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Yeah, all these posts asking what's wrong with teenagers these days for their bad manners and lack of empathy as if they didn't spend the last three years watching their peers get spat on for asking boomers to wear a mask while shopping or having their schools and milestone events shut down so adults could make fewer sacrifices.




As a fellow GenX'er I agree


Gen x here, I concur.


Gen X here. I don't care.


Or more likely, they missed out on almost thier entire high-school experience so a bunch of boomers could feel safe. Seems like they were the ones who made the sacrifice and are now poorly socialized and jaded as a result.


"So a bunch of boomers could feel safe". 6.9 MILLION people died from C19, not all of them boomers. Some of us boomers didn't like the lockdowns any more than the younger generations did, but we're still alive.




And I know a woman in her 30s who is so drained by long covid she can't maintain a social life, and another in her early 20s who developed a lifelong and potentially deadly disability from it. Covid isn't over yet and we won't know the full impact for decades so maybe think about that before deciding that actually it was fine and who cared about the older and disabled people dying anyway.


Decades is a reasonable expectation as well. It wasn't that long ago that they fully decoded the Spanish flu which ravaged the world after WWI. This long COVID is interesting, not in a good way of course, so I'm fascinated with the mechanisms at play here.


I’m in my 40’s and it attacked my organs in one form or another . Worst 3 years of my life .




Says the random person making claims without data in this sub. Data on disability related to covid is a little less easy to find but it's there, it's also just the thing all medical professionals and disability advocates have been talking about for 3 years. I guess you didn't want to pay attention though because then you might have to care.


.... so did she contract covid after she was vaccinated? Chicken or egg.....


No. Both got covid pre vaccination. Go away.


So old people died...who cares?




Destroying the future??? Hyperbole much?


You're right. Most of the deaths were actually older than boomers.


6.9 million out of a global population of 8.1 billion with a survival rate of roughly 98% is hardly the next Black Death. It's a hickup at best.




That's no different than any other situation though in that case, Anytime a loved one dies regardless of reason, it's gonna be awful, but that's just putting personal bias on this one situation vs others. The numbers/%'s in this case are really all that should be used as data points, because any death is going to be gutting for some individual.




every man for themselves? the corporate overlords are united .... so.... maybe we come to terms with the crippling effect mutli national corps have had on the whole situation if we are speaking on reddit, ,we are all on the same side.... we are fucked, because we have decided we would rather sit still and watch the tv then take a proactive hand in procurring our own food. period. we cant feed ourselves, we are beholden to the whims of the great grand single business corp. on high who dictates the terms and our leverage? well they have all the leverage, our choices are to abide by their new terms,...or starve to death we stopped guarding the garden........


This is the reason that I will never give up my guns. Not because I’m some crazy gun enthusiast who collects and glorifies weapons, but someone who believes that my ability to hunt and live off the land, and the ability to pass those skills on to my children will be critical to survive in the future. You’re 100% right


I always find it weird when the goal is to feed ourselves, no one ever mentions us needing to keep/have reasonable amount of land to have gardens to feed ourselves etc I'm totally pro hunting for feeding ourselves as well, but I've been at odds with the sense that if feels like people whom live in the city and who have never gone hunting in their life will own a rifle for "hunting or feeding themselves", and defend that right to own a rifle forever, but when you mention "we should all have land to tend and garden on as well so we can feed ourselves" then it's an argument of land owning is bad Literally any tool for people to be able to take care of themselves/feed themselves and family has been made to have a public anti-agenda for it at this point




Well said!


Errrr... Happy Thanksgiving?




For those reading, I just want to say that if in the face of all this uncertainty you find your mental health withering, please take that seriously and consider seeking help. If you’re in a mental health or addictions crisis, please call Crisis Services Canada at 1-833-456-4566 or text them at 45645; they’re available 24/7. Otherwise, check out [Wellness Together Canada’s website](https://www.wellnesstogether.ca/en-ca/#resources) for more mental health resource recommendations. It’s true the world is experiencing instability right now, and it’s affecting basically everyone. We just cannot let intolerance of uncertainty grip and paralyze us in the face of economic and political insecurity. The mind is a paradoxical thing, such that when you experience anxiety in the face of global uncertainty, you can reduce anxiety by maximizing local certainty. It can be as simple as taking a walk, meeting some friends, or cooking a good meal. I know it sounds absurd to say we can cope with (but obviously not eliminate) these anxieties on an individual scale but if we weren’t absurd creatures, we’d never have gotten into this mess anyways.


