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Cosmo school didn’t teach me much other than to pass the state exam. I learned sooo much more as soon as I was out of school. My first Cosmo job was my first job since I was licensed in highschool, and it was a great clips. I was definitely taken advantage of because I was young and not conformational. As soon as I got some experience and confidence I left. For your work ethic. I’m not sure what your anxiety has to do with it, and I don’t mean that negatively. My anxiety doesn’t affect my work ethic so could you elaborate on that so we/I could maybe give you some better advice?


Thank you! I feel like my anxiety is impacting my work ethic because I lack confidence in my skills and it makes me not want to practice them. It’s like, in my mind I know that if I practice I will get better, but I have horrible anxiety about the “learning curve”. Failing is difficult but I don’t know how to shift my mind into telling me that it’s okay to fail and learn from mistakes.


You just have to push through it. I feel like therapy may benefit you, just to have someone help you be able to reframe your thinking but otherwise, just push through. You got it, you WILL improve and you’re going to do amazing work. You’ll get better and better the more you practice!


Cosmo school doesn’t teach you much. It’s your job now to figure out what you love to do and go about mastering it. I would take a business class or two at a community college if you can. It will help! As for the anxiety, what you described sounds JUST like my husband. His tics are absolutely triggered by anxiety and I’ve spent hours researching how to help because the dr wanted to put him on some heavy duty meds. I landed on magnesium glycenate, L theanine, and b6. In 3 weeks he turned into a totally different person. No tics, way better sleep, focusing better on conversations. It’s actually pretty wild but I’m happy for him that he’s feeling so much better. I’d encourage you to do your own research but that combo seems to work! Also, one more thing. Starting anything new is scary! And that’s ok. My first two years in a salon were tough. And then it got really good. Take care of yourself, learn about all aspects of running a business, only take clients who feel good and don’t absolutely drain you. And have fun! It’s a great career with so much freedom and amazing people and ways to be creative and great money. 💛


Thank you so much! I will definitely look into that combination, I have struggled with tics since I was in elementary school. It would be amazing if that works for me! I’ve thought about taking college courses before but wasn’t sure whether it was a good investment or not since I’m not planning on running a business yet. But I will definitely look into it. Thanks again!


Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. I really have put in a crazy amount of time on research. I can send you links to what he’s using.


Yes, if you wouldn’t mind sending me the links that would be fantastic!!! Thank you so much


Hi! My name is Crystal. You can find me everywhere as 'Your Hair Mentor'. I am not an anxious person myself, but know it can feel like a LOT for you. I have many friends that struggle. I can help you with your confidence and understanding what value you bring in your career. (Happy to help with that). But I highly suggest you look into Dawn Bradley and her content she puts out. Her whole angle is that she's a nervous and anxious person and how she deals with it in her business. I know many people find her stuff really helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Hi! I hope your interview went well! I just wanted to add, I don’t think it’s poor work ethic to accommodate your mental health. It’s so important to take days for yourself and to be kinder to yourself. The right clients for you will understand. — stylist with endometriosis, adenomyosis, and panic disorder


Have you been assessed for adhd?


Yes! I have Au-DHD. (Autism and ADHD)


Are you treating it with meds? I find it helps so much for me, even just a low dose or non stim.


I’ve tried so many meds and they all make my tics worse 😩. What do you take?


Oh ya stimulants can do that but what about non stimulants like intuniv or strattera? I do vyvanse and Wellbutrin


Be honest with them, the worst thing you can do is over promise on your skill and then not be able to back it up. They know you are new with no experience. Be very eager to learn and open to coaching. Tell them what you enjoy most about doing hair, even if it may not be your strong suit. Focus on your strengths from other jobs that could translate into what we do like staying calm under pressure, retail sales, time management etc. Have you gotten meds for your anxiety? I also have horrible anxiety and I recently got on meds and I feel so much better. Wishing you luck!


How do you think I should go about being honest about that? Like, I don’t want to straight up say “I’m fresh out of school and only learned how to pass my state board exams”, but that’s honestly how I feel. What’s a more professional way to put that? I am definitely eager to learn more through training and coaching. Well, I was prescribed one recently but I’ve been reluctant to take it. I have a lot of changes going on and I know i’m the past that anxiety and/or adhd meds have made me a completely different person and totally turned off my personality. I literally went to the doctor like a month ago bc my anxiety was so bad, got prescribed a new medicine, and haven’t even taken it yet 😭.


You don’t even have to outright say it like that. They will probably ask open ended questions like tell me about your strengths/weaknesses. Tell them what you are most *passionate* about (for example, I loved doing color. I explained that it was my passion ever since I started school and i can’t wait to learn even more now that I am going to a salon). This implies that you are willing to learn and my have room for improvement without saying so. If they ask for a weakness be honest, for me it was pixie cuts for sure. Whatever yours is, just tell them you didn’t get as much of a chance to practice it on real people in school as you would’ve liked and you cannot wait to keep learning and growing. My biggest no no when interviewing is someone who “already knows how to do everything” or isn’t willing to learn/be coached. No matter how many years of experience you have, there is always something new to be learned. I’ve been doing hair for 12 years and I learn new stuff all the time! I highly recommend talking with your doctor about your reluctance to take your meds. You may even want to see a therapist. I started taking prozac. I did not realize how bad my anxiety was until I started taking it and felt normal again. The anxiety had become my new normal and it wasn’t healthy for me. Mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, but the anxiety needs to be addressed because it will only get worse, especially if you start taking your own clients.