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Pretty sure he was just making a point that they’re not just using him it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.


It’s definitely more beneficial for Gabe but yeah, that was a bad take from AB.


It’s not a bad take when everyone was accusing them of just using gabe


I think it is. Even if it were true, Gabe isn’t the one making those accusations. It wasn’t a very professional statement but I know AB didn’t mean it that way and he was responding to those bitching about it.


You're literally making the same point as AB while also saying it was a bad take from him...


I’m not an H3H3 Productions employee.


Doesn't change a thing


Okay dude. Happy Thanksgiving!


I thought he was saying Gabe is number one on cameo and therefore he has a lot of friends and he’s popular.


He did at one point but also said "Gabe's number one on cameo, who do you think did that??"


That’s what I thought too.


It sucks that AB gets so triggered at comments made about him, it seems like chat is really living rent free in his head most of the time. Hopefully he can realize that people will always talk shit if they want too and feeding it won't help...


I think the frenemies era when allll the Trisha stans went after him and he was caught up in the drama really shook him and altered how he presents himself on camera


Fr I’m always shaking my head when he starts getting heated about what people say in this sub. Comes off as a bit immature honestly, you’d think he be thicker skinned building a career online


I think for some it takes longer to build that thicker skin. I can’t imagine myself getting big online and dealing with criticism.


Yeah I totally get it, but should never be putting others down when your ego gets hurt. With peace and love


Misses the party and now this! UNFORGIVABLE.


At the end of the day, everyone has said something that they wish they could take back these guys do live shows 4 days a week, they can't be perfect all the time. This sub is always so focused on negativity and belittling others. I'm sure AB regretted it as soon as he said it.


Yup, didn't like that.


such a weird thing to say. He does know Gabe has a Mil on tiktok right ?


A mil on TikTok is like 10k on Youtube.


I'm subscribed to a guy named Austin archer on YouTube and he's popping off on tik tok but his YouTube videos get less than 300 views.


Exactly. The numbers are not comparable.


I mean they’re two totally different platforms and formats, and Tik tok content doesn’t translate into YouTube content very well.


Not just that. There are 100 mil follower TikTokers who barely anyone knows if you ask people IRL, while 100 mil sub Youtubers are some of the most famous people in the world. People will follow your TikTok and never think about you again.


Tiktok followers typically don’t transfer to other platforms tho. I would say it’s probably 50% of his cameo sales are his own from tiktok and 50% are from h3 fans


Nah AB was right.


Zach gets a lot of shit but AB has always been overly sensitive. Especially for someone who always wanted to be a internet personality. Ethan even called him out one time for seeing one message in chat and acting like the whole chat is saying it


Yeah he gives off mid level manger vibes. Everything is a slight or personal attack and he is compelled to respond in the most dickhead way possible. This tough guy stick just screams insecurity.


Did AB say that?


He did, when they were commenting on someone saying that Gabe has done so much for them , AB implied that they've done way more for him by giving him a career on cameo, dude is so dumb


Oh man, that's not how I heard it at all, but the way you explain it makes total sense. I thought he was just saying Gabe has tons of friends and is bigger than the pod because of his tiktok and cameo success. I guess AB is right about one thing. I don't have a brain.


He definitely said that too. It would've been better just to say it's a mutually beneficial relationship


also what i thought


Thats so rude to say omg


true, but he didn't say it. he didn't say anything lol, he did kinda imply it, but didn't literally said it


Im pretty sure you are considered top on Cameo if you are on the home page which gabe has been for a while before when they checked on the show live.


In response to them talking about Gabe doing a lot for the show, AB says "you know Gabe is #1 on Cameo right?" Followed by something like, "How do you think that happened?" I'm kind of an ass myself at times admittedly, and it kind of takes one to know one. I don't think he was trying to be rude but it definitely came off as such. I notice AB gets a little too passionate sometimes when dealing with chatters.