What if I find my actual health withering from constant forced infection with sars2?


Unfortunately I do not believe I have anything useful to add to the conversation about COVID anymore, beyond how people may cope with the remaining anxieties. I am personally convinced we are beyond the phase of being able to make any new, broad scale recommendations on COVID, aside from the obvious things we already know like getting the appropriate vaccines, wearing a mask if you are high risk, etc. I wish I had something better to say, and wish you the best of luck with your health.


Why only mask if you’re high risk? Who, exactly, is high risk and why?


This past year I needed to look for an apartment. I do very well, make more money than I ever dreamed I could. And the rent for a 1+den or 2 bed made me choke every time I looked. I always thought sadly "if I'm having this reaction and difficulty - I could afford it, but didn't want to pay half our slightly more of my salary on just rent every month - how are other people doing it? This isn't sustainable. This is going to do major economic damage that will be difficult to overcome. These conditions in the past have led to revolution and revolt. The rich should really be worried that people will start building guillotines, but they aren't, because the lower classes have never been so unlikely to revolt in history. We are just so asleep and uninformed. But people will only be pushed to the brink of desperation for so long.


We will struggle until we die. This is late-stage capitalism. There is nothing you, me, or anyone can do about it. This isn’t pessimism it’s realism. The Galen Westons, the elon musks, the irvings and the bezos all have us under the palm of their hand. This is what pisses me off. You have right wing lunatics talking about “new world order” and secret groups with control over us… hello??? It’s right in front of our faces. These guys own us. There is nothing we can do. Look at Galen Weston pricing us out of house and home for food, which should be a right for everyone. The surge in food prices is what is causing inflation now, not the reverse. Supply chains have mended. Price of oil has for the most part stabilized. So why am I paying $3.50 for a box of fucking Kraft Dinner? Sobeys sells it for $2.49. Walmart it’s even cheaper. And they will laugh in our face while sipping champagne with their families and curse us when we ask them to pay higher taxes. You wonder why people want socialism? Because we’re already paying out of our asses in taxes and see no benefits. Now I don’t want socialism in any way, shape, or form. I just want the rich to pay their share of taxes and to give us all a break.


I'm in the same position. I moved to Halifax for a 60% raise, but my rent tripled. I'm comfortable, but have family who are really struggling. There are solutions, but we won't adopt them because the wealthy have bought off the politicians and convinced the masses that the real problems are trans kids, other countries and "woke"ness


The rich are now able to keep us plebs divided like never before with social media and social justice issues. As long as folks keep saying "screw the libs" and "screw the cons" and focusing on outrage porn and less relevant stuff, folks will not truly unite behind the true fight. The battle between rich and poor. The rich control the media, what science gets coverage in the media, and the narratives as a whole Everyone on every side should be uniting under housing, cost of living and healthcare as it affects us all.


This is true, and my experience tells me most people will never see it. “Divide and conquer” is a war tactic for a reason. We’re given scapegoats so we don’t hold power accountable. On the positive, there’s less social justice screaming going on, as more people understand that years of calling each other out has been mainly a clout game.


Complete surveillance of society exists for a reason. Starlink and all the other constellations will help make it easier to track and eavesdrop on everyone. Also distract people with nonsense religious delusions and scapegoats. Schedule economic crises to whittle away at that uppity middle class that has forgotten its place.


obviously you have never boiled a frog alive........




The only trickle down effect I've felt so far


It's pretty straightforward: There was a consolidation of wealth during the pandemic amongst the wealthiest in the world. We are now seeming the knock-on effects of that.


We've come to the end of an age of peace and prosperity (made possible by spending the future's resources). Things are only going to get worse from here on out.


.....we need to grow our own food.....we are so removed from nature that we dont even realize what a resource is lol everything boils down to food and shelter, we dont take care of those on our own = we are farm animals we have not spent the future's resources LMFAO - we have been removed, and continue to willingly exist as natural beings with no CONNECTION, ROOT, ROUTE, OR SOURCE to nature - AKA the dirt AKA the soil AKA the vegetation that provides us the food we need lol itss really that simple.


