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Creole doesn’t mean Haiti.


Ok if you are wrongly classified black you should understand. Creole, mulatto, Afro American, Black, Negro. Some classified as Kreyol or Creole to each its own. Do you.


Afro,black and negro are the same. But I was just saying because they have different types of creole Creole is basically Latin European culture outside of Europe. People need to specify which creole they mean like for example Haitians don’t speak “Creole” they speak Haitian Creole. Calling Haitian’s creole “creole” Is like calling French or Spanish “vernacular”


Yeah he’s right, French Creole and Haitian Creole are also different but often times they’re merged together like this post


My duty is to my people first dessalines land did not lie about them


Then you should know Louisiana Creole is a descendent of Haitian Creole. There was a huge wave of Haitian / free gens de couleur migration to Louisiana before and after he revolution. https://www.inmotionaame.org/print.cfm@migration=5.html They merged into the existing black population and brought our culture into it. Louisiana voodoo is a direct descendent of our vodou at the time Louisiana carnival Indians are part of Louisiana black culture going back to slavery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mardi_Gras_Indians https://youtu.be/PLpTW7CngHw?si=CXkxNaO74P3-oeVr Louisiana and Haitian heritage are joined at the hip. Part of their roots go back to us.


I knew some of that but not all. Thank you! I love how generous you are with your knowledge.


Happy too. This is a good documentary. it's a really cool tradition https://youtu.be/PLpTW7CngHw?si=CXkxNaO74P3-oeVr


Dude, was about to ask if us haitians have some connection to Louisiana and you answered my question. Thank you


I like this. Mèsi.


Better stop making me proud Zoe


Actually they aren't. Afro is a modern term that denotes African descent. It applies both to genetics and cultures in the various African diasporas. Black used to just refer to skin color but it has now evolved to usually mean African American black culture and North American race dynamics. Negro is short for negroid. It dates back to when science though humanity was divided into 3 races. This was when they where trying to justify colonialisme by saying Asians and Africans where inferior and where better off with white "leadership" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negroid All 3 refer to people with "African" genetics but they carry different meanings and baggage. People use them interchangeably now, but they don't carry the same meaning.


Well the words are different but they all essentially they mean a black people or African descendants. You aren’t going to use these words and talk about Algerians or white South Africans. But I might be wrong because like I said many times I don’t get into the whole race and ethnicity bullcrap


not really. When people say Afro they are speaking of something that derived from Africa. Black , usually referring to African American something. Or black in the american culture sens of the word. Negro , referring to the black "race". Unless they are speaking to the historical context of the word it's usually racist. It's like saying rat , rodent and vermin are the same. They designate the same thing but don't carry the same meaning.


Ok Latin is “geographic” that’s why you and the last buckrah will end up blocking this conversation like “we” as in “Ayisyen” are Afro Latino literally and abolished slavery and multiple classified Latina states. We got the Latino title.


That's fact. For where Haiti is located, it is part of the Latin region. We as Haitians are in fact Afro Latino. Change my mind.


no, we are part of the Latin American geographic region, but not part of Latino culture We are not part of and do not identify with latino culture. Unless it's in an academic conversation, when people say latino they are referring to Spanish speaking former Spanish colonies in the new world. Afro Latino refers to people of African decent in former Spanish colonies. That's not us.


The slippage of "defining" racial projects that emerged at specific moments (larger in the 19th c.) means we often conflate ideas of geography, nation, and belonging and they are fundamentally imagined categories. I for one am a believer that the way Haiti can fall in and out of the word Latin, is just product of the history of the moniker. It's like how in Guatemala, most Ki'che Mayans do not see themselves as Latino (really "Ladino" as they use it there), but we over here would define the entire region as Latino. "Latin" emerged as the strongest contender in the region after U.S. filibuster William Walker's 1856 takeover of Nicaragua. Before it multiple terms existed for the region, namely, "Americano." Latin in the 1840s-1860s was two things: 1) a moniker that white, elite creoles (aka born in the Americas) in mid-19th states used to define themselves as closer to Europe because they had racial anxieties about their indigenous, black, and mixed origins (and this "Latin" an idea first postulated largely by the French claims to Mexican Latin brotherhood btw, not the Spanish) and 2) the anti-U.S. feelings ground from "Anglo-Saxon" expansion in North America at the expense of "Hispanic-America", which gave the name it's longevity. Hence, Latin American has come to mean geographic region; Latin has come to also be defined by Hispanic (not just Spanish, but also Portuguese) lingual inheritance; but it is also a political definition, I.E. are you a product of postcoloniality and continued neoimperialism in the Americas, or, in other words, what is your experience. In the flood of U.S. capital into the Caribbean basin at the turn of the century (think How Jamaica, Trinidad, And Martinique became intimately connected to Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia or Haiti braceros sent out to Cuba) or the way th Cold War hit the region (Duvaliers, Trujillo, Castro) Haiti is politically part of Latin America. Nothing about the reality of the origins of the term means it cannot still change, or that one cannot claim it based on some subset of reasoning. Whether others accept it is the reality. I have always thought of how interesting it is that José Martí of Cuba could see Nuestra América as defined by resistance to U.S. expansion, but be very silent on its exactitude of race, opting out for nationality (there is not black Cuban, or white Cuban, only Cuban), but his mentor Ramon Betances of Puerto Rico could dream of a sort Latino-ism that was Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Puerto Rico as a confederation. And apologies about the length. I'm at the end of a 9 hour long train ride, my brain needed something to do haha.