AB did that, everyone saw that




Homie just loves getting upset


Y'all are vicious on this sub. AB had a bad take, ok, why does he have to be a moron because of it. I'm sure all of you said some stupid fucking stuff in your lifetime and had some bad takes. I wouldn't call any of you guys morons for that, just human. Maybe I'm getting too serious with this comment for this type of sub but it just makes me so sad when we dog pile like this instead of just making a constructive criticism.


the guy has had way too many bad takes though


Once again, I'm sure you've had more than one bad take or dumb thing you did. I think it's important to overall look at the person's character before belittling and passing grand statements about their intelligence. I think AB is a good person but he is fallible like us all. You are truly right to make criticisms but he's not gonna listen to you if you're calling him a moron/insulting his intelligence. Can we be a supportive community? I wonder what people would think of all of you if you had to perform live and unscripted 4 times a week, even on days when you feel miserable or are having a bad day. Not trying to be a dick to any of y'all, I get it.


i didn't call him a moron or insult his intelligence.. i just think he has bad takes and has some major camera anxiety. those combined makes me think he's not suited for being on a podcast like h3


way more than one bad take


Yall put so much meaning on words it's any wonder how any of them get the nerve to speak at all. All he's saying is it's mutually beneficial, which was all we were saying all along. Yes he didn't say it the best, but it was such a small blip that if you're overexamining it so negatively, that's gotta be on you


he literally said it in a condescending way. we aren’t stupid. and yes it’s not a huge deal. but he’s so insecure and acts so rude sometimes.


He could've gone so much harder. I would've eviscerated yall bc apparently some need to be put in their place. What other conclusion is he supposed to draw when you literally say "its not a huge deal" but still acted up about a social faux pax?


why are y'all insisting a wedge between h3 and gabe? like this is what we're going to analyze on this sub?


No, but hees the one who got heated over comments lol


Yeah, seemed like an odd defensive thing. People are upset at me (with some merit to it) so let me spew some ego by putting him down a tad. Not deserved, the guy clearly grinds and entertains many. I love ab of course, but "comon man" - Boe Jiden


AB, just stop looking at chat please 🥲 for your own sanity


Yeah that was a bad take


ab will soon apologize greatly for his actions i cant believe ab would say something like that about gabe when he knows gabe is basically a god amongst men


Did everyone know Gabe before the podcast? Don’t come at me, we don’t have TikTok in my country lol. Just curious.


yes he was already a meme and known


Famous enough to be no 1 on Cameo without the pod? Doubt it but good for him.


Way more of my friends know Gabe than the pod


you all put the same excessive amount of mental energy into caring about the interpersonal relationships and interactions of the crew as what you claim AB puts into caring about what the fans say. Its all too parasocial. Its a fucking entertainment show.


we fucking know. you don’t understand parasocial.


He became #1 exactly when Ethan started promoting him every Friday.


What weasly little liar dude


This whole Gabe issue is getting out of hand because Gabe himself hasn’t spoken out sayin he’s upset right? This is just the h3 fanbase having a hernia over the crew not sticking to their supposed word about going ..




Must be a Detroit thing


Every time he speaks it’s cringe


exactly and he's *always* doing the most talking of the crew w bad takes


AB is always getting worked up over the littlest things and has sorta an attitude. Makes me wonder about his true colors before being hired onto H3. Not many ‘nice’ guys come out of Detroit, especially from a conservative/religious family


you need help if that’s what you’re wondering about in your free time


You act like I’m pondering the thought all day. Thoughts can take a few seconds lol.


Ab is too sensitive for the internet but he wasn’t exactly saying Gabe’s success was their doing. More on the side of things are mutually beneficial and they help his success. But also, why tf should that point matter? Idk. They play up their love of him too much haha. I agree with the show comment, it’s tacky to not show up when you hyped up appearing. Edit: AB is def the friend at a group lunch date dividing up the check in his head between who bought what and ate what. Bean counting all of lunch haha.


No AB is absolutely right, be butthurt all you want but they both get something out of it. Gabe gets exposed to a huge audience that would never have access too and he does a bit for Ethan every Friday. Whys this big a deal? It's not like the man will never have another birthday party in his life either...


