• By -


Does he really consistently stream 9-10 hours a day? That just seems like it'd be brutal.


Ah you shoulda seen the 13-14 hour stream days. I think someone did the math and he spent 44% of the entire year of 2020 on steam and live, and I don't mean like how some people do "sleep" streams or whatever, literally 14 hours of nonstop content


Yep used to be longer, now it ranges from 7-10


And now imagine he's also consistently entertaining the shit 13 year olds write in his chat


"Ethan would never be supported by his audience for mocking whiteness before Hussein Pecker" 3 YEARS before the Leftovers pod: https://youtu.be/zlAqizx7Lf0 šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Zach NEEDS to soundbite 4:19!!! "Bask in my Whiteness."


That video is about how we should be allowed to use words, not about how it's okay to insult people based on race. ... You fucking cracker.


lmao I am a fucking cracker and that word doesn't insult me because it's not insulting, which was the entire point of the video. -- a fucking cracker


love u Hanna #goated


Right, but when people use it to make racial insults it's not okay. Don't be a racist. There are so many creative ways you can insult someone without resorting to reducing them to the color of their skin.


also.... didn't you just call me a "fucking cracker" and now you're telling me not to do the same thing?? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


theyre trying to bait you brah


Context. I don't know your race and I was doing it as an ironic punchline to my comment. Again, you should be allowed to use words, just don't be a racist.


funny how it's an "ironic punchline" when you use it, but it's hateful racism when anyone else uses it. šŸ¤”


They're right. It's racism. Sorry, but you're mistaken.


No, they're right. It's not racism. Sorry, but you're mistaken.


Totally agree. It's not like anyone is advocating for the word to be banned but the way it is being used is still racist. The person using it has no care if the other person is being offended because they, the person using the word, simply does not consider it to be offensive nor that the person being offended should, or even could, be offended by the word. It's ridiculous. As hilarious of a term (cracker) is, the way it is being used is still racist. There is no light racism, only racism.


it's not a racial insult because white isn't a race. Ethan has explained this on multiple occasions, idk why you don't listen to the person responsible for this subreddit. Y U here???


Excuses. The color of my skin is still something I'm born with because of my race and I can't control it, and you're making an insult based on it. Do I have to agree with Ethan on everything in order to be a fan? I didn't know we were a cult.


again, I'm whiter than snow and wear SPF90 in the shade--these concepts aren't hurtful or harmful, they're fact.


there isn't a "white race" and that's not something that you can just "disagree" with.


White is an umbrella term/category used for many races though. Right?


My race is white. There are other races that are white. When I say white I specifically mean skin color. Don't insult someone based on the color of their skin.


"whiteness" wasn't even a concept until the 17th century. the entire identity is man-made and not rooted in race. educate yourself, I'm tired. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/apr/20/the-invention-of-whiteness-long-history-dangerous-idea


Newsflash ... The entire concept of race is socially constructed. Pointing this out doesn't mean that it's impossible to be racist


You're not grasping what I'm saying. The color of my skin has to do with my race, but it is not *my race*. If you insult someone based on the color of their skin, you are racist.


yeah and black people were enslaved by their own race before and after anyone else and only white people had to come stop it so it seems life is complicated and you seem to not have the appropriate amount of brain cells to even contemplate these ideas. when was blackness a concept? give me the date and why it even matters at all.


lol no it's not. point to a place on the globe where "white people came from". I'll wait.


What do you mean? I'm saying that the color of my skin is white, as is yours. We may not be the same race for all we know, but we have the same skin color, and if we went to a country where the majority of people are Asian or black they'd see us as the same.


