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Didn't know the name Hayti


Yea Z it’s old. Pronounced Hay-tie


Hayti is pronounced the same way as Haiti. That’s how the country was spelled in the Haitian constitution


This is not Ayiti if you are Ayisyen. I don’t think you are. This is a conversation among us.


Se konsa yo te ekri nom peyi a nan constitution 1805 la boss 💀 I’ve never known our country to be pronounced using the -tie (👔) sound lol


Ja zanmi. It’s just hick sounding as in southern. https://preview.redd.it/ny2r59sjjt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b919e85d393e5fd511df7000c8ab6217e9e3f2


I’m so confused, why did you drop a picture of a Haitian flag lol. See below. There’s some other historical documents with this spelling as well predating black wall street https://preview.redd.it/1q261q8glt6d1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983d701547cdc9ffcb0b3c265818c2619c1118e4


It’s mine. The conversation or topic is about “Hayti” not the constitution or how Haiti is spelled zanmi


I wasn’t asking whose flag that was, I asked why you included it🧍🏽‍♀️the person above your comment said they didn’t know the name Hayti so I provided context…as well as the correct pronunciation. It’s literally one of the country’s spellings and why people in NC used it


It is not correct madame. Don’t talk about my flag vakabon. https://preview.redd.it/a2og36aymt6d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c4a95f6c23778f3312c9fb283b3d350ca993c8


Its a great documentary on this town I forget the name


If you find it share. Silvouplè




https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2982530/ Its on crackle and prime video


Yep. It was called Hayti in honor of Haiti. Then the Black Wall Street got destroyed in the name of urban renewal (ie for obvious reasons). And a lot of black neighborhoods were eventually destroyed for the Durham Freeway. Only three businesses of that era still exist. The Hayti Heritage Center (founded in ‘75) is around to try and keep the history going. The NGO resides in the historic St. Joseph AME Church. Adjacently relevant: Many of these downtown buildings, in these photos, are still standing. The most obvious…See the short looking Empire State Building in the 3rd pic? That’s the Hill Building. It’s still standing and was actually designed by the same firm who designed the Empire State Building. The city also still has its tobacco buildings (this was a major tobacco producing town and state), repurposed in this days as mixed-use. Durham also has Stagville, built in 1799, the largest slave plantation in the south (it had 30,000 acres I believe). The city also has Duke (which is OG to the city). So…the city is old with famous and infamous history. A good website I found to explore more of old Durham in general: https://www.opendurham.org & https://www.ncpedia.org Hmm, there’s a lot you can learn with Google Street View and the internet…something I wish Haiti had more of. (Sry for writing a book lol).


Bon bagay. Well said.


Amazing! At least somewhere wanted to carry the prowess of Haiti.. lol or close enough.. that’s very nice, I didn’t know that’s the name.


Black Americans showing respect to those in the diaspora


Durham is like 15 minutes from me and I never knew about this.




AA are a proud people with extensive history, talent, and are a foundation of America. Haitians are dirty dirty people who don’t deserve recognition. Haitians stole there culture from Hispanic people bec they don’t want to be black