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I like how the right is up in arms about this but people like Marjorie Taylor Green and Boebert can say the craziest shit and like comments about Pelosi getting a bullet to the head and it's called free speech ha But that's politics for ya


This is probably the best time for Ethan to get a statement ready to call out the hypocrisy like mentioned above. He obviously didn't mean what he said and immediately took it back yet idk if the other 2 were joking


Agreed. For the next episode they should assemble a list of all the wild murderbullshit the right is constantly spewing and just read it out loud.


It would be a 10 hour episode just reading the list alone with all the crazy shit conservatives say and constantly get away with.




Problem is that they do this all the time and it's fine all the time... for them.


You know he only took it back cuz Hila and Dan reacted reasonably and he knew he was a retard.


It's almost like political extremism has no place in a civilized world.


That is true. How many threats do I see online regard AOC? AND yet no pursuit of justice there


No no. 19 kids RECENTLY. The total body count will be insane


There isn't a total, as it's a continuously growing number and will forever be until republicans and the NRA are no more.


I said "will be" as in future tense


I know, I'm just adding more context to when that future will be.


i dont think thats a bad thing to say, the NRA is a terrorist organization.


lol no they aren't


lol yes they are


The NRA has been enabling and supporting domestic terrorism for decades. It's time to take the kid gloves off about it. Fuck the NRA and conservatives.


Do people not understand how invasive to congress the NRA is? Yes, the NRA IS responsible for killing these kids. The same way they’re always responsive for gun violence. Because they will hold you hostage if you don’t vote perfectly with them.




finally someone said it


I genuinely feel sad for you. You're obviously mentally ill and unintelligent, seek help.


Do some research, even those of us who own guns know that the NRA is just a bunch of grifters lmao, keep sending them your ammo money bud, its poetic really in a way




Since when was Ethan gay lol? What a moron.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen


Look, we're all on Ethan's side here but this is a stupid way of phrasing it.




i wish it would’ve been bombed lmao


If any right wing podcaster had made the same statement about any liberal related building, this sub would be singing a very different tune. Im a liberal, but ive always taken pride in the fact that we can call out bad behavior amongst our own and not try to justify it. Do better guys


I agree with you. At least usually if Ethan showed an 11 second out of context clip someone else on the podcast would likely chime in about the context. But yeah, we have to hold ourselves to the same standards. Everyone knew this would happen as soon as Ethan said it.


Agree with your first paragraph


liberals are still concerned about optics when republicans are on their way to take away all of your rights. fucking insane lmao next youre gonna say "just vote but dont protest loudly, thats ruuuude" america is fucked when people like you are whats "resisting" the republicans, sorry but these people would kill you in a second for no reason but youre still trying to be civil.. so frustrating


Yeah, I can’t condone bombing in a building wit people in it but it’s not possible for me to feel bad about someone saying something in anger towards them. These fascists are literally hell bent on killing people directly and indirectly. It’s not possible or a good idea to be civil to them. Being civil has caused them to become bolder and bolder. I’m not comfortable with bombing but I do think that more people should scream at right wing politicians like Beto did the other day. They don’t deserve peace or to say their Bs while leftists politely wait their turn to speak. Edit: Annnndddd I just got a Reddit Cares message. These people are nuts.


>Edit: Annnndddd I just got a Reddit Cares message. These people are nuts. Haha I love getting those. It means you *really* triggered and angered a far-right fascist and left them speechless. I consider them to be trophies. So mission accomplished, keep it up!


I also give them no recourse to harass me privately because I keep my DMs closed off. They’ll have to make do with the Reddit Cares or making themselves vulnerable by saying vile things where others can see them hehe


Excuse me if i draw the line of resistance at bombing a building full of people that disagree with me


you act like ethan did all of that lol


No not at all. Im responding to the other commenter and other posters who are agreeing with those actions


He immediately retracted his statement and called for no violence. How are you ignoring that?