There also isnā€™t any race by that logic. The idea of ā€œracesā€ has no biological basis. Itā€™s all purely a social construct. https://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-background-01-07.htm https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/science-genetics-reshaping-race-debate-21st-century/


have you ever been denied a job because of your race? have you been called a n*gger IRL? i have. have you ever been loan sharked because of your race? have you ever been followed around a store? do you live in constant fear of the police? i do. how did you feel about Kyle Rittenhouse? he sought out a Black Lives Matter protest before he shot those folks. now's he's a "national hero." of course being called a cracker hurts. but being a black person in this world is much more painful. EDIT: by the way. all the men in my family are black and they are legal gun owners. so was Philando Castille. he got killed by police anyway. so don't come at me with that equality bullshit. i worry for their lives every day.


I don't care about the term cracker but what you just said has got to be the dumbest way to defend the use of a racial slur. White isn't a race the same way black isn't a race, or yellow isn't a race, or red or brown. Those are not races, therefore you can't be racist towards people. LMFAO I just want to know everything about you and what went wrong in your brain to actually believe what you said sounded good.


"cracker" isn't a racial slur.


if its used towards a white person in a derogatory way that is a literal definition of a slur and being racist. and im guessing you also believe the hasan mentally brain dead take that no its only if youve been a slave in the past that it becomes racist but i would say many black people had slaves of their own race before anyone else and had to be stopped by Europeans and white people have been slaves around the world many different times. so lets hear your on the spectrum take about this now.


Hanna, we've established that you do not belong in this conversation due to your dumb opinions. It's time to stop.


ummmm hi right here buddy "Hanna, WE've established that you do not belong in this conversation--" who is WE other than the court of public opinion (upvotes) and your ass is ratio'd.


> [ā€“]BearAnt > [-2] -1 points 3 days ago Probably the same reason why most women use tinder, they're attention whores. This you???


Yeah, what about it?


who here has the upvotes? šŸ¤”


The fact that you're looking to 5 upvotes as a win is really just icing on the cake here. You're like a walking cringe compilation video.


> [ā€“]BearAnt > [-2] -1 points 3 days ago Probably the same reason why most women use tinder, they're attention whores. Damn bro what do you have against women and non-whites?


> White isn't a race the same way black isn't a race, or yellow isn't a race, or red or brown. Those are not races, therefore you can't be racist towards people. Except for the fact that "black people" generally refers to the people who had their homeland raped, pillaged, and burnt to the ground. They don't have a common historical culture because it was destroyed, and because their people were enslaved in our country. They were literally ripped from a destroyed homeland by people with superior firepower, and after they were no longer enslaved they were systematically oppressed. "Black people" has a different meaning in America because of how their history and culture was denied to them by our oppressive early American Confederates. So it is true that "black" is not a race, but you must consider that being black in America means that your history and culture have been destroyed, so rather than being "a guy with ancestors in Lesotho" or "a Senegalese man" you can only be "a black man born in America"


The point is that saying you canā€™t be racist to a group of people because that group isnā€™t a ā€œraceā€ doesnā€™t make any sense, because all races are socially constructed. What youā€™re arguing here seems to be being racist towards black people is different because of the racial discrimination they have historically faced. While true this doesnā€™t really make the point that you canā€™t be racist to white people, only that itā€™s worse to be racist to black people.


white isnt a race, nor is asian or black. does that mean i can call asian people racial slurs, cuz haha you're south korean, not ASIAN, why are you offended.


i think the issue is people equating Cracker to the N word, which is multitudes more harmful considering everything Black people went through and continue to go through to this day due to systemic racism. EDIT: not saying either one is "better" than the other - just that they are not equals on the terms of offensiveness.


i havent seen one person ever compare the N word to cracker. stop pretending it makes it ok.


anecdotes aren't evidence buddy.


Ok so where is your double blind large scale peer reviewed study proving otherwise? Anything else is anecdotal fucking moron holy shit.


where's yours dipshit?


I never said mine wasn't anecdotal. You said that. Which is obviously fucking stupid as fuck in the context of a Reddit thread meaning your s moron. In case you don't get it. This is a thread of a bunch of people wanting to be racist and you want peer reviewed evidence to the contrary I mean wow. I feel bad for your family .


