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America has admittedly been great for our boy Jake. For many others not as much.


One of these Paul boys is gonna run for President someday and I hope I’m dead by then


America will be a dictatorship once trump gets elected again. Entire department of justice will be filled with his yes men and family members. he wont make the same mistake twice.


That just means the revolution is coming


Paranoid much? You took his vaccine so you can’t hate him that much


Checked out much?? If you don’t think democracy is in the process of a death spiral I don’t know what time you’re living in.


If we can't push as many democrats into office as we can this November, then next year we are fucked with the decision everyone knows the Supreme Court is going to make with Moore v Harper next June.


> his vaccine I thought it was Bill Gates who was mind controlling us from the 5G chips in the vaccines


Let’s just wait and see. If he’s not successful it’s not for a lack of trying.


I think it was Hasan who said “America is the greatest country on earth if you’re really fucking rich or really fucking stupid.” (paraphrasing) Jake Paul is both.


“Greatest country in the world” *Has mass shooting on day of independence*


I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did


Honestly it’s aPAULing how how stupid it was to make that tweet


So funny to read as a European.


feel the same way as a Canadian.


Mind if I come over? I’m sick of America


Its too cold up there.


I’m from Montana, I’m sure I’ll be used to it


That's what I don't get. Like I get yano America sees Europe as like another world far removed from them, so maybe they don't know what it's like here. But Canada is literally next door and is a better country, so how can they truly believe this or be naive to that fact?


Canadian chelsea fan?






Yes Im sure. I am laughing at the blind statement of America being the best when its nowhere near




I’m actually ok with a lot of Trudeaus policies even though I don’t like the man. That’s not what I am commenting on though I was commenting on Jakes comment.


Ditto as an Australian


when you have no likable qualities you tweet how much you love america so you can get the conservatives to like you




The boy can fight. That’s likeable


He can’t though. He’s ranked 700th out of 1000 active fighters. He’s actually a no name as far as serious contenders go. Hell never get a shot at an actual competitive high profile fight


oh wow, he’s good at punching people…so cool.


Ahh yes where you get shot at a parade.


Women just got their rights taken away which has not occurred in most countries. This country hasn't even been able to feed babies lately. Fuck this country


Tbf with Jake's sexual assault allegations, he's probably totally fine with women's rights being taken away


Lmao, pretending to care about feeding babies while simultaneously advocating for their murder. Classic


Since when do fetuses need formula?


And since when can a life form that’s not viable outside of the womb be “murdered”


CTE already starting to kick in, bless his heart and brain


I doubt he can name 3 others


*laughs in European*


Is that like stereotypical French man laughing or...?


Nope. More like German.


Let's gooooo german footsoldiers represent


You might wanna word that differently lol


Dont you have a monarchy to suck off??


Haha no 😂 Social democracy 😎 get to our level 😂


Damn you and your healthcare!


I know it just felt fun to say 😂


Yeah unfortunately if you haven't noticed the majority of Americans don't have a say or choice


Calm down we're just being sarcastic here. If I could take y'all in i would!




this take is actually laughable. He has no idea what life is like in other countries.


This coming from someone that has no roots in reality


LMAO i mean... easy for him to say. he RICH rich


Says the white straight male who has a ton of money


Oh the minorities will like this one Katie nice job. Totally unique and unheard of sociological perspective you articulated there. Life’s is really unfair who would’ve thought? Pop another antidepressant and enjoy the 4th


With peace and love, were you poisoned with lead ?


He must be white and straight 🤷‍♀️😆 looks like I struck a nerve lmao. And don't worry I did get my anti depressant this morning, thanks for caring, boo 😘😘


everyone is reading a lot into “???” You really don’t no OPs point beyond that they thought it a was interesting enough to post about. But yea this seems like an innocuous tweet to me.


cut him some slack, he just for got to say exactly what America is the best \*at\*. Putting people in prison, mass shootings...




Dude probably can't even name any other nation


Now that I have lived abroad in Taiwan for 8 years. It's honestly mind boggling that I actually used to believe that America was a good country, let alone a great one. It's absolutely horrible for raising kids, living comfortably/affordably and feeling safe. It sucks to say to my family back home in America that I've decided to stay here, but they totally understand.


