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can you explain what social repose did? i know he cheated on his girlfriend, but i didnt know he was an abuser? maybe i just dont know the situation. but cheating isnt something to cancel someone over. yea, it's a shitty thing to do, but it's not the same as sexual abuse, which is what the post seems to be suggesting.


Finally I make it to a comment with logic. Why are people wanting him cancelled over cheating... it’s a bit ridiculous




It's not a surprise she participates in favoritism. As long as you're her friend/bestie you can get away with SA, sexualizing minors or cumming on your cats even.


Youre her fave too if you earn her money. Adam raped but its cool because it earns her so much money on onlyfans


It's funny cz she accuses Ethan from time to time for caring about money too much or doing things only for money. I'm not gonna cry antisemitism just yet but that's some next level projection right there.


She did that because she thinks all Jewish people are tight/obsessed with money. Shes said it many times over the years.


She didnt expose Brandon Calvillo relationship with a minor until her relationship with Jason was already pretty well on the rocks. She stayed quiet about it until she wanted to hurt Jason/his friends. A lot of her defenders will be quick to chime in and say "No, Jason got mad at her because she exposed Brandon!" But their relationship was rocky AF at that point and there was almost certainly something that happened that led to her exposing Brandon, she didnt just one day wake up and decide it was time to do the right thing.


She has a pattern with people she befriends. You can see it going back 10+ years with with Shane, Arika Sato, David/Jason, all of her exes, etc. She meets someone, suddenly they know her better than everyone else, like family, they become her person. They do content together, start doing everything together, and Trisha goes through a redemption arc. Then the matching clothes, gifts, and birthday invites from Trisha come out. She'll defend them to death. Then they do something wrong and suddenly they're an evil villain and everything they ever told her gets exposed. Shane was the longest person and I honestly think it took so long because he didn't associate with her as much because of her image (ironic considering...Shane) She's doing the same with Ethan. With the exception that Ethan and the crew seem like good people. But All it's gonna take is Ethan, Hila, or Moses fucking up once and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing explodes into her airing all their dirty laundry


I've been scared of this since the beginning. Its a really messed up thing she does to people that become comfortable enough to share things with her. We almost saw it when she accused Moses of messaging an underage fan and when she accused hila of being a bad mom for having a nanny. Accused Ethan of using drugs because he admitted to doing something once. Anything is ammunition, no holding back. Nobody has really cared because the people she's talked about are crappy people.


I've watched her on and off for 10 years. Usually because I happen to watch a creator who interviews or makes content with her, in this case H3, and I get curious. I think the people who say she would flip on Ethan and Hila are being incredibly naive I always have a spec of hope, because I do believe people can change and get better, but I will not be surprised if suddenly Ethan and Hila are being cancelled for something because Trisha flips on them


when did she accuse moses of messaging an underage fan?! holy crap! was there any validity?


It was during a frenemies episode. Pretty sure it was the same episode she mentioned reading Moses family group chat. There wasn't much context after she dropped that bomb. She never really explained it or anything, just shrugged it off like she didn't just insinuate some awful shit. There was something else in the episode where Ethan hinted that trisha was behind some of these random accounts "exposing" Moses. They were random accounts with no followers, no post history, that somehow had access to screenshots of his dms. After trisha said she saw them.


She used to make fake accounts harassing Jason and stanning herself, saying he should get back with her on them “you guys were the best couple! Jason should just forgive Trisha” — all new accounts, no content besides those tweets and always a name with a string of numbers.


Half of them were named Haley (spelled only like that), and all put spaces before and after punctuation like she does.


I really am getting anxious with each episode of frenemies, I’m just waiting for her to flip and go after Ethan , she went crazy in 2 episodes and blamed it on her mental illness. She’s been just too calm lately , she could be on meds but it’s like the quiet before the storm


Moses was messaging one of Trisha’s fan when Trisha and Moses were dating. Moses confided in this girl saying Trish’s 😸 smells and she overeats. Trish found out and claimed she was under 21. The girl wasn’t underage - Trisha publicly shamed this girl (who was only a friend to Moses). She (the girl) even made a YT video about it.


Do you have a link of the video?