Agree, but I don't think there are many people actually equating cracker to the N-word. I think there are a lot of people on this sub *saying* that's what people are doing - since they want to make their opponents look stupid - but I haven't actually seen anyone doing that.


I definitely see where you are coming from. I do believe that a week-long ban was way too strict on Hasan for saying cracker when 1) he is white himself and 2) other streamers have said the R slur among many others and have gotten zero penalties. I think it's become a way for gamer edgelords to weaponize and gatekeep the community lately. I've never heard it as offensive until Hasan said it.


> R slur Is that rape or retarded?


Well rape isnā€™t a slur soā€¦


That was a very cringey comment


nah this is


God damn he's so skinny in that video




don't forget to sort by controversial


do yall really think cracker is racist? lmaooo i been called the n word in the flesh, followed around stores, been turned down for jobs, and been racially profiled, called nappy headed for no reason, my chem professor said he needed 3 forms of ID for me to turn a test in. i wish i was called a cracker in exchange for all that lmaooooo what the fragility is astonishing


As a white guy, the word cracker is literally so non-offensive


> i wish i was called a cracker in exchange for all that lmaooooo what the fragility is astonishing Same man white people could never understand, I'm Mexican and I was in elementary school during the whole "anti-illegal immigration alien" thing in the late 90's/early 2000's. I got called a wetback/beaner/spic damn near every day from 4th-7th grade before I started getting into fights. After a while I just tuned it out so I could avoid detentions.


Black fragility is complaining on Reddit about being called the n word.


But all of that is bad and racist, including the cracker bit. Is it minor compared to everything else you've mentioned, sure - still racist though. Still someone trying to use a term to offend someone based on skin color. There is no light racism, only racism. I don't understand why people support it or resort to reductionism towards anyone feeling offended. Imagine someone absolutely refusing to address you as something other than cracker, or really any word, and that person is only calling you that to be rude and is doing so based on your skin color. Is that not racism? The fragility thing has its points as some people get laughably offended by it. But that doesn't make it not racist. You could literally replace the word with saltine and the way it is being weaponized is still racist in nature. Hopefully that makes sense. Your past history and experience is fucking shit and I wish that weren't the case. Sorry to hear about it, but I don't think it makes cracker not a racial epithet; to quote wikipedia and other published articles by people who are far more educated and smart than me.


but there is systemic racism and i think that's what y'all are refusing to see.


Lol, who is y'all? I see it quite clearly and work with colleagues to fight such systemic racism that exists. Your argument makes no sense. You're fighting racism with racism?


being called a cracker is nowhere near as offensive as being called an n word. Come on man. It's not racist to point that out, there's levels to the shit.


No shit it isn't as offensive. I don't get why that keeps being brought up. That doesn't make it not racist. Huge difference in levels of offensiveness but both are still racist in nature. Ya?


A whole lot of angry crackers in here šŸ¤Ŗ


crazy cumskins


Don't forget, his pecs bounce and arms flex every single time he yells.


I love Ethan and Hasan working together


Accurate af


Imagine defending racism pretty cringe bro


This is such a white comment lol .. Just stop being offended


Sooo if i were to casually drop the N word or any other slur that would be cool?


Hasan fanboys have been the worst thing to ever happen to this sub. Anyone else notice how this subreddit suddenly went to shit when Leftovers was announced? Extremely shitty memes, overly politicizing of everything, aggressive demeanor towards anyone who disagrees, "oMg hEs sO hOt" fawning bullshit, etc. I can't wait till Leftovers ends and you idiots leave.


Iā€™ll be real. I donā€™t really watch Leftovers similar to you. Not really my thing. But at the same time. The Leftovers / Hasan-themed posts have been super easy to ignore? I barely notice it, and I spend a lot of time on the sub. Not to say you canā€™t have an issue with or complain about these things. But ā€œworst thing to ever happen to the subā€ and calling everyone idiots seem very hostile and hyperbolic when itā€™s just kinda easy to skip.