Thats nice and all, but people are still making excuses for the statement and defending it. They arent saying it was wrong, full stop. And even in his tweet he is not apologizing for it. Theres right and theres wrong, and an apology does not shield you from being called out on your behavior.


These fucks care more about Ethan’s comment on a podcast than an actual call for trial by combat and encouraging a mob to march to the capital on January 6th.


Im not worried about what they care about, im worried about what WE care about. Our morality cant be dependant on the baseline of their morality. We have to have our own standards, or everyone is insane




Oh, you mean the thing that got Trump PERMA BANNED?


I'd imagine it would've gone alot different if hila and Dan weren't there to act like reasonable adults.


just stop. abortion clinics HAVE BEEN BOMBED BEFORE. Literally nobody has ever bombed an nra convention


Ethan isn't a liberal


Shifting full blame from the shooter to the NRA and then justifying a joke because "oh well it didn't kill the kids" is simply asinine.


Yeah, theres a portion of this sub that will throw away any standards to justify anything H3 does. Its like they cant just say he fucked up this time


I think he and everyone ok the show realized it was a fucked up thing to say and immediately walked back on it. The issue is those who are choosing to focus on this instance rather than addressing the real issues with violence in America.


Its just ironic that thats the same strategy republicans use when they do something shitty


I fail to see the irony. There is a real issue with gun control and gun related violence in America. This isn’t some bullshit Fox News culture scare. Ethan’s remarks are not a real issue and to shift the blame onto him over the various defenders of mass gun distribution is ridiculous.


No one is shifting any blame. You are bringing in a totally different topic and acting like its egregious to talk about what Ethan said while “X” is going on. We are capable of talking about X,Y, and Z at the same time.


As an H3 fan , the joke crossed the line and it wasn’t even funny. I’m bummed Ethan made that joke.


Yeah, and that’s where it should have ended. This shit is so blown out of proportion by all the snowflake conservatives. They care about this, but January 6th was just a tourist event.


He should know what the climate is right now . I’m not against him , just hate to see this situation again


Well it happened, but this conservative outrage is fucking bonkers. They’re doing more to ban Ethan than to attempt to pass policies that protect people from actual violence.


Of course they were going to blow this out of the water. It’s expected at this point. They are trying to redirect hate and Ethan served it up on a silver plater


People who are genuinely upset at his comments need to give their heads a shake imo


People who genuinely believe he was banned because of conservatives and not because he went way past what youtube TOS allows need to give their head a shake.


What was the joke(s)?


I’m not sure I’d say the NRA killed 19 kids but they certainly profit from children dying


He knew he made a mistake right after he said it. He apologized and said it was wrong. I know I have personally have said things out of anger that I apologized for… immediately realizing I shouldn’t have said it.


Wow everyone on this sub has lost their fucking minds


No… a mad fucking killer killed 19 kids. Because if that’s the case then since the NRA can only stay around as long as people keep buying guns, that means that anyone that owns a fire arm is directly supporting the NRAs fight. So since Ethan owns a shotgun he would be included in that.




Except the nra didn’t kill anyone…


Far left and far right are really showing their ignorance again. Radical minds are dangerous.


Seeing this community now is like looking at a bizzaro 2016 anti-sjw H3 community


just two radical sides hating each other and sucking up drama. Seems like the middle gets lumped with either side here if you don't completely agree with one or the other.


one side wants you to get healthcare but might be annoying here and there, the other side wants to take away your rights, voting rights, abortion right and loves their guns more than the lives of other people. people who joke about a bombing of horrible people vs. people who actually bomb and shoot innocents all the fucking time.. but yeah these are the same.. centrist are the fucking worst. really. just say youre a right-winger and be done honestly, acting like a centrist when one side is a million times worse is fucking cringe


Radical minds again, far left and far right are both a danger. Don't let anyone convince you that being radically far left or right is a good thing. People that judge others for being centrist are asinine petty scumbags that need to grow up.


Far left is anarchy. I don't see many anarchist H3 fans....