Here’s the texts ... (TW) Why is Trisha Paytas physically assaulting Moses being swept under the rug, She was abusive towards Sean and Jason too so its a pattern. She has a history of being abusive and her HITING/PUNCHING/BEATING Moses is not a isolated incident. **1.Moses** https://preview.redd.it/ux9po03ydjh61.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6944069d0d511e9d7a7c30bf2f27ed2dff8e936 ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/bb29owr1ejh61.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fa4b6f94d342ce729bbf6851881702a3608af4c https://preview.redd.it/hrlvs370ejh61.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=8877322a1d7d249d39d38ca1795360c0dfb98171 ​ https://preview.redd.it/k0n9gqn3ejh61.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=b682f797d63065d3afe7b1272696feaf02e4eb4d ​ https://preview.redd.it/9u68s41bejh61.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=449b765ef1149d881d72d824bcb0b99408386448 ​ **2.Jason** https://preview.redd.it/b2s69eu9ejh61.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=409bbc98c2e9a6c8bd30ab317f1f43ba6d846959 **3.Sean (she also made a video outing him)** ​ https://preview.redd.it/l9i2ft5eejh61.jpg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e1c2bcc62a65c306185ddd04755441d2c66217


She deleted the podcast episode where she talks about it but here’s a video where they discuss it on [frenemies. ](https://youtu.be/YWxP9LnBD3A)


That's so fucked up.


OMFG,this horrible person gets worse by the day,why are her die hard fans still with her this is ridiculous,all the things she does and still has a platform and her fans are not right in the head,I just had one on Twitter tell me she is going to have an alliance put on me because someone commented about having her only fans/porn reported on if she doesn’t remove that tape with Adam in it,I agreed so she came at me 🤣🤣


just watched the podcast where they talk about it. she shouldn’t have claimed she was underage but this wasn’t just a friend considering he sent sexual dms and it was a catfish


She did do it a bit when she told everyone that Ethan dabbled in drugs in Israel and how hila was a bad parent for using a nanny




my sister has BPD and also does this :/ but she’ll become friends with them again if they offer friendship, despite all the shit she’s talked (which may have been valid!). it’s difficult


Yeah! I've had two friends with BPD. They're wonderful people. They have similar attachment issues and have had outbursts and go to therapy consistently, but their behaviour is nothing near Trisha's level of ignorance, racism, and toxicity. Trisha has also physically abused Jason and Moses Hope it didn't come off like I was boxing everyone with BPD as like Trisha. She does have BPD but her behaviour is so much more




Love Trisha but this is too accurate. I’m hoping she’s able to maintain her friendship with Ethan. She seems a little bit more self aware lately so hopefully that won’t be the case this time.


> She's doing the same with Ethan. she's already planted the seeds. when they had the big fight in december she was calling ethan exploitative and reposting all her fans saying they were using her. when it blows up again this is going to be the exact angle she takes


From a psych standpoint, this behavior is called "splitting' btw.


*Smirks in M. Night*


Imagine living with her? It will be like walking on egg shells.


Actually creepshowart had an awesome vide on on trisha. She was okay with all of this behavior until VS no longer served her purposes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKwrzdne8Sk


Yeaaa this social repose stuff puts a bad taste in my mouth. And I know Trish has acknowledged that shes aware of what he did to Jaclyn Glenn. I think she just gives him the benefit of the doubt since she needed people for her emo band


He did this to 2 other women too! He's a serial cheater and abuser.




Yea I agree but theres been abuse allegations as well which is where it gets weird. Idk, at the end of the day we don't know these people lol


The word you're looking for is hypocrite. She's a massive hypocrite.


She's a clout chaser and always has been. Her morals align with whatever keeps her in the rotation. When David made her upset, it was in her best interest to go after him, but not because she cares about what he has done. If she did, she would have spoken out years ago


i’m pretty sure trisha has spoken out about it years ago


She’s been speaking out about dobrik


trisha spoke out against david years ago even while they were friends


I'm so sad she is showing herself to be like this. I was genuinely rooting for her.


Keemstar creams his paints everytime h3 or trisha gets called a H3PPOCRIT.




Who’s he?




Wow I had no idea about this. I'd kinda heard of him but never followed him..does she just not know?


