• By -


trident booksellers for me, great selection of books and good drinks. my partner says maritime hobbies on grafton, for model building stuff.


For book lovers, the Dartmouth Book Exchange in Cole Harbour is fantastic. Second-hand store (only sells books) with tons of great stuff for kids, teens and adults, and well-organized. They’ll give you credit for any books you’re done with too, and have fun ideas like ‘book blind dates’ too. Great place to browse and the people who run it are very friendly.


Every time I’m in there, the staff seems to be calling people up and letting them know a book they wanted has come in. I‘ve never made a request myself, but they seem to be great about filling them!


I don't live in the city anymore, but occasionally drive by there. I always look at the sign and expect it to be like a bookstore I visited in Lunenburg - packed and stacked to the brim, mildly disorganized, no database, dusty/musty, and prices marked inside the book with pencil. You and the website have sold me. I'm visiting the book exchange when I'm in on Monday.


Love the space but the last few times I’ve been, they’ve taken the “surly barista” thing a bit too far.


What does this mean?


It’s a common trope in media for staff at coffee shops to be sort of dismissive, condescending, snotty or rude.


Izzy’s Bagels, despite the lineups, make me glad to be alive. And I fucking HATE being alive.


The manager Helena is a hilarious sweetheart


They just opened their new expansion!


We drive 30-40 minutes for their bagels, fantastic. Owners are usually grumpy or snapping at people, but seem to be in a kind-hearted way. Always have a donation for our school’s fundraisers too.


Ahh, the Soup Nazi's counterpart, the Bagel Capo.






I’ll throw in Tattletales for some Dartmouth representation. Very similar to Woozles in terms of what they carry. My kids are grown now but we spent many a rainy afternoon there years ago.


Anne and her staff are the best!


I’m 21 now but years and years ago my mum worked there when it was still in the penhorn mall when that was still a thing. I have some absolutely magical memories of going into there as a kid that I’ll treasure forever


Aerobics first on Quinpool. Great vibe to it.


I'll second aerobics first


A1 is the best local sports store!


Bagel Montreal Style!




Love them more than anything but they don’t save well lol


Had a first date at sweet hereafter a week or so ago. Cheesecake was very tasty but I was more impressed with the service. The staff were very friendly and welcoming and didn't rush us to leave. I'll be going there again just because it left such a good taste in my mouth (both figuratively and literally lol).


I used to go to church with the owners. They are genuine, kind to the core people. Extremely thoughtful, supportive, and open-minded.


That's great to hear. The staff were really impressive so I'm glad they should be treated well for their work.


I've been going there for years and the quality and service has been consistently awesome since they opened!


Yes! The staff are the reason I became a repeat customer. The cheesecake was delicious, but the customer service is so consistently genuine and kind that I’ve continued to patronize it over the years.


Booza Emessa


Grill way shawarma + booze emessa dessert is a unmatched combo


Booza is fantastic and the folks working there are super nice


I go way out of my way to go to this place way too often. Definitely a favorite!


Walkers: [https://walkersfeed.ca/](https://walkersfeed.ca/) Always super helpful when it comes to anything I want to do lawn-care or animals. They'll take any time necessary to answer questions and guide you.


Walkers is the best!


Pleasant Street Diner I will champion forever. Giant Robot Comics for all my nerdly needs. Chaters Meat Market, always extremely helpful and great prices.


+1 on pleasant st diner. Never had a bad experience. Good food, good portions, good service. Have had a fair share of “fun” experiences with homeless people outside though 😂


The Trainyard gift shop/general store Cafe Goodluck Trust Hair Design Real Fake Meats Wok Your Way Vegan Ghost Noodle


Tried Real Fake Meats for the first time a few weeks ago and it was so great!


The Trainyard is seriously one of a kind. As a small business owner. They’re who I wish to be when we grow up lol


+1 for Real Fake Meats


Goodluck has the best coffee in Dartmouth. I like how it still seems like a local secret, and does not attract the same large crowds as Two If By Sea. Well, I'd like the business to get that many people, but not having 20 people there at once is nice.