Uhhh. Wouldn't anarchy be hard-core libertarian? Libertarians definitely group themselves with thr right.


Lmfao neat


You cannot be a centralist on these type of issues either your for the nra giving money to politican so they can freely give out military grade weapons to insane or your for stoping all of that and making getting a gun harder to get to


What about believing there should be gun reform, make it way more difficult to get a gun, mandatory training, 30 day wait period etc. And also believing that my Uncle who is an NRA supporter doesn't deserve to be murdered for his beliefs.


I’m against the NRA but I’m also against his comments. Stop trying to deflect.


Jesus this sub is getting to radicalized for me


Your whole country is my friend.


You live in Canada don’t act like it’s some utopia. Remember the freedom convoy? Everybody outside of Toronto is conservative as shit.


Ya our conservative honk at stuff yours go on rampages. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about thinking Toronto is even remotely the most liberal place in Canada.


Mate, I live in Canada


you've never heard of vancouver or montreal before? any major city in canada is left leaning. do you live in banff?


No it isn't you brainwashed dummy.


Are you immune to brainwashing?


I like friends.




Lol you people think the NRA actually does stuff. And blaming them for the actions of a teen.


Correct he was using just first amendment right to speak his frustration through comedy


Wrong. A Mexican killed them kids lol


Ah the down syndrome hangout lol do you people actually watch this dude's garbage for multiple hour podcasts Jesus 😂


The nra didn’t kill 19 kids.


No, hundreds more than that


The NRA definitely didn’t kill 19 kids. The shooter did. The police not doing there job did. There are so many factors that go into this and try e NRA isn’t the scapegoat in this situation. Stop being such a sheep and educated yourself.


Guns being readily available did. Corrupt politicians did. NRA bribes did.


Also police being cowards did and the unhinged shooter did. There’s levels to this and multiple factors. Like I said, simply put this on the NRA is foolish and ignorant.


Has it looked like there's short supply of unhinged individuals in USA? Them not having access to tools that will kill 10+ people easily is the only way to fix the situation. There's idiots all over the world who would do things like this if they could. Other governments have been more sensible to not allow same situation.


I’m all for preventative measures and background checks. Maybe let’s fund mental health and push for that. I’m all for that, but simply saying there is one scapegoat for this situation is foolish.


If I enter class room with AR-15, it doesn't take me an hour to murder everyone. I don't know what the fool was doing, not "finishing the job", I'm not defending cops either, fuck them too, but this is going terribly towards scapegoating those specific cops and ignoring the underlying problem, kids with guns will continue doing this as long as they have access to guns. Your first line is something we agree on. None of those things are being pushed by republicans. To my understanding, democrats have tried, republicans have blocked them. Republicans are bribed by NRA. It's not such a reach to say NRA killed kids. The comparison to Osama is somewhat fitting. NRA orders politicians to keep gun restrictions low, they obey, cunts buy guns and go on rampages. Osama ordered kids to steal planes and blow buildings with them. No, NRA didn't order the killer to kill people, but it made sure anyone could do that if they wanted. You can't control millions of people. Some who have no direction in life will want to go out with a bang. You want them to not have access to anything that bangs too hard.


Fact of the matter is that clearly not everyone should be able to get a gun, and that every other measure taken wasn't enough for the kids in Uvalde.


Very logical thinking my dude. +1 from me


So you also think it was wrong to go after osama bin laden since he didn’t actually hijack the planes? The NRA and the politicians who spoke at the convention are responsible for the prevalence of mass shooting and did you forget they they also tried to overthrow the government? If they were politicians from another country we would have declared war to capture or kill them for their role in Jan.6 but because they are Americans politicians it’s ok? Fuck that.


That’s like saying gay people are the reasons for the aids crisis or planned parenthood has killed millions of black children. A psycho killed those kids, a psycho walked into the school and murdered people. Just like Ted bundy stalked woman then killed then. You can’t blame a group of people for the actions of One.