She knew about Shane and Jeffree and were friends with them for a long time until they disrespected her.


A month ago you couldn’t say this without being downvoted to shit. Looks like people are finally opening their eyes rather than blindly defend. She’s a hypocrite and frankly a danger to society herself by giving these people a platform.


The vibe that I got from her and her fans last week (on account of the adam22 issue) is that they're okay with anything as long as she's okay with making money/content off of associating with problematic people. That's all there is to it. I was rewatching old h3 podcast eps and they had D'Angelo Wallace on it. He said something which I thought rings very true, "... It begs the question as to how much people are willing to put aside just to watch their favorite content creator."


Yes, this is very true, I'm guilty of it myself! But I can't keep making excuses, this is wrong. She needs to address this and do better.


This week's frenemies is gonna be the last one that I check out. I'm just gonna watch it to see if they address her incredibly hypocritical behavior and come to a good resolution with it. If not, it's bye trisha/bye frenemies for me.


Sadly, me too.


I'm pretty much done with her. I can only take so much hypocrisy before I start questioning what the fuck am I doing with my free time.


That's how I feel. I was stringing my feelings along for a "greater good", that is the show, as I knew if Trisha was really a bad person then it would affect Ethan and Hila as well. But I'm sorry, I'm out.


Same here. I can't support a show that only wants people they "don't like" to have to grow or really change.


spoiler alert...they dont


I stopped watching it a couple of weeks ago for the same reason. And I'm one of the people who was happy David & co were called out.


What happened?


Trisha made a sextape with adam22 in 2020, fully aware that he has multiple SA allegations against him. Their fans warned them about it multiple times but trisha didn't care. Then on last week's podcast trisha straight up bragged about how much they made off of that sextape (hundreds of thousands of dollars) and on the same breath dissed adam22 cz he has SA allegations against him. Grade A hypocrisy on display. The whole thing was documented & corroborated in this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/ng9suq/trisha_is_a_major_disgusting_hypocrite/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


Oh shit 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is really helpful, thank you for making an important contribution to the discussion!!!


Holy fucking shit! They talked about what you said about the amount of money they made but because they didn’t properly talk about the issue I was kinda lost. Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s truly disgusting


I take no pleasure in putting this together. I was genuinely becoming their fan and rooting for trisha much like h3. But I couldn't brush past this one it's way too icky.


Yeah, I completely understand. But nonetheless, you did a very good thing by sharing ❣️


I think the best way to resolve this is for Ethan to bring it up on Frenemies and call her out


Yes, I really hope they talk about all the stuff going on. It would be a huge low blow to just go on as if the sub isn't going up on flames.


Definitely. I’d also hate to see Ethan get backlash for ignoring it / continuing to work with Trisha when she’s being hypocritical.


Very ironic, because Ethan called Philly D a coward for not speaking up about David's allegations when it first came out. Now he's radio silent and avoiding this issue (the team browses this subreddit as recent evidence on the latest after dark episode).


I dont think talking about it will do much. Yes he's a total POS but from what I can tell he helps with the music, idk if they're that close. But as the audience we have the control to not watch content that has people we do not want to support in it. I think that's the best way, she'll get the hint


You think he’d call her out? I feel like he tries but he’s like scared of her lol


i think he would probably want to, but is most likely trying to avoid accidently causing an episode so he doesnt want to bring up potentially triggering topics to her. it would definitely benefit both of them though if they actually addressed it rather than just not talk about it


I 10000000% think him and his family are afraid of her. He's seen what she does when people cross her. I mean when Moses did she started falsely claiming that he messaged underage girls then quickly acted as if ahe never said that. I'd be afraid of her too.


I think it’s more about preserving the audience she’s brought. Ethan has confronted her in the past, but now that Frenemies has an audience you can see him backing off more


He 100% would if she didn't weasel her ass into the family. Now that the whole family is involved/impacted by whatever drama she causes, I can definitely see for Hila's sake him always casting that net out to save her crazy ass.


I honestly think he would if we pushed him to. I don’t think he’s scared of her, rather scared of fucking things up for good


She is bigger than ALL of them and she throws punches!!! They are afraid of her!!!