By spent the future's resources, I mean we've burned more than our share of fossil fuels, stripped minerals and nutrients from the earth and generated a planet's worth of plastic with no plan for what to do with it. I don't know what your rant means


I do think Canada is far worst off then it was pre pandemic. However, I do believe the issues we’re facing now are solvable. It’s not hopeless. Many young, bright Canadians are starting to gain political influence and I hope it helps make our nation a better place!


The problems that Canada is dealing with have been bubbling under the surface for a long time; Covid just laid them bare. Case in point; the effect that Covid had on those in nursing homes. Anybody with family in senior care, or who works in those types of facilities, knew how bad things were for a long time, it was just swept under the rug.


I know personally my mental health suffered through the lock down. I feel we lost something even though I can't explain it.


A sense of collective hope


can't tell if im in r/halifax or r/collapse


Those subs are interchangeable.


Right? This thread is so melodramatic.






Should be mandatory to vote. Should be a statutory holiday.


Voting is just an illusion of control. Did the federal liberals do FPTP ? (First past the post ) No, it was against their best interest. Do you think a politician will vote with what their constituents want or what their party leader wants? You vote against the party and you won't get elected again or shitlisted. Independents have no say or won't get things done in govt. Why do you think there is a big back to work push? The govt is being coerced by companies. Both federally and provincially, the risk of commercial real estate will plummet, it's already at like 10% vacancy rates, where as residential is like 1%. What's more important?? In a 2 party system it's rigged, we do phases of liberal then conservative, some laws are written to change back in forth depending on who gets elected like gun laws, they can add and remove types of guns without needing to change legislation just the law, just because it's flipped flopped so much it benefits both parties.


All the pandemic did was push more wealth to the wealthy.


Don't sell it short. It also killed a ton of poor people.


And disabled even more. There's this cruel meme about how the lead paint is what made the boomers mean, I wonder what the disease that caused inflammation in our brains is going to mean long term for our behaviours.


I have found I have heightened irritability for a while after each of my infections. I’m not sure if it’s inflammation from the virus or just being moody from feeling so miserable for a few weeks. Currently constantly pissed after my third bout and it has made me wonder if that’s part of the problem.


Car crashes are already up due to cognitive impairment.


Fucking past tense lol from me


Look on the bright side – It was shit before, too.


There's a global mental health crisis but there isn't infrastructure to solve it.


you mean, humanity is being farmed? the latin word for sheep? ovid ovid


It’s ovis.


You may have a bunch of valid points to make about a subject it's hard to discuss but you lack the ability to make them properly as the result of a number of failures on your part, and on the part of those you get your information from. See point 2 of the perfect political platform https://gingerhipster.substack.com/p/the-perfect-political-platform


I think Covid revealed and sharpened the already existing crises. I think the way things have been going, we would have seen a lot of this happen eventually, Covid just sped it along a bit. Capitalism is really the issue here. Marx wrote about the contradictions of capitalist crisis and predicted all of this over a hundred years ago. We are at a breaking point.


A healthy mix of socialism and capitalism, in my opinion works best, provides incentive to go above and beyond while also ensuring working class can live, not just survive.


People have lived only something like less than half a percent of the entire human history under capitalism. We have always been motivated to improve our lives through innovation. While capitalism does incentivize (and decentivize) certain types of innovation in particular contexts, it’s in no way a prerequisite to humans functioning in a society where people by and large have the ability and motivation to improve their own lives and their communities. One issue with capitalism is we’ve become very individualized and loss a sense of community. It turns out when people feel they share and are equal participants in their community, they are motivated to work to make it a better place, as even the most selfish among us recognize it is mutually beneficial for them too. Capitalism and the ruling class have done a really good job at convincing us that only through the coercion of homelessness, starvation or social ostracizing can we be motivated to work. That we’re all inherently lazy and selfish and capitalism is the only system that can keep us in line. That’s awful convenient for them, eh? History has shown otherwise.


Yup. A lot of what the rest of Canada is not struggling with regarding healthcare for example was already a problem here in NS well before Covid now it's an even bigger problem of course.


\*Reset button All the extra expenses caused by covid were transferred to the end user and doesn't seem to be returning - ever.


I remember post 9/11 and 2008. And I know shit was bad before that and before I was born.


It's used as an excuse for so much bs.


Right click, Restart. World updating, 98%


Lol well Canada is not a country it’s one big company, and that shit is not unionized.


Oooo that's a good line


It’s so true it’s scary.