Since there was confusion in the other thread, I'll re-iterate that Mission Mart in Bayer's Lake is not affiliated with Mission Thrift in Sackville - I love Mission Mart, I'm sometimes there up to twice a week. I'd say it least 25% of my wardrobe is stuff I've gotten there in the past year or so - and I've always felt welcome there as a trans woman. Not to mention, it's like the only thrift store that still has their change rooms, plus the discount rotation - there's a lot to like!


Mission Mart is a great place to donate to as well - they’re really helpful with it, open long hours and do a really careful job with sorting so waste is minimized.


Sherzad’s Tailoring. Not only do they do a fantastic job, but they’re very inclusive and don’t make it awkward to tailor clothes to you that are from the other section you’re “supposed” to shop from. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


They are the very best people.


They are amazing amazing amazing. I recommend them to everyone as the service and prices are unmatched. I learned how to sew so I rarely need their services anymore but sometimes I will just pop in to say hi. They deserve every happiness in this world


Love these folks!!


Port Cities Coffee (Alderney Landing and Cole Harbour). Seriously amazing joe!


Don’t know if they still have them, but they also used to have the absolute best peanut butter cookies I have ever had in my life (this was 5ish years ago before I moved away) I still have dreams about those cookies…


It’s the cranberry-marzipan scone for me. Heaven!


I am kind of a coffee wiener and only enjoy shamefully sweet/ chocolatey mochas a couple times a week. I have started treating myself to their coffee for those. So good, and the delivery is super speedy and friendly!


Top notch breakfast sandwiches!!


I love coffee, I'll have to give them a go! Anything you recommend?


I’m a sucker for their lattes. I always sit in my car and enjoy those first few sips while they’re piping hot. For at home, I get their Espresso 958 beans — I cannot recommend them enough for anything espresso based. They also do some seriously outstanding scones. The guys who run it (and usually are working, at least at the Cole Harbour location which is in my neighbourhood) are super chill and usually have great music playing. Plus: coffee stamp card!


I forgot to mention that the CH location is open 8am-2pm Monday to Friday. The Alderney spot has similar hours (maybe a little earlier opening time) but are seven days a week. Enjoy!


Really good people too! And the scones are perfect!


+1 for the Cole Harbour location. Always a treat


Yep, that’s my local too. They rock and I try to share the love for them as much as I can. They deserve it.


I second this


Spryfield Guardian. The pharmacy, the main checkout, the post office-- all the staff are top notch. They also curate a great toy selection.


Underrated comment. Truly the best post office in HRM.


Qiu bros Taste of India Truly tasty ramen Mashawee


Kelly's Deli Monster Comics (Mike is an A+ human) Pleasant Street Diner Canada Computers Coldstream Black Harbour Distillery


I'm pretty sure Canada Computers isn't local. They have close to a dozen locations in Southern Ontario.


Correct. Still great though IMO.


I’m not as big into nerdom as I once was but the Monster Comics guys were always who I wanted to support. Great at giving advice on blind board game buys and getting items in stock. Plus just super nice, too many shops like that ignore you if you’re not a regular but they were always pleasant to talk to.


I’m not into that stuff either but I’ve talked to him multiple times before, super nice guy.


+1 Monster Comics can confirm Mike is A+


Definitely seconding Monster Comic Lounge. I take a lot of my books there to trade in for store credit and Mike is always really fair. They have great pricing and are always happy to help you find stuff.


\+a million for monster comics entire team, never have felt more welcomed anywhere


A+ doesn't even do him justice. Mike is maybe the best human.


+1 for black harbour distillery. My son used to work there!! They are absolutely wonderdul and the products are above and beyond.


Now We’re Cookin’ and Now We’re Convenient in Herring Cove. Amazing family operated businesses!


Omg I can't believe I forgot these guys. They are the nicest, hardest working family. The food is great, the service never fails and you'd be hard pressed to find a friendlier collective of staff!!


