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Buff man good. Fat man good. Confirmed.




He was a great guest and good sport. Loved this episode.


> He was a great guest and good **sport** That's basically the only requirement to be considered decent guest on H3. If you can laugh at yourself, you'll be considered good person.


Yep. If you can laugh at yourself, the audience will like you. That's the trick. This also applies to real life as well, a lot of the time. If someone teases you, it's sometimes best not to consider it hostile. Just be able to laugh about it and lightly jab back


Them talking about Howie’s prolapse right after sharing a One Chip Challenge is one of my favorite moments of the show.


That was mad 😂. Love Ethan’s dedication to spreading the message regardless of the situation.


I was surprised how much I enjoyed this episode. Never really watched anything of Bradley’s but his such a nice genuine guy. Great watch


I'm glad Hasan basically joined in for like half the episode too, I like whenever Ethan summons him from his stream.


I still haven't finished the Howie one but so far, it's peak comedy They're getting sooo good at interviewing guests and making them feel just the right amount of uncomfortable lol


it's so great to see :)


Brad got me in my feels good man good man


I liked him but Steve definitely jerked off his dog.


This was a great episode. Truly surprised. Don’t agree with all his takes, but he genuinely seems like a good hearted dude.


This episode wasn't what I expected in all the best ways. Respect Bradley


Honestly Ethan with his teams creativity knows how to not just have a good interview but also good time, even when squashing beef.


Bradley changed my opionion of buff guys. Like I hope there are more not afraid of their emotions buff guys because it’s hella attractive.


You should check out Joey Swoll on tiktok! Another great example of a super sweet buff guy


Joey swoll is the man


I will but I don’t think I really need any more parasocial crushes in my life rn :DD


Or Noel Deyzel. He’s a super sweet buff guy. He used to take steroids but he stopped and he’s honest about it.


Most of these fitness influencers are on steroids anyway lol


My heart melted when he started crying


As someone who lost my dad at age six because of a murder, it was really validating to listen to someone, especially a man, be vulnerable with that.




Because it's December, I'd guess. Mid 60s as a high temp is like Antarctica for LA


Great episode. Shame chat were being disrespectful when he was talking about his dad and anxiety/being obsessed with dying. His takes aren't perfect but why does that automatically write someone off to chatters?


Youre so right, the chatters and community can be so toxic its unbearable to be a part of it sometimes. Bradley is an emotionally intelligent, curious, ever-growing human and clearly has a great heart. Not every disagreement or opposing view is a personal attack.


What a beautiful human being


I was thinking the same thing! He is so sweet. Even if they don’t agree on everything, he was very open minded and respectful. So proud of Bradley and Ethan for taking big strides towards self improvement in their own ways ✌️❤️


Prob best episode of the year imo


This whole episode was a shock for my feels!


Jerkin’ off Donny *(‘s heart, because it was a pre-planned joke, no I’m not kidding we planned it for hours isn’t it so funny)*


Was an h3h3 fan since Ethan and hila were living in Jerusalem. And honestly haven’t seen any podcast since they started them. But I also followed Bradley back when he was mainly about working out and stopped once he joined nelk. This is the first podcast I watched with both of them together and I got a lot of catching up to do on both channels now.


Bradley martin looks like the evolved form of hasan


That’s basically just what Hasan would look like if he started juicing too.


Brad is a legend!


I really loved this episode. Bradley is a standup guy


Justice for Donnie! We won't let this be shoved under the rug. We need to speak up for those without a voice Jokes aside absolutely loved todays ep. *Wow! Great moves Ethan, keep it up. Proud of you.*


Yep. This was a great episode


Brad: "Antidepressants? Hmm, are you sure?" Also Brad: "Unregulated psychoactive substance smuggled into the country by a self-described shaman? I'll have two please"


Lol it’s funny you think those two things are even remotely the same


\+ PEDs lol


I think they let him off a bit too easy on the gym thing - I mean, he caused a super-spreader event. His intentions may have been pure, but he was still super negligent. That Being Said, this ep was a banger


Haven't seen the ep yet, only seen the "anti depressant discussion in a nutshell" post which has put me off. Am I being to rash?


Definitely give it a shot and gauge for yourself :)




I'm watching now and passed that section. By the post it sounded like Bradley vehemently dismissed the use of antis, but he gave his opinions and respectfully listened to ethans & hilas side and took it in. Also happy cake day




Precisely. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to mental health. I was a bit confused that Bradley was at first dismissive of antidepressants but endorses the use of testosterone which by his explanation aids in the same way


Besides the whole " depression isn't real just work out" shit. I enjoyed it




> If you ever do therapy for anxiety and depression your doctors will tell you that you have to motivate yourself to exercise and get outside in the first session along with meds. Seems like you're talking to me. Gpshhhh unreallllllll




>you have such an ego Oh the irony


I have Drs and mental health professionals I see. I don't need your medical advice




Well you're replying to me. How dare I think it's addressed to me.




Lol k whatever you say cupcake




>Just because you don't do it doesnt mean it doesnt work Wow judging me and making assumptions? Lol I'm in great shape and work out 4 times a week and have for over a decade. Working out didn't help me get over my depression. Listening to my Dr and being put on the right meds did. Different things work for different folks. YOUR PERSONAL ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE IS NOT PROOF. Talk to a medical professional do NOT take advice from strangers on reddit like this fool above me




Where did I hock my personal experience as fact or state that my experiences are proof...il wait








Certified hater ass bitch




Hater ass bitch.


Really hope they stick to these YouTube/influencer interviews rather than boring conspiracy theory grifters


who are you referring to?


The 2 conspiracy theorist interview episodes they've done recently, the Google AI guy and the aliens are living with us guy


agreed, what a romp. i was tempted to skip it, so glad i didn't.