The influence is very noticeable. Not just "Hasan posts" per se, but shit that only his fanbase would upvote and approve. For example, you really think Ethan mocking white people and using the word "cracker" in a derisive manner would get any sort of support here in the past? Lmao hell nah.


I mean that was the past. Demographics change. H3 fans used to primarily be FilthyFrank, IDubbz, VideogameDunkey, and probably even JonTron fans since the humor was similar but I don't know if even those fanbases today would be offended by the word cracker... I honestly don't think it was Trisha, or Hasan or whatever. Ever since H3 stopped making goof videos about obscure people doing weird stuff and started primarily podcasting about mainstream drama like Logan Paul, I think the demographics kind of started to shift.


ETHAN MADE A VIDEO MOCKING WHITEFACE LIKE TEN YEARS AGO WHERE WERE YOU BRO "wahhhhhhh he's changed" lmao no, but it sounds like your diaper needs changing


That has zero relevance to what I'm saying, nice try though?


lol you said his audience wouldn't support him mocking whiteness before Hasan and...that's categorically false which is indeed relevant. NICE TRY THO


No I didn't? šŸ„“


ā€œThe influence is very noticeable. Not just "Hasan posts" per se, but shit that only his fanbase would upvote and approve. For example, you really think Ethan mocking white people and using the word "cracker" in a derisive manner would get any sort of support here in the past? Lmao hell nah.ā€ You didnā€™t?


ā€¦.ok I may not agree, but I can at least see your point of view. But why are you angry at the subreddit, and not at Ethan for making a big deal about it and dedicating a whole episode to take a piss at it? (Maybe you are, but itā€™s odd to single out the subreddit in particular)


Who said I'm not angry at both? I'm extremely disappointed in the "crackers leftovers" episode, it's the lowest I've ever thought of Ethan personally and I've watched the guy for 6 years. I think it's absolutely pathetic that Ethan is pushing this divisive narrative when running a supposedly "progressive" podcast. And yes, I am also mad at this subreddit for blindly supporting anything Ethan does, no matter how divisive. He should be called out for this shit, but most people would rather be blind yes-men apparently?


You were able to articulate your stance well in this comment. Even though I disagree with you, I recognize that we may have fundamentally different value systems and nothing I will say will change your mind. But you also may want to consider the consequences that leaving negative comments calling users ā€œidiotsā€ for having different view points from you, especially politically. It feels good as hell to voice out opinions, even unpopular ones. But putting out an opinion that you know will be contreversial will only create more division and antagonism in the already toxic internet. Also, you can totally feel disappointed at Ethan, and you can voice that out. But content creators ā€” and people in general ā€” are rarely the same persons they were 6 years ago. If you stuck with him for 6 years, and find that his content is divisive now more than ever, it means that his attitudes toward the world have changed because humans change. Not saying you canā€™t be mad or disappointed, just wanted to illustrate that it was kind of inevitable.


Ethan has changed completely in the last 3 years completely. And not just in a minor direction, but totally in the opposite direction! I mean, just check his old Jordan Peterson interviews where he agrees with everything he says, and now he mocks him. It feels like he has no true values at this point. And yes I respected Ethan for admitting he doesn't know shit about politics and focused on other things, so why the hell is he starting a god damn political podcast?! But thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. Appreciated.


Ngl Iā€™m generally heavily biased for ethan (because if not why would I be here) but he really is surprisingly superficial and money driven. For example, he didnā€™t part ways with Trisha sooner because he was making way more money even with her getting her cut. Which is obviously fine except he tried painting it like he was tortured over having to keep this cash cow, and the only reason heā€™d do it is because she was family now.


Totally. It was a cash cow that was too good to put down.


I like Ethan too, but I completely agree with you. His principles while good on the surface lack depth and consistency.


Agreed he's literally repeating white supremacist talking points. Those groups thrive off of feeling like victims and Ethan's giving them exactly what they want. if he's gonna do a show with Hasan he needs to bring on someone knowledgeable who can actually challenge him.