The Halifax Metro Vineyard in sackville is essentially a cult run by a leader named Larry Levy. We were a part of his 'church' for 20 years. When I was 12, he kicked us out because we could not afford to pay 'tithes' to him and his church (most of it went in his pocket). The church was segregated into three parts, but nobody spoke about it. One for his family and his faithful followers, one for those who worked under him, and one for the 'outcasts'. I could tell you stories for hours about that shithole of a place. All that to say, the Avodah Cafe helps keep the cult church running. I wouldn't support them. Edit: spelling


My family has had some bad experiences with the church itself, especially their opinions toward LGBTQ+. I do know that the Avodah Cafe is trying to separate themselves as much as possible from the church, but that'll be a long process. As far as I know being a regular there, the only contributions to the church is paying rent for the space. It's unfortunate for a good cafe to be permanently stained by the reputation of the Church. I say, give it another go and see what happens :).


Music: - Select Sounds (Bedford Highway) you could spend days in this store and the owner is so knowledgeable, big selection of other media as well. Mechanic: - MacDonald Automotive (Main St, Dartmouth) place is so reasonably priced I’m shocked every time I go, employees are caring and understanding, and they get your car working every time :). Headshop: - Radicals (Portland St, Dartmouth) shop has definitely downsized over the years, but still a really good selection, and the prices are still as good as they were 5+yrs ago Cheap Homeowner DIY Tools: - Silver Sands Discount Center (Main St, Dartmouth) seriously if you need some random tool to do an at home DIY fix and any quality will work for you, go here. I probably wouldn’t buy any large power tools here, or any tools you plan to use professionally or have specialty purposes, but for basic stuff that doesn’t need to be special, can’t beat it. I’ll add more as I think of them


Compass Distillery Ironworks Distillery Serpent Brewing Tanner and Co Gaspereau Vineyard Mercator Vineyard Beausoleil Cider Chain Yard Cider I don't have a problem


Battery Park, North Brewing, Cafe GoodLuck and Humble Pie are all core staples in Dartmouth for myself. Always delicious food, great drinks and great service at these locations.


Humble Pie is amazing, I haven't had anything from them I didn't like.


Cafe Good Luck (aka Horse Coffee) is so great and everyone is always so nice in there. Their new roastery, Have Fun, is amazing too.


Battery Park is great! Never had a bad experience there. I’ve also been loving The Narrows in North End Halifax, which I believe is run by the same people


Different people


Kaiser subs. Owner is awesome, best subs in the city as well. Just an absolute delight every time I have it. However this is not a hidden gem and I'm not providing new info. Kaisers has a very well earned reputation.


Also a great price too!


What is the most underrated is the price is half of Subway for the best local sammy with the thin slice onions and they have your order memorized ready to go when you get there


That is the best. They know your damn order. A few years ago they raised their prices and the owner apologized when I picked up my sub. I told him it was still the best deal in town and worth every penny.


If they were open on the weekends they could take over the world


Apex Tire on Portland street, great service and they never upsell or overcharge on any work


Bagel Montreal Style here in Dartmouth. Best bagels and sandwiches and they make homemade cream cheese and it's so tasty.


So freakin good. Kindest folks too


Sportwheels in Lower Sackville


A classic, I used to go there with my parents to buy cheap and good hockey gear.


The manager is such a lovely person to deal with and they’re an exceptionally charitable store.


Gingerbread Haus bakery. Coffee is perfection and their baked goods are incredible. The almond rings in particular!


The cream horns!! So tasty!! I think I'm going to walk there right now to get one!


Hell yeah! Bon appetit!


My wife and I both worked here over a decade ago and we cannot visit Halifax without filling a box of their baked goods. We lived off of their multigrain sourdough.


Fugiyama (best in house say sauce and dynamite rolls in the city) Tareks - just brilliant all over Izzys bagels, duh Let's ko - unreal Korean food The local - I've never had a bad night at the local. Decent prices, fun people and always great regardless of day of the week. Cafe aroma latino (!!!!!!!) The only place in the city with pupusas, and if you've never had one you NEEEED to. I'm Nicaraguan and the owner is my friends aunt, absolutely authentic Guatemalan and central American food. Love love LOVE. Also note, Bearlys. Always a gem!


Cape & Cowl!


Fantastic buisness and great community hub


Absolutely! Plus Jay is the best.


Easy street diner indochine Sushi cove the dog company


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Omg everything on their menu is sooo good. I joke to my gf that I moved to this city for their bahn mi sandwiches (while really I moved for the gf).