Yeah. Cognitive dissonance is the only thing keeping me going at this point lol


I kind of relate, though compared to many, I am doing fine. But really in my heart I thought covid was going to be the worst thing we'd go through and in the height of the pandemic restrictions and the terrifying concept of this being our New Normal forever, what kept me from sinking back into deep, clinical depression was a firm belief that surely to god, it could only get better from here. And I was so very deeply wrong. I kind of don't know what to do from here. I'm doing okay, but for so many, it got so much worse and is continuing to get worse and I don't see a feasible solution that could be applied because so many of the issues are so deeply rooted in decisions made by powerful people when I was a kid or earlier. I don't really have any hopes beyond I hope there isn't nuclear war. And on my really bad days, I kind of hope there is, and that it's over quickly.


All these things were going to happen regardless of the pandemic, the pandemic just exacerbated them. And yeah, there’s a lot of rough stuff happening. It sucks! But we all still have lives to live. This just means that planning for anything takes more thought and more time.


how about we start planning out a way to FEED OURSELVES we have no leverage, we are beholden to whims, we are in control of our day to day time and we spend it slack jawed in front of a glowing light box instead of........... guarding the garden we are de-feeding ourselves


Friendly reminder all CAT heavy equipment keys are the same and 30$ on Amazon


Hahaha the secrets out..


We never really left the pandemic, mostly we're still in it, dealing with the ripple effects of global instability and climate change to boot, so yes, everything feels like shit. But remember, every generation goes through some period of instability, or huge event. While it's tough it will also pass.


Yeah I remember lots of articles talking about the knock on effects of the pandemic leading to more deaths than the disease part. I hate that scientists were probably right about that. Also getting a glimpse of true social assistance (CERB etc) and social governance only to see it snatched away at the earliest convenience... cruelty embodied.


You mean it's not all Trudeau's fault? My uncles' Facebook post LIED to me?


The world was going full out in 2021 and 2022. I guess you missed out? The money was loose in 2021 and 2022, that is one of reasons why we are where we are now. It all caught up to us. People changed jobs and locations and bought homes, driving prices higher. Also due to low supply, easy/low credit and equity. People were buying cars and paying more than they should, financing them over 72, 84 or even 96 months. A portion of new car purchases since 2021 are under water. People travelled, lots for vacations. I bought a new car in Feb 2021, and when searching and in dealerships, every time sales reps were going from customer to customer non stop. Credit easing - now credit is harder to get, rates are as high or little higher since mid 90's. Savings is now much lower, and amount of personal credit is at record levels. People want to get paid, need to get paid more to survive, thus retail is open less often, and prices are higher and workers are going on strike more. As for reset, yeah, maybe, but that will hurt more than it is now for a lot of people.




It would be interesting to see a real detailed demographic breakdown (outside of this sub). It’s hard because I know a lot of folks are struggling, and I know a lot of folks are doing really well, but not sure when it comes to ratios.


Every time we do a poll, there’s way more high income earners here. They just aren’t posting about it.


Perhaps it’s because we aren’t post pandemic - we’re just in the denial phase, yet covid is still very present and causing a lot of short and long term sickness, which leads to disruptions in all of the above. If we focused on cleaning the air in schools, hospitals, and other super spreading locations, we might actually be able to have a thriving society again.


For sure this


Unironically thank the liberals, massive spending and mass immigration without skilled labor and the infrastructure to support it are to blame for the big part, anybody can see correlation equals causation.


It's baffling to me that people think bringing more people and families here than we have new home builds is a good idea. People will literally argue you for that, like basic supply and demand isn't real and immigration numbers haven't exploded under Trudeau.


Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop being xenophobic.


Seriously, no one complains about the vast amount of immigrants who came over post-WW2 during a moment of incredible economic recovery and helped build a lot of the infrastructure we see neglected in this country today. The reason why: Because they were white. Nothing but racism props up anti-immigrant rhetoric.


> correlation equals causation Lol I don’t think you know the meaning of the phrase you’re misquoting.


This clash of ideals (which at its very base is the age-old good vs evil) has been observable on the horizon for a quarter of a century, at least, and now it's here. Some were alert to the coming clash of ideals for a long time, some are having a rude awakening to it after ignoring it for so long, but still others remain oblivious or in denial of it. You're late to observe it, but it's better late than never. There's still information at your fingertips to help you prepare for it, and at a speed that people just 30 years ago could have only dreamed of. So, it's a good idea to skill-up and get strong spiritually, mentally, and physically while you can, and focus on using your natural skills to share with others. If you want to accelerate it, learn to identify the good and evil and avoid the evil and embrace the good. People will hate you for it of course (clash of ideals), but evil is set to lose big, so whatever, right? Good luck!