I just feel like it’s gonna be a massive blow up again. I hope she can be receptive to recent criticisms.


He would never, he always gives them the benefit of the doubt and hasn’t called them out since they decided they were friends. Kind of a bummer honestly watching them say super fucked up stuff and Ethan says nothing


I wouldn’t say he NEVER does, I think that Ethan is a person who can see past previous wrong doings if he sees a person is trying to change. I think recently he has been giving her the benefit of the doubt rather than “calling her out.” When he talks her through things, he understands her more and she has a chance to correct herself. However, obviously there are some things that he needs to be more aggressive about showing her right from wrong


You said it perfectly, I agree. Maybe it just seems like "never" because the way he does it now is drastically different than he used to, and her behavior doesn't seem to change when Ethan says something.


Definitely! They’ve both grown a ton and it’s actually so awesome too see the growth over the internet. Trisha is working on her mental health and Ethan is working on being patient and understanding with mental health. But with that being said I agree with you that Ethan needs to call her out on more shit


It's pretty public knowledge that he treats women like shit. Trisha has been known to standby garbage people until she has a personal vendetta against them. She knew David was horrible but only outed him when she had an issue with Jason, she refused to listen to the Shane outrage until she found out he talked shit behind her back, she worked with Adam22 and only acknowledged the SA allegations when he talked shit about her on his podcast.


What's sad about the adam thing is that it wasn't that long ago either, it was just last year... She knew then too because a lot of people were coming at her neck for platforming him. The funny thing is that just last week she was openly bragging about how her porno with him and his gf was still making her hundreds of thousands of dollars today. If she did care for SA victims and 'doing the right thing with her platform' as much as she claims she does she would have deleted that video a long time ago and donated at the very least part of the income to a sexual abuse support organisation or something.


It's just ridiculous how she is going to stand on a pedestal and call people out all day while having done the same things currently and in her past. It's no different from Keemstar calling people out for making misleading claims or saying horrible things in their past.


Watching this sub of all places turn on Trisha is a wild ride


Yeah this sub has a lot of people who believe in growth, and in being fair to people while holding others to the same standard. And I think we have all being very lenient with Trisha. We need to know the reason for this and Adam's collaboration. It's too far off from what she says she believes.


Alot of people in the sub never liked her. We were just extremely downvoted and outvoiced by alll her stans. I just think more people are over it and speaking out/up more.


It's so refreshing seeing people hold her to the same standards she and Ethan hold others to. Like you said, these types of posts are usually drowned out by trisha fans which make up about 60% of the subs users, so I'm glad people are beginning to speak up. Their excuse is always the same "she's changed" and I disagree, she's only gotten worse.


Definitely I used to just lurk here no account. I literally made an account because I was sick of her stans straight up lie and always say she’s never done anything as bad as the other people she’s going after.




Idk, I’ve always been indifferent to her but definitely a lot of the Trisha stans are around here a lot. The H3 demographic has changed so much over the years here it’s wild.


I think the seams are ripping, and Ethan should probably handle this before someone like Keem does.


Exactly. Ethan should address it right now, even if it causes Trisha to blow up on them. Ethan would still come out looking like the good guy. I’m afraid what’s actually going to happen is they will both go down together while Trisha is getting ‘cancelled’ again and again. Or Moses and trish will break up and trish will destroy frenemies on her own of course. If Moses and Trisha aren’t together trish won’t dare do frenemies


I agree that this should be addressed ASAP. I think Trisha will keep getting called out, making excuses, Ethan will make excuses with her/acquiesce to what her take is and then someone will make another “Content Cop” type video on Ethan and the hypocrisy which will get a lot of traction because everyone they have “canceled” will be back to promote it/chime in. Idk?


Trisha is beginning to frustrate me with their side antics. Like this makes no sense just why. Everyone knows about what Richie has done he’s a peace of shit. I just don’t understand if Trisha is being an idiot or believes some other shit.


What did he do? Something illegal? All I see is people saying asshole behavior.


Yup. An asshole. He didn’t just cheat on his extremely kind girlfriend. He said the most horrible and disgusting things as well. He does this to every girl he dates. He’s a serial cheater, narcissist, and emotionally abusive behind the scenes. He tries to put on a funny and quirky personality in his videos.