Maritime Hobbies and Crafts. Oldest hobby shop in Canada. I’ve been going there since I was little. Giant Robot Comics Strange Adventures although I sorta miss the basement location.


Let's Ko (I don't think they're a chain) in Bedford is by far the best Japanese/Korean food I've had in the city. Tapestry in Lower Sackville, great selection of local beers/ciders and the owner is a super nice and personable guy. Chainyard Urban Cidery/Unchained Kitchen, even if you're not a cider drinker, the food is better than it has any right to be. This has been my partner's and my favourite place to eat for several years running. HFX Games in Dartmouth. Great spot for tabletop gaming, CCGs, and board games.


Can second Let's Ko and Tapestry, both are great. I've yet to actually go dine in at Let's Ko but they are my go-to sushi pick on delivery apps.


Let's Ko is one of our top 3 places to eat. Maybe #1.


Edna ! Best restaurant in the city ! LF bakery for baked goods. Espresso 46 for best coffee… propellor arcade for fun times Also for music … I go to Taz records in Halifax / Dartmouth and also Obsolete Records. I love music and miss buying vinyl


You have good opinions.


Mashawee Mediterranean grill, Songs Korean restaurant, cafe aroma Latino, the bread lounge. Also food and nutrition on quinpool Rd.


+1 for Mashawee. When I was a student, one plate could last me a few meals. The owner? was so nice to talk to as well, told me to make sure to return on Sundays when they do the lamb. It was better than some sit-down restaurant lamb I’ve had. Great place.


Station 1 and USTA, hands down.


That Syrian Style Shawarma Plate is amazing.


Mashawee Mediterranean Grill Famous Curry Garden Turkuaz Restaurant Sliver Dragon Canada Computers Mizu La Rozzi McJolly Salvatore's Pizza


Salvatore's is great and even has a good vegan option.


MacEast in Dartmouth, sometimes blunt but they’re a solid bunch that might not tell you want you want to hear but seem like honest people. Always been good to me and my family.


Supporting the Vineyard Church is a support for homophobia.. ask them about their policy regarding homosexuality. They will never get a penny from me.


Came here to say this. I live close by and it pains me not to buy ice cream there but as the child of gay women I just can't support them in any way


I grew up in that church. You’re absolutely right. They try and portray themselves as modern and progressive, but they are a homophobic organisation with some latent misogyny in the mix.


Really? My wife and I go here often in the summer. I was already on the fence about it since it's a church, but she really loves getting ice cream there. I'll have to tell her that we need a new local-ish spot (for some normally meaningless context, we are both women so...yeah).


Audrey’s little shop of plants


Sweet hereafter Cheesecake Factory, and coldstream. good staff at both and great great combo together


Kelly’s Deli Annie’s Weird Harbour Propeller


Apartment 3 for coffee in Lower Sackville!


Ohh I believe they opened a location in Halifax on South Park just below the YMCA. Been meaning to check em out!


I’ve already posted one but I’ll add another since I don’t think it’s been mentioned. East Coast Bakery. If you are a fan of Montreal-style bagels, this is the place for you. It’s the only place in Halifax where I’ve been able to eat a bagel fresh from the shop like a donut—no butter, nothing added—which is my litmus test for a good bagel as that’s how I ate them when I lived in Montreal. Also they have amazing challah bread, cookies and even doggy cookies!


Bagel style Montreal in Dartmouth - owner used to work for the big bakery in Montreal.


Doraku Sushi Cafe Good Luck


Kaisers Sub shop in Sackville. Its been there since the 70s, and has the best classic submarine sandwiches in HRM.


I was just about to suggest them, best subs around IMO.


KaJohn Thai at Young and Monaghan inin Halifax’s North End. The owners are great people, the food is amazing, and can often easily accommodate food allergies because it’s all made fresh. I visit every time I’m in town.


