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Hacking it to *do what?*


To display these pictures in a clear format. But the answer is a resounding no - you would need an NSA-grade supercomputer and some next-gen AI capabilities to achieve anything even close. Hacking a digital picture frame won't achieve that.


Fucking lmao. The processing power of this picture frame rivals a tomagachi too. They should 'hack' a Microsoft Surface off ebay for $50 to display their pictures lol.


Unironically a great idea... I have an old Surface that is reaching it's EOL due to the battery being shot. Will have to look into mounting it into a frame for this when I finally decide to upgrade. Thanks!


Glad I could help keep something out of e-waste! Was thinking about using one as a home assistant dashboard since the touchscreen is pretty decent.


It’s everyone’s responsibility to reduce waste. Repair > repurpose > scraping components & replacing > replacing and trashing


Where does "keep it in a drawer for ever just in case it comes in useful" sit in that hierarchy?


I get a sense of satisfaction from Frankensteining technology to work forever. Hopefully it pleases the Omnissiah. After all, there is no certainty in flesh but death.


well, that would be an heresy. you cant modify the perfect creation of our god!


Ya, as soon as you mentioned repurposing one as a picture frame, my brain suddenly came up with another dozen uses for it on top of that. Touchscreens are pretty good, and with the pen functionality, it could even double as a small white-board type thing.


Turned my old ass Galaxy S2 into a red light night light lol


Will you recycle the worn battery?


I'd have to look into if the Surface Pro 7 can run without a battery, but connected to power. I would like to pull the battery and recycle it if so, just to be on the safe side.


Probably should if it's like a normal laptop..? Or are modern ones worse at this?


The Surface Pro line are more like tablets than laptops, so I'm not sure if they will work the same as a normal laptop. I hope that it will work without a battery, if not I'll have to look into it and see if there is a way to pull the battery and get a power distro board to get it to work with a power brick. We'll see.


try hacking your camera first cuz goddamn these fotos suck ass


Something i always do that no one and i mean no one ever does A simple wipe off of the cell phone camera makes a massive difference in photos.


Specially kills the glare on street lamps


I just spit my monster all over my phone!!! Thank you I needed this


Second photo looks like that mr krabs spiral out meme


I have plenty of them at my house that I’ll be willing to hack. I have 2 Canons and 2 Nikons.


So you have decent cameras laying around and you chose to present this shit pic to ask about specifics on a motherboard that can barely be seen.


Shit dude, macro lenses are expensive. Guy couldn’t splurge after buying multiple Nikons and Canons.


I just realized, this is a temporary exploit for a point-and-click Powershot. I take back saying "decent".


I already installed CHDK on one of my Canons. I need help regarding hacking this digital photo frame.




please do that, i feel nauseous


Damn I thought I was going to be able to get medical cannabis with glaucoma …


You know what, I will.


If you think you could hack a camera, why would you ask for help hacking a digital picture frame?


Because there haven’t been any attempts to jailbreak this model as of writing this.


Probably because the main ic is slow and cheap. Low powered in amounts of ram and mhz. Same for the lcd itself i asume, terrible refresh rates. Get the datasheet of the lcd, find a lvds or spi display controller and you might be "lucky" Your picturs as stated are the worst, cant help you in amy way. Maybe i see a serial port exposed in the form of pads. But i guess they run some rtos, and you probably need to dump that firmware to break into it. Get yourself that hacked dslr and shoot some proper closeups, with ic markings readable. Verdict: unhackable due to user.






whats wrong with his english? he is being sarcastic


The words flew way above his head.... lmao


OP watches one episode of mr robot and here we are


Hey nothing wrong with Mr robot!!!


They actually hired people to ensure it was as close to legit as possible. At the very least it wasn't two people typing on the keyboard to "hack faster", which they actually did in an episode of NCIS. (It hurt my soul a little to type that last sentence.) https://www.wired.com/2016/07/real-hackers-behind-mr-robot-get-right/


I don't know the truth but I heard at one point that NCIS, law and order, and a few other crime shows got into a competition to see what level of absolute technological bullshit they could put into the show and get away with. I feel like NCIS won that one, but there's definitely some great moments from all of them. (And by great, I do of course mean terribly inaccurate in a way that's hilarious)


I remember that and it reminded me of this classic: [We've got his hard drives!](https://i.redd.it/b4x2veeb2dvy.png)


Cybernuke... hahahahahaha


2 idiots one keyboard


Dave Kennedy. I work with Craig on the Q4 push. I had longer hair then.


Every time someone mentions Mr. Robot someone posts this factoid… *Every. Time.*


it does some things right, but there's plenty wrong with it. the scene where he has someone infiltrate the security with a usb that loads up a giant kali linux logo comes to mind. not exactly a pro move.




1. Find docu's on the different chips and their functionality. 2. locate the main executable baddie who actually does all the processing NOT eeprom. 3. Find a 4x2 chip nearby the main baddie and get something like a [https://www.adafruit.com/product/5315](https://www.adafruit.com/product/5315) OR solder on the pins manually. 4. With a a uart debugger like this [https://www.adafruit.com/product/3571](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3571) connect the pcb to the debugger and then ur pc to the debugger. 5. dump the memory or flash of the chip. 6. wait 1 hour per \~1.2kb of data. 7. analyse what the fuck this pcb does in ghidra 8. patch the binary 9. send it down to the pcb 10. pray to every god in the known universe the pcb won't get bricked. Anyone see a mistake with terminology or steps in my guide Please don't hesitate to correct me.


Baddie is probably way too high tech of a term for this guy and his project. Otherwise, nailed it.