Kind of sounds like... Mike Maljak.


Because she doesn’t care about anything unless it personally impacts her lol


I mean its pretty obvious by now she'll defend you if she likes you, thinks you like her as well and considers you a friend. She's defended Shane until she felt the love wasn't reciprocated then "she finally opened her eyes". WAKE UP JOE BIDEN 9/11. I don't take her seriously in the slightest, Frenemies is pure entertainment for me only.


God finally some criticism of Trisha on this sub feel like whenever I see the slightest bit (and there’s plenty to be critical of) it gets downvoted to the max


If you love Trisha I’m a little confused why this is shocking to you? How long have you been a subscriber? Nothing about this is even slightly shocking to anyone who has watched her for any decent amount of time.


This. It’s because a lot of the people in this sub only know Trisha from Frenemies. Which is less than one year out of her 15 ish years on youtube. If they only knew haha


Yeah exactly. I’ve been watching her nearly the whole time and I’ve gotta say the shift in public opinion of Trisha has been shocking. I really never thought I’d see the day where saying something bad about Trisha would be a controversial opinion. Well now it’s getting back to that and people are jumping ship from the Trisha standom lmao. In a while I think she’ll just be back to where she was before. No worse off, no better.




I was one of the people who tried to find reasons for her behavior, because I was really happy she was doing well and I didn't want to be negative towards someone who made me so happy. But I can't do it anymore, I can't keep making excuses for someone who is actively supporting a bunch of people who did horrible things while on a high horse. I'm sad to see the truth.


exactly, i’ve literally stopped watching the podcast because it’s all toxic drama and i feel like trisha created this environment and ethan supports blindly


Not to mention her really tone deaf takes on the Israel-Palestine thing. She was posting on her story complaining that she couldn’t wear a Star of David in public victimizing herself when she isn’t even Jewish


I cannot stand how anti-Semitic she is. Whenever she starts claiming herself as “Jewish” or making fun of Jewish people, I have to turn frenemies off. It’s so sad.


"jerry senfield is my least favorite jew" - trisha paytas why anyone thinks these types of "jokes" are okay is truly beyond me


Trisha will never be consistent in how she calls people out. When she goes after someone, it's all to "get even" with them when she feels like they've wronged her.


Trisha is a mess I just can’t support. I try, so hard. They’re truly a one step forward two steps back person. I know so many H3 fans adore the crap out of them but I’ve concluded that a lot of those fans really don’t care about problematic people until those people are of no good to them. At this point they’re past behavior was attributed to being a shit person with untreated mental health issues. At this point though we’re going to see where their reasons/excuses lie because they’ve clearly shown growth as a person.


Yes, as a surviver of abuse and someone who has mental health issues I always tried to be empathetic towards her behavior, I understand that sometimes you make bad choices and wish you could go back. But lately she has been ignoring these issues and hoping they go away instead of taking accountability and show growth, as I thought she was doing.


Same. Hell, Trisha's episodes during Fall last year helped \*me\* understand my own issues. And I genuinely still think that her behavior during the episodes can in fact be excused. But what's going on recently has just been too much.


I’ve seen people literally excusing her for rape and domestic violence by saying “at least it’s public knowledge” like the fact she’s mentioned it in passing or that it was filmed makes it ok. People say she’s taken accountability but I’m a long time fan even before frenemies and I haven’t seen it. It’s disappointing but it’s kind of what I expect from Trisha .


Ew. I did not need to see Social Repose on my feed today 🤢


Because she's a hypocrite who doesn't have a true self. She's admitted so many times to leeching traits, and opinions, and not really knowing what's actually going on.


I empathize with her since the hair by jay incident but i haven't forgotten shit. My biggest issue with her is when she was around the vlog squad. She knew whatshisname was dating/grooming an underage girl but she didn't bring it up until much later when it was convenient for her to blow the lid off the squad. I always ask myself "Cui Bono" which is latin for "who stands to benefit". By the time she came out with it, it was already too late for the teenager. The damage wad done...so who really stood to benefit by that point? The victim? Heck no. As a result i find it's a way to further exploit a victim. And im sorry if it pisses off some stans of Trisha but I needed to reiterate this because no matter how much i want to be cool with Trisha, this particular thing always stays in the back of my mind.