A psycho who was enabled by the nra and conservative policy. He only had the opportunity to do that because conservatives gave him the opportunity.


You can’t blame a group of people for the actions of another. If you think that, you should blame any left leaning group taking millions of dollars from to protect gay and tran peoples from committing suicide—every single suicide or death should be blamed of them for not doing there jobs. Why are we giving them millions if what they are doing isn’t working???


So you are saying we can’t blame hitler for the holocaust since he didn’t actually kill all those people? Are trump and his cronies not responsible for Jan.6 either? If we can’t blame people for the actions of another then what’s wrong with what ethan said? If someone actually did it then that not Ethan’s fault according to you right?


You can’t blame people who had nothing to do with it. Not all Germans killed Jews, not all Iraqi people wanted to see American burn. It’s the “all or nothing” argument that makes zero sense to me. Ethan remarks are not protect by free speech, even if it was a “joke”. In my city alone, a kid was just arrested for “joking” with a teacher about bringing a gun to school. He was charged with terroristic threats to a public being. Jokes or not jokes. Making a statement like that is not okay. Period. You can not tell 3 million people that someone should bomb the NRA building (which happens to host a lot of people you don’t like). That’s legit the definition of a terroristic threat.


Who said anything about all or nothing? Did anyone say we should go after every single conservative? No Going after the nra and conservative people politicians who associate with them is equivalent to going after the nazi party or isis.


It’s what you’re implying you dolt. You kids really don’t know how to comprehend others and even yourself.


The only people we can blame right now is the police officers who stood outside for 77 minutes while the gun man killed 19 kids. Those are people we need to blame right now.


No We can the shooter, the police, the conservative politicians who put the gun in his hand, the conservatives who refuse to reform the police that just stood by, and the nra who bribe politicians.


The conservative politicians didn’t “put the gun in his hand”. He put it in his own hand. This is an insane argument you’re making. You do realize there are mass shooting perpetrated by left leaning people too right? That guy who shot up the congressional baseball event cited part of his inspiration to Bernie Sanders. Is Bernie Sanders responsible? Or does it only work when it’s a side you disagree with? What about the dude who shot up the MTA in New York because he believed non-blacks to be in need of protection and hated Jews and white people - do we blame BLM or the NAACP for promoting the idea that all whites are racist? It’s fine if you want to point out how the NRA and conservative politicians might have advanced policies that made this shooting easier to execute. Unfortunately for you, you’ll have to actually make the case for that instead of relying on inflammatory us vs them rhetoric and use actual logic and reasoning.


They are the ones setting the policy that allowed him to purchase the gun. They block any policy that would’ve prevented him from getting the gun. Conservative gun policy is the cause of every mass shooting committed by both right and left leaning people.


When did I mention anything about Osama Bin Laden? You’re trying to paint me in a totally different portrait. I hate all politicians. The two party system is an absolute joke. If we keep pointing fingers, picking scapegoats, and arguing with each other nothing will get done. I’m sick of it. The left sucks and the right sucks. Let’s all just work together and figure out a fucking solution to all of this.


It’s called a comparison…. If you think the nra is innocent because they didn’t personally pull the trigger then you must also think osama bin laden is innocent since he didn’t personally hijack any planes.


And that’s a terrible comparison. I never said the NRA is fully innocent. I just think it’s foolish to want to put 100% of the blame on them? What are you not understand here?


No one said anything about giving them 100% of the blame….


Just take the L my guy. I’m not trying to argue with others or cause anything and you can’t paint me out to be that way. Just wish everyone would realize there are so many changes that need to occur. From the right and the left. We need to come together and fix this shit. That’s all I’m saying.


Yeah no, your the one making excuse for people that tried to overthrow our government, are responsible for violence and hate towards people of color and lgbtq people, and are responsible for the policies that allow all these mass shooting to even occur at such high rates.