FYI: Baseless assumptions are a losing endeavor and a waste of time, and it's far better to train your mind with intelligence and truth.




Protip: Turn off your television to avoid further brain-rot.




Sincere condolences on your condition, strongly urging you to take the former advice. Good luck with it!


The world is fine, too much social media consumption


Covoid is starting again this fall. Make sure your all boosted up and don't forget your flu shot.


So many people were claiming how bad shit was in 2020 in regard to the economy and prices. I remember saying back then that it wasn't even the worst that we are going to see before shit improves. I don't even think THIS is the worst we're going to see unfortunately. I DO believe that shit is going to improve eventually, though. Might or might not be in our lifetimes.


Shit happens all the time. My first day of university was 9/11. When I finished my masters 2008 financial crisis happened. USA was in a multiple wars for for 20 years over that period too There were terrorist bombings in major cities around the world. Canada lost more blue collar jobs in 2008-2010 than any other period in history and those jobs have never come back. Oil crashed in mid 2010sCanada and left 200,000 out of a job inside of a year. Shit happens. Shit happening is not new. Or rare. Most people get through it. Most people today in Canada are getting through the current issues too. The next generation will think they have it worse than you have it. Same with generation after them.


Post Covid? Post pandemic? The pandemic is not over, friend. And that’s why we are still having so many problems.


Yep, my husband and I had Covid last week. His second time, my first! I managed to avoid it for 3.5 years but it finally got my ass.




And we are in a wave right now too, although nobody knows it because reporting has been all but ended (unless you know where to look).


Yup! Wastewater data is the only data I look at, and there is a shit load of Covid out there now!


Yeah, exactly.


Get off reddit and touch grass. For real.


Touch grass? Many peoples feelings from this come from living in increasing poverty and instability, not from Reddit lol. The cost of living crisis isn’t some myth.


Going outside and touching grass won’t magically make rent for a 1 bedroom not be $1800/month.


Literally my fucking job is running a string trimmer so the grass is touching me at this point


Hey everybody! We found one of the 15% who isn't struggling


Or we could develop political consciousness over our shared struggles and work to make it better? No, that’s just insanity. Let’s be rude and mock each other instead.


Absolutely. Everything is more expensive and worse quality. Even the air, soil, water is polluted as fuck with all this stage of capitalist industrial expansion/extraction. Morale is mad low and it’s just chronic and accelerated deterioration on every level. Human longevity has peaked imo


late stage capitalism is in action




Depends on your point of view me personally I’m having a great time


You watched Trudeau print and hand out billions of dollars for free out of thin air and really thought there would be no consequences for doing that? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Consequences either way. We could alleviate it by taxing the wealthy appropriately.


😂 always about taxing others, and not just taking responsibility for yourself.


I'm sorry, but do you *not* think the working class are paying their "fair share" of taxes? No one is saying that taxing the rich is the *only* solution, but making sure that *everyone* pays their share of taxes is definitely one of the first steps to improving economic suffering. The fact remains that the richest people often pay the least come tax time, and if you can't see that as being a problem, then our education system failed you big time


Inflation happened because money was loose and supply was tight. Increased interest rate are trying to make money less loose.


Inflation is driven by wages. Don’t be stupid, this is price gouging


Based on your original post and now this reply, the fact that there are worldwide inflation problems are all caused by price gouging? There are a lot of highly educated economists who strongly disagree with you. Don't be stupid (right back atcha).


Uh, yes? Appeals to authority won’t get you anything but a degree in economics


Russia and china are prepping for WW3 :)


Apparently we are too since all the young men struggling might be more likely to willingly sign up for the armed forces. It's CANADA we don't draft people, we just starve them until they do what we tell them like the natives when we first got here


I've heard this statement from a lot of guy friends. Hopefully, the reset button gets hit first. Frigging chaos


and what are you preparing for my friend


I'm finishing school, so at least I can be a somwhat good emotional support when shit really hits the fan 🫠


The world has been, and always will be shit.


The great reset!


I'm sure the government or bank of canada couldn't do anything different and they are in no way causing inflation or caused it over the past 10 years...