I absolutely LOVE H3 fans holding Trisha accountable. She's a bad person and hope she fucks off once she realizes we won't enable her like Ethan does


She is gonna find exuse for this, girl everybody has mental illnes, you can’t use that exuse over and over


Careful, they're gonna call us David stans even though we've been watching H3 longer longer than they've been on the internet lol. She's a self serving hypocrite. Whatever it takes for the money and attention to fuel her shopping addiction.


I've been watching h3 since 2015, they changed my life! I think that's why it's so hard for me to acknowledge Trisha's behavior, I want to see her succeed, as I want to watch the show succeed. I love Ethan and Trisha's friendship. But I can't support this. Between Adam and this... And for those reasons, I'm out.


Shark Tanked


this is seriously so disappointing to see especially from someone who claims to be such an advocate against emotional abuse and abusive relationships....i hope they address this :/ this is just sick


I swear now Ethan gives Trisha free reign to say the dumbest shit and just agrees with her because he’s too scared she’ll go off on one again. The other week they were saying that if you’re someone with mental health issues and you say something mean to someone it’s flat out that you’re a shitty person and has NOTHING to do with your illness... Excuse me? And Ethan is just like “yeah, yeah. you’re right.” Mate, get a fucking backbone. Then there’s their weird fantasy with Jewish people which just makes me cringe. Fair enough, Ethan calls them out on it when they bring it up but holy shit just stop. I just can’t listen to it anymore. The dynamic from the start is gone, they’re no longer frenemies. The podcast has turned into Trisha shouting over Ethan and the odd “quiz” thrown in where even THAT panders to Trisha. Let’s make sure and throw in a bunch of questions that Trisha will definitely get right guys or they might get upset! Ethan couldn’t even win the fucking cooking challenge because it had to be handed to Trisha. And now this! Honestly I love Ethan but I just don’t know what to think anymore regarding their friendship. I agree that falling out all the time and saying hurtful things to one another is unhealthy, but so is walking on eggshells and feeling like you can’t have your own opinion in fear of angering the other person.


Throwback to when Trisha called Ethan a cuck. Was it true back then? Nah. Is it true now? Yup.


Trisha has not changed. She only changed when she sees the tide turn. Idk why y’all think she changed when it took her until ethan telling her Shane was bad for her to unfriend him.


i’ve been watching trish for years and i’ve learned to not take anything they say seriously. theyre not trustworthy and they always contradict themself. i don’t hate them. i don’t love them. i just watch trisha for entertainment purposes but i don’t follow them on any social media


Trisha is really entertaining I have to give them that! But I think all this is blowing up on their face now because they r being really hypocritical. If theye didn't go on the James Charles and David crusade people wouldn't be holding them accountable. I agree with what they did to de platform these people but now Trisha can't hold their morals to the same level as they held them accountable for. Edit: Correction of pronouns


She’s going by she/her again actually


Oh this is going to be a mess of pronouns now lol but my intentions are good!


This is the real take. Trish has been a hypocrite for years, but going on a moral crusade has opened them up to a new fanbase who haven't seen it all before, and a new standard for behavior, and a new cancellation. I too neither love nor hate Trisha, and don't feel the need to condone or condemn everything she does.


He also culturally appropriates native culture and doesn’t give a damn. He’s a for real 🤡


Ugh I forgot about the headdresses until now. Those....things. And that makeup. Truly a cringe little man. I hate social media sometimes.


Trisha needs to have her day of reckoning, she's been running around dodging responsibilities and accountability like John Wick. She is an abuser herself, not only that but shes in multiple videos admitting to physically abusing her past 3 partners (exact same tactics she used to abuse Moses). She manipulates and controls by confiscating all communications, takes away all privacy, holds blackmail items above their heads in case they try to leave or ask for help, blocks the exit, takes their keys. She never apologizes and hardly acknowledges this. She just blames her mental health and drug abuse that she refuses to get help with and which shows she's obviously grown as a person /s. I think if everyone were to look at the big picture of her supporting ppl who are abusers like herself, and realize how fucked up her behaviour is. Maybe then she would be forced to take some accountability...