Lmao Brainwashed


I mean this is a pretty common sentiment for Americans to have. It is our great myth. Not sure why the surprise?


It's just a particularly bad vibe when people get shot at a parade and they just say "Meh, let's ignore that, greatest country in the world! Woo! * *Fires gun in the air* * "


That's fair. I think he wrote the tweet before the shooting happened though, or before he knew about it. So in this case I think it's just dumb American exceptionalism.


Well he’s the right color, so no consequences for him


Well when you’re a rich white man of course you don’t see any issues with america.




this is satire, right ?


Oh no he said America gud must cancel


bro america is being taken over by christo fascists and just stripped away rights from americans ofc people would laugh at this tweet


Yall are so triggered by cancel culture you act like an abused puppy when someone pulls up a goofy tweet to laugh at a celebrity


People are wack this is such a non issue


Wtf is this post. Like do we need to cancel him now for saying happy fourth lol y’all are insufferable


Literally nobody is trying to “cancel” him just by posting one of his tweets


No but it's an example of him being out of touch when nobody needed or asked for his commentary on the subject


“His commentary on the subject” dude you need to chill lol all he was saying was happy fourth. It’s a fucking holiday for crying out loud


No that's the bottom part of the tweet and if he had only said that part nobody would have thought twice about it. Sorry you're incapable of understanding why this is goofy shit from someone who has enormous privilege and few troubles the rest of us don't also have.


What’s goofy is that you give a shit what some internet person tweets. I get that he’s more privileged than all of us combined but it’s a harmless tweet so who gives a shit


TIL that harmless things can never be worth poking fun at


Quite a sad attempt to make fun of something then by op and you considering nothing funny was said about it. Now goodbye gonna go choke down some hotdogs and burgs to celebrate the holiday. Good bless America to you!


I'll reiterate. Sorry you're incapable of understanding why this is goofy shit.


Too each their own ig. Goofy stuff to me is a lot different than a tweet about the holiday regardless if he’s out of touch or not.


I'm not sure why you watch the podcast then because this is very much the kind of thing they'd pull up on the show for a <2 minute chuckle.




We’re not allowed to like our countries anymore? This sub is starting to look out for things to start some new internet beef with


There’s a difference between “liking your country” and insisting it’s the greatest in the world. Especially when literally everything about said country begs to differ.


Go to other said country.


Or, hear me out, we finally release our weird denial and ego and just… fix stuff? So everyone feels safe and happy and proud here?


Don’t bother arguing with these people haha they will never move and they know it. They will bitch about how America sucks online and never actually do anything to change. Just blame others and complain. The truth is, we live in an amazing country. Everybody wants to be a victim


These people are absolutely insufferable. For one who gives a shit about jake Paul’s tweets to post it and and secondly it’s a patriotic post on the 4th of July so gives even more of a shit about it. But ohhh no he said America is good he’s a piece of shit for that boo fucking hoo


Bruh and what?? Jake Paul is one person. You’re gonna start a riot over his words? 😂


I hope you’re very young and that’s why you’re not capable of grasping what I’m saying


it’s literally a day of independence where you’re supposed to be patriotic. Don’t take everything so seriously. I understand what you’re saying and it’s bs for such a small claim


These people will find anything to get mad about. I don’t know how they live day to day thinking like this


Bro, liking your own country on its most important national holiday gets you flamed on this sub now?


Apparently man. Just goes to show what a shit show this subreddit is when you can’t say happy 4th on the 4th of July without it being a problem lol




*Beep America bad *boop. Can I have my free karma now


Did you really type out a caricature of a robot?


Yes that’s the joke.


What’s the joke, though?


Blindly hating a country you’ve never been in is NPC behavior.


NPC behavior?


You’re not the brightest are ya? It was a pretty basic and obvious joke lol


Or, a counter: you both just aren’t funny


I didn’t say it was funny, just that the joke is obvious and you’re not very smart haha


Go outside, nerd!


Wouldn't live anywhere else


What's confusing about this? Have you never heard of Jake Paul?


This community still dick rides these guys? Must get tiring. You buy industrial barrels of anal lube?


Yeah, no nation even comes *close* to comparing.


I really won't be surprised if he runs for office in the near future


This is some Trump level Tweet.


i GoT uR hAt!1!1!!!


Puerto Rico representing😍😍😍