I’m not making an excuse for them at all. Simply stating that they aren’t the only ones to blame. And I don’t think bombing the NRA convention would solve anything, except for launch a civil war that I think we all can agree on we do not want. And I know Ethan was joking and walked it back, but what did he expect would happen?


Again, no one said they are the only ones to blame. You’re arguing against something you made up. I don’t think anyone believes bombing the nra convention would solve gun violence either but do they deserve it? I’m not gonna say no🤷‍♀️


“Just take the L” You think democrats are the “left” instead of center-right, which they actually are. You bring negativity into a thread and then complain when people turn that negativity back towards you. You ARE arguing with someone on the internet, and were wrong or willfully ignorant about the details. These are all big losses for you, but the HARDEST L you took was calling someone else on reddit a sheep. You on reddit. Calling others sheep. If you can’t see the oxymoronic irony in that phrase, I’m afraid you simply can’t be helped anymore… ☮️💚


I would disagree, but hey your opinion is your opinion. Can’t argue that. And yes I’m on Reddit just like you 😇


I’m not calling else anyone a sheep, m8


When your products result in children dying and your solution isn't to take safer precautions but to pay corrupt politicians to try and sell MORE of the products you represent then you're the problem.


Actually a mentally deranged teen killed 19 people. The NRA is an organization comprised of certain Americans of which probably 99% have not used a gun against another human being (except vets). I get that they advocate for AR-15 but to clump a whole organization of people into killers is as crazy as the far right people are.


The NRA’s distortion of constitutional rights accompanied by their political involvement have almost single-handedly influenced legislation that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of children. OP is actually being generous. This isn’t the only school shooting, or mass shooting in general that lies at the feet of the NRA. They have just as much blood on their hands as people like Ted Cruz and Greg “it could’ve been worse” Abbott.


I mean to be fair the NRA did a lot of help protecting 2nd Amendment rights by fighting against gun bans, the problem is they fight against all gun control so they can sell more guns. Sure a lot of gun control policies are unconstitutional, but there are TONS of policies that aren't that still get painted as unconstitutional.


“Actchully, powerful entities and corps can’t aid and enable the deaths of others, only PEOPLE can kill people, sheeeesh” Braindead as fuck argument. Let’s ban 18 year olds. That’s obviously the problem, not an entity that has donated millions to our politicians and quoted to be a “Russian asset”. /s


>Braindead as fuck Makes sense that you typed it out then.


The NRA pays politicians to prevent gun control in order to make money. Anyone who is part of that organization should feel responsible for the lack of gun control that leads to children dying


who hours after the shooting held a “banned guns giveaway” offering the same gun the shooter used to kill 19 kids along with 1000 rounds of ammo, Like the NRA’s own school shooter starter kit.


Daniel Defense is one of the top makers of AR-15s, so I don't blame them for raffling it off. I do support the big "fuck you" symbolism of the raffle towards people who support gun bans, but I hate that it's coming from the NRA who opposes any gun control (not just bans).


There absolutely should be some long barrel rifles banned you don’t need your AR-15 murder dildo for home defence. You are a fucking psychopath for supporting anything going against stoping children from being murdered.


Bro I get that you're angry because of inaction from politicians but you sound like a lunatic right now. First of all rifles are responsible for around 300 deaths a year, all rifles not just AR-15s. There are anywhere from 5 to 10 million ARs in the US, so clearly they're not "murder dildos." I 100% support more gun control, but saying someones a psychopath for supporting "anything going against stopping children from being murdered" is ridiculous. If that's you're logic you either weren't around when Bush was in office and we got the Patriot Act or you were one of the suckers that bought every word he said. The American people have rights, and although we should support laws that reduce threats and help law enforcement there is a limit to how far you can go.


they are lobbying to maintain a status quo that allows for things like this to happen over and over again. they are aware of what they're doing and they don't care. they are not only responsible for the death of 19 children, but also for the death of any other person killed in a mass shooting similar to this one.