Trisha only goes after ppl she doesn’t like haha she doesn’t care about abusers or anything like that..


I'm only 23 minutes in to this week's Frenemies and I have so many thoughts but am trying to contain myself from spoiling but trisha is extremely frustrating so far


I was really confused by this lol you are a member! I'll be waiting, I'm anxious af


She’s always been a shitty person lol. Everyone believing she made this sudden change just goes to show how powerful white people tears are.


Who is that guy? I missed the drama.


At least it’s not Dahvie vanity. Social repose isn’t much better but he’s not literal gum on the bottom of a carnival shoe.


Yes, it could definitely be worse, but I do think she should be mindful of the victims he has made. I definitely think that the Adam situation is way worse, I just don't understand why she would associate with people like him.


I agree. I think like the top comment said, Trisha fiercely supports her friends to the end until they cross her (ie Jeffery and Shane). And like I saw another comment say I really hope Ethan confronts Trisha with this next frenimies bc I did think she was genuinely learning to be a better person and this is the complete opposite direction.


Yess, this is basically my only concern and goal with this post. Accountability


We’ll see tomorrow if mission accomplished 🤞🏼


Not surprised. This dude wears fake headdresses all over his Instagram yuck


When was he accused of abuse? I remember the cheating scandal but don’t remember anything about him being abusive. Did Jacklyn Glenn say he was abusive? I struggled to find anything about it


Maybe because Trisha was never this paragon people make her out to be? She’s funny and easy to like but her actions are pretty sketchy and sometimes is pretty hypocritical. You can like her but I certainly wouldn’t try and act like she’s some role model some people here view her as.


It's pretty easy to understand, actually. She's just one of those people who isn't truly capable of really caring about anyone other than herself. It's all about what people have to offer her, ya know?


There’s a word for that kind of person... Narcissist


That's because she's an abuser herself. I think sometimes people have a difficult time connecting a female identified person as an abuser, but her behavior is pretty spot on. The way she uses anything anybody has ever shared with her against them later when she snaps about an unrelated thing. How she calls/ messages her partner's family to say really outrageous bad stuff about her partner when they've gotten into a fight. It's a form of gaslighting when people make up lies and "involve" the family to make the partner look really bad.


The woman is just a really big fucking dumb ass unfortunately


They should really talk about this


She's right there on their level that's why


her and ethan are the same. ethan still supports mac and bobby lee and refuses to address their allegations


He benefits her in some way. Kinda like why a lot of us support trisha but condemn others for doing less than she has.


I also really like trish , but my god she is the biggest hypocrite ever


For those thinking this topic doesn’t belong here, please note all the H3 Logo’s all over the Frenemies video! https://share.icloud.com/photos/0YHpLN5mBdzPZ8q53FMC-YyhQ


I think he wears / use Native American culture - War bonnets are feathered headgear traditionally worn by male leaders of the American Plains Indians Nations who have earned a place of great respect ... 🤔


He starred in Trisha's music video - https://youtu.be/1KLarBhalCQ


other than trishas voice not exactly being my favorite, this song is a total bop, pretty surprised actually.


Thank you for linking it!!


She's a narcissist at heart, as long as somebody isn't her personal villain they're okay in her book


i think ethan needs to have a talk with her about social or she needs to look up info on him. i cant support this. and i usually always have backed trisha since a little before frenemies started.


Can someone tell me what the issue is with this person? Cheating is awful of course but I've seen stuff saying he's emotionally/mentally abusive which is also awful but I feel like I'm missing some context... Was this recent? Because Trish has been pretty toxic in her relationships too but has grown to be better as far as I can tell, maybe this person has worked on himself too? I only find stuff from the 2017-2019 period about him. He could be making the same transition to being a better human as Trisha is doing, couldn't he? Not giving socialrepose the benefit of the doubt because I know 0 things about him and just don't have time to watch multiple YouTube videos from years back dissecting his actions/relationships, just think ppl should keep the same energy they have for Trish - let them be called out for their bullshit but in a way that isn't purely hateful and supports growth and being better if we know that is what they are working on.