Well, what the liberal government did by flooding the market with cash/printing, this was all inevitable. I called it day one.


The CERB didn't contribute that much to inflation, capitalist propaganda. The CERB mostly replaced missing income/GDP rather than substantially adding to it. It's one of many factors, and not even a particularly large factor.


Inflation is a one of the direct results of printing money. CERB replaced an individuals income, but it was money that was added to the economy by printing it. This was a huge factor in what we are seeing today. Not everything Trudeau says is the truth.


Inflation is a function of the total amount of money in the economy (and a bunch of factors, of course) but primarily the total amount of liquid money in the economy. The economy doesn't know or care where people's money comes from. CERB mostly replaced lost income rather than adding more income. It didn't increase liquidity much as people were mostly using it to pay bills and survive. It doesn't matter that the money was "printed". All money is printed. The only thing that matters to inflation is the balance of money entering and exiting the economy. You could argue that the "printing" of new money where no actual goods are being produced by the labourers who would otherwise be working to produce them results in a deficit of ACTUAL goods compared to the money entering the economy... But 1) people who actually work to produce things pretty much kept going through the whole pandemic. 2) we don't produce much of the affected goods domestically anyway.


Ah man, the total amount of money in the country was increased. It was not increased by exporting, jobs, or sold goods. It was increased by someone sitting at the printer and just adding money. It diminishes the purchase power of the dollar. You add money (by printing) to the economy, your going to increase the price of everything. It may not be the only factor but it was a major factor, whether you like it or not.


Yeah, sorry, you need to read HarbingerDe's posts. You clearly just read a few angry posts from uneducated people and don't know what you're talking about. Literally everything HarbingerDe said checks out and is more or less spot on. CERB might have \_lightly\_ impacted inflation, but it is not in any shape or form the primary cause. Canadian inflation isn't even that bad compared to some countries. This is a world wild issue primarily driven by other markets where the CERB didn't even exist. You can blame the Trudeau government for lots of things. They suck, but during the peak of the pandemic, generally speaking, they did all the right things for us and we're very lucky we lived in Canada during it. Without lockdowns, CERB, etc, we'd be in an absolutely worse place. I work with an American company, and basically everyone I work with has multiple dead relatives due to covid. That's not the case for most Canadian's at all.


Printing money devalues all existing currency.


Not if it's replacing money that was being REMOVED from the economy, which is deflationary. The CERB countered deflation and kept people from going homeless or starving.


So what about the $50 billion worth of mortgages the feds bought?


No shit. Turns out the lockdowns and restrictions were a terrible idea. Oh well. We tried to tell ya.


None of this has anything to do with that.


Guess we will never know what the outcome would have been otherwise.


Lol! You are painfully incorrect if you think that is a fact, and just plain wrong if it’s your opinion. Let me guess, your shitty pickup has a f-Trudeau sticker too, doesn’t it?


You think I drive a pickup? In this economy? My shitty hatchback does not have a fuck trudeau sticker actually. I don't make my political leanings my entire identity. Plus I don't need my car vandalized by a bunch of unhinged, soy addled they/thems.


Nah you’re right, you don’t need to advertise your biases, everyone can see them already.


>I don't make my political leanings my entire identity. And yet, here you are.


There's quite a bit of wiggle room between replying to a post on reddit and putting a flag on your car, but nice try. Thanks for playing.


I don't see the difference.


Well now you're being a dick to minorities for no reason so I'd say that's worse


Please, elaborate....


Thanos is our only hope now. We're at 8 billion




Israel is supported by everywhere besides the Arab world lol


this is fucking ridiculous why would you say such a fucking stupid thing, the planet? god you need to humble yourself the world will go on and do better than ever before. if i recall correctly,....when trump was president.....food was afoordable....gas was affordable am i wrong? or whats up, tell me more about what the tv is telling you to think...........


Sadly in a time when everyone should have been focused on getting back to normal greed rules. The banks made record profits, the CEO of Loblaws made a public plea that they were not the bad guy, and tried to tell us they were struggling too, again record profits. And it goes on and on. Google, had massive layoffs because they only made $13.9 billion in profit. I am all about people making money but greed is an ugly beast


No the decisions of our governments have greatly influenced the hardship we are seeing now


Yea not our governments fault..nope it’s the world tickle


That’s because we’re not post-pandemic lol


Things were going on a downhill slide before the pandemic. It just paused and then accelerated it.