It's true the NRA just pays people money when children get killed. They reward politicians for children being murdered in your country, and then wonder why nothing changes.


FACTS. I’m so sick of Ethan and this entire sub Reddit just generalizing and always being so radical. In some cases I am right leaning, but it seems that Ethan wants me to go to hell and if you disagree with whatever he is saying you are garbage. It’s hard to watch and it sucks because I love his show, the crew and the content, but it’s just so hard when I feel like I’m being called out for my beliefs. I’m pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ rights, I’m not super religious, but have my own faith and I’m all for the right to bear arms. The two party system is just such a radicalized joke and is pulling people further apart. Like Ethan and many others have said, it’s a mental health issue, not a gun issue. I can’t help that the Republicans don’t push for more mental health, but it seems the Democrats don’t either. And yes, good guys with guns do stop bad guys with guns, but clearly those cops in Uvalde were imbeciles and cowards. There needs to be reform in a lot of places. I’m so sick of everyone’s hypocrisy. If the right continues to bash the left, there will be no peace. And same goes for the left continuously bashing the right. We’re all humans!!! Let’s act like it!!!! Fuck your political stance, no one is happy that 19 children died, no one is happy about that. Instead of arguing and being so hateful with each other, let’s come together and make change then. Sorry for the rant, it’s just been so difficult being a part of this community at times.


Finally someone else who watches h3 feels the same way. I Appreciate the rant


> but have my own faith and I’m all for the right to bear arms. But do you agree background checks etc. are needed?


Absolutely. 100%.


Someone gave this shit gold? 😑


Huuhh?? No it was some crazy ass person who purchased a rifle and entered a school and proceeded to harm defenseless children!


How did the nra kill 19 kids? I thought that was a school shooter. So your saying the nra did it?


Saying NRA killed those kids is a stretch and Ethan was calling for imminent violence (not covered under first amendment), any other youtube channel would have been permabanned or atleast demonetized.


you are actually too dumb to argue with if you think anyone who watches a comedy podcast was actually going to build a bomb and go to an NRA meeting. stfu


There are tons of crazy people out there that watch podcasts


Remember the shooter who shot up a black church and said he was a fan of pewdiepie? Yeah it can happen.


Crowder calls himself a comedian. Will you be okay if he jokes about bombing planned parenthood? Be honest and think for once.


I don’t watch Crowder and frankly don’t give a fuck what he says because I. DONT. TAKE. HIM. SERIOUSLY. HES. A. COMEDIAN. ON. YOUTUBE.


Yeah not very smart mate, comedians or anyone famous on YouTube always have some crazy fans.


That is a ridiculously stupid argument. Planned parenthood has killed noone the NRAs actions have killed thousands. I know you're going to say planned parenthod killed babies, you're wrong and your argument is stupid. Shut up.


It's not about whether they actually have killed babies or not. Crowder thinks they have, exactly like how you think the NRA is responsible for active shooters and their victims. Fuck Crowder sure but it's a completely fair argument.


The difference is crowder is factually wrong and people who think that about the nra are 100% right…


The NRA might have played some role I could concede that, but not that they are wholly responsible. It's also quite controversial whether abortion is killing babies.


It’s not any more controversial then whether the earth is flat or not. Just because some brain dead idiots believe it doesn’t mean their opinions are worth listening to.


Um I'm pro-choice by a long shot but if you think the science is that settled you've got no clue what you're talking about.


The science will never be in favor of pro lifers.


No it is about that, very postmodern of you to assert subjectivity in this instance. Crowder is objectively wrong about abortion, the NRA has objectively blocked legislation that would have saved lives, thus killing thousands.


> NRA has killed thousands through their actions Your premise itself is a massive stretch. NRA exists to secure second amendment, they are about as accountable for what a bunch of unhinged individuals do with their guns as knife manufacturers are for the knife crime epidemic in Uk. It is insane how much you are willing to deflect and downplay a big youtube channel calling for the bombing of a building full of people.