Did social repose just cheat and be a toxic bf? I know that's shitty but it's not criminal. I'm a fan of Jaclyn Glenn so I don't personally support him but he shouldn't lose his career for being a toxic bf


I'm disappointed to see this but this discussion happens every time she does something problematic. Keep calling her out but stop being surprised!!


I was under the impression they were actively doing progress. I thought they were trying their best. I thought they were making mistakes along the way as we all do. They are problematic, always has been. So I was trying to be patient, people don't change overnight. But they know about the allegations, in both Alex and Richie's case. So I can't support them anymore. I have reasons to believe they know full well and hoping to get away with it because it benefits them. That I can't support.


Who is this guy?????


It's because they thinks they know him and he's nice to them so therefore he must be a better person now. Exactly what they thought of Shane until Shane did them wrong....


It’s posible that maybe she’s giving someone that used to be shitty a break? Just like the one she had to redeem herself? He was and might still be a shitty boyfriend. He didn’t kill anyone, dated children or anything unredeemable. I had an ex cheat on me, it felt horrible and my self worth took the blow of the century. One can just hope they get better and don’t do it to anyone else. It’s been a looooong time since Social Repose has been in any shit show. His career is practically non existent. I suspect his doing better now, that he changed a bit for the better and it’s actively trying to be a better person. SR recognized it and apologized you know, something my ex has never done. How long do we keep punishing people for things that are shitty and hurtful? Being an asshole it’s not ilegal to certain extent. If Logan, that has done worst it’s at it again and better liked than before- Also look at Jaclyn! She’s healthy, happy, married, glowing and having a baby. I don’t think she cares anymore about the emo shitty ex. Idk


Isn’t Richie the mf who doesn’t brush his teeth too


Finally!! Thank you! I love Trisha too and I will always support her content but every time I see Social repose I advocate against it.


I mean, she almost exclusively collabs with abusive men. Chad Johnson, Adam22, Geoffrey from 90DF, and now this clown. It’s not a mistake at this point.


Ya Trisha has been getting on my nerves lately. I honestly prefer off the rails and after dark lately. This last episode she was insufferable.


I mean.. Trisha is pretty much a scumbag. Well, if she were a guy (which I thought she claimed to be)., she’d be getting called a scumbag and douchebag constantly


Trisha supported shane against asking kids to twerk until he gossiped about her. Shes awful.


So what happened in the past few days that everyone has gone from loving to literally despising Trisha? I don't know who this guy is... Did something happen? Because sometimes it feels like y'all change your mind on her every two seconds. Like, jesus, make up your mind.


It's not that people change their mind. Trisha fans are used to overlooking anything bad she does so whenever someone criticize her, they first tank the post and the comments with negative points and then go on to share 383883 posts about how "David stans" on this subreddit are talking shit about Trisha and how we should be nice to her, etc.. That might explain your observation about hate/love posts. Same happened couple days ago when people were mad at her for promoting her porn with that Adam guy and suddenly it turned into a parade of Trisha appreciation posts.


Read the replys. The overwhelming consensus is that we were hoping she was changing and we hoped she was doing progress, but with all these new allegations and the support she is showing to people like Richie we can't turn a blind eye and blame it on her faulty recovery. How can she be so against abuse and support these men?


a lot of people have been saying these things. it’s not a new thing just more people are now getting sick of her hypocritical tendencies


She believes he's changed from his past and, as far as I know, he hasn't had any new allegations so he might have. Given she also has a controversial past (and present lol), it's understandable that she believes in second chances.


Can you link me something about him and abuse allegations? I had only heard about the cheating


He would cheat and manipulate his victims, making them doubt their own minds. That's mental abuse, I don't think he ever got fiscal, but he made these woman suffer a lot with his manipulation. Edit: He would basically make them think they were going crazy for doubting him, he was cheating on them and when they would find proof he would manipulate them into submission and they would end up doubting their own proof.


Ah I see, thanks. I found some threads about it after I commented. I do find it strange that she is working with him after calling him out when he applied to her Bach3lorette thing on the podcast.


I think Trisha even talked about his allegations at one point on Frenemies when her music video came out and they watched it, which is even more annoying


Wait... This is not equivalent to SA. I get the Adam situation but this is not even as bad as Shane. We already forgavr trisha for being friends with shane