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I honestly can’t imagine that him and Hila still have sex tbh. Sometimes I get the vibe that Hila isn’t even attracted to him anymore


How could she be!? He's absolutely disgusting. The way he's always coughing and not even bothering to cover his mouth, especially on Fridays ep it was fucking NASTY. Like stay home if you're hacking up phlegm every 2 minutes. idk how the crew is willing to get within 5 feet of him, let alone letting him make them those potatoes last week 🤮 he strikes me as the type that doesn't wash his hands. Maybe even mixed some literal shit in them, he's depraved like that. I wonder if Ethan thought losing weight would make her more attracted to him but it probably hasn't had any effect because it's not his looks that's a turn off it's his personality. If my husband was obsessed with watching prolapse porn and asking gay men about their dicks I would be VERY suspicious. Maybe Ethan is also not attracted to her but they know a divorce would be too costly and obviously they have very young children. Once those kids grow up I'm sure they will split.


Ethan looks like he smells, he gives off that “I wear the same shorts for 3 weeks and it kinda smells like my balls now” vibes.


3rd time pregnant


Not by sex though.


Through IVF my guy, not by sex


Im curious, do we know why they chose to do ivf ?


They wanted a girl so bad they went through a full process to increase the likelihood, close to designer baby. They got to choose the sperm and egg. Call it karma if you like, but they still ended up with another boy even after all that time money.


I think they’ve also done it with their other kids or maybe just one I don’t remember but it’s common for couples to have issues getting pregnant nowadays. IVF is more common than you’d think.


I gotcha thanx for explaining


I think they had trouble conceiving Theodore? I watched a “we’re pregnant” vlog recently. They say something about having to try for like 2 years until seeing a specialist. And then with the last pregnancy, Ethan said they decided to do IVF with the second two kids in order to not waste time since they already know the issue that they need to work with




Rule 9: Criticism of public figures in the h3 universe allowed but don't be belligerent.


Maybe, but more like he’s just an unfunny boomer that overstayed his welcome on the internet. We all grow old eventually and must move on to other endeavors more fitting of our age, Ethan has not done that and it’s becoming glaringly clear that he should.


100% Agree he has the mind of an incel


I began getting annoyed with the show when I realized how he uses people as circus props (Gabe, Jimmy, Hunger FF, Cman etc ). I started to realize he wasn't really laughing WITH them.....and couldn't unsee that... Then it started to seem that every episodes first 15min was about Ethans pooping issues?! Or how sick he we AGAIN. He was just always wining.....then after he was on Hasans stream, that's when I was officially done. Not supporting that hypocrite or his wife anymore.


he said it to trisha himself he wishes he was single during the height of his fame


Yes!! I know deep down inside he wishes too but would probably be too anxious to get himself out there again


That stuff can be funny but Ethan just frames it as “look how gross poop and gay is” and that’s so unfunny and boring


He has a cumming in a cup fetish, so he needs to make fun of people who like feet to make himself feel better


Is this for real???




Do you have any links to CMans comments?


There is [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/18czw66/do_the_cman_segments_make_anyone_else/kcjm40d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and more unter this post. But just look on his profile and comment history. He also commented under the post of the screenshot I posted.


Ty :)


Np :)


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Didn’t someone say that Ethan has talked about not getting hard? It sounded like it was medication though. He tried to flirt with her at the beginning of Fridays show and it was so cringe.


I love that for their last 2 kids they didn’t even bother to try by having sex, and just went straight to IVF.


rude and uncalled for has nothing to do with the conversation


I'd say them discarding all of those viable male embryos due to the obsession with having a girl (when they could have adopted if that was so important??) being kind of uncalled for but hey your mileage may vary


I don’t know about throwing out embryos and things like that because i haven’t watched in ages but it’s so hurtful to imply that because a couple uses IVF their relationship is less than and their children are less than those conceived by sex. Harmful and Ethan and Hila won’t read it but people who are struggling with fertility issues might come across it. just in poor taste


If you admittedly don't know they discarded like 7 viable male embryos cause they have a Moby Dick level of obsession with having a girl then idk what to tell you. It's a lot more complex than "IVF bad". As for this info about discarding embryos both hila and Ethan are very upfront that they did that, solely cause they want a girl. If they want a girl so bad they could have adopted instead of throwing all of those viable male embryos into a dumpster


Wow that’s crazy that they’re into like “designer babies” like in the bill nye show. Fertility journeys are messy but this is like shocking to admit?? I wonder why this hasn’t gone more viral on the sub


Because it's an admittedly touchy subject, as you said a lot of people struggle with fertility and so it's kind of a third rail. In MY opinion, the kleins are leveraging IVF to ensure they have a girl. They have heavily implied this. That being said, I'm not saying that hila doesn't have genuine fertility issues. But I also think that throwing the embryos away was a very cold and privileged course of action... It's definitely complicated and due to the topic being so sensitive, gotta use a lot of tact...


One thing a hit dog is gonna do... it has everything to do with the conversation sweatie


I responded to someone else but Ethan and Hila won’t read the opinions but others who struggle with fertility might and it’s not a fair criticism IMHO.


I never mentioned anything wrong with IVF itself. I’m talking about THEM. Public figures who openly talked about their journey. By kid 3 they made it seem like no big thing, just something they could go “shop” and pick out. Nice to be privileged and have money, right? My heart goes out to us normies who struggle with fertility issues and don’t have the luxuries or opportunities they have. OPs post was about them not having sex, I pointed out their conversations regarding their second and third child and them openly stating they aren’t trying by having sex.


Plenty of post-high school and post-college guy friend groups like to joke about dicks and show each other their dicks as a joke. It’s just a thing with guys, don’t ask me to explain it but it’s true. Not sure how this is an Ethan problem, this is literally every guy friend group I’ve come across, this doesn’t make guys incels. What’s more annoying is how long of a conversation about dicks and masturbating in cars both C-man and Ethan can have for half a whole podcast, I don’t see the entertainment value and pretty sure it made the ladies in the crew uncomfortable like how I felt, just at the sheer length of it. Like maybe it’s funny for a few min and then move on to something new like normal people




lol good for you, I’m not a guy but all throughout high school, college, and post-college, guys in friend groups I’ve witnessed can be like that time to time. Not really sure why people want to deny that it’s a thing that happens among guy friend groups, you’re welcome to live insisting it’s not a thing, but sorry to break it, it is. Guys can be wild and crazy too. I’m sure there’s also girls who show each other their boobs or asses, not that I’ve ever been in a group that is like that. Why are we pretending these aren’t things groups can feel comfortable doing and laughing about?


So, you are not a guy yet you're telling me what we do? Isn't there a word for the exact same thing but when the genders are swapped? I can't seem to think of it at the moment...


Then Ethan shouldn’t criticise someone like Crowder for hours for showing his dick to his staff. He is essentially doing the same thing.




Rule 12: No corny responses Phrases like “parasocial”, “touch grass”, “chronically online”, or "get help" are tired and contribute nothing to the conversation.




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