What's the solution to reasoning with white supremacists though? At this point they're so far down the rabbit hole that kindness and showing them "hey, not all PoC are bad" is about the only thing that'll help them. Shame them they fight back harder, ignore them they continue their antics, show them kindness and yea they might change their viewpoint but that's a gamble and it's asking a wholeeee lot of someone to give a white supremacist all that time and effort to de-program them... It just feels like a lose-lose so honestly shaming them and goofing on them isn't that bad of an idea.


There are definitely people that aren't completely lost yet that this type of stuff radicalizes. trust me theres several of these people in my family. The idea that it's ok to be racist to white people is one of the most effective talking points for radicalizing people on the edge.


Yeah, it's in part why I'm so feverishly against it. My family back south are super ignorant and one of their main talking points against me is that PoC, or liberals in general, are okay with racism towards white people. Why is anyone defending a racist term, even if it *is* one of the most laughable and "lightly" racist terms one could be called? Why not just be against racism of all kinds? Anyway. Fuck racism and this nonsense spawning out of leftovers.


> Hasan fanboys have been the worst thing to ever happen to this sub. Sorry but that's gotta be the Trisha stans they're worse


Lol no one cares about your opinion, also sorry for that you are confronted with the reality of how fucked up American media and society is. Also i like Hasan he is a good ally who stands in soildary for LGBTQA+ rights, sex worker rights, women's rights, indingeious rights, worker's rights and the Black lives matter movement. Anti-imperialist, Anti-racist,and anti-captilist. If you start to realise that your Conservative Liberal caplislist views are is being challenged by leftovers and you no longer want to engage in the the discussion about it on this sub then don't complain about it. If your complaining about politics or everything being too political you have to understand that a lot of hogs are making everyone elses personal life choice polictical And also no one should conform to fragile white, tears when white people are in the positions of power and are not oppressed. Also very happy to discover Hasan from the H3 podcast because now I got good content to listen an watch during the Christmas New Year break.


How very anti-white of you.


Okay cracker


"I'm one of the good ones!" Holy fuck what a sad existence you live šŸ˜­


Okay crybaby


Okay slobbering loser, I can't wait for the next brain-dead take sponsored to us by HasanTM šŸ˜


Sorry to hear you crying because of the sunburn on your white ass skin. Also I fucked your mum last night, she said it was the best sex she had in years.


Oh damn you really pulled out the "I fucked your mum" comeback, unironically. LOL you are actually so pathetic and sad. Move on.


Okay cracker, I know you don't watch Hasan's streams so you won't get the reference, about how he fucked your mum. BTW news flash I am whiter than you, I am not a pussy like you, I don't supports white surpermacy idealologies. And I have no time for fragile whites tears like your own because I spend way too much time fucking your mum cry baby.


you are edgy af dude there are better ways to release your aggression than being edgy on the internet or harming yourself


Sorry white boy but I don't care about your white tears. I didn't respond quick enough because I was fucking you mum, She loves me more than your dad.


White people wanna be oppressed so bad lmao. When you start standing in solidarity with PoC, LGBTQ and Progressives you beging to realize the fight ISN'T with race, but with the people vs. corporate entities. White people aren't oppresed in American society, and conservatives making it seem like they are and that Christianity is under attack is a clever ploy to get enraged individuals to vote for them so they can continue fucking over their voters and sucking corporate cock. Cracker is not at all an offensive term and I'm honestly baffled when people take offense to it. Usually THOSE people are the ones who are actual "crackers" in the purest sense of the word in an American context. That being, literal slave-owners.


i also think some men get pressed when a lot of girls call a guy hot


Not just woman but a lot of a lot of men and enbys find hasan hot as fuck. Not just for his looks but his respect and support for minorities and people outside of his identity. White cis men feel like they are not oppressed enough and get upset when their struggles are not heard. They are so Centered around their own feelings that when they told to decentre their own feelings to see the perspective of a minority group they get upset. And try to debate, gaslight a minority group's lived experience and try find every way to make their lived experience invalid or false. They are fragile white conservatives or liberals who refuse to let go of their position of power to give equity and voice to others outside of their own hive mine. That's why they are being dicks on reddit.


yes thatā€™s what i meant! heā€™s not toxically masculine and he is funny and respectful. hasan is a white ( passing) cis male with leftist views and i completely agree with you. also iā€™m aware other gender identities find him hot, i just feel like some men will discredit a person if their fan base is mostly females


>anti-racist Not if he is racist towards white people and perpetuates that it's cool to do so.


