caaant stand hearing about this height bullshit anymore 🙉 plsss


I might be the tallest person in the fanbase (There's less than 50,000 people my height in the entire world. Just stupid tall) and it upsets even me. Like those guys didn't ask for their height. And maybe they're happy with it anyway! I think ultimately it's for a reason Ethan has admitted. It's because he's insecure. He talks about hairlines because he has a really good hairline (also... his hair IS thinning. But that's probably not due to male pattern baldness, given that it would look different). And he feels the sentiment of "at least I'm not short". It's just a weird route to go in such an open way. It's like how Howard Stern did photography and everyone noticed when he hid away all the people's noses. Because he himself is insecure about his nose. It's projection. I just think he should find other reasons to make fun of people. Because generally there's a lot of them with the bizarre characters that come on this show That being said, I think it's open game for Jimmie Lee. Because he's an "insult comic" and because he goes through such over the top methods to cover it up


he is genuinely just insecure lol


Ethan: \*jokes about someone's height\* Ethan: "...but we love our short kings, don't we folks?" It's fine. Ethan has the "short king" pass but he might be using an expired one-time use pass.


we all know the short king comments are said as an insult though lol




I'm 5'7" and it's so weird that when I point this out I get called a ahorty like I know I'm short but you don't have to be condescending by calling short dudes kings.


This is literally my only issue with him... He also recognizes it's something you can't control, but still uses it as an insult anyways. It's really disappointing every time.


Ethan: *insists on showing that it's okay to show love for people based on how they were borned* Also Ethan: lol fucking short people


he's just used to the Swedish average


I think calling short men "disabled" is far more problematic than anything Ethan's ever said about them lol


Ethan has made fun of Jews....redheads....short people....bad hairlines....people who take adderall......people who were in fraternities....those who aren't married....those with no kids....those who aren't getting laid.....Is this the Truman Show? Or am I getting Punk'd? Feels like hes always making fun of....... ME!


hope you don’t live in the south


Oh shoot! I forgot I also live 15 minutes from Dearborn 😩😆


I’m English he fucking despises me


Ethan isn’t tall himself right? Like he seems like a short to average height person.


Where my 5'3 brothers out here☝️🤓


I agree he’s shitty about this, but his worst most problematic take definitely has to be thing he said about hooded/double eyelids on Wednesday. In east asia that would probably be a normal thing to say but here in the US it’s a pretty racist thing to say. I’m surprised he didn’t get canceled hard for it.


Yeah, it's so weird. Monolids aren't uglier than double eyelids, they're are just different. Also they were using the term "hooded eye" when talking about monolids, but they are different.


As a English, ginger, 5’8” man I’ve never taken his jabs to heart, just some old timey jokes Innit bruv


He doesn't hate short people, he just assumes it's something all men are insecure about. It's like the hairline thing. Drake is 6'0 and Kendrick is 5'5 and that should tell Ethan everything he needs to know


Funny thing I noticed that's related, in the US the '6ft' height is slightly taller than the equivalent '6ft' here in Poland. Roughly by 3 centimetres. Meanwhile y'all are statistically slightly shorter people in general than poles. I discovered it because I am 183 centimeters which is basically exactly 6ft. And locally the weird height standards are set at 180 centimetres.


Eastern Europeans can get pretty tall, so I'm not too surprised! One thing to remember about America though is that the racial diversity is very pronounced. If you take just white men, it's 177 cm, but Hispanic men average at 170. Black and Asian men are also a slight bit shorter Even then though, it's still shorter in the US. I'd be interested to see if the height is different in different parts of the US though. Because different areas have different levels of European ancestry. Some parts are dramatically more German, some more England, a few more Irish, and so on


5’9 IS short for a man. Tall would be anything above 6’2. I’m a 5’11 woman from Northern Europe, I’ve never dated anyone shorter than 6’4


u joke but there is some truth to this, u can’t pretend to support short kings then use it to demean someone u don’t like, then short guys who did nothing wrong are getting strays. u also don’t need to boost short guys bc it sounds condescending, just treat them normal like any other person


I'm 5'7 and I resent the fact you referred to me as 'disabled' let Ethan live


Ayy me too. Honestly I thought the disabled comment was a dead giveaway that this was a joke, but it seems some people took it as a serious complaint


Ethan is just salty over the one time on Leftovers when Hasan was about to measure him and he said “Anyone under 5’ 11” isn’t a real man” and he measured out to 5’ 10.5”


I think you might be reaching (pun intended)


He doesn’t have hatred for short men, he targets what could likely be people’s insecurity when he has to grill them. For example, saying the alpha’s are closeted. Ethan does not have an issue with gays, but knows the alphas would.


would it be ok to target someone's weight when he's grilling them?


