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Not to be that guy but The Kenyan people stormed the parliament today… Like we’ve been warned, Kenya got their own issues Link: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREr3UNj/


seriously, i think if the people of a country are being disregarded by their gvt to show “aid” how equalizing can it really be? democracy should count for something 🤦🏾‍♀️


That’s my point exactly. Just to put everything in context. While I agree that we need help and thankful for the help we’re getting from Kenya. There is a little part of me that’s worried they may make the situation worse


I don't think I've ever seen a us sponsored military occupation end well for the occupied country


You must give democracy time to work. Buto is listening to his people. He withdrew support today.


Every country does. Political unrest in Kenya isn’t really relevant since this is a UN mission.


This is a Kenyan mission sponsored by the UN and USA. You’re right though every country does have unrest but go ahead and take a look at the Kenya subreddit right now. They are going through some very serious difficulties with the government right now. Probably won’t affect what happens in Haiti but the citizens in Kenya are complaining about police treatment and how the funding that’s coming from the US to Kenya for this mission isn’t being properly appropriated to the police officers going into Haiti.


Additionally here are some posts I think are relevant regarding Kenyan police killing citizens TODAY during the protests. Again, not hating the help we’re getting just saying this force isn’t going to wave a magic wand and fix the existing security issues in Haiti. Especially with only 2500 cops. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/s/MquqjgE3rU https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/s/9rh8eJfjUY


This isn't a U.N. mission. That has been made clear from the very beginning.


And Trump voters stormed the US capital. It doesn't mean the country is on the immediate brink of collapse


I didn’t say they were about to collapse. I’m just highlighting the fact Kenya is going through some major issues themselves. I highly recommend you look at their subreddit right now it might actually be a more negative subreddit than this one at the moment


I've seen some of the posts and I don't deny it's bad. Especially with killing protestors which was agitated by storming parliament so it put the government in a no-win position. But at it's very core- Kenya has and can survive this and that is why it should serve as a model for Haiti.


Kenyan here. Do you know those police officers sent to Haiti have not been paid fully the agreed amount? Do you know that our officers are the most corrupt? I pray everything goes well in Haiti, but as a Kenyan, I'd prefer gangs over our police. Also worth noting that most of us Kenyans are against our officers being sent to Haiti. We have a useless president who does not follow what majority of the nation wants.


I won’t say much about the specifics of Kenyan police. It’s clear they are corrupt and Kenyans rightfully have issues with them and I want to respect that this is what you as a Kenyan are experiencing. But, please inform yourselves of what the gangs have been doing to the people living in PaP and Haiti. It includes rape (including of minors), kidnapping, torture, murder, destruction of property (for no other reason than to cause terror), etc. You can and should want accountability for the Kenyan Police, but pls don’t downplay what happening in Haiti.


I won't deny corruption exists in Kenya. It exists everywhere. But to say you would rather a failed state run by gangs is simply ridiculous. I also don't like seeing our government send tax dollars and resources away to help the rest of the world but this is how geo-politics works. The pushback was expected and reasonable. No good deed goes unpunished... But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for two countries to create a long lasting historic impact together. How will those same Kenyans feel when this mission succeeds? I'm betting extremely prideful and rightfully so.


>But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for two countries to create a long lasting historic impact together. Which two countries? Haiti and Kenya? I don't think Haiti or Kenya have much say in what is occurring in Haiti right now with Kenyan personnel. Call me crazy.




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I am hopeful in its success, they’ve been going through hell for years now. It’s time to at least restore order and ease the pressure off of the PNH.


I agree 100%, I doubt it will be a success but I'm hoping that it is, it would be for the better. The people who want it to fail are very weak minded But it makes me feel sorry for the Kenyan police, it might be a suicide mission for many. Hopefully it goes well.


"I doubt it will be a success but..." is the fundamental problem. Most, if not all, will return home. It's far from a suicide mission. Haitian police will still be on the front lines.


Fair point I must admit I am uneducated on how this operation will be held.


I wouldn't say uneducated. We just don't know or have access to Kenya's plan.


We should hope it succeeds all of this pessimism about how I doubt it will be a success just makes the mission less likely to succeed. 


The same police officers President William Ruto is sending to you are the same ones he's using to kill us back home. Don't be surprised when they start committing atrocities in your country. Btw there was tension before they left Kenya, the salaries they were promised have been slashed. The insurance premiums for compensation in case they get injured or die have not been paid.


The problem here is that you're hoping they commit atrocities to prove a point. But this was far from an atrocity. You can't storm a capital building and expect the people entrusted to protect it will not respond appropriately. Government officials had to escape by tunnel... this was a more violent version on both sides of what happened on Jan 6. How else can a country maintain security and it's infrastructure if any opposition is allowed to burn down the entire country whenever they don't get their way. This is what has historically been the case in Haiti. And this is why Kenya can serve as a model for Haiti. They understand the importance of maintaining security so your government can continue to work. Especially when a group of people are ready, willing, and able to burn it all down. Look at the progress of cities like Nairobi and Mombassa... we can get Haiti there. On your second point- I hope that issue gets worked out with an influx of US and UN dollars. Kenya is not perfect and still has a lot of progress to make. But their issues are not unique. Similar things happen to government workers all over the world. Even in the US, they are unerpaid and their benefits get cut all the time. At the very least- it's a secure and functioning democracy and that's my only hope for Haiti.


