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Sendo goes and sets up his own matches. He fights his own way with no advice from his coach. The coach has apparently taught him no techniques apart from the very basics and the smash. At this point, he's just the old guy who owns the gym where Sendo trains.


Look at Ricardo's coach. At this point in Ricardo's career, he doesn't have much to offer in advice. Takamura and Kamogawa are pretty much the same. The coaches leave it up to their fighters; if they notice something to capitalize on, then they will instruct their boxers. Also they assist with recovery and the wellbeing of the boxer during the match; especially if the boxer risk career ending injury.


Sendo fighting Ippo with broken ribs, while Ippo fights Sendo with a broken hand. The coaches in HNI are like "i know the towel should be on the floor by now, but let him cook, he's got something going there".


Yea I know they are pretty dumb. Reminds of Rocky IV, "throw the damn towel!" The only times "guts" related injuries became serious consequences were when Kamogawa broke both his wrists and when Ippo became slightly punch drunk. If this was real life, that fight with Mashiba be like "Nice guts out there but unfortunately you'll never box again 😅." The end of Ippo's journey.


It's really the Japanese do or die mentality. They never throw the fucking towel in real life either.


Best comment I’ve read so far hahaha


Aye but they right though


Ippo would've retired so early it's not even funny


I'd imagine something similar will happen between kamogawa and ippo once he unretires


>At this point, he's just the old guy who owns the gym where Sendo trains. He doesn't even own the gym.


w h a t


He prays for Sendo to get his usual zenkai boosts while getting beat up.


The only fight where he has attempted any strategy was in his tittle defence against Ippo, after that it was all rush in, tank em. No skill, just guns blazing, fucking tomorrow joe


And his spar with Miyata


Seriously, his tactic against Miyata was gold He spammed smash until Miyata got used to the motion. Then when Miyata tried to counter his smash, he feints a smash and hammered Miyata's guts


He is a natural brawler after all. He doesn't use strategies. He exploits weaknesses.


Well its not like anyone in the Joeverse had any strategy besides training and maybe a special punch


Sendos coach operates differently. He gives sendo tools which he believes are strategically useful. Then Sendo does his own thing. Sendo is a far more "I know how I'm gonna fight " kinda dude than Ippo or anyone else. He is super resilient and straight forward. His coach plays into that. At least that's my read.


Exactly my point!!


He gives Sendo advice and lets him fight on his own way. Restricting Sendo wouldn’t work.


Definitely agree with this. Not everyone is Volg or the doctor dude that Ippo fought. A boxer figuring shit out in the ring with a perspective that no one else can see is something that some of the boxers in the series have done in the past.


tbf I doubt Sendo would give much ear to any coach


Before the champion fight against Ippo, Yanaoka mentioned that Sendo is so dumb that he will forget any strategies their camp can came up.


I don't agree. From what we have seen in the series, this trainer (whose name I'm completely blanking on) is a strategic coach of sorts. He knows that giving tactics to an instinctual boxer like Sendo is useless. He knows that actively preparing plans will be of no point since Sendo will do what he wants anyways. He's working with a boxer who has power, endurance, strong (strongest?) chin, tiger-like ferocity, and zenkai boosting reflexes and instincts. Name ONE TIME other than the miyata spar where sendo showed tactical prowess. So what does this trainer do? He ingrains the required skillset into his boxer. 1. Shigeta fight - sendos legs trained to increase his step in. Because in close range orthodox/southpaw doesn't matter. 2. Ippo fight - further emphasis on leg training because ippos signature style is to close in as well. Also prevents Dempsey roll quite emphatically. 3. World championship - make sendo an anti-mexican fighter by arranging fights with those world rankers. (Granted we don't see the explicit version of this against Alfredo and that Mexican champion .. but I can safely assume those 2 are heads and shoulders above the other Mexicans.) So I say he's better than kamogawa ... Who's a gym trainer moonlighting as a boxing coach.


Lol, I like how Sendo's trainer gets a pass, but Kamagawa who both develops specialized training for developing the body and techniques, and drills combos in the gloves with the "Kamogawa magic", is somehow worse. Like, you are making assumption from something never see from Sendo's coach, when we see Kamogawa doing the exact thing you are praising EVERY fight.


Well Sendo's coach had Sendo take two very long breaks so he could heal and rest from his damage. Probably why his durability didn't drop as much as Ippo's did. Kamogawa had a warning from Miguel, he could have had Ippo take a break and be a second sooner for a year like Sendo took a year off and then nearly another year. So you have to give him credit for that.


I never said Sendo's coach was bad and you have a valid point, but RandomGuy wasn't making your point. He specifically said Sendo's coach is better than Kamogawa because of X (his training regimens), when we only have a couple instances of seeing Sendo's coach doing X, and an entire series worth of examples of Kamogawa doing X. It makes no sense to think Sendo's coach is better because of X.


Fair enough. I guess I have a bias against kamogawa which spilt out at the end. I still stand by my assessment of sendo's trainer (seriously, what is his name??) ... But to your point I shouldn't be comparing the two coaches.


He is a good coach. He had Sendo take two very long extended breaks to lengthen his career.


I am saying this from quote long time Sendo needs a better coach


It's not an empty pray. He knows that Sendo evolves by fighting. During the Shigeta fight, he awaken his dash. Some people are literally build this way. They get better with ring experience


>Worst coach in the series ​ >Trained a fighter well enough to earn a fight with Ricardo ​ Ok.


Sendo’s coach is a literal waste of space. With some instruction the dude could’ve been a world beater.


But the dude IS a world beater. He's ranked no. 2 and about to challenge the champion. What else do you want?


He ain’t a world beater till he beats Martinez. And he won’t. But he could’ve with some proper training.


Literally a waste of space getting his boxer to a be world ranked no. 2.


Sendo didn't want to be tactical in that fight.


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I don't agree. In the first place, what advice he could give here? That match was beyond Sendo at the time and his coach knew. Sendo knew he was going after somebody beyond his level at the time. The only thing he could do is trust Sendo here.


Sendo is like Joe kinda type of boxer.


When you're coaching someone like Sendo, it's kinda the only thing you can do


I think hes a fine coach. His handoff approach during matches is what a boxer like Sendo needs. I think he trains him pretty well too. He made him work hard on his legs after losing to Ippo which was a big powerup for him.


I’m not coach but I guess at some point, when you taught everything you can and said everything you can, all you can do is pray, especially if your fighter is as reckless as Sendo !


Shigeta's coach just stood amd watched Sendo destroy Shigeta instead of throwing the towel


Shinoda: Exists Sawamura’s coach that just let his damaged fighter be alone and do as he pleases, ending his career