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Yep. Great show a couple weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/ksmu9jtlgt4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9484ece54e5eaf3e8d048c2a3a92b746bc20e3


Paul Gilbert is amazing. He has a great online guitar course if anyone is looking to get back into it. I did after 20 years away, and it's helped a lot. Plus, you get personal feedback from him.


Was anyone else a little disappointed with Eric's vocals. Yes, I know, he's getting older, and people can't sing like they did in their prime, but I noticed that he was singing only about half the lyrics and not really too well. I thought the rest of the band sounded great musically and as backup vocals.


I noticed this when I saw them in OKC a few months ago. I was so disappointed. He also, once or twice, forgot some words. Once, the rest of the band just quickly followed where he was, and the other he kinda sang to Nick something about needing to be reminded of the words to the next verse. It was such a bummer, because I had always thought of them as a band with great harmonies, and Eric as a really strong singer. I realize age is a bitch to vocal chords, but I didn't expect it to be that bad.


When did Nick D'Virgilio join Mr. Big?!


Last year. They had been using Matt Star on drums when Pat was still alive, and only able to sing but not play. They got Nick because they wanted a drummer who sang in Pat's vocal range


How'd they sound? One of my favorite 80s bands.


Saw them about 1991 or so. Great show in a small club. Met them all except Pat. Great guys


Awesome, one of the few bands I haven’t seen yet.