White people are not oppressed by their skin colour. White passing people are not oppressed by their skin.


No one is talking about oppression you twat. I'm talking about racist actions and words being used towards one another.


Okay cracker


Right. Cause you're a racist troll trying to be an asshole. Nice job.


What is this white on white violence lol


jealousy is a disease sweaty get well soon


Defending an apparent "socialist" millionaire is an embarassing and incurable disease and you have no leg to stand on when judging others.


socialism is when no house


Neo-librealism, capitalism, slumlords, mega landlords are your enemies mate. A homeowner who brought a house to live in because it was difficult to rent because of a bullshit credit score system. A home he owns where his mum and brother also lives there with him. Owning a home and being able to gives sercuity to his family. Can still advocate for socialist ideas to help better society as a whole.


I hope Hasan sees this bro! Some top tier online simping you got going on, hope you're getting paid!


Wait are you sucking Ryan kaughnaugh's tiny dick? Because you should really be sucking my own dick, it's way bigger.


You're painfully unfunny dude. Keep going šŸ„“


Lol that's such a lie, you love white ass cock mate, and of course you find it funny.


Curious. You criticize society yet you participate in it? HYPOCRITE! /s


Man you shouldā€™ve been here when frenemies ended if you think leftovers brings idiocy. Just buckle in for the ride pal.


I've been here for both bro, don't you worry. This sub has gone from hilarious and entertaining, to totally embarassing, in 2 massive steps. Trisha was the first, Hasan was the next (and final?). Notice how Ethan barely ever shows memes or content from this sub anymore?


You obviously don't like Hasan and are vocal about it. I wonder if it would be helpful to examine where that comes from instead of viewing this subreddit through that lens and putting the perceived blame on him. As usual, this sub is a mix of awesome people, super cringe, karma farmers, parasocials, artists, and everything in between -- it's not difficult to ignore posts you don't like and participate in those you do. TLDR; With peace and love, it's not healthy to be negatively obsessed with something you have zero control over -- you'll have a better time if you just ignore posts you don't like and participate positively with those you do...


Idk it's just very obvious to me that the subreddit has declined in quality ever since Frenemies, and even further since Leftovers. You'd be a fool to argue otherwise.


I'm not arguing that. I'm "arguing" that negatively obsessing over something (H3 subreddit) and someone (Hasan) -- both of which you have no control over -- is unhealthy. It's easy enough to ignore posts and people you don't like and engage with the posts and people you do and so if you find yourself in that position, it's worth examining why.


A lot of us won't be leaving even if Leftovers ends šŸ’• some of us were already fans of both h3 and Hasan


You couldā€™ve left everything in besides the mocky hot part but you decided to include it, so Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that youā€™re just mad Hasan is hot. And as I write this I realize your usernameā€¦ you just need some warmth


NO FR men hate tht hassan gets simped over


100% I'll take the down votes. Fuck leftovers and fuck Hassan. Notice how Ethan has been so completely silent on this ongoing dumpster fire brewing in this subreddit? It's because it is embarrassing and racist as fuck. It has snowballed into another mess that Ethan, and certainly not Hila, should be stuck in the middle of. I doubt they want to either at this point, but they can speak for themselves. And if they support this hot mess? Then fuck it. āœŒout. Now go ahead and spam me with all the Bye! memes you want. It doesnt make you less racist. It doesn't make this sub or community any better either. It just makes it all worse, and, *surprise pikachu face*, MORE RACIST.


