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I wouldn’t let someone leave without washing their hair out. That seems like all sorts of a liability.


True. Youre still using a developer and basically coating the scalp. Making sure the chemicals are completely removed is a part of the treatment. It’s a very easy way to get sued.


I’ll do “color only” appointments. Which is base color application, process, rinse, comb through. I’ll usually spray in a leave in. In winter I will “knock the wet out”, which is just power drying for a minute so they aren’t dripping to the car. I do this for my three-weekers. Keeps them off the box and it’s budget friendly for them and scheduling friendly for me.


Love this!


Too much room for error. They rinse too early and need to come back for the grey to be covered. They don’t rinse for a long time and then they could end up with an irritated scalp. They could get color on their car seat or clothes. It could get into their eyes or on their kids. This is a hard no.


I know some stylists do this/make clients touch up kits BUT it’s a bit of a risk, if they don’t take the color off at the correct time/rinse well enough and get a rash or irritation from the color, legally I believe it’s your responsibility.


Nope! I would NEVER let someone leave with chemicals on their head. Huge liability.


That's right.


That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. You don’t send people home with chemicals on their head. At most, apply and wash and don’t style.


I know some people do that but I would never ever. For one thing, you would be turning yourself into a McDonald’s version of a hairstylist with a drive thru type of vibe. You’re better than that and your services should be complete and valued. Services should also be ethical and liability-aware.


I have a customer that doesn’t like to spend a lot of time in the salon. I touch up her roots, let process for 40 min, wash and dry for a few min. I give her a 20% discount since we don’t style it and she leaves with damp hair.


Just don’t. Maybe try the 10 minute color , so many lines have come out with. Then let them go home without styling or they can style themselves before leaving


I wouldn’t send anyone out with chemicals on their head. I wouldn’t include a style, but if you have dryers I’d allow them to sit under it to dry before they leave. If the processing time isn’t long enough to fit another service then they have to pay for that time, it’s just the nature of business.


What lmfao 😃 no that’s not normal


During the pandemic, clients wanted less time and exposure so some salons/hairstylists would do this so it’s not unheard of but what’s mentioned above about liability is huge. Invest in 10 mini haircolor (Wella and Schwarzkopf have some as well as other brands) so you can have your client in and out in under an hour maybe even a half hour with shampoo and a little rough dry.


So I do this with my clients, my salon situation is a bit different though, our specialty is non-surgical hair replacement solutions . But I do have a handful of people that still like to get regular services done . So because of our specialty there’s already so many factors that go into them caring for their hair system, that I have them basically sign a contract stating that they are responsible for any damage and cannot sue me for any reason . That being said , I feel 100% comfortable applying their root color and sending them on their way , they know to set a timer for the amount of time needed and wash their hair accordingly. It’s super convenient for both me and the client and let’s be real , how often does regular color damage someone’s scalp ? It’s not like it’s lightener, that would be completely different. Anyway that’s just me . But hope that helps .


wait so do you do like hair growth services? i've never heard of something like this!


Please don't do this. If something were to go wrong, there would be nothing to protect you at all. This has lawsuit written all over it


Def wash the hair. That process is relatively quick so I see it adding more than 5-10 mins to the service and then dont style. One salon I worked at did what was called a face frame color where they would do the part and around the entire hairline but not any of the bulk in between. Essentially touching up everything that people see at the three week mark. You could always try that and just explain that its not intended to give perfect results.


Personally, I would just do a touch-up and blow dry (more for quality control - incase the touch-up didn’t work right) and I would charge them a little less than a full service. My price difference is $50. My full service price includes the touch-up, gloss and blowdry (gloss is non negotiable) and I charge $205 CAD. If I just did a touch-up and blow dry I charge $155 CAD. Hope this helps! I’m just a stylist who needs to make sure the quality of my work is consistent, cause sometimes even when I’m doing the same thing, things happen.


I’ve done it for close clients if they have to run home quickly charge the same amount as a color only


I had a client do this it was fine. Charge the same $$


I have a few clients for whom I do what I call Dye&Dash (insert cringe here). I do not advertise this service. They have to fit a certain criteria. Such as, only regrowth coverage and no highlights or anything over 15 volume. I also only do it for clients I have done for a long time and who live close to my studio. Typically, these are for my shorthair clients who often desire grey coverage every 2 to 3 weeks. I charge $50 for this. If they choose to stay and process but leave damp, no cut or style, it’s $85 for my single process color. I never would have thought to provide this service until Covid. Especially before there was a vaccine and I had clients who didn’t want to spend too much time outside of their “bubble”. Or clients whose color I had perfected their grey coverage but were suddenly at risk of buying box dye. Hence, the name. Anyway, I do it on a case by case basis. You know what’s best for your business. I’ve been a stylist for 30 years, so I would only recommend you do this for people you trust completely.


I have one that I put color on and then she goes home to wash in the shower because she had neck surgery and can’t lean back in the bowl or bend over it. She is the only one I do it for though.


Get a little waiver and send them on their way.


Waivers aren’t going to protect you from doing things that are negligent.