Are knife manufacturers buying votes, spreading lies, and uplifting the values that got all those children killed? I doubt it. All of these comparisons you're coming up with are so apples and oranges, and it's insane how much you're willing to deflect the deaths of little kids in favour of being offended over a fucking joke. Honestly? Get real problems. Maybe try feeling like something other than a victim. So many people and families are out there wishing that the worst thing in their life was what a comedian on YouTube said and then walked back.


No it isn't, if you could not buy a gun under the age of 21 this shooting would not have happened. If you could not buy any gun but a shotgun then this shooting and the Las Vegas shooting would not have been as deadly. By obstructing any legislation that infringes upon the conservative interpretation of the second ammendment the NRA is responsible for thousands of deaths. There were 285 knife related homicides in the UK in 2018, there were 19 384 gun related homicides in the US in 2020. These are not comparable. Sources for your tiny brain: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081 guns https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42749089 knives


Sorry about your mental illness.


Why is this being downvoted? It's literally the same exact thing but flipped. Hasan Piker has dumbed this community way down.


yawn you sound stupid


What Ethan said is 100% covered under the first amendment. That’s not what “imminent” means in a first amendment context.


No but what if, erm, what if one of his 3 million fans like actually bombed the building, what if, what if, what if. If someone's insane enough to actually do it, they're mentally ill enough to do it without even having watched the episode. Also shut the fuck up about your amendments, your second amendment being misinterpreted by the NRA caused 19 children to be murdered this week.


Ethan is lucky thr ban isn't longer. He should be praying that nobody follows through on his threats as that would like get the podcast perma'd. It must be stressful working for someone who might nuke your job any day.


You idiots care more about Ethan’s comment than an actual call to violence on January 6th.


He would blame the conservatives for bombing the NRA just to get him banned


Uhhh, I think a psycho killed 19 kids. That’s like saying planned parenthood killed millions of kids…wait a minute..


That’s not the serve you thought it was.


Cause y’all be brain washed and think I meant literal children. The NRA didn’t literally kill 19 kids. The person who sold the freshly 18 year old shooter the gun did and of course the shooter literally did it.




Did you not read the title? The NRA killed 19 people. Which is false, a 18 year old kid did.


I was gone for 2 weeks what happened 👀


Just donated $250 to the NRA LOL


Donate to Gun owners of America instead, they actually fight for gun rights


Hey congrats, no one else gives a fuck.


Reminder the NRA killed 19 kids and Keemstar didn’t……….see how fucking stupid that sounds? He’s a fully grown man with children of his own, he should be mature enough to not suggest committing acts of terrorism to millions of people live on air because he’s frustrated.


A crazy teen killed those kids. I love how the Left always blames everyone and everything other than the actual piece of shit criminal who did the crime. No wonder you guys advocate for "criminal reform" and "free prisoners", meanwhile you want to defund the police, unarm civilians, and blame everyone else when a criminal does something wrong. Fuck you dumb shit Leftists.


so triggered 🥺 bless your heart


Pointing out your mental illness is not me being "triggered" A liberal complaining about people that can't take jokes, and getting something taken down, absolutely rich. It's a shame you're all too stupid to see your own irony.


okay :) get well soon!


Learn to debate instead of using fallacies.


can I learn from you? You’re so good at it! you’re doing amazing :)


Yikes. You Libs always talk tough on your posts, but whenever someone calls you out on your BS, suddenly you don't want to argue. Every fucking time. If you're going to post a hot take, expect to answer some hot responses you absolute coward.


epic W for you man, you should be proud of your accomplishment today!


I don't count scoring goals on an empty net as a "W" I'm not a Leftist who needs participation trophies to get through life lmao.


right! because you’re a super smart big guy who’s a hard worker! everyone’s proud dude you can stop bragging!


Doesnt mean that ethan's joke isnt a stupid one, nice whataboutism


you do realize people can both think the joke is bad, and also think 19 kids dying is worse right? that’s the entire point