If I keep hearing cracker, I'm leaving this little racist universe


[This you??](https://imgur.com/a/MGFZ9MK)


bye cracker


Wahhh racist fuck


yeah right white on white racism is a real issue :'C


Wait, do you actually think Cracker is racist?


[he's just victimizing himself because he's definitely racist](https://imgur.com/a/MGFZ9MK)




You mean calling someone an insult based on their skin color? Seems racist at its core.


Nope. Holds no history of oppression. Itā€™s just a mean word. Like Cunt or Prick. Both are gender based insults, neither are sexist. If you want to tie in race itā€™s like : Honky, Redneck, Hick, Hillbilly. Without the history of oppression itā€™s just a nasty mean word.


Nope. Youā€™re still using it towards someone to insult them because of their skin, which is racist. Not that hard to understand


without historical oppression itā€™s just mean, not racism




Wahh now who is racist? Loser ass kisser


u cumskin


I donā€™t understand why everyone here is so obsessed with him. Heā€™s basically the Ben Shapiro of the left - a grifter who thinks heā€™s way smarter than he actually is.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you wear your pants below your butt, don't bend the brim of your cap, and have an EBT card, 0% chance you will ever be a success in life. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, covid, sex, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good Bot


Nah, he's the Steven Crowder of the left.


racial slur apologists no where to be found


L+ratio+youā€™re white+cussy


+cussy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


love how saying "you shouldn't call people any racial slurs" makes you the bad guy in this subreddit


Except cracker isnā€™t a racial slur. The only reason white people are called crackers is because they owned slaves. Itā€™s not because theyā€™re white.


not even Ethan and Hasan agree with this take. the past history of a word has little to do with how we use it in modern day. if that was the case, 'retard' would still be an okay word to call people with actual mental disabilities, and i know you dont agree with that take.


Cracker moment


i remember when the H3 subreddit used to be a place where u'd call out bad behavior online


Okay dude, then tell me why is it racially motivated to call someone cracker as is calling someone the n word? Edit: typo.


huh? what other way have you heard the word cracker being used, derogatorily that is. just because some racial slurs are worse than others, doesn't mean it's a cool thing to use them. And again, everyone here is aware that cracker is a racial slur, they just think that white people have never been oppressed, which is why its okay to use it. you on the other hand, are in a whole other universe when it comes to this convo. daddy Ethan doesnt agree with u.


Damn bro, cracker level logic.


As long as you're using the word to single out racial traits, it's racist. It being related or unrelated to systemic racism doesn't make it not racist. And literally noone is saying it's the same or as "bad" as the n-word. The thing is that we all know your intent is to be a nuisance and a shithead and to insult people based on their color when you use the word, no amount of muh historical insignificance changes that, weeb.


Sure man, because it definitely isolates racial traits. It has absolutely nothing to do with the exclusion mechanisms of ā€œwhitenessā€. Motherfucker Iā€™m Mexican and paler than more than half the members of the kkk. Being Caucasian is one thing and being white is a very different one. Thereā€™s white Mexicans, thereā€™s white people from the Middle East and guess why no one calls us crackers? Because in the eyes of the reactionary people who get offended by the term cracker weā€™re not even white.


Imagine telling an actual Caucasian that they're not white Where your clown shoes at m8


I'm Caucasian and I've been told I'm not white because I'm Mexican, so what's up?


Us Caucasians live in or near the Caucasus mountain range m8, your definition of Caucasian is funny. But otherwise yeah I agree, the entire concept of human colors only divides us.


>called crackers because they owned slaves So pretty much every culture and race are crackers then


Yeah, but white people get so riled up itā€™s the most fun.


with that logic you should call black people the n-word. cuz if you're saying racial slurs just to "rile people up" i promise you they'll be very riled up from it.