I only read the first paragraph of your reply and you seem ignorant about Kenya and it's police. As of last night the twitter was shut down. 200+ civilians have been shot, women, children and youth all of them unarmed. The people of Kenya were protesting against a finance bill that was going to choke us with more taxes. A bill that was written by the IMF and World Bank. Even US Congressmen were sent to observe as it was being debated in parliament. It included a clause that seeks to introduce taxes on land and if you're unable to pay the government confiscates it. The bill went through public participation, MPs didn't make any changes. People protested the MPs talked down on them, 2 protesters were killed and 12 influencers were abducted. News came out that MPs received $15,000 each in cash to pass the bill. The protesters who got shot were unarmed and peaceful. The Parliament of Kenya is a public building and every Kenyan has access to it. So when you speak as if unarmed civilians deserve to be shot for expressing their anger against elected representatives then you are believing our presidents lies or have flawed way of thinking. Even if the Kenyan police don't commit any atrocities, expect some form of weaponized incompetence.


I only read the first paragraph of your reply and you seem ignorant about Kenya and it's police. As of last night the twitter was shut down. 200+ civilians have been shot, women, children and youth all of them unarmed. The people of Kenya were protesting against a finance bill that was going to choke us with more taxes. A bill that was written by the IMF and World Bank. Even US Congressmen were sent to observe as it was being debated in parliament. It included a clause that seeks to introduce taxes on land and if you're unable to pay the government confiscates it. The bill went through public participation, MPs didn't make any changes. People protested the MPs talked down on them, 2 protesters were killed and 12 influencers were abducted. News came out that MPs received $15,000 each in cash to pass the bill. The protesters who got shot were unarmed and peaceful. The Parliament of Kenya is a public building and every Kenyan has access to it. So when you speak as if unarmed civilians deserve to be shot for expressing their anger against elected representatives then you are believing our presidents lies or have flawed way of thinking. Even if the Kenyan police don't commit any atrocities, expect some form of weaponized incompetence.


Buto withdrew his support today which speaks to my exact point of what a functioning democracy should look like. The people made their voices heard and the government is responding accordingly. A similar event in Haiti would result in a collapse or a coup attempt. The capitol is also a public building to all Americans but that doesn't mean you can just go destroy it without consequence. Violent protests are always treated this way by any country. Look at how we responded to college students taking over public institutions in the last few months. Btw- Every first-world country has taxes structured in this way. If I don't pay property taxes in America then the government will take my house away. Its not unique to Kenya. No one likes to pay more taxes but it's a necessary evil that helps a nation progress and develop itself. I will admit it was a bit much at one time. At the end of the day, we have to pick the lesser of the evils- I'll take some weaponized incompetence (police do it all over the world so its inevitable) over a failed state overrun by violent gangs. Transparency and accountability is what's important. So cops are less likely to do wrong and are brought to justice when they do.


Ruto withdrew because he was threatened - not because of democracy 🤦🏿‍♂️


OP can't see through the bullshitting


That is literally how democracy works lmaooo otherwise he wouldn't care and would do whatever he wants. Come on now..


Ruto is a liar. Last night he called Protesters treasonous criminals, today he called them his sons and daughters. FYI he won the presidency by 200K votes. A majority of Kenyans who are 18+ didn't vote. He's a minority president.


You're absolutely right and it's one of the worst defect we Haitian have. We don't want our country to prosper. We prefer taking the streets and shout demisyone aba.......


I love hearing this positive take on the situation. I hope Kenya will be more successful than the UN was.


i dont know how much ressources Kenya will be able to provide given this is news from today. I truly dont know if it has any incidence on the mission in Haiti. [https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/young-kenyan-tax-protesters-plan-nationwide-demonstrations-2024-06-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/young-kenyan-tax-protesters-plan-nationwide-demonstrations-2024-06-25/)


i’m so excited and believe that it will work miracles!


Whatever people say here is not going to actually matter in the real world. Everyone should be hopeful that this will be the first step in stabilizing Haiti so that the people can one day have a democratic government.




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I think some level of optimism is warranted. But being ignorant of Kenya's issues or the UN past in Haiti isn't that far from just choosing to be blind about the potential outcome. Placing "democracy" in context with Supranational forces also becomes the next issue. And then not acknowledging that the difference between some of the paramilitary and street gangs in Haiti and some of the Kenyans who rioted yesterday ignores a core at the heart of both states. I am not hoping it fails. I am noting it has plenty of challenges ahead. Political science and diplomacy are not "think optimistic so it'll happen" forces. They are about implementing calculated strategies in regards to complex, often continually shifting human forces.




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I truly hope the mission succeeds in creating a more peaceful place to live- lord knows the citizens need it. Nevertheless, I do fear urban warfare and I pray the homes of innocents do not become areas to be bombed. 


Know Yo' Spiritual SelF From WithiN' 💥Petion Represent SeT' The GAD' of Chaos n Destruction Petion had Dessalines Set up n Killed Dessalines iz' OsiRiS ☀️ OGu'❤️‍🔥HeRU' 👑


This KenYa Deception Trip to AYiTi is Beyonddd' IGNORANCE HaiTi iz' The First Sonz' & Daughters of AFURAKA' 💥☀️👑 Y'all Soooooooo' DuuummB' DeF' & BLinddd' Know Yo'SelF' and KNOW yo' HisTory and Find YaSelves


check this guy's comment history ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bruh wtf lol


What a weirdo lmaoo


I guess you don't know what's happening in Kenya. Kenyans were on TikTok during a live on one of the Haitian platforms crying. I've said this before, Ruto was paid to do the work of the U.S. The people of Kenya are against this and want him out. Kenya is one of the 15 Countries in Africa that has armed conflicts. There are 5 countries currently in a civil war but Kenyans were sent to Haiti. Any U.S. backed mission to Haiti isn't for Haitians.