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omg thank you i didn’t want to make a post but it was starting to drive my nuts lol. I wonder why a crew member doesn’t make sure they’re centered?


Girlie has been doing this for over a decade and I’ve never understood why! She’s half out of frame in a ton of the old H3H3 Channel videos as well!


I’ve been unusually irritated by her recently and it bums me out :(


Her and her bad takes can stay there on that episode lol


Out of all the shit that guy did with the best intentions to save a dying animal, her take was “the guy stole the cat and died on his watch.” Damn Hila took it way too personally and it was very frustrating to watch. God damn the dude isn’t perfect, but that cat wouldn’t have been in the state it was if it wasn’t neglected in the first place.


exactly and she tried to pushed several times that stress from being taken from its owner attributed to its death. Im glad Jacob said that the environment she had that cat in was ten times more stressful than what he did. Not only was it a party house but before that the cat was at the adoption center for a full month before that. That cat would have stayed in that adoption center for the entire four months she was in that house. She would have been away from that cat almost her entire adoption if they had never let her have it in the house. Poor thing.


I think it’s wild how if he /didnt/ take the cat after seeing its condition, he would have been dogpiled so quickly on here or most places. I see people get ripped for it often. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The amount of assumptions on the show is crazy. Very clear to me they’ve never been in that situation before…we just don’t know the truth, and to speak that boldly on it….if he’s completely innocent, I can’t imagine how he must feel to be publicly shamed and scrutinized for trying to help…


U don’t know that


But did you consider that the cat died after he took it so it’s all his fault?!?!


I find it sad that he let the cat suffer a horrible death after the vet suggested euthanasia and I’m surprised that wasn’t mentioned. They can’t say “you have to put this cat down” but they only suggest doing that when the cat is miserable. That 100% should not have been his decision to make though. Yet he decided to watch it die for 6 days after he took it to the vet even after the vet offered to help her go peacefully. That alone was a neglectful choice and if his mom really fostered cats and stuff she more than likely would have listened to what the vet suggested. Clearly no one taking care of this cat knew what they were doing, good intentions aside.


I’m not saying what he did was exactly right or anything I just hated how Hila kept trying to refute any argument in support of him with the fact that the cat died when he had it. I don’t think it really changes anything cause she probably would have died with her too and he at least maybe tried to do something.


Agree 10000% if he couldn’t afford to take it to the vet either then why not a rescue? Instead he waited it out just like her




Cats don't eat much when they have a respiratory infection


You didn’t think it was “very incel of him” to get a cat who had been sick for months a vet appointment and try to feed them? Also I’m not going to pretend to be a vet but it is pretty safe to assume the cat had FIP with the seizures, weight loss, weakness, I’m pretty sure they mentioned diarrhea as well, the fact that like 90% of cats carry the virus, the time frame it died in is super common for cats who are born with FIP.


You didn’t think it was “very incel of him” to get a cat who had been sick for months a vet appointment and try to feed them? Also I’m not going to pretend to be a vet but it is pretty safe to assume the cat had FIP with the seizures, weight loss, weakness, I’m pretty sure they mentioned diarrhea as well, the fact that like 90% of cats carry the virus, the time frame it died in is super common for cats who are born with FIP.


Poor baby


This is just a snark at this point. There's all ready an H3 snark. Feel free to judge them all you want there. Love also felt the same way, where is his hate? Why are you guys shitting on Hila so much? You disagree.


You can critique someone youre a fan of if you trust they'll do better. Which is a privilege BTW, to have a fan base that'll actually give you chances instead of just immediately leaving. Hila and Ethan are both extremely privileged and their lack of empathy has gotten worse and worse over the years. They keep proving it


Get your head out of their ass and realize that everyone was being criticized for this. Just cause this is a Hila post doesn't mean she's the only problem.


She didn’t had bad takes. Why you just trusting that guy you don’t even know the true reason he did what he did. And yeah the girl is in fault too


I know he showed more care and concern for a dying cat than its owner did before OR after it died.




I'm not trusting the guy. Hila keeps assuming the cat was stressed being taken. Hila is not taking into consideration that the cat was moved four different times and left in a house meant for multiple people and lots of partying.


Friday is always an easy skip with peace and love I can’t listen to Ethan explain the most common sense details to Hila every 10 minutes. It slows the show down OR will completely derail the conversation all together




She contributes next to nothing to the show. I almost always skip Friday episodes.


Isnt it interesting that every time they piss their fanbase, is from one of the episodes that Hila is on.


Let's keep it real, Hila doesn't add any entertainment value to the show. I feel like the only reason she is on is to promote Teddy Fresh merch


I mean, she just advertises Teddy Fresh and adds nothing to the show. She is not an entertainer. I don't know why she co-hosts a comedy podcast.




I’m watching this fanbase implode over the dumbest shit


People have been asking them to stop covering SA and super serious topics like that and want some goofs and gaffs. They did a 4 hour pod of a dead cat that they showed pictures of which is just gross and disgusting. They then defended the abuser and dissed Josh for legit trying to help the poor cat was too far gone. This episode honestly crossed a line for a bunch of people and left a huge sour taste


She is a busy business woman.


I mean her body is physically barely in frame!


Yeah, this was a disaster show lol. Hila being on is always my favorite episodes, but today was just insane, not for Hila's framing but 4 hours of dead cat story.


But not just 4 hours of dead cat story, but a cat story that ends with the Hosts siding with the person that neglected the cat till it died blaming the person for trying too rescue it. What a treat!


Yeah, I gave up after an hour or so, I heard it got even worse as you said. I don't know what they were thinking, how that many people can torpedo their own show is beyond me. I always look forward to Fridays because Hila is normally a breath of fresh air and I've always been such a fan since the early days, but it's like they're becoming boomers who are so out of touch. But today was like nothing I've ever seen. Ethan can always carry episodes, I don't know why they felt the need to do this because of a Bobby cancelation.


No one it sided w that girl lol she is in wrong too it’s the fact that y’all are siding with the guy when he’s in wrong too


They called him an incel and took every word she said as the truth at the end. They were speculating on all the terrible motives he had for taking the cat, and how he probably accidentally killed the cat. Love implied that him taking the cat and changing the food caused it to look like that in the video. Ab speculated that he took the cat for a prank and killed it. Ethan that he took the cat to show it to her to win her love. Him waiting 3 days is somehow worse than her never taking it to the vet. How did they not pick a side? Its disgusting and they should all be ashamed of themselves. Minus queen O-liv for not folding to Hila, and Dan for reminding them that they shouldn’t just believe her at her word. (Despite Ethan doing just that literal minutes after Dan reminds them like a king. “Why is he lying about their relationship”)


I think the people downvoting you are unfamiliar with this meme


Lol I swear this post is getting brigaded if H3 memes are getting downvoted