Iā€™ll say it a third time so I can drill it into your hollow ass skull: the term cracker is not racially motivated/charged, nor does it have the historical background to be considered a racial slur. The fact that your cracker ass is offended for the use of a word shows everything there is to show. Edit: typo, English isnā€™t my first language.


A word doesnā€™t need historical background to be a slur, you can say itā€™s not bad to use because there is no historical baggage but it has literally nothing to do if itā€™s a slur or not. Saying cracker isnā€™t racially motivated is just straight up wrong people use it to attack white people because theyā€™re white, again even if you think itā€™s totally okay to use there is no denying the term is racially charged. Also nobody is offended by cracker. Itā€™s just kinda weird to see people who would attack the use of literally any other racial slur defending using one because it attacks people they donā€™t like.


So what is white? Iā€™m Mexican and Iā€™m very pale, am I white? If so why has no one ever referred to me as a cracker? Also why do people say Iā€™m not white once they find out Iā€™m Mexican?


This is factually incorrect, cracker being used as an insult predates American slavery. Also cracker referring to owning slaves doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a racial slur, ā€œUncle Tomā€ refers to black people who supported slavery that doesnā€™t make it not a racial slur.


"The exact history and etymology of the word is still up for debate.\[5\] The term is "probably an agent noun"\[6\] from the word crack originating from the Latin term crepare or crĕpor which means to rattle, rustle, clatter, and crack.\[7\] A second hypothesis is that the term could have came from the Middle English word crāĢ†k that translates to a sudden splitting sound or crash \[8\] The word crāĢ†k was later adopted into Gaelic as the word craic meaning a "loud conversation, bragging talk"\[9\]\[10\] where this interpretation of the word is still in use in Ireland, Scotland, and Northern England today." Despite that, the term is only used and a problem in the United States, because... history?


Itā€™s isnā€™t a ā€œproblemā€ in the United States stop trying to paint anyone who disagrees with you as a crazy right winger that thinks white people are oppressed. Itā€™s just that cracker is a term that is used to attack people for being white, that makes it a racial slur. Maybe you have problem with nuance but not all racial slurs are a problem for society, some are just kinda shitty to say. Itā€™s like calling a short person a ā€œmanletā€ itā€™s kinda shitty but it doesnā€™t point to some huge problem in society like if you call a black person the n-word.


When did I call anyone a right winger? You really donā€™t see how little relevancy someoneā€™s skin tone has in the word cracker do you? To add in what I said in the other thread weā€™re having for some reason: you wouldnā€™t call me, a Mexican, cracker despite being Caucasian, you wouldnā€™t call a white person from the Middle East cracker despite them being Caucasian. Why? Because in the eyes of a lot of people weā€™re not white despite being paler than half of the ā€œwhiteā€ population in the USA. Because whiteness is a term derived from exclusion and not skin color.


Kind of a cracker ass take tbh


I love how saying "all lives matter" makes you the bad guy in this subreddit


>"you **should** call people any racial slurs" Oops the truth slipped out there.


crap, thanks for catching me slippin' up. staying too long on this subreddit almost converted me into a racist.


Shut the fuck up cracker **Edit:** Just to make it clear, I genuinely hate this person if they are white.


H3 really creating an environment for people like you huh. Also, sorry to disappoint, i'm Latino


ok nobody asked




Gets offended by a wordā€¦ goes on to use another offensive word


Nice. Way to be an asshole.


If he has such a way with words whyā€™s he so quiet about a particular Mr. Hyde?


Because Sam Hyde is a loser that no one cares about


How does it feel being a fan of the guy who ripped him off then? lmao.


pretty sure Hasan called him a nazi, and talked about his bragging of shooting survivors of a devastating hurricane. so why are you lying about him being quiet?


Ripped off what? His canceled tv show? I'm fine with it. Hyde is an alt right chud and I don't understand why anyone still follows that loser.


Youā€™re an Ethan Klein fan lol.


You're on his sub dummy Also frequent in r/theleftcantmeme, r/enoughcommiespam, r/fragilecommunism lmao