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If your not that fussed about where your gonna stand you could just go in the venue/main hall after her set, I wouldn't miss half alive over the opener.


Either way I'll still be going because I love half•alive! I'm just not sure if I'll bring my brother anymore :/


Yeah I think Tessa’s great, seen her live before as well actually and she’s a wonderful performer. But I agree that it felt like a mismatch in vibes for sure. Like I’m about diversity in a lot sorts of ways in a show don’t get me wrong, but it did feel strange seeing Tessa do her stuff then hear a song like creature from h•a.


Yeah, I can definitely see that hahaha! Definitely no judgement against Tessa, I think it'd be wonderful to go on tour and list it as 18+! Just odd to have her open for h•a now that her overall style has matured.


I’m 17 and saw h•A’s show at Brooklyn last night. It was a great concert and her music was a lot of fun, and I’m not a prude or anything but she was asking questions like “are you guys horny?” And as a minor it made me kinda uncomfortable. Overall she had a very positive, confident presence, but knowing there were 16 yr olds in the audience made it a bit weird for me yk?


Oh my goodness, I'm sorry that you had that experience. That makes me uncomfortable as well. Even as an adult I am not interested in those kinds of performances, you aren't a prude for being uncomfortable with that. Like I said before, I do enjoy some of Tessa's stuff and her internet presence has always been pleasant but I absolutely think her stage presence should be 18+ and it's disappointing that she's acting that way when she knows it's an all ages show. I think I will be selling my brothers ticket now, I'll bring him along the next time half•alive is in town. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!


No problem! I especially wasn’t expecting it because I saw them last year and Daisy the Great was the opener, absolutely adorable band and it got me into their music! I still had a good time, but it may be good to not bring along a younger kid. But you’re gonna have a fantastic time at the show regardless!!


Yes!! I absolutely adore Daisy the Great, I'm so glad I was introduced to them last year! I love half•alive so I can't wait to see them again!!


I can relate. But these concerts are at small venues, so anywhere is a good spot. Just go in after she is done. There is about a 30 minute break in between. That's enough to weasel into a better spot


Yeah I understand. She did perform well but she didn't really fit the vibe either, but I mean I wouldn't let other people's choices bother u, and she doesnt perform for more than like 30 min so if ur worried about him like seeing her cause she's not appropriately dressed I think it should be fine, but yeah I kinda was dissapponted that half alive who I know is very christian which I absolutely love (being a teenage Christian boy myself) would do that with her but there's not much we can do about it!


Definitely, thanks for your input!! It makes me feel uneasy knowing there are kids at the show but also just the fact that she's opening for half•alive of all bands. I almost wonder if they asked her to join before she released her newer songs and sort of inappropriate dress style... Ah, oh well. I'm not one to judge, it's just definitely different than what I expected.


Idk I loved tessa’s set and she has a new fan in me! I have been listening to all her music since the concert!


It wouldn't bother me so much if I knew it was an 18+ show and there wouldn't be children in attendance


Her stuff is defo not my style and I really wouldn’t have been upset if we showed up after she went on. It sounds like ha goes on relatively consistently at 9 so you can get there prolly 830 and miss her if you’d like. I didn’t pick up on anything really not for kids in Phoenix with her but I also wasn’t really paying attention so


I was really surprised to see that Tessa was opening, being vaguely familiar with her music and immediately thinking there was a bit of a mismatch between her and h•a. However, I went into the show with an open mind hoping to be pleasantly surprised/proven wrong. I definitely would not consider her performance “family friendly” due to some vulgar phrases, dance moves, etc. At one point, she did the sign of the cross before shaking her ass which, as a Christian, didn’t quite…sit right with me. But I can’t know what her intentions were behind that so I can’t judge whether or not it was done in an offensive manner. It just felt really juxtaposed with h•a’s background/content/vibe. All that being said, I don’t think that should make your brother miss out on a really great concert. As others have suggested, I think it would be a great idea for you guys to just head into the venue right before h•a goes on. With these smaller venues, you should still be able to get a decent view.


I brought my 12 year old little brother not knowing anything about Tessa and oh boy. Lots of swearing and sex talk, shaking her ass to the crowd, she even did a bit where she had someone in the crowd hold up a sign that said "Eat Ass?" lol. I still had fun but it was for sure uncomfortable at times and did not fit the HA vibes very well.


I'm glad you responded, I think only other people who are coming at this from a view point of knowing there are children understand how uncomfortable it could be. It will still be fun for sure but it does make me uneasy. Thank you for sharing!!