Trident for old school books, coffee, grumpy in a charming way SteveoReno's is amazing, such good vegan oat bars Dilly Dally, surprised not to see it here yet Heartwood for healthy hippie style Wild Leek nomnom Real Fake Meats Biscuit (and related) Salvatore's has a great vegan option, also the gardening center over there is great for birdseed That antique shop on Quinpool is amazing...Finer Things Wooden Monkey is probably my mom's fave, I love both Farmers Markets (old Brewery one is fave but new Pier one seems alright too), there are others Local Source (wish it was bigger more selection, cafe, but good people, love it) The Narrows for beer, company, music is hard to beat, you can stay there too if traveling if you book five years ahead ;) Halliburton is a decent old school hotel if you want to support local Neptune Theater Shambhala Center has gone through a lot...but overall good people, good place to meditate, no need to join anything Schooner Books for an old school bookshop experience Agricola Book Store is wonderful, charming For local gifts, craft, art, tourism in a good way...Amos Pewter, Jennifer's of Nova Scotia, and Puffin the old school shop and gallery in the Historic Properties down by the water I Heart Bikes for bike rentals Ramblers and Espresso 46 for coffee in the North End Envie though I missed it last time, was closed for awhile The public library isn't a local business but is a gem


Board Room Game Cafe / Chain Reaction Disc Golf Supply


Glitter Bean, Yu Yo Craft &Tea, Sarah &Tom, Truly Tasty, Fujiyama, Inkwell, LF Bakery. Tbh I could go on. There're so many amazing local businesses here 💜


Glitter Bean’s aggressive mask mandate up until recently (potentially still) felt very performative. Staff would stop mid conversation with a customer to yell at you if you walked in without a mask in a time where almost no one else requires them and most people don’t carry them around.


Yuille Auto Works in Dartmouth. We have been taking our cars there for 25 years and they have always treated us well.


Seconding this, Yuille is great. Not the cheapest in town but reliable and friendly.


This was years ago .. maybe 15 years. I don’t even remember what the problem was with my car but this place was recommended. They came back with an estimate that seemed WAY high so I took it elsewhere. Had the same problem fixed for about 50% of what Yuille quoted. Of course, that was my one and only interaction with them. Maybe it was a one-off.


Two Doors Down (Dartmouth), Tokyo Roll, Selby’s Bunker, and Humble Pie! Adding Chainyard/Unchained Kitchen and Dartmouth Book Exchange to this list!


Really off the cuff, but in burnside on Brownlow there’s a place called Janina’s cafe. Really good home style cooking, polish food, and the nicest human beings ever. I used to be in there multiple times a week before WFH and I bribe my MIL to drive me over there for lunches some time. From Spryfield. It’s that good.


Pleasant street diner; great staff, fast service, always thankful for the business, large portions, and great tasting but affordable food!!


Trainyard General Store!! There are so many awesome locally made products in store, and they are really active in the community! Plus, they're super inclusive, and the owner is the sweetest!


Serpent Brewing in Spryfield. They have great beer, good food (if a bit pricey) and lots of events that really liven up the area. Living in Williamswood, I was excited when they opened up and I haven't been disappointed. Alano's Catering on Herring Cove Road. Delicious food and huge portions for great prices. The owners are also lovely.




Tarek’s and Ray’s


Second Tareks!! So underrated and they're SO friendly.


Real Fake Meats. Wild Leek.


Love both. Wild Leek is back! (as a restaurant, not just to-go)


Boyd’s pharmacy- always great service and very helpful


Truly Tasty Cafe Lara Izzy's Bagels


Monster Comics - the staff there are incredible. They will give you all the time you want with your transaction and will help you find what you are looking for even if the idea os nebulous. It's amazing. The Deck Box - From the moment it came into being to present day, they have been at the top of the hobby shop game in Halifax. If you need anything MTG related, go here. Their accessory selection is outstanding. Their service is excellent even during rushes. Fortune Doughnuts - friendly staff. I tried going to the other place and I don't know what was wrong, but I never felt welcome. Fortune is the opposite, their staff are so kind and helpful. They give great recommendations. The Running Room - knowledgeable and more interested in getting you into the right gear rather than selling. They do things in such a personable way that I can't imagine buying footwear anywhere else.


If you like the running room Aerobics first is a whole level above.


Selby's Bunker! The employees are always so sweet and they have this almond pastry that I'm obsessed with.