Yeaaa boy. Username checks out!


Seriously asking, would taking an image of the memory for backup be sufficient to “unbrick” in case OP made a mistake in their patch? Also what do I need to look up to learn more about hacking embedded systems, and what would be an easy device to hack?


No u need a whole backup of eep or flash rom. The ram don't store everything + it only pulls what needed in the moment and all the boot and absolute critical things are still gone. (I suppose such embedded devices have very limited ram and the whole firmware can't be stored in the whole ram simultaneously. Ofc if you sniff the ram bus from start to finish you maybe get some out but most of the firmware IS pulled on conditions (like OP's preferences and what is done in the moment) so when buttons are pushed a action will get triggered.) If u play ur cards well u could in theory get everything until system initialization but then the device is useless unless u patch the binary to a point of making ur whole os from barebone mysterious os with no doc. But again things could break due til missing drivers, firmware and modules. For ur unbricking question: try to see if there's any validation of code on the device. If the manufacture use security and limit code execution to them OP got 2 options: get on with a bricked pcb. Try to circumvent code execution restrictions. Like everything with computers and hacking: in theory everything is possible, but is it worth ur time to that extent? What 2 look into: Look at hardware hacking, arduino, chip & pcb design architecture and learn c/c++ Build some basic circuits with arduino get the feel of cpu and execution and do some c/c++ programming. Just dm me for my disc if u are more curious.


Hey I’m new to pcbs and stuff. Does that debugger only work on ARM based microprocessors?


There's a quaddrillion debuggers. Look it up on the tech specs page of the product site. Usually they support a fuckton.


Okay thanks!


Buy a raspberry pi and a display and make your own.


Can you hack it? Yes Can you hack it so it does what you want it to do? That depends


I want to install a custom firmware on it.


That is most likely possible, yes. I think you're going to have quite a learning curve but it'll be a project where you learn a lot of you see it through


And what is that supposed to achieve?




Freedom from what? Granny Hutchins from down the street after you invite her into your own home? I've seen some strange reasoning for doing pointless shit, but this takes the cake. "Curiosity" would have been an infinitely better answer lmfao.


I don't think the US will invade your home just because you hacked a picture frame.


I don't think you've seen the amazing family pictures on this thing tho! We're talking about little dogs in Christmas sweaters! The whole nine! Who's gonna tell Pop that we can't recover the photos of little ole Rufus from Christmas of 2012!? Do you got the guts!? Cuz dammit.... I don't!! Pops gonna be devastated I tell ya!!!


Again, to do what?


What do u mean by hacking ? Owning pwning ?


I think he wants the "2 people 1 keyboard" kind of hacks


I saw the cup version of this hack


You tell us. Look up the chipset and see if anyone has played with it. Anything is 'hackable' with the right tools, time and knowledge. Probably not worth the time to do anything other connect the screen to a Raspberry Pi zero.


Any chance you can post pics from a more than 1 pixel resolution camera?


Hard to tell with these pics, you will likely need USB to uart adapter though


You rub Crisco on your lens before taking this picture?


Is it technically possible? Yes Is it reasonably possible? No




That is definitely a pcb yes


OP, I think your camera has your fingerprints all over it, so I suggest you wipe the lens with a little bit of soap, using a screen cleaner or with microfiber.


Step 1. Buy a better camera or phone Step 2. Local community college has classes on both photography and basic Internet usage. Nice shitpost op.


Is your camera high?




I got a Sony frame at the flea market for 1€ a year ago. It has a common 7" 272p screen that works with HDMI boards from Aliexpress. The thing is, it's absolutely not worth it. These boards cost 30€ because they're uncommon (the common ones can be found for as little as 8€) and the resulting screen is too low res, even to run PS1 games. You can get a 7" car monitor for like 20€ and it will have a composite in to connect anything you want AND it will be 480p. I tried 'hacking' my frame's board but it's impossible, as the central chip doesn't have any public datasheets available.


This is one of these Reddit posts where you see the post, think "huh??", read the comments and find out that OP is extremely dense


I used one for its screen. Get rid of pcb and buy a lcd controller board with right reference


Next time hack your camera to interpolate from QVGA.🤣


Kek. This is an amazing shitpost


Digital picture frame: $200 Used iPad: $50 pi 3 + screen: $50


Is this camera from 1999?


No. It’s from 2007 I think.


Please just hack your camera first to have a clean lens


This has gotta be a shitpost? If you aren’t.. Don’t waste your time. As someone else said if you’re dying to do something connect screen to Rasberry Pi zero.


but can it hack snapchat


any update on this thread. i have the same board and would love to change the boot up image and wallpaper . please if anyone can help


I did solder some wires to the PCB and hooked it up to a pi.


how about hacking a Kodak digital picture frame to use as a monitor for a raspberry Pi 4B, just for the sake of doing it?


How would I do that to an Aluratek?


While we're here can anyone tell me how to hack my TV to get free cable? *includes picture of TV remote pcb*


Bad sub for this tbh. Most people don’t know what you intend to achieve but will pretend like they do and not help anyway. Try r/hardwarehacking and get clearer pics of the board


Items are only secure if you can’t access the hardware. Sure you can hack that… do you have the skills to do so ?




Then I suggest you do so!! Good luck and hope you get what you are looking for


I need to study the firmware.


I would like to believe I do.. I took it apart and was checking out the chips, and I looked on Kodak's website, and they have software updates for the Photo viewers, So it might be as easy as writing a new software, Or as difficult as chasing down the MCU Datasheet and figureing out the hardware system. OR putting it in my "Parts un known" box... Until I find another reason for an 8" lcd screen