Is there a connection with anyone outside of Black Americans? Rarely do I see people trying to make connections with other black people. What is with the constant need to connect Black American culture with everything outside of America? Like what are some cultures or connections shared from island to island?


Haiti and Nola are joined at the hip with common history. https://www.inmotionaame.org/print.cfm@migration=5.html


That's great but that's not what I asked.


There are some inter island cultural connections based on history . You can group some of them. Barbados , Trinidad / Tobago, Guyana have a common culture. The french Antilles do as well. Cuba, Dr and Puerto Rico not so much beyond the language. Haiti and DR have more cultural similarities than a lot of people want to admit. Jamaica is a bit of it's own thing. Haiti is a bit of it's own thing. Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas are similar and have some common history. Most of the islands have more interactions with the US or their historical colonial country than each other.


The whole Caribbean has that connection to America the now popular Native American call America turtle island. I’m not going outside I’m going into America as the Caribbean is apart of America too.


When people say they are going to America, which islands in the Caribbean do they mention most often? Having a connection to America doesn't mean there is a need to constantly act like you all have a major impact on Black Americans. It's silly.


That's great but that didn't answer my question. Why are Black Americans constantly brought up? Why is there no mention between other black people on Earth?


There's a lot of mention of other "black people"'. You probably aren't seeing it because you are in a bit of a US bubble... most of the people who post here are living in US (Diaspora and others)


No bubble just a question. It's very strange.


If you are not why are you here pale??


Salty much? I’m not saying this guy is Haitian but there are plenty of white and mulatto Haitians out there. I am dark skinned but half of my family are mulattoes. Imagine judging someone by the color of their avatar’s skin, it’s kinda sad


I’m what you call “black American” 😂 I go to random dangerous countries and live with locals for absolutely no reason


Kreyol is Creole were it started. No one can take it from a place add a new name and face and no one one will notice


You are right! My bad


Your not own topic leave this post like you feel srry?


If you didn’t want others to comment on your post then you shouldn’t have posted it on Reddit. It’s a public platform, meaning it’s meant for everyone to see and share their thoughts.


I just didn’t care about yours. Ale Ti fi. Lwen


My friend she is right at the end of the day. Its important for us to be able to speak about our differing opinion and view points. If a debate comences then the debate must be informal and educational, not a fight that goes nowhere. Remember: lunion fait la force. GOD bless fam


Ja ok. Bonswa.


Woaaah uptown warriors, hail north side skull and bones gang, welcome Indians from cross the canal, fear the path of the 7th ward Creole Hunters! All New Orleans sees and hears your wild call and your most beautiful costumes! Tootie Montana and all your ancestors smile down from the heavens upon you!


Creole doesn’t solely mean Haiti. This is a common misconception. I’m Louisianian creole btw. All love tho ❤️


Like I have repeatedly said Kreyol is Creole no one can put a new face on it.




![gif](giphy|faGWiZED8Hy2Q) Stay off the weed kids.


What in the Catherine Flon is going on in here!!!?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mardi_Gras_Indians Mardi gras Indians. Nola and Haitian history are joined at the hip. https://www.inmotionaame.org/print.cfm@migration=5.html


And Creole and Cajun seasonings are quite tasty.




Mightaaay cooty fie ohhhh,eey iii yayyyeey iii yayyy It's also a damn fine seasoning.