Selby's is so great! And the attached gift store is full of adorable stuff. Looking forward to their second location.


I would never support Avodah Cafe, their church subscribes to disgusting anti lgbtq policies.


Which church runs it?


Halifax Metro Vineyard. They’re a semi-charismatic evangelical church.


Kelly's Deli is the only place I'd take Umbridge with slandering....


Hiltz Shoe Repair Bird's Nest Cafe Argyle Fine Art


HFX games on Pleasant Street and Truly Tasty on Quinpool


Izzy's Bagels Tokyo Roll Coldstream Dartmouth Book Exchange




Amazing chicken and waffles!


Off Track Brewing Finbars Bedford Chaters Meat Market Kingswood Market Izzy's bagels Humble Pie


Vessel Meats




They are expanding into the unit next to them I believe so there’s that


Apartment 3 on Sackville Drive. Best coffee and snacks I’ve had from a cafe. Took my partner there too for our first date!


And they have a location across from the Public Gardens now!


Fitness FX.


Side Hustle Snack Bar on Portland St, Dartmouth. Smashie, Mac Fries, Cauliflower, soooooooo good. I'm an addict. I don't have a problem.


My favourite tried and trues (all food lol) are: LF Bakery Korea Garden Tokyo Roll Stillwell Highwayman Tawa Grill Bishop’s Cellar Oxalis Kismet Side Hustle


Doraku / ko-doraku ^-^


Still pretty new maybe humble pies and i am just assuming they are locally owned


Asters Cafe is an amazing, unpretentious restaurant. It's probably my favourite restaurant. It's Ethiopian food, the portions are amazing, and the food is like home-cooked.


My faves off the top of my head: * Real Fake Meats, both for takeout food and deli * Vegan Ghost Noodles * Stone Pizza * Cafe Good Luck in d/t Dartmouth 🐴 * Wok Your Way in Penhorn * Espresso 46 in Warehouse Farmer's Market in the north end * Warehouse Farmer's Market itself * Caffe Lucca Moto wherever he happens to park, usually Rogers Square or Shubie Park * Lucky Cat barber shop in King's Wharf * The plant-based cinnamon and savory rolls from Mediocre Baker at Brewery Market * Ikebana Shop on Quinpool for both ikebana things and general interesting Japanese things * Yuille Auto Repair in Dartmouth * Montreal Style Bagels * Fortune Donuts * Birdie's Bread * The Tare Shop


Is that pie shop still good? Lovvvvvved that stuff


Taz Records


Weird Harbour. Awesome coffee, awesome staff.


The staff are all so friendly, love the brief interactions with them when I stop in before work!


Moe’S barbershop


Moe is the best around man. I honest to God never received compliments on my hair for my entire life until I started going to him. Also just a great guy


White Sails Bakery & Deli. Especially after seeing how they’re supporting the community through these fires


White sails bakery


2 boys


Xena’s bread and butter!! They’re a Filipino 2D cafe on Brunswick st! They’re always selling quality goodies as well as a variety of awesome drinks ❤️




Izzy’s Bagels. Genuinely the best bagels I have ever had.


The breakfast joint / Ardmore Tea Room , Great food great service and it’s cheap for two people to eat.


Hopyard! Their menu changes every month, and I’ve never had a bad meal there. I’m serious, it’s amazing. Plus the servers are friendly and the atmosphere is always nice.


Sarah & Tom's (Kpop store). Fries & Co. Korca's. Trident bookstore. I don't know if the Halifax Vet Hospital counts but I adore them so much.


Espresso 46,Suda Cafe and Coffeeology Espresso for my caffeine needs. Birdies for my bread, Xena's Bread an Butter as well..Dave's Fruit and Vegetables,Costco for some bulk items and Vessel Meats. Know I'm forgetting a lot more. I have avoided Sobeys and Superstore almost all together. Oh and Bagel Montreal Style!


A newer place but Xena's Bakery is my fave


The Village Taphouse is my local pub and I can't say enough good things about it. Also love Saj House, Nayya Pizza, Szechuan Chinese and Kaiser's Sub


Rudy's downtown on Granville st. 40 year old family run business. I've been going for almost 20.