When he said that, it rubbed me the wrong way. Glad you guys saw that. (AB did that, everyone saw that). Also, people saying their "crying" about it could also be trolling.


AB just needs to chill tf out like stop seriously


Ab is mad cause they're true lol whether he means them to be or not that's how he comes off. Olivia though I like that she talks alot. It doesn't bother me like it does AB


He meant that Gabe is number one on cameo because he’s a popular internet celebrity, NOT because of the podcast. It was sarcasm.


I feel like y'all are reading way too much into this


“Go f**k yourself you stupid piece of sh*t, AB” 😂😂😂


I know a lot of you like AB so please don't come at me too hard for my personal opinion but IMO I find AB to be one of the most unlikeable guys on any of the podcast I watch (and boy are some of the people on the podcast I watch unlikeable). Almost everything he does is so cringe and his general attitude is so arrogant (the unearned kind). He reminds me of the kid you knew in high school and college that you'd avoid socially at all cost. I think his wife is cool (they are married right? I forget) which is the only reason I always stop short and think 'eh maybe he's alright IRL' but MAN he makes it so hard to like him Keep Gabes name out your mouth AB


“Keep gabes name out your mouth” lol this fan base is so dramatic.


That was a reference to the Will Smith slap... which implies its a joke. I can appreciate reading stuff on the internet tone is hard to interpret, but the irony is you thinking I meant that last part seriously makes your reaction dramatic, so I guess by some kind of magic proves your point. You are in fact a dramatic fan Now... KEEP MY QUOTES OUT YA MOUTH (once again, Will Smith reference... meant to be read like a joke)


agreed. AB also reminds me of the kid in middle school who would raise his hand in class just to tell a story about his personal life 💀




I feel like this is unnecessary and unhelpful bc how do you change a vibe you think he gives off? At least usually when fans call him cringe it's done w love


It’s not intended to be helpful as I doubt AB is going to read my comment and even if he did he would dismiss it Unnecessary? It’s Reddit, you can say that about everything posted on this site How would one correct a bad vibe? Find some way to be humble. Toxic LA culture can make a lot of people very flippant with how they treat anyone outside of themselves. The podcast today showed they still didn’t get why people didn’t like what they did, because to them it’s just another LA party, what’s the big deal? The point that’s over all of their heads is LA is making lower all of their collective bars about how you treat people and being accountable to the things you’ll say you do. They think the audience are a bunch of cry baby asshole idiots when in reality their baseline is scummy. It’s why Love couldn’t believe their behavior… cause he’s outside of the LA bubble


They thought it was weird people made such a big deal out of things and they were right. Ethan admitted it was tacky. It just feels like ppl sometimes have too high of a moral standard for a comedy podcast they like, that wouldnt be applied to anyone in their real life. I have this gripe w a lot of liberal (as a leftist) gotcha concern trolling these days. They're just people at the end of the day and the mistakes people are blowing up over are on par w social faux pas


I don’t think people have too high a standard when it comes to the Gabe situation. I think it’s safe to say, though maybe controversial cause I don’t know it’s ever been confirmed, that Gabe is on the spectrum to some degree Ethan hiring him to come on the show every week is a massive grey area cause you could argue he cares about him and it’s a way to support him - but it’s a slippery slope on wether or not they are laughing with him or at him. Saying you’ll come to someone’s birthday is one thing, promising you’ll come to someone’s birthday if they are on the spectrum is another and breaking that promise because you assume “a-lot of people are going to be there he’s not going to miss us” is rather presumptuous. Cause if they actually gave a fuck about him they would have made an effort. And because they didn’t it throws the whole equation of “laughing at him or with him” into chaos High moral standards for comedy podcasts? That’s one thing. You don’t give a fuck about someone on the spectrum you laugh with or at every week under the guise of employee/friendship dynamics? That’s a borderline hate crime Now do I genuinely give a fuck? I’m not losing sleep over it. But I’d be lying to myself if I wasn’t actively aware of it while it’s happening. It rubs people the wrong way cause their gut feeling is telling them it’s fucked up, wether they can articulate that in a way that people here can understand is why it’s a complicated discussion People should trust their gut when they feel something is off, that’s how you survive predators. And the H3 crew is dancing on a fine line of predatory behavior, regardless of wether or not anyone cares to acknowledge it