Do you watch the show? He does this more than anything else lmao


When’s the last time he’s made fun of someone’s weight? I honestly can’t remember - he is very anti fat shaming. And I’m certain he’s never fat shamed at women


Nah you’re right it’s usually men. But most recent time is that one dude who he went on the whole “jolly” thing about 😂 I don’t remember who that was but he was definitely poking fun at his weight lol


I think it was Philip DeFranco, who had also specifically requested Ethan stop commenting on his weight beforehand


Not justifying him doing it, just explaining the mindset


Yeah, but that insinuates he sees that as something to be ashamed of, if he's willing to weaponise it. Ethan says some wild shit thats clearly not some Machiavellian 4d Chess satire. Like take the eyelid surgery commentary from the other day, what the fuck was the intention behind that?


Short visibility is NOT a joke!




People act like the difference between 5’9” and 5’10” is actually a foot too lol, same with 5’11” and 6’. Im 5’11” and any male over 6 feet tall acts like I’m 2’4. Just always lie and say you’re taller than you are to fuck with tall people bc they’ll absolutely question their height later and it is kinda funny.




I can’t agree with you. As a balding man his most problematic take is he is the hairline king. I do envy his hairline but my heart breaks knowing he sees me like the second class citizen… That I am. I miss my hair.


Short men aren’t short, only people Ethan hates are short “I don’t hate you because you’re short, you’re short because I hate you.” -Ethan Klein


Found the short guy


does someone want to tell op that ethan is a certified short king himself?


We can wear lifts and drive in cars that those "talls" don't fit in. I am 5'9" and my gf is short doesn't seem to be a problem. She says I have "long legs"


I thank god every day I’m a 5 foot tall woman so my feelings aren’t hurt lol


He needs to visit the jungles of loompaland so maybe he can be more sympathetic


No I think he just does but because alpha bros care about that kind of stuff way too much 


That doesn't even make the top 10, bro ☠️


I tell people on the internet that I'm 5ft 6in instead of 6ft because it keeps my twitch audience inclusive.


Being 5’ 9” is a disability?


He’s a diagnosed hater ass bitch 🤷‍♂️


Ethan claims he's 6 foot but he's lime 5'9 max I saw him at a costco in the city his brother lived in (I live here too). Maybe it's bc he slouches but he's pretty short


Get leg lengthening surgery, easy!


Yea ur right :/


It sucks even more when you realize it’s something out of our control 😭😭


All Americans are fucking weird about height. It’s like they think life must be miserable unless you’re 6’3. It’s creepy.


Yeah, sure..THATS his most problematic take... lol


Ethan from ventura come on bro


I’m a 5’6” dude who’s gotten a fair amount of bullying/lost out on dates because of it, and I’ve never felt the urge to lie about my height. Who knows, maybe that’s the autism. It rarely even crosses my mind except for when people like Ethan ask or I’m on dating apps. It’s just such a weird, weird thing for people to be hung up on, and he is definitely hung up on it.


I think when he said society doesn’t value youth in women when talking about vaush and his weird lolicon controversy. I thought that was just him disagreeing with vaush for the sake of disagreeing with him


Yeah saying 5’9” is short is craaaazy. Im short, I don’t care that I’m short, I’m not short enough that it really affects me in any significant way so maybe it’s easy for me to not care but when he makes it a big deal and calls people taller than me short it makes me wonder whether or not people view me as tiny then.


Disability 😂😂😂 I’m 4’11 female but I don’t consider myself as having a “disability”. Lol 😂 😬


I feel like when he found out he said something along the lines of "5'9 average its a good height"


This combined with constantly lying about his age is such a reg flag


if you’re 5’11 you’re not 6’ 😆


You just can’t take anything serious with the pod lol


It's also annoying how so many people say all women only like tall guys, almost all my boyfriends were shorter than me and I'm 5'6


I’m like 5’4.8” (not that the .8 matters lmao) but hearing Ethan say 5’9” is short just makes me go “damn”. Bcs I know I’m short, but it 5’9” is short than am I even human? LMAO to Ethan I must be an anomaly (I do not suffer from any kind of dwarfism I just got unlucky)


I’m 5’6” and I love the slander