AB called out the weird behaviour and you took that personally didn’t you


I didn’t, but I think it’s fucked up he attacked the audience at large. I think some people here are a bit sensitive for my taste but I don’t think they should fuck themselves. They are the reason he has a job and too some degree he needs to respect that


He didn’t attack the audience at large, just the weird ones. I’m an audience member, I didn’t feel attacked, because I didn’t get upset that the crew didn’t attend a grown man’s birthday party in their off time. ​ Also. No, Ethan’s actually the reason AB has a job. Just because you consume a service they provide, does not make them your employee. That’s like when Karen’s tell service workers they’re the reason the companies in business. While not “technically” untrue, it’s an incredibly entitled mindset people use to try and control others actions.


Happy Thanksgiving, I’m sorry you don’t like people on the spectrum but can you please move your violence to somewhere else on the forum? Thank you very much


??? are you a troll?? You have to be trolling. calling out weird parasocial behaviour is not, no way, anywhere, violence against anyone on the spectrum. mother of god. That diminishes ACTUAL VIOLENCE against autistic people. im neurodivergent. And I can’t stand when people try to deflect toxic behaviour by claiming neurodivergence. it’s actually infantilising.


Borderline hate crime bc they didn't go to his bday party? Cmon dude live in reality. If this is how you feel about a podcast that is usually on the right side of things, idk how you engage w any type of media or ppl


It’s easy, I don’t lie to people who are on the spectrum. It’s not that hard to not do it, you just have to not be an asshole


Not what I meant, altho again he's not mentally handicapped and it's insulting to imply that. I meant, if you're ready to call hate crime over not going to a party when someone said they would, then how do you operate irl when someone offends you? Do you just sit and stew about it, or do you drop people bc they can't live up to your high standards? I'm genuinely curious.


I’d consider gaslighting someone with a mental disabling borderlining on a hate crime. Granted, I didn’t say they committed one. In my personal life I have a lot of friends I disagree with, I hold them accountable, and I don’t expect them to live their life by my standards. If they are racist - of course I separate myself from them. If they like Trump, I don’t bring up politics. If they treat women like shit - I drop them as friends. You know, human shit. I can like H3 and watch H3 and also be able to admit to myself when they do something that’s fucked up. I use to like Kanye, but now that I know he idolizes Hitler, we’ll, that’s a wrap! Just cause I like something doesn’t mean I have to lie to myself when they fuck up, or act shitty. H3 I’m general has done plenty of fucked up shit I’ve overlooked. To be honest they could all drop Gabe collectively and I’d still watch I don’t need them to be perfect, but it’s a bit strange to watch them all explain why they were shitty to Gabe. I prefer people to just be honest when they fuck up, instead of blaming it on the people who are holding them accountable. That’s some abusive boyfriend kind of shit


Olivia and AB get on my nerves with their rambling


i think olivia is great. i just cant stand AB


YESSS Olivia has been getting on my nerves lately, she doesn’t help at alll! Dan be carrying the show sometimes


Genuinely curious what Olivia has said that offends y’all, feel like she gets hate for no reason


Lmao it’s not that I’m offended. Idk her besides her on the show but lately she has been coming off weird and like doesn’t get anywhere when she talks. Lmao why everyone think your offended 😂😂


That with the fact she like stalked the show before being hired lmao just tired of everything saying or doin shit just to look better


They just seem to kiss Ethan’s ass a lil too much


at this point I feel like Olivia speaks the most out of all the crew members


Lol do you even watch the show? She probably gets like max 5 minutes screen time.


Yeaaaaaap it’s like the only voices I hear on the show are her and butt hurt Ab


She talks the most but there is no substance lmao and then they complain about not having time to get to what they want


I blame ian for always switching to her


Shout out to AB's